s t o r n ila NO. 42 of VOL,. E S T A C A D A , O R EG O N , T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 26, 1907. 3 Chippaway LO CAL I Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Wilcox were in town Tuesday. P Water-proof and High Cut SLICKER SUITS W e can fit you out with a full outfit in Wet weather Goods H. N. North LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW Round and Square T A B L E S Spreads for Tables, Stands & Couches =FIRNITIRE= I NEW STOCK & WALL PAPER PATTERNS"! Give us an opportunity to show our goods and quote prices H. COOPER & CO. THE T * « © (S ^ < S !© < 8 !8 > ® ? S ® § 8 > G § 3 > S « Ladies’ New Hats The New Fall and Winter Styles can now be seen Foot Wear In All Sizes I D A L E ’S at the close of business Sept. 23, 1907 RESOURCES LIA BILITIES 19 Capital stock paid up Surplus 31 Undivided profits Checking accounts 35 Demand certificates j 7 Time certificates 00 Savings deposits 00 45 Trusts, commissions & escrows 30 77 $20000 1000 132 16919 00 00 05 99 64907 58 9554 10 568 02 92935 72 Total E. L. F R A L E Y , Cashier turned home Monday from Colum­ State of Oregon, J bia Slough. ' County of Multnomah i ss Be it remembered, that on this 24 day of Merchants Dale and R. W. Cary Sept. 1907, personally appeared Geo. Estes, president and E. L. Fraley, were transacting business in Port­ cashier of the Estacada State Bank and acknowledged to me that they land, Tuesday. signed the within statement and that the same is a true statement of the Phones have been placed in T . J. resources and liabilities of the Estacada State Bank on Sept 23, 1907. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the Reagan's residence and M. H. Rich­ 24 day of Sept. 1907 ard's residence. (Seal) Edwin L- Minar, Dr. and Mrs. Smith and son Sim Notary Public for Oregon. started out to Salmon yesterday to — be gone a few days. Portland, Oregon, Sept. 11, 1907 Miss Zoa Irwin departed for Cor­ To Whom It May Concern: vallis this week to join her parents This is to certify that I have examined the at their new home. assets and liabilities of the Estacada State Bank of August 23, 1907 and C. F. Hortre has had material from tlle examination I have made I have found that the bank is solvent hauled for an addition to be built at and amply able to pay all of its depositors in full; and with the addi- the rear end of the store. tional securities placed in my hands today, the bank is more than able to pay all demands and have a large surplus remaining. Little Mildred Ferry sung a song A L E X SW E EK . at the entertainment Saturday night which greatly pleased the audience. Estacada, Oregon, Sept. 24, 1907 That commodious, new waiting To Whom It May Concern: room makes one dizzy to look at. This is to certify that we have examined the And the band— its out of sight too. assets and liabilities of the Estacada State Bank and from the investiga- The families of R. S. Blew and tion we have made we believe that the bank is solvent and amply able . K - W - Garver have moved; the lat- to pay all of its depositors in full; and with the additional securities put ter to Portland and the former to in the hands of Judge Sweek, we believe the bank more than able to meet I Seaside. all demands and have a surplus remaining. • Respectfully submitted, J. J. Davis was in town Tuesday, | Committee of Investigation. having just come in from OakGrove creek where lie has a party of e n -! --------------------- ■ ■ ------ gineers. out-star Eagle Creek providing the A . Demoy and family who have Creekers dont twinkle too much, A lived on the Max Kleatsch place the j H Cooper & Co. has just got in past year have moved down toward j a fine line of j apanese Mattings to Currinsville. suit their increasing trade. Also a Max vonNewmann, who is now line of Japanese Rugs which they in the employ of the O. R. & J i . at will give away—one to each custom­ j Albina, visited Estacada and his er who buys $20 worth of goods or upwards. home near here Sunday. § John Cassidy, P'rank Morris and In t George Cple started Monday for the NOTICE FOR BIDS Success follows advertising.-Wa- namaker. There must Ire something of the devil in the person who claims to know what old “ Satan” would do if he were a certain other person. The equality of day and night as relates to their respective duration of time took place Monday. It was equinox day. Twice during the j year is daylight and darkness given about equal parts of the twentyfour | hours of the day. This is one of \ the most important things of nature and from it man, in his scientific re­ search,- has learned and reasoned out the movements of the Krth. Bids will l>e received at the Re­ Shoshone Falls country to invest in corder’s office for 60M (sixty thous­ a piece of irrigated land. and) feet of 3-inch plank for the A sidetrack is being constructed City of Estacada. Said plank to be which will run from the main line , , .................. . delivered on the streets. Bids will to the warehouse which will be put . , , . , . , , , , , be opened 1 uesday night at 9 p. m. up just west of the Golden Eagle „ ^ , 1 . Oct. 1st. 1 he council reserves the hotel. right to reject any or all bids. Miss Mary Wonier, who is now A . N. JO H N SO N , Forty Angora Goats with the Cary Hardware Company, Recorder. VS/ has lieen engaged as telephone op