'I '►♦■I M l I' I I-t-i-l-l-S- M '4-l-t-M -l ¡■♦ •M '-l-t-l-a L et Saturday the people living Recitation, The Courtin’ by Mary PROFESSIONAL CARDS N K \V S , fuel is set on f.re. When it has GKO. C BR O W N ELL W. A. H E Y L M A N burned out, the clay has been hard­ in Highland school district No 1 1 1 I Wonicr O R EG O N C IT Y Pl'BI.lSHHO THURSDAY’ MORNING ened into one great brick, as wide voted a tax levy w hich it is believed I The class colors, Yale blue and j Dr. C. B. SMITH BROWNELL and HEYLMAN I as the road aud as long as may lie. 1 will bring in enough money with white, were in prominence during : PH YSICIAN & SURGEON ATTORNEYS AT LAW II. A. W ILLIAM S This brick is not bard, but it will which the district will be build a the evening. O F F IC E and R E S ID E N C E PRACTICE IN AU# COI RTS This class is composed of fourteen wear off slowly and not get muddy. new $600 school house and furnish EntoreJ « th# rcctc.'llc! In Ertctla. Oreten. u Over the Bank of Kstacada All kinds of I#cgal Business promptly attended to I A mile of this road can be built for it. The building will be 24 by 36. members with Mrs. T . J. Reagan — - * Estates and Probate Matters carefully taken care of as teacher, and was organized July about $1,400. P II O X E SUBSCR IPTIO N R A TES I 1, 1907, w ith Mary Womer as presi ! Mrs. B. O. Boswell expects to' When a town fellow visits a coun­ On# ye#r ..................... Si 00 SO try home and they se t him down to have an operation performed on her dent, Sim Smith vice president, S i x months Mary Dale secretary, and George' a table laden with hickory wood injured wrist today. It was found William K. Havüand, M. D. Townsend treasurer, and Jh e fol that instead of a sprain, one bone AUGUST 22, 1907 smoked ham as sweet as nectar, lowing nitnvjiers: Edna Miller, Zoa PHYSICIAN and SURGEON fried eggs fresh from the chicken was fractured and another dislocat­ Irwin, Mary Groff, I.ora Stormer, OiTice at drug store ed, and must lx- placed back in po­ Iistacada The bridge question at Kstacada factory, home made bread, butter of Estacada, Oregon- - -r™ seems to hang on with the persist­ ! churned before breakfast, milk and sition. The injury was received in Kittie Reagan, Josie Cadanau, Kola R E SID E N C E Coop, Paul Wonicr, Neil Bronson, M ANUFACTURERS OF A L L C LA SSES OF ency of grim death. It is “ settled” cream that never saw chalk or wa­ a fall some time ago. Corner Sliafford and Fourth Phone Will Dale and Bert Page. and then it's not. It is more of a ter, with a score of sweetmeats and JE L L Y G LA SSES knot than not. The bridge must pastries and fruits, and then apolo­ We have a nice lot that we make a Henry Brown who was so badly ! I e replaced with a safe structure to gise to him for not having some­ low price on. Cooper & Co. Dr. R. VV. ANDERSON hurt in a ruti-a-way last Thursday, 1 protect human life. It can Ire re­ thing to eat, he can not help but D ENTIST is said to be getting along nicely at paired to last several years but that wonder what they do have when Of rooms 41-2 Hamilton Bldg. Portland Rich Gold Find the hospital. His injuries were cqp- ■ is possibly thought impracticable. they are expecting company. The ++ sidered quite serious. Mr. Brown Will visit Iistacada every Saturday It is necessary for it to be fixed but American Farmer. Startling news lias reached civil- stepped in by the whippletrets to 1 II >t necessary for it to be moved an — zation that a rich strike has been remove a tie that had fallen off the ttt Office with Dr. C. B. Smith £££High grade building material a specia!ty£t+++ tier asouable distance down stream. Ancient barbarism and the old, made in the Olge mountain mines load, when the team started, and he There are many reasons why it warlike spirit of long ago is trying in this county. Samples of the ore was knocked down on the platform j should not lie moved, anil but one hard to make the world see a men­ from the newly discovered vein are and the whole load of ties passed If You Are Going to Build, We Can Fit reason why it should be moved and ace to its i>eace in the propose! 1 visit said lo assay from $400 to $1072 to over him. The wheel struck his that is that it will shorten the road Attorneys at Law You Out to the Top Notch in Every­ of a good portion of Uncle Sam 's the ton. It is predicted that a big groin and pas ,ed down the leg break | between Springwater and Iistacada navy to the Pacific. The civilized rush to the rich fields will follow at ing it fearfully. ¿^ ■ "X o rta rv Public. General Law by a half mile. We believe that for thing nations should realize that the wa­ once Olge mountain is 011 the Practice, M01 tgages foreclosed, Ab- ‘ the following reasons the old site ters of the globe are tile public south boundary of Clackamas coun­ straets furnished Cooper & Co. have received a lo t1 Mouldings in All Styles should be