Mt. Hood Railroad Hsadsd fo r Balt Laka City. Telegraphers Want to Call Out Lsaasd Wirs Man. law M « Each Thursday ESTACAD A L IN K OF R O C K ISLAN D . PLA N T O H IT HAND. The Estacada News OREGON 9 “ NEWS OF THE WEEK li i M u s e d Farm lor Our Buy Readers. A R m u k w o f tho Last Important but N ot Lea* Interesting E vanta o f tha Paat Waak. Sweden has issued a challenge for the America’! cup. Many publishers throughout the country are demanding the removal of the tariff on paper. Criminal prosecution may follow the attempt to kidnap Fremont Older, of the San Francisco Bulletin. Evidence lias been offered in the San Francisco graft cases to show t ‘ at Ruef, Ford and M ullaly often held confer­ ences. The Great Northern has a stockade a ll ready for strikebreakers who are to take the places of men at the Hillyard, Wash., shops. There are signs of uneasiness in many parts of Cuba. Troops are al­ most constantly pursuing outlaws and strikes have tied up the railroads. Chicago, Oct. 1.— More aggressive warfare against ttie commercial tele- graph companies Is being planned by ' the striking operators. At their meet- i ing today Chairman Likes announecd that within a lew days the companies would realise that they were in a real fight. The suggestion from New York I that all operators working leased w ires lie called out was vigorously applauded. President Small, who left the city I Friday night with a lot of documentary evidence againat the telegraph compan­ ies, was in Washington today on a se­ cret mission. It leaked out that the visit Small made to St. Louis Thursday was for the purpose of meeting Com­ missioner of Labor Neill, who was in that city at the time. It is said that Commissioner N eill is reluctant to take up the trouble until It is definite­ ly decided who has power to settle for the operators. So far each city has been looking after its own strike, and no one has been empowered to propose terms of ponce. Commissioner N eill is said to be ready to call on the companies provid­ ed he is given assurance that any set­ tlement he may make w ill be accepted by the men on strike. It Is said tliat within a few days a vote of the various unions will be taken to place the entire question of a settlement in the hands of the national executive board. W A N T HOM E RULE. Attorney General Craw ford Confident o f Telephone C ate Salem— Attorney General Crawford states that he is preparing the briefs for the state in its tight against the Pa­ cific States Telephone company in re­ gard to the grosa earnings ol the com- pany in which the telephone company attacks the constitutionality ot the Oregon initiative law. ‘ ‘I do not fear for the state’s posi­ tion in this matter,” said Mr. Craw- iord. “ The initiative waa enacted sim­ ply as a corrective and does not destroy the representative form of Bovernmeiit of the state constitution. The tele­ phone company has undoubtedly pre­ pared its strongest case and I will work along the lines which I have just stated so far as I can tell at present. “ The reference in its papers filed by the company to the election of United States senators by direct legislation was done simply to involve the Federal law with a view to carrying the case to the United States Supreme court should the state be successful in its fight against the telephone company in the state courts.” _________ Money in Clover Seed. Albany— Local dealers are building up a lucrative busineea in handling the clover seed produced by the grower» of thie section. Carter A Robson, of this city, have made a specialty in sup­ plying alsyke and red clovar seed to one of the largest seed concerns In Wimon- sin. Should it be possible to obtain the cars, a total of 240,000 pounds w ill have been sent to Milwaukee by the end of tiiie week. The local firm seeks to purchase sufficient seed to make out a shipment of seven carloads with total valuation of about (25,000. Thia opens np a new market for the clover seed raised in this section and will have a tendency to strengthen the local market and bring the top price to the valley growers. It is said that the supply is not equal to the demand and that a lucrative business awaits grow era who w ill specialise in the growing ol clover for seed purposes Agreement Reached for Closing Up Deal in Crook County. Salem— Without yielding a single point iu the conditions, the state land board lias reached an agreement with J. E. Morrison, president