D. F. Warner returned from Sil- erator by the Estacada Telephone verton last week. While up there TO LO A N Company. he bought forty thoroughbred A n ­ Rev. Chas. T. McPherson and gora goats, half ewesand half weth­ $400 at 6 per cent. family went to Portland Tuesday, ers. He intends driving them down $600 “ where Mr. McPherson will attend here for his ranch near town. $800 “ “ “ _the annual conference of the M. E. $ 1500 ‘ ‘ church during this week. See Bank of Estacada. Persons purchasing 25Cts worth of Lighthouse soap at Sparks’ store get their choice of any one of the beautiful pictures which are given away with each 25Ct sale of soap. Tuesday a number M young peo­ ple went out to Lora Stormer’ s and gave her a surprise, and it vvas a surprise for the family were retired for the night. But they were s< >11 awakened and the crowd proceeded to enjoy themselves. Outdoor games ; were played until 11 when they sa^ down to an oyster supper prejxired Mr. and Mrs. R. fi. Blew came work to do in the driers are very by Mrs. Stormer. A fine time is over from Seaside, fo ra visit with busy. ' reported. Tim Linn and wife made a trip the Hunt family and others of their A game of baseball was played former neighbors in the Garfield 1 to Portland Saturday and drove , here Sunday between two star teams l>ack to Linn's mill in the evening neighborhood. i in which every players tarred to the Mrs. Kate Irvin returned Friday in the moonlight. limit. It took ten innings to see from a visit with Dr. C. B. Charl­ Miss Ethel Starr has been engaged' which side starred the starriest and f to teach the Bowman school this ton in Portland^ to decide which could get 13 scores H. M. Wing has returned from season, and will begin work Oct. 1st first. The wirlners claim they can | his trip into some of the Eastern Miss Starr comes from Trontdale. Will Build TO G E T T H E B E S T FIR an d CEDAR SHINGLES in Oregon go to R. Fanton’ s mill 12 miles east of Estaca­ da for them, or seud orders to his address. : : : : : : : Fir Shingles...................$g 10 Red Cedar.....................$2 25 AT MILL DELIVERED TO ESTACADA OR SURROUNDINGS Fir Shingles.............* $ 2 50 Cedar ........................... $ 2 65 Until further notice, R. F A N T O N , Estacada, • Ore R F D 1 Umbrellas Get one before the rainy season begins 986 03 S Q) fit y) Wet Weather Report of the Estacada State Bank L. R. Woods is going into the Cash on hand $2200 employ of the O. R. & N. Deposited in the Oregon Ed. feray has the work of paint­ Trust & Sav’ gs Bk a «55 Deposited in Ladd&Til- ing the Garfield schoot'house. ton 878 H. W . Greeu and family and Ed. 14015 Loans & discounts Kaffoury are home from hoppicking Bonds & warrants 3Qo x:' Monday J. R. Wilson and John Banking house Etc 2 3 30 Zobrist purchased the Ferry restu- Real estate 5^27 rant. Expense 35 » Total $114067 Photographer Bonney of Viola is contemplating starting a gallery in Estacada. Geo. E S T E S , President Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Palmateer re­ The Best Shoe for the Hand Made throughout. NEW S $t A Y E A R J. R. Townsend has purchased of the Estacada State Bank a lot on Main street across from The News office, and will put up a two-story building. The front of the lower portion w’ill t>e occupied on one side by a shoe shop and store, and on the other side by Mrs. Townsend as a dressmaking parlor. ( hambrrtainto Couqh Remedy One of the Best on the Market For many years Chamberlain’s cough remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity until it is now one of the most staple medicines in use and has an enormous sale. It is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases, such as coughs, colds ami croup and can al­ ways be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to take and is undoubtedly the beat in the market for the purposes for which it is intended. Sold by K.stacar’ a Drug htore. SHOES t We have recently received a big stock of Shoes. The line includes all sizes and styles. This is a fine assortment to select from A. E. SPARKS THE BANK OF ESTACADA Transacts A General Banking Business Capital, $6,0 0 0 .0 0 Money to Loan on Real Estate INSURANCE This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. have Real Estate for sale, list it with property of our own for sale and can 11s, as we If you have no push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. Reliable Goods FOR LAUNDRY Crystal White Soap, Golden Star Soap, Lenox Soap, Fells-Naptha Soap, Gossem Soap, Baby Elephant Soap, FOR TOILET Jap Rose Glycerine Soap, White Almond Soap, White Borax Soap, White Ivory Soap, Grand Pa Tar Soap HOWE'S Lame Back Misi"Lena Lehman was called to This is an ailment for which Chamber­ ’ her home at Damascus last Wednes- lain's pain balm has proven especially ; day because of the sudden death of valuable. In almost every instance it af­ her father. Mr. Lehman was at fords prompt and permanent relief. Mr. Luke LaGrange of Orange, Mich, says of work down in the well when a piece it: “ After using a plaster and other reme­ 1 of scantling fell and struck him on dies for 3 vrecks for a bad lame back I the head causing death almost in­ purchased a bottle o f Chamberlain's pain stantly. He was an old and much balm and 2 applications effected a cure’ ’ respected citizcu. Sold at Estacada Drug Store