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About The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1907)
The Estacada News luMd Each TtumJar Tells O perators President Roosivxlt Can End Strike. Chicago, Sept. 24 — “ 1 have positive ESTACADA ............... O R E G O N NEWS OF THE WEEK In t Condensed Form for Oar B uy Readers. A Rasuma o f the L a s* Important but Not L a s* Interesting Evenia o f tha Past W eak. An Anglo-Russlan sinned. treaty has been Rebel Moor* have at last accepted the French terms of peace. The San Francisco city jail has been condemned as unsafe. Heney feels confident of convicting Tirey L. Ford, of the United Railways, now on trial. Standard Oil lawyers say it is not the policy of that company to drive rivals to the wall. The Russian government has resum ed its policy of shooting suspected re volutionists without trial. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that the Great Northern must pay its fine for giving rebates. Pennsylvania and Kansas are assured of a 2-cent passengear rate by action of the executive officials of the roads in terested. The Standard Oil announces that as coon as present suits are finiehed it w ill reorganize and enlarge its ccapital, also that earnings will be published. Judge Lochren, of the United oourt, lias issued an injunction suspends the Minnesota rate law ing a final settlement of the case comt«. E S T A B L IS H P R IZE C O U R T . S M A L L FO R A R B IT R A T IO N , OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST inside information that the companiej are ready to arbitrate, and 1 pred ct to EASY TO QET CAR8. E A R N IN G S O F 8 L E E P E R S . you now that you will all h e at work within ten days, and that victory will be yours.” This was the information given cut by President 8. J. Small, of the strik ing commercial telegraphers, at the best at tend« 1 meeting held since the strike was declared. There were loud cries of " N o arbitration” when Presi dent Small began (¡¡leaking, but these grew weaker as he said: “ I think I have heard that cry be fore, but 1 want to say something on the ether side. It President Roosevelt should ask the companies to arbitrate, and they consented, what position would it place you In if you refused?’ "1 don’t know that you w ill get a chance to arbitrate,” he raid as the cries continued. “ If Colonel d o w ry has his way about It you won’t be given the char.ce. W e have had some bitter experence with arbitration, but if it cornea this time with the stamp of the United States government on it I be lieve we can afford to accept it.” Although he did not suy so, Presi dent Small gave the inference that Pres ident Rooeevelt was in a fair way to end the strike. He said it had already cost the companies $12,000,000. Chairman Wesley Russell said the cotton growers of the South are clamor ing for better telegraph facilities, and that many Southern associations had appealed to President Roosevelt. The situation, he said, looked decidedly hopeful. M. J. Reidy, of Boston, and 8. K. Konenkamp, of Pittsburg, [members of the national executive board, said the strike would he over in two weeks. H A G U E M E E T IN G B A R R E N . States which Dalagations Go to Peace Conference pend Without Preparations. in the The Hague, S^pt. 24.— After having been in session for over three months, Qrover Cleveland’s illness has be- and adjurnment probably a month in oome very serious. the distance, it is recognized generally A mining plant at Jonplin, Mo., has and even by.the most optimistic in the peace movement, that the second inter been blown up by dynamite. national peace conference hae been and The king of Slam is visiting in Ger will be at its conclusion, barren of re many and spending money lavishly. sults leading to permaneat measures of Chicago, Mllwakuee A SI. Paul offi benefit to the peace of the world. cials expect to see that road fininshed Even the proposition for a future to the coast in 1909. meeting of the conference, which was Mississippi has ordered the Gulf unanimously adopted has been b o alter Compress company to withdraw from ed as to suppress its most important part, namely, the periodicity of meet the state as it is a trust. ings, merely providing for the calling Dewey does not favor disposing of of a third conference, but establishing the Philippines and says there is no nothing with regard to convening of the danger of war with Japan. future conferences. The prevailing opinion as expressed The Japanese Foreign office hae de cided to leave Ambassador Aoki at by one of the leading delegates is that the absence of results in the conference Washington for the present. on fhe great questions was