The Estacada News WHERE MONEY WENT. How San Francisco Has Made Use of S9.000.000, Relief Funds. 'A C A B A NEWS OF THE WEEK San Francisco, Aug. 20.— The Relief Corporat:on has issued a statement summing up the work that it bas done from the time of tbe tire to the present evacuation of the camps. The state­ ment says: "T h e efforts of the corporation to provide permanent homes for the sut ferers from tbe catastrophe will com­ plete the administration of the 19,000,- 000,000 of tbe rebel fund. Tbe amount in money that was received by the cor­ poration amounted to $8,367,933.93. be sides free transportation and the sup­ plies donated from various sources. The sum of $906,000 subscribed is still outstanding, $700,000 of which is in the hands of the American National Red Cross. “ In the three months immediately following the tire, known as the emer­ gency period, $2,060,000 was spent for clothing, food, shelter, distribution of supplies, sanitation, aid to the sick and iujured and aid to neighboring cities. Since tbe permanent organization on August 1, 1906, of the Relief and Red Cross Funds corporation tbe expendi­ ture has been $6,226,000. Nearly $3,- 000,000 of this sum has been used for Bmall loans, mostly fer the purpose of assisting people who had acquired lots in the city to erect homes on them. The result is shown in the building of 1,367 cottages. The remainder has been spent as follows: "Furniture and household necessi­ ties, $1,260,000; tools for artists and professional men and to assist business men, $513,000; transportation, $41, 000; sewing machines, $37,000; relief of various kinds, $627,000. "T h e department of lands and build ings has spent for the construction of dwelling houses in the j»rk s and for the fitting up of the Ingleside camp for old people, $900,000. Bonuses to the amount of $402,000 liave been given to people erecting buildings in the burned district. Eight hundred and forty-three buildings have brought tbe owners such a reward, the bonuses rep­ resenting 12 per cent of the cost of the building. A permanent home fer those who are too old to care for themselves and have no means it being erected at a cost of $900,000. “ Ninety-five thousand dollars has been administered by the bureau of special relief for a variety of needs, such as medical services, milk for children, special delicacies for children, artificial limbs, spectacles, sewing ma­ chines, stoves, etc. The bureau of hospitals has cared for 4,750 patients at an expense of $170,000. The indus­ trial bureau has spent $36,000 for the establishment of social halls, the main­ tenance of sewing centers, kindergar tens, etc. For the rehabilitation of hospitals and charitable societies $360,- 000 has been expended, which, how­ ever, is not sufficient for the purpoee. The plans of the corporation r for the winter Include additional aid to the needy institutions, the caring for about 200 women and children in the hospit­ als, the maintenance of the Ingleside camp and the assistance of those who are in real need of charity." MAY YET ARBITRATE Telegraph Operators In New York Going Beck to Keys. New York, Ang. 16.—General officers of the two telegraph companies said last night that business was moving to all parts of tbe country and that no dif­ ficulty is experienced in handling everything offeted. President d ow ry, of the Western Union, said: “ The strike is over. We are receiv­ ing applications from strikers today, tnt we are filled up and cannot place them.” The Associated Press service is mov­ Official General Order by President ing under steadily improving conditions. Small Makee no Material D if­ Officers of tbe union still express confi­ dence and deny that any union operat­ ference in Situation. ors have applied for re-empioyment. President Gompers Hakes Otter tor striking Telegraphers. lum berm en STRIKE OVER, SAYS CLOWRY OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST B U T T E R P R IC E S SO ARIN G S U C C E S S OF IR R IG ATIO N . h it a g a in . Increase In Loading Requirement* Are Almost Prohibitory. Seattle, Aug. 14.