The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, October 03, 1907, Image 4

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    T H E
N E W S the p to p le met ami talked over the
special road district tax propsition,
M O R N IN G and on a vote it was not carried 11
to‘ 14.
cAnd Other School Supplies
Enttrod it Ik« FOSWiflce In E sto c ii. O r»i0n, u
record c i« » meii
One y e a r..................... ....................................... $1 0 0
S ix m onths.........................................................
To haul lumber and do work at the
sawmill and logging camp. See F.
M. Miller at mill near town, or E.
L Fraley, at Estacada.
W e have a complete line of school books such as
will be used in the schools this year,
Tablets— a big stock of them, Pencils, Pens,
Inks, Everything for the student, and
at prices that are popular with all
Win. Stokes and Win Stratton
i spent a part of last week with their
County Judge G. II. Diniick ami old churns in Estacada. Mr. Strat­
llie Hoard of comity commisitjoners | ton was on his way from Clear Lake,
are making efforts to get out of the j Utah, to Corvallis to resume his
way road districts to levy a special studies at the college.
Notice of lioal Settlement
Notice is hereby given, that the under­
signed, the administrator of the estate of
Albert Meissner, deceased, has]filed with
the clerk of the county court of the state
of Oregon, for Clackamas county, his fin­
O F F IC E and R E S ID E N C E
al report in suid estate, and that the judge
Over the drug »tore
of said court has set the 14th day of Oc­
tober A. I). 1907, ut the hour of 10 o’clock
a. m. of said day for hearing objections
to said report, if any there l>e, and for
the final determination of said estate.
William K. Ilavüand, M. D.
George L. Story,
Attorney for Administrator.
Office at drug store
- -
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed administrator of the estate of Hen­
ry Meinke, deceased, has filed with the
clerk of the county court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county, his final
report in said estate, and that the Judge
Of rooms 41-2 Hamilton bldg. Portland of said court has set Monday the 14 day
of October, 1907, at the hour of 10 o’clock
Will visit Estacada every Saturday a. 111. of said day as the time for hearing
objections to said report, if any, and for
the final determination of- said estate.
Office with D r. C. B. Smith
George L . Story,
Attorney for Administrator.
Sept 12 Oct 10
Hotel Estacada.
Call Bell & Phone
Old school books will be taken at half price where not too badly
used, in exchange for new books.
Get your books early
road tax for the improvement of the
A new city charter for Ivstacada
roads within these certain districts. is already in course of formation and
It has been the practice, to some at the next election the people of
extent in outside district*, to make this metropolis of Eastern Clacka­
or improve their roads by popular mas county may vote on its adop­
donations. The effort is to get these tion.
restricts to build their roads by tax
Miss Adelle Mulkey departed for
levy, so that each and every prop­ Pendleton after a visit with her sis­
erty owner benefited will pay his
ter, Mrs. Earl Shibley.
She goes
¿tist share of the cost. By this way j
Hast for her health, and will latter
o f doing more roads will be built,
go to New Mexico with Mr. and
and many nonresidents holding land ;
Mrs. Shibley.
for speculation will be forced to pay
The sawmill near town managed
c portion of the costs.
by E . M. Miller for the P'stacada
State Bank turned out 125,000 feet
Creamery companies are l>egin-;
of lumber last week. This mill is
iiing to fear the encroachment of
reported to have turned out 13,000
the condensed cream factories that
feet of ties in one day. Three teams
are starting up and paying a higher i
are wanted by the company for log­
price for cream. If cream and but-1
ging and hauling work.
ter go much higher in price we poor j
Rev. H. E. Stubbs has his new
town people will have to depend
exclusively on that delectable old- house in the north part of town well
time dish euphoniously called “ pov under way of construction, and af­
ter it is completed the family will
erty slop.”
occupy it. It is located in the Oak
The Hindus have arrived at E s­ grove which makes a very good lo­
tacada. Several of these people are cation for a home. Mr. Stubbs in­
said to be at work at the Deering tends either to sell or rent the old
sawmill. Four were in Estacada residence.
The Estacada Pharmacy
Dimick & Dimick,
When You Buy This
n o ti!?
C em ents
W a s h in g to n
H«— ■—
gSr*N o rtary Public, General Law
Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b­
stracts furnished
You Get The
Attorneys at Law
« I
Why does the horse look
And slick?
O reg o n C it y
W hy, because he was
33 years. Thirteen years ago I became
totally blind and was blind for six years.
My eyes wero badly inflamed.
