NO. i6 op E ST A C A D A , OREGON, TH U R SD A Y, VOL. 3 GRAND SPRING OPENING MEN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING The greatest bargains ever given to the public M ACRH 28, $1 A Y E A R 1907. The Estacada State Bank GEO. ESTE S, President. D h . S. W. ST R Y K E R . Vice President. GRANULATED E. L. F R A L E Y , Cashier. SUGAR Capital fully paid up, $20,000.00 General banking business transacted Eastern Exchange. 4 per cent paid on time certificates of deposit. Collections made promptly and economically New Stock! Latest Styles Lowest Prices $ 4.80 WE SELL REAL ESTATE W e call your special attention to our Complete New Stock of the Highest Grade IF GRO CERIES, FR U IT S, V E G E T A B L E S YOU H A V E FARM OR C IT Y A SACK PROPERTY for sale list it with us, we can and will sell it for you Our Prices are the Lowest L E T US W R IT E YOUR IN SU R A N CE in a company that paid 100 cents on the dollar for their losses at San Francisco and who can be de­ pended upon to pay you 100 cents on the dollar in case of loss. W E P A Y T H E H IG H E S T PR ICE S FOR C O U N T R Y PRODUCE When in Estacada use our private office EMPORIUM à » * » i m i i|i for transacting your business. You are always welcome and we will be glad to keep your private papers for you free of charge. DAROWISH & COMPANY Having decided to move else­ where, we will sell our furniture and Mrs. John Bourbotiia is confined other goods-.— R. A. Stratton. D. F . Warner puts in his vaca­ to the house by illness. The time for opening the bids for tions burning stumps and clearing Merchant G. B. Darowish was in the woodworking factory' has been things up on his farm. town Tuesday on business. extended till Monday, April 1. One of Mr. Fanton’ s horses was Miss Stella and Miss Mary Wom- About 30 guests attended Satur­ disabled a short time ago and in day evening’s dance by the baseball order to continue delivering those er are expected home for Easter. Ed. Hogan’ s scrubs beat the reg­ boys. It was a decided success. fine shingles which his mill is known C. W. Seymoure went out to Si- to turn out he was compelled to buy ulars 11 to 12 in a ball game Sun­ day? wasli, Wash., last week to spend a another horse. F. M. Gill came out last Satur­ few days with his friend,’.Mr. Scott. T o judge by the way R. H. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Boswell en­ Currin was pitching the hay back day evening and visited friends at tertained at tea Sunday, Mrs. W. onto his wagon passers by believed Garfield. that he didn’t like to have his load R. A. Stratton returned Tuesday A. Jones, Mrs. Eva Kessler and tip over. from his trip to Minnesota and oth­ Lycile. I will be in Estacada' for ten days Walter and Ralph Lemon have er states. gone into the sawmill business in Some repairs and improvements or so and will pay the highest cash partnership with Ed Mullen. are to be made to the Estacada Ho­ prices for hides and pelts.— D. F. Warner. R. S. Blew and wife have gone tel property. to Portland where Mr. Blew expects Mrs. O. A. Olson, of Portland, Geo. Shultz, David Esherman and to engage again in railroad work. visited at Mrs. W. A. Heylman’ s several more of our young men at­ tended a dance in Oregon City last We understand that their place is on Tuesday. Saturday. for sale. L- W. VanDyke left for Portland Wm. Dale has purchased two lots Walter Shriner was over from Tuesday morning expecting to go 5 and 6 block 34 at the corner of Orient, where he is working, and to California. Short and Third streets of H. W. spent Sunday with Mrs. Shriner on Several of Portland’s police were Downing. the Lemon farm. out here Sunday after some crooks, D. F. Warner served noticeTon John Straight has sold his place but found none. C. H. Foster last Saturday to va­ to a corporation which, rumor has Monday night, March 25th a fine cate his farm and premises within it, intends to put in a power plant baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. ten days. some where on the Clackamas river K. C. Hoygaard. Rev. McPherson is helping to The family have returned to Park- raise $90,000 in Portland this week R. A. Wilcox, of Springwater, place. was in the city last Saturday tran­ for the new Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Florence Duncan has gone building. sacting business. to work at Woodstock. If you need a bath take a look at Mrs. W. A. Heylman and Mrs. and buy that beautiful ivory porce­ Mrs. D. M. Marshall and Mrs. W. K. Haviland visited friends in lain bathroom outfit at the Cary G. DeSheilds walked from their Portland, Saturday. Hardware. homes to Estacada Tuesday morn­ E. E. Block was laid off from fir­ ing; considering the condition of T o t h e O ne I t C o n c e r n s : The party who wrote the letter, the roads it is no wonder that these ing m a couple days of last week Mar. 25, ’07, concerning Old Bos­ ladies prefered walking to riding. because of an abcess. Mrs. Sarah Ford and little girl well ; if they will call at the tele­ Miss Grace M. Smith closed a are spending a few days with Mrs. phone Co’s office, will receive the very successful term of teaching at medal for the person having the longest tongue, and more time to the Bowman school last Wednesday W. M. Yonts and family. Wm. Stratton came home for a attend to other people's business Her work has been very satisfacto­ than their own, in the City of Es- ry and it is with regret that” the few days’ vacation which the O. A. tacada. — B. O. B o s w e l l . ' C. students had last week. people see her go. Gl eaned By the Wayside I I I WE BOW I To the People of Estacada & Vicinity | ^ On SA T U R D A Y , MARCH 16, ’07 we opened store in ® ( 0 the Shultz Building, Estacada, where we will offer you a 0L ? Stock consisting of x MILLINERY, DRYGOODS, LA- * DIES’ & MEN’S FURNISHINGS AND SHOES We have come to stay, and have tried to buy to suit the wants of all. And we will add from time to time, goods that you want. Come in to see us. Ail will have courte­ ous treatment whether you buy or not. Our prices will be the lowest. Not cheap goods at low prices, but Good goods for little money. Com e in and See Our Goods & Learn O ur Prices Soliciting a share of your patronage, we are RESPECTFULLY :D A L ES: 1STOCKF000| The new M. E. church is getting well along towards the finishing work. Rev. McPherson, who has had charge of the construction work has been doing some effective hust­ ling for funds to build the church 1 with, and he is reaping the reward of his .hard labors. The plastering ; will be finished in a few days. Mr. Taylor has been making preparations to move onto the War­ ner place. FOR S A L E BY G. B. Linn took a party of men to the Linn Bros.’ mill Tuesday A gen cy for Prussian Mock Foods, Estacada to look over the property. IS GOOD FO R A L L J. F. Lovelace SASH DOORS AT Sparks’ Store L O C A L NEW S THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n sa cts A G e n e ra l B a n k i n g B u s i n e s s Capital, $ 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Money to Loan on Real Estate |^| ^É| INSURANCE This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind W. A. HEYLMAN, John Glass of Newburg was here a couple days of last week. Mr. Glass was looking up real estate values both of town and country property. He was much pleased with the looks and prospects of the place, and may decide to purchase a tract of land here. Mr. Glass has some property in his home town and his move here depends somewhat on whether he sells there. Cashier. Money to Loan $3,500.00 TO LOAN -W e have $5,500 which we will loan on real estate security at a low rate of in­ terest. If you have money to loan, we 1 will find you a customer and make no charge for placing the loan.— The Bank of Estacada, W. A. Heyl- ' man, Cashier. and PAM . Etc. When you are going to build consult us on your wants YOU If you WILL BE SATISFIED TKe C ary Hardware Company