— Lumbermen were notified that the Central Freight Association, controlling traf­ fic of Chicago, has advanced the min­ imum loading requirements on lum­ ber and shingles from 4,000 to 6,000 a car. the advance depending upon the car lengths. No consideration ta given to the fact that cars are loaded now to their f i l l visible capacity. The effect is a sharp advance In rates and w ill drive Pacific Coast lumber and shingles out o f the ter­ ritory east o f Chicago unless they are handled by the Isthmian route or around the Horn. Severul months ago certain East­ ern lines attempted to advance rates 2 to 6 cents a hundred pounds, but the advance was withdrawn. A later order was even more drastic. Lum- • ber and shingle associations on the entire coast are preparing to figh t the proposed Increase In rates from Pacific Coast points, and steps were taken to make a figh t against tho new minimum loading rules, coinci­ dent with the struggle against the Western lines. Aside from the C alifornia Red­ wood Association, which Is not yet pledged to raise a defense fund the lumbermen of tbs coast have In sight a $250,000 defense fund, sufficient to take up the contest against the new loading rules, as well as the rate con­ test. The claim is made by lumber- men that shipments are made by joint rate and that the Central Bu- reau cannot apply the new loading rules at Chicago, Now 80 Cents a Roll, and Will Reach Wonderful Progress Being Mad* In Bend District. - • I by End o f Year. Bend— Expressions of surprise and Portland— Butter Is going to be an expensive luxury in the Portland mar­ satisfaction were frequently uttered by ket in the coming fall and winter. A tbe Governor and other members of the dollar a toll or more w ill before long be party that came to Bend recently for the price charged at the retail stores. A R m u i m o f tho Lese Important but The price Is now 80 cents, and during the purpoee of investigating the condi­ Not Laaa In tara* ting E vanta the remainder of the year the advance tion of the reclamation projects that o f tho Paat Weak. ia certain to be steady. have been started in this vicir.ity. Butter prices are rising all over the W h ile the repreeentativea of the state country. Tbe consumption, taken as a T ra d * Wires Are Reopened. Chicago, Aug. 17.— Despite the tsar: Hearst i* laying hi* plana for 1908. whole, exceeds the production, and for and the government have not yet given Chicago, Ang. 16.— The telegraph atice of the general strike order by Pres this reason but little surplus butter has attention to the details of their task, Boston hia started a crusade against ident Small the situation in this city companies reopened their offices at the been put into cold storage during the and are not in a position to express an grafters. board of trade with comparatively few was not materially changed yesterday flush season in the big butter centers of opinion which w ill indicate their final It is predicted that tbe W h ile on his trip around the world A ll of the men who were disposed to operators. tbe United States. The current make, strike of brokers’ operators w ill not Taft will visit tlie czar. strike were alieady out. It was believ until next spring, w ill have to satisfy conclusions, they freely voiced their materialize. Both the employers and ed by the officials of the union that the all requirements, and as the produc­ pleasure over the rapid progress that Both telegraph comapnies in 8an order would paralyse a number of brok strikers declare they will not arbitrate tion naturally lessens at this time of has been made in agriculture in the Francisco say business is improving. anything. ______ erage and commission iiouses, but no year, the natural result is a rise in Deschutes country. Speaker Cannon approves the presi­ additional stiikea were reported Three years ago, when the state land prices. General Strike Called. dent's plan of sending a tleet to the Pa­ Both the Postal and Western Union in Tw6 weeks ago the Portland market board made its first of inspection Chicago, Aug. 16.— 8. J. Bmall, pres­ cific. created forces on the board. They both ident of tbe Commercial Telegraphers is raised 2)4 cents, to 32)4 cents a to the Deschutes project, there was not reported the situation as steadily im union, at 1:30 this morning issued pound at wholesale. The officials of an irrigated field within the limits of The Georgia legislature has just proving and occasional applications general order to commercial operators the Hazelwood Cream company, %at its either of the immense tracts set apart passed a law which will disqualify 95 from the strikers for their old positions to cease work immediately except where last meeting, decided on another - Si■ for reclamation. The party that came per cent of the negro voters. The improvement in the Associated contracts with tbe union have been cent advance. As all the city creamery to Bond passed dozens of irrigated The Transvaal assembly is to pur­ Press service was marked. A number signed. companiee are running shorter than fields, where settlers have transformed chase a diamoond valued at $1,000,000 of towns on tbe West, North and South last month, the new price w ill prob­ sage brush plains into fields of alfalfa, and present it to King Edward. circuits received a full report