The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 28, 1907, Image 2

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The Estacada News
Medical 8cisntlets ars Satisfied Their
Experiments are Succtti.
li i i i < la ck Tkereday
ESTACADA ............. GRBGCN
In a Condensed Form lor Our
Buy Readen
A Rasuma o f tha L a u Important but
Mot Lata Interesting Evants
o f tha Past Weak.
The California flood ha» made
duce scarce in San Francisco.
Taft continues to be boomed for pres­
ident, tut third term talk for Roosevelt
The government is making active
preparations to start the land fraud
trials in Colorado.
Jerome has found (hat New York po­
lice have been compelled to contribute
to political funds.
Speaker Cannon and the congres­
sional party have been allowed to land
at Panama after being held in quaran­
tine several days.
Heney denies that his prosecution of
San Francisco grafters has any political
significance or that it is a blow aimed
at organized labor.
Roumanian peasants are pillaging
and burning everything before them.
Large numbers of people are being
killed and wounded The outbreak has
now got beyond control of the troops.
Boston, Marh 26.— Hope for suffer­
ers from the great white plague is held
out by the success of experiments with
vaccine inoculation as a cure for tuber­
culosis, not only of lungs, but on other
organs of the body, by the faculty of
Tufts College Medical school and path­
ological department of the Massachu­
setts general hospital.
The treatment has already been test­
ed in the case of Mrs. Curtis Guild, jr ,
wife of Governor Guild, with moet en­
couraging results.
A t Tufts Medical school the work has
been in charge of Dr. Timothy Leary,
professor of pathology and bacteriology
in the Massachusetts General hospital,
and Dr. James Homer W right. Dr.
Wright calls the treatment “ the Op­
sonic method,” from the fact that the
opsonins in the human body are stimu­
lated to greater activity.
In the case of disease whe n danger­
ous bacteria attack the body, the op­
sonins set to work to destroy the bac­
teria. I f they succeed, the patient re­
covers, but if they tail, the disease pro•
gresses and the deadly absorption cf
the vital organs begins.
Dr. Leary says oi the preventative
with which he is experimenting:
“ What we are trying to do, and what
others in every part of the medical and
scientific wcrld are at work trying to
do, is to elaborate a specific which will
so strengthen powers of the human
blood that their resistance to the in
roads of disease w ill not only be in
creased but prolonged; which will
make them immune against tho inroads
of the bacteria and keep them up to
the point which they must possess in
order to perform the work for which
they were intended by nature.”
Evidence is being gathered to show
that the wreck of the steamer Dakota
was due to the blunder of someone.
The steamer will soon be a total wreck. Spirt o f Rebellion Growing Rife in
About 5 percent of the cargo was saved.
Famine Districts.
M. Pobiedonostseff,
March 26. — From
general of the holy synod of Russia, is Shanghai advices received at the State
department it appears that the ruling
The Thaw defense is now busy show­ dynasty in China is seriously alarmed
ing that at the present time Thaw is over the effect of the spread of famine
through the country and the opportune
perfectly sane.
ty it offers to seditionary societies to
Frederick Driscoll, commissioner of enlist converts to their cause directed
the American Newspaper Publishers’ against the government.
association, is dead.
The government’s inability to re
Wisconsin people are almost of the lieve suffering, It is said, has been
belief that Senator LaFollette has lost magnified and the hardships cf the peo
pie attributed to lack of sympathy by
his grip in state politics.
the government for the poor classes.
Heney still maintains that he has
The information indicates that a pro
only made a beginning in the San
paganda has been organized to further
Francisco graft exposures.
the circulation of stories of the charact
A Are in the plant of the Baird Ma­ er outlined, and it is said that State
chinery company, Pittsurg, destroyed department officials fear that a spread
$200,000 worth of property.
of hysteria may engender a general up
The vote of Western trainmen is al­ rising. I f such should be the result,
most unanimous to go on strike if not there is danger thut the government
given tiie advance in wages asked for. might not be able to control the situa
tion. American and other foreign in
Heney has found that large sums of terests then w ill Ire jeopardised.
money supposed to have been spent in great is the concern that diplomatic
street improvement has not been fully and consular officials in Chinn have
accounted for.
been instructed to keep Washington ad
Fort Dodge, Iowa, has passed an or­ vised of every turn in the situation.
dinance taxing bachelors. The mayor,
clergy and justice of the peace have
been busy since performing marriage
Russian terrorists continue to pick
off their enemies.
