S c r o f u la Few are entirely free from it. It may develop so slowly as to canee little if any disturbance during the whole period of childhood. It may then produce dyspepsia, ca­ tarrh, and marked tendency to con sumption, before causing eruptions •ores or swellings. To get entirely rid of it take the great blood-purifier, PLENTY OF EVIDENCE Lane Has Proof Reaates Were Paid by Soulbern Pacific. Hood’s Sarsaparilla IMPRISONMENT IS THE PENALTY In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as S a rs a ta b s . 100 doses $1. The capital represented by Great Brit­ ain's cotton trade 1« $2,000,000,000, and the profits $.'150,000,000 per year. Interstate Commission Will Call on Bonaparte to Prosecute—Offense Continueb to Septem ber. TH E M ILK PAIL is kept free from stateness, sliniiness ami stickiness if it Washington, Oct. 15. — Interstate is washed with Borax and water in the Commerce Commissioner Lane, who following proportions—1 tablespoonful went to California in respinse to re­ ports from agents of the commission to a quart of water. declaring that the Southern Pacific February holds the record as the month Railway company was giving rebates In which most children are born; June and that proof could be obtained, has as that in which there arc fewest births. returned to Washington. He says that the result exceeded his expectations. M o th e n w ill find Mr«. W in slo w 's S o o th in g M i. Ijine believes that flagrant viola­ Byrup th e b a t rem edy to u se fo r t h e ir c h ild re n tion of the law can te proved, and it is d u rin g th e t e e th in g p e rio d . the present understanding that as soon W in d m ills w ere in tr o d u c e d In E n g la n d as the facts eollected are submitted to by t h e C r u s a d e r s , w h o h a d s e e n th e m in the full commission, certificates of the o n am o n g th e S a ra c e n s. ilUgal operations ol the railway will be made to the department of juetice, with a request for immediate prosecution of those responsible. The law, as it now stands, provides two years’ imprison­ le lp th e H o rs e ment for each offense. N o a r t ic le is m ore u s e fu l Whether Mr. Harriman can be in­ ab o u t th e s ta b le th a n M ic a A xle C re a s e . P u t a lit t le o a dicted will depend upon whether his th e sp in d le s b e fo re you " h o o k responsibility for the alleged violations up” —i t w ill help th e h o rse , an d b rin g th e load hom e q u ic k e r. of tiie law can be demonstrated. Mem bets of the Interstate Commerce com mission believe it can. They say he is the president of the Southern Pacific company, and either knew, or should have known, what his subordinates wears w ell —b e tte r th a n a n y were doing. o th e r g rea se . C oats th e a x le w ith a h a rd , sm ooth s u rfa c e o f According to Mr. Lane, investiga l pow dered m ic a w h ich red u ces fions, however, rebates were being paid l fric tio n . A sk th e d e a le r fo r M ic a A xle G rease. as late as September 24 of this year. MIGA AXLE GREASE ANOTHER IN SU LT. TripstoCalifornia OVER “ The Road of a Thous­ and Wonders” From Portland to Los Angeles Through San Francisco An a r t is t ic book w ith 114 b e a u tifu l colored p ic tu re s has been p u b lish e d by th e S o u th e rn P a c ific C om p an y illu s t r a t ­ in g and d e s crib in g th e a ttr a c tio n s of th is w on d erfu l road an d th e c o u n try th ro u g h w h ich it passes. I t c a n be o b ­ ta in e d by sen d in g 15 c e n ts to C has. S. F e e , P assen g er T raffic M a n a g e r, room 997, Flood B u ild in g , San F r a n c is c o , C al., o r th e u n d ersig n ed . When you get ready to < o E a s t re m e m ­ b er th a t you can save tw o -th ird s of a day and e n jo v a th ro u g h trip d ir e c t to C h i­ cag o w ith o u t c h a n g e , first o r secon d c la ss , by p u rc h a sii g vou r tic k e t o \ er the O. R . N., S h o rt L in e , U n io n P a c ific and C h ic a g o A N o rth w estern . A ddress o r ap p ly to an y O. R. A N. a g e n t for m ore c o m p le te in fo rm a tio n . Wm. Mc- M u rray, G e n e