The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 07, 1907, Image 2

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    The Estacada News
luMcd Each Thursday
Colonist Rates Prom ote the Upbuild­
ing o f Northwestern States.
Sacura All Practical Man That Work
on Panama Canal.
M U S T N O T OW N P R O P E R T Y .
Legislature Passe* a Bill
Against Orientals.
Sacramento, Cal., Mar. ] . — The low­
Low one-way colonist rates to the
Auguata, Ga., March 4.— “ We are
down aud out,” said J. B. McDonald,
er house of the legislature Unlay passed
Northwest are helping largely in set­
The following are some of the morel
Senator Kay pleased the merchants president ol the Tanauia Construction
a sweeping anti-Japanese and anti-
tling up the states of Oiegon, Washing­ important measures passe 1 by both'everywhere by securing the enactment
company, in discussing the rejection of
Chinese measure, introduced by Assem­
ton and Idaho.
Theee reduced fares | houses of the legislature at the session of a law which provides for the garnish the hid of W. J. Olllvei for the con­
blyman Drew, of Fresno. The b ill is
merit of wages of public employes struction of the Panama canal. “ They
are perhaps the greatest factor in in­ just ended:
known a* tlie “ anti-alien property
First of all the enactments was that Such employes are very often judgment have taken the matter out of our liands,
ducing immigration outside of the pub­
bolding b ill.”
It is aimed at the
for a railroad commission.
The bill proof without Buch a law
licity work of the various chambers of for this law was introduced by Repre-) Senator Schofield fathered s number and it now rests with the president
Japeneee and Chineee property owners
The responsibility should be placed
in this state and is intended to prevent
commerce of these slates.
The rail­ sentative Chapin and the three commis- of fishery laws, and has had the census where it belongs.
them from acquiring and owning prop­
roads are working hand in hand with sioners already have been appointed— law amended so that it is now suited
“ I cannot see why our bid should
erty for a longer period titan five years.
T. K. Campbell, C. B. A itch ¡son and to modern conditions.
have been rejected, except that it is due
the commercial bodiee everywhere in
In urging the passage of the bill
Oswald West.
j Senatoi Nottingham Interested him to the far reaching macliinatiuus of the Adds Nearly 9,000,000 Acres to Na­
A Resumo o f the Lees Important but
the Pacific Northwest to swell the num­
Drew Btated that since January 1 of
Representative Jones, of Polk, is self in the improvement of public morals political influences thut have worked
tional Forests o f Oregon, Wash­
Not Less Interesting Events
ber of settlers in this territory
this year one-third ol the property
father of a successful bill appropiiating as usual, and secured the enactment of
o f the Past Week.
against all bids that threaten actual
ington and d ho.
transfers in Fresno had been to Japan-
Colonist rates are not new in Western $300,090 for free locks at Willamette a law for the punishment of persons construction of the big canal.
It is
railroading, but at no time previously falls, contingent on the national gov­ guilty of enticing away children under hardly necessary to say that these in­
The bill provides that any alien who
ernment's appropriating ail additional 18 years for immoral purposes
terests are those ol tlie trans-continental
have they lieen so effective in diverting
Governor Bwettenham’s resignation
sum sufficient to provide the lucks and
Senator Bingham wus father of a new railroads.
Washington, March 5.— Frida, to does not become a citizen of the United
has been accepted.
States shall acquire and hold title to
maintain them.
forest tire law, the efficiency of which
“ You w ill notice that, one by one, signing the agricultural b ill, which
biggest colonist movement in the his­
land in tills state fo r not more than
Representative F.aton, of Lane, has has yet to be shown. It requires the
John F. Stevens has l»e n appointed tory of the Pacific Northwest is predict­
the practical men who have been iden­ contains Senator Fulton’s amendment
five years. I f within that time tlie
temporaiy chairman of the Isthmian ed for the four spring and fall months the credit of having secured enactment burning of tlie debris of logging opera tified with the canal have been picked prohibiting the creation of forest re­
of u bill grunting to tlie State universi­ lions, and there were conflicting opin
serves in the Northwestern states ex­ alien does not become a citizen, tlie
Canal commission.
