The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, June 27, 1907, Image 3

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Indicted Millionaires Raise Many
Technical Points.
Wick Blue Flame Ofl Cook-Stove
The different
OU Stove
The im probed
OU Stove
Play on the Part o f San Francisco
Grafters to Gain Tima— Quib-
Gives best results.
R educes fuel ex­
pense. A working1
flam e at the to u c h o f th e
match. “ Blue Flame” means the hottest flame
produced by any stove. The New Perfection
will make your work lighter. W ill not over­
heat the kitchen. Made in three sizes, with
one, two, and three burners. Every stove war­
ranted. If not at your dealer’s, write to our
nearest agency
gives a clear, steady light. Fitted with
latest improved burner. Made of brass
throughout and beautifully nickeled.
Every lamp warranted. Suitablefor library,
dining-room, parlor or bedroom. If not at
your dealer’s, write to our nearest agency.
W h ere
th e
P atch
D td o n g a .
L' n r e a s o n a b l e .
A New Englander recently had occa­
sion to engage a gardener. One morn­
ing two applicants appeured—one a de­
cidedly decent looking man, and the
other o f much less prepossessing ap­
pearance and manner.
After very little hesitation, the man
of the house chose the latter appli­
A friend who was present, evinced
surprise at the selection, asking :
"Has that man ever worked for you
“ No," replied the other"; “ In fact, I
never shw either of them until to-day.”
“ Then why did you choose the short­
er man? The other had a much bet­
ter face.”
"Knee!” exclaimed the proprietor of
the place. In disgust. “ Let me tell you
that, when you pick out a gardener,
young want to go by big overalls. I f
they’re patched on the knees you want
him. I f the patch Is on the seat o f his
trousers, you d on 't”— Success Maga­
The milkman scowled.
“ You people make more fuss about
your milk than any customers I ’ve got,
he said.
“ All we ask,” said Mrs. Ferguson, “ is
that the bottles shall look clean, and
that there shan’t be any filth on the stop­
“ That’s exactly what I ’m talkin’ about.
Nobody else kicks about little thinfa like
that !*•
H is t o r ic a l F r a fm e n t .
James Monroe was putting the finish
ing touches on his famous doctrine. “ I ’ve
got it hammered into shape at last,” he
said, “ although I know, of course, there
will always be somebody knocking it, just
the same.”
Rememhering, however, that the Big
Stick was on the side of the doctrine, he
allowed his freshly barbered face to
wrinkle into the semblance of a smile.
H is
F a ll
F a m ily
P r id e .
Tommy— My papa's automobile is a
nicer one than your papa's.”
Dicky— Bein’ nice ain’t nothin’. You
can smell m.v dad's machine a mile away.
— Chicago Tribune.
San Franclaco, June 25.— Six of
the corporation and city officials
under Indictments for bribery, Pres­
ident Calhoun, General Manager
Mullally, Chief Counsel Ford and
Assistant Counsel Abbott, of the
Glass, o f the Pacific States T ele­
phone & Telegraph Company, and
Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz, through
their attorneys, made determined e f­
forts to have Superior Judge Law ler
set aside the Indictments against
them on grounds of technical error.?.
A fter two sessions o f court had been
consumed In the presentation of evi­
dence In support o f their conten­
tions, the hearing was adjourned un­
til 2 o ’clock this afternoon, when ar­
guments will be presented and au­
thorities submitted.
Schmitz’ attorney withdrew from
the District Court o f Appeals his pe­
tition for admittance to bail throueh
writ of habeas corpus, and gave the
explanation that technical omissions
in the document necessitated Its re­
framing. It was said that a new pe­
tition will be ffled.
During the hearing Messrs. Coo-
gan and Moore amended the joint
motion to set aside the Indictments
on grounds which, they declare, es­
tablish firm ly the Illegality o f the
present grand jury and the Invalidity
of every act and Indictment by that
body performed and returned.
One of the contentions o f the de­
fense Is that the name o f B. P.
Oliver, the foreman, was twice drawn
from the box. The attorneys fo r the
Indicted officials allege that Mr.
O liver’s name was Improperly re­
turned to the box after it had once
been drawn by Assistant District A t­
torneys Heney and Harrison without
authority from the court. Replying
to this charge, Mr. Heney angrily de­
clared that Judge Dunne had given
the necessary authority by nodding
his head. Judge Law lor refused to
rule In the matter until the testi­
mony of Judge Dunne him self can
be secured. He Is absent from the
cKy on his vacation.
