The Estacada News WAR TALK ALL PO LITICS. MEN REFUSED RAISE O PP O SE FOREST RESERVES. h i OR Y SACKEO UP. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST dank Records 8how That Orchard Public Lands Convention Starts Cam­ paign for Thsir Elimination. Told liuth. Boise, Idaho, June 21.— Yesterda) Denver, Colo., June 19.— A mighty Tokio, June 26.— Public excite­ E STA C A D A ........... GRBOOH campaign to defeat the policy of the the slate proved by documentary evi­ ment over the Am erican question has prtsent administration at Washington, dence that tnenev was sent Orchard almost parted away, but agitation Is SE T T LLR S W ILL LOSE LAND. WHEAT N O T 8POILEO. which aims at the oonservution of the at Ban Francisco from Federation still going on. It Is mostly the work remaining public lands of the United headquarters as he teatlfled. The) o f the politicians of the opposition, Klamath Fails Aroused Over Recent Clackamas County Crops ard Looking States, was inaugurated in Denver to­ .bowed by the records o f the Postal who are employing the question ss s day. A convention known as the Pub­ Wall— Large AbpiO Crop. Ruling by Garfield. company at Denver that two rem it­ lic Lands convention, witti delegates in weapon o f attack upon the Ministry. Oregon City— The farmers of Klamath Falls— A decision recently tances were made, one by W olff, Pet attendance in greater oi leaser »timbers The Progressives and a coterie of d Clackamas county are encouraged .lboue’s representative, and the othei made hy Secreiary Gaitield has com­ from all the states west of the Missouri politicians called the "D aldo Club," jy P. Bone, the latter name being a plicated matters In township 37, range over crop conditions, and beMeve river and from the territories, hut real­ will likely join hands In a combined that the. yield w ill be large, espec­ ly dominated hy special interests in attack on the Ministry over the Company Refuses to Recognize the play on the words. Orchard testilieo 10. This tract of land was secured on ially In wheat. The aphis, which did (Joloiado and Wyoming, is to form the A Rtium« o f tho Last Important but hat such a name was often used b) crip by Daniels A McKael, a Wiscon- Union— Nearly Two Hundred American question, their principal Not Last Intarasting Evants . ettlboue. Further, it Is understoou 4n timber firm, several years ago, but so much damage last year, has not base of this movement. aim being to strengthen their respec Are Affected. The stales, through some of Iheir o f tha Past Waak. .hat a handwriting expert will testify their filing was rejected at the Lake appeared, and the recent rains have liv e positions In the coming election representative«, argue that it is essen­ been very beneficial. Last year the .1 some tim e belors the case la end- o f local assemblies and also In the view land office, the officials asserting aphis prevented much o f the wheat tial to their development that the na­ Car shortage In Oregon Is attri­ general election next year. San Francisco, June 22— The tele­ jd , that both applications were made that the scrip was fraudulent. On ap from heading, and the loss to the tional government stay its policy of out hy Pettlbone. An Interesting fea­ buted by Harriman to shippers. Reports from conservation, so that millions of acres Their principal watchword Is the graph operators employed by th< peal to the commissioner of the general farmers was heavy. A New York tenement building diplomatic Impotency o f the Salonji Western Uqjpn and Poqtal Telegraph ture o f those remittances Is that land office and to Secretary Hitchcock, outlying districts are very satisfac­ of land may be thrown open to unre­ tory, and in the eastern and south­ stricted entry and exploitation. Great payee was collapsed, killin g 18 people, all fo r­ Cabinet, which has resulted, they companies left their keys at 3:31' identification of t t e the Lakeview land office was upheld ern portions o f the county there will areas of couseived lands deprive tiie eigners. and waived In both cases. say, in suffering to compatriots In o’clock yesterday afternoon be good crops. George H. Gregory, Another link In the chain o f docu­ Recently tiie Wisconsin firm secured a of M olalla, one of the few teasel states of revenue through taxation, as A lone highwayman is again hold­ America and in Inability to receive walked out of the offices. Thret well as by preventing rapid growth of rehearing before Secretary Garfield, ing up stages en route to the Yose- mentary evidence of payments has growers o f the Pactflc Coast, savs population. Tiie argument sounds log­ treatment worthy o f the subjects of ihort blasts from a police whittle m ite park. wiio rendeied a decision reversing tbe