of 1907 when tlie reduced one-way fares ty an annual standing appropriation of ions as to the practical working of the off by big financial interests. I t is not cept by tlie authority of congress, the district attorney shall compel the sale
The congress which has just adjourn­ are in effect.
of his land or houses. Japanese and
very poor business, however, for the president yesterday issued a proclama­
The growth of the westward move­
ed passed appropriation bills aggregat­
Representative Jackson, of Douglas, I Other noteworthy house bills enacted canal is bound to come, if not during tion creating 32 forest reserves in the Chinese are not specifically named, but,
ment is due to the better advertising introduced a successful bill appopriut- were the following:
ing a total of $919,948,680.
six states affected by the Fulton amend­ us they cannot become citizens, the
and exploitation methods of commercial ing $100,000 for National Guard arm- . H. B. 36, Burns— For pure foods and tliis administration, then during anoth­ ment. His proclamations add 4,051,- hill is aimed directly at them and pre­
The Standard Oil company Is on trial
bodies and railroails and to the growing ories.
cludes them from owning property for
regulating branding of same.
In Chicago for accepting rebates from
“ I cannot see where the prisident 000 acres to tile reserve area of Oregon,
density of population in the Kust, where
The measure
Representative Perkins, of Jackson, I H . B. 63, Revision of laws commit- and liis associates are rigiit, and do not 4.246.000 acres in Washington and more than five years.
the Chicago & 4 ¡ton railway.
many are able to find more congenial has the credit of securing for fruitmen tee— For recording conditional sales
also provides that no mntract, agree­
580.000 acres in Idaho.
A Missouri Pacific train was held up surroundings by moving away to a part a law to prevent false labeling and of machinery.
The cie-ation of these reserves prob­ ment or lease of real estate for a long­
at Pittsburg. Kan., and the passengers of the country where there is more e l­ branding of packed fruit, and of anoth-1 H . B. 67, Beals— Fees for corpora canal. Sooner or later tlie ditch w ill ably marks tiie end of reserve extension er period than one year shall be made
One man 'w h o resisted was bow room, where climate is more equa­ er law to prevent false marking of nur- tions capitalized for more than $1,000,
to any alien and any lease, agreement
management of a constructor who has in the Northwest for many years to
ble the year uround and where land h sery stock
A third bill of his permits 000.
come, for the additions now include or devise of real estate made to any
H . B. 61, Jones of Lincoln and Polk company wus willing to perform ever most of the desirable timber land of all alien for a longer period shall be null
The steamer Dakota is still on the cheaper and less worn by repeated crop­ oichardists to kill birds that destroy]
crops, but this bill is in danger of a — For convention of district school item of the agreement required by the six states, so far as known to the Forest and void.
rocks in Tokio lory. Much of the mail ping for years.
Theee conditions contribute to the veto.
; boards.
Tlie impression is given out that if
has been removed, but the baggage has
government. It was our understanding service. Being hastily made in order
constant “ trek” westward which is
Representative Blusher is father of a 1 H . B. 75, McCue— Trovidlng clerk of that, when tlie conditions imposed by to circumvent tlie restrictions of ihe the bill reaches the govenor he w ill
been lost.
significant movement in the history of successful bill creating a sheep commis­ master fish warden.
tlie government were met, tlie contract Fulton amendment, the reserves are sign it.
H ill and Harrimun have come to an the American continent and which
H. B. 84, Freeman— Authorizing dis went to our company. W e have made loosely created and 110 doubt contain
sion and a sheep inspector, and author-1
agreement regarding Puget sound ter­ dates from tlie days of the California
izing inspectors of the bureau of animal position of estate as directed by wilt every preparation at considerable ex­ much land that w ill he found unsuited L A B O R A T O R Y FOR N O R T H W E S T .
minals, but nothing has been yielded argonauts of '49. liy prairie schooner
industry to exercise police powers in w ithout order of Probate court.
to forestry purposes and which w ill ul­
at Portland.
and by ship the pioneers came to settle the state for eradication of sheep scab. | II. B. 85, Freeman— Assessing bank pense and were prepared to begin shov­ timately be restored to entry.
Agricultural Department Will Estab­
Since the transcon
The Supreme court of the United a vast wHdernevs.
Representative Bett lender's bill pass­ stock.
Tlie hugest reservation in Oregon
60 days.” ___________________
lish One Soon.