ra l P as e n g e r A g en t, P o r t­ la n d , O regon. & JOIN TH E Kohler & Chase PIANO CLUB Now Forming You With Ninety-Nine Others Join in Taking One Hundred Model “ M” $400 Kohler & Chase Piqnos. Co operative Buying Brings the Savings in Which You Shore, the Club Price Being Only $287 Cash, or on terms of $10 cash and $10 monthly. Quarterly, semi-annual or yearly payments can be arranged at cash cost to club member by merely pay­ ing bank rate of interest. Model “ M " Kohler & Chase Piano is guaranteed for a lifetime. And besides, we do not collect from widows and or­ phan!. Our Free Life Insurance Clause provide*, in case of death of club mem­ bers after contract has been in force six months and payment* have been made according to agreement, the family is given a receipt in full for balance of your unpaid indebtedness. The Piano stays in the home, without a dollar mor* being paid. Club now forming Pend at once for Booklet “ G ,” which will be sent post­ paid and will exp ain the fairest, safest and best Piano proposition ever offered to the public. Booklet ‘ G” shon’d bo in the home and read by everyone who contemplates the purchase of a Piano. Send postal today, and save a third of yonr Piano money. There’s a reason why—more Kohler A Chase Pianos are sold oa the Coast than a n y other two makes. The users of the Piano will te i you. Ask one. I t is possib e now—until the club is filled—to place in yo ir home Model ” M” $400 Kohler A Chase at club cost, one hundred Pianos, $28.700, or $2*7 each, for those who join in the wholeeale transaction. KOHLER & CHASE, Box 532 Seattle, Wash. COLS PLATES AN Lt HOT PLATES. 8M ALL IS O U 3T E D . Striking Telegraphers R e fjs e to Con­ sider Surrender. Chicago, Oct. 14.— The national ex- eutive board of the Commercial Teleg­ raphers’ union last night suspended President Small, the order to take effect immediately. The notification adds that the executive board will hereafter direct the strike, and that it will be “ run by men with red blood.” New York, Oet. 14.— Followed by storm of denunciation and hisses, Sam­ uel J . Small, national president of the Commercial Telegraphers’ union, was practically driven out of Clinton hall at a mass meeting of striking operators yesterday afternoon. Mr. Small at­ tempted to explain hia action in send­ ing out notices to all locals Saturday night asking them to vote on the quee tion of surrender, but before he could finish shouts of “ resign," “ get out,’ and other exclamations even less com plimentary drowned hia voice. W e T ru st D o cto rs If you a re su fferin g from impure blood, thin blood, de­ bility, nervousness, exhaus­ tion, you should begin at once with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it,too. Askhimaboutlt. You must look well after the condition of your liver and bowels. Unless there is dally action of the bowels, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nau­ sea, dyspepsia, and thus preventing the S ar­ saparilla from doing its best work. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. Act gently, all vegetable. T he dose Is only one pill a t bedtime. b y J . C. A yer Co., Low ell, I ▲leo m anufacturers o f HAIR VI00R. Adii: CURB. CHERRY PECTORAL. A T' ¿ X I iters I New Yolk, Oct. 14.— Following the visit to this city of Labor Commission­ er Neil, President Sm all, of the Com­ mercial Telegraphers’ union, Saturday afternoon took decisive steps to close A Prediction. the telegraphers’ strike. He sent the "There’ll be bread riots In this coun­ following telegram to all the leading try yet,” growled the cross boarder. cities in the country: “Do you think bread will ever be so “ New York, Oct. 12. 1907.— Prom inent New Yorkers appealed to me to scarce as to cause that?” queried the call the strike off. All efforts at nego­ landlady. “I referred to the quality,” returned tiations are exhausted, and the com pany’s officials say they will fight to a the boarder, permitting a slab to fall finish. The treasury is depleted aDd with ominous thud on the table.