of the Des­ chutes Land company, and the new contract for the original Oregon Devel- opment company’ s segregation of 31,- OuO acros of arid land in Crook county ha* been fully signed and sealed. The new contract, which grants an increase of lien price per acre to (36, provides that the land shall be reclaimed and the system turned over to the Water Users’ association within five years ami free from incumbrance. The company entered objections to several of the moat material conditions, all of which were overruled, and the contract was accepted practical ly in toto. Fins Showing at Unlvarslly, University of Oregon, Eugene— The University of Oregon opened its doors Tuesday, September 24. The first and second days’ registration has shown an increase of more than 20 per cent over the registration of the same time last year. Almost every high school and academy in the state is represent­ ed, and a large number are presenting credentials from Eastern preparatory schools. The year will mark the high­ est point in enrollment that the uni­ versity has yet reached. The very ser ious question that is presenting itself is how to take care of all students. The lack of funds has made It impossible to furnish and heat all of the rooms in the library building, and for the same reaeon, the new girls’ dormitory will have to lie idle for the year. Students, however, are adjusting themselves readily to the conditions, and the out­ look for the year’s work is exception­ ally good. Portland, Sept. 30.— There is abund­ ant reason to believe that Portland and Sait Lake are soon to he connected by a new link in a transcontinental rail road chain that is to be forged as fast as labor and sufficient capital can com­ plete the task. Concealed behind the seemingly local electric liu‘ enterprise of the Mount Hood Railway A Power company are said to lie the matured plans for the Salt Lake project, backed by the mil lions of Senator W. A. Clark and his associate interests. E. P Clark, of Los Angeles, directing genius of the Mount Hood road, who gave his per­ sonal attention to the initial work done in Portland, came to the Pacific North west as the personal representative of his distinguished namesake. W itli the secrecy that smacks of the previous conquests of George Gould, but which, it Is believed by persons well advised, is in reality the linking of the Rock Island system and the Moffat railroad between Denver and Salt Lake City, the plans for the new road into Portland have been practl cally completed. Though it haa been denied, and will be denied again, it can be asserted with confidence that the site of the Inman A Poulten Lumber company yards and docks between East Sherman and East Carutheis streets will the be water front terminal of the new line. Practically all details for the entrance of the road to the city have been concluded and meanwhile engineering parties have completed the location across to the Eastern slope of the Cascades, thence southeasterly to­ ward Ceutral Nevada to the eastern terainus at Salt Lake City. It may surprise some engineers to learn that a route has been found by which the line will make a gradual as cent of Mount Hood, to the southeast of that eminence and through to the ripper Deschutes on a compensating grade of less than 1 per cent, bat such is a fact and the construction crews already en gaged in the vicinity of Bull Run and between that point and Fairview will be rapidly advanced along the route eo that considerable of the heavier part of the work wilt probably be completed during the winter months. Apioaching the Deschutes at a point not far from the mouth of Warm Springs creek, it w ill follow np the Deschutes, cross the spur of Walkers range and thence proceed In a south­ erly course to the drainage of Spragne river and thence up that stream to the southeast, through the Klamath Indian reservation and thence in a nearly di­ rect line to Winnemucca. The main line w ill be bnilt with re­ gard to the shortest mileage and best route, while branches are projected to tap the irrigated districts of Crook, Klamath and Lake counties, but these are to follow the completion of the through line which is just at present the objective feature of the entire en­ terprise. Engineers have been over the ionte repeatedly, parties having easily main­ tained the secret of their purpose and work because of the activity of the Harriman system engineers in the same territory. BORAH IMPLICATED Government Prodoces Letters Showing His Connection. STLUNENBERG DEEPLY INVOLVED Correspondence Is That o f William Sweet, One o f the Men Indicted for Fraud. Boise, Sept. 28.