States upholds the law forbidding dese­ tinental railroads have lieen built, the ed both houses to appropriate $100,000
H . B. 86, Freeman— Defining powers
was an addition of 977,000 acres to the
cration of the Hag by using it fur adver­ second generation lias found an easier for the Beattie exposition in 1909.
of county boards of equalization.
Washington, March 1.— In the near
Blue mountain reserves in Eastern Ore­
mode of seeking out the great West but
Representative Kdwards was pro-!
tising purposes.
H. B. 88, Freeman— Levy and collec­
gon. Other additions in existing re­ future tlie department of Agricultura
I lie movement hat by no means ended motor of an important enactment to tion of taxes.
will locate a pure food laboratory in
Henry Meldrum, former ^surveyor and is on in greater volume than ever
Farmers Are Now Free to Make A l­ serves are: 446,000 to tlie Siskiyou in
raise the per capita tax of school dis-1
H . B. 89, Freeman— More efficient
Southern Oregon, 71,000 acies to the some Northwestern city and make it
general, and Senatoi Fulton have been before.
tricts to $7.
system for assessment and taxation.
Weneha reserve, 514,000 acres to tlie headquarters for the examination of all
called as witnesses in the Heimann
Representative Vawter of Jackson I H. B. 97, Steen— For display of
Washington, March 4. — The dena­ Cascade reserve, mostly on its western food products ini ported into thut section
Their testimony did not help
hail a hill fussed to create one Ixurd of United States Hag on school buildings. tured alcohol bill, which went to the border, and 154,000 to the Ashland re­ from abroad. Investigations are now
the defense out of the tight box into
regents for all the normals, also to ap­
H. B. 101, McCue— Appropriating president for signature, w ill have the serve in Southwestern Oregon.
being made to determine whether it
whihc it is getting.
To include the timber land of the Shull be located at Portland or Seattle.
Steamer Oakland Another Victim to propriate $40,000 for the Ashland nor­ $5,000 for patrol boats for master fish effect of breaking tlie Standard Oil com­
Muniipal ownership has suffered a
mal. Representative Barrett of Uma­ warden.
pany’s monopoly of this new fuel pro­ Coast range the president created the
Senatoi Bourne is urging the depart­
Humboldt Bar.
blow in the London elecctions.
tilla did the same for the Weston nor-|
Under the provisions of this Tillamook reserve, containing 166,000 ment to locate the laboratory in Port­
H. B. 102, McCue— Requiring Bohool duct.
Kureka, Cal., Man'll 5.— Humboldt mal, in the sum of $35,000. Senator districts to report to state superintend­ bill individual farmers w ill be permit­ acres; the Coquille reserve, einliodying land, but before this can be done Port­
The Interstate Commerce commission bar claimed another victim today when
Loughary secured enactment of his bill ent within 15 days after annual school ted to manufacture denatured alcohol 140.000 acres, and the Umpqua reserve, land must convince tire department
is considering plans to curb Hairiman.
the steamer Oakland, in an attempt to providing $36,000 for Monmouth and meeting and to hold at least tour for their own needs or for Bale and in
that its food imports exceed those oí
with an area of 802,000 acres.
San Francisco authorities are prepar­ reach the inside entrance, ran on the Representative Jackson put a successful months of school to be entitled to share large or small quantities. As the orig­
The Wallowa and Chesniminus re­ Seattle, or else offer ad\antages in the
For almost rider on it appropriating $27,000 for of apportionment.
ing to seize the water plant as city rocks of the south jetty.
inal bill was drawn, denatured alcohol serves are combined under the name of way of quarters that cannot be obtained
an hour the Oakland remained on the Drain. Representative Carter of Ben­ | H. B. 123, Jones of Clackamas— Ex­ could only be produced by large distil­
Iinnaha, and 783,000 acres are added at Seattle. The department desires to
rocks, and the bur tug Ranger wus call­ ton secured passage of a $125,000 ap­ tending provisions of intitiative and leries, and the Standard had complete­
In Washington the Washington re­ locate tire laboratory in a public build­
The house has passed a bill providing
ed to her ussistnace by the lifesaving propriation for new buildings at the referendum to cities, counties and dis­ ly monopolized the entire product.
set ve is enlarged by the addition of 2,- ing.
for three-cent fares in the District of
State Agricultural college, and Senator tricts.