the crop this year cannot be excelled. been forged. A dispatch received gave the signal, and at the sound the ical, and can be met only by the arous­ a first-class power. W h ile the prune crop In many sec­ South American republics fear an operators arose from the tables, pul from the First National hank statea one formerly rendered and giving the It Is difficult to foretell how' far on their coats and quit their Jobs. tions will be Bhort, there Is a fine ed Interest of the entire countiy— attack on Monroeism at The Hague hat the stub of the $100 draft pur­ lands to the timber company. The nrospect for a large crop of apples. North, East and South, os well as West they can succeed In stirring up the conference. Both the Postal and Western chased for Bimpkins In December, tract of land is within ten miles of this The strawberry crop Is still being — to the fact that the welfare of the Texas plans a rigid quarantine public, but whatever attempts are Union main San Francisco offices are 1005, showed It was secured on De­ -ity and ia especially valuable for tim harvested, and W ilson berries sold people of the United States as a whole against tuberculosis cases coming In made In the way of agitation, actual located close together In the Ferry building. Since the fire the main cember 21, the day on which the ber, while some of it is suitable for ag for $1 per crate In the local mar­ is at stake. from other states. hostilities with the United States are relay office o f the Western Union ha> Severs! persons kets Saturday. Indications are bright money was sent to Bimpkins fo r Or rlcultural purposes. A nine-year-old Italian boy has not even dreamed of. The war talk been at West Oakland, where, until V O T E CANAL LEVY. from Kiamah Falls have homesteads in for a large crop of cherries, and very chard, as shown by the letter sent by few have been spelled by the rains so been killed In New Orleans, presum­ In some of the American press Is yesterday afternoon, about 150 men the township and have made improve­ far this season. Pettlbone to the latter. In thut draft ably by members of the Black Hand and women were employed. In the ments on the land, but according to the totally Ignored here. Assessment to Dig Lake Washington Society. he second figure o f the date had secretary’s decision, must give up the San Francisco offices about 20 oper Waterway Carries. Trout Plsated Near Astoria. ators were employed, and at outside oeen punched out, and it was neces- lands. A collision between freigh t and WRECK IN C O N N E C T IC U T . Astoria— A shipment o f 2,000 Seattle, Wash., June 19.— The King branches about 20 more. passenger trains on the New York tary to refer to the stub to determine In a few instances holders made final brook trout and 12,000 rainbow The Postal company had 60 oper county board of commissioners this Central near Rochester, N. Y., re­ that the draft was Issued to Bimpkins proof on timber claims in this town­ Fast Passenger Crashes Into Rear of ators In Its main San Francisco of on the day that Pettlbone gave as the ship and disposed of them to third per­ trout has been received from the afternoon granted the petition of the sulted in the death o f five men. government hatchery on the Clack­ lak e Washington canal enthusiasts to flee. Employes of both companies, Work Train With Fatal Results. date on which the money was sent. San Francisco letter carriers sons. The sitnation is quite complicat­ amas river. The. brook trout were with the exception o f one in each o f­ form a $1,075,000 assessment district threaten to quit work July 1. They ed, and it ia likely that another rehear­ planted In streams near Forts Co­ fice, stopped work at the signal. Hartford, Conn., June 25.— Six to construct the waterway between are receiving no more pay than be­ H O LD S LAND IN T R U ST . lumbia and Stevens, while the rain­ The operators in San Francisco ing w ill be requested. fore the fire though expenses are workmen were killed and 40 were and Oakland were dissatisfied with Laud Convention Told President's Pol­ bow trout were planted In streams Puget sound and lakes Union and Injured when a passenger train on the letter from President Clowry, ot greater and work harder. tributary to upper Young’s R iver and Washington. A petition w ill immedi­ icy Will Be Kept Up. No Sheep Killing Looked for. running through property owned by ately be filed in the Federal court for The surety company on the bond the Highland division o f the New the Western Union, published Thurs Sumpter— The recent rains have had Dr. Vaughn and C. V. Brown of this the appointment of a board of assessors Denver, Colo., June 21.