—Phil­ no more funds are available. Requests adelphia Ledger. for relief from all aides are heavy and Shake Into Y o u r S h o e s urgent. The general assembly canDot n ’s Fo o t-E a««. A p o n d e r. I t m ak es tlgh meet them. The strike having been o A r lle new sh o es feel easy. I t is a c e r t a in c u r e to . ordered without the president’s sanc­ sw e a tin g , c a llo u s a n d h o t, tir e d , a e h in g feet. by a l l D ru g g ists. P r ic e 25c. T r ia l p srk - tion, I recommend that locals vote on Sold a g e m a ile d F R E E . A ddress A lle n 8 . O lm sted , L eK o y , .New Y o rk . the proposition.” CARS S T IL L SC A RC E. Lane Says the Traffic Grows F atte r Than the Supply. Washington, Oct. 14.— Interstate Commerce Commissioner Lane returned today from a trip to the Pacific coaat, thoroguhly convinced that the business of the Northwest is going to suffer by reason of the general car shortage. He found throughout that section that, al­ though the railroads are increasing their equipment, some very extensively, bus­ iness is growing twice as rapidly, and in consequence the railroads are bound to fall farther and farther behind. He did notdiscuss the question in de­ tail or indicate what action the Inter­ state Commerce commisaion is likely to take, for he has not yet had an oppor­ tunity of conferring with his colleagues. Mr. Lane said there would be a fuel famine in the Northwest if there should be a long, hard winter. Increase of manufactures and increased use of coal by railroads calls for more coal than the old markets have been accuetomed to supply, and wood fuel cannot supply the deficiency for domestic use, because of the high wages demanded by lumber­ men, making it unprofitable to place wood on the market in large quantities If the winter is mild and short, the Northwest may esecape without suffer- ng, otherwise there will be hardship. Drunken Man Falls Into Japanese Laundry at Frisco. San Francisco, Oct. 15.— As a result of an attack upon a Japanese laundry last night, the proprietor and one ol his employes are in the emergency hospi­ tal, many whites are nursing bruises caused by the clubs of the police and the exterior of the laundry is a wreck The trouble was occasioned by Joseph King, an intoxicated logger, who crashed into the window of the laundry conducted by T . Umkekeubo, at 422 Fell street. The proprietor and H. O xura rushed out and dragged King into a rear room, where he was placed in charge of a young Japanese, who stood guard armed with a section of gaspipe, while the other Japanese hur­ ried to summon the police to arrest King. Three intoxicated companions of King witnessed the incident and they planned to rescue their friend. Other whites were called on and there fol­ lowed a combined attack on the laun­ dry. The street was scon filled by a largo crowd, and a dozen Japanese on the inside sought to repel the invaders. Policeman Thomas Collier was soon CH IN ESE V E R SU S JA PA N ESE. on the scene and attacked the crowd ingle handed. A riot call which was Canada May Throw Down the B ar* sounded brought reinforcements. The Against Mongols. police charged the crowd with c'ubs Ottawa, Oct. 14 — At the approach and many were h it. King was found asleep in the rear ing session of the Dominion parliament, which opens next month, it is under­ room, innocent of the trouble. stood that a move will be made to throw down the barriers against Chinese im ­ JU R O R S TO TR Y FORD AGAIN. migration into Canada by abolishing Special Panel in Court for Trial of the head tax on Chinese, which is practically prohibitive. I t ia asserted Bribe-G ivsrs. that this step would afford a solution Sin Francisco, Oct. 15.