It was to preserve this monopoly 275,000acres, which includes practical­
I t is of the greatest importance to
When the tug reached the Oakland, Johnson of a $75,000 appropriation for j If. It 142, Gray— Creuting commis that Senator Aldrich endeavored to
ly all government land between the Portlard to make a creditable show ing,
Jerome is striving to semi Thaw to Cuptain Kruger, of the Oakland, re­ maintenance.
sion for A. It. Burbank trust fund for amend the pending bill, but, to his present Washington and Rainier re­ fo r if the laboratory is located there
the insane asylum without the case over fused aid.
A big wave washed the
Representative Beals is autiior of an an orphans’ home,
surprise, a large majority of the sena serves. Tins makes one continuous re rather than at Seattle, it w ill have a
going to tlie jury.
Oakland from her perilous position, enactment creating the office of cheese, | II. B. 143, Gray— Extending closed tors turned against him, and his amend­
serve along tlie Cascade mountains from tendency to increase importations of
For sev­ dairy and creamery inspector, as dep- season for Chinese pheasants,
ment was lost.
Senator Fulton, who the Columbia river to tlie international food products at that port, where they
Charges are made in Salt Lake that but also tore off her rudder.
I H. B. 156, McCue— To license salmon had received many appeals from Oregon boundary. This addition embraces the can be properly examined, rattier than
the police fore, inccluding the chief, eral hours she drifted helplessly and uty to the state dairy commissioner.
periously near the ricks. The lifeboat,
Representative Driscoll introduced cunnerymen
stood in with gamblers and thieves.
farmers on behalf of the new bill, vig­ Northern Pacific grant, but railroad ut other port* where there would neces­
commanded by Captuin Hennig, put tlie bill for the act creating the Fort of
H. B. 161, Newell— Increasing ap­ orously attacked the Aldrich amend­ lands are not made jiart of the reserve sarily be delay.
Congress has made big appropriations out.
Columbia District of Multnomah, Co­ propriation state Library commission ment, as did other senators from the and no right of lieu selection accrues.
Mr. Bourne is looking to the chamlier
for officers, quarters, barracks and sta­
A t this time the Oakland displayed lumbia and Clatsop counties, for regu­ to $6,000 per annum.
Northwest, except Ankeny and Hey- A new reseive is ereuted to include of commerce to support him in his
bles at the Vancouver and ltolte army distress signals and once mure the tug
lation of towage and pilotage at the
II. B. 167, Beveridge — Allowing burn, who stood with Aldrich anil 857.000 acres of the Colville Indian efforts.
Ranger went to her assistance, towing mouth of the Columbia river.
county clerks to register electors other against the farmers, Heyburn making lands; the Priest river reserve is creat­
llutte people are finding how difficult her this time into the liay, where she
Senator M. A. M iller, of Linn, has than in liis office and substituting card a speech in favor of the amendment, ed in Stevens county toco: tain 310,000
it is to get along without a paper. was beached in a badly leaking condi­ to his credit a compulsory education system for register.
which would have prohibited individ­ acres; the Olympic reserve is enlarged
None have been issued in that city tion. There are several large holes in law, which promises to be the most
H. B. 176, Barrett of Washington— uals from manufacturing denatured al­ by 119,000 acres, and 730,000 acies
Form er Private Secretary Says Good
since February 12 and the city is dead. her stern.
effective measure of the kind ever pro­ Allowing attorneys ten days in which cohol.
are added to the Rainier reserve.
The Oakland went on the rocks
Things fo r Defendant.
to file bills of exceptions.
Most of the fciest land in Idaho has
There is no hope of saving the steam about 1,000 feet from the wrecked Co­ posed in Oregon.
Among the most important senate
Washington, March 1.— The prosecu­
already been reserved. A Palouse re­
er Corona, which lies on the rocks at rona.
Several attempts have lieen
serve is created with an area of 192,000 tion in the trial of Representative Her­
Kureka. An effort will be made to get made to reach the Corona by the Hum­ bills enacted was the Haines tanking
P O R T L A N D M A R K E TS .