Commissioner Gallagher Took Fees
From Fellow Grafters
Han Francisco, March 28.— A feature
is anxious to of the boodling operations of the super­
visors not hitherto exposed and which
surpasses in genuine cusBedness any­
Root has warned the Central Ameri­ thing yet revealed, came out today
can states to stop war.
when It was learned that Supervisor
Trains are running from Portland to Gallagher, who acted a» distributer of
the swag, charged his fellow supervisors
Ban Francisco via Ogden.
a commission of 6 per cent on all bood­
Major Goethala has been formally le he collected for them.
appointed on the canal commission.
Gallagher admits it in his confession.
Senator Burton has been released He said he did it because of the expense
from jail and promises to publish his he was put to in the way of car fare
and the risks Involved. Gallagher hot­
aide of the story.
ly defended himself when questioned in
The East and South is suffering from the grand jury room about the practice.
extreme heat, the thermometer regia He said he thought he was honestly en
tering DO in many plates.
titled to the brokers’ commission.
In a battle between Nicaraguan and some cases, he said, his colleagues pro­
Hondurian troops 1,000 Salvadoreans tester!, but he Informed them that if he
were killed while assisting Honduras. was not to get the commission they
would not get the boodle.
The whole of Moldavia has been rav­
Although Louis Glass, of the P -ifle
aged by rebel peasants. Several hun
States Telephone company, and A . v m
drod people have been killed or injureu
Detwlller, of the Home Telephone com­
and 10,000 are homeless, having been
pany, the two indiotrd magnate» have
burned out. Jews aie the worst suffer­
not been apprehended try the police, no
fear is felt by the prosecution as it is
Hudson Maxim, inventor of high believed that both men w ill surrender
explosives, has Invented a new fuse for
shells which piomises to revolutionise
To Increase Direct Tax.
armor for warships. Mr. Maxim also
Lyons, March 26.— Minister of F i­
declares that Japan could lie In posses­ nance Calliu made a great speech here
sion of the entire Pacific slope before today defining the government's eco­
we were ready for war and that we are nomic policy as directed toward the
practically as defenseless as China.
gradual diminution of Indirect taxation
The Transvaal w ill abolish Chinese and the sulietltution of a direct tax pro­
portionate to the means of the tax
Boats lietween San Francisco and payer. The Income tax, he said, was
Portland are sailing with every berth the first great step In this direction.
filled and many unable to get passage. He was w illing to modify the measure,
he said, for he did not pretend it could
Roumanian peasants are renewing not he Improved, but he Insisted that
the rioting.
the principle remain intact as at pres­
Seven alienists have declared Thaw ent enforced.
permanently insane.
End o f War Noar.
8. A . D. Puter is proving a strong
Managua, Nicaragma, March 26.—
witness against Hermann.
Santos Komirei, director genernl of the
American marinee and sailors have telegiaphs and telephones, today made
“ The Nica­
been landed to guard Honduras ports. the following statement:
raguan forces have captured Choluteca,
Nioatragua claims a decisive victory Honduras, whlh was held by the Hon­
duran and Salvadorian troope, and
ever Honduras and^talvador.
President Bonilla has fled by boat.
There seems to be good pioepects ftr Steamers will persue the fugetive presi­
land law reform by the next congress. dent.
| believe the war is ended.”
Senator Cullom, of Illinois, says The government is without further ad­
Harriman deserves to go to jail, and vices concerning the capture of Cholu­
Governor Deneen Is believed to contem­ teca. It was heie, some rears ago,
that ex-Preeident Vasques was defeated.
plate prosecution.
Fresident Roosevelt
prosecute Ilarriman.
Under the name of United Churches,
the Congregational, United Brethren
and Methodist Protestant churches in
14 states will foim one large organis­
ation. Some of the Southern states
have refused to join.
The San Francircc grand jury is
learning more about the bribery by the
Pack'd States Telephone company.
The government continues to pile up
evidence against Hermann.
A strike of longshoremen at Ham­
burg, Germany, haa tied up all ship­
Rooeevslt will propose check on over­
capitalisation of railroads and will soon
declare his policy.
Roumanian peasants have begun a
crusade against Jews and are driving
i into Austria.
Rtlisf Committee Reports.
