N E W S deal of snow on the Upper Clacka­ added to B arton , aud a new school wilt lie built at Barton, a more cen­ mas. P U B L IS H E D T H U R S D A Y M O RN IN G tral location. Dodge district was made larger by getting a part of Fd- H. A. W ILLIA M S wood. TUB t& tS E E OUR BARGAINS W e have in a fine large assortment Floor Mattings Entered at the postoffice in Eatacada. Oregon, as second class mail of the Fancy, Seamless kind at low prices T EL E SC O P ES, ALL S!ZES AND PR;CES RECEIVED: $1 0 0 50 II, 1907 A NEW SHIPMENT OE W. J. Bryan has a great deal to say on anything that comes up but this is one of the most sensible things he has ever uttered: THE FURNITURE DEALERS “ I am glad to see this question agitated. I am sanguine enough to believe that this struggle over ac­ cepting money which has been a- amassed by questionable means will yet be settled on the side of morality. I believe the time is coining when great educational in­ stitutions will refuse to give respec­ tability to great criminals by going into partnership with them. We are too prone to measure morality at the door of the penetentiary. We forget that there are many crim­ inals outside prison doors. ” Dishes, Crockery Etc. H. C O O PER & C O M PA N Y 4 Chick Chick Chick Bone M eal Oyster Shells Chick" Food AT H O W E ’ S G EO . C. B R O W N E L L & Com pany H ave outside Land, Sale. including Farms, for Also residence property, situated in Oregon City, Gladstone, Milwauke, Estacada, Malwaukie Park, Oak Grove On easy terms. stracts furnished. Title guaranteed and A b ­ Money to Loan at low rate of interest to assist purchasers oasRiT« T-rrse^CALL O N U Office In the Canfield Block. Phone 521 FAREWELL RECEPTION S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S O re year S ix months A P R IL JUST | IN T H E C O U N TY CO U RT OF ¡T H E S T A T E OF O REGO N FOR T H E C O U N T Y OF C L A C K X - ’ MAS. KSTACADA Plastic Repressed Brick to be Made Developing and improvement op­ erations under the direction of Su­ perintendent S. J. Plant, are steadi­ ly going on at the Estacada Brick & Tile Works. Preparations are being made at the plant to make plastic repressed brick. New ma­ chinery for this purpose has been ordered for some time from the fac­ tory at Bucyrus, Ohio. This new machinery will be installed in part of the large clay shed, and the pres­ ent engine and boiler will lie used, for power. The full capacity will lie 30,000 plastic repressed brick a day, although it is expected that the works will be run on a 20,000 daily scale. Summer drying sheds about 130 by 150 are being built for natural drying purposes. The ad­ ditions to the works are costing the owner, Fred S. Morris, aliout $6,- 000. Plastic repressed brick are in great demand for large building purposes and where a finished arti­ cle is required. They are said to be more endurable, and to stand more pressure than the pressed brick. Mr. Plant considers the clay in the bluff adjoining the factory an excellent material for making these brick, and there is almost an un­ limited supply of it. Should work proceed without any delay the fac­ tory may be running in two months Our city election occurs June 4, and its about time tlmt candidates were announcing themselves. To Be Sold ! In the matter of the estate of Frank Preuschoff, deceased. To Edmund Preuschoff, Frank Preusch­ off, Hans Preuschoff, Mary Preusch­ 7oacre ranch, good house and all off, Martha Preuschoff, Frances outbuildings,fine well, living water, Preuschoff and Mary Preuschoff: 15 acres in oats and wheat; % acre You and each of you are hereby cited potatoes, young prune orchard and to appear in the above entitled count, in plenty other fruit, large pasture and the county court room of the county fully 500,000ft fine standing timber. court house in Oregon City, Clackamas Enough lumber and wood on place county, Oregon, on the 15th day of April to pay for it. 60 rods from big store 1907, at the hour of ten o’clock a. m. and p. o. 2 l/ i miles from Estacada. I thereof, to show cause, if any exists, why New plank road. A bargain for any an order of stile should not be made sell­ one. All stock and farm imple­ ing at private sale the following describ­ ments included Price, $3500. ed property: The E 1-2 of the NE1-4 and the E l 2 of S\V 1 -4 of the NK1-4 of sec­ tion 12, T. 4, S. R . 