due to the The Englinsh steamer Lusitania has lack of preparation by all the countries started on her return trip to Liverpool represented. This, he raid, was esptc- and her officers hope to establish a new ially striking in the case of the Am eri reoord. can delegation, which was supposed to The govrenment has several experts have come here in complete accord with examining the hooka of the Standard the tatin-American comtries. Oil company between the years 1882 and 1892. H IS V A C A T IO N D A Y S O V E R . to Pullman Company Reports to State Railway Commission. Salem— The state railway commis Freewater — The several packing houses in this city have about complet sion has issued an order extending the ed their season's prune ¡lacking and time given the tiansportatton compan will now begin on the apple crop. ies of the state to file their annual re Over 100 carloads of fruit, chiefly ports to October 10. Ouiy six compan prunes, peaches, pears and plums, have ies sent reports, the W eils, Fargo, the been shipped from here during the past Denver A Rio Grande, the Salem, Falls 20 days over the O. R. A N . and the City A Western, the Pullman, the Cen W a lla W a lla Valley trolley line via tral Railway Union, and the Oregon A Sunset Logging company ol Clatakanie. the Northern Pacific. The shipper! say that since the ad Letters have been received from the vent ol the traction company and their Portland Railway, Light A Power com ability to furnish Northern Pacific re pany and the Rogue River Valley Rail- frigerator cars, troubles iiave ended re load company saying reports tied been garding the securing of cars as the O. sent, but so far they have not been re K. A N. agents have "loosened u p " ceived. The Swift Refrigerator Transporta wonderfully, and even take the trouble to call up the growers over the long tion company filed its report under distance telephone to ask if they can protest, aB not being a common carrier. The Sunset Logging company reports supply them cars. Such a state of affairs has heretofore been unknown in earnings of $10,914 05, operating ex this city, and of course the shippers penses $64,810.88, a deficit of $63,- 896.83. appreciate it. The Pullman company gives its gross The apple crop is a good one and top notch prices have already been offered earnings in operating cars wholly in and accepted. The apple trees have Oregon at $57,479.08, gross earnings been well sprayed this year and the on all lines entering Oregon $1,373,- good derived thereby ia already allowing 840.04, Oregon’s proportion of the iteelf by the absence of scale. There latter $323,289.49, receipts from car lines entering Oregon will be over 100 car loads of apples mileage on from this point. Hay shipments are $711.74, Oregon’s proportional share becoming general, the ranchers con $80.34; total expenses of operation signing their hay to points on Puget $859,356, Oregon’s share $197,037.28; property owned by the company in sound where prices are good. Harvesting has begun on the third Oregon used in the operation of cars alfalfa crop which promises to he above $112,25175. The cost of the cars could not be stated. the average ) ield. Trolley Lins Proves Great Aid Frssw atar Shippers. R E C O R D P R IC E PAID. New and Wonderful Hood Rivar Apple Brings 8 8 a Box. Can't Get C a re at Albany. Albany— Though local shippers of perishable goods are successful in get ting cars, the car shortage for grain shippers is now worse than ever. Pres ent conditions here are pronounced worse than that which prevailed last year, so far as grain dealers are Con cerned. Now the condition has readied such a point that exporters of grain cannot even get cars for Oregon ship ments. It is only in lire past few days that this condition has existed gene rally, though one shipper has had an ord( r in for 25 days for one car for an Oregon shipment and no car has come. Several orders have been in a week and are not being realized. Hood River— W h ile the contest as to who raised the biggest apple in Ore gon goes merrily on, a Hood River man settled any dispute that may arise thia year as to the highest price by an nouncing the sale of 40 boxes of apples at $8 a box. The fruit will go to Seeley, Mason A Co., of Portland, and was grown on the fruit farm of Oscar Vanderbilt, known as Beulah Land, a few miles from this city. The apples are of such large size that they will average the buyer about 11 cents apiece without the freight charges. Livestock Exhibit Large. As far as known, this tops the price Baleur — When the 12 new stock for anything ever grown in the apple line at Hood River or anywhere else. barns were put up on the state fair The apples are of ths