Peculiar to Itself In combination, proportion and process, H ood’s Sarsaparilla is therefore Peculiar to Itself in merit, sales and cures. It is made from the best blood-purifying, alterative and tonic ingredients b y such original and peculiar methods as to retain the full medicinal value of each and all. The severest forms of scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, rheu- matism, dyspepsia, and debility are cured every day by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists, S d # rorm, latod usual ioo doses $ I. Begin to take it today. h o For those who prefer I Hume ct ratlv# pio ert as the liquid foim, b sides II r u ia M O modieine in tablet «ecu. a y i.idcsc. . o.;v. id. .... e . n m y .- here IlooU s Sarsaparilla is now put up in choco- | he ng no lo s by evapo at o i, breakage or leakage taVIflts called Saraatabs, a. well a. in the i Hold by druggl.te or sen inuniptly by mult liquid form. SarBatabs have identically the J c. I. It .od t o-, I,ow.:t, Many. G u a r a n t e e d u n d er th e F o o d a n d D ru g A c t , Ju ne .'10. 1' it;. N o . 324. , M a r ria g e L it e r a lly a L o tte ry . That marriage is a lottery Is not merely a figure of speech In the prov luce of Smoleusk, ltussla ; It Is an actual fact. There fuur times every year a lottery is held, the capital prize being a young country girl, with some­ times a good dowry iu sheep. The price of a ticket is about 85 cents. At a single drawing 5,000 tickets are sold. He who is fortunate enough to draw the lucky ticket bus his alternative— he may m any the girl If she pleases him, also gaining thereby $4,250, in ad­ dition to whatever the girl brings with her ns dowry, or, if the "prize” In ques­ tion does not please him, he can turn the ticket over to a friend. Proof of Merit. T lie p: o o f o f i lie m e rits o f a p la s te r Is th e cu res it e d ic ts , and th e v o lu n ta ry t s 'im o n ia is o f th o se w h o h a v e used A ll- r e e k ’ s P ,a sters d u r in g ttie pa st s ix t v y e a s is u n im p e a c h a b le e v id e n c e o f lh ir s j>- e rio : it y and sh ou ld c o n v in c e th e m o s t sk e i t ic a l. S elf-p ra ia e ia n o re co n m .en - d a tii.n , lint c e r tific a te fr o m th o se w h o h a v e use th e m are. A l l d c k ’ s arc th e o r ig in a l a n d ge n u in e p o ro u s p la sters am i h a v e n ever hern eq u a l- t d by th o se w h o h a v e so u gh t to tra d e u p o n t h e ir re p u ta tio n b y niuk n g p la ters w itti h o le , in th e m . A v o i d su b stitu tes as y o u w o u ld c o n t e r fe it m o n e y . F a jth w ith W ork s. Everywhere over the dwellings of the natives of the great central plateau of Bolivia Is the grass cross. Charles M. Pepper, the author of "Panama to Patagonia,” states that he rarely found a hut without this symbolism. The cross, he wns told, was blessed by the priest, and then it kept out the rain, which at times is very heavy. One old man, whose undoubted ortho­ doxy was, at least, without a crust of superstition, was asked if the crosses really did keep out the rain. “ Yes, if the roof Is a good one,” he gravely replied. Sam nel W as A ll In . Tho minister of a negro church In Richmond gave out a funeral notice one Sunday as follows: “ I have to announce to you, bred ren and sisters, dat do funeral of de only survivin’ son of de late Thomas Tinkers an’ his widow, Martha Jane Pinkers, both deceased, will take place an’ coilie to occurrence on Tuesday next at 12 m., noon precisely. “ An’ I have to say, bredren and slaters, dat contributions for carry In’ out dat funeral will be in order an’ acceptations, or else de funeral can’ t take place, exceptin’ and save only as a plain burial; fo’ Samuel Pinkers has got jes’ money enough to bury himself without any obsequious cere­ monies, such as he deserves.”— lia r Der’» Week I v. F a b u lo u n Suum P a id fo r V anes. Some rare old porcelains and furni­ ture were recently sold at a London auction, bringing prices which attest to the demand among the wealthy ior tue fine art works of ancient days. T ue most conspicuous were old Chinese vases and beakers and Mandarin jars. A pair of vases, of what is known in China as the Hang-tse period, brought a fraction under $20,000. The Chinese beakers sold for $15,500. A pair of Mandarin Jars brought $8,250, and a pair o f Jars $2,050. Four Chip­ pendale chairs, however, made a good showing against the curious art of tlie East, and sold for $18,575, while n Louis XV clock-case brought $1,800. M iiv I b k IM e tn r e . of M an tn F lfa . The cinematograph has demonstrated Its