/ - NO. 23 of > E S T A C A D A , O REGO N. T H U R SD A Y , VOL. 3 M AY 16, 1907. $1 A Y E A R WE PAY 4 % The Emporium We have some very nice H A S R E C E IV E D NEW CLOTHING for Men and Boys Ladies’ Oxford Shoes and Fancy White Shirt Waists New Prints and Dry Goods ALL K IN D S OF FARM [¡ 0 ^ PRODUCE 551 Estacada State Bank Ladies’ White Oxfords Are striving to please all their customers, both large and small, and that they are succeeding is evident by the ever-increasing resources of this already prosperous institution. $1.50 to $2 BOUGHT Our Delivery Wagon v Will deliver goods in the city or country CiotÂe* Men’s Suits $6.45 Boys’ Suits $1.75 And up And up General Banking Checking Accounts Time Deposits And Savings Deposits Solicited Real Estate, Rentals, Loans & Darowish, North CS. Co. Gleanemiture for their re- no charge * ,® placing the loan. | | one remedy that never fails. When re- — duced with water and sweetened it is freshmetits ] irlor which is gqod c- The Bank of tstacada, W. A . He, Henry DuBois, Doctor and Mrs. Wallen went to pleasant to take. For sale Estacada Phar- ¡ Elwood last S atu rd ay The doctor S P R IN G W A T E R man, Cashier. O REGO N nough for the very best. 1 macy iT ÌL 'O T ffiY SHOE ! At WE PAY 4 2 Have you less money than you de­ sire? Apt you are to be a happy man! OXFORDS c4re the correct shoe for ladies § Mowers. Etc. W e can furnish you anything in our store at prices which *ou will agree are very reasonable,*^ y Thè Cory Hardware Company