variety known as grounds this year it was thought there Winter Banana, and were set out by was sufficient accommodation for all E. L . Smith, who formerly owned the the stock that would be exhibited for at But it was place Mr. Vanderbilt now resides on, least five years to come. necessary to fix up some extra stalls in as an experiment. The variety is a rare one, little being an old building for whatever horses for known of it, bat it has proved such a which there was no accommodations in the regular barns. There was suffi money getter that it is expected many cient room for all the cattle, hogs, more trees w ill soon be planted. When ripe the W inter Banana emits sheep and goats but these borrs were such a strong flavor of the tropical fruit filled nearly to the limit. The live it is named after that when placed stock exhibits far exceeded in number where it cannot be seen a box of them those of any former state fair. oonveys the idea that there is a bunch Immense Pear C ro p. of bananas hanging somowhere in the Medford— Two de Anjou pear trees vicinity. Several samples of the fruit placed on the old Soliss place on-Griffin creek, Helena, Mont., labor unions have which made a passing record two years ordered a strike on all industries in President Roosevelt Returns to W ash on display in the window of a store ago by producing something like $80 here weigh very close to a pound apiece. ington and Hard W ork. town to enforce a boycott on the tele worth of fruit for the tenant now on phone company, the place, this year eclipsed all records Oyster Bay, L. I., Sept. 24.— Presi T w o M ore Roads Report. by yielding no less than 67 packed Russia threatens armed intervention dent Roosevelt’s summer vacation at Salem— The following report has boxes of pears, which sold to a local his Sagamore H ill home w ill end at 10 In Persia. been received from the Valley Railway dealer for $2 per box, making a record a. tn. Wednesday, when he, with Mrs. Prohibitionist* aim to make W ash Rooeevelt, members of the family and company: Total earnings, $79,098; of $134 from a single crop from two ington, D. C., dry. operating expenses, including interest trees. The joke of it is that a little the executive staff, will take a special and taxes, $79,766.35; income from manipulation to give the grower the The crown prince of Japan is to visit train for Washington. operation, $831.74; par value of capi During the three and a half months benefit of the actual value of the Iruit Oorsa to investigate affairs there. tire president Iras (»copied the home tal stock, $1,000,000; amount issued, would have doubled the pr:ce. China has taken a decided step to stead he has had tire quietest and at $820,000. The Oregon A California ward parliamentary government. the same time the busiest vacation he railway company submitted the fol Brown Again Land Board Clerk, Many Eastern Democrats are uniting has indulged in Bince he became an oc- lowing: income, lease of road, $165,- Salem— The state land board at its on Governor Johnson, of Uhlo, for pres capant of the White House. The re 801.71; other income, $28,898.05; to last meeting re-elected George G. ident. cords show that since June 12 the pres tal income, $1,684,690; total deduc Brown clerk of the board and George tion, $1,362,379.07; net income, $322,- Mitchel, of The Dalles, deputy clerk. The Standard Oil inquiry at New ident has received 128 persons at Saga 320.69. The application of H . T. Hendryx and Y ork shows Rockefeller's income to be more Hill. Some of the callers have been distinguished foreigners and a few other for the purchase of approximately •bout $40,000,000 a year. T o Mine Coal N ear M adford. have made purely social calls, but the 2,400 acres of tideland on Csthlamet Fanatics at Zion City have been ar majority of them have been oilicia.s on Medford— The Pacific Coal company, hay, on the Columbia river, at the rate rested for torturing a woman to death strictly government business. ol Loe Angeles, hae bonded for $60,000 of $2 per acre was also taken up again In order to drive the devils out of her W h ile visitors have been compara the coal mine at the base of Roxyaun, and the final action contiued nntil the body. tively few, the work which the presi four miles east of here, belonging to the board could make a visit to the land in France and Canada have just signed dent has accomplished in other direc Medford Ccal A Mining company. The volved and ascertain the real value. His annual mes Los Angeles company is capitalised at a new commercial treaty. France is tion has been great. PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. given many more favorable terms than sage to congress ia piactically com $1,000,000. The deal was closed by R. pleted. The document needs only fin E. Dorn, manager ol the California before. Wheat— Club, 82c; bluestem, 84c; company, which agrees to thoroughly ishing touches, and but few of them. Eastern critics can’t prevent the voy explore the interior of the property, to valley, 82c;. red, 80o. age of the battleship licet to the Pacific, Oats— No. 1 white, $23.50024; gray, begin work within ten days and push It Thirty-two Hurt In W reck. as Roosevelt Is determined it shall $23023.50. Washington, 8ept. 24.