S h a re.
“ I sometimes think, Brother Hardesty,”
observed the pastor, who was dining with
him, “ that, a man ought to give one-tenth
of his income to the Lord.”
“ I ’m doin' more than that this year,
elder,” said Deacon Hardesty. “ The only
L a t c h K e y S o ffr a g e .
Over in England the possession o f a thing I ’m makin’ any money on now is
latchkey has lately been held in the my hens, and I feed mighty near half of
courts to have an important bearing on ’em to the preachers.”
the electoral rights of a man claiming
A F a ls e A la r m .
to be a householder. With us the
“There was a man dropping letters
latchkey has grown so universal as to In the new postoffice building last Sat
be no Indication of s man’s status, or urday.
a woman’s either, for that matter. Not
“ W hat! Are they ready to receive
so very long ago the American wom­ mail there?”
an's right to the latchkey was subject
“ No. This was an English workman
for Jocular argument pro and con, but and the letters he dropped were a#
women's latchkeys are now as common h’s.”— Cleveland Plain Dealer.
as men’s. For an Institution that dates
H e D ld a ’ t K n o w P o k e r .
back only about seventy years the
Father— W illie writes for more mon­
latchkey has stepped with some sud­
denness Into Its place of a universal ey, saying “ the widow cost him even
fifty.” Now what cradle-catcher Is
necessity.— Boston Herald.
making a fool of him, do you suppose?
D is c o v e r s • R e s e m b la n c e .
— Harvard Lampoon.
“ My dear,” mildly remonstrated her
husband, “ speaking of this new idea in
T h en H e G ot B u sy.
railway motor car construction, I wish
“ Why do you look at me like that, you
you hadn't such a gyroscopic tongue.”
great, awkward bear?”
“ What do you mean, sir,” shrilly de­
“ O, Miss Pimmie, I — I protest I ’m not
manded Mrs. Vick-Sean, “ by gyroscopic a— a bear.”
“ Well, why aren't you?”
“ Why, when you set it going it will
run on one ’rail’ all day long, and never
M o d e r n is e d V e r s io n .
stop till the motive power gives out.**
“ Faugh ! I wish you wouldn’t run that
S tre n u o u s.
comb through my mustache!”
“ Sir, you are the first man in 10,000
Mother (returning suddenly)— Gra­
cious, children, what have you been customers that has objected to that
doing? Why, the room looks like a comb.”
hurricane had struck It and W illie
looks like he had been through a
thrashing machine!
Tommy— Please, mamma, we have
been playing Russian douma and W il­
lie was the czar.
Statement to Jury In Defense o f Hay-
wood It Weak Affair.
Rolse, Idaho, June 25.— Clarence
S. Darrow’s onening statement to the
iury In the Haywood case yesterday
was a disapnolntment.
L ik e the
cross-examination o f Orchard by E.
F. Richardson, It seemed to lack nur
nose, and those who expected a
strong and nlaustble line of defense
failed to find their expectations real
Mr. Darrow talked three and a half
hours, blit., bevond entering some de­
nials and making some charees, he
accomplished very little, while his
“ ffort made a bad impression every­
where. He made the dual mistake
o f adm itting what could not be ex­
plained and offering diaphanous ex
nlanatlons o f those things which he
declared the defense ready to prove
In refutation o f testimony brought
out by the state.
At times he dropned Into stump
oratorv to relieve the monotony, as
when-he launched Into laudation of
the Federation, when he attacked the
mining comnanles and when he boil­
ed over with well-simulated Indigna­
tion at the work o f the Pinkerton
agency. In his attack on the mining
companies, he sought to make it ap-
near that these were oppressors of
the miners until the Federation came
along and humbled them Into the
dust, compelling them to give their
men enough to eat and afford them
when III. To those who know some­
E x s n p l e In F u l l S i g h t .
thing o f the provision made for
Teacher— There is a proverb, “ All Is miners in practically all camps
not gold Uhat shines.” Give me an ex­ where m etalliferous mining Is con­
ducted, this all sounded very cheap.
Scholar— Your nose, sir.— Meggen-
Will Aprfeal to Uncle 8*m
dorfer Blaetter.