— Half a score of let­ ters which the government attorneys in the trial of Senator W illlaam lb Borah declare go to show the complicity of ex- Governor Steunenherg in the alleged timber land fraud conspiracy were in­ troduced in evidence late yesterday and read to the jury. The letter» were written by W illiam Sweet, cne of the indicted men, who, it is reported, w ill take the stand as a witness for the United States. The documents were produced by J. H. Richards, the local attorney, to whom they were written and who acted as legal adviser to Sweet. Most of the letters were dated from New York and Boston and several of them were replies to letters or tele­ grams urging him to return to Idaho “ I can’ t see why I should come back unless it is in regard to timber, and that is all in the governor’s hands,” wrote Sweet in one of his notes. Then he proceeded: “ As to the money coming to me, put it in the bank. I have absolute faith in the governor. He came to my assist ance and helped me out of a mess 1 never ought to have got in. I don’ t know what I would have done if it had not been for the governor.” In another letter Sweet gave the amounts he was “ in” on the timber deal. The total amount was about (29,000, including a (7,500 note signed by himself and Steunenherg. Shortly after this Sweet wrote to his attorney that he had read in the papers of a timber inspector being sent to Idaho. Borah’s name waa drawn into the case for the first time just before ad­ journment, when Henry 8. Wnithman, another local attorney, took the stand and produced more letters from Sweet In one letter to Worthman he wrote: “ Richards nsed his power of attor ney to torn all my money, (10,000, over to Steunenherg, and it Is like pulling a cat through a stocking to get it back. I wish you would see W . E. Borah about this and get him to make a little statement of the governor’s ob­ ligation to me. He is the governnor’s attorney, bnt is a first class gentleman and knows a little statement is only fair to me. Tell him I haven’t the scratch of a pen from Steunenherg to show that he has (10,000 of my money. He said the copy of our agreement was lost.” __________________ W IL L BECO ME S T A T E . President Roosevelt Jo Approve the Constitution. Waihington, Sept. 27. — President Rooeevelt announced this afternoon that he had decided tc approve the Ok­ lahoma constitution, which means that all doubt regarding the addition of an­ other star to the national flag ia re­ moved ; that two more Democratic sen­ ators will aoon take seats in the upper branch of cougreaa; that four Demo­ crats and one Republican will be added to the rolls of the house and that seven bran new votes will be added to the Democratic column, in all probability, in the next electoral college. Announcement that Oklahoma'* con­ stitution ia to receive formal executive approval come* a* a surpriee to many of those moat directly intereeted, for the tip had gone out that the constitu­ tion would be rejected. Undoubtedly it would have been re­ jected, too, had the president felt free, after consultation with I iib legal advis­ ers, to act upon the merits of the docu­ ment a* they appeal to him, or had the convention’s work not been so over­ whelmingly ratified by the voters of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. I t was stated at the W h ile House that the tremendous majority for the constitution at the recent election was the impelling force. 1’urthermore, it wa* pointed out that the executive judgment was, generally speaking, con­ fined to the que*tion of whether the provisions of the enabling act had been ebeerved. The final decision followed a conference with Attorney General Bonaparte thia noon. Approval, as ap­ plied to the president’ s action in con­ nection with the con»titution, ie tech­ nical and does not express the execu­ tive's real position. He does not ap­ prove of the constitution at all, but »im ply signs his nsme in respon*e to the w ill of the people who must live under it, for the reasons above stated. Mr. Roosevelt’s actual opinion of the constitution, according to those who are in his confidence, would hardly be fit for publication. Vote at Alaska Primaries Wat Prac Taft promises to explain to Japan tically Unanimous. why the Atlantic fleet is coming to the Seattle, Wash., Oct. 1.