— Presi­ o f Treasurer Bantel, o f San Fran­ York, New Haven & H artford R ail­ day, and Insisted that their demandb a most beneficial effect upon the grasses Messrs. Vaughn and Brown to levy an sssissment upon benefited cisco, says he must have the signa­ road crashed Into the rear o f a work for a 25 per cent Increase In wages dent Roosevelt has served notice ou of the ranges of this section of Eastern city. will prohibit fishing in the streams property. the West, in a letter that was read at tures of both Schmitz and Gallagher train that was backing Into the city should be granted. Oregon. Already sheep and cattlemen for three years, w ill feed the young President Small, o f the Commer­ This board w ill number 11 persons on warrants for money. from New Britain Saturday night, at cial Telegraphers’ union, arrived the Public Lands convention, which are beginning to occupy the localities fish for a time, and w ill also fence and a tenative district extending from came to an end last evening after A picnic party near Tacoma was the Sigourney street crossing. they arranged for during the Btockmen’s off with wire screens the portions of the Snohomish county line to a point Of here Thursday, and after considering precipitated Into the Sound by the the situation, ordered the strike un adopting resolutions much less rad­ convention here last fall with the for­ the streams where the fry were three miles south of Kent has been ap­ slip giving way as the crowd was the injured, two probably w ill die. planted. less the Increase was granted. Both In one Instance, it took an hour the Western Union and the Postal o f­ ical than those who had the affair in est reserve officials. Several bands of proved. This would include the entire boarding a steamer. One hundred charge originally had Intended, that sheep are en route to tbia section and city of Seattle and half of the valley fell Into the water of whom five were and a half to rescue a workman, who ficials decline to grant the lncreast Will Water Malheur Land. are expected in the vicinitfy of Sumpter the present administration will until between Seattle and Tacoma in the area killed and 16 hurt. was pinned beneath the trucks. His or to consult with the union. They Vale— A big irrigation project is be­ any day. It is not thought there will Martial law has been proclaimed head was hanging down backward expressed their willingness to con its end pursue a policy o f fostering 1« any ruthless slaughter of sheep like ing developed on the Owyhee liver, adjudged to be benefitted by the canal. The valley benefit consists largely in a slder and act upon any grievance: actual homemakiug and preventing at Sebastopol, Russia. and he suffered severely, but the res­ presented by their employes as lndl that which lias disgraced the state dar­ tributary to Nyssa. The project coven removal of danger from damage by Portuguese chafe under the czar- cuers encouraged him while doctors vlduals, but this has not satisfied the the remaining public laDds from be­ ing past years, owing to the satisfac­ something like 200,000 acres of land ing exploited by men and corpora­ tory arrangements made in allotting and is being worked ot by Messrs. Test floods, w ith the improvement in real like rule of K ing Carlos. reached between the framework men, and the walkout resulted. estate values from the opening of the tions and o f prosecuting those who the ranges of the reserve, as each indi­ and Gregg, of Ontario, who have inter­ Prominent men are Implicated In which held him a prisoner and canal aB a secondary consideration. perpetrate frauds. ested Chicago capitalists in the matter. vidual ia protected by hia agreement the Colorado land frauds. LAW YERS REVIEW CASE. By the action of the county commis­ treated the wounds on his face and The plan is to take water from tbe sioners approval Is given to the plan of The west, by reason of the presi­ with the government. Italian bakers have gone on a head. Owyee river about 16 miles southwest dent’s written declaration and state­ raising $1,000,000 by special assess­ strike against night work. There are three unofficial versions Defense Asks Court to Dismiss Hay­ of Nyssa, place reservoirs at different ment up to 10 mills for the construc­ Prospects for Cherry Fair. ments made In detail during the last wood, But is Refused, Deaths and prostrations are of o f the cause o f the wreck. One Is points on the river and cover all the Salem— Preparations are almost com­ tion of a canal. The extra $75,000 is dally occurrence In New York. Boise, Idaho, June 22.