yesterday, ably be genen 1 immediately. Last wheat, oats, corn, potatoes and garden B O TH SIDES FIRM. and the volume of news handled was year at this time the highest wholesale vegetables. The view of these many Both Western Union and Postal offi­ much greater than at any time since price of butter in Portland was 32 thrifty, growing crope was a practical cials in New York declare thatt busi­ Working Forces Unchanged at Port­ the walkout on Monday night. cents, and the 35-cent mark was not demonstration of the success o ' irriga­ ness is resuming a normal condition. C A L L A L L MEN O U T . land Offices. The officials of the Telegraphers reached until December 6. Two years tion on the Deschutes, for fields were A Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Portland, Aug. 16.— With both the ago at this time butter was worth 30 seen where two crope of alfalfa, aggre­ union late yesterday changed front on Evary Union Operator In the Country passenger train hit a handcar near the proposition to arbitrate and an strikers and the telegraph companiee cents, and the highest price in that gating three tons to the acre, were cut Cedar Rapids, la., and 20 persons were Will be Ordered to Quit. nonneed that they would accept the claiming tbe victory in the local strike, year was 32)4 cents wholesale. on land seeded down last season, and hurt. Chicago, Aug. 14. — Executive offices of the general board of arbitrat­ conditions in Portland are much the where fully matured wheat of first class ors cf the American Federation of La­ same as they were yesterday morning Mayor Taylor has been declared by quality has been harvested long before board Telegraphers' Union expected FAIL T O K E E P LAW . to call out all operators today. bor in settling their differences with Today is expected to mark the crisis of the Supreme court to be the legal ex­ tbe frost season has arrived. Associated Press wires are work­ the companies. This board consiste of the trouble and each side announces its Statute Requiring Killing o f Weeds ecutive of San Francisco. He has ap­ Three years ago there was scarcely a ing out o f New York and Chicago, John Mitchell, cf the Mine Workers; confidence in the outcome. pointed a new board of police commis­ settler’s cabin on the whole 140,000 but communication to Pacific Coast Disregarded in Marion Managers of tbe telegraph companies Daniel J. Keefe, of the Longshoremen, sioners. acres which the Deecbutes company is obtained only at brief Intervals. Salem— There is evidence that there had undertaken to reclaim. and President Samuel Gompers. Gom say they have the situation well in hand Today Telegraph companies and strikers Taft is ready for a trip around tbe and that the strikers have lost. On has been a pretty general disregard of there are 250 families residing on the pers made the above announcement. both optimistic as to results. world. the other hand tbe striking operators the provisions of the Barrett law, pass­ farm lands, 120,000 acres are green Commissioner N eill expected te say they have the local companies tied ed by the last legislature, providing for with growing crops, many more fam i­ confer with executive officers of French troops have the Moorish up­ Seattle Wires Cleared. up and the ranks are standing firm the extirpation of Russian, Canadian lies have applied for lands and w ill union today regarding proposals for rising well in hand. Seattle, Aug. 17 — Superintendent They say the telegraph companies are and Chinese thistles and other obnox­ come here to make homes when water settlement. R. T. Reid, of the Western Union, to­ The Hague conference has postponed using the mails to dispatch their mes ious weeds in this county, and if a lias been supplied and several thousand Secretary Quick, of R ailw ay T ele­ night went to Bellingham to appoint disarmament change. sages and that unless the operators are strict enforcement of the act were to be acres have been cleared and plowed graphers, Issues important order to Edward Parland, of Dallas, Tex., man­ taken back at their own terms tbe pres­ insisted upon many oi tiie road super­ this year ready for production of crops organization. Secretary Straus is back from his trip ager of the Bellingham office, to succeed W esley Russell, secretary o f the ent serious tie-up of all lines of busi­ visors of the county, as well as a ma­ next year. to Hawaii. He found the Japanese Manager Tucker, who went out with Commercial Telegraphers’ Union, ness w ill continue indefinitely. friendly. jority of municipalities, would be liable the stiikers. said: A feature of the situation yesterday to the penalties imposed for neglect in A deep interest is manifested by the The Postal