New York, Match 26.— The New
York city committee of the relief suf­
ferers by the California earthquake die-
arter has just made its final report to
Mayor McClellan. The total amount
secured by thecommittee was $601,979,
the account having been closed on Jan­
uary 7 by the transfer to the National
Red O r » * society of thebelanceon
hand of $22,724. A ll moneys collect­
ed were transmitted without reduction,
the members meeting the expense.
Australian Malta Delayed.
Lmdon, March 26.— The Peat office
department announces that the steam­
ship service between New Zealand and
Han Francisco having stopped, no mails
will be aent or received by that mute
until further notice
Malle for New
Zealand now go by the Sues canal.
Eastern Oregon Farmers Rejoicing Total For Various 8umt Foots Up to
«1,306,440 07.
Over Recent Rain.
The Dalles— The rain ami snow which
fell here last week aggregated one inch
moisture. Showers still continue and
the snow on high elevations, which
varied from four to six inches in depth,
is gradually disappearing.
This will further retard plowing and
seeding, which, owing to the miry
condition of the soil, had but fairly
begun throughout the country. When
this la.'t storm fell, farmer» from the
Tygh ridge wheat belt reported that the
conditions for spring grain have not
been as favorable in many years as
now, because of the heavy fieezing
which loosened the ground to a depth
of 18 inches, ami the thorough soaking
from the deep snow and heavy rain.
Owing to the long drouth and the
lateness of fall ruins, there is less acre­
age in winter wheat than usual, but
under the present favorable conditions
for spring seeding, there
w ill be
about the usual annual acreage in
grain. Tire fruitgrowers regard the
late snow storm as most beneficial,
since it checks the budding until dan­
ger of killing frosts is past. No loss
of sheep is feared, since lambing on the
»heep ranges of the county has not yet
Inspector Richies Comes Into Pos­
session o f Interestlug Relic.
Portland— Postoffice Inspector Rich­
ies, of this city, owns a ccpy of a “ List
of Poetoflices of the United States,”
which was issued by the government in
1862. The list has been, until recent­
ly, In the possession oi John Iledden,
postmaster at.Hcotteburg, Douglas coun­
ty, Oregon, who had it from the gov­
ernment soon after its publication.
Some time ago he gave it to Inspector
Richies on the occasion of an ollicial
visit to that office by tire latter.
Scottsburg is one of the oldest post-
offices in the state, and Mr. Hedden
was its first postmaster. In 1862 Ore­
gon had 50 postoflk-es. In Multnomah
county there were three, Portland,
Springvllle and Sandy.
Polk county
led in the number of postoflices, having
13. Marion county came next, with
10. “ Wascopum” county is credited
with one, and Wasco county with one.
Wascopum county’s office appears on
the list as Hood River: There were 20
counties in Oregon in 1862 in 1862;
the state having made a gain of 13
counties in since that time.
Rate on Logs Will Stand.
galem— The stute railroad commis­
sion made public the result of the hear­
ing at Dallas, in the case of the people
of Falls City against the Salem, Falls
City & Wostern Railroad company,
protesting against the raising of rates
by the road on logs and lumber. After
an impartial hearing and investigation
of the matter, and there being no fur­
ther remonstrance against the rate be­
ing increased after it was thoroughly
understood and had met the approval
of the commissioners, it was decided to
allow the railroad company to make the
Salem— Secretary of Bttae F. W
Benson has completed the statement of
the annual expenses of the several
counties of the state for 1906, footing a
giand total of $1,306,449.97. Among
the items of expenditure are $37,077.07
and $20,000 for new court houses for
Clatsop and Columbia counties, re­
spectively. The expenses are charged
to the different accounts as follows:
County court...................$
Circuit c o u rt...................
Justice c o u rt...................
Sheriff»’ office.................
Clerk»’ o ific e ..................
Recorders’ office.............
Treasurers' office.............
Coroners’ office...............
School superintendent. ..
Stock inspector...............
Assessors’ office...............
Assessment and col. taxea
20,451 63
Tax rebate......................
7,265 91
Current expenses...........
Court house expenses... .
Jail expenses...................
Cure of poor.....................
Indigent soldiers.............
Insane ..........
Reform school eommitmta
Bridges ..........................
F erries ........... ...............
Election expenses...........
Scalp bounty..................
Board of health...............
Fruit inspectors.............