— Thirty-two with proper diligence at all times. make the trip. Barley— Feed, $ 23 9 2 3 .6 0 per ton; passengers were injured, none serious brewing, $24.50024.75; rolled, $24.50 Railway Route to Lakeview. Emma Goldman, who has been at ly. by the derailment of the Chatta Klamath— Engineer Journey and his 925.50. tending an anarchist congress at Am nooga A Washington limited train on Corn — Whole, $29(330; cracked, sterdam, may not Ire admitted when the Southern railway, just north of corps cf engineers, who are surveying a ■he attempts to return to the United Ryan's Siding, Virginia, early today. line of railroa4 from Klamath Falls $30.60. Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $17(3 States. A broken rail was the cause of the ac east to Lakeview, have just succeeded after four survey! in finding a grade 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, Delegates to The Hague are unani cident. The entire train, compxised of $19020; clover, $11; cheat, $11; a bagggae car, day coach and three of 1 per cent through I .angel I valley mous for holding regular conferences. grain hay, $11(312; alfalfa, $12013. sleepers, being almost destroyed by and thence Into Lakeview. The sur Fruits— Apples, $101.60 per box; England it preparing to imlld a fire. A special train was quickly vey will be comparatively easy. En 7Sc0$1.26 per crate; fourth battleship of the Dreadnanght made tip and proceeded to this city gineer Journey is quoted as saying that cantaloupes, class. with all the passergers of the limited. as near as he can determine his instruc peaches, 6Oc0$1.25 crate; prunes, 5 0 0 tions are to finish to lakeview and then 75c per crate ; watermelons, 1(31 Lie per Russia ia to spend $10,000,000 con- The track was blocker) several hours. plums, 60075c per box; rtturn over the route to Klamath Falla. pound; struc ing new fartlflcations at Vladi grapes, 50c(3$l.50 per crate; caaa has, Honor Memory of McKinley. vostok. $2.25 per dozen. Hay Shipper Complains. Canton, Ohio, Sept. 24.— Thousands Vegetables— Turnips, $1 25 per sack; Bnrhank, the horticultural wizard, Salem— A letter has been received for of persons from many ¡lartaof the coun has an apple tree on which 73 varieties fhe state railway commission from A. carrots, $1.25 per sack; beets, $1.25 try will gather in Canton next Monday 1 L401 \ e per are grown. II. Denny, of lafayette, complaining of per sack; cabbage, to again honor the memory of the late the failure of the Southern Pacific Rail pound; celery, 76c0$l per doien; On that day the The Western Union claims to be able President McKinley. way company to send cars for shipment corn, $1(31.50 per sack; cucumbers, 10 to handle promptly all bualness east of splendid and imp wing memorial built of hay to Portland. The commission 0 16c per dozen; onions, 15020c per by contributions from hundreds of theus- Buffalo and north of Washington. has notified him that the railway is lia dozen; parsley, 20c per dozen; peppers, ands of persons I d this and other coun Japan may annex Corea to end the ble to a fine of $2 a day for failnrs to 8010c per pound; pampkins, 1 \ < A tries and erected under the direction of fnrniih cars within a certain time, and l * « c per pound; radishes, 20c per doi rebellion. the McKinley Memorial association, ha* notified the Southern Pacific it e n ; spinach, 6c per pound, squash, 50c The president of Attorney Da I mas may defend Thaw will he dedicated. 0 $ 1 per box; tomatoes, 40050c per must look into the matter. at his second trial. the United States will tie the principil box; sweet potatoes, 2L*c per pound. •¡leaker of the occasion, and other dis Onions— $1.50 per sack. N ew Salmon Industry. A wreck on the Mexican Central rail tinguished men will make addressee. Potatoes— -New, 80990c per hundred. road near the northern boundary of Astoria— Another industry has jnst Batter— Fancy creamery, 27 Li035o Mexico resulted in the death of 33 per been fostered or developed through the Leased Wire Men to Remain. < sona. canning or salting of salmon. It is the per pound. New York, Sept. 24.