company says business Test New Prison Dogs. “ A ll members o f the executive was an appeal to tbe police by Manager observing its provisions, ranging from has fallen off more than 50 per cent, administration in the Maseachusletta Salem— The youngest two of tbe trio board have arrived here with the ex­ Dumars, of the Western Union, for $50 to $500 fines for each offense. campaign. but that with seven day operators in of thoroughbred bloodhounds recently ception o f President Small who protection to messengers hired This law, which is the repetiticn of wired his sanction to any step we the place of 12, they ate handling all Chicago is almost ante to be the meet­ strike-breakers. He asserts that strik­ old laws upon the subject, except that added to the state penitentiary equip­ might take In the direction of calling the businees accepted. Both offices say ing place of tbe Democratic National ing union messenger boys interfere ser­ its provisions are made more stringent ment were given a practical test by a general strike. The executive board less than half the usual volume of bus­ convention. iously with thoee hired to deliver tele­ and its scope enlarged to embrace white Warden Curtis, and they worked fully is considering the question. In my iness is now offered, but both compan up to the guarantee and the expecta­ grams. opinion, by night the 25,000 opera­ mustard, cocklebur and silver salt bush, A Boise tetegrap operator who refus­ ies claim to be keeping up fairly well, Strikebreakers are being quartered commonly called, requires the road su­ tions of the prison officials. tors in the United States and Can­ ed to go out has been driven out of town especially to Pacific coast points. Two trusty convicts were turned out, ada who belong to the union w ill be in the Western Union office, cots hav­ pervisor of each district to make a tour by strikers. Superintendent Reid, of the W est­ ing been placed there, and after their of inspection of the properties within one at a time, and each resorted to all called out.” ern Union, says trouble on the coast Union men are assuring the strik­ The first division of the Pacific cruis­ trick at the keys is finished they sleep his territory and serve notice upon all the tricks known and practiced by fngi lines is in Cow Creek canyon, Otegon, er squadron has reached Yokohama on there, ready to begin work again as property owners upon whose laud any tives to evade man-hnnting dogs, such ers who crowd headquarters that If where railroad operators open the cir­ wading through they remain out the companies w ill its way to San Francisco. soon as they awake. The strikebreak­ of the weeds mentioned in the list are as back-tracking, cuits. Reid has Pinkertons out pa­ ers are said to be well cared for and found to destroy the same before they streams, climbing trees, and each wag be forced to meet their demands. A cage containing eiirlit miners at trolling all railroad lines in special en Manager Dumars says he is feeding have bloomed and seeded, and a copy given an hoar start, but the dogs, Sonman, Pa., fell 400 feet to the bot­ glnes to locate breaks in the Northwest. O IL C H E A PE R IN EURO PE. them porterhouee steaks. Their meals of the notice must be filed with the which were lashed together, followed tom of tbe shaft, killing five of the oc­ He said tonight he would prosecute the scent unfailingly and treed both county court. I f the landowner neg­ cupants. railroa'I operators who prevent reopen are brought in to them. men in short order. Monopoly Makes Homo Consumers lects, fails or refuses to comply with ing of lines by grounding the wires. Celebrations were held along the HARD W ORDS FROM C AR TE R . the law in this respect, the road super­ Pay M ore Than Foreign. Hudson river in honor of the first trip Hold Wheat fo r Raise. visor has authority to employ men to Washington, Aug. 14.— Further o f a steamboat on those waters August Pendleton— More than 200,000 bush­ D O N 'T WORK. ENOUGH. B O TH SIDES FIRM . Intimate* Hawaiian Federat Building destroy the pests and charge the cost to startling disclosures o f the manipu­ 17, 1807. the property owner, which applios as a els of new crop wheat baa been sold in lation and control o f the petroleum Site W at Tampered With. Athena at prices ranging from 69 to 71 industry by the Standard Oil monop­ The shah of Persia is without funds Hatty Green Says Girls Think Too Strikers and Companies In Fight to Honolulu, Aug. 16.— As soon aa lien upon the land. cents. Practically thè entire amount oly are made In the report o f H er­ or power. Finish at Portland. Much o f Clothss. Governor Carter returned from his re­ lias been purchased by the Preston- bert Knox Smith, Commissioner o f County Court Aids Fair. Chicago's population is now estimat­ Portland, Aug. 17. — Locally, the cent trip to Washington he dictated a New York, Aug. 20.