—The 300 of the Oriental problem, which is now talesmen for the formation of the regu assuming an acute phase among the lar jury panel, from which shall be se­ people of British Columbia, particular­ lected the juries to try various of the ly in the coast cities. public service corporation officials I t is pointed out that, when the Chi charged with bribery and under ar­ nese were allowed to enter the Domin raignment in Judge Lawlor’s depart­ ion at a nominal tax rate, there was ment of the Superior court, were very little trouble with Japanese airiv- brought into court yesterday by the als, and absolutely none from the Hin­ sheriff. The next of the bribery graft dus. If the head tax were abolished or cases to be tried, that of Tirev L. Ford, even reduced to a nominal amount, general counsel for the United Rail­ there would follow a big inrush from roads, accused by the grand jury of China. The Chinese would work for bribing supervisors, is ou the calendar such small wages that the people of for commencement next Thursday. British Columbia would be able to aolve the Japanese immigration problem by Loses Right to Appeal. giving Chinese labor the preference San Francisco, Oct. 15.— According to the di trict attorney's office, Kugene Founders in Superior. £ . Schmitz, ex-mayor of San Francisco, Sault Ste. Marie, Oct. 14.— Bout d but Dow a convict, has lost the right of down from the head of the lakes on the ppeal to a higher court through a second trip she had made since being blunder of his attorney, Charles H. launched at Lorain, O., on August 17 Fairall, and must go to the peniten­ last, the fine steel freighter Cypress, tiary forthwith. Moreover, the charge 440 feet long, and owned by the Lacka- is made that after Mr. Fairall discov­ waonna Transportation company, of ered his mistake, he sought and pro­ Cleveland, foundered last night in Lake cured a change in the record of the Superior off Deer Park, taking down transcript of appeal to cover his own with h tr 22 members of the crew. Sec error. These changes in ink occur in ond Mate C. J . P itt, washed ashore the printed volume- lashed to a life raft, is the only per­ son left alive cf the ship’s people. He standard Used Alias. was unconscious when found. New York, Oct. 15.— Hampton G. Westcott, vice president of the Stand­ Prairie Fire in Montana. ard Oil company of Kentucky, testified Great Falls, Mont., Oct. 14.—One of today in the hearing of the Federal the biggest prairie fires in recent years suit against the oil combine that in in Montana is sweeping the ranges in several of the Southern states the the Eastern part of the state, not leas Standard had found it expedient to sell than 80 miles of choice grazing gronnd much of its product through companies already having been burned over in the which the public believed to be inde­ vicinity of Culbertson. Stockmen are pendent. The practice of selling making desperate efforts to stop the through so-called independent compan­ spread of the fire, but the flames binned ies which w ereoanid by the combine by wind, have thus far had little check was discontinued two years ago, ac­ put nprn them. On the Fort Peck res­ cording to Mr. Westcott. ervation many house* and bnildings belonging to the Indians have been de­ Big 8lide in Culebrs. stroyed. Pansm s, Oct. 15.—The American engineers are having trouble with the Toothache Makes History. Cuchnracha glide, at the south end of Berlin, Oct. 14.— A learned Egyptol­ the Culebra cut. Thie point of lend, ogist, who has studied Menephtoh’a always a source of trouble to the French nummy, declares that the pharaon, when they tried to dig the canal, is who ruled when the children of Israel again in motion, and will prove a were delivered from Egyptian bondage, hindrance all daring the wet season. suffered excruciatingly from toothache. About half a million yard« of dirt ie in The acute agony he endured so angered motion. All of thie dirt must nlti- pharaoh, to “ hardened hia heart," as mately be removed, but the engineers the book of Exodus has it, that it was wonld rather get it slowly. necessary to inflict the plagnee on hia realm hpfore he wonld consent to let Moee and the Israelite hosts go. English Officers Arrested. Berlin, Oct. 15.— A correspondent of Elevators and Cool Chutes Burn. the Tageblatt, at Emden, telegraphs that according to a dispatch received Madison, III., Oct. 14.