N E W S | J. W. Reed went out to Condon i this week. i I' U B I. IS H K D T H U R S D A Y M O RN IN G Mr. and Mrs. R. f,. Fraley are living at Doctor and Mrs. Havi- H. A. W ILLIAM S laud’s. A party made up of Mrs. Fraley, J Entered at the postoffice in Estacada. Oregon, as second class rr.aH Mrs. Jones, Mrs. W. K and Mrs. J. B. Havilaud went to Portland, SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1 00 . yesterday. One year 50 S ix months Ed. Closntr and son William of Springwater were in town yester­ MARCH 14, i y >7 day. They brought in two fat cat­ tle for the North market. Many remarkable things appear The local Hive of the Ladies of in tlie last annual report of the Sec­ retary of Agriculture. The farm the Maccabees give a public social ! products,of 1906 had a farm value tomorrow, Friday evening, in F ra­ .After a program cf 1 of $6,800,000,000 half a billion ov- ternity hall. I er 1905 and in excess of two bil- music, recitations and singing re­ Neal ; lions more than the productions of freshments will be served. Bronson will render a few of the ! the census year 1900. Corn stays new selections on his violin. by far the most valuable crop, csti THK GEO. C. BROWNELL Company H a ve outside Land, Sale. including Farms, for Also residence property, situated in Oregon City, Gladstone, Milwauke, Estacada, Malwaukie Park, Oak Grove On easy terms. T itle guaranteed and A b ­ stracts furnished. Money to Loan at low rate of interest to assist purchasers C A L L O N UÍ- ... ■ ftjRjKBoss* » W ife - Office In the Canfield Block. Phone 521 Oregon City ; mated at $ 1, ioc.ooo.ooo while cot- ton, next on the list, including seed w a s w o r th to its growers $640,000, - j 000. Thus King Corn knocks out I King Cotton and becomes easily, “ monarch of all he surveys.” Hay is third :;t $600,000,000 wheat at $450,000,000; oats $500,000,000; and potatoes $150,000,000. Amer­ ican P'artner. JU .« The Old Record Broke The Dubois Lumber Company of ESTACADA Estacadd, Oregon M ANUFACTURERS OF A LL CLA SSES OF F«r and Cedar LU M |t+t++*High grade building material a specialty £££+£ If You Are Going to Build, We Can Fit Nancy Lee and Lady Fanny M in­ to are two Estacadans who have re­ cently come into prominence by re- I ducing the time which it takes to hatch eggs. A dozen eggs were j placed under Nancy Lee and she kept them nice and warm for seven j days, when a change had to be made. The eggs were then placed under Lady Fanny Minto and at the end of seven days little chicks began to stick their bills through the shells. This is, we think, the world’s record in hatching eggs. The time is cut down a third and the poultry business, if the secret can be found out, will become more paying. The time keepers in this wonderful case are Mrs. Boswell and Heylineu. of grain in ten hours. In this con -1 test four prizes went to Cr.gon farmers, but no other state in the Union received more than one prize William Kendel, of Clem, received the first prize for 18-inch cylinder; S. S. Miller of Hubbard, second We can save you money on any- prize for 28-inch cylinders; D. P. Peterson of Dale, second prize for thing in our line. \\ F. can buy 18-inch cylinders. Evening Tele- a* V, H O L E S A L K prices and tliere- gr#n, fore get things cheaper than retail prices Our margin is always as We direct your attention to the l ° w as possible, and we aim to give announcement on page 1 of the open- e-very customer an honest bargain, ing of Wm. Dale’s store They are j in the Shultz building at the corner GET YOUR CHOICE OF THOSE of 1.st and Main. A s announced, BEAUTIFUL RUGS they will carry a line of Gents' and Ladies’ Furnishings, Millinery and Dry Goods. Andrew Vetsch, of Vetsch & Son proprietors of the Damascus Creani- cry, was in town T uesday. Mr. Vetsch says business is good with them, and that they pay out about $5,000 a month among the farmers for cream and butter fat. They are going