— “ Young gir s Parton flour mills, as they are offering Corporations. Discriminations In Oregon City — Permanent organize- f t b . , - ed at 2,367,000. of today are too extrsvagent. Ih ey striking telegraphers and the telegiaph statement for the local papers in regard prices are exposed In the report tion of the Clackamas County Fair as-1 * tZ h to the matter of a site for the Federal companies are organizing their forces think too much about clothes and they which charges that in the business other grain buyerB. W h ile some wheat Folk and Johson are being boomed sociation is now complete and the pro­ has been secured by Pendleton buyers, of selling petroleum products In fo r­ by Western Democrats for the presi­ don’ t have enough to do. It they had for a finish fight. There were two de­ building, in which he said: “ I con­ sider that bad faith has been shown moters of tbe echeme for an annual the amount is comparatively small, the eign countries the price policy o f the fections from the union yesterday. some useful work to occupy their dency. Otherwise the situation in Portland me, officially and privately, by my own county fair are encouraged by the ac­ farmers having shown a disposition to Standard Oil Company has been to thoughts they would not run to such The Pennsylvania legislative com­ extravagance.” remains unchanged, and the sending representatives of the Mahuka site tion of the county court, which has hold for a better price than that offered sacrifice the interests of the Am eri­ can consumer for the purpose o f se­ offered to appropriate $450 as soon as mittee recommends criminal p r o te c ­ So spoke Mrs. Hetty Green, the and receiving of telegrams continues owners.” so far this season, and there is every curing the Standard’s foreign busi­ tion of the capitol grafters. The Mahuka site is the one selected organization is complete. The legisla­ reason to expect they w ill get it. world’s greatest woman financier, when seriously Interrupted. The Issuance of ness. President Karling, of the Milwaukee asked her opinion on some topice of a general strike order by National Pres­ by the representative of the Treaeury ture of 1905 authorized county courts to The figures show a very rem ark­ ident Bmall, of the Commercial Tele department sent out here for that pur­ expend $500 annually for advertising railroad, says his company w ill not es­ current interest. Albany Grants Gat Franchise. able excess in the American price the county, and it is this fund that the poee. The governor, while in Waeh- graphers’ union, has served only to " I speak from experience,” she add­ tablish a steamer line to the Orient. Albany— By an ordinance passed by above the foreign brices, particular­ ed. "Perhaps you don’t know it, but magnify the seriousness of the situation ington, tried to secure the selection of Fair association w ill utilize. The fair the city council a franchise has been ly during the latter half of 1904 and H ill has received 5,000 letters from I was quite a belle when I was young. outside of Portland, since operators who the Irwin site. After reciting his will be held this year October 9, 10 and ranted to James Steel to erect and the first half of 1905. During the Noortbweet lumliermen urging him not But I outgrew all that sort of thing. had before hesitated to join tbe tanks efforts in Washington in the matter, 11, on the Chautauqua grounds, in maintain a gas lighting plant in this latter half o f 1904 the price aver­ to change the piesent Great Northern The rainbow silks and metal fingers of their striking associates cheerfully Governor Carter said: Gladstone Park. city. According to the provisions of aged for the United States 10.3 cents lumber rate. as contrasted with 6.92 cents In Ger­ ‘ After all this I find that the offer are not to my taste. I used to wear left the keys yesterday. The result was the franchise, construction work on the many, 6.42 cents In the United Moving Pears to New York J w o li ves were lost, five persons in thoee things. I used to have more fix­ to more completely paralyze the tele­ to withdraw the Mahuka site, made to gas plant is to commence within three Kingdom and 6.49 cents In Den­ me in good faith personally and official­ Grants Pass— A il day long teams months, and the plant is to be in oper­ Jured and $760,000 worth of property ings and trimmings on me than there graphic business of the country. The excess of the domestic I t was expected that a crisis might ly by correspondence, has not been car­ from the various