Daring Theft it Committed on Busy acres; the Port Neuf is created with an mann consumed today in a futile at­
tlie cargo off before the vessel goes to boldt bay lifesaving station, but all bill, which, though acknowledged to lie
Street In Chicago.
area of 100,000 acres; the Big Horn is tempt to break down the evidence given
Wheat— Club, 70c; bluestem, 72c;
were futile.
One trip the lifeboat measure for the reason that it is the
Chicago, March 4.— A United States enlarged by the addition of 280,000 yesterday by E lliott P. Hough, former
Harriman says if he were to build barely escaped destruction on the lieginning of state supervision of bank­ valley, 70c; red, 68c.
private secretary to the defendant,
Oats— No. 1 white, $29; gray, $28.50. mail wagon, containing three pouches, acres, and about 100,000 acres is added
and run railroads on the same princi­ rucks on the north jetty.
which was most favorable to Hermann.
Barley— Feed, $22.50 per ton; brew­ wo of which were filled with miscel­ to the Weiser reserve.
ple the Panama canal is being dug a re­
Senator M. G. M iller, of Linn, was
Hough had been put on tlie stand by
laneous mail matter and a third with
ceiver would soon be in possession of
M AN Y “ DEAD D U C K S .”
the author of a hill that has passed ing, $23; rolled, $23.50@24.50.
the prosecution w ith the expectation
D A K O T A ON R O C K S .
reigstreed mail, was stolen from in
his property.
both houses providing for the loaning !
that his testimony would be damaging
Corn — Whole, $24.60;
cracked, front of the Stock Exchange building,
The Itritish premier favors action on Big Hill Liner Strikaa in Bay o f Tokio of surplus funds in the state treasury to $22.50 per ton.
LaSaile and Washington street*, to- Number o f Noted Men Will Not Ap- to the defendant, and District Attorney
banks giving security and paying in­
Baker was incensed that he should give
disarmament at The Hague.
pear in Next C orgress.
ight while the driver was making a
) Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $14®
and May be Lost.
terest on daily balances.
Wa-hington, March 5.— It is prob evidence so much in Hermann’s favor
collection in the building.
At the
Reform of land laws will go over to
Yokohoma, March 6. — The Great
Senator F. J. M iller, of Linn-Marion
his statements yesterday that Her­
time of the theft the-street was crowd­ able that the designation is resented,
the next session of congress.
Northern steamship
went secured the passage of hills for the es­ $17@18; clover, $9; cheat, $9; grain
ed with persons, none of whom saw the but “ dead duck” is the name the sur­ mann and John A. Benson, who is un­
Russian terrorists have planned a ashore in the bay of Tokio last night. tablishment of an institution fur the
viving congressmen apply to those who der indictment for alleged land frauds,
Blitter— Fancy creamery, 324@ 35c theft.
Al< passengers are safe and the agents feeble-minded, an institution for which
wholesale inassncre of officers.
The Wash­ wete not good friends; that, if official
W h ile the collector was inside the have failed of re-election.
of tho vessel are hopeful of saving her. there has lieen general demand In or­
letters got into Hermann’s private
thief drove off w ith the wagon, which ington game bag is lull of “ dead ducks
The president may create many for­
The Dakota struck on a rock off Hhi- der to place under control a class of
books it was through his fault; and
est reserves before tlie new law takes rahama, a village between Mojima and people not Ht for the asylum but who per pound; second grade cream, 2c less was enclosed by a screen, tlie door fo today.
which was locked.
Nine members of the senate have that it had been the custom of all out­
Hunnrakl, shortly after 6 o’clock. It ought not to be ut large.
Two hours after the robbery the wa­ yielded their seats to their successors. going commissioners previous to Her­
Eggs — Oregon ranch, 18@19c per
Senator Sichel fathered two hills
Forty-two Greek laborers were In­ ib thought that tho Sunosaki light wus
gon was found three miles distant from The surrendering ones are J. Frank Alee mann’s time to take their private let­
jured in a smashup of a construction mistaken (or tlie Jogashima light. The that will have considerable effect. One
The screen of Delaware, James H . Berry of Arkan­ terpress copybooks with them.