-— Yesterday few days by Secretary of the Interior that the passenger train from New plete for the second annual Cherry higher land lying east and south of the needed for office work and the expenses Mayor Schmitz continues to exer­ Britain went out on a wrong track In the Haywood murder trial, after Garfield and United States Forester Fair, to be held here July 10 11-12, point of intake. A number of people of the commission. cise executive authority from his The second Is that the work train the state had rested Its case in chief Plnchot, w ill have a much better un­ are securing lan now, for the territory The canal w ill be a temporary affair, the defense made a motion for an derstanding o f the adm inistration’s under the auspices of the Oregon H oiti- cell. had the right o f way until 7 o ’clock instructed verdict, and there follo w ­ intention with respect to a matter cnltural society and in conjunction covered by the project w ill be rich and the single lock in Shilshole hay being The San Francisco street car strike and should have had a clear track ed the first protracted argument of that Is second In importance to no with the Northwest Nurserymen’s asso­ valuable when irrigated. the only piece of concrete work. It is Is proving a failure and many men Circular letters believed by the property owners in tire that the paaaenger train was ahead the long contest. It occupied a long other now occupying public atten­ ciation convention. are returning to work. Granger’s View o f School Tsx. afternoon session and was o f tht tion. The better understanding has and invitations have heen sent out Lakes Union and Washington district o f time at the time. The third Is highest Interest, bringing out the been Indicated already in the resolu­ broadcast by Secretary Armstrong and, The Union Pacific claims the two- Salem— “ The Stale Grange,” said tliat the opening of a waterway between that the work train opened a switch radical divergence between the views tions adopted by a convention or­ judging from the number of applica­ State Senator Jacob Voorhies, long the sound and the lakee will be fol­ cent rate law Is not compulsory and of the state and those o f the defense ganized with intent hostile to the na­ and failed to close it. w ill fight It In the courts. tions for space already received the identified with its work, “ stands upon lowed by government control and im ­ respecting the governing law o f the tional administration. These resolu­ success of the exhibit is practically the policy, defined hy the constitution provement. Investlf&tlon shows that all case. tions do not In their entirety express Over 20 silver cupe w ill be and laws of .the state, that when a child opium dens In the Chinese part of LIGH TNING HIT8 OIL TA N K S. On the side o f the defense the what conservative representatives of assured. Shanghai have been closed. S T O P ALL W ORK O N C APITO L. claim was that there was no testi­ the public lands states declare would awarded in the different varieties and has heen provided with a good, common Mark Twain was a visitor of K ing Violent Storm Does Much Damage In mony to connect Haywood with the be the registered sentiment of the classes of cherry exhibits, while special school education, the obligation of the murder o f Frank Steunenberg, com west itself If unrestricted expression premiums w ill be given for floral dis­ taxpayer has been fully discharged, and Sacramento Trades Council Finds Edward who was greatly pleased Indien T erritory. the policy of taxation to educate a few mitted by Orchard, an alleged accom thereof had been permitted In Den plays and creditable seedlings. with the American humorist. Stone Cut by Non-union Men, Tulsa, I. T., June 25.— A violent pllce o f the defendant. The law re­ vsr. to fit them for special work or profes­ The governm ent’s anti-Polish pol­ specting the testimony o f an accom­ Sacramento, June 19.— A t noon to­ sions is an injustice to the taxpayer storm swept over this section o f In­ Hatch Shad at Oregon City. icy Is Increasing. Many Polish pap­ plice was quoted and commented up LAST EFFORT OF U NIO N. ers are being suppressed and meet­ dian T erritory early Saturday, caus­ on and it was claimed there was no Oregon City— The shad hatchery es­ and should be limited if net abolished day all oi the union men employed on ings forbidden. ing damage to property estimated at testimony to connect Haywood with tablished at W illam ette falls by Su­ — at least the system c l taxation ehou’d tiie state capitol were ordered to cease work on the repairs of tho building, on A terrific elec­ Orchard In the commission o f this Telegraph Operators Aik Neill to Use perintendent Henry O’ Malley, of the be more equitably adjusted.” A Seattle restaurant has declined nearly $500,000. account of a controversy that lias arisen United States bureau of fisheries, is in Influence. to serve Japanese. trical storm accompanied the wind act, excepting that o f Orchard him­ between the Building Trades coancil Learns Something In Oregon. self, which could not be accepted. Chicago, June 20.