usefulness to the science of medi­ cine in more ways than one. Dr. W. G. Chnse of Edinburgh used It to pro­ cure films illustrating the convulsions accompanying an epileptic fit. The thoroughness with which the subject has been pursued may be Judged from the statement that the Sims exhibiting epileptic seizures measure 1,550 feet and contain nearly 23,000 minute pic­ tures of attitudes assumed during the convulsions. The value of such records lies mainly In using them to instruct medical students so that they may rec- oguize the character of a fit when en­ countered in actual practice. IE "V axue , REFORM IN P O S T A L SERVICE. ST. JACOBS OIL IN THE HOUSE AND YO U W ILL HAVE A Q U IC K . SAFE A N D SURE R E M E D Y FOR P A I N WHERE YO U CAN G ET A T IT WHEN NEEDED. PRICE 2 3c A N D 30c In th e A rt G m lle r r . Eva— Look at that wonderful paint­ ing entitled “ The Sunset.” Katharine— Yes, and they say dust causes beautiful sunsets. Eva— Well, I guess it would take a great deal of “ dust” to buy that one. F a m ily S a tis fie d . "But,” protested old Gotrox, “ I do not wish you for a son-in-law.” "W ell,” replied young De Short, " I f that's the way you feel about It give Die a good salaried position in your office and we'll let it go at that.’ SKIN DISEASES H U M O R S IN T H E B L O O D W hen the blood is pure, fresh and healthy, the skin w ill be soft, smooth and free from blemishes, but when som e acid humor takes root in the circu­ lation its presence is manifested b y a skin eruption or disease. These humors g e t into the blood, gen erally because o f an inactive o f sluggish condition o f the members o f the body whose duty it is to collect and carry off the waste and refuse m atter o f the system. This unhealthy m atter is left to sour and ferm ent and soon the circulation becomes charged w ith t h f acid poison. T h e blood begins to throw off the humors and acids through the pores and glands o f the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin eruptions o f various kinds. Eczema appears, usually w ith a sligh t redness o f the skin follow ed b y pustules from which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itch in g is intense. I t is gen erally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other parts o f the body m ay be affected. In Tetter tlie skin dries, cracks and bleed s; the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils o f the skin, which are intended to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and g iv in g it a hard, leathery appearance. A cne makes its appearance on the face in the form o f pim ples and black heads, while c^uia^0ad” r Psoriasis comes in scaly patches on differ- cure me until I tr.ed G. 0 - S ent parts o f the body One o f the worst b m h ~ '/ r ' \~ouid forms of skin trouble is Salt R h eu m ; form from wLlc^ : ».owed • its favorite point o f attack is the scalp, the sometimes causing baldness. Poison Oak t h e e k ia l a w a e l- ft hj raw »s a pleco and I v y are also disagreeable types o f skin disease. T h e humor producing Droducinc the trouble lo ^ T x » u n o a .c te d f bSt disease'. Th w h e n I n a e d f i . B . S . I found a p e r - lies dormant in the blood through the fh et c u r e . T h e r e h a s n e v e r b e e n W in ter to break out and torm ent the a n y r e t u r n c f t h e t r o u b le . C. H . E V A N S , sufferer w ith the return o f Spring. The best S to c k m a n , N e b . treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S. I t neutralizes the acids and removes the hnmors so that the skin instead o f being irritated and diseased, is nourished by a supply o f fresh, healthy blood. External applications o f salves, washes, lotions, etc., w h ile they soothe the itchin g caused by PURELY VEGETABE skin affections, can never cure the trouble because th ey do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down in to the circulation and forces cut every particle o f foreign matter and restores the blood to its normal, pure condition, thereby perm anently curing every form o f skin affection. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent free to a ll who write. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. S*SeSe C O ., A T L A X T A , P ersonal K nowled « Commission to Suggest Improvements Government Releases Bidders From for Msyer to Execute. Obligations Under Bids Washington, March 6.