Printing and advertising.
New court houses.........
' 1,938.88
High schools.................
Library fund..................
T otal.............................$1,306,449.97
Work on the Poorman Group.
Baker City— That there are 100,000
tons of copper ore assaying $14 a ton
lying at the surface on tire Poorman
group of claims, is the declaration of
Maimger Arthur, of the mines, who
has just returned fiom the property.
There are outcroppings assaying from 2
to 5 per cent in copper, the greatest in
Oregon. The Pooiman group promisee
to be one of the richest copper mines in
the great copper belt of Eastern Ore­
gon. The company now has a double
shift at woik.
To Inspect Company's Books.
Sulem— A t a special meeting of the
state land board which Secretary of
State Benson attended, a resolution
was adopted appointing a committee
consisting of Attorney General Craw­
ford, E . B. King, W . E. Guerin, Jr.,
and John K . Kollock, attorneys, for
the purpose of inspecting all books, re­
cords and other documentaly evidence
belonging to the Columbia Southern
Irrigating company. This concern en­
tered into a contract with the state for
the reclamation of about 12,000 acres
of arid land in Crook county.
Ditch io Serve 70,000 Acres.
Medford— The Sterling Mining com­
pany has completed a survey for a 21-
mile ditch from the summit of Jackson­
ville mountain to the little Applegate
river. The work, which w ill c"st about
$50,000, w ill connect the Squaw Lake
water system with thecompany’s Rogue
River valley irrigating system. It w ill
furnish sufficient water for 70,000 acres
of orchard land. The work is to be let
by contract and is to be completed by
March 1, 1908.
Sacramento River Never Known to
Be So High Before.
Sacramento, Cat., March 22.— From
all down-river points come alarming
news tliat the Sacramento river is high­
er than ever known, and that the sit­
uation all along the levees is appalling.
There is already suffering and (very
able-bodied man is assisting in the fight
against the water that is pouring into
the bleaches and inundating thousands
of acres of the finest (arming land in
the state.
Special dispatches to the Union from
Freeport, Couitland, Walnut Grove
and Franklin Btate that the river has
reached the highest stage ever recorded,
and it is predicted that the teriihle
scenes witnessed during the tremen­
dous Hoods of 1904 will be surpassed.
Standing on the levee neai Cuurtland
one may Bee for 60 miles to the south­
east across an unbroken sea of water
which extends clear to Stockton.
Thousands of cattle are being shelter­
ed on top of the levees, as there is nc
other place for them, and if the water
does not fall soon an indescribable con­
dition of disaster ie considered inevit­
This morning the blockade on the
Southern Pacific lines was made com­
plete, when the line to the East was
made helpless by a washout of 200 feet
of tiack at Applegate, but during the
afternoon the situation changed for the
better when, with the repoit that the
Applegate washout hud been repaired,
came another stating that it was ex­
pected the track would aoon he open
through to Stockton.
A treatle waa placed in the gap at
the Applegate washout this afternoon
and more trains were dispatched East.
One of these, a Portland tiain, w ill be
sent to Utah and via the Oregon Short
Line. The Placerville line is in full
commission again, but no trains are
operated on the Marysville branch fur­
ther than Wheatland.
On the Portland line no trains are
running beyond Redding, the tracks be­
ing out at Keswick, Campbell and Ken-
nett, and it Is not expected that travel
can be resumed beyond Redding for at
least ten days.
Canadian Pacific to Enter Portland
on O. R. & N. Track*.
Offered Terms to Heney Which
Are Promptly Rejected.
Heney as Dictator o f
City Will
Impeach and Romova
the Mayor.
San Francisco, March 23.— This was
by far tiie most sensational day in the
local graft situation.
Mayor Schmitz
sent an emissary to Asaistant District
Attorney Heney and Detective Burns
and asked for terms. When no pro
posals were forthcoming the agents of
the mayor made a definite proposition.
They offered a confession from the
mayor for complete immunity and his
continuance in office until the expira­
tion of his term on January 1 of next
year. The offer was rejected with more
speed than it was made and the negoti­
ations came to a quick end. The may­
or's emissaries are expected to return.
It is not thought that they seriously be
lieved that the prosecution would con
sent to the continuance of Schmitz in
office. But it was simply to create
point on which they could yield in
future negotiations.