One of
my neigblairs insisted upon me trying
Chamberlain's salve and gave me half a
box of it. To my surprise it healed my
eyes and my sight came back to me.—P
Ii Earls, Cynthiana, Ky. Chamberlain's
sale is for sale by Estacada Drug Store.
O. J. Roe, formerly editor of the
Eureka, S. I) Post, was here last
week and visited his old neighbors,
T . J. Reagan ami M. H. Richards.
Mr. Roe is now rattening in VVallo-
wo comity.
At a special meeting of tile Kp-
worth League at the church Monday
evening of next week officers are to
l>e elected for the coming year, and
all members are requested to be in
Hunting and Fishing Parties
Local and Long Distance Telephone
How to Cure a Cold
Trees and Shrubbery
For Sale
I am selling nursery stock -all
; kinds of fruit trees and shrubbery
grown by the Wood burn Nursery,
! the oldest nursery in the state, all
stock reliable. For particulars and
prices call on or write E. L . WON-
A CO TT, Estacada, Ore. Route i,
agent for this part of Clackamas
$ 10 a week
$2 a day
The Hotel Estacada
One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
'iS I
On Friday evening Sept. 27th at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ir
vin at Garfield, a reception was g iv ­ ^
en in honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Gill on their return home from their
wedding tiip. Mr. and Mrs. Gill
received the congratulations of their
friends who were present, and the
evening was given to social inter­
course and pleasure.
Mrs. Irvin
provided an excellent dinner at
which some fine prunes and plums
from the orchards of Joel B. Bow­
man and P. E . Linn were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dale, Kphriam
Gill, Ray W. Gill, F. M. Gill, Mrs.
I v s M. Gill, McColly Dale, Wm.
M Dale, M r and Mrs. W. H. H 1 -
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gill returned
home last Thursday.
They go to
housekeeping in the Garfield ncigh-
lxirhood, and begiu their school
work at the Tracy and George
4 a 1 Mr tad M n W W . 1 1
schools next Monday.
E. C. Huffman, Mrs. Ida Palma:
County Commissioner John Lew* J. P. Irvin. Mrs. M. K. Irvin, In
ellen ami County Judge Dimick Krigbaum, Grace Davis, J. T. Ii
were over here Tuesday to attend a vin. Elsie Covey, Alta Krigl u-
meeting at the Tracy school m Gat Floyd Holder and Mr. and Mrs. ■
field roail district.
A number of A. Williams were present
Good rigs and careful drivers always
Fish Dinners are served every
Friday at the Golden Eagle hotel
The Estacada schools have 95
and restaurant. Regular price.
pupils enrolled.
Fortytwo ure in
Miss Stephens' primary room, thir­
$6,800 to loan in amounts above
ty threw? are in Miss Primer’s inter­
$500 to suit. We will sell you e x ­
mediate room, and eighteen in Mr
change on Portland at par. Bank
F lint's room.
of- Estacada.
Walter Hyde arrived in town yes­
terday to again make his home a- N O T IC E TO YO U N G P E O P L E |
Winter is coming 011 and those
mong us.
He will re-open the
Bourbonia barber shop at once. intending to get married will save
Mr. Hyde has been taken by a bride money by calling and examining
our nice line of Bedsteads, Dressers
since he resided here
Chiffoniers, China Closets E tc.—
That portion of the road north of
town extending from the north end H. Cooper & Co.
Reception to Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Gill
The question of how to cure a cold
without unnecssary loss of time is one in
which we are all more or less interested,
for the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the
less the danger of pneumonia and other
serious diseases. Mr. B \V L Hall of \Va
vcrlv, Va. has used used Chamberlain’s
M** cough remedy for years and says, “ I
firmly believe Chamberlain’s cough rem­
edy to be absolutely the best prsparation
© on the market for colds. I have recom­
mended it to my friends and they all ag-
gree with me. For sale by the Estacada
Drug Store
furnish nails of not less than 50I >
All kinds of Legal Business promptly attended to
and each plank up to 8 inches wide
Estates and Probate Matters carefully taken care of
to receive one nail at each end, anil
plank from 8 inches and over two
nails at each end. Plank to lie laid © *
close to file ground.
The council
reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
For further particulars
see the city recorder.
If you have any property for sale commu­
nicate with us; we will find you a buyer
if what you have to sell is salable.
Alllicted With Sore Fyes lor 33 Years
delay but give us your terms and a descrip­
I have lieen afflicted with sors eyes for
tion of your property we’ ll do the rest
John Zobrist to J C Tracy, lots 1
2, 3 & 4 in 7, $280.
of Main street to the plank near J. I
C. Tracy’ s is to be planked. T h e'
expense will lie met by donations
and the county.