Oakland, C a l„ June 25.— P resi­
L ib e r a l D e d u c tio n .
dent Small, o f the Telegraphers’
Unsophisticated Stranger— Officer, you Unlop, announced this afternoon
get a discount on your purchases at the that he would ask the aid o f the
fruit stands, don’t you?
United States government In th<* set­
Officer Googan— Wan hundherd per tlem ent o f the strike. He said he
would appeal to President Roosevelt
and members o f the Cabinet to Inter­
cede on the ground that the trans­
action of National business Is Inter­
fered with by the strike. President
Small asserts that, when Investiga­
tion is made by the President and
the Cabinet officials, It w ill be
learned that the striking telegraph­
ers are in no wise to blam«
. ' I t Is perfectly natural to nib the spot that hurts, and when the mnscles,
nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching with the pains of
Fight Harriman in Court
Rheumatism the sufferer is apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
Chicago, June 25.— Stockholders
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing representing a minority Interest o f
counter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment w ill quiet the pain tempo­ 50,000 shares o f Chicago Term inal
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it Transfer Railroad Company’s stock
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more filed a petition in Judge Kohlsatt's
than skin deep— it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be court, asking to be allowed to Inter­
reached by constitutional treatment— IT C A N N O T BE RUBBED A W A Y . vene In pending litigation against
the company, and charging Edward
Rheumatism is due to an excess o f uric acid in the blood, brought about by H. Harrlman, James Stillman. Jacob
the accumulation in the system o f refuse matter which the natural avenues H. Schiff and George J. Gould with
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This causing the bankruptcy o f the com­
refuse matter, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forms pany through fraud. The petition­
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the ers are George I. Malcom, George D.
body, and Rheumatism gets possession o f the system. The aches and pains Mackay, Edward A. Morgan, Edward
are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time L. Oppenhelm and James L. Laid-
by^surface treatment, they w ill reappear at the first exposure to cold or law.
dampness, or after an attack o f indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma­
Override 8chmi<z’ Veto.
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
San Francisco, June 25.— The
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease w ill shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing Roard o f Supervisors this evening
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system passed the city budget over the veto
is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes o f Mayor Schmitz. The budget was
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and returned with six vetoes. The others
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign were those appropriating 3720,000
matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead for establishing an electric conduit
o f a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit­ railroad on Geary street and 3720,-
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mns­ 000 for the reoalrlng o f streets. A
cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed development o f the session was the
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining breaking sway o f Supervisors Tw elt-
blood which completely and permanently moe and O’N eil from Schmitz.
cures Rheumatism. S. S. 8. is composed
Pu'sjanl.m Ended In It laud
Purifying and tonic properties-
Manila, Jnne 25.—-Governor-Gen­
just what is needed in every case of Rheu­ eral Smith has returned from a
matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but ia month's tour o f inspection o f the
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juicea o f roots, herbs and northern provinces. He declares that
barks. I f yon are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time Pnlatanlsm Is ended on the Islands
trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of 8. 8. 8. and write o f Samar and Leyte. H e give« the
ns about vour case and our physicians w ill give yon any information or I entire credit for the solotlon o f the
pd vice desired free of charge and w ill send our special treatise on Rheumatism. difficult situation to Governor Cnrry.
8tat* Maying Important Taatimony In
Haywood Case.
Boise, Idaho, June 23.— The clos­
ing of the case of the state leaves the
great battle against and for the life
of W illiam D. Haywood In m idfield,
and from now forward the aldea
change— the defendants assume the
aggressive, the prosecutors are on
the defensive. The state w ill carry
its case through an aggressive cross-
examination and then present testi­
mony In rebuttal, but its main prop­
osition and showing are already be­
fore the jury.
As to the Steuenberg crime, which
is the one specifically
against Haywood, the state has made
the follow ing showing:
Jack Simpkins, member 'o f thç
executive board of the W estern Fed­
eration o f Miners, went to Caldwell
three months before Steunenberg
was murdered.
He truveled under
the assumed name of “ Simons,” and
lived with Orchard. He left Cald­
well at the end o f a week's stay and
later returned for a b rief visit of less
than a day. His presence and move
ments are shown by Independent wit
nesses and the registers o f hotels
where he Btopped.