to buy milk later on. The Oregon Ladies of the Mac­ cabees meet in their regular annual convention in Portland on April 5. On the committees arranging for this convention, Fern Hive of Esta- erda is well represented. Mrs. Rosa Rtagan is chairman of the Press Committee, and Mrs. W. A. Hevl- ntan is chairman of the General Committee. Real Estate List I am preparing a list of Real has­ tate for sale. If you have improved property for sale, list it with me as this will be the best year' for the real estate business we have lmd for some time. — W. A. Hevlman. A pleasant, social time was had by all who attended the basket so­ You Out to (he Top Notch in Every­ cial and dance give by the United Artisans on last Saturday evening. thing Rcquired^^^^^^^^^zzzy. ! Miss Neiva Green won first prize Surprise Party for receiving the highest price for Mouldings in All Style? A v e r y pleasant surpise party her basket, and Miss Mae Stephens was given Miss A va Lovelace by a won second prize for having the number of her young friends last preUi_.st basket. Something over Friday evening, Mar. 8. The time j 2 h was realized from the sale of JO NES is our selling agent in Estacada, Oregon was delightfully passed with games. | baskets. A most delicious supper wan served Telephone connection direct with mill at 12 o'clock. A pleasant game of The Estacada Business Men’s "B arn yard fowels' ’ was played af- Club met last Thursday and form- ter supper and three of Estacada’ s any adopted a set of rules and by- popular young men were allowed )aws. J F. Lovelace failed to ac- to assume the conspicuous charac- cept the jxisition of clerk of the ters of mule Maud, sheep, Little c[ub, and A. N. Johnson was elect- T h is r u n t was fa rro w e d A p r il 19, 1900, Bo-Peep, and a large Shanghai wi to the place. The club will meet and w eighed o n ly 56 lbs. J u ly 20, 1901. On th a t d a y 1 b egan feed in g i t th e P ru s ­ rooster. Their melodious voices agai„ next Thusday evening. All sian S to c k F o o d . I fed it tw ic e n d a y fo r 60 flays and th en th ree tim es a week certainly entertained the crowd for who had their names placed on the I t consum ed 1 2 pounds P ru s sia n S to c k Those who surprised Miss paper for the organization of the F o o d . I s o ld i t J a n u a ry 9, 1902 and it a time. w eighed 2 5 4 p ou n d s— G. H IN D S , R o c k - Ava were, Mary Dale, Mary Groff. club are expected to be present. ford, Illin o is . Olive Wagner, Mae Stev ns Ger­ HOGS GAIN 3 LBS. A DAY. Jo h n Herbero. one o f m y cantomerm. fed Pnm nUn trude Morrow, Kitty Reagan, Edna William Moehtike, a promiftent S to ck Food to hlii hoffa th at he w as fatten i»sr and ............ ...... ' “ tim --------'hen feeding it and WHltclx'il them neveral e s --------- farmer of Shubel, has been awarded they made an aver..«* (fain of three pound» a day to each hog. 'Conrad Womer, Lena Lehman. Edita Mil- Mela, Templeton, Iowa. ler, Ed Hogan, Neil Bronson. Lee a first prize of $50 cash by the J. I. Bronson, Ed Kaffoury, Fid Mallory, Case Threshing Company, of Ra- FATTEN HOGS AND CATTLE A T T H E S M A L L E S T C O S T . A d d a s m a ll q u a n t it y P russian S to c k F o o d to th e ‘ j Ceeil Sehock, Clyde Shock, Sim cine, Wis , for the liest results in a fon s th e s to m a c h , ahd bow els, > re gu ery I t c o n d itio a CL' U l la t i * r g f i r i a i l in l II r i n a tio i I I I n II o V I f ev t » % . I J a n im a l fed. . ................................ p urities th e b lo o d , im p ro v e s d ig e s tio n an d enables th e a n im a l t o rILniwC,Ui o f Smith, Geo. Townsend, Win. Dale, contest for 24-inch cylinders. He fe d i c o n s u m ili. T ilt »EST I'OI IIOKStS. Will pul them in condition lor SMINO WOM. Paul Womer and Geo. Shultz. , threshed at Highland 2430 bushels C. E. DUBOIS, Manager rmas rúente PR U SS IA N STOCK FOOf* D O E S N O T T A K E T H E P L A C E O F T H E R A T IO N . full rati ^ _ 1« crtM e . .i.p o tlto ond r o p o r ltj fo r . PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD la Guaranteed to jtfvo satisfaction.when naed according to direction, or the price paid will be refunded, i f no denier In town, write ua. ---- — — — —f Tell t.s bow many bend of rtiK'k vnu P W IF £ ! ■ hare and where you aaw thin ad. and we pw-» m — » will Bend y<-u our 6 8 Farmer'» and ' *4 EK£3BT43BX21 stockman*» llandBook F R E E . BUILD C E ESE FACTORY “ w r i t e FO R OUR S P E C IA L T R IA L O F F E R . PRUSSIAN STOCK rOOD i REMEDY CO.. ST. 1 AUL, MINN. Manufacturers Prussian Poultry Food, Lice Killer, Hearo A W orm Powders. Etc. The FOR S A L E B Y J. F. Lovelace, Agency for Prujiian Stock Koodi, Estacada Hazelwood Company Decide to Build in Estacada NO NEED TO GO TO PORTLAND j W. A. H E V L M A N O RKG O N C IT Y ESTACADA BROWNELL anti HEYLMAN ATTORNEYS-ATLAW f J p r a c t ic e : in a l l c o u r t s All kinds of Legal Basine** promptly attended to Fintate* and Probate Matter* carefully taken care Commercial Job Printing c A t News Office The mass meeting of the farmers and business men held last Fatur- day to decide on what can l>e done towards the stip|*>rt of a cheese fac- tory was very well attended. The meeting was presided over by Pres- ¡dent K. L. Fraley and Clerk A. N. Johnson of the cl’tb. The Iluzel- ' wood Company was represented by its agents who told the people just what the company will do. Sever­ al of the farmers, Messrs. Sailing, I Millard. Duns, Harkenrider, Bard, Steinman, Lovell, Hale, CalifT, l’al- mateer, Howe and Stornier spoke on the subject. It was finally de­ cided that there was enough en­ couragement behind the project to justify the company putting in a — “ B ew are of H. COOPER & CO Church Fund Grows Palace Meat Market The Ninth Grade Physical Geog­ SHOP raphy class had a test Tuesday and a final examination Thursday. J. R. TOWNSEND The Eighth Grade began Physi­ ology Friday. Richard Palniateer has been ab­ All work neatly and promptly done sent the past few days. PRICES REASONABLE Lonnie Van Dyke has been elect­ ESTA C A D A — O REGO N ed editor for the coming month. The Ninth Grade met and elect­ ed the following officers Tuesday: President, Edna Miller; Vice Pres. A va Lovelace; Sec., Sim Smith; Historian, Olive Wagner; Sergeant- at-arms, Lonnie Van Dyke. W . A. JO NES PAUL WOMER, EDITOR. Livery, Feed 4 Sale STABLE PRO PRIETO R Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Williams and family visited Portland Tues­ day. Good rigs and careful drivers always SPECIAL J. R. Wilson is having some e x ­ tensive improvements made about his residence property. Given WOOD & LUMBER Clarke Possen is clerking at the Cary hardware. Mrs. C. S. Allen and Maud Stur­ geon have joined the Rebekahs and are now privileged to stay out late. Local and Long Distance Telephone Money to Loan $5,500 00 TO LO A N —We have Get our prices on a spray wash $5,500 which we will loan on real for your trees. Estacada Pharmacy estate security at a low rate of in­ terest. SPRINGWATER NEWS I f you have money to loan, we will find you a customer and make no charge for placing the loan. - More rain, more rest. Snow flurries the past few days. The Bank of Estacada, W. A. Heyl- Mrs Will Tucker has been very man, Cashier. sick. See the farmer size up the hay­ stacks. Tramps know a good country if they see one. Not long ago one T A X E S ! TAXES was found in the school house and last Saturday evening a rough and scarred looking fellow was seen go­ Pay your Clackamas county taxes in Portland. No long waiting in ing to Dodge. Ed. Cunningham is farming in line. Save time and carfare. Small earnest now since his marriage. All fee 25cts covers everything. Call their friends unite in wishing them and examine the complete tax rpll, or write for statement of your taxes a long and happy life TAXES! Clackamas Title .....Com