NO. 29 of E S T A C A D A , O R EG O N , T H U R S D A Y , JU N E 27, V O L. 3 SEALS ** SUCTION The Estacada State Bank have some choice ones for sale on easy terms m ot M O U T H ECONOMY JARS A NEW STOCK OF Buy Lots ¡« Estacada NO RUBBER RING SANITARY SELF SEALING Put tip by yourself in $1 A Y E A R Make a good investment Serve Delicious Vegetables Corn on Cob, or Whole Tomatoes on Christmas Day 1907. Dry-Goods and Men’s Furnishings A I R T IG H T NO MOULD NO LOSS H i t P S VEG LTA BICS. F R U IT S M I N T S IT C S C A L C O FOREVER. R E T A IN IN G F R I S A N A T U R A L F L A V O R S These lots are a go o d investment for anyone w ishing a future hom e on easy terms <£§®< 2 5 i ® © son, Pres., Mrs. Rosa Reagan, 1st gram for Children’ s Day which will Vice in charge of Spiritual Dept., , be observed next Sunday, 30th. F. M. Gill, 2nd Vice in charge of Bills are out advertising a base Dept, of World Evangelism; Mrs. ball game in Estacada on the fore- C L A C K A M A S COUNTY W . S. Irwin, 3d Vice in charge of noon Qf July 4th, and an afternoon thg Mercy and Help Dept., Edna and evening dance at the pavilion. Miller, 4th Vice in charge of the H ere's another grower of fine HEADQUARTERS literary and social work; Mary Dale fruit _ j Honebon, who brought secretary and librarian, and Zoa Ir- a crate c f iarge, luscious Magoon CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY win, treasurer. After the business 9trawberries to market, yesterday, 606 608, Chamber of Commerce, meeting, the committee. Misses P O R T L A N D , O R EG O N The Estacada State Bank direc­ 1 Womer, Morrow and Miller assumed tors met last week and declared a ¡charge. Wm. Dale and Stella Wo- Suitable for Full equipment of maps, plats, ab­ Imer recited and Mrs. McPherson dividcnd of 5 per cent. A surplus stract books and tax rolls all purposes sang. Amusement was had from ° ^ 1,000 was added to the capital. County Superintendent Zinser hi s guessing advertisements, and from Agents for Clackamas County Land the game of "Conversation. ” Striw - issued diplomas to the 8th grade M O N EY LO A N ED ESTACADA BRICK & TILE i>erries and wafers were served as graduates— Wm. Dale, Kittie Rea­ T IT L E S PERFECTED WORKS refreshments for a delightful even­ gan, Paul Womer and Mary Dale, ing. F. M. Gill, Clyde Schock, of Estacada; and to Roy Alspaugh, E. F. & F. B. RILEY, Neil Bronson and Ed Hogan are the Mabel Linn, Alta Sarver and Ethel A ttorney», Counselors a t Law Estacad» Oregon committee for next week. Hale of Currinsville. :D A L E ’S: SH EEP NEW S Louis Martin has purchased two O. C. Yocum, the well-known lots on Broadway of the Est ic; < 1 1 Mount Hood guide, is going to plat j State Bank. a townsite on Mount Hood, and has' E . L . Wonacott was elect« i • 44*4 AT M itt, DELIVERED TO ESTACADA OR SURROUNDINGS Fir Shingles...” ............ $2 50 Cedar ....... $2 65 Until further notice, R. F A N T O N , Estacada, - Ore R F D i 80-Acrc Farm for Sale — _ — I will sell my farm of 80 acres, i and farm implements; 15 acres in cultivation; balance good pasture. Good house and barn, fruit, water, ; wood. miles S E of Estacada. ! $2,000 Geo. Lockerby, Estacada, ¡Ore. R .F.D . 1. letter Cured A lady customer ol ours had suffered with tetter for two or three years. It >;ot so laid on her hands that she could not attend to her household duties. One box of Chamberlain’s Salve cured her. Cham­ berlain's medicins give spleddid satisfac­ tion in this community. M. H Ron- xp.v 9t Co., Almond, Ala. Chamberlain’s mediciprs aie for sale by the Kstacada Drug Store.