— The Clover from Borkum, a yacht with English Leaf grain elevator, containing 25.000 naval officers on board had been cap- boehela of grain, was destroyed by fire trued by two Wilbelmehaven torpedo early today. Several small cottages boats. The officers are suspected of near the elevator, together with the coal haring taken sonndinge and made pho­ ehutea of the railroad company, tograph! in forbidden wateia. also destroyed. Low, $ >0,000 M o d e rn J a p a n e s e c o in s n a d Dank n o te s b e a r le g e n d s in E n g lis h a s w e ll as In Ja p a n ese. How’s This? W e offer O ne H u nd red D ollars R ew ard fo r s n y ease of C a ta rr h t h a t c a n n o t bo c u re d by H a il’s C a ta rrh Cure. F . J . C H E N E Y A CO ., Toled o, O W e, t h e u n d ersig n ed , h av e kn ow n F. J . C h en ey fo r th e la s t 15 yeara, and b e lie v e h im p e rfe ctly h o n o r a b le in a li buisnesa tra n s a c tio n s ' ‘ — ta lly a b le to c a rry o u t a n y o b ltg - by h is firm. W A LD IN O , KIN N AN 4 M A RV IN , W h o le sale D ru g g ists, Toledo,O H a ll's C a ta rr a h C u re la aken in te r n a lly , act­ in g d ir e c tly u p o n t h e blood an d m u co u s s u r­ fa ce s o l th e s y ste m . T e s tim o n ia ls s e n t free. P r ic e 75 c e n ts p e r botgle. Sold by a ll D ruggists. T a k e H a ll’s F a m ily P ills to r C o n a tip stlo u . * » ■ 7 O f F o r m e r *<111 t o B e F o u n d ) t h e I.u t t e r , llu p t it lj- , S p r e u d ln v - “We still find,” said an old Washing­ tonian, “many cold plates. Lots of peo­ ple seem to regard hot plates as a su­ perfluity, or even as an affectation of style that Is not to he encouraged, and so give you cold plates to eat hot food from; thus really spoiling muny a good meal. ”1 ate dinner yesterday at a place where the food is excellent and admir­ ably cooked, aud where everything they give you is good aud appetizing, aud ample in supply, but where the Joy of the meal was marred by cold plates. “Ju st why they give you cold plates at this place I don’t know, but It Is simply the survival of au aucieut cus­ tom, I guess. “For hot plates are a modern cus­ tom. Formerly people got along very well without them ; but lt is different uow, when lt is so easy to provide them. And yet they are by no meaus, eveu today, everywhere to be fouud. “You might eat today at the abund­ ant, the well-supplied and the well- equipped table of a family whose every member was the personification of kindly grace and hospitality, and yet And here your food served to you ou cold plates; rugged people, these, by whom, out of some feeling bred in the days when luxuries were less common, hot plates would still be considered as a mark of concession to effeminacy. And by such a reason, indeed, might the cold plates be accounted for in some small hotels, off the beaten track, though In many another hotel their presence is due simply to slackness, indifference or a failure to rise to modern conditions. “But the hot plate, by no means a sign of degeneracy, but one marking simply and rationally d desire to rise to our privileges, Is everywhere spread­ ing ; It will some day everywhere pre­ vail, and meanwhile when we eat where it has not yet come, let us be grateful then for the food.”—Washing­ ton Post A FAD OF THE FAST. Ha, that was footgear for you—the copper-toed boot. You couldn’t wear lt out You were defied to! That was In the days wheu oue pair of boots was expected to last you all one winter. No such foolish notions prevail now. The story and a half house in Milan, You have become accustomed to buy­ Ohio, where Thomas A. Edison was born, ing a new pair of shoes for each of Is still standing, though not fit to occupy. your children every six weeks. They would turn up tlielr snuhby little noses at copper-toed footwear now. As long as boots were worn by chil­ dren, the copper toes were entirely logl- CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON M0 LIMIT TO ITS POWERS FOR EVIL Contagious Blood Poison has brought more suffering, m isery and humQa* tion into the world than all other diseases com bined; there is hardly any lim it to its powers for evil. I t is the blackest and vilest of all disorder«, wrecking the lives o f those unfortunate