pany..... PROFESSIONAL CARDS Can be easily moved Inquire tf The News * [ESTABLISHED 18 9 3 ] PH YSICIAN & SURGEON TIME CARD Prophets” B y G E O R G E F. B A E R . P re s id e n t o f th e R e a d in g R a i lw a y A BUILDING FOR SALE ATTENTION Hunting and Fishing Parties factory that can be used for either 606 608, Chamber of Commerce, O F F IC E and R E S ID E N C E cheese or butter. As a site for the P O R T L A N D , O REGO N Over the Rank of Kstacada factory the company has decided on lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 36, near the PHON E railway track in the Southeast part of town. The cost of the factory will he about $2,000 and work on O . \L P. & R y . C o. : William K. Haviland, M. D. it is to begin at once. ESTACADA-PORTLAND The greatest obstacle in the way PHYSICIAN and SURGEON seemed to lie the country roads birt Cars .eave Estacada for Port­ Office at drug store - - Estacada even they may tie overcome and im­ land: R ESID EN C E proved. The plan to .lie adopted by 7 : 37 . 9 :.T 7 . 11:37 A. M. and Phone the company is to make cheese dur­ Corner Shafford and Fourth i : 37 . 3 47 . 5 : 37 . 9:05 P M. ing part of the year and “butter the Cars leave Portland for Esta­ rest of the year. This plan is the cada; one which may suit most of the pa­ Dr. R. W . ANDERSON ' 3 DENTIST trons, and may be the most profita­ 7 :30 ,9 :30 , 11:3 0 A . M. and Of room* 4 1-j Hamilton Itldg. Portland ble. 1:30, 3:40, 5:44, 7: 1 5 P. M. ♦ * Will visit Estacada every Saturday Way freight leaves Estacada in the morning, daily except Office with Dr. C. B. Smith Sun. returning in the evening. — False Dimick & Dimick, C Main offices of the company: 132 1-2 First St. R utland. Oregon. H E present tendency is to lend itching ears to STRANTTE D O C T R IN E S . The general education o f all tho people, Attorneys at Law which must necessarily 1 k > limited, creates rash and S U l’ EK- E F C IA L T H I N K I N G and unrest. It is true at times that a ^ ^ ^ N o rta rv Public, General Law little learning is a dangerous thing. From the seats of the mighty and Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b - 1 stracts furnished from the stre • corners where blatherskites harangue the multitude a wn l of woe is heard. Everything i* wrong. The whole order o f our M O N EY LO A N E D industrial and socin! life is assailed in vehement ami hysterical appeals fo the pn-'-ions A N D S E L F IS H N E S S of men. SO I SAY TH AT IN OUR DAY WE NEED TO HEED TH £ JUNCTION " B E iV A L t O f FALSE P R C rH C T S." IN ­ IN T H E C O U N TY CO U RT O F T H E S T A T E OF O REGO N FO R T H E C O U N TY OF C L A C K A ­ MAS. In the matter of the estate of Frank Preuschoff, deceased. To Edmund Preuschoff, Frank Preusch­ off, Hans Preuschoff, Mary Preusch­ off, Martha Preuschoff, France* Estacada’s Furniture Dealers Preuschoff and Mary Preuschoff: You and each of you are hereby cited For the week just closing Rev. to appear in the above entitled count, in C. T . McPherson reports the fol­ the county court room of the county lowing donations to the M. E. fund o u r t house in Oregon City, Clackamas ESTA C A D A county, Oregon, on the 15th day of April for church building purposes: 1907, at the hour of ten o’clock a. in. C. W. Nottingham, 1st & Alder, j thereof, to show cause, if any exists, why THE BEST Portland, $25. an order of sale should not be made sell­ Dr. R. C. Yenney, of Marquam ing at private sale the following describ­ STEAKS CHOPS VEAL Building,’ Portland, $5. ed property: The 1-2 of the NK1-4 and MUTTON, LARD ETC the E i 2 of SW1-4 of the NK1-4 of sec­ C. H. Denney, Estacada, $5. tion 12, T. 4, S. R. 4, E . of the Willam­ R. J. Watkins “ $5. EVERYTHING FRESH & CLEAN ette meridian. Hides and T»elts bought. All kinds of It is further ordered that service oftliis stock bought and sold citation be published in The Estacada SCHOOL N O T E S News.for four weeks prior to