4, E. of the Willam­ E. RIDGEW AY, Owner S P R IN G W A T E R - O RE ette meridian. It is further ordered that service of this citation be published in The Estacada News for four weeks prior to t.he above date. Dated March 8, 1907. Attest: G. B. Dimick, ESTA C A D A F . W. Greennian, County Judge County Clerk. A F IN K FARM On Monday evening a farewell Mrs. B. O. Boswell gave a dinner reception was given Mr. and Mrs. party Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. A. Stratton at the Hotel Ivsta- A. Jones, Mrs. E va Kessler and cada by the people of the town and mother, Mrs. O. B. Lawrence. former business associates living near by. Fully 150 responded to Wagner-Yocum invitations sent out by Mayor and The marriage of Miss Ruby E. Mrs. J. W. Reed, Mrs. F. R. Cary, Wagner, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. and Mr. W. F\ Cary. The hand­ P. M Wagner, to Lloyd M. Yocum, some hotel was just nicely filled by son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Y o ­ those who had come to pay their re­ cum. was solemnized by Judge G. spects to the honored guests who, on B. Ditnick at 1 o ’clock, Saturday, Tuesday, departed for Utah. The April 6, 1907, in the county court evening was a most delightful one, house, in the presence of Olive W ag­ and the great crowd speaks well for ner, sister of the bride, and Clara P a la c e M e a t M a r k e t the city, and its friendly loyalty to Un- j Buchegger. one of its prominent families. The bride was attired in a beau­ affected cheerfulness prevailed, and | TH E BEST tiful Alice blue cashemere dress, at 10:30 the guests entered the large} . . . . , , , . j , ■ 1 trimmed in white satin, and alover STEAKS CHOPS VEAL and handsomely decorated dining ( j , uv ,,n lace and white ribbon. The young room where Man. Bowers had pre­ MUTTON. LARD ETC people are well known in Clacka­ pared a dainty repast. A t the close mas county, where a large number EVERYTHING FRESH & CLEAN of luncheon, the Toastmaster John of friends wish them a long and Elides and Pelts bought. All kinds of Stormer, announced that the time stock bought and sold happy life. for toaf ts had arrived. Mr. Strat­ H. N. NORTH, Proprietor EUREKA ton was first called. He told a good Yes, I Have found it at Last story, and heartily thanked all for Found what? Why that Chamberlain's the demonstration of friendliness. salve cures eczema and all summer itch­ Others were called on by the toast­ ing of the skin. I have been afflicted for master and all responded with short many years with skin disease- I had to speeches. Those who spoke were, get up 3 or 4 times every night and wash Messrs. Stubbs, Dale, F'raley, Rea­ with cold water to allay the terrible itch­ ing, but since using this salve in Decem­ gan, Womer, Warner, Howe, Rich­ W . A . JO N E S ber 1905, tile itching lias stopped and lias ards, Cooper, Sparks, Irwin, Y o ­ not troubled me.—Elder John T. Ongley, PRO PRIETO R cum, Cary, Cassidy, Reed, Miller, Rootville, Fa. For sale at Estacada Phar­ Good rigs and careful drivers always Williams, Rev. McPherson and Dr. macy. Smith and Dr. Haviland, Miss Mae SPECIAL ATTENTION Notice of Final Settlement Stephens, Mrs. Reagan and Mrs. Given Hunting and Fishing Parties Williams. A t 12 many said good­ Notice is hereby given, that I have night, while others remained later. filed in the County Court of Clackamas WOOD & LUMBER Their departure is regretted, but county, Oregon, my final report as ad­ Mr. Stratton and family go to Utah ministrator of the estate of Geo. Cun­ Local and Long Distance Telephone ningham, deceased, and the court has with the best wishes of Estacada. fixed Monday, May 6, 1907, at the hour N O T IC E O F SALE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas In the Matter of the Guardianship of Dale Andre, a Minor. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order issued out of the above court in the above entitled matter, on the ist day of April, 1907, licenseing the unders'gaed as guardian of the said minor to sell at private sale the interest of said minor in the following described real property, to- wit: Lot two (2) in block four (4) of. the original plat of the City of Estacada, Clackamas county, Oregon. Alie under­ signed as such guardian will, from and after the 3rd day of May, 1907, proceed to sell the above described real estate at private sale subject to the dower interest therein of Mary E. Andre, widow of Thomas J. Andre, deceased, which dower interest has heretofore been sold and conveyed to R. A. Strattin in his individual right. The terms of said sale will be either cash, or part cash and part credit. Dated April 1, 1907. R . A. STRATTON. Guardian of Dale Andre, a Minor. A4-25 Livery, Feed 4 Sale STABLE L- W. VanDyke lias purchased a 40-acre fruit ranch one mile from Red Bluff, Cal. on the banks of the Sacremento river. The j>lace has several acres of 1 »earing fruit trees of different varieties. Mr. Van Dyke will remain there. The fam­ ily intends going about the 23rd. David Bridenstine, road overseer for Garfield district, has secured all necessary help from the county to build a good bridge over the Wade creek just north of town. Some grading will be done and gravel or plank will be laid to connect with the improved road in both direc­ tions. Fern Hive was awarded the sec­ ond prize at the Maccabee conven­ tion in Portland, for having the largest delegation of members pres­ ent, 22 ladies going dowm; also the 3rd prize for having secured the largest number of benefit members since January 1, 1907, six new mem­ bers having been added. When the prizes ( i 10) were awarded Mrs. Hol­ lister said, “ Evidently there is some­ thing more out at Estacada than dolls stuffed with sawdust. ’ ’ Last week’ s county court changed several school districts’ boundaries. Two new districts werecreated, one by a line being drawn thru High­ land from east to west. The north­ ern, or old district, will have the old school bouse, but the new dis­ trict will have to build. A portion of Eagle Creek was detached and TAXES! of 10 o’clock a. m. and as the day and time for hearing of objections to said fi­ nal report, if any there are, and for the settlement of said estate. Administrator’s Notice H. E . CROSS, TAXES r : t a x e s Administrator of the estate of George Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has been appointed administratrix Cunningham, deceased. Pay your Clackamas county taxes of the estate of Charles Samuel McKown, M 28- A 25 in Portland. No long waiting in deceased, by the Honorable County Court line. Save time and carfare. Small of Clackamas county, Oregon. All per­ PROFESSIONAL CARDS fee 25cts covers everything. Call sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to and examine the complete tax roll, me for payment at the office of my attor­ Dr. C. B. SMITH or write for statement of your taxes ney, Gordon E . Hayes, at Oregon City, Oregon, with proper vouchers within six PH YSICIAN & SURGEON months from the date of this notice. O F F IC E and R E S ID E N C E Dated this 2d day of April, A. D. 1907. Elizabeth McKown, Adminis­ Over the Bank of Estacada tratrix of the estate of Charles Samuel McKown, deceased. PHO NE [ e s t a b l i s h e d 1893] Gordon E . Hayes, Attorney for Estate. A4-M2 606-608, Chamber of Commerce, Clackamas Title .....Company..... William K. Haviland, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office at drug store - - Estacada P O R T L A N D , O REGO N T im b er Land act, June 3, 1878 ■I' *1* Hi if i»* i»**l* » 'I* ■«' i«* 'I* *f T IM E C A R D Notice for Publication I United States land office, Portland, Oregon. March 1 12. 1907. Notice Is hereby given that in com pi i- | ance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. F878, entitled " A n act for the sale of timber land* : in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and W ash- | ington territory,” as extended to all the public land 1 states by act of August 4. 1 892. Jennie H. Galloway of Portland, county of Multnomah,state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement 7309, for the purchase of the SJ4 of the Northeast j quarter[H]&lots 1& 2 of Sec. 2 in Tow n. 5 S. R .4 E. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul­ tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver at Portland. Oregon on Monday, the 3rd day of Jure. 1 907. H e names as witnesses: H W Galloway of Portland! Oregon: A Morrow of Estacada, Oregon; James Marr of Estacada. Oregon, and Frank Schlegel of Portland. Oregon. A n y and all persons claiming ad­ versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 3rd day of June 1907. Algernon S. Dresser. R egister. M 21-M 23 Farmers find many curious things R E SID E N C E happening around them every day Co. :: Corner Shafford and Fourth Phone I 0 . W. P. & R y . which they can not understand, and ESTACADA-PORTE AND nobody, even the scientists, can e x ­ ■ ah. plain for them. Why, for instance t Cars .eave Estacada for Port­ Dr. R. W . ANDERSON land: does a horse strain a drink of water D ENTIST through its lips? Why does a cow Of rooms 41-2 Hamilton Bldg. Portland 7:37. 