enough to contract it and often being transmitted to innocent offspring, a b lig h tin g legacy of suffering and shame. So high ly contagious is th e trouble th a t innocent persons m ay contract it by using th e same table ware, to ilet articles or clothing of one in whose blood the treacherous virus has taken root. N ot only is it a powerful poison but a very deceptive one. O nly those who have learned by bitter experience know by th e little sore or ulcer, w hich usually m akes its appearance first, ol the suffering which is to follow. I t comes in the form of ulcerated mouth and throat, u n sigh tly copper colored spots, swollen glands in the groin, falling hair, offensive sores and ulcers on th e body, and in severe cases the finger n ails drop off, th e bones become diseased, th e nervous system is shat« tered and th e sufferer becomes an object o f p ity to h is fellow man. Especi­ ally is th e treacherous nature of Contagious Blood Poison, shown when the infected person endeavors to com bat th e poison w ith mercury and potash. These m inerals will drive away a ll outward sym ptom s of the troubles for a while, and th e victim is deceived into th e belief th a t he is cured. W hen, however, th e treatm ent is le ft off he finds th a t the poison has only been driven deeper in to th e blood and the disease reappears, and usually in worse form because these strong m inerals have n o t only failed to remove th e virus from the blood but have weakened the entire system because o f th eir destructive action. S . S . S . is she only real and certain cure fo r Contagious Blood Poi­ son. I t is made of a com bination of healing blood-purifying roots, herb« and barks, the best in N ature’s great laboratory o f forest and field. W e offer a reward of Ji.o o o for proof th at S . S . S . contains a particle of mineral in any form. S . S . S . goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and by cleansing the blood o f every p article of th e virus ana adding rich, healthful qualities to th is v ital fluid, forever cures th is powerful disorder. S o thoroughly does S . S . S . cleanse the PURELY VEGETABLE circulation th at no sig n s of the disease are , I ever seen again, and offspring is protected. W rite for our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which fully e x ­ plains th e different stages of th e trouble, aud outlines a complete home treat­ ment for a ll sufferersof th is trouble. No charge is made for th is book, and if you w ish special medical advice about case or any o f its symptoms, oul physicians w ill be glad to furnish that, too, w ithout barge, S.S.S. THE S W IFT SPECIFIC C O ., ATLANTA, GAm U O W A K D E . B U R T O N .-A s sa y e r a r l Chemist, ■■ Leadviile, Colorado. Specim en p rices: Gold* In th e C a a to m n ry W a y . The city editor was looking over the tillver, Dead, f 1; Gold, 811 v e r,'75c; Gold, 60 c ; Zlno or Copper, Cyanide tests. Mulling envelopes and p i . $1. . notes handed in by the new reporter. Alll price prlCfi list ll$t sen t nn a t m llo a llA n < ' m i t r a l anfl Control and TTm. Um« Bill on application, “Gliggins made a set speech, did he?” dre work solicited. R eference: Carbonat# Na* El louai B an k. he asked. “No, sir,” said the new reporter. “He —er—stood up.” n g r a v in g Write Us N o th in g ; IRRIGATED LAND IN WASHINGTON The Wenatchee Valley Irrigated Ap­ ple Orchards are paying $500 to $150C per acre this year. Cascade Orchards, one mile from Leavenworth, is now on sale. Get particulars free trom H. C. Peters, 622 Alaska Bldg., Seattl' 2 0 T M e u a l m e B O R A X s sm p le . B o o k le t and P a rlo r g a m e “JA 'h la," 10c. P a c ific C oast B o ra x Co., O ak lan d , Cal. A BARGAIN IN FA R M S. F in e farm o f 60 acre s, n o r th e r n Dougli c o u n ty , 45 a c re s e lea re d , la n d v e ry r ic h , in fa m o u » ,'S h o e S t r in g ” v a lle y , 5-room h o u se and o th e r b u ild in g s, tine w ater, 16 a c r e . Hr tim b e r, fine o r e h a id . a li k in d - fru it« and b errie«. in ­ c lu d in g a ll cro p s, go,at h o rse , cow- an