— President Roosevelt Unlay had a conference with Postmaster General Meyer, and mem hers of the postal commission, includ ¡ng Senators Penrose and Carter and Representatives Overstreet and Gard­ ner of New Jersey The commission is to make a thorough investigation of the methods of the administration em­ ployed in the postal service, with the view to suggesting reforms and im- provementte that may be for the better­ ment of the service. There was a gen­ eral exchange of ideas between tbe president and his callers regarding the work. Mr. Meyer believes that the most improved business methods should be adopted in all branches of the postal service, with a view to its being en­ tirely self-supporting, and. that reforme should be put into effect wherever there is any evidence of a want of sys­ tem or laxity of methods. Northwest Postal Affairs. Washington, March 9.— Washington rural routes ordered established May 101 I lutline, Douglas county, route 1, population 340, families 85; Walla Walla, W alla Walla county, route 6, population not given, families 120. Maurice W . Staples has been ap­ pointed regular, John S. Gates substi­ tute, rural carrier, route 1, at Endicott Wash. Oregon postmasters appointed: Cor­ bet, Newell P. Gleason, vice W. H. Reed, removed; Leland, Percy G. Mims, vice 11. C. Rail, resigned; Ma- pleton, Ernest A . Tabor, vice F. C. Bean, resigned; Wren, George W . llovey, vice Richard W ilde, resigned. Gets Deserved Promotion. Washington, March 12.— No govern­ ment official ever earned promotion more than F. 11. Newell, who was to­ day made director of the reclamation service, succeeding O. D. Walcott. Mr. NeweM entered the government service in 1888, first undertaking general irri­ gation surveys and later taking charge of tbe hydrographic bureau, when it was formed. For 18 years he has de­ voted his entire time to studying the resources and irrigation possibilities of the arid West, and be is now better informed on this subject than any other living man. Will Transfer Inspectors. Washington, March 12.— Secretary DOES YO U R BACK ACHE? Straus, of tlie department of Commerce and Labor, is greatly dissatisfied with Curs the Kidneys and the Pain Will the present methods of steamboat in­ Never Return. spection, and today announced that Only one sure way to cure an aching marked reform is to be immediately back. Cure the cause, the kidneys. inaugurated with a view to increased Thousands tell of cures efficiency of service and reducing the made by Doan’s K id ­ chances of disaster. He has directed a ney Pills. John C. change in the station of all inspectors T h e O ld e s t B a n k . Coleman, a prominent of bulls and boilers throughout the The Bank of Naples is the oldest merchant of Swains- United States and w ill ask congress bank in existence, for the Monte Vec- boro, Ga., says: “ For next w inter to authorize him to keep chio of Venice and the Banco San several years my kid­ inspectors continually on tbe move. neys were affected, and Giorgio at Genoa, both founded in the twelfth century, have ceased to exist, my back ached day May Graduate to Consulate. as has also the Bank of Barcelona __________and night. I was lan­ Washington, March 6.— At the joint guid, nervous and lame in the morning. founded in the fourteenth century. The request of Senator Fulton and John Doan’s Kidney Pills helped me right Bank of Naples was founded in 1539 Barrett, the president has designated away, and the great relief that followed and is a state bank with a considera­ Isaac A . Manning, of Portland, for ex­ ble capital, to which no one lays any amination with a view to appointment has been permanent.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. claim. In other words. It is a Joint to a consular position in South Amer­ stock bank, with no shareholders. Foeter Milhurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ica. Under the new law only persons designated by tlie president may take the examination and those making a higher mane are appointed to existing vacancies. I f Mr. Manning makes a IF YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT WHEN good showing, his appointment to YOU W A N T IT some South American post is probable. ALWAYS KEEP A BOTTLE OF OF N O A C T IO N ON C H IN ESE LAB O R Washington, March 8.