members of the Fruit ation within a year. The price of gas mark. destroyed in a fire which swept the Is cn a Christmas tree. I have more price, after allow ing 1 cent for d if­ sense now. Hoolety hasn't enough to be reached yesterday, but the possibili­ ried out, and I do not see how the offi­ Growers’ union may be seen steadily ia fixed at 76 cents per thousand feet. ference in quality, ranged at that beach resort at Old Orchard, Maine. do to keep itself out of mischief. Those ty of a settlement seems even farther cials in Washington can ‘square’ with filing into town with Bartlett pears, A ll municipal buildings will be lighted time from 2.38 cents to 2.88 cents. Dispatches from Pekin forecast a so-called fashionable women spend all removed. No sooner bad the order for me in any other way than by accepting where they are unloaded at the ware­ free. During the first half of 1905 the ex­ gloomy future for China, owing to tbe their time these days at bridge and a general strike been issued by Presi­ the Irwin site. I did not force myself house and repacked into small boxes traordinary decline In the prices in unsettled state of politics. A master smoking cigarettes and drinking pale dent Bmall than tbe Western Union into this matter and only undertook it with the union label upon each. The the United Kingdom Increased tho mind is needed to prevent the disinte­ P O R T L A N D M A R K E TS . first car from Rogne river valley, load­ tea anil strong whisky. Every one of official-« issued instructions to all local upen their request.” effective m argin between the domes­ gration of the empire. tic price and the price in that coun­ ed with fruit, has left here on the managers to refuse to reinstate any them ought to be working." Wheat— Club, 80c; blneetem, 82c; try to 3.17 cents. A Nevada inventor claims to have a through freight for New York. The more of the striking telegraphers. Alarm at Casa Blanca. machine to send telegraph messages Aerial V iiito r Frightens. Tangier, Aug. 16.—-There is still pear crop is not so large aa last year, valley, 80o; red, 78e. Oats— No. 1 white, $26; without the use of an expert operator. gray, Across Africa in Auto. Banson Trial la Resumed. much uneasiness here in the matter of but the grade is superior to any, and New York, Aug. 20.— Everbyody out A specially equipped typewriter is used of doors at Amaganaett, L. I., w: ■ Berlin, Aug. 14.— Dispatches from Ban Francisco, Aug. 17.— The trial the position of the Europeans in Moroc­ has been brought to a good standard in nominal. Barley— Feed, $21.50022 per ton; Dar Es Salaam, German East Africa, and the message is received at the other startlrd last evening on hearing a ter­ of John A . Benson and E. B. Perrin, co. No confirmation of the report that growing. end by another typewriter. brewing, nominal; rolled, $23.500 state that Lieutenant Graetz, o f the rific roar, and at the same time saw a indicted for fraud in connection with Caid Sir Henry MacLean haa been re­ 24.50. Prussian army, started from there Grants Pass to Have Fair. Much uneasiness is felt for Europeans biasing mass (hooting through the securing land in the Plumas reserve, leased can be obtained. A courier Corn— Whole, $28; cracked, $29 per Saturday on an attempt to cross A f­ in Morooco. heavens over the ocean apparently only was resumed before Judge De Haven, nd servant from MacLean have just Grants Pars— A il of tbe preliminary rica in an automobile. He purposes Perrin was on arrived here and say that it is believed arrangement« for a successful industrial ton. Haywood was given a reusing recep­ a little way out from shore. The blaz­ yesterday afternoon. Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $17® to ride through German East Africa, ing object appeared to many to be about the stand and continued his story for that news of the bombardment of Casa fair and street carnival have been com­ tion in Chicago. British Central Africa, Rhodesia and 20 feet in diameter. Thoee who wit­ the defense. Argument w ill commence Blanca has made a very bad impression pleted and the opening date fixed on 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, German Southwest Africa, to Swak- Both telegraph and telephone wires nessed the fiiaht, say the meteor must $21023; clover, $9; cheat, $9010; on the tribesmen and caused the sus­ September 10. It ia expected that this today. The main feature was the ex­ ophamund, occupying about six •re tied up in Montana. have weight several tons. When it amination of character witnesses, first pension of the negotiations for Mac- w ill be one of the largest fairs and grain hay, $9®10; alfalfa, $13014. weeks on the Journey, If all goes Batter— Fancy