Haywood sent 3100 to Simpkins on
December 21, 1005, nine days before
the murder o f Steunenberg, and an
unregistered letter, sent from Den
ver on December 30, 1905, and show
ing by Its address to “ Thomas Ho
gan,” that the writer knew the alias
o f Harry Orchard, contained the
statement that “ that” had been sent
to “ Jack” on December 21, 1905. Or­
chard testified that Pettlbone, one of
Haywood's co-defendants, wrote the
W ithout making any request legal
aid was extended to Orchard within
two days after his arrest through A t­
torney Fred M iller o f Spokane.
Made o f Incandescent Air and Hat
Breathing Apparatua.
London, June 23.— An entirely
new and wonderful form of electric
light Is now used to Illuminate the
courtyard o f the Savoy hotel, the
great Am erican rendezvous In Lon­
don. It Is the Invention of a young
American, McFarlan Moore, who has
perfected his system after 12 years
The light, which resembles day­
light In color, Is produced by mak­
ing rarefied air Incandescent by an
alternating current o f electricity.
The air Is contained In a vacuum
tube, 200 feet long, with Its ends
meeting In a terminal box contain­
ing a motor-generator.
This tube glows with a strong,
steady light, but it would flicker and
go out If the air was not constantly
renewed by an automatic valve, by
which It practically "breathes.”
When the resistance In the tube Is
lowered by the exhaustion o f the air
by electrical action, a minute cone of
porous carbon Is lifted automatically
from the mercury In which It rests,
and through this porous cone fresh
air passes. As soon as the Interior
resistance is restored, the cone sinks
again, and the covering o f mercury
prevents the entry o f more air. Thus
the supply of air Is kept up by this
novel breathing apparatus.
Schmltr Mgy Yst Get Bail.
San Francisco, June 22.— Some de
cisión by the District Court o f Ap­
peals is looked for soon In the ap­
plication o f Mayor Schmitz for re­
lease on ball by w rit of habeas cor­
pus. Judge Hall Is out of town, but
Judges Cooper and K errigan are In
chambers. They have taken the
mayor’s application under advise­
ment, and It Is understood, though
not officially, that the w rit w ill be
This does not necessarily
mean that the mayor w ill be ad­
mitted to bail, but that his allega­
tion that he is suffering from an In­
curable disease, which may be ren­
dered fatal by confinement, entitles
him to a fuller hearing before the
court to determine Its merit.
■ • ■ M ’s Cora Boot,
M y Hair
Ran Away
D on ’t have a falling out with
your hair. It might leave y o u !
Then what? That would mean
thin, acraggly, uneven, rough
hair. Keep your hair at home!
Fasten It tightly to your scalp!
You can easily do it with A yer’s
H sir Vigor. It is something
more than a simple hair dress­
ing. It is a hair medicine, a
hair tonic, a hair food.
Metis by J. C. Ayer Co.. Dowell, Mese,
▲leo man uího turerà o f
sarsapaulu .
l * S
Got On* Faro for Trip.
23. — 8ecr«tary
Shepard of the National Educational
Association today announced that all
the objections to the rates of fare to
and from the convention to be held
at Los Angeles have been finally ad­
justed. Under the arrangements as
o f Samar and Governor Deveyra, o f they now stand tickets will be sold
I Leyte.
for one fare for the round trip.
th e
4 %
H ay.
On laving* deposits of • dollar
or more, compounded twice
every year. It it just ae easy
to open a Barings Account with
ni by Mail *a if you lived next
door. Bend for our free book­
let, “ Banking bv Mail,” and
learn lull particular*. Addreea
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
ta o tlo a a .
A well-known New York golf en
tbuslast said: “ When I first learned
the game I did not care very much for
It. One day I was out with my caddie
and was making a miserable attempt
at playing the game. I said to the cad
die: ‘I suppose you have been around
tbe links with worse players than me,
“The caddie made no reply, so I
again put the same question to him iu
a much louder tone, to which the cud
die answered:
“ ‘ I heard very well what you said
the first time, so I am Just tbinklu'
about It.’ ”
Mica Axle Grease.
lengthens the life of the
wagon — s a v e s horse­
power, time and tem­
per. Best lubricant in
the w o rld — contains
powdered mica
which l
1 forms i
a smooth,
hard coating on axle, and
reduces friction.