— A determined Veal— 76 to 125 pounds, 8 (3 sv* c ; salting of salmon heads and exportig H. H . Rogers’ breakdown is said to effort to pans a resolution railing cut them to Sweden on orders rtoeived from 126 to 150 pounds, 7Lie; 150 to 200 be due to immense losses on a new rail on strike regardless of Ihelr contracts, there. T ie prices paid are very re pounds, 607c. road he was backing, lie lias lost $60,- all newspapier wire and broker office Pork— Block, 75 to 160 pounds, 8 0 munerative and if the experiment la 000 , 000 . operators, was made at a meeting of sncceeaful the cost of salmon cheeks 8 H o; packers, 7 S 0 8 c . Ponltry— Average old hens, 14914 Lie Free trede In Philippine tobecoo and the local telegraphers' union today. will be greatly enhanced to oar local After a long debate, fhe resolution per pound; mixed chickens, 13013Lie; sugar ia likely to pass congress. buyers. __________ which has before been introduced at tptlag chickens, 13913Lie;-old roost The Thaw trial will likely he post meeting* of the strikers, was again Brawn Is Land B oard Clerk. / ers, 8 0 9c; dressed chickens, 16917«; poned from October to December. tabled, but it was said later with the Salem— At a meeting of the state turkeys, live, 15016c: geeej, lire, 8 0 Alton B. Parker aoctuse Roosevelt of understanding that it would be taken land board G . G . Brown was re-elected 8c; ducks, 15c. Eggs— Fresh ranch, candled, 30c per eleik of the state land board, John designing to overthrow the constitu np at a meeting tomorrow. -Micnel assistant clerk and C. R. Kher- doeen, tion. Moorish Cam ps Burned. hardt attorney of the land board. In Hope— 1907 Fngglee, 6 L i0 7 e per Both Great Britain and the United Casa Rlanca, Srpt. 24.— Negotiations place of McCally, resigned. perpeond; 1907 blusters, 7 0 8 c; olds. Slates want W . H. Ailsett, who was for tha cessation ri! hostilities having 406c. arrested In Chefoo, China, for murder. Eastern O regon Appointment. W ool— Eastern Oregon, average beat, fa il«), General Drnde today resumed A man has been a free ted who was the offensive, and burned the Moorish Salem— Governor Chamberlain has 18029c per poand, according toShrink- trying to see the president tn order to camps at Sidi Rrahim. south of Caaa appointed H. M. Cockbnrn a commis age; valley, 20029s, according to fine • e a r n hie aid in oollecttng $10,600,000 Blanca, and dispersed the tribesmen, sioner of the Third (Eastern Oregon) ness; mohair, choice, 29030c per h > m Rockefeller. pound. who offend bat little resistance. District Agricultural society. Hague Peaco Conference V ote* Groat Tribunal. on Tha Hague, 8ept. 23.— The sixth plenary sitting of the peace conference teday attiacted an unusually large au dience. The meiubeie of the Interna tional Seismologies I and Daily con- gieases, which were meeting heie, were piesent. In the oouree of the discus sion regarding the establishment of an international pr ze court, Senor Eeteva (M ex co) announced that the Mexican delegation would now vote in favor of the proposition, as the modification permitting a country interested in a case to have its own judge on the tri bunal largely does away with the objec tionable featuree of the earlier propo sition which be said contravened the principle of the equality of nations. Senor Esteva added that while Mexico would support the proposition to estab lish a prize court, she did not withdraw her opinion, repeatedly expressed, against the projeot to establish an in ternational couit of permanent arbitra tion, if bassd on a piincipie contrary to the equity cf the states. The pioposition to establish an in ternational prize comt was ultimately approved, Brazil atone casting a vote against it. Russia, Japan, Siam, Ven ezuela, Turkey and Persia abstained from voting. On the motion of President Nelidoff, the resolution in regard to convening the third peace conference, introduced September 19, was unanimously adopt ed, together with the expression of gratitude to Emperor Nicholas, as the initiator of the conference and to (Jueen W ilhelm ina for her hoepitality. P iio r to the vote, M. Tsukui, head of the Japanese delegation drew cordial applause because of his expression of appreciation of the personal initiative of Emperor Nicholas in bringing about the meeting of the convention. J O H N D. T O T E 8 T IF Y . Federal Government Wants to o f Standard Oil. Know New York, Sept. 2 3 — John D. Rock efeller, genius, extraordinary of the gigantic Standard Oil trust, will be forced to take the witness stand and un der oath divulge certain secrets of the comt ¡nation’s history, which he, better than any other, is able to render ac curately. Other leading figures in the trust, who, it was expected, would es cape the