W. A.
J. F. L O V E L A C E
Mrs. Addie Burnett to A E Als-
patigh, 20 acres of die $375.
J W Reed to Annie M King, the
I.ockerby place, $10.
Win. Stubbe to A Stubbe, lot 10
in block 2, Ivstacada, $ 1.
I) W Marshall to Oliver I’ Califl,
40 acres in 14, 3 4, $1200.
I) W Bridenstine to A F Brant-
ner, 20 acres in 37, ¡(1700.
Ii I. Fraley and others to C W
Baker, lot 6 in 7, Zobrist add $85.
Your Creamery Checks will be
larger at the end of each month if
you get the best (it costs nomore)
You will find the best quality of
Word was received here last F ri­
day that Walter Lemon, who is on
his way home from the Jamestown
in the city at Lovelace’s warehouse
exposition, was taken sick with ty­
and sold at the lowest prices
phoid fever and was taken to a hos­
pital at Salt Lake.
His brother,
The Mount Hood Railway Power Ralph Lemon, has gone to help
Company is at work building an e- take care of him.
lectric power plant on the Sandy
river and Bull Run creek at Sandy
W. A. H EYLM A N |
t GKO. C B R O W N E L L
similar to the one on the Clackamas
Bids will 1 >e received at the re­
at Ca/.adero, and that neighlxrrhood corder’ s office up to 7 p. m. Oct. 5,
is excited somewhat like this neigh­ 1907, for laying planks on the citv
borhood was three years ago.
streets by the thousand. Bidder I"
Among the real estate sales that
have appeared on record of late are
the following —
Walter T Strunk to II T Epper­
son and II I* Gibson, claim, $1800.
Livery, Feed & Sale
fed 011 feed bought of J. F. Lovelace
Monday. They are a dark, swarthy
people with full beards, wear col­
ored turbins for headgear, and a
style of dress which must have been
tailored in the Medivaeal ages.
Some Properly'Sold
O reg o n
New flats
The New Fall and Winter Styles can now be seen
We can suit you with our new stock of
f Underwear, Oil Coats,
Rubber Boots, Rubbers,
| Umbrellas, Blankets,
Comforts, Etc.
D A L E ’S
W hy not subscribe today?
On real estate secutity.
$1000 for 2 to 5 years
$500 for 1 year
$750 for 3 years
$ 1500 for 5 years
$400 for 2 to 4 years
$600 for 3 years
$500 for 7 to 5 years
$2500 for 1 to 5 years
At 6 per cent. Call write or phone
by Ju ly I, 1907—John \V. Loder,
Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg Oregon
City, Oregon.
Notice for Publication
Land Office at Portland, Oregon. Sept. 14, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that Eli F. DeBord of Port­
land. Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make
final five year proof In support of his claim, viz:
Homestead entry No. 14491 made Aug. 18, 1902,
for the Lot 7, S e J i swK & SJ4 t c X of section 6.
township 5 south, range 4 east, and that said proof
will be made before the register and receiver at Port­
land. Oregon, on October 28. 1 9 0 7 . He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
R .C . Hunter of Montavilla, Oregon
Glen Hunter of
William Bonneyof Colton,
Joshua Corbett of
Algernon S . Dresser. Register
s i9 -o 2 4
Notice for Publication
Land Office at Portland. Oregon. Sept. 14. 1 907.
Notice is hereby given that Jam es O, Linn, of Esta­
cada. Oregon, his filed notice of his intention to make
final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead entry No. 1 5 9 1 3 made March 29, 1906,
for the S e X nw#, Sw K neK & N X s e X of section
24. township 3 south, range 4 east, and that said
proof will be made before the register and receiver at
Portland, Oregon on October 28. 1 9 0 7 . He names
the foll°wing witnesses to prove his continuous resi­
dence upon and cultivation of the land, viz:
John W . Pulley of Estacada, Oregon
Walter P. Snuffin of
Granville B. Linn of
E. L. Wannacatt of
P. E. Linn of
Algernon S . Dresser, Register
s i9 -o 2 4
A Certain Cure for Croup— Used for Ten
Years Without a Failure
Mr. W C Bott, a Starr City, Ind. hard­
ware merchant, is enthuiastic in his prais
of Chamberlain's cough remedy. His
children have all been subject to cruup &
he has used this remedy for the past fen
years, and though they uiucn feared the
croup his wife and he always felt safe up­
on retiring when a bottle of Chamberlain
cough remedy was in the house. His
oldest child was subject to severe attacks
of the croup, but this remedy never failed
to effect a speedy cure. He has recom­
mended it to Iriends and neighbors and
all who have used it say that it is un­
equaled for croup and whooping cough
For sale by Estacada drug store.
