NO. 44 of VOL. 3 E S T A C A D A , O REGO N , Chippaway Loggers The Best Shoe for the Logger Hand Made throughout. SLICKER Water-proof and High Cut SUITS We can fit you out with a full outfit in Wet weather Goods h. N. North Valuable Clay Round and Square Beds Toimd X TABLES Spreads for Tables, Stands ft Couches Transacts a General Banking Business Oregon City Thursday, Friday, and Saturday v m s i a w ? Cash Prizes and Special Premiums for Exhibits of Stock Etc j^Great One-Ring Circus^ Contortionists, Horizontal Bar and Trapese Artists, Musical Acts, Dixie Land on Old Time Mississippi Steamboat, Ferris Wheel, Baby Incubators, Merry-go- Round, Glass Blowers, Many Oother High Class Attractions Gates open Day and Evening. Come and Bring your Family. Admission, 25 Cents; Children, 10 Cents: Season Tickets, 50 Cents. Saturday is Children’s Day. Admission Free Read the papers for detailed information. Apply to C. E. Spence, Secretary, Oregon City, for Premium List Boost for Old Clackamas and Attend this Fair a We have recently received a big stock of Shoes. The line includes all sizes and styles. This is a fine assortment to select from : : : : : : : W E A R E A G E N T S FO R T H R E E OF T H E B E S T F I R E IN S U R A N C E CO’S LO CAL N EW S COOPER & CO. THE hof^ Park, SHOES A. E. SPARKS | NEW STOCK & WALL PAPER PATTERNS At Gladstone Get one before the rainy season begins Drafts Issused Good in any Part of the World The safest and Cheapest way to send money 5c for sums up to $10 and 10c for sums up to $100 Going to the county fair today, Dr. Scott of Portland may enter tomorrow or Saturday? the medical practice here with Dr. Otto Klaetseh has purchased a I Haviland. Mr. Scott is a graduate j of Rush Medical college, and has gasolene wood saw and will saw all had active practice for a number of the wood in the country - or less. G ive us an opportunity to show our goods and quote prices I years. -Miss Annie McBride of Portland has started a class in music in Ksta- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ilayes have cada. F U R N IS H E R S moved into the rooms upstairs in Mrs. T. J. Andre is visiting her j the Bank of Iistacada building. many friends in Iistacada. Mrs. James Marchbank who has been receiving medical ti itment in tow-n is nearly well eno; g 1 to re­ turn to her home at Dodge. And Nat Reiss Great Carnival Umbrellas y Farms and City Lots For Sale FLRNITLIR E = H. $i A YEAR 1907. Paid up Capital, $20,090 \\ hat is believed to be a valuable clay deposit has bten found by J. S. Osborne while digging a well on his place bordering town. When down 12 feet a dailc, heavy clay was run into which could not be dug with pick and shovel, but had to be blown out. Chunks of the clay can Ire cut with a knife similar to a po­ tato. Pieces of it burned in a stove ; came out whole, smooth and of a beautiful color, and hard as Hint. 1 It is the belief of all that this clayis perfect for fire brick or pottery. Mr. Osborne has dug through 30 feet of it, and it is believed to exist here in I a limitless quantity. T he P . R. L. & l>. Co. has be­ gun construction work on a new bridge for its road across the Clack­ amas at Gladstone. O CTO BER io, THE ESTACADA STATE BANK The last apportionment of school | funds made this week amounted to $31023.45 for the county. Supt. Gary announced the apportionment this week. $13,454.90 is from the the state, and the balance from the county. LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW TH U RSD AY, F. J. Harkenrkier "has returned from his Indiana visit. It was his first visit there for 30 years, and lie- saw vast changes in everything. He has four brothers in Fort Wayne and his mother still lives on the old homestead near the city. The Linn Brothers are hauling lumber in from their mill which will be sold to the retail trade. They expect to haul in a big quantity for the Winter trade. In this issue of today’ s paper is the card of Dr. H. V. A dix who has decided to practice medicine and surgery in Iistacada. We are per­ sonally acquainted with I)r. Adix, and believe him to be a man of abil­ ity in his profession. Mr. A ffix's family expect to move here next week. Assessor’s Notice of Meeting o f Board of Equalization TH E Notice