Miss Minnie Peterson of Portland was a guest of Miss Maude Stur­ geon Sunday. Ilarmon Green went out to Ida­ ho to investigate the irrigation land schemes. Loggers Broadway between 2nd St. and the I. O. O. F. hall will be planked throughout by the property owners. The city will pay tlie expense of an 8-foot strip of it. The Best Shoe for the Logger Hand Made throughout. A residence and property, one of the finest and best in Estacada for sale. See or write W. W. Boner, Estacada, Ore. Water-proof and High Cut SLICKER SUITS Wm. Huffman, a Portland bar­ ber has started business in the old Bourbonia stand. We can fit you out with a full outfit in Wet weather Goods Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stratton have moved to Portland. H. N. North NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS $ We have just added a new stock of goods to our store for the Full and Winter trade. These are a better grade of goods and are what people are looking f ir to furnish their homes with. A R T S Q U A R E S , RU G S. S E W IN G S T A N D S, W ILLO W R O C K E R S , H U SK DOOR M A T S $ $ $ $ j Farms and City Lots For Sale & Company 3> g ?S3> Order your Fall and Winter Clothing Now I « * § BLANKETS and COMFORTS W E W ISH TO C A L L YO UR A T T E N T IO N TO OUR F IN E L IN E O F I I I § « « « « Underwear Oil Coats Rubber Boots Rubbers Umbrellas Hats Caps Shoes Etc Etc MILLINERY Our Ladies’ and Misses’ Hats for Fall and Winter wear are in line with the new prevailing fashions Hats Trimmbed or made to order to Suit D A L E ’ S —— The Hotel Estacada A L L M ODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast ’ TO L O A N $400 at 6 per cent. $600 “ $ 8 0 0 .................... *1500 ................... See Bank of Estacada. Trees and Shrubbery For Sale I am selling nursery stock -all kinds of fruit trees and shrubbery grown by the Wood burn Nursery’, the oldest nursery in the state, all stock reliable. For particulars and prices call on or write E. L. WON- A CO TT , Estacada, Ore. Route 1, agent for this part of Clackamas county. SHOES W e have recently received a big stock of Shoes. includes Drafts Issused Good in any Part of the World The safest and Cheapest way to send money 5c for sums up to $ 10 and 10c for sums up to $10 0 This The line all sizes and styles. is a fine assortment to select from : : : : : : : A. E. SPARKS W E A R E A G E N T S FO R T H R E E OF T H E B E S T E IR E IN S U R A N C E C O 'S crop. J. C. Duns is busy digging potc- Dont misuse the cow it poisons toes these days the milk—and the cow is one of Jones Brothers have been award­ H. F. Gibson came up from Bar- your l,cst friends, ton Tuesday and got a colt that lie Prizes Won At the street plank at $ 1.9 5 I h e only- bought of John Reid. other bid received was from Ed. County Fair If anyone wants quinces or grapes Hunt at $2.40 a thousand. to put up, quinces and grapes that The people who sent exhibits R. L. Robertson is hauling cord- are fine, go out to the farm of Mr. from this part of the county to the wood from tlie Rowley place to E a­ J. G. Brown two miles north of county fair at Gladstone Park were gle Creek at $3.50 a cord. town. He has aiiy quantity of these rewarded by seeing their exhibits ] Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cooke have , fruits to dispose of. awarded prizes and receive special moved into H. W. Blood’s residence Dr. W. K. H au lm - 1 has sold liis recognition. Those whose products on Broadway. lots occupied by tile bn til house to won prizes were \\ ebster ¿\c Da\is are establishing the Estacad- .. John Stormer, second prize for a retail lumber yard at Milwaukee. 1 " . . . late Crawford peaches. Rev. C. T . M c PI k i - ■ and fatn- J. P. Irvin, first prize for tobacco Mr- L eray's rew residence is go- ity moved f r„,n Estac i last Satur- V. Lingelbecli, third prize for ing tip rapidly. ! day to Portland. Rev. McPherson Red Cheek Pippin apples. President Josselyn of the P. R. L. has been assigned the Epworth J. I*. Irvin, first prize for Oregon & P. Co., his parents, Mr. and Mrs charge for this year. A t present Wonder jxile beans. S. A. Josselyn, and Mrs. Pitch, a they have no church building and H F. Gibson, first prize for 24- sister, were guests at the Hotel Es- services will be held in the Oregon ounce quinces. ticada, Sunday. State building on the fair grounds A. E. Sparks is having a new until a church can