Second only in importance to the
overtures from the mayor were the rev­
elation that 13 indictments had been
voted against Abraham K . Detwiler,
capitalist from Ohio, who visited the
Pacific coast last April in the interest
of the Home Telephone company.
Plans for the future government of
the city were evolved today by Mr.
Heney. District Attorney Langdon and
Rudolph Spreekels. With graft reach­
ing into almoet every branch of the city
affairs, the functions of government
have broken down completely. Instead
of an organized for in of administration,
Francis J. Heney ie practically dictator
of the city and county of San Francisco
The people are conter t to let him and
his associates work out the problem.
The plan is to keep the boodling super-
vispors in office for a time.
They will
obey Mr. Heney’s orders. Of this there
is no doubt. Should they refute, indict­
ment, trial and conviction and im­
prisonment would follow.
W hile the supervisors remain in office
summary impeachment proceedings will
be brought against the mayor, and he
w ill be removed by a judge of the Su­
perior court after a hearing, which w ill
not occupy more than a few liours.
Schmitz will be given a chance to resign
to avoid dismissal.
After the ejection of Schmitz from
the office the board of supervisors will
be ordered to elect aB his successor
some man to be chosen by Mr. Heney,
probably District Attorney Laugdon.
After the new mayor assumes office, Mr.
Heney w ill order the 16 boodliug su­
pervisors to resign and they w ill resign.
Portland, March 22.— Canadian Pa­
cific trains w ill be running into Port­
land May 1.
Contracts were signed up here yes­
terday by traffic officials of the Cana­
dian road with R. B. Miller, general
freight agent for the Oregon Railroad
& Navigation company, allowing the
use of tiie tracks from Spokane to Port­
land. The Canadian Pacific now reach­
es Spokane by the Spokane Interna­
tional railway from the C. P. R .’s
main line at the Canadian boundary.
Freight service irom Portland to all
points in Canada, as well as to the A t­
lantic seaboard, will lie started May 1
by the new traffic arrangement. Pas­
senger trains will be put on at a later
Through passenger service is
promised from Portland to St. Paul.
The use of the O. R. A N. tracks by
Canadian Pacific equipment was ar­
ranged for recently at a conference be­
tween President G. M. Bosworth, of
the Canadian line and Traffic Director
J. C. Stubbs, of the Harriman system.
This meeting was held in Chicago a
short time ago.
Senator Stone Says We Mutt If We
Fight Japan.
Historic Fort Swept Away.
Kansas City, March 23. — United
San Francisco, March 22.— It is re­
States Senator W illiam A. Stone, in
ported here that all reclamaion districts
in Sutter county have been flooded. the course oi a speech here last night at
Near Meridian the water is in the sec­ the monthly dinner of the Knife and
ond stories of Ihe houses. Many fam­ Fork club, said:
ilies are said to be in want. Effort*
“ I f we are to hare serious trouble
w ill lie made to send them lelief.
with any nation, it will be with Japan.
Probably all the stock in these districts
has been drowned. The people of Yuha Japan wants the Philippines. I am
county district, above Marysville, are not sure whether it would not be test
for all concerned if she should get
reported safe.
Near Tudor a bieak has occurred them, but one thing is certain, and
close to an Indian mound which was that is, she will never get them with
situated near the old iron fort brought our consent. But we may have trouble
from tiie East in sections by Genera) in keeping them.
“ Japan would seize the archipelago,
John A. Sutter in tiie days before gold
was discovered.
The fort is repotted and in a week. W e could only send
to have been swept away.
over a big enough fleet to wipe Japan
from the sea.
That would be a huge
and costly task.”
Steer Clear o f Jerome.
Add to State Asylum Site.
Salem— The state asylum board at a
meeting in the governor's otlice author­
ized the purchase of the Riley tract of
25 acres, adjoining the asylum grounds,
with the $10,006 appropriated for this
purpose by the legislature. Dr. Mark
Skiff has threatened to enjoin the
board from making the purchase by
throwing the matter into court, con­
tending they nrc paying too much for
the property.
He says the property
New Bank Examiner Chossn.
could have lieen secured ft r $7,000, but
Salem— James Steele, of Portland,
the lionrd could not make any such
lias been appointed state liank exam­
leal with the Rileys.
iner. He is a brother of State Treas­
urer Steele and was one of the founders
Fix Value of Polk Timber.
of the First National bank at Portland
Dallas— The county court, it is un­ in 1868, and later was connected with
derstood, w ill very soon appoint a tim ­ the Merchant's National bank of that
ber cruiser to a rm eat a more equitable city.
assessment of the vast bodies of valua­
ble timber lying in Western Polk.