— Frederick Morse, of tlie Amer¡can-China com­ pany, and Julian Rubens, who have submitted proposals to the Isthmian Canal commission to supply Chinese laborers for the canal work, have ad­ dressed an inquiry to Secretary Taft as to the decision of the department upon their bids, which have been pending since last fall. Action has been deferred on these bids because the administration was not certain that the work would be done by contract or continue under gov­ ernment management. Meanwhile tlie bidders have become impatient and Mr. Morse called on Mr. Taft today, with the result that they went to the W hite House and discussed the matter with the president. Iaiter the following statement was given out at the W ar departmnet: “ In view of the changes which have taken place in the management on the Isthmus, the persons making bids for Chinese labor, which have long been pending, have been notified that no action will be taken in respect to them; that they are released fiom any obliga­ tions under their bids, and that, if oc­ casion should arise for a renewal of bids for Chinese labor, they would be notified.” the front rank, o W ell Informed of the World. A vast fqnd of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort. A K n o w led ge of F orm a. K n o w le d g e of F un ction « and K n o w le d g e of P rodu cts are all of the utmo.t value and in question, of Ufa and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remem­ bered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the CaUfornia Fig Syrup C o „ ia an ethical product which has met with the approval of the moat em. inent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of K n o w n Q uality. K n o w n E x c e lle n c e and K n o w n C o m ­ ponent P a rts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the W ell Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowledge and. from actual use that it ia the first and best of-family laxatives, for which no extra­ vagant or unreasonable claims are made. Thia valuable remedy haa been long and favorably known under the name of— Syrup of Figs—and haa attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. A s its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to phyaiciana and the W ell Informed of the world to be the best w e have adopted the more elaborate name o f — Syrup of Figs and EUxir of Senna — aa more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by the shortei name of — Syrup of Figs — and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company — California Fig Syrup Co.— printed on the front of every package. whether you call for — Syrup of Figs — S T U D Y C O A S T DEFENSE. Absence o f Many Regulars Prevents Usual Encampments. Washington, March 7. — Assistant Secretary Oliver has notified the govern­ ors of the various states und territories w liich have an organized m ilitia force that it has been found necessary to omit for this year the contemplated annual brigade and division encampments for the instruction of the infantry, cavalry and Held artillery of the regular army, as many posts w ill be depleted by reas­ on of the absence of about <>,000 troops in Cuba, a considerable number at the Jamestown exposition and the move­ ment of a large portion of the army to the Philippines. In lieu thereof camps of instruction for the coast artillery w ill be establish- ed"during the season of 1907, and the National Guard of tbe various Btates contiguous thereto w ill be invited to take part in the development of the probler. s involved in the defense of the sea coast. Invitations w ill shortly be issued to the governors of tlie seaboard Btates interested, specifying in detail the forces desired to carry out the pro­ posed problems. The camps probably will be held in July and last from one week to 10 days. LOUISVILLE. KYi U n fit n e s s of S A N F R A W N .C C IS C O .C A L . ►V 3./V . O W A llD E . B U R T O N .—A ssayer s r t Chem ist. Loaiiville, Colorati«». Specimen prices: Gold, M HU ver, L* ad, ft ; Gold, 811 v e r ,75c; Gold, 60c; Zinc or T h in g s . Only One “ BROMO QUININE" Th at In L A X A T IV E HKOMO Quinine. Simi la rly nam ed remedies sometimes deceive The first and origin a l Cold Tablet is a W H IT E PA C K A G E w ith black and red letterin g, and bears the signature of E. W. GROVE. 26c. Lon g and S h ort o f It. CASTOR IA Lit'aq, 9 l J UUIU, nilYBl , pit , Vtuiu, UW , a..uu us Copper, #1. Cyan Ido tests. Mailing envelopes and ftill price list sent on application. Control and Ura­ pt re work solicited. llelereuee: Carbonate Nar tioual Bank. n g r a v in g P A IN L E S S protection to woodchucks, and there is no exception against the penalty for men who kill ducks and prairie chick­ ens in self-defense.” The b ill was withdrawn amid laughter New,Rules fo r Private Postcards. Washington, March 6.