Toultry — Average old hens, 14 <8 the down town district.
train on the Salt lak e road at I-eith, vessel sustained much damage and provides for the working of husbands
ChristTian H. Muller and Alexander
had been broken and the pouches taken. sas, Joseph C. 8. Blackburn of Ken­
sprung a heavy leak.
who fail to support their families, and
The postoffice authorities say they do tucky, Edward W . Carmack of Tennes­ E. Foster, who had been messengers In
Agents ol the steamship, who were the payment of $1.50 a day to the fam­ 14 4 c ; spring, 13 4@ 14c; old roosters, 9
not know just how much jewelry the see, W illiam A . Clark, of Montana, the land office under Hermann and who
Railroads affected by the 2-eent pas­
sent to Omimaru to arrange for the ily for (heir support. The other pro­ ®10c; dressed chickens, 14@15c; tur­
destroyed the letterpress copy books by
senger rate laws passed in several
keys, live, 16c;
dressed, registered pouches contained, but be­ John F. Dryden of New Jersey, Joseph
salvage, are returning this afternoon vides a uniform insurance policy.
lieve that the thieves secured fullv H. Millard of Nebraska, Fred T. Dubois his ireciton, testified to the part they
statoa w ill combine to carry the fight
Senator C iehow will he rememliered choice, 18@20c; geese, live, 9@10c;
with passengers and mails and details
of Idaho, and Thomas M. Patterson of had played. Mr. Muller received an
into the courts.
of the accident
kindly by all jurors hereafter, for lie ducks, 16®18c;.
order from Hermann three weeks be­
Apples— Common, 75c @ $1.25 per
Hylvester R. Rush, of Nebraska, has
The steamer Dakota is making water secured the enactment of a law raising
Millions in N ew Palace.
In the house there were 72 members fore the latter retired to take the letter-
been appointed special assistant to the freely and it is feared that the floating tho fees of jurors from $2 to $3 a day. box; choice, $1.50@2.50.
San Francisco, March 4. — Flans for whose names w ill not be called at the books, about 35 in number, from Her­
Vegetables— Turnips, $]®1.25 per
attorney general. He is to have charge will be difficult.
Senator Hart of Baker was author of
mann’s private room.
the new Talace hotel call for a magnifi- next session.
of the land fraud inestigatlons in the
the bill which places restrictions upon sack; carrots, $l@1.25 per sack; beets,
$1.25®1.50 per sack; horseradish, 7@ cienl eight-story building along classic
He has had much success
Seattle Striving fo r It.
Irvadlng Honduran Army.
lines. W ith the lot, it w ill represent
Beatty to Continue Duties.
in convicting land thieves in Nebraska.
gon, so as to protect Oregon sheepmen. 8c per pound; sweet potatoes, 3 4 c
Washington, March 5.— Seattle Is
San Salvador March 5.— A strong
per pound; cauliflower, $2.50 per doz an outlay of $7,000,000. Assisting the
Boise, Idaho, March 1.— " I n answer
Fighting between Nicaragua ami making a hard fight to secure the gov­
en; celery, $3.5003.75 crate; sprouts,
to a telegram received from the attor­
Honduras is now general. The former ernment pure food laboratory soon to measures which w ill be of considerable 9c; rhubatb, 11c per pound; asparagus, keth in financing the project are the ed Nicaragua through the department ney general asking me to withhold my
seems to have the advantage, though be established in the Northwest by the importance. One limits the hours of 17c per pound.
Crockers, Raphael W eill and John C. of Ocotal. The headquarters of the resignation for a tim e,” said Judge J.
lalsir of trainmen, am ther makes the
Salvador is helping Honduras.
Agricultural department. Senator Tiles
Onions— Oregon, $1@1.15 per hun­ Kirkpatrick. The equipmentt of the Honduran army is established at res­ H. Beatty, of the United States District
hiishanu’s cour'e v the same as a wife's
hotel will surpass anything known to pire. President Bonilla is in Chilateea court, today, “ I sent a telegram stat­
The Nebraska legislature lias passi d
dower, and the third provides for the dred.
of commen'e and is exerting his efforts
He ing that I would willingly continue the
Totatoes— Oregon Burbanks, fancy, the West. The hotel w ill have an directing affairs there generally.
an anti-pass b ill.
building of a bri Ige across the W illam ­
in behalf of his homeclty. Meanwhile
immense court, as of old, a palm gar­ is well satisfied with the discipline and duties of my office until after the March
ette at Oswego, thus affording the $1.40; common, 75c0$l.