— Bringing Paciflc. He may also arrange a settle­ with him defiance of anything Governor ment of the immigration question. W ilford B. lfoggatt said to the contra Harvey K. Brown, of Baker City, ex­ ry, Tom Gale, long term delegate sheriff of Baker county, is the vict'm to the national congress from Alas of a murderous assault which was al­ ka, arrived in town today from most a duplicate of ¡the attack which Nome on board the steamship killed ex-Governor Steunenherg, of Northwestern. Gale is emphatic in de­ Idaho. He may recover. Old ene­ claring that 99 per cent of the residents mies are believed to be the perpetra­ of the nortliland are anxious for home tors. rule and are standing on their demand Secretary Taft baas arrived In Japan for some sort of legislation by the na­ tional lawmakers whereby Alaska shall Rich Strike In Quartzvllls. Germany's influence In Turkey 1 b be freed from the chains which now Albany— A rich ledge of quarts has growing. hamper her progress. been discovered in the Quartxvllle min Gale has been all over the territory Budyard K ipling la at Montreal ing district by Giant Llndley, a resi­ Canada, and w ill visit the Paciflc coast and has kept in touch with the poli dent of Lehanon. Lindley cams ont of ticians and with the citixens. The IDAHO FRAUD C ASE. the mountains this week with samples Bryan w ill announce his candidacy primaries were just over when Gale left of some remarkably rich ore, bnt said for presidental nomination on the Dem Nome, and he says that the majority Freighting at Klamath. Thirteen Dummy Entrymen Tell Of little about the mine, as he had not ocratio ticket December 7. cast for home rule was practically Klamath Falls— An average of 150, yet filed his notices of location. He Sale o f Claims. A Seattle man who had been bound unanimous. He has with him a rough 000 pounds of freight every five days la lias now returned to the site for that Boise, Sept. 27.— After having spent by the courts not to beat his wife hired draft of a bill which will be introduced being hauled into Klamath Falls by purpose The samples of ore Lindley Into the next congress by United States the J. M. McIntyre Transportation found have not yet been assayed, but all of the previous day in bringing ont another man to do it for him. Senator Samuel H . Piles and which, it company. Other freighters are carry the discoverer expects it to prove richer the testimony of 13 persons who ad­ Missoula, Mont., is said to be the is hoped, will become a law. I f it does ing emaller amount*. The merchants than anything yet found in the Quartx- mitted they had taken claims to timber only town left on the Northern Paciflc it is calculated to remove the legisla are stocking up for winter trade, as the ville country, and says he has plenty where the boilermakers’ strike is felt. land for the express purpose of selling tive swaddling from Alaska. freight lates are higher during the bad of the ore. them to member* of an alleged land­ One of the dummy locators used in W hile Delegate Gale does not go into roads season. The McIntyre company the Idaho lan(d frauds says he filed on details regarding the claims of Gover­ is keeping 13 teams on the road, each grabbing conspiracy, the government Shortage is to Be 8erious. the government land just to accommo­ nor Hoggatt, he went so far as to say making a round trip every fire day*. attorneys in the trial of United States Salem— Complaints of car shortages that the governor’s oft repeated asser­ After October 1 the freight will be un­ date a friend. Senator Borah yesterday turned the continue to pour in upon the railroad San Francisco graters kidnaped the tions regarding the antipathy to home loaded at Keno, 18 mile* down the commission in such unceasing volume line of evidence into new channels, rule in Alaska are creatures of his own river from Klamath Falls, and brought managing editor of the Bulletin, who is as to indicate that the situation w ill be which they *ay w ill tend to affect the hostile to them. It was seven hours desires, and of the de-ires of the big up on the steamer Klamath. W hile far more serious this year than ever be­ mining interests, toward whom Gover­ the haul from the end of the track of defendant senator. The testimony ad­ before he was rescued. nor Hcggatt is declared to be extremely ths California Northeastern