— An order has been issued providing new regula­ tions governing private postcards. Such cards must be made of an unfolded piece of cardboard, not exceeding 3 9-10 by 5 9-16 inches, nor less than 2% by 4 inches. They must in form and in quality and weight of paper be sub­ stantially like the government post­ cards. They may Ire of any color, not Interfering with a legible address and postmark. Very thin sheets o f paper may be attached to them if they com­ pletely adhere to the card. Q u ite S teve-• Making Good Record Washington, March 6.— Chief Engi­ neer Ft-vens is trying to make a record before he turns the Panama work over I to his successor, Colonel Goethals, as is evidenced by a cablegram from him received by Secretary Taft, which »ays: " I n 23 working K E |2 trial botfl** and treatise. Dr. R. 1 L K lin e , I x U M l A rc h 8t., PhU a-Ba, F O R P R IN T IN G HICKS-CH ATTEN “ Well, you haven’t won your strike for shorter hours, have you?” “ No, but we’ll succeed in the long run.” “ But to be really successful, you A U S T I N W E L L D R IL L S M ade In all styles and a !l sizes. Get w ater and oil know, you’ll have to make short work anyw here. Best D rillin g Tools made. Get cata­ of it.” — Philadelphia Pres». logs and prices. BEALL & CO. 321 Hawthorne A ve. Portland, Or. “ Cholly tells me that he has rciceived a very flattering offer for his serv­ ices.” “ Do you believe it?” “ Why, yes. Any offer at all for his services would be flattering.” — Wa*b ington Herald. w rite Us PLATES You Go Elsewhere The Kind You Have Always Bought Canal Employes in Bad Humor Cannot Remove Fertilizer Case. Panama, March 5.— An order issued Th ere Is m ore Catarrh In th is 'lection o f the Washington, March 5.— The Fertil­ n try than a ll oth er disease* p u t togeth er, Oj the canal authorities has caused izer Trust cases, involving the right of cou and u n til the la st few years w as su pposed to be much comment and dissatisfaction the United States to compel the remov­ Incurable. For a great m any y vea rs d o cto r* p r o - . among the employes. The order abol­ al of the indicted officials c f the fertili­ n ounced it a lo ca l disease, and prescribed local rem edies, and by c o n s ta n tly y f ft » i ilin g to cure ishes cumulative leave* of absence and zer companies, consisting of the alleged w ith lo c a l treatm ent, . . . pron ou n « ced f d i it t l in i cu rable. baa proven ca ta rrh to tie a constitu- obliges all those entitled to three tiust,/torn Virginia to Tennessee for Science tion al disease, and th e re fo re re q u ires constitu months’ leave to take it on April 1, or trial, were decided today by the Supreme tlon a l trea tm en t. H a ll's Cat art h Cure, manu red b y F. J. C h en ey A C o .„T o le d o , Ohio, I* lose the right to any leave at all. Many | court adversely to the government’s con- factu the o n ly co n stitu tion a l cu re o a th e m arket. It of the employes intend to ask for their ,-tention, the opinion being delivered by I 1* ta ken in te rn a lly In d o sea fvo m lO d r o p e to a I t act* d ir e c t ly « * * th e blood and leave at once, and their action may dis­ Chief Jiistiie Fuller, who held that the teaspoonful. muc m is surfaces o f the - y s t e » . T h e y o ffer one organize the situation, besides handi­ United States Circuit court had erred | h un dred d o lla rs fo r a n v rmm It falia to cure. fo r circu lars and testiatomials. capping the work of the several depart­ in holding that the indictment was suf­ Bend Address, f . J. C H K N E T A CO , T o le d o , O ments. Indignation meetings are being ficient to secure the removal of the ca«e Sold by Druggists, 7ftc. H a ll s F a m ily P ills are tho best. held along the line. without regard to the evidence. Square Deal in Weighing Mail. Washington, D. C., March 5.— It was announced today at the department that the following order was issued by Postmaster General Cor- telyou on March 1: “ That whenever the weight of mail is taken on railmad routes performing service certain days per week, the whole number of days the mails are weighed shall be used as a divisor for obtaining the average weight per day.” I t is believed this w ill be a fairer deal. N E W Y O R K ,N Y ' L O N D O N , ENG LA ND .. The Doctor— It’s hard to characterize in fitting terms such abominable weather as this. The Professor— Not at a ll; but it’s hard to characterize it in terms fit for publication. Scribbles— Now tbut you have begun to write poetry I suppose you will wear your hair long. Kill Bill Amid Laughter. Dribbles— I ’ll hear It as long as I Washington, March 4.