d c a lf, 4 A n gora kid«, 6 P o lan d C h in a pig«, 100 hen «, all farm im p le m e n t«, h o iiv cfu rn in h in g K co m p lo te — e v e n Hung (OSS fo r 92,600 Owne r m u st «a e ri­ fies a t one*- on a eeo u u t of «ickne««. W rite for fu ll p ull w a rtic u la r« to O. A . D E A R 1M 1, P . o . Box 122, Rc O Heburg, Ore. THE MAN WHO SWEARS BY THE FISH BRAND SLICKER is the man who has tried to qet the same service out of some other make Clean - Light Durable Guaganteed Waterproof and Sold tveryw he* K U M M O CATA10* f*ff fO* THE A VMM* ^ C. Gee Wo PLATES FO R PRIN TIN G HICKS-CHATTEN W a ste d . Portland “We use the low pressure system In this plant,” explained the engineer. “That is, we use the steam over and over again.” “I see,” said the visitor. “It’s .some­ thing like the system of ventilation in the sleeping cars.” One of the Essentials of the happy homes of to-day Is a vast fund of Information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and know­ ledge of the world's best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world­ wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the World not of Individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtaining the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical rem ed y, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-Informed of the World as a valuable and whole­ some fa m ily la x a tiv e Is the w ell-know n Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. Te get Its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for Bale by all leading druggists. E P| T C 8t. V itu s' D ance an a all Nervous Diseases I I I U perm anently cured by Dr. K lin e 's G reat Nerve R estorer. tiend for F R E E |2 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. JL K il l . , Ld., 931 A rch tit., PhUa.,Pa. Oregon P. M. u. w Ito . 4 2 - 0 7 'H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t i s e r # p i e m e n tio n t h i s p a p e r. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought A LC O H O L, 3 P E R C E N T . AVcaelable Preparation forAs similalinöiheFoodantiRcöula ling Ute Stomachs and Bowels of Bears the I n fa n ts /C Signature hildren Promoles DigestionOireiful cal, and the man who Invented the metal reinforcement deserved a crown, whether he ever got one or not. There was the grievous sight of toes wearing out while the rest of the boot was good as ever, and without a sound toe the boot was ruined. But the piece of copper at the tip baffled, to a great extent, the mania of the children for kicking their toes on the frosty ground. The presence of a pair of new red- topped boots (they were always very ornate as to tops) under the Christ­ mas tree was a challenge to the reci­ pient. "Wear me out If you can I” they seemed to say. Then you would pro­ ceed to try you hardest to do so. In the long run you were always victor. Rut the end was delayed generally to the profit of your father's poeketbook. Sow the copper-toed boot.has passed. n o t N a r c o t ic . J k V rtfM M n M U a m W X __< ! thaphi/n Seed - jtlx.Seium + JkcMfeSetts- j4nueSetd + . 53e° r oz ¡ ' K & In Use For Over Thirty Years l i u .. him Seed- p Aperfect Remedy forConsflpt Hon, Sour Stomach.Dlarrhon Worms .CoHvulsions.Feverist n e ss and L O S S OF SLEEP. ■raw4* > % Ï2-11 BPz 3 Facsimile Signature a f N EW YO RK. A n im a l T r a it s . I t Is au lnterestiug study to note In domestic animals the traits of their wild ancestors. There are some char­ acteristics, of course, which are readily recognizable as belug similar to those of animals still lu a wild state, and for this reason they give a fair Idea of the life and surroundings of progeni­ tors. The habits of the dog snd cat are too familiar to comment on, hut take the foal and compare his traits with those of the caif. The foal when a few days old can gallop as fast as he eyer can in after life. He never leaves the dam and takes nourishment In small quantities, avoiding a full meal, which would im­ pede swift escape. In lying down no attempt is made at conceaimeflt, and when be stands his head Is held high. These habits show that the animal's ancestors spent their lives to the open and not In the forests and that they were great travelers The calf, on the contrary, fills him­ self with milk and Is a poor traveler. When danger approaches bis first im­ pulse is to conceal himself. All his characteristics point to the fact that the ancestral home of cattle was In s moist, wooded country, while the primeval horse roamed the plains.