creamery, 27)4® 30c well. He has a specially built 46- The widow of Stanford W hite is to struck the ocean huge breakers came by the prosecution to establish the in­ Lean's release. The tribesmen are fu­ street carnivals ever held in Southern per ponnd. tumbling shoreward. Several bathing tegrity of Bnell and on the part of the rious against all Christians. Oregon, and w ill collect under one can­ horse-power car, with Immensely marry her late husband's partner. Poultry— Average old hens, 12)4® heavy wheels, four feet In diameter, pavilions were washed away. defense to show the good reputation of vas a large delegation of government Montana has increased the taxable Dr. Perrin. officials and representatives of the 13c per ponnd; mixed chickens, 12)4c; with massive tires. Big Shipload tor Philipplnos. which *Prin* chicken*, 16016c; old rooaters, valne of the railroads, which now totals Rsfsra to Haywood Trial. Ban Francisco, Ang. 16.— Tbe trans­ Nstional Irrigation congress $43,000,1)00. Inhabited Island Disappears. Adama Choose* Darrow. port Buford sailed at noon yesterday for w ill adjourn about that time and re­ 8®9c; dressed chickens, 16017c; tur­ Stuttgart, Germany, Aug. 20.— The keys, live, 12015c; turkeys, dressed, Honolulu, Aug. 14.— The schooner Spokane, Wash., Ang. 17.— Accord­ Manila with cabins crowded with casu­ convene at Grmnte’ Pass during the fair The continued tie-up of telegraph International Socialist congress opened choice, nominal; geese, live, 8011c; als and the hold filled to capacity with week. Luke C. Olsen returned from a voy­ lines may result in government control today with over 900 delegates, repre­ ing to reports from Wallace, Steve Ad­ ducks, 8014c. senting 25 nationalities. Herr Bebel, ams has chosen Clsrence Darrow In various kinds of merchandise, snppliee age to Laysan Island, one o f the If not ownership. Eggs— French ranch, candled, 220 Build Roads fo r the County. This w ill be the the Socialist leader in the reichatag. preference to Richardson to defend him and ammunition. small group northwest o f Hawaii. 23c per dosea. Pendleton— Frank Balcom, a yonng A freight train hit a Coney island was the first speaker. He referred es­ when his trial comes np at Wallace fourth of the transient fleet to leave Fruits— Cherries, 6 0 1 2 )4 « a pound; Her captain reports that though he trolley car and three persona were pecially to the strong delegation from shortly upon the charge of mnrdering this port within 12 days. The Warren man ol this city who was arrested on a apples, $1.5002.26 per box; Spitsen- cruised for 12 days In the locality, the United States. He spoke of what Fred Tyler, a settler in the St. Joe dis­ sailed on August S, the Logan on Aug­ warrant charging him with failing to killed and 16 injured. berge, $3.60 per box; cantaloupes, he was unable to find Laysan. It Is he termed the “ scandalous persecution” trict of Idaho. Fred M iller, one of the ust 5 and the Crook on August 10. support his wife and baby, was arraign­ 12.50®.1.50 per crate; peaches, 60c® apprehended that the Island has been Shanghai dispatches say the dowager in Idaho, "w h ere the capitalist classes attorneys in the Hay wool case,'has been Among the Buford's passengers are 16 ed before Judge Gilliland and entered $1.25 per crate; raspberries, $1.250 sunk by a seismic disturbance. The empress of China has determined to did everything possible to ccnvlrt an at Wallace, his object being to consult officers, who are to join their regirneDts, a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 1.60 per crate; blackberries, 607c Island o f Laysan was inhabited by abdicate at the next Chinese New Year sene one year in the county jail, this eight surgeons and 25 Philippine gov­ with Adams about his forthcoming innocent man, who, alter all, had been and hand over authority to the emperor. per pound; loganberries, $1 per crate; Max Schletnmer and his fam ily and a being the maximum punishment. trial. I t is said that Adama readily ernment students. brilliant!? acquitted.” Other stirring number o f Japanese laborers. Tne apricots, $1.6002 per crate. Old and trusted officials of the 8 . P. speeches were made. W hile serving out the sentence he will selected Darrow in preference to Rich­ United States government tug Iro- Vegetables— Turnipa, $1.76 per rock; are resigning to go to other roads. quoia w ill search for the Island. be worked on the roads and the county Resent Visit o f Haywood. ardson. carrots, $2 per rock; beets, $2 per -Undo 8 am'a Navy Socond. Chicago, Aug. 16.— W illiam D. Hay­ w ill pay hit wife at the rate of $1.50 rock; asparagus, 10c per pound; beans, Attorney general of Nebraska is going per day fer his services. Live O ver Y * Olden Day*. Jury In Record Time. wood, secretary of tbe Western Federa­ New York. Aug. 20.