railway to fore, and the commission baa decided duced up to until now haa been con­ to make a thorough investigation of Through the carelessness of an oper friendly. navigable water, and thence by boat to fined to the activities of John I. Wells ator to throw a Bwitch a passenger train IN D IC TS H AR R IM AN .LIN E S. Klamath Falls, would be easier than conditions, with a view of locating the BROWN AF T E R VENGEANCE. on the Baltimore A Ohio crashed into a and Louis M. Pritchard, two of the the present one it is not likely that responsibility and working out a solu­ tion of the problem. A hearing will freight train at Bellaire, W . Va. F if­ there will be any change in the present Federal Grand Jury at San Francisco men under indictment. None of the be called in the near future, which w ill teen men were killed and a score injur, Calhoun's Attorney Alone Instrumental route until spring. Finds 124 Counts. “ dummy” entrymen examined waa embrace all common carriers in the ed, several fatally. In Kidnaping o f Older. state and a thorough investigation San Francisco, Sept. 28.— The Fede­ cross examined and the testimony that Better Sanitation on Train. The Asiatic squadron has arrived at San Francisco, Oct. 1.— The alleged made. ral grand jury yesterday returned five they received from W elle the money San Francisco. Pendleton— A! a meeting of the state attempt to kidnap Fremont Older could indictments of 124 counts against the with which to prove their claims and BORAH JU R O R ILL. Many A fter Timber Land. Southern Pacific company and the Pa­ from Pritchard the (250 bonus for sur­ There has been a small outbreak of not truthfully lie made to appear to board of health held in this city a few have been under those defending them­ days ago a new set rules was drafted Boxerism In China. Klamath Falls— A section of forest Possible That Sickness May Block cific Mail Steamship company charging rendering their titles went uncontro­ selves from charges of briliery, accord­ for the sanitation of trains but as they reserve land near Klamath Falls is to violations of the interstate commerce verted. Idaho Land Fraud Trlala. The strike of railroad boiler makers ing to Patrick Calhoun, of the United were arranged at the instance of the Just prior to adjournment the prose­ law. These indictments, if followed by be opened at an early date and already seems to have been broken. railroad commission, they will probab Boise, Sept. 30.— Peter Neth, one of convictions, are sufficient to render the cuting attorneys identified the signa­ Railroads company. many locators are ready for the rush to “ The facts are,” -aid Mr. Calhoun, ly not be given out until after they have the tall timber. There have been many ileaths and Several parties are the jurors empaneled to try United corporations liable to fines aggregating tures cf ex-Governor Frank Htennen- Some expected this week from Michiagn and ‘ ‘ that Mr. Luther Brown, who Is a law­ been submitted to that body. much ruin from floods in Spain. States Senator W . E. Borah, was taken from (124,000 to (2,489,000, the m ini­ berg and W illiam Sweet to a document said to have been a contract. I t is al­ yer of Loe Angelei, and one of the asso­ members of the board will go as far Wisconsin expecting to secure claims, violently 111 last night and it is said bis mum fine presiribed by law on each Judge Wickersham, of Alaska, has ciate counsel of my defense, was attack­ east as Baker City and Huntington for and it is said that nearly every section count being (1,000 and the maximum leged that Steunenherg and Sweet resigned and w ill give up the light. jointly furnished the money with ed by the Bulletin, which printed an the purpose of making a personal in­ of the state is already represented here. indisposition may stop the trial, al­ fine (20,000. The Deep Waterways commission has infamous story concerning him in con­ vestigation of the alleged unsanitary There is but little interest locally, al­ though this cannot be definitely told The defendant corporations are ac­ which the first alleged faudulent trans­ started down the Mississippi from 8t. nection with an alleged attempt to kid­ condition of the trains coming from though It is said the claims are excep­ until today. cused of secretly cutting to (1 the pub­ actions were carried on. Chicago. The nature of Neth’ s illness is being lished rate of (1.25 on through ship­ Pauf The government has