9:37. n :37 A. M. and poke her entire face into the bran 1 :37> 347. 5:37. 9:05 P- M. Will visit Estacada every Saturday mash, eat all she can, then lick her The D u b o is L u m b e r C o m p an y Cars leave Portland for Esta­ nostrils with her tongue? Why does ■■■" ■ «» of Estacada, Oregon*- --- cada : Office with Dr. C. B. Smith the chicken drink exactly opposite M ANUFACTURERS OF A I.L C LA SSES OP to the horse or cow, having to hold 7:3° . 9= 3° . i * :3o A . M. and \ 1:30, 3:40, 5:44, 7 :15 P. M. its head up when it swallows a drink D im ick & D im ick, of water? Then note the pigeon, of • [ W ay freight leaves Estacada ! the same feathered family, as it Attorneys at Law in the morning, daily except ! keeps its bill immersed while drink­ Í Sun. returning in the evening. I Nortary Public, General Law * * Notice for Publication ing. But a dog laps the water in Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b­ • Main offices of the company: 132 1-2 1 Land office at Portland. Oregon, March 30, 1907. its mouth. This animal, moreover, First St. Portland, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that the following named set­ stracts furnished never chews its food, while the cat, tler has filed notice of his intention to make final ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■»■I., M .» . M n». » » .I HM' proof in support of his claim and that said proof w ill his companion household pet, al­ be made before the register and receiver at Portland. M O N EY LO A N E D S+t+tHigh grade building material a specialty£££££! ways chews thoroughly liefore swal­ Why Suffer from Rheumatism? Oregon, on May 18. 1907. viz: O liver Shidler. H. E Do you know that rheumatic pains can No. 15260. for the S e * of s w tf of S ec. 24. T . 2. S. lowing. How is it that failing to R .6 E .H e names the followlngwitnesses to proof his OFFICES: 2, 3 & 4, AN DRESFN BUD. be relieved? If you doubt this just try con masticate does not hurt a dog, but residence upon and cultivation of said land If You Are Going to Build, We Can Fit one application of Chamberlain's pain vtz: tinuous Thom as Brown of Salmon. Oregon w ith all other animals, including O r eg o n C it v O r e g o n balm. It will make rest and sleep possi­ Joseph W alls of man, unchewed food causes dyspep­ You Out to the Top Notch in Every­ Andrew Oaks of ble and that certainly means a great deal Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Safe Med­ to any one afficted with rheumatism. George Oak of sia? Why has a cow a cud and why Algernon S . Dresser. R egister icine for Children thing .Sold at Estacada Pharmacy. can a horse shiver its hide to drive A4M 9 Tllis flag, the mast beautiful of In buying a cough medicine for chi!- away flies? These questions show «11 1 dren never be afraid to buy Chambt rlain sig n s, is g o m e to w ave , , J , Mouldings in All Styles that we do dot know it all.— Amer­ all national en , . ...... I cough remedy. There is no danger from over our public school building. It j it >11(1 reliej ia always sure to . It ican Farmer. is the purpose of the pupils bf the j ¡s intended especially for coughs, colds, C E. D U B O IS, M a n a g e r 8th and 9th grades in the Estacada j croup and whooping cough, and there is The Oregon City correspondent school to use the money from their no better medicine in the world for these T h is r u n t w a s fa rro w e d A p r il 19, 1900, a n d w eighed o n ly 5 6 lbs. J u ly 20, 1901. W, A. JO NES it our selling agent in Estacada, Oregon diseases. It i. is not not only. only a certain to the Portland Evening Telegram play to buy the flag with. O n th a t d a y I began feeding i t th e P ru s ­ T h e ldi* “ “ ’ »» «rts cure for sian S to c k F o o d . I fed i t t w ice a d a y I croup, but when given as soon as croupy says: f o r 6 0 days a n d th en th ree tim es a week play, a comedy entitled. Too Much courL appeanl wiu prevsnt the attack Telephone connection direct with