The railway company has hauled
several carloads of gravel and sand
mixture up from Portland and this
has been placed around the depot
and other buildings at the track for
drive-ways. A t last farmers and
others can drive up to the loading
platform and load or unload freight
without driving on the railroad. It
is an improvement which has long
lieen looked for by the railroad’s
patrons. W. A. Jones is responsi­
ble for this improvement, and lie
has the job of placing the sand in
the places where it is needed.
Timber land, Act Jure 3. 1 878
Noticd for I'ubliuilion
United States • and Cilice. PortlanJ, Ore ton. Sept.
6, 1 907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act oi congress of June 3.
1878. entitled An act for the sale ot timber lands in
the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash­
ington territory." as extended to all the public land
states by act ol August 4. 1 392. Guy C . Manning of
Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
7 5 3 8 . fcr’ the purchase of the E 56 SE X . S W \£ SE
X . SE X S W X of section 2 7 in township 2 S range
7 E. and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri­
culture purpose, and to establish his claim to said
land before register and receiver at Portland. Orogon,
on Wednesday the 20th day cf Novomber, 19 0 7 . He
names'as witnesses:
Charles Kadderly of Portland, Oregon
Charles A. Simpson of
John N. Manning of
Bert King of
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above!
discribed lands at e requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 20th day of November
1 907.
Algernon S . Dresser. Register
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
Notice for Publication
United States Land office. Portland. Oregon. Sept.
6. 19 0 7 . Notice is hereby given that incompliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3,
1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in
the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and W ash­
ington t e r r i t o r y a s extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4. 18 9 2 , Mrs. Lillian B. Fish­
er of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office her sworn statement
No. 7 5 37. for the purchase of thr Northeast X of sec­
tion 3 4 in township 2 S . range 6 east, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
ard to establish her claim to said land before the reg­
ister and receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday,
the 19 day of November 19 0 7 . She name?as witnes­
ses: Charles A. Marston of Cherryville. Oregbn
John A. Maroney of
George V/. Fisher of Portland, Oregon
Carrie Copple of
Ar.y and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file the claims in
this office on or before said 19th day of November,
1 907
Algernon S. Dresser, Register
Timber Land. Act June 3, 1 878
Notice for Publication
United States L.and Office. Ptrtland. Oregon. Sept,
6, 19 0 7 . Notice Is hereby given that in compliance?
with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3 r
18 7 8 , entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in
the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and W ash­
ington territory," as extended toall the public land
states by act of August 4. 1892, Carrie C. Copple of
Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office her sworn statement No.
7 5 3 6 for the purchase of the Northwest X of section
34. in township 2 south, range 6 east, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agriculturrl purposes and
to establish her claim to said land before the regtster
and receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday the 1 9
day of November, 1 907. Site names as witnesses:
Charles A. Marston of CherryvilTe, Oregon
John A. Maroney of
George W . Fisher of Portland, Oregon
Lillian B. Fisher of
Any and ali persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to ille the claims in
this office on or before said 19th day of November,
19 0 7 .
Algernons. Dresser, Register
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office, Portland. Oregon. Sep­
tember 6. 19 0 7 . Notice is hereby given that Irt
compliance with the provisions of the act of congress
of June 3. 18 7 8 . entitled "An act for the sale of tim­
ber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington territory" as extended toall the pub­
lic land states by the act of August 4. 1 892, the fol­
lowing named persons on Angust 29, 1 907, filed in
this office their sworn statements, to-wit:
Theodore Crockett of Spokane. County of Spokane,
state of Washington, sworn statement No. 7 5 4 4 for
the purchase of the S e ^ section 32, township 2 south,
range 3 east. W. M.
ReckaCrockett of Spokane, county of Spokane state
of Washington, sworn statement No. 7 5 4 6 for the
purchase of the NeH section 32, township 2 south,
range 6 east. W. M.
Lizzie Bickett of Spokane, county of Spokane, state
of Washington, sworn statement No. 7 5 4 7 for the
purchase of the SJa n ? X and SJi? nwi£ section 28..
township 2 south, range 6 east. W. M.
That they will offer proofs to show that the lands
sought are more valuble for the timber or stone there­
on than for agricultural purposes, and to establish,
their claims to said lands before the register and re­
ceiver of this office at Portland. Oregon, on Friday
the 22 day of Nov. 19 0 7 .