divided ite case nap ex-Supervisor Lonergan. tionally good ones. carefully withheld, but one ol the gov­ ments of matting from Kobe, Japan, to into three sections. The first deals Mr. Brown swore out a warrant in About 2,500 coal miners In Mon Hermiaton Wants Experiment Station. ernment’ s counsel said last night that Rhodes Man Wins Distinction. San Francisco and thence through the with the claims which were turned tana have received an increase ir Los Angeles county and had the war­ Pendleton— Whether or not, an expe­ he believed Neth to be suffering from rant approved by Judge Cook, mf San United States. Two indictments of over to Albert E. Palmer, of Spokane, University of Oregon, Eugene— Har­ wages. Francisco county. Older was then ar­ rimental station w ill be established at vey Densmore, the well known Rhodes temporary mental drangement due to eight counts each were returned againat who is said to have acted a* “ dummy” An entire town In Japan haa been rested and an attempt was made to Hermiston under the irrigation project scholarship student, who went to Ox­ the excitement of the trial. the Pacific Mail Steamship company, trustee for the Barber Lumber com­ destroyed by the overflowing of a river take him to Los Angeles. It was but now seems to be in the hands of the ford from the University of Oregon, has Many rumors were afloat last night which transported the cargo from Kobe pany. A ll the testimony bearing on and 600 lives lest. board of regent» of the Agricultural col­ an ordinary arrest.” returned ami has accepted a poaition at as to Neth’s condition but no anthora- to San Francisco, and one Indictment theie claim*, it is alleged, was handled It is further pointed out by Brown’ s lege and the members will be here In the University of Washington as an in­ tive statement was given ont. The of eight counts and two indictments of through Horace 8. Rand, of Burling­ Rumors are current in New York He outranked day following hla acceptance as a juror 50 counts each were returned against ton, Iowa. The third and last set were that railroad telegraphers may soon friends that it is perfectly obvious that a short time for the purpose of investi­ structor in the classics. join in the strike with the commercial it would have been futile to have at­ gating the matter. It will then be up many of the best Finglish scholars in Mr. Neth asked many questions of the Southern Pacific company for for­ handled by George S. Long, who, the tempted the arraignment of Older in to the people of the irrigation section branches especially affected by their Judge Whitson as to whether buying warding the cargo in broken lot ship­ government promises, w ill eventually men. Improved homestead property consti­ ments from this city eastward. Han Francisco county in view of the and ol the county to show the necces- learned men. take the stand as the most important Representative Lormie-, of Illinois tuted a crime. He speaks English close relations existing between Older sity lor the branch station in order to witness for the prosecution. may be appointed chairman of the rather brokenly and but little atten­ and the prosecuting officials of San secure it. P O R I LAND M A R K E TS . Rebel Leaders Arrested. house committee on rivers and harbors tion was paid to him. Francisco county. War With Japan Inevitable. Havana, Sept. 28.— The secret police In plaoe of Burton, who has resigned to Ruth for Lake Lands, Wheat— Club, 8Jc; bluestem, 86c; today arrested General Masso Parro, take a place on the waterways commis­ fit. Petersburg, Sept. 27.— Secretary Prinevllle— A rush is being made valley, 82c; red, 81e. Great Distress in Spain. Stubba No Longer Dictator. General Juan Ducassl and General Lara Taft’s tour of the world ie|being fol­ sion. Gate— No. 1 white, (25®25.50; gray, Malaga, Spain, Oct. 1.— The greatest from this part of the state to the north­ Chicago, Sept. 30.