mill I t c on s u m ed 12 p ou n d s P ru s sia n S to c k Superintendent O’ Malley, of the of a Good Thing, will he given in j Whooping cough is not dangerous when F o o d . I s o ld i t J a n u a ry 9, 1 9 0 2 a n d i t w eighed 2 5 4 p ou n d s— G. H IN D S , R o c k ­ United States Bureau of Fisheries, the park pavilion on Friday even- | this remedy is given as directed. It con­ fo rd , Illin o is . has returned from an inspection trip ing. this week. Other features of | uins no °P’ura or other harm(ul drugs, HOGS GAIK J U S . A DAT. ns confidently to a ba- Berber«, one o f m y enei of the new station at Ca/adero, enteriainmeut will be included. A . . and mav ’ be given , _________Food to h is b o as th a t he w as ratten in g and bv at to an adult Sold at the Estacada w. w eighed them se v e ra l ttases when fe e d in g it and GKO. C. B R O W N E LL W. A. H E Y L M A N where stcelhead eggs are being tak­ g a in o f th ree pounds a d a y to e a c h b og.—Conrad spirit of patriotism causes the clavs- pharmacy, O R K O O N C IT Y KSTACADA en for propagation. Irving H W il­ es to do this work to secure the flag B R O W N E LL and H EY LM AN son has charge of the work. The for their school, and the public will Isaac Goldstine died while in St. FATTEN H00S AND CATTLE P I ru s s ia n S to c k F o o d t o th e A T T M I S M A L L I A T C O A T . A d d m smalt quantity F ATTORNEYSATLAW eggs are being sent to the sub-sta­ be well entertained Friday. Prices Vincent hospital last Sunday. Mr. regular grain ration o f every animal fèd. I t c o n d itio n ss s th e s to m a c h a n d bow els, jrorißes i 4. im proves digestion and enables th e animal t o g e t th e m o s t o u t o f I PRACTICE IN A M , COURTS tion at Eagle Creek, where their 25 aud 15 cents. Goldstine will be remembered as T I B B E S T F A I B 0 IS C S . Will pat ihsm ia cm A d - b r S P U N ! WOBJL All kinds of I.cgs 1 Business promptly attended to hatching is superintended by G. H. one of the firm of Goldstine & Lcv- Estates and Prohate Matters csrefully taken care of Ityfora ! itt, who did a clothing business in > Talbot. Mr. O’ Malley made a trip AD M INISTRATO R’S NOTICE R Î* ® N O T T A K I T M I P L A C I O F T M I R A T I O N . U < to the old state hatchery on the Up- Notlce „ lurrby lhat the under Estacada las* fall. He had l»een in I f « r i 4 M « j y |w »o w n . w r i t « a «. : per Clackamas, last week to check signed has been duly appointed admin is- j poor health for a long time and had ' r b «* d o f tta r k . . . . ■ n « thin ad and w « Mrs. Earl Shibley visited friends j Dr. C. B. Smith has lreen appoint- up the property there. This hatch- trator of the estate of S. H. Van I.euvcn, ' undergone an operation of some sort J yo u o « r M p * r * F * r n » «r '* «ad ■ • H*nd Book F R K E . itt town several days of last week. cd administrator of estate of S. H. ery was originally the property Gf '>c" “ e d , b y th e .punty c o u rt o f C la ck a- The burial was held in Portland. m m m own i n c m i t r i a l o f f e r . mas county, Oregon. A 11 persons having James Dtttican came up from Ber­ Van Lenvan, deceased. : the state, but in 1904 it was turned The firm of Goldstine & Levitt have m u 8!All STOCK r o o i A IC N EBT CO, ST. PAUL MIRK. claims against said estate are aoti fied to ■ rv a ltr r I M S Urn U lfe r. n « n A W . ing Saturday and visited at F. J. lover to the United States Govern- prertn’ the same to me at Estacada, said a clothing store in Oregon City. It O. H. Schock, who owns a fine Harkcui ider's where his daughter, j metit, and full control of the fish­ county and state, within six months from was but a year or two ago that the Isabel, is living while attending the suburban home and several acres of eries work on the Clackamas River this date. FOR S A L E B Y oldest son of Mr. Goldstine died, a 1 Dated April n th , 1907. town school Mr. Duncan reports land across the river, has gone on „ a s given to the Federal bureau, victim of mountain climbing, and J. F. L o v e la ce Du. C. B. SM ITH . business prosperous with them. an exploring trip in the gulf states The superintendent found a great soon after Mrs. Goldstine died. A ll M2 Administrator Aforesaid. Oregon City Fir and Cedar LUMBER T H IS r u n t B B Ë PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD too Agency for Prussian Mock Foods, Estacada