School districts in the western part of
the county w ill be extended to include
Wheat— Club, 72c; bluestem, 74c;
this timber also, thereby making it lia­
valley, 70c; red, 71c.
New York, March 22.— In the course
ble to the sptcial school tax.
Approx - 1
Oats— No. 1 white, $29(5)30; gray,
of an argument upon the indictments
Itnatdy tl(K ),000 In taxes was received
$28 9 29.
Iefore the expiration of the 3 per cent
of the theatrical tra il, Edward Lauter­
Barley— Feed, $22.50 per ton; brew­
bach, counsel for Klaw A Erlanger, said
discount limit.
ing, $23; rolled, $23.50024.50.
in court today that Dixon and Zimmer­
Abandon River Surveys.
man, who alao were indicted on a
Corn— Whole,$24.50; cracked, $22.50
charge of conspiracy, are in Pennsyl­
Salem— Because the state legislature
per ton.
vania, and w ill not voluntarily surren­
did not co-operate with the state legis­
I Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $15(5)
der themeelvoe in New York. He add­
lature in appropriating more money for
16 per ton; K as tern Oregon timothy,
ed that they wanted the New York dis­
the work of the state geological survey
$17018; clover, $9; cheat, $9; grain
trict attorney to cause their arrest in
in connection with the reclamation of
hay, $9(310; alfalfa, $14.
Philadelphia, so that the question of
arid lands throughout the state, I)is- ,
Butter— Fancy creamery, 32)y@35c
their extradition could he taken up be­
trict Hydrographer J. C. Stevens, of
per pound.
fore the governor of Pennsylvania.
the United States geological survey, an­
Butter Fat— First grade cream 33}*c
nounces that part of the work w ill have
per pound second grade cream, 2c less
to be abandoned and a number of the
Mora Steel Man Strike at Hammond.
per pound.
stations cut out for lack of funds to
Hammond, Ind., March 2 2 .— The
Poultry— Average old hens, 15c per
carry on the work.
pound; mixed chickens, 14c; spring, strike situation at East Chicago was
fryers and broilers, 209223*0; old intensified today when 3,600 mtn em­
Largs Sums in Short Tims.
roosters, 10012c; dressed chickens, 16 ployed by the Inland Steel company,
Marshfield— Prominent business men
917c; turkeys, live, 13915c; tur­ walked out. The reason for the walk­
of Nortti Bend subscribed $70,000 in
keys, dressed, choice, 18 \ 9 2 0 c; geese, out was the demand of the laborers for
two hours at a special meeting for the
an increase of 25c per day. Bix hun­
live, 8c; ducks, 16018c.
purpose of establishing a building and i
Eggs — Oregon ranch, 193$c per dred men struck yesterday at the Inter­
loan association in that city. The cap -'
state Steel company and 1,200 at the
ital stock of the association w ill tie
Apples— Common,
75c9$1.25 per Republic Iron A Steel company, and
It has been established lor!
the walkout today brings the total
box; choice $1 5002.00.
the purpose of aiding in the upbuild­
Vegetables— Turnips $101.25 per number of strikers up to more than 5,-
ing of North Bend and Cooa Bay.
sack; carrots, $101.28 per sack; beets, 000 men. Some rioting occurred today
$1.2601.60 per sack; horseradish, 7 9 and one of the strikers was beaten.
Big Orchards In Jackson.
8c per pound; cauliflower, $2.50 pet
Medford— According to the report of
Austria Guards Frontier.
crate; celery, $3.509* per crate; let­
Horticultural Commissioner Carson, of
Vienna, Match 22.— The Austrian
tuce. head, 35045c per dozen; onions,
the Third district, 350,000 fruit trees
10012tyc per dozen; sprouts, 9c per minister of the interior has ordered a
have been added to the orchard wealth
pound; radishes, 30c per dozen; as­ considerable increase in the number of
of Jackson county (hiring the past year.
paragus, 10c per pound; rhubarb, $ 2 9 gendarmes upon the Roumanian fron
The acreage reported exceeds 7,000, and
tier in order to prevent riotous peas­
2.25 per box.