— W ith the advent Millret, charged with conspiring lowed with unusual interest here. The Lipton will send a new challenge for ern part of Lake county, where the (24.60@25. distress everywhere is prevalent as a of the Eastern railroads into the Trans­ against public order. General Parro government is taking measures to pro­ the America's cup. Barley— Feed, (23@24 per ton; brew­ result of the storms and floods of laBt Fremont forest reserve w ill be opened continental Freight bureau there disap­ is the*alleged leader of the conspiracy tect the journey throngh Siberia and The land office ing, (26®27; rolled, (35®28. The Japanese government is settling week. The government with difficulty for entry October 28. pears from the railway field one o the to start a revolution against the Amer­ European Russia, and the press is bus­ the Vancouver trouble with Canada di is preventing famished people sei/.ing officials are anticipating great crowds of Corn— Whole, (3 1 ; cracked, (33. most powerful dictatorships in railroad icans in Cuba, with the use of-funds ily speculating on the likelihood of the entrymen when the office opens October root. Hay— Valley timotiiy. No. 1, (1 7 ® and eating decayed foodstuffs that have history. W ith the Eastern roads en­ supplied through some firm in New adoption of a Russo-American conven­ 28. Many people are going prepared 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, P. H. McCarthy has lieen nominated lieen thrown out by the storekeepers. joying an equal voice in the making of York. Simultaneously with the ar­ tion, the object of Mr. T aft’B visit to to stay on the land and attempt to get (19®20; clover, (1 1 ; cheat, (11; grain for mayor by the Han Francisco Labor Many tiodiea have been found in the transcontinental freight rates, J. C. rival of Parro at Havana three Santo Rnsiia being, it is alleged, to negotiate squatteis' lights. Every means of con­ hay, (11®12 alfalfa, (12®13. mud. A band of immigrants which had Stubbs is no longer the autocrat of the Domingans, well known on account of *>.n agreement between the United party. veyance will be pressed into service. Fruits— Apples, (l® 1 .7 5 per box; encamped on the quay awaiting a traffic world. Until the recent admis­ their previous revolutionary records, States and Russia. 1 he conviction pre­ cantaloupes, 75c® (l.50 per crate; The Harrlman and Fish factions art steamer lias not been seen since, and sion of the Eastern roads into the also arrived. vails here that war between Japan and Railway Naart Completion. peaches, 85c®( 1.10 per crate; prnnea, again fighting over the Illinois Central it is feared all were lost. The damage freight bureau, Mr. Stubbs, as general the United States is inevitable. Pendleton — Track laying on the 6 1 ®76cperorate; watermelons, l # l t » c railway. done is placed at (3,800,000. Fifteen traffic director of the Harriman lines, Decisive Victory fo r State. Umatilla Central, the branch line of per pound; pears, (1.25®1.50 per box; hundred stores were ruined. held a position which was unique. A general strike on the railways of Omaha, Sept. 28.— Judges T . C. Chemicals Produce Life. the O. R. A N. running to Pilot Rock, grapes, S0e3(1.50 per crate; casaba, Havana has started and may spread Munger and W . H. Monger, in the Paris, Sept. 27.— Remarkable experi­ 10 miles distant from Pendleton, is (2.25 per doxen; quincea, (1®1.25 per Company Building Stockade. Challenge Under Old Rules. throughout the island. United States court tonight denied the ments in the chemical development of progressing rapidly, and it is under­ box. Spokane, Oct. 1.— Hillyard, the London, Sept. 30.— The officers of injunctions asked for by the railroads life have been effected by Professor stood that the line w ill be completed Vegetables— Turnips, (1.25 per eack I t is reported that the Federal grand Great Northern’s town just beyond the within six weeks’ time. Thia will carrot«, (1.25 per sack; beef», (1.25 the Royal Irish Yacht clnb have de­ operating in Nebraska to prevent the De I.age, of the Corbonne. Professor jury In San Francisco has found six city limits of Hpckane, is agog today 1 \ ® I \ c per cided, instead of sending a reply to state railroad commission from enforc­ De Luge placed the unfertilised eggs of indictments against the Southern Pa­ over the building of what bears all the mean much tor the Pilot Rock country. p<^ sack; cabbage, pound; celery, 7 5 c® (l perdosen; corn, the New York Yacht club today, to call ing the laws reducing grain rate». The the sea urahin and the slar fish in sea cific and Pacific Mail Steamship com­ earmarks of a stockade in the company's Hopplcksrs Dig Beets. (1 ® 1.50 per sack; cucumbers, 10®16e a meeting of the Irish club for October restraining order issned some time ago water, adding a solution of sugar with pany for giving rehates. yards, presumably fo rjth e housing of few drops of ammonia and tannin. l a Grande— A large force of Japan­ per