the above H. N. NORTH, Proprietor School closes June 7. date. Dated March 8, 1907. Attest: G. B. Dimick, The Eighth Grade will take their | F. W. Greenmail, County Judge examinations on or about May 17. ] SHOE & BOOT REPAIR County Clerk. Dr. C. B. SMITH GEO. C B R O W N E L L The undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas Coun­ ty, State of Oregon, the Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Morris Rob­ erts, deceased. All persons having claim* against the estate of said deceased are hereby requested to present them, duly verified, at the office of the undersigned, Stephens Building, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from this date. John \V. Loder, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Mor­ ris Roberts, deceased. O KM CFS 2. J O rego n C it y & 4. ANDRKSFX BI D. O reg o n In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas In the Matter of the Guardianship of Dale Andre, a Minor. On this 2nd day of March, 1907, upon reading and filing the petition of R . A. Stratton, guardian of the estate of Dale Andre, a tu nor, for a license to sell at private sale the interest of said minor in certain real property situated in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon described as follows, to-wit: Lot two (2) Block four(4) of the original plat of the city of Estacada; subject, however, to the dower right therein of Mary K. An­ dre, widow of Thomas J. Andre, deceased and an equitable lien in the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars (#250.00) in favor of R. A. Stratton, as alledged in said petition. And it appearing to the court that it will be for the best interests of said m i­ nor and his estate, if his interests in said real property is sold at private sale and the proceeds thereof put out at interest or invested in some productive stock; That said minor has no next of kin ex­ cept Val Andre, an uncle of the said m i­ nor, residing at Archibald, Ohio, and uncles and aunts whose names are to the guardian unknown, and that the only other person interested in the said real property is R. A. Stratton, the guardian of said minor, It Is Therefore Ordered That the said petition be set for hearing on Monday, the 1 st day of April, 1907, at the hour of 10 o ’clock a. m. at the court-room of this court in the County Court House at the City of Oregon City, in Clackamas coun­ ty, Oregon. That the next of kin of said miuor and all other persons who may have any in­ terest in said land besides said minor ap­ pear in this court, at said time and place to show cause if any there be, why li­ cense should not be granted for the sale of said real property, as in said petition prayed for. That a copy of this order be personally served upon the next of kin of said mi­ nor, and all other persons having any interest in said estate who are known to said petitioner, at least ten days prior to the date of said hearing; or that a copy of this order be published for three success­ ive weeks in the "Estacada News," a newspaper of general circulation publish­ ed in said City of Estacada, Clackamas county, Oregon, and circulated in said county. Grant B. Dimick, Judge. Notice for Sealed Proposals Notice is hereby given that seal­ ed proposals will be received for macadamizing Broadway, Main, Second and Third Streets with crushed rock to a depth of twelve inches in the center and eight inch­ es oh the side. Under drain on each side of street with tyling. Bids will close at 7 o’ clock p. m. March 19, 1907. Bids must be ac­ companied by a certified check for ten per cent, of contract price. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications are on file with the city recorder. By order of the common council. E . S. W O M ER, City Recorder. Mrs. Wm. Wilcox of Garfield is visiting a daughter, Mrs. Baxter at Gladstone. G E T Y O l’ R PRINTING DONE A T T H E M AYS S H O P " Read tlie advertisements