ordeal, also will be called to face Deputy Attorney General Frank Bellegg’s formidable inquisitorial bat tery. Those in charge of the government's case in the Federal suit to dissolve Standard Oil as a corporation violator of the Sherman anti-trust law decided today that the issuing of more subpe- nas is necessary. Although Mr. K el logg would not tell who will be com pelled to testify, the fact remains that the cnly men in possession of many much sought secrets who have not been subpenaed are John D. Rockefeller, W illiam Rockefeller, W . H. Flagler, Oliver H. Payne, John D. Archbold and H. H. Rogers. It is believed that, with the possible exception of W illiam Rockefeller and H. H . Rogers, ail theae men can be forced to appear in oonrt. W illia m Rockefeller suddenly disappeared from the city the other day and Mr. Rogers is declared to be in no condition to un dergo examiation. N O E F F O R T S T O HIDE F A C T S . San Francisco Health Officials Will Tell Truth About Plague. San Francisco, Sept. 23.— At a joint meeting t jday of the Federal, state and municipal authorities to discuBS the bubonic plague situation, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: “ Resolved, That it be the sense of this meeting that the fullest authorized publicity be given to the plague situa tion in the city at all times; that the newspapers be requested to publish such reports as may be furnished by the department of pubi c health; that the interests of the city are best served by this course.” The decision henceforth to encourage publicity is In line with the views held from the beginning by the federal authorities. The total number of verified cases of plague to date is 39; deaths, 22; un verified suspects, 23. JOHN D’S BIG SHARE DE FIE S T E X A S L A W S . Standard Oil Doae Business in Btatd Under Alias. New Rockefeller Has 247,690 Shares ef standard Oil. Y oik , 8ept. 20.— That the Standard Oil company is operating un der the name of ibe Corsicana Refining oompany in the etate of Texas, which has forbidden the oil combine to o p erate within VALUE HAS DECREASED GREATLY yesterday the state, was indicated when Wesley H. Tilfcrd, treasurer of the Standard Oil company, under examination in the government’s Big Oil Combine Has Made Profits o f O ver Eight Hundred Mil* lions Since 1882. suit against the company, testified that H . C. Fulger and C. M. Payne, whom Mr. Kellogg, the attorney for the gov ernment, etates, control the Corsicana company, are prominent in the conduct New York, Sept. 21.— Records of the of the affairs of the StanJard O il oom- stockholders of the Standard Oil com auy. Mr. Kellogg sought to draw from the pany of New Jersey, laid bare yester witness the information that the Corel* day at the hearing of the government’s cans company was really a Standard suit for the dissolution of the alleged Oil company and was operating in oil combine, disclosed the fact that John D. Rockefeller owns 247,690 Texas because the anti-trust laws of shares, or nearly five times as much that state would not permit the com any other individual share bine to operate. M r. Tilford replied holder, and that he and his associates that as far as be knew the Standard Oil company had no interest in Texas. He who signed the trust agreement in 1882 said that M r. Folger and Mr. Payne ■till control a majority of the stock. were both officers of the Standard Oil Measured by the present market price company, but he was not aware that of $440 a share, the holdings of Mr. they owned the Corsicana company. Mr. Kellogg spent a busy day tracing Rockefeller in the Standard Oil com pany have a value of $109,000,000. the various changes in development of The stockholders’ reeord of August 17, Standard Oil from the time of ite in 1907, shows that the University of Chi ception in 1882, when the trust was cago Is the owner of 5,000 shares of formed, until the trust was dissolved in 1899 and the Standard Oil company of Standard Oil stock. The depreciation in the price of the New Jersey was formed. M r. Kellogg stock within the past 10 years, about developed many of his questions from the time the agitation began, has been the trust agreement of 1882, which was more than $400 a share. Since legal contained in the bill of complaint filed proceedings against the Standard Oil in St. Louis last December, when the company were instituted, the stock has present action was commenced. stock, as steadily declined, until it is now around $440. This represents a loss of over $100,000,000 on the holdings of John D. Rockefeller. The shrinkage in the market value of the stock coat the University of Chi cago about $2,000,000. Accountants for the government are still engaged on the records of the li quidating trustees and ledgers obtained from the Standard Oil company, and, while the examination has not been fully completed, it is said that the books show that from 1882 to the pres ent time the oil combine has earned between $800,000,000 and $900,000,- 000. It is expected that r.ext week the exact figures will be produced in oourt. E IG H T E E N M IN E R S K ILLE D . C age D rops 760 Feet to 8haft. Bottom of Negannnee, Mich., Srpt. 21.