— W ith the gen­ operation and is an unusual sight. A l­ Daniel Osirs, a Paris banker, has and lightning struck oil tanks all Hood River— S. W . Fletcher, pro­ and the firm of Hayes A Townsend, the Mr. Richardson made a very able ready 1,120,000 Bhad eggs have been left $5,000,000 to the Pasteur Insti­ over the mid-continent field. In argument along these lines. He went eral executive board of the Commer­ taken, though the hatchey was started fessor of horticulture and landscape contractors in charge oi the brick and tute. Glennpool, near Tulsa, a 55,000-bar­ over the testimony o f most all the cial Telegraphers’ Union yesterday only last week. George H. Talbert iB gardening of tire Michigan State Agri- stone work. The derailment o f a work train rel tank o f the Quaker Oil & Gas witnesses, winding up his review of approving a strike against both the conducting operations and the bureau cultural college, was an interested vis­ These orders were issued shortly be­ near Detroit, Minn., resulted In the Company and a dozen other small the narrative o f each crime touched Postal and Western Union T ele­ expects to take 1,600,000 eggs. The itor at Hoed River a few days ago. fore noon hy George Duffy, the agent upon with the declaration that there death o f tw o men. tanks were struck by lightning and was nothing to connect Haywood graph companies, the eyes o f the fish are hatched in glass jars on the Mr. Fletcher was here to learn some­ of the Building Tradss council, who discovered that the sandstone that is The consul general o f Guatemala are still burning fiercely. W illiam with It. country are now fixed on Charles P. sixth day after being taken and are thing about the growing and packing to the United States says President of strawberries and said: “ We take off used in the vestibule of the building liberated as soon as hatched. Some of Judge W ood Immediately an S. Mowry, o f this city, suffered a loss Neill, United States commissioner of Cabrera Is In the best o f health,.. our hate to Hood River in the fruit bus­ was being cut by a nonunion stone­ at Cooly Bluff o f nine 16,000-barrel nounced his decision refusing the labor, who Is looked upon as the last the shad are placed in the W iillam ette river and others are being sent to iness. It seems to be able to do what cutter in the employ of Carlow Broa., The trial of Louis Glass, general tanks, nnd the Standard Oil Com motion. "T h e court Is thoroughly satisfied source through whom peace may Skagit river and other Washington no other section in the country can in the firm furnishing the stone. It ap­ manager o f the Pacific States Tele- pears that tbe sandstone cutters, who the way of kng distance shipments.’ pone Company, w ill start In a few pany's tanks at the same place were that this case should be submitted to come. points. are affiliated with the Building Tradea the jury. I f T felt differently I would almost totally destroyed. The strike situation reached a days. not hesitate to so rule.” council of San Francisco, have been on most critical stage during the day. Brook Trout Planted In Molalla May Force Batter Service. The telegraphers’ strike In San The court then explained that he In the hope that strife may yet be Strikebreakers En Route. Oregon City— Through the efforts ef a strike since last March. 'Salem — The matter of poor passenger Francisco came as a surprise to East­ would not review the evidence In a averted, W esley Russell, general sec­ Sacramento, Cal., June 25.— Two ern men who thought the trouble all carloads o f strikebreakers, herded by written opinion, because there were retary o f the union, telegraphed train service on the Southern Pacific, Oregon City and Molalla sportsmen, Bribery Cats Set. settled. Pinkerton detectives, passed through two more defendants to be tried from Chicago to S. K. Konenkamp, es|>ecially south to north, having been the United States bureau of fisheries Ban Francisco, June 19.— The case later. taken up with the company officials hy lias planted 1,500 Eastern brook trout deputy president o f the National this city at 2:30 this afternoon for Many French soldiers have de­ Court then adjourned until 10 Union, to find Commissioner N eill in the railroad commission, after numer­ in tlie waters of the Molalla river and against John Martin, Frank Drum and L ittle satisfactory serted and joined the rebels In the San Francisco. Eugene de Sable, indicted for bribery o’clock Monday morning. New York and ask him to use his In­ ous complaints lia business, since it Batter— Fancy cresroey, 22 H * 25c Hotel Alexandria. The delegates ore brought out the troops and In the pletely capture Eastern trade and from all parte of the country. The will not pay operating expenses. Denver. June 22.