They name as witnesses: W T Patton, 3 0 0 Mar-
quam building, Portland, Oregon: Lizzie Bickett. Spo­
kane. Washington; Luella M Patton. Portland. Ore­
gon: BelleO Proven. Spokane, Washington; Theo­
dore Crockett. Spokane», Washington.
Any or all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before the 22 day of Nov. 1907.
Algernon S . Dresser, Register
s i9 -n 2 1
Notice tor Publication
United States Land Office at Portland. Oregon.
September 6. 19 0 7 . Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of congress
June 3. 1 878. entitled "An act for the sale timber
Mrs. W. K. Haviland and son, of
lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and
Billy, have gone to Portland on an Washington territory, ’ as extended to all the public,
land states by the act of August 4, 18 9 2 . the follow­
extended visit.
ing named persons on August 29, 19 0 7 , filed in this
office their sworn statements, te-wit:
Luella M Patton of Portland, Multnomah county,
state of Oregon, sworn statement |No. 7 5 4 5 for the
purchase of the S e X section 34, township 2 south,
range 6 east. W. M.
Belle O. Proven of Spokane, county of Spokane,
of Washington, sworn statement No. 7 5 4 2 for
The bids for furnishing plank for state
the purchase of S e X section 28. township 2 south,
the town streets were opened at a range 6 east. W. M.
That they will offer proofs to show that the lands
meeting of the council Tuesday ev­ sought
are more valuable for the timber or stone there
ening, and E. M. Miller, as agent on than for agriculture purposes and to establish their
to said lands before the register and receiver
for the Western Banking Company, claims
of this office at Portland. Oregon, on Saturday, the
was awarded the contract at $6 a 23 day of November 19 0 7 .
They name as witnesses: W T Patton of Port­
thousand, plank to lie delivered on land.
Oregon; Luella M Patton of Portland. Oregon;
the streets. This was the only bid Theodore Crockett of Spokane. Washington: Lizzie
Bickett of Spokane. Washington: Recka Crockett of
presented. The material is already Spokane.
Washington and Belle O Proven of Spokane
lieing delivered. The town will let Washington.
Any or all persons claiming adversely the above
the work of laying the plank out by described
lands are requested to file their claims in
contract, and bids for this work will this office on or before the 2 3 day of Nov. 19 0 7 .
Algernons. Dresser. Register.
lie opened Saturday evening. The :
s !9 -n2 I
Street Improvement
streets to he planked are Main, j
Broadway, Second and Third in the
Notice for Publication
lower part of town. Mr. Miller has Land Office at Portland. Oregon. Sept. 14. 19 0 7 .
asked permission to plank Third Notice Is hereby given that Herbert P. Crutcher of
: 0 . W. P. & R y. Co.
Welche's. Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to
street from Broadway to beyond make seven year proof in support of his claim, viz:
Zobrist which will accommodate the Homestead entry No. 1 3 9 3 8 made Dec. 3. 1 9 0 1 . for
the southeast quarter of section 28. township 2 south,
Cars .eave Estacada for Port- ■ [ mill in hauling their light lumber. range 7 east, and that said proof will be made before
Property owners on Broadway are the register and receiver at Portland. Oregon on Oc­
tober 29. 19 0 7 . He names the following witnesses
talking of planking the whole street. to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva­
7 = 37 . 9 37 . n :37 A. M. and
The square at the corners of Broad­ tion of said land, vis:
P. T. Marugg of Welches. Oregon
i : 37 . 3 4 7 . 5 : 37 . 9:°5 P- M.
way and Second is to be covered
Fred Gerke of
Cars leave Portland for Esta­
William Robbins of Salman.
first with a layer of stone on which
William E. Welch of Welches. ”
course crushed rock will be placed,
Algernon S . Dresser. Register.
Si 9-o 24
7 :30 ,9 :30 , 11:3 0 A. M. and j; and on this finer rock, sand and
1:30. 3:40, 5:44. 7:15 P. M.
gravel will be put. This is to be
Thev Make You Feel Good
tried as an experiment. The street
Way freight leaves Estacada
The pleasant purgative effect experien­
in the morning, daily except
some way ot' getting a plank road ced by all who use Chamberlain s stom­
Sun. returning in the evening.
ach and liver tablets and the healthy con
from the bridge on the south side dition of the body and mind which they
Main offices of the coni puny: 152 n
of the track to the depot with cross­ create makes one feel joyful. Trice 2 5c
F irst St. Portland, Oregon.
ings at Currin street and Broadway. Samples free at Kstacada Drug Store
»■» » »■» » + + »•+■» ♦■»»■ H - H f »