NO. 17 o f VO L. 3 E ST A C A D A , O REGO N, T H U R SD A Y , GRAND SPRING OPENING 4, 1907. $1 A Y E A R WE PAY 4 % Estacada State Bank MEN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING The greatest bargains ever given to the public A P R IL We accept deposits of individuals, corporations and firms, and shall be pleased to meet or correspond with anyone contemplating a change or opening a new account. We are pleased to answer auy question you may ask either as to standing of our bunk or the disposition of its funds. Our books are always open to inspection. New Stock! Latest Styles Lowest Prices WE W e will continue to treat the people right and give them the best goods possible. We will keep a clean store, and serve all alike IN L A N D pa 7 EXCH AN GE Investigate our bond department. 4% BO U GH T AND SOLD It will pay you well for the trouble Our Prices are the Lowest Let W E P A Y T H E H IG H E S T P R IC E S FO R C O U N T R Y PRO D UCE T fr us write that DON’T OVERLOOK US W E W ISH TO SHOW YOU AND GIVE YOU PRICES ON OUR Dr/'Goods Shoes (3& Men’s Furnishings D A L E’S Gleaned By the Wayside Chas. Linn came home on a visit Saturday from Washington where Nearly all of the members of the he is working with a surveying Wagner family were sick with la crew. grippe last Friday; Misa Olive had Mr. A H Eckerson and family to leave her school work in Esta­ have moved onto 40 acres of land cada and come home to nurse the near Currinsville; Mr Eckerson patients, and Miss Ruby spent her bought the land lately of Mr. Kitch­ birthday sick in bed. en. Mrs. Rawlins has gone on a vis­ Rus W ilcox has been appointed it to her daughter, Mrs. Kronen berg U. S. forest ranger; he expects to near Gresham. be assigned to the Blue Mountain Because of lagrippe J J Davis had to stay in the house Friday ‘ ‘hog­ region and to begin work about gin g” the fire. April 15. WE PAY Mr. Mickelson, with the help of Max and Paul Kleatsi-h, has begun to enclose his orchru vith a fine wire fence; Joe ex;« ts to do his part of improving the country around here. The Rev. F F. ',ly is preaching at Gresham this week. J E Crawford has been having much trouble with his back of late; he says he is trying to "e a r it out by “ stirring around.” Granville Linn didn't get that coyote he was after Tuesday morn­ ing. The farmers of the Garfield and Currinsville neighborhoods met at the grange hall at Garfield Tues­ day evening for the purpose of dis­ cussing the feasability of establish­ ing cooperative telephone lines out of Estacada. A t the Rawlins home Bent. Sar- ver and Ben Rawlins had bacelor’ s dinner together last Sunday, and the latter returned the compliment on Monday. FROM THt: ANTILLES Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Benefits a City Council at Kingston, Jamacia, Mr. W O’Reily Fogarty, who is a metn ber of the city council at Kingston, Jam ­ aica, West Indies, writes as follows: One bottle of Chamberlain's cough remedy had good effect on a congh that was giv­ ing me trouble and I think I should have been more quickly relieved if I had con­ tinued the remedy. That it was beneficial and quick in relieving me there is no doubt and it is my intention to obtain an other bottle.-For sale Estacada Pharma­ cy. is too late List your real estate with us— We will sell it for you DAROWISH & NORTH LADIES’ Trimmed Hats before it MONEY LOANED E M P O R IU M FOR READY-TO-W EAR insurance ______ The board of councilmen met at the hardware store Monday even­ ing and the contract between the board and Ai Lindsey for grading and putting crushed rock on the principal streets was drawn up and executed. The next meeting will be held in the new city hall next Tuesday evening. his ad that he will have a shoe sale on Saturday, this week. Remem­ Clean up. ber the date. Ed. Kaffoury went to Portland A s between the president and yesterday. Harrimati our faith is in the former. Mr. and Mrs. A. F . Shultz are E. E. Block went to a hospital in visiting up the valley. Portland last Thursday and was op­ Mr. and Mrs. E. L . Fraley will erated on for abcess. He has been occupy the Stratton house. working as usual ever since. Rev. H. E. Stubbs is assisting in Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Doherty ar­ revival meetings at Gresham. rived here last Saturday from W is­ L O C A L N EW S THE BANK OF ESTACADA Transacts A General B a n k in g Business i£f& Capital, $ 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 mm Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Sailing, consin. Mr. Doherty will run the on Saturday night March 30, a u lb boy. creamery for the Hazelwood Co. Born, Wed. April 3, at St Vincent hos­ The bee that makes the honey pital, a boy, to Mr. and Mrs. H. N. North J. M. Park, of E l wood, was do­ ing business in Estacada, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Tracey were visitors to Oregon City last Satur­ day. J. W. Reed has purchashed the blacksmith property belonging to T . J. Wirtz. Monday afternoon Mrs. R. A. Stratton received a number of her lady friends at tea. doesn't hang around the hive. Leave your money at the Estacada State B an k; it will make 4 per cent. David Bridenstine, road overseer for the Garfield district, went to Oregon City, Wednesday, to see the county commissioners in regard to road funds. Mrs. A. E. Sparks entertained at luncheon Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stratton and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Boultman, Mrs. Cary and Mrs. Irwin. Mrs. H. N. North, who has been ill a few days, was taken to a Port­ land hospital, yesterday. Posters will soon be out announc­ School at Springwater continues ing the play, Too Much of a Good one more month with Miss Womer Thing, which will be given April and Miss Ginther in charge. 12 by the 8th and 9th grades of the H. E . Williams has been trans­ Estacada schools. ferred to work in Portland and the family will move to Sellwood. SCHOOL N O T E S E very farmer should get one of those free stock books as advertised The 8th and 9th grades attended in J. F. Lovelace’ s stock food ad. the play at Garfield in a body and Cashier E L. Fraley reports ten I all reported a very enjoyable time. town lots sold, and nine insurance : The 8th and 9th grades are going policies written the past two week, j to give a play and entertainment on Omer Groff came home from Id­ April 12. Further particulars later. aho last week where he and Harry Miss Olive Wagner has returned have been working in a lumber mill to school. all winter. Miss Stephens has not been feel­ Robert Divine and Mesdames E l­ liott, Burnett, Githens, and Wehr- ing well the past few days. We have two nice clocks in the hiem were up from Eagle Creek, yesterday. school rooms now. Merchant Sparks announces in j — Lonnie VanDyke, Editor. Money to Loan on Real Estate IN S U R A N C E * T h is bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind % W. A. HEYLMAN, Money to Loan Having decided to move else­ where, we will selljmr furniture and other goods. —R. A. Stratton. Gentle and Effective A well-known Manitoba write*: A* an inaid* worker I find Chamberlain'« stom­ ach and liver tablet* invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural to sedenta­ ry life, their action being gentle and ef­ fective, clearing the digestive tract and the head. Price ajc. Samples free at the Estacada Pharmacy. $5,500.00 TO LO A N —We have $5,500 which we will loan on real estate security at a low rate of in­ terest. If you have money to loan, we will find you a customer and make no charge for placing the loan.— The Bank of Estacada. W. A. Heyl- man, Cashier. When you want anything in our line LE T US FIGURE WITH YOU Thè Cary Hardware Company Cashier.