retained: The county highways for any vessel that wishes ty south of F .acada. of jelly glasses which are on sale j is limited to $5000 and while this to sail them. The navy of the U- M O N EY LO A N E D at special prices. will build on the old site, the lower nited States lias as much right to Chur< !ics Unite site will take several thousand dol­ sail around in the Pacific as it has l a r s more. The difference of a lu jf Hon. W. P. Bartlett and Mrs. O F F IC E S : 2 , 3 & 4 , A X D R E S B N BI.D . W, A. JO N ES is our selling agent in Estacada, Oregon to spend its time in idle dalliance Some time ago the K. M. church mile will not bring one pound more Bartlett, of Eau Claire, W is., visit­ O r e g o n C i t y O reg o n along the Atlantic seaboard where at Currinsville applied for admit­ produce to town, nor lessen the dif­ Telephone connection direct with mill ^ our cities are 75 per cent, foreigners tance to the M. E. church, and on ed W. A . and Mrs. Heylman last ficulty of getting here. A good week. Mr. Bartlett, who is presi­ and the rest have gone to sleep. It Tuesday evening this week Presid­ road I ads to the old bridge but a should come West and see what A- ing Elder Rowland, Rev. McPher­ dent of the Union National Bank of road to the lower site will cost a Eau Claire and extensively interest­ tnerica really is like. Sheriff’s Sale son and T. S. McDaniels held a gr-at deal. While the lower site ed in timber lands in Coos county In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­ meeting at the Currinsville church will shorten the distance for many, is in the West looking after proper­ CLACKAMAS COUNTY egon, for the County of Cluckanias. Kugene Schmidt was convicted and that organization was taken in­ ty in this state aud Washington, it will make others’ road to town Mrs. K. M. Burnieiiter, Plaintiff longer! The money that a new of a crime, and those who were op­ to the Kstacada M. K. charge. For cSmbinding business with pleasure p r o p r ie t o r VS . . / the present at least the Kstacada Amos I#. Love joy, William R. LovC- road would cost could be used to posed to his political program con­ while on his vacation. Mr. Bart­ pastor will preach at Currinsville. jov, A. Lawrence Hudson, A. C. tended that for that reason he was much greater benefit and advantage Good rigs and careful drivers always lett is one of the ablest and best ____ V Gowdy and Elizabeth G ow ly, The supreme CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY in other placei near Kstacada. It no longer mayor. known lawyers in his state; a man lawful heirs of Elizabeth Lovejoy, SPECIAL ATTENTION 606-608, Chamber of Commerce, Rural Phone Growth would be poor judgement to spend court has decided that the convic­ of integrity and one whose counsel deceased. Defendants. P O R T L A N D , O REGO N Given Hunting and Pishing Parties several thousand dollars only to tion of Mr. Schmidt has ousted him State of Oregon, | is always sought by everyone who County of Clackamas j There are now more than a hun­ knows him. His judgment is never shorten a good road a half mile from office. Full equipment of maps, plats, ab­ By virtue of a judgement order, decree dred telephones in use in and around questioned. Mr. Heylman says he when other places are wanting any WOOD & LUMBER and an execution, duly issued out of and stract books and tax rolls Kstacada. The rural lines are pro­ was much pleased to see his old kind of an old road. For 50 years Local and Long Distance Telephone under the seal oí the above entitled court portioned as follows— Currinsville “ perceptor,” as he graduated in the old site has been considered the in the above entitled cause, to me duly HAD AN AM F it TIME Agents for Clackamas County Land directed and dated the 30th day of July, 16, Falls line 12, Springvvater 14, the profession under the guiding best and cheapest on the Clackamas M O N EY LO A N E D 1907, upon a judgement rendered and en­ Central 14, Garfield 14. There are hand of one whose judgment lie be­ But Ch^irtcrlrin’ s Cciic. Cholera end Di­ river. Dont abandon a good road T IT L E S P E R FE C T E D At a meeting of the board of city yet a number of prospective patrons tered in said court on the 16th day of arrhoea Remedy Cured Him for the sake of mere nothing and a lieves never has been questioned April, 1907, in favor of Mrs. E . M. Bur- aldermen Tuesday evening an ordi­ who will have phones put in their It is with pleasure I giveyou this unso­ heavier coutlty debt. meikter, Plaintiff, and against Amos L . nance was presented fixing tlii city homes or in their places of business. licited testimonial. About a year ago I E. F. & F. B. RILEY, The News is an advocate of more I Lovejoy, William R. Lovejoy, A. Law ­ had a severe case of measles I got caught recorder’ s salary at $ 1 5 3 month. Those who have had phones put in and lietter roads, but the advantage