be built, which B U Y A N A PRO N house built on his lots opposite J. work is to be taken up at once. D A L E ’ S have some ready made W. Reed’ s. It is 20 by 46, five Mr. McPherson expects to build kitchen aprons of good quality ging­ rooms, one story and built in th e , a church worth *to °o for las new ham. Call and see them. bungalow style. Ed Mallory all([ charge, and bis Estacada friends know that success will crown his Clyde Scliock have the job. efforts. T. Yocum and son. Lloyd, have By our Wayside Reporter been operating the wood working \ party was given at the home factory getting out finishing lumber 0f r Fanton last Tuesday night for the Sparks house. Oct. 8, by Laura Linn and Della Saturday Dr. Hewett was visiting Geo. J. Stratton has a drug store Fanton. Those present were Mr. his ranch at Garfield. Mrs. Florence Duncan, tho still at Green Isle, Minn. Their friends anil Mrs. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Linn quite ill, was able to leave the hos­ are pleased to hear of them. The D ew y Linn, Jim Linn, Geneva Ben- ft name, Green Isle, would indicate son, Lena Kester, Jessie Rice, Ar- pital Monday and go to the home that George got as near to Ireland thur Rice, Tlieadore Hardie, Ches- of friends in Portland. Tobacco, corn, and beans from as possible. Better come back to ter Rice, Della, Lizzie «nil Ella ^Oregon, George, and enjoy the sun- I'an ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fanton, J. P. Irvin 's garden received each shine and mist. Robert Snvder and Roy Rice, a blue ribbon at the Clackamas We want the people to see what we have in our store ed the job of putting down the city H. Cooper Get one before the rainy season begins J. P. Steinman has his fruit dry­ $ er at work drying this year's apple $ $ Paid up Capital, $20,000 Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Raney of Springwater went to Gresham yes­ terday to take in the fair and visit their children. We have been enjoying a box of fine apples the past week from the $ farm of T. Paulson of Dodge. 5 Transacts a General Banking Business midnight. Walter Lemon left the hospital y j ments were serv Everybody departed for their homes at Salt Lake Sunday and as soon re|K>rting an enjoyable time. as he is strong enough he and his 1 weeks. brother Ralph who is with him ex- The moving picture show by j Bronson & Kafloury given in the ; J F. Brower was transacting bus- jiect to resume the homeward jour- pavilion Saturday evening attracted 1 iness in Estacada Monday. ney. ; quite a crowd and many remained Mrs. E. Werheiin is on her way home from Indiana where she has been visiting during the summer. TO G E T T H E B E S T The Garfield school opened Mon­ day with Miss Martha Blundell of D R and CEDAR Lady Lambson, of the Maccabees Riddle as teacher. with a number of other frit-nils, was 2 4 0 A C R E F A R M F O R SA LE a «uest last Sunday week it a recep­ tion at the home of Mrs. W ’ A. Heylman. I have a farm of 240 acres near Hans Anderson, operator of the town for sale. River runs through it. Riparian rights included. Good creamery at Currinsville, says they will receive nothing but cream af­ investment G . W. Lockerby, Es- ter the 15th. tacada, Ore. S. E. Wooster must have The i News. Mr. Wooster and wife, who A Handsome Mantel Clock recently bought and moved onto a * farm in Garfield, used to live near Given AVAay j,ere jong i>efore the railway came. Tlie last few years thev spent at Jeweler A. N. Johnson is goir.g Oregon City, but liking this part of to give someone a present of a very the country better, they have moved nice mantel clock. Every dollar ' a -k- purchisr at 1 is store entities the J- W. Dowty, \\ . H. Mat to m, at getting W W - Tucker, C purchaser to one hance «* the.clock. It is a beauty, worth trying for. SHINGLES in Oregon go to R. Fanton's mill 12 miles east of Estaca- da for them, or send orders to his add re s. : : : : : : : Fir Shingles................. $2 10 Red C edar................... $2 25 AT H ILL Assessor’s Notice of Meeting Board of Equalization THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n sa cts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Capital, $6,000.00 Money to Loan on Real Estate INSURANCE This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. have Real Estate for sale, list it with If you us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. New P iitte rn s