of thia amount, the larger portion has
Onions— Oregon, 76990c per hun­ ants from crossing the Irontier and
been devoted to Cornice pears and Spit-
starting disturliancee in Austria. The
Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, fsnev, opinion is expressed at the foreign
$1.3591.50; No. 1 choice, $1.1001.25; office that unless the Roumanian gov­
Tax Money Received.
ernment promptly suppresses the agra­
Oregon City— Sheriff Reatie has col­ common, 75c9$l.
rian movement in Roumania it is liable
Veal— Dressed, 5 l* 0 9 r per pound.
lected up to date about $190,000 in
Beef— Pressed bulls, 3 9 3 Xc per to soon get beyond control.
taxea. The time for the granting of
rebates for prompt payment is over, pound; cows, 696 c; country steers,
Giving Away Sags Money.
and all the big taxpayers of the county A07c.
Mutton— Dressed, fcuiey, lO01O>yc
New York, March 22.— Announce­
have paid in.
per pound; ordinary, 809o.
ment was made today that Mrs. Russell
Local Insurance at Eugena.
Sage has donated $160,000 to the
Pork— Dressed, R99r per pound.
Eugene— The Merchants’ Protective
Hops— 991%; per peund. according American Seamen's Friend society, to
social inn has decided definitely to to quality.
he used by that body in the erection of
form a local mutual fire insurance or­
Wool— Eastern Oregon average beet a proposed aailont' home and institute.
ganisation, ami a special meeting will 13918c per pound, according to shrink­ Mrs. Rage has also given $75,000 to the
he called within a few day« for that age; valley, 2iV«.iSe, according to flne- Syrian Protestant college, of Beirut,
nees; mohair, choios, 38929c.
Mayor Schmitz and Boss Rusf May
Go Frso If Thsy Tall All.
San Francisco, Mutch 20.— Following
the wholesale confession of members of
the hoard of supervisors Iwfore the
grand jury yesterday, there was a
scramble today of bribetakers and
bribegivers to get from under. The
rush to Heney’ s office began with dawn
and continued far into the night.
The greater part of tho volunteer
army was turned uwuy, but a few who
were able to throw new light on some
of the bribery scandals were allowed to
pour forth their tales of degradation.
I t may be stated at the outset in pos­
itive terms that D iftrict Attorney Lang­
don and Assistant District Attorney
Heney will grant immunity to those
supervisors who hare confessed. It
may also be stated that every member
of the original board, with possibly two
exceptions, have confi ssed.
With equal posiiiveuess it may he
stated thatjthe ultimate object of the
prosecution is not the conviction of
Mayor Schmitz and A le Brief. I f
Schmitz and Ruef w ill reveal the full
details j l their nefarious transactions
and make conviction of the millionaire
bribegivers doubly sure, they w ill eith­
er be pur toned after conviction or will
be allowed to go free.
Should they reluse to confess the evi­
dence at hand w ill be used against
them, and it is sufficient to send them
both to jail for the rest of their lives.
Convictions can be obtained against
Ruef which w ill result in a total pen­
alty of 300 years.
Each time Ruef
birbed a supervisor he laid the founda­
tion for a fresh indictment, and he
bribed 13 of them time and time again.
Nicaraguans Threaten to Loot Cap­
tured Cities of Honduras.
Puerto Cortez, Honduars, March 16,
via New Orleans, March 20.— A turn of
sinister significance was given to the
Central American war today by the
finding on the persons of raptured N i­
caraguan soldiers proclamations prom­
ising them loot of the first cities which
they can capture in both Honduras and
Americans in Puerto Cortez are anx­
ious, because American residents ore
the principal property holders of most
of the Honduran cities. Any doubt as
to the completeness of such a loot is
dispelled not only by the wording of
the proclamations, but by the experi­
ence had in 1894 by some of tiie per­
sons not living at Puerto Cortez, who
were present at the looting of Cholu­
teca, Honduras.
Chlld'Drowned In Creek— Fruit Crop
May„Be Ruined.
San Jose, Cal., March 20.— More
lamage has been done by floods in the
creeks in the last 24 hours than in the
past 15 years. The washing out of
bridges, notably the Southern Pacific
on the Aimaden branch, will stop all
traffic from San Jose to Los Gatos by
way of Campbell for weeks. The dam­
age in the vicinity of tho latter town
will reach many thousand dollars.