out in a had rain and the measles settled Attorneys, Counselors a t Law re n ce Hudson, A. C. Gowdy and Eliza* Hills amounting to about $500 were their homes fined them a great con­ j be til Gowdy, lawful heirs of Elizabeth gained in a new road and a dollar in my stomach and bowels. I had an aw­ allowed. It w as ordered that water venience. ; Lovejoy, deceased, Defendants, for the ful time and had it not been for the use spent must lie taken into consider­ pipes should be built to the house ! sum of $234 principal and interest, and ation. We believe in progression Joe Nicholson killed a duck one of Chamberlain’s colic, cholera and diar­ ! the further sum of $50 as attorney’ s fees, where Cashier Fraley lives, and to rhoea remedy I could not have possibly but not on the unnecessary half day last week and out of its crop he ! and the further sum of £ 10 costs and dis- lived but a few 'hours longer but thanks his two new residences on Shafford mile costing a lot of money. got seventeen little nuggets of pure to this remedy I am now strong and well j bursements, and the costs of and upon St., to Robert Marchbank’s house, I this writ, commanding me to make sale gold. They would make a nugget I have written the above in simple grati­ and to W. \V. Boner's house. The 1 of the following described real property, as large as a pea of ordinary size. tude and I shall always speak a good .O n e o fth e best advertising me­ recorder and Councilmen Surface ¡ situate in the county of Clackamas, state word for this remedy.” Sam H Gwin, The bird was raised and got its food j of Oregon, to-wit: The Eastonehalf ( 1-2) diums in the world today is the per­ were instructed to go to the county Concord, Ga. Sold at EstacadaDrug Store and living around the back docf of the Northeast quarter (1-4) and the son who travels. He is usually u treasurer's office and determine how yard, therefore there must be gold “THE OLD WORLD AND ITS I Northwest quarter (1-4^ of the. Northeast close observer, a great critic, and much money Kstacada road district I qusrter of Section 27, T. 6 S, R . 2 E of in the earth on Mr. Nicholson’ s WAYS” comparing the different things has piled up in the county treasury, the Willamette Meridian. The entertainment of the J. B. C farm. Either it will pay him to which come across his path of ok. Mary Dale The DuBois farm of 197 acres, stream, and the scenery along it is they .- how in a picture the world as Music .................................. Orchestra! in this section cud it is hoped large 90 acres in cultivation, 13 in fruit, fine.” His com pan-on got busy at he- saw it. They constitute just that Dialogue............................Th e Class- audiences wiH greet him at each good pasture, buildings, water, on Remedy for Diarrhoea Never Known fo once getting information on how to many striking object lessons of the fail Fid Mullen has gone to Sandy to Vocal Solo...................Mr. Stratton1 service. plank road 2 miles from Estacada, reach Kstacada Such was the ef­ “ I want to say a few words for Cham­ people of all countries in their cities fix and run a threshing outfit for near school and p. o. Soil rich, in berlain’s colic, holera and diarrhoea rem­ fect of one man being pleased with towns and villages, in their homes Geo Epperson. the Springwater country. Terms edy. I have used this preparation in mv what he found at Kstacada, and tile and everyday occupations. Dr. Charlton’s surveying piarty, family for the past five years and have easy. See or address, treatment be received while here. The book will interest every read- finished work Monday and they all recommended it to a number of people That traveler is a good advertiser ! e-r as a unufue presentation of a in York county and have never known it walked into Kstacada Tuesday; the for Kstacada. Kvcry stranger who wonderfully interesting journey. It S P R IN G W A T E R , O REGO N to fail to effect a cure In any instance. I party stopped at J. I’ . Irvin 's home- feel that I can not say too much for the visits this place whether for busi­ . is sold only thru solicitors. The for dinner. best remedy of the kind in the world” S B y J A M E S B R Y C E , B ritish A m b a ssa d o r to th e U n ite d States. ness or on pleasure should be treat­ Thompson Publishing Company, St Threshing lias begun at Garfield Jcmison, Spring Grove, York county. Pa ed honestly and c o i t ously 1 y our 11I N K of the vast sunn poured out for the support of the the­ Louis, Mo., arc tilt- fortunate pub­ For sale by Estacada Drug Store. and at Citrrinsville, two machines people, ami the impressions which ater! Think o f the audience which waits u]x>:i the playwright lishers. They advertise for agents being in the field, and everybody is he takes away will then lie greater today! N E V E R IX T H E W O RLD ’S 'H I S T O R Y was in another column of this issue. busy. i 0 . W. P. & Ry. Co. : lioosters for our city and country there anything like it, never. Would it not have been ex­ Chair.brrl« in's Cciic. l holera end Diarrho­ Dr. Hewitt is with his family en- FOR AGENTS—AN OPPORTUNITY than most anything else. ESTACADA-PORTLAND pected that the opportunity for a dramatist would produce one of tho ea Kemeiii, Better than joying a little camping-out on the three Lectors Cars .eave Estacada for Port­ land which he liouglit of Ed Linn. first magnitude i It lias failed to do so. I am not competent to discuss "Tlutt- years ago we had 3 doctors with land: Ballard Looney is taking care of tho modern play. It is IOO \ A R 1 ED, too complex n theme. Rut our little boy and everything that they j In what is called the "gumbo” county of Miss., the road ques­ his brother Covd's place during the I cannot refrain from feeling that one of the greatest opportunities : could i ' o seemed in vain. At last when 707. 9 37- “ 07 A. M. and all hope seemed to tic gone we began us- tion is one of the greatest problems latter's visit to Virginia. offered the dramatist in tho history of tho modern world is going un- William Jfennings Bryan «07- 3 47. 507. 9:05 P- M. | ing Chaintierlain’s colic, cholera and di­ Mina Krieger came over from availed of. the farmer has to deal with. Better r r NOW R EAD Y FOR D IS TR IB U TIO N A 1 arrhoea remedy and in a lew hears he be­ Cars leave Portland for Esta- i ! , 576 Imperial Octavo Pages. Over 200 Su- roads are absolutely necessary, but Portland Saturday for a visit with 1 should hardly agree that tho dramatist’s art is one in which gan to improve. Today lie is a- healthy a cada: purb Engravings from photographs taken how are they to lie made? There her folks at home. G E N IU S is rarely exhibited. It is true that there are n few names child as parents could wish fo r." Mrs. by Mr. Bryan 11 J Johnson, Linton. Miss. For sale by 7 :30 ,9 :30 , 11:3 0 A. M. and \Vm. Porter and three of Mr. is nut any rock or stone or gravel which stand so very high in dramatic glory that they put all other Iistacada I)rng Store. Recounts his trip around the world and 1:30, 3:40, 5:44. 7 :15 P. M. within many miles, either above or Hunt’ s boys left Sunday for the claimants to grentn -ss out of countenance, ihit, a ride from the Greeks his visits to all nations. The greatest PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN book of travel ever written. The people lie low the surface— 11 .-tilling but clay huckleberry patch and on Wednes­ W ay freight leaves Estacada and Shakespeare, there have been in all lamia anil ages dramatists tho are waiting for it. The agent’s harvest. and muck. In this extremity the day Mrs. Lloyd Yocum, Cora Y o­ On real estate security. in the morning, daily except like of whose genius, exhibited in any art, W O ULD E N T I T L E Outfit FREE--Send 50c to cover mailing cum, and some of the Palmateer Unites! States Government has $1000 for 2 to 5 years Son. returning in the evening. I ! and handling. $500 for i year come to the rescue with the most folks went to the same place. In­ TIIl-.M TO IM M O R T A L IT Y . We may claim this for several, cer­ Main offices of the company: 132 1-2 The Thompson Publishing Co., $750 for 3 years novel and ingenious device for road dians can be seen often now going tainly, of our English playerriters of earlier days. The Germans linvo First St. Portland, Oregon. ST LOUIS, Ml). $150 0 lor 5 years hail their great dramatists in tho p>»t, and I have warm admiration into the bills after huckleberries, building ever invented. Tile road­ I M ' » »+4 $400 for 2 to 4 years way is covered with cord wood of and it is reported that the crop this fo r Hauptmann and Slidermnnn today. But today has not given l $600 for 3 years the kind fit for burning. Tills w o o d year is good. For those seeking another Goethe or Schiller. $500 for 7 to 5 years Your name is always desired on $2500 for 1 to 5 year* is overlaid with a few inches of recreation and Iteauliful scenery T H E FRENCH WOULD INSIST THAT RACINE. C O R N EIL LS AND ’ In c lay w hich is to lie had in abun- a trip to headwaters of the north MCLICRE ARE AMONG THE WORLD'S G R E A T E S T MEN. AND T H EY At 6 per cent. Call write or phone by Ju ly 1. 1907- Jphn W I.oder. daucc upon all sides. Little flues folk of the Clackamas is the thing WOULD DE RICH t. Attv. at I,a\v. Stevens Bldg Oregon J are left through the clay and the just uow. City, Oregon. T 1 1 lì li S T A C A D A The Dubois Lumber Company Fir and Cedar L U M B E R Dimick & Dimick, C. E. DUBOIS, Manager - Livery, Feed & STABLE Sale W. A. JONES H EA D Q U A R TE R S Council Meet Again Gold Near Estacada BRICK J. B. C. Enter­ tainment FOR SALE Suitable for all purposes Religious Services FOR S A L E The Genius of the Dramatist. C Henry DuBois, : T IM E C A R D j “THE OLD WORLD AND ITS WAYS” W SUBSCRIPTION e NEWS’ book