Chinese famine sufferers are dying Senator
Bourne, supported by the
den, a cafe in the open court, vast hall the spirit of the troops. Chilateea, as term. II by that time my successor
Veal— Dreseed, 5 4 @ 9 o per pound.
means of taking the trains off Fourth
by thousands.
Tort laud chamber of commerce, is in­
Bee!— Dressed bulls, 2 4 @ ¡1 4 C per rooms and a royal suite for noted guests. at present fortified, is deemed impreg­ has not lieen named, I shall probably
street in Tortland.
The general opinion here is urge the people in Washington to push
H ill lias purchased the Astoria A sisting tlmt the laboratory be located
Senator M ulit of Jackson remem­ pound; cows, 4 4 0 6,4c; country
in Portland. It is probable the con
that the Honduran forces will eventual­ matters.” The telegram to Judge Beat­
Can’ t Suppress Thaw Story.
Columbia River railroad.
bered the widows ami orphans by se­ steers, 5 4 @ 6 4 c •
lest w ill not he closed (or some little
Mutton— Dressed, fancy, 8 4 0 9 c per
Washington, March 4. — No action ly triumph over those of the Nicara ty Arrived some days after his resigna­
curing the enactment of a law which
A number of senators and representa­ time.
w ill be taken by the Poetoffice depart­ grran government.
tion had started for Washington.
raises from $3,000 to $7,5000 the pound; ordinary, 607c.
tives will visit Hawaii this summer.
Fork— Dressed, 6 ® 9c per pound.
ment regarding the publication by
amount that iturj be recovered for acts
General Koslevsky was assassinated
Cliy Now Spotless Town.
What Congress Accomplished.
Plans o f Northwest Senators.
causing death.
I Hops— 8 4 g l 0 4 c per pound, accord­ newspapers of the details ol the Thaw
after joking about threats made to kill
trial. Some time ago President Roose­
ing to quality.
San Francisco, March 5. — A ‘ ‘spot­
Measures which have failed— Publi­
Washington, March 1.— Senator Ful­
Wool— Eastern Oregon average best, velt directed Postmaster General Cor- city of campaign expenditures, Philip­ ton expects to leave for home as soon 1 s
less town” was inaugurated when nt has |wssed providing for the appoint­
The National Arbitration an I Peace the sound of a bugle Sunday morning, ment of two Supreme court commission­ 13®18c, according to shrinkage; val­ telyou to go into tlie robject with a pine tariff reduction, citizenship for congress adjourns.
Senator Mulkey
congress will meet in New York April 20,000 men with picks, shovels and ers to assist the court in catching up ley, 2 0 ® 23c, according to fineneas; view to keeping from the mails, if Porto Ricans, copyright revision, eight- w ill remain in the East several weeks
brooms, and 3,500 teams, began to
14 to 17.
hour bill, anti-injunction bill, anti­ and Senator Bourne w ill remain in
ith its work.
clean up the dirt and debris in the
rails. The postmaster general submit­ child labor bill, removal of duty on Washington to close up matters now
President Roosevelt and Secretary
streets. W hile (he entire city was
works of art, conservation of public pending.
May Hava Fraa Farry
Surs o f Railroad.
Representative Hermann
R iot have Iwen asked to urge the peo­
covered, special attention was given to
The only coal and oil lands, ship subsidy.
Independence— The city council haa the Postnffiee department.
Curvatila — A sound meeting was
w ill make no plans while his trial is
ple to help the Russian famine suffer­
Measure« which succeed— Immigra­ pending. Tlie entire Washington dele­
held in K ing’ s valley a few days ago to under consideration the proposition of course that could be taken, according
great improvement of the district was
to him, was to warn the newspaper*.
tion restriction, limitation of hours of gation expects to leave for home « i r l y
The Iowa legislature has adopted a noticed ami many tons of dirt had been liseus« the railroad quesrion. At this a free public ferry across the W iliam -
railway labor, ail appropriation bills, in March. Senator Rorah lias left. Sen­
resolution calling on congress to call a removed. It was the result of volun­ tim e the committee recentIv appointed ette at this place. Just aeruss the river
May