— By a cage plunging 760 feet down the shaft of the Jones A Laughlin iron mine, 11 men were killed and seven fatally in jured. The cage with its human freight was being lowered on its first trip of the day, when the brake sudden ly failed to hold. Two other men sprang to the assistance of the one at the brake, but their efforts did not avail and the wire cable continued to unreel from tiie drum like thread from a spindle. The cage shot down a couple of hun dred feet before a kink in the too rap idly paying oat cable caused it to part and from that point the cage had a sheer drop to the bottom of the shaft. The safety catches with which it was equipped failed to operate. The surg ing of the cable and its mad flight tore out part of the side of the engine house and ripped out several of the sheaves in and about the shaft bouse. W o rk men at the bottom of the mine imme diately set about the task of removing the dead. The bodies lay in one pile, a mass of lifeless flesh and blood. The bone* of the bodies were so shattered that the men, when they struck, were piled on top of each other like so many pelts of leather. Seven men were found still alive. W hen si) the miners came from un der the ground and many aDxious wives and others failed to find members of the families who worked in the mine, the scene was pitiful. Priests and min isters moved among the people consol ing them and begging them to be calm. N E G O T IA T E W IT H R O O S E V E L T . Operators Seek Arbitration— Rum or* o f Diasention in Ranks. New Ycrk, Sept: 20.— Conflicting re ports regirding the early settlement possibility of an of the telegraphers’ strike were current tonight. From one unofficial source it was given out that direct negotiations with President had been opened Rooeevelt, seeking his aid in bringing about arbitration. cording Thomas, to of thia the authority, Ac Percy national union, and Daniel L. Russell, ex-president of the New York local, had a two-hours’ talk with the president at the latter’s home in Oyster Bay, on Wednesday Ikst. This could not be confirmed tonight, but Mr. Russell did say: "T h e most important action taken in connection w ith the strike was made on Wednesday, and we are satisfied that it will bring a speedy and satisfac tory settlement.” M r. Russell, wlio is also chairman of tbe local strike committee, added that word had reached him late tonight that two members of tbe union had gone to Washington to see I-abor Commissioner Neill and to express to the commis sioner dissatisfaction w i.h the conduct of the strike. W A R R A N T S FO R G R A F T E R S . Builders and Architects o f Pennsyl vania Placed Under Bond. Philadelphia, reached this Sept. city 20.— Warrants late this afternoon from Harrisburg for tbe arieet of Geo. F. Payne, builder of the etate capitol, Charles G . Wetter, his partner, and Stanford Lewis, an associate of Archi tect Huston, who planned the capitol. Counsel for Payne and Wetter waived hearings and bail for Payne was fixed at $10,000 and for Wetter at $9,000. Counsel for Lewis accepted service in his behalf and furnished $4,000 bail for his client’s appearance in court. Payne ia said to be ill at Mount Clemens, Mich. Warrants for George K . Storm and John C. Niederer, of New York, stock holders in a concern which manufac tured the lighting fixtures of the capi tol, also arrived here today. The men are supposed to be in New York and it is slated that unless they accept service the warrants w ill be served in that Japanese A re P ou rirg In. Victoria, B .C , Sept. 21.— The steam city. er Indiana arrived at quarantine with Japan Excludes F o r e ig n * ». New spapers Will Fight. 275 Japanese destined for Vancouver, London, Sept. 23.— A dispatch to the and remained at quarantine until some New Ycrk, Sept. 20.