I f you want your outfit
, to last and earn money
while it lasts — grease
the axles w ith Mica
Axle Grease.
H o r r o r « o f liu a e tm ll.
“ Speaking of ‘cold weather pitchers,* ’’
muttered the umpire, breathing on his be­
numbed fingers and dodging an outcurve
“ the best cold weather pitcher in the
business, to my way of thinking, is a
pitcher of something hot.”
MOW A HD E. BU RTON.—Assayer a r l Chemist.
■■ lamdvllle, Colorado, bpen men prices: Gold,
Silver, L - * a i,fi; Hold, Silver, 75c: (»old, 40c; Zinc or
Copper, ft. Cyanide tests. Mulling envelopes and
ftill price list sent ou application. Control and Um­
pire work solid led.
iielerence: Carbonate N a ­
tional Bank.
Mothers w ill find Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing
3yrup the b at remedy to use for th e ir children
lu r in g the teeth in g period.
A d O ld
Y a rn .
Old Lady— Little boy, do you believe
tu Santa Claus?
Mickey— Cut it out, old party; I bit
on dat kind of a gag at Peter Pan last !
year.— Cornell Widow.
n g r a v in g
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
ti Chi» Il Cu ti lodili ii ta tut
Milli) Mild Quick« WritiUsTai)
C, n . W doweilä C o
Before Going Elsewhere.
342V* Washington St.
Portland, Oregon
A G irl«’ School o f the highest class. C ollegi­
ate department. Music. Art. Elocution. Gym­
nasium. F a ll term opens September 16.
write Us
A n o th er K e n tu c k y
H o rro r.
“ Col. Aligore seems to be
shine to the rich widow
“ No; she’s taking a shine
told me the other day, with
that she was his sour mash.”
taking quite j
of a pickle
to him. He
a wry face,
r i T A St. Vitos* Dance ana 3tll Nervous Diseases
1 1 1 w permanently cured by Dr. Kline's (treat
Nerve Restorer. Hend for F R E E 92trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. It. H. Kline, Ld.. 931 Arch HU, Pblla.,Pa.
North Beach, Washington, the leading
resort in the Northwest.
Now open.
T e c h n ic a l B a s e b a ll R e p o rta .
“ Going to the gume this afternoon?”
“ Yep. I am awfully busy, too.”
“ Why don’t you wait and read about
It in the morning paper?”
“That wouldn’t do me any good. I'd
have to see the game to understand
the article.”— Cleveland Plain Dealer.
R ig h t on the edge o f the ocean
Electric lights, steam
heat, hot and cold salt water in
every bath tub, pu blic bath, pri­
vate bath, and poetoffire in the
bu ilding. Private dairy, private
livery stable, private vegetable
garden, priva te pou ltry yards.
Means cash In your pocket, because com­
fortable rows mean more milk, more cream
and more money. Aak for Lilly's Best Fly
Killer; It costs less snd does more.
by dealers. Qt.. 3ft eta.; gala.. $1.00. Made
by Cbaa. H. Lilly Co., Seattle, Portland,
8an Francisco.
D iffe r e n t .
The burglar had gathered up all the
Just as he was about to depart the
light of his lantern flushed upon the
face of -a golden-haired child, asleep.
The burglar departed Just the same.
He was no story-book burglar.— Phil­
adelphia Ledger.
Tw o tennis courts, fou r bow l­
ing alleys, roller skating, golf,
horseback rid in g w ith private
teacher. A beautiful lake in ttie
hotel grounds, boat riding, b il­
liards, pool, private hotel orches­
tra, tw o pianos, pianola, orcites-
trelle, excellen t dan cing pa vil­
C o b a lt,
The Well-Known
C t.
Root and Herb
Breakers, Washington
Thera’s a flag station in Connecticut,
U. 8. A., called Cobalt The Pilgrim
fathers or their near relatives mined
the mineral not wisely nor too well.
The mlue is still there, but no one
works I t Not one man in ten thou­
sand in the United States knows the
village of Cobalt, Conn., Is on the map;
but nine out of ten men in New York
city and in every United States town
boasting of a live newspaper, knows
Cobalt, Ontario, Canada, as well as he
knows Butte, Mont.—Toronto World.