— Beveridge can, but, of course, I expect to becoinp called up in the senate today a bill bald sooner or later. for the protection of game In Alaska. The reading of the measure was de­ manded by Culberson and had pro­ ceeded for five minutes when it was suggested by Carter that it would be Por Infanta and Children. impossible to get the bill engrossed be fore noon, even if it passed. “ I wish to call attention to the fact Bears the that the bill must necessarily be Signature o f '•c/u 4 ¿ amended,” said Clapp. “ It gives no Nominations Not Coi firmed. Washington, March 4.— When con­ gress ended today, there remained about 160 nominations by the president that had not been confiimed. Of these three were appointees as United States Forest Rangers fo r Idaho, attorneys and confirmation was object­ Washington, March 9.— The follow ed to by senators from the districts to ¡ng forest rangers have been appointed 1 which the appointments were made. in Idaho: W . A. Wicket-sham, J. W . | They were: W illiam C. Bristol, for H ill, H. A Beigb, C. T. Gray, J. L. the district of Oregon, opposed by Sen­ Wooden, C. K. Hoyt, of Boise; G. W . ator Fulton; James I). Elliott, for the Hudnnicutt, Badger; C. H. Huff, Priest district of South Dakota, opposed by River; H. O. Rose, Weston; J. D. Mc­ Senator Kittredge, and O. R. Hundley, Call, Lardo; G. F. Johnson, Meacham: for the Northern district of Alabama- D. II. Kerby, C. E. Herrich, Alp hi; The remaindrrof the unconfirmed nom­ W. M. Carrbell, Weiser. inations were postmasters. ■ • Henri Post fo r Governor Appoint* Wickertham Again. Washington, March 6.— Mr. Henri Washington, March 6.— The presi­ Post, of Bay port, L. I., and a former dent today signed a recess appointment assemblyman for that district, has been for District Judge James Wickersham, selected as governor of Porto Rico by of Alaska. The judge is now serving the president to succeed Governor Win- his second term on the trench, but his throp, who is to become assistant sec­ nomination for that term has not been retary of the treasury. Mr. Post is confirmed by the senate. Charges now secretary of the insular govern­ against hint are being investigated by ment, and is ulxrut 43 years of a^e. the department of justice. Ballinger Takes Office. Washington, March 0.— Judge Rich­ ard A. Ballinger, of Washington, yes­ terday succeeded Governor W illiam A. Richards of Wyom ing as commissioner of the general land office. After being sworn in, Mr. Ballinger had an infor­ mal conference with the bureau and di­ vision chiefs. Judge Ballingpr enters upon his duties as commissioner co­ incidentally with the entrance of Janies R. Garfield as secretary of the interior. Secretary Garfield ami Judge Ballinger were classmates at college. J. H. Bal­ linger, of Seattle, is his secretary. Personal knowledge ie the winning factor in the culminating contest! of thia competitive age and when o f ample character it place, it. fortunate possessor ia The best dealers sell H 214-215 Chamb r of Ccmmerc« N o. 1 1 - 0 7 W H E N w r it in g to a«l v e rtise rs p ie m en tion thia p a p e r. W. L. DOUGLAS $ 3 .0 0 A N D $ 3 .5 0 S H O E S th ’ k ' worlj ) W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED »1 «NT PRICE. SH O ES FO R E V E R Y B O D Y A T A LL P R IC E S : \ M en ’s Shoes, tt.'i *«» i l .lO. H oys’ Shoes, * :i to • ! . ‘¿5. W o m e n 's Mines, * 4 to Wl..~>0. M isses’ A C h ild re n 's -.hoe*, to HI .on. W . L Douglas shoos are recognized by expert judges o f footw ear1 $r»l>e the best in style, fit and wear produced in this country. Each p a rt of the shoe and every detail of the making is looked after SkTi'i watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to tim e or cost. » I f I could take you into my large factories a t j Brockton, Mass., ar.d show you how carefully W . L. Douglas _____ ___ shoes are made, you would then rnderstand w hy they hold their shape, fit b ette w e a r longer, and are o f greater valne than any other makes. W. |„ I » mii if In Maim* snd pries Is staiup*->l on the hnttom. whi»-h protects the wearer srsfnst hl*h ■rieea and in T*rl«r shoes. T n k r % «» *tnt»atltnte. Mold t*y In*» iw«t shoe it»’al«*rs everywhere. f a 4 / C*»lor t v i r ii tu rd e rc la tie e iy . C a ta log m a tin i f re e . W . 1». IHICUI.AS, llriirkfim.Mas T h e F in e st G arden s Are always reported when Portland Seed Co s "Diamond Brand” Seeds are planted. Why? Because we sell you the kinds that grow beat on this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive LAnnual tells all about our Seed* Plants. Roses. Spray Pumps. _ Fertilizers. Incubators. Brooders. Ppultry and Bee Supplies I> a .. N . 2*0 W . i W ^ e . w c l i l C II .I.I of Tree*. Shrub*. Etc. Booh No 2 b 1 ,rf* rcquoM P O R T L A N D SE ED CO. P o r t la n d , O r e g o n ____ ■ 1 —^ S poK sn e, W ash .