— The annual is­ 3 06c per ponnd; cabbage, 8)40 per after the lumber trust of that state. Ban Francisco, Ang. 14— A ll speed sue of F. T . James' fighting ship« in IX)s Angeles, Aug. 17.— Living again tion of Miners, visited the Chicago ponnd; celery, $1.26 per dosea; com, Heavy Fleece From Yearling. records tn the bribery graft proceed­ Geologists are searching the volcanic 1907, one of the recognised authorities in the days of the early padres, where Press club today and some of tbe mem­ 26036c per down; cucnmbros. 5Oc0$l M cMinnville—G. W . Keen, Hying a per b*x; lettuoe, heed, 28c per domen; ings were broken when a jury was fields of Alaska for diamonds. Indians on navies, puts the United States sec­ the wild surroundings of a simple In- ber are much wrought up about it. An are from time to time found with these ond among the naval powers, and Great lien Milage gave no suggestion of the emphatic protest, addressed to the mile southwest of this city, seems to be onions, 16020c per dosen; peat, 406c completed within six hours fo r the Britain first. The book says that both bustling city which was in a few yean hoard of directors, was prepared at once in the lead thus far for the heaviest per pound; radishes, 20c per dosen; second trial o f Vice President and precious stones. General Manager Ixmls Glass, o f the in ships with high powered guns and to supplant it, parishioners of the and circulated for signatures. A vote fleece from one sheep. The animal ii to me toe*, $101.26 per crate. Pacific States Telephone Company, Germany ia equipping a complete armor impervious to vital injury at Church of Our Lady of the Angeles Di­ of censure ia asked for the members a yearling, and yielded 28 pounds, Pots tore— New, 1 Vy02c per ponnd. charged with the bribery o f Super­ balloon corps for her regular army. long range the United States fleet ia vine, today celebrated the founding of who brought Haywood into the club. while a fo il sister. 2 years old, pro­ In all Veal— Crossed, 6 )4 0 8 )4 « per pound. visor Thomas F. Louergan. Both sides agree that the telegraph­ (uperior to any other navy in the world. Los Angeles, and incidentally the estab­ This will be considered at the bostrd'a duced 22 pounds. Mr. Keen sold the Beef— Dressed Lolls, 3 )4 ®4e per only 28 talesmen were examined. The ers'a trik* w ill b* a fight to a finish. * James characterize* the American navy lishment of their historic honse of wor­ meeting I tiday night. clip for 22)4 cents a pound, and tbe pound; cows, 6 0 6 )4 «; oountry stews, prosecution used but one o f its fiv e W- .......... — 1 ,1 ship. The day began with a cannon two fleeces netted him $11.25. preemptory challenges and the de­ A Jap apy was arrastsd while sketch­ aa an extremely good second. • X ® 7e. fense used only six o f Its 10. salute fired by General Joes Aguilar. Chinese Dowager Will Abdicate ing tbs fort at Olongapo, Philippines. Mutton— Pressed, fancy, 8 0 Ac M ore Lights at Stations. Work Pumps for Wookt. Loodon, Aug. 16.— Dispatches from pound; ordinary, 607c; spring Richayd Mansfield, the noted actor, Man Missing, So Is BIS.OOO. More T reops for Case Stance. Charlestown. 8 . C., Ang. 20.— The Shanghai state that the dowager em­ Salem— The railroad commission le 6 0 6 )4 e propound. la closely attended by a specialist on Tangier, Aug. 14.— Additional Omaha, Aug. 17.— Theodor* Olsen, press has announced bar determination in receipt of a communication from Pork— Created, 606)4* pro pound. « nervous diseases. He is apparently not ship Shenandoah, with a cargo of coal Jytroops arrived at Casa Blanca today. for the Mare Island navy yard, is re­ ex-Danieh vice consul here, and once to abdicate at tbe next Chinese New General Manager O’ Brien, of the O. R. Hope—607)4« P*r powad, aocroding improving. Three hundred Spanish troops sailed ported wrecked at Melbocrne, Austra­ city comptroller of Omaha, ie missing. Year and hand over authority to the A N., stating that the request of tbe to quality. from Cadts to Casa Blanca. The District Attorney Jerome has secured lia, due to a heavy storm enconnteted It is alleged his accounts with the Dan­ emperor. Since 1898, when the dow­ commission for additional lights upon Wool— Eastern Oregon, avenge beet, confessions from members of the New bile rounding Cape Horn. For 64 ish government are short $13,000, on ager took control from tbe emperor, the platforms of the depots at Pendle­ 18022« pro pound, according to shrink­ Spanish cruiser, R io de la Plata, haa reached Casa Blanca, where sanitary York Black Hand society which will fiiya the men worked