Fruit farmers generally are of the
opinion that there w ill be light crops
this year, if some do not prove utter
The rains are believed to
have washed out muih of the pollen,
which will prevent the blooms matur­
ing into fruit.
A t San Martin, Harold Bole, the 5-
year old son of a well known rancher,
fell into the swollen Iagas creek and
was drowned. A t Santa Clara several
families were driven from their homes
by the overflow of the Guadaloupe
Unwilling to Presecuta Fencers.
Cheyenne, W yo., March 20.— The
announcement was made todny that B.
M. Auhserman, of Evanston, recently
appointed United States disirict attor­
ney for Wyoming by President Roose­
velt, had declined to qualify for the
office caused surprise in local political
It is repotted here that the
intention of the administration to in­
sist upon criminal rather than civil
prosecutions in the cases of illegal fenc­
ing of tiie public range had a bearing
upon the decision of Mr. Ausherman.
A new selection w ill be made.
Lewis to Succedd Dowie-
Guadalajara, Mex., March 23.— Dea­
con John Lewis, an official of the Zion
church, who arrived in Guadalajara
last week to look over some mining in­
vestments, received today the news of
his appointment as first apostle of the
church by the last w ill and testament
of John Alexander Dowie.
Lewis de­
clares the news came absolutely as a
surprise to him and declined to say
what he intended to do. He said
however, that he intended to return to
Chicago immediately and take charge
of the business affaire.
Windows for the Pacific.
Pittsburg, March 20.— Window glass
manufacturers of this city ha\e secured
orders aggregating 84,000 boxes during
the past few days. The orders are the
largest, it is said, ever placed at one
time. The shipments are for consum­
ers in the Pacific region. The selling
price was at 90 cents and ten off list for
single strength and 90 cents and 15
cents off list for double strength. The
contract price is considered remarkably
strong and indicative of firmness in
the window glass market for some time
to come.
Trcsrvn O H Express Car.
Palestine, Tex., March 23.— As train
No. 4 of the International Great North­
ern, north bound, wa* leaving Elkhart,
12 miles below here, last night, Ex­
press Messenger Winaley Womack ol
the Pacific Express company, was at­
tacked and thrown out of the car. He
wag not misecd from the train until
Palestine was reached and a little later
a telephone message was receiwd from
him at Elkhart, stating that he had
been assaulted by robbers. The safe
in. the car was open when the train
reached Palestine.
Salt Lake ie Isolated.
Salt Lake City, March 20.— Wash­
outs on the Southern Pacific and on the
San Pedro, Loe Angeles A Salt lake
roads, have isolated Salt la k e City
temporarily from the Pacific coast.
The iron bridge at Verdi, 20 mllee west
of Reno, Nevada, is out and a wagon
bridge over the Truckee river at the
same point is also down. No trains
have arrived in this city or in Ogden
from the coast since yesterday morn­
More Floods in Ohio Valley
Pittsburg, March 20.— The Mononga-
hela, Allegheny and Ohio rivers are ris­
ing rapidly on account of heavy rains
Many small streams in this vicinity are
already overflowing their banks. Fore­
caster Penny forecasts a 24-foot rise by
tomorrow noon.
Brownsville is Furious.
Brownsville, Tex , March 23.— At a
mass meeting of Brownsville citizen»
tonight resolutions were adopted ex-
preeslng indignation because of what Is
termed an attempt being made both be­
fore the court martial at Fort Houston
and before the senate committee at
Washington “ toclesr the negro soldiers
8uit for Kingston Insurance.
of the Twenty-fifth infAntry of the
Kingston, March 20.— Tiie first suit
crime committed against Brownsville against the insurance companies to re­
cn August 13 last by fastening the in­ cover for losses sustained in the earth­
famy on the town people themselves.” quake was filed yesterday.
The York­
shire company is the defendant. Other
Groat Firs in Navy-Yard.
companies will soon he sued.
Pensalcola, Flo., March 23.— Fire
last night dertroved building No. 1 at
Successful Train Holdup
the Pensacola navy yard, entailing a
Yekaterinoslav, Russia, March SO.—
lose of $176,000. In addition to this Ten armed men held np a train 00 the
loos the machinery and equipment for outskirts of this town today and secured
the gunboats Gloucester and and Isle $7,500 in cash, with which they made
de Luzon were destroyed.
their escape.