— The annnal Times from Pekin today says that the time last evening in order to reach meeting of the members of tbe Associ labor troubles at Vancouver are being Vancouver about 3 o’clock this morn ated Press was held at the Waldorf- followed with much interest in the Far ing. The Japanese had heard of riots Astoria hotel here. Those in attend East, where an analogous problem has in Vancouver, and were anxious to land ance numbered 250, while probably 400 now arisen between China and Japan. here. The Shinano Maru also brought others were represented by proxy. The Japaneae imperial ordinance No. 325, 312 Japanese, 193 being for Victoria business transacted was of a purely rou of July 27, 1899, vigorously forbids all and Vancouver and 119 for Seattle. Ac tine nature, except a change in the date foreigners, whether Europeans, Am eri cording to advices by the Shinano of the annual meeting from the third can or Chinese, from working in Japan Maru, cholera is epdiemic in many Wednesday in September to the third as laborers in argiculutral, fishing, [arts of Japan. Tuesday in A p r il. A resolution ap mining, manufacturing and other class proving the course of the officers of the es of industry outside of the narrow association in dealing with the strike of T w o M o » P lsgu * Deaths. residential settlements. San Francisco, Sept. 21.— The total telegraphers was unanimously adopted. number of bubonic plague case* to date, Attack on Union Pacific. McKinleys in N ew T om b. as reported at today's meeting of the Omaha, N eb., ,8ept. 23.— The Trav board of health, is 35, an increase of Canton, O., Sept. 20.— Tonight the elers' Protective aeeociation today filed two over yesterday’s score. Twenty of new bronze casket containing the re complaint against the Union Pacific, these 36 have died, and there are 20 mains of Mrs. McKinley rests in a sar charging that the rood was refusing to patients nnder observation as unveri cophagus in the McKinley mausoleum. haul any but personal baggage on over fied suspects. The wholesale merchants On gnard at the tomb are United States land limited trains and asking that the south of Market street, in the water regular eoldiera. A half mile distant road place chair cars on the overland front neighborhood, have united in a to the south, in the vault that has held and Los Angeles limited, to that local statement to the authorities that they the remains of President McKinley, passengers will not be forced to pur will at once begin s general campaign ■till reefs the body of tAe late president, chase Pullman seats. The attention of of cleaning up their premises and dis but In a new casket. Here, too, sol the commission is else called to the trict«. diers are on watch. The work of trans delorable indifference and impudence ferring the bodies of the McKinleys to of agents and operators along the Union Largo Float la Gathering. the vanlt wrs entrusted to a Canton Pacific. Ssn Francisco, Sept. 21.— The grow undertaker. ing fleet of warships In the bay was Got After tha Papor Trust. added to today by the arrival from . Island Assembly Catted. New York, Sept. 23.— Members of Bremerton navy yard of the armored Manila, Sept. 20.— The governor the American Newspaper Publishers’ cruiser Charleston. The ernisor pro general has inued a formal proclama association have appointed a commit ceeded at once to Mare island, where tion convening the national assembly tee and instructed it to call th* atten she joined the cruisers Albany, Cin on October 18. ' Plans have been made tion of President Rooeevelt to what the cinnati, Raleigh and a number of ter* to render tbe Inangnial session of tbe association asserts ia an unlawful com p*do boat destroyers. Ia all probabil ateembly a brilliant function. The bination of paper manufacturers to ity all of the Teasels will remain at the members of tbe Philippine commission ksep up the price of white paper and navy yard nntil the coming of the believe that there is a prospect of the to demand relief from what they con cruiser squadron from Honolulu. early paasege of a public otiiitisa law , sider an oppressive burden. The ac based on the recent railway late legis tion la the subject of nrmcroas opin Date For Pet I ¡boo« Trial. lation of congress. An elaborate recep ions here from both side*. Boia«, BepL 11.— By agreement of tion will be tendered Secretarv Taft. »ttoraeys and the court, th « trial of Army o f Shoewortrers Out. George A. Pettibone is fixed for Octo Cxolgosx'e Parents P o o r. 8L Louis, Sept. 23.— A conservative ber 4. Judge Hawley expects to with Cleveland, O., Sept. 20 — M . Ceol- •stimate places the number of shoe fac draw Horn the Borah case in order to gooi and his w ife^psrent^of the semee- tory worker* oat here, at 95,006. The •ive all his time to preparatioa for tha iq of President McKinley, have applied companies, at a mooting today, decided PettiboB# trial. Pettibone is charged to the city charity department fr r • as not to accede to any demands made by with complicity ia the murder of gov- sistance. Csolgou ia 83 and bit wife I ernor Steonenbtef. the strikte«. 75 years old.