is hereby given that upon the third Monday in October, towit: October 21st, 1907, the board of e- quali/.ation will attend a meeting at the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas county, Oregon, and will publicaly examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors in valua- ti< 11 descriptions or qualities of lands, lots or other property. Dated at my office this 24th day j of Sept. 1907. Jas. F. N ELSO N , County Assessor. T r a n s a c ts A G e n e r a l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Capital, $ 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Money to Loan on FIR a n d C E D A R SHINGLES in Oregon go to R. Fanton's mill 12 miles east of listaca- da for them, or send orders to his address. : : : : : : : Fir Shingles...................$2 10 Red Cedar.................... $2 25 A T M lI X INSURANCE NOTICE FOR BIDS Bids will he received at the city recorder’ s office up to 7 p. m. Oct. j 15, 1907, for laying plank on the city streets by thousand. Bidder to furnish nails of not less than 50I). and each plank up to 8 inches wide j to receive one nail at each end, and plank from 8 inches and over two J nails at each end. Plank to be laid close to the ground. The council j reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For further particulars see the citv recorder. A. N. JO HNSON, Recorder. This bank lias the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. D E L IV E R K P T I) E S T A C A D A OR SU R R O U N D IN G S Fir Shingles...................$2 50 Cedar ............................ $2 65 Until further notice, R. F A N T O N , Estacada, - Ore R F I) 1 Let tis write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind Music of the best phonograph quality is being dispensed at the drug store. Mr. Surface has been appointed agent for the Ivdison line of goods. W. A. MEYLMAN, Cashier. New Patterns IN The 11130 West bound trailler of the passenger train got away from the gang at Gresham Monday, anil started for town on the down grade. There were no breaks with which to stop it, and the terrified occu­ pants staid with it until it smashed into the least bound passenger after running about thirty rods. The l motor car was damaged some and had to he laid out. More and much better apples are coming into the Estacada market this fall from the surrounding coun­ try than in previous years The reason is that the people are taking better care of their apple trees, and too, this has l>een a very good year for fruit of all kinds. Persistency and a determined effort by all to raise clean fruit will soon place this among the liest fruit growing sec­ tions of the state. Real Estate +T+1- Born, on Sunday morning Octo- l>er 6th to Mr. and Mrs. T. J Jones a lioy. Mother and baby doing Tuesday J. R. Townsend began well, but Tom took a few days lay­ work on his new building on Main off. street. The building is 20 by 34, A residence and property, one of two stories. Contractor W. W. the finest and best in Iistacada for Boner has the job. sale. See or write W. W. Boner, The Close Brothers of Aberdeen, Estacada, Ore. Wash., relatives of R. A. Wilcox, J. F. Catterlin, a prominent busi­ started home Tuesday after several ness man of Portland, was in Esta- days at Mr. W jlcox’s. They may cada Tuesday. Mr. Catterlin owns purchase or rent a farm in Spring- some lots on Main street. water. TO G E T T H E B E S T BANK OF ESTACADA Dress Goods Ginghams Prints and Notions HOWE Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooper went to Portland yesterday to visit the big wholesale furniture houses. They went to purchase several hundred dollars worth of new furniture and other house furnishings. The new- stock will consist of the latest and newest styles and patterns, and of a better quality than heretofore car­ ried. '•/> j Quinsy, Spm ins and .*> welling«» Cured “ In November, 1901, I cottght cold & had the quinsy. My throat wan swollen so I could hardly breathe. I applied Chaml erlain 's pain halm and it gave me relief in a short time. In two «lays I wa# all rig h t.” says Mrs. I. Cousim* of Otter- burn, Mich. Cham berlain's pain balm is a liniment and is especially valuable for • prairie and swellings. Forsale by Esta­ cada Drug Store