— Ixmdon Chronicle. of n e ss and llesbContains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. GASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. P T T IT O I I THK OfNTAUH COMPANY. NSW YORK CITY. j W L M IL IT A R Y j a c a d e m y A b o a rd in g and day sch o o l for you ng m en and boys. A ccred ite d to S ta n fo rd , B e rk e le y , C o rn e ll, A m h erst and a ll s ta te u n iv ersitie s and a g r lm iltu ia l colle g es. T h e p r in c ip a l has had 28 y e ars’ e x p e rie n c e In P o rtla n d . M ake re s e rv a tio n s now . ) ’o r Illu s tra te d c a ta lo g u e and o th e r lite r a tu r e address J . W . H i l l , M . D ., P r in c ip a l a n d P r o p r ie to r . P O R TLA N D . OREG O N SPIN A C H — like the good, old-time home * ’greens” — in five minutes, made possible anywhere at any time of year, by using Preferred Stock Canned Goods Packed Wherever the Best Are Grown Preferred Stock Spinach is grown in New Jersey—because there spinach grows best— most tender. T h e re, too, it is canned, that the spinach for this high-grade brand of canned goods may go into the can crisp and fresh. Consult the Preferred Stock list—71 different kinds, in 95 sizes. When the appetite "lags" o rder Spin ach — PREFERRED — fr o m y o u r G rocer STOCK A L L » A LEWIS, Whole**!« Grocer*. PORTLAND, OREOOIV. V. I . A. Tb# well known reliable T k o a s h lfo l. CHINESE “Lady with a flashy paste necklace wants to know whether It's pare dia­ mond or not," said the Jeweler's shop- I s e l and firrb DOCTOR M F as mnde a lif«$ study roofs and h c rl*. and iM h a l atudy diornvr-rwd and la g l * * .rid bis wof.der A SURE CANCER CURE l o s t R eceiv ed fro m f r t r a f . ( M w S a f t , S o re ,r " W B f f l & l!ftSaBSPLtT- C O IN H t’LTATIO IN P k R I i If yon cannot call, w rit*fn r eympeon blank and cl T H F r » i. T O T ¿ X H r s m f a r o ------- 1 1 2 P im S t .. Cor Morrisnn. P o rtlan d Orni Man tuia This Papar. f Wimm “Look like married woman?” In­ quired the Jeweler. “Yes, elr.” “Tell ber It Is No use making trouble for poor bushsudi these hard times/*—London Telegraph. N trv o a s P r o a tr a tlo a . First Hobo—Meauderlo' Mike's ill from overwork. Second Hobo-—Boor old Mike! Wot's be bln absorbin'? First Hobo—Too many easy marks.— Baltimore American. W . L. D O U G L A S $ 3 .0 0 & $ 3 .5 0 S H O E S fo r every m em ber o f THc*wom.o „ $ 2 3 , ooo \ ft sgruSrjsrjsxrJ'i L THE FAMILY, AT ALL PRIOE8. R e w a r d (!T J7 S fS S tS !Jt0 mho T H E R EA SO N W. I D ouglas shoes »re worn by mor# peopl# In all w alks o f life th an any o th e r m ake, ... eir .. ' * is * becau se o f - th e z ee lle n t style, easy-Httlng, and superior w earing qualities*. T he selection o f th e le a th er* and oth e r m aterials fo rs s e h p ari of th e shoe, and every d e tail o f th 4 m aking is looked a fte r by th e mo«t com p leteorganlzatlnn o f superin ten d en ts.forem en and skilled sh oem ak ers, who receive th e highest wages paid in th# •hoe industry, amt whose w orkm anship cannot be e xcelled . I f I yon Id ta k e you Int« my larg e factories at B r o c k to n .Sfa#*.. and show you how care fu lly W !.. j. I>* mi glas shoe* e re mad#, you would then understand — why .— th ey . hold th eir shape. fS) fit b e tte r, | t s s r longe r a nd a re o f great than any oth er make. $ 4 . 0 0 a n d $ 3 . 0 0 O IR F d y a S h o o * oannexe km C A U T IO N ' The A T Douglas nam e and p rice "stamped <>n bottom . T a k # N o Hn but It «it«». Ask your d ealer for W . L. Dougin* shoes. If he • an not snpplv you, send diroot to fa cto ry . Shoes «eut #v#ry » b a re by uuu>. C atalog free. W .L.D ouglas, Brockton,