C Gee Wo
Write for Tree Booklet
Shake Into Your Shoes
A llen 's Foot-Kaue. A powder. I t makes tigh t
o r new shoes feel easy. I t is a certain cure tor
sw eating, callous and hot, tired, ach ing feet. I
Sold by a ll Druggists. Price 2 V . T ria lp a c k -
age m ailed FK LE . Address A lle n S. Olmsted,
LeR oy, New York.
NOTICE—The fo llow in g announcem ent« ar
from leading business men and firm«, and aro
w ell w orthy your careful reading. The list
mav contain just the proposition you are look­
ing for.
Hat made a life study of roots and herbs, and In that
study discovered and la giving to the world his won­
derful remedies.
No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used—He Cure«
Without Operation, or Without the Aid
of a Knife.
He guarantees to Cure Catarrh, Asthma. Lung,
Throat, Rheumatism. Nervousnoss. Nervous Debil­
ity, Stomach, Liver. Kidney Troubles: also Lost
Manhood. Female Weakness and All Prlvato Diseases
The only tract« on the market where you can
contract to «e ll your crop. Ten train« a day.
Abundance o f water. Price $150.00 per acre -
ea«y paym en t«—come in or w rite for particu­
Just Received from Peking, China -Safe, Sure
and Reliable.
If you cannot call, write for aympten blank and clra^
1 st . Inclose 4 cents in stamps.
Spokane, Washington.
110 Steven«
162J First St., Cor. Morrison.
Portland, Oregon
Please Mention This Paper.
AXiitlabte Prepari Ion trAi
similaiiii* the Foorfanff Regula
ling (Ite Statate aodßowkof
Promotes Digestion/Twrfif
ness and RestXontalns nette
Opium Morphine nor Muerai.
n o t N a r c o t ic .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Aofit j / ou ctsm nm oa
ñm^tm tmJ-
To Bs Coal snd Car Famlns.
Bellingham, Wash., June 23.—
Howard Elliott, president o f the
Northern Pacific R ailw ay Company,
predicted for next winter a repeti­
tion o f last winter's fuel famine. Mr.
E lliott says It will be difficult to se­
cure supplies from the mines, and
another car shortage is almost sure
to occur. "O w ing to hostile legisla­
tion and the high cost o f mainten­
ance, Improvements and extensions
In the Northwest will be few and far
between,’’ said Mr. Elliott.
B ack
Banking by Mail
The foreign nobleman was keenly dis­
“ I was hoping, monsieur,” he sighed,
“that you might possibly Install me In
your glorious family.”
The wealthy mine owner laughed.
,‘Tustall you?” he echoed. “ Why, cer­
tainly. You will find our family sta­
ble to the left and If you don't dis­
turb tbe horses you may have a stall
all to yourself.”
The beet kind of a testimonial—
“ Sold for over sixty years."
Only There to Take Note*.
San Francisco, June 23.— The
three cabinet officers who are coming
to San Francisco are not, It Is said,
expected to settle the present strike,
according to the conciliation commit­
tee. That body announced that the
presence o f the three secretaries
would be used not as a means of
bringing about Industrial peace, but
simply for the purpose o f education
and obtaining their views on the gen­
eral relations between capital and
It Is hoped that the local
strikes w ill be settled before the
peace conference takes place.
Business Side o f W ar Talk.
Toklo, June 23.— A join t meeting
o f five chambers o f commerce was
called to consider and pass resolu­
tions on the American question, but
owing to the inability o f representa­
tives from Kyoto and Kobe to ar­
rive In time, the formal meeting was
postponed. The absentees are, how­
ever, expected early next week. The
Chambers o f Commerce to be repre­
sented are those o f Toklo, Osaka,
Kobe, K oyoto and Yokohama. It Is
apprehended that the subject of
commercial relation
will not as­
sume any definite shape.
Corned beef hash as made by Sen­
ator Hanna's cook was very popular
In Washington several years ago. When
the head waiter of the senate restau
rant wanted hush prepared very care­
fully he ordered It this w ay: “ One
corned beef bash for ¡Senator Hanna.”
One day when the restaurant was do­
ing s heavy business almost everybody
seemed to want corned beef hash.
“ Corned beef bash for Senator Han­
na” had been ordered fourteen times.
When the fifteenth order went down to
the kitchen the chef shouted: “ That's
fifteen orders for Senator Hanna! He’d
better watch out or he'll founder him­
self.”— St. Paul Pioneer Press.
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