— An agreement per pound. clash that followed several persona commerce. President to Hunt up North. There are features was reached yesterday between Col­ meeting was called in the rega'ar order Poultry— Average old hens, 13@14c were killed. about the Chinese and Japanese." he orado representatives o f the range Victoria, B. C., June 21.— Shortly Conztrucfion Starts Soon. per pound; mixed chickens, ISHc; at 1 o’clock. After a prayer by Rev. said, "th at are bound to make them Interests and officials o f the Interior after his present term ot office ex­ Drain— Every Indication points spring fryers and broilers, 16*17e; old Robert McIntyre, D. D., Mayor Harper Two of the regular stages from the conquerors o f the world, but they Department, under which Fred Light pires. Theodore Roosevelt, president toward an early opening of construc­ roosters, 9@10c; dressed chickens, 16 delivered an address of welcome. Tbia Raymond, Cal., to Wawona were w ill do It by peaceful means.” of Aspen, Is to become plaintiff In a tion work on the Oregon Western is reaponded to by Dr. E O. Sharp, held up and about $260 In money of the United States, will leave for @17c; turkeys. live, 10*12c; turkeys, friendly suit In the Colorado District Railroad from here to Coo» Bay. of Guthrie, Okie. and considerable Jewelry secured. diessed, choice, nominal; geeae, live, British Columbia on a hunting trip. Spain to Put Up tha Bara. Courts to test the power of the gov­ Concrete abutments for the steel The "Black Kid” Is supposed to have Madrid. June 26.— Senor T^elerva. ernment to forbid grazing on govern­ Such Is the Information contained In bridges on the “ Y ” across Elk Creek per pound, 8e; young ducks, 13*14c; done the work. Tropical Haat In Madrid. letter from Warburton Pike, au­ are being bnllt and all tha steel for old ducks, 10c., minister o f the Interior. Yesterday ment domain, unfenced. hut Included Madrid, Jnne 19.— Tiie heat here la Governor Hughes has signed the bill read the Immigration bill In the In reserves. Officials of tha govern­ thor of "The Great Lone Land.” and the two bridge» 1» now tn the yard» F.ggs— Candled, 21*22c per dosen. granting a recount of the New York Cortea. The bill provides a system ment have been classing as trespass a renowned hunter of big game, to s In South Drain. At the tunnels the Veal— Dr arsed, S ', @7 He per pound. Intense. On 8unday it waa 9, Rttef has heen gven another week to neighboring powers to prevent clan­ gun yesterday morning before Su­ Seattle. Jnne 11.— The steam­ Wight in August. Astoria— One of the marked salmon 10310HC. answer indictments in connection with destine Immigration. perior Judge I-aw lor by the attor­ ship Victoria arrived from Nome that were ttimed oat from the Cloeka- Pork— Browed, 6@8H<’ par pound. the United Railways bribery. neys for three groups of accused mil­ yesterday. She Is the first boat to mac river hatchery In 1904 waa deliver­ Hope— 6@8c per pound, according to Jerome Will Now Indict. Ask PraeMont't Oo-Onaratleu lionaires. The conrt Insisted for the return. A treasure shipment of $1.- The state has introduced letters ed at the Tallant-Grant Packing com­ quality. New York, June 19.— District Attor­ Kansas City. Mo.. June IS.— Pres­ mrpoee of saving time that the ex­ 000.000 was brought down. Only $7 written by Haywood which Implicate pany’a cannery recently. Il was a chi- Wool— Eastern Oregon average bast, ney Jemme announced today that the ident Roosevelt and the governors of aminations should be made jointly, passengers came out. Much lee was him In the Htennenberg murder. Two lfl@22c per pound, according to shrink­ grand jury invest leal ion of insurance the several states have been asked to ss the motions filed on behalf of the met In the Behring Ben. Conditions nook and weighed 28 pounds. China la grateful to the United States aid the National Union of Railway accused raise Identleal !settee and n Nome were reported good. There more of the marked fish were csoght a age; valley, 2J*2Ec, according to fino- companies has been concluded. His for a reduction of the indemnity grant­ Trackmen In a campaign for greater will be supported. If eupportad at all. Is n scarcity of Orientals for the few days before snd reported, bat their mohair, choree 2V*S0c par be amid, will now prepare C ie e a teat. weight is not known. ed at the close of the Boxer trouble. by Identical safety In railway travel. indicted official». Hostilities With United Statea Not Dreamed o f by Japanese. NEWS OF THE WEEK I a Condensed Form for O v Basy le a d e n Telegraph Operators In San Fran­ cisco and.Oakland Quit. SMALL ORDERED THE ^STRIKE