doien; onions, 15®20c per doaen; 2, at whioh the answer of the American by Judge T. C. Munger was dissolved. strike breakers from the East. Com­ Chicago's new ordinance covering ese are now harvesting the lieeU in ptrsley, 20c per doxen; peppers, Hi# clnb to Sir Thomas Lipton’s challenge Thia is regarded as a decisive victory In about an hour, segmentation began, street car lines will add (1,260,000 a pany officials refuse to discuss the high Grand Ronde. Meet of these are from 10c per pound; pnmpklna, 1 t » ® l tgc will be fully considered. Sir Thomas for the state, although it is presumed and the e«gs produced larvae. The board fence that haa arisen in a day year to the income of that city. the hop fields In the Willamette vai peen eet exactly but it ers were revived here and elsewhere event, being a majority of the board, all colonial etatutes authorising offi­ Pork— Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 8 ® erators today. He said the tight was today. Samuel J. Small, national pres­ the request of the striking New York cials to seixe American vessels for alleg­ 8t*o; packers, 7 @8 c . Rallroed Commissioner Wilson tried winning the admiration of the railroad will probably be about October 10. ident of the nnion, is now in 8t. Louis, operators will be refused. No official ed fishery offenses was proclaimed here Poultry— Aversge old hen», 13®14c to oonvince the jury that Ford had telegraphers everywhere and there need Poatoffica Called Harrlman. per ponnd; mixed chickens, 12®13c; and from there it was reported that he action has been taken, for the reason today. This, it is believed, w ill make nothing to do with bribing the San be no apprehension about the aid of the Prineville— A poetoffice has been es­ spring chickens, 13®14c; old roost­ waa in conference with the national that no communication haa yet been re­ it practically impossible for Premier Franiaooo supervisors. latter. It was declared that In ease tate i died in Harney county near Low- ers, 8®9c; dressed chickens, 16®17e; officers of the railroad telegraphers, ceived from the New York local. Bind to carry out a recently announced the strikers were asked to return to en. Thr new office is on the proposed turkeys, live, old, 16®17c; young, 18 and that inside of the next fortnight decision to enforce the fishery laws. Daniel A. Ryan haa been nominated work pending arbitration, they would developments might be expected in Bnras-Ontarlo railway line and has ®19c; geese, live, 8®9o; ducks, 15c. Cruiser Colorado Arrive». for mayor of San Franciaoo by the Re­ refuse. been named Harriman by the Postoffice Egga— Fresh ranch, candled, 31® that direction. San Francisco, flept. 28.— A wireless publicans. Great Radium Deposit In Tunnel, lepartment. 321,0 per doxen. message Irons the armored erniaer Col­ Geneva, Sept. 27.— A newspaper Mexico to Qreot Root. Another Blow to Saloon Hop»— 1907, 7®9c per pound; old, The government w ill spend (42,000 orado, of Rear Admiral Dayton’s squad­ states that Professor Joly has completed Sturgeon W eight 6IO Pounds. Mexico City, Mex.. Oct. 1.— The 4®5c per pound. In removing obstructions from tha Co­ Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 30.— The ron, received today at the naval train­ « geological examination of specimens official reception committee having Astoria— One of the largest sturgeon Wool— Eastern Oregon, average beet. state Supreme court today held the ing station in this harbor, report« that lumbia apovs Wenathee. completed arrangements for the recep­ ever caught in the Colombia river waa 16(£|22r per pound, according to shrink­ Pendleton law to be constitutional. all on board were well and that the of the strata collected in the borings for the Simplon tunnel. He fonnd rich Tbs Influx of Chiaeae into Jamaica tion of Mr. Root and party in this city brought to Hchmidt'a cold storage plant age; valley, 20®22c, according to fine­ This statnte abolishes saloons in all voyage ftom Honolulu had been nn- trace* of radium, indicating larger de­ Is bacomlng aerioua. Home action by is now considering that portion of their a few days ago. It weighed 510 pound« ness. cities ol 100,000 or leas, “ hereafter in­ eventfol. The.veesel will arrive here posits than hitherto discovered hi the government la likely. visit that w ill be spent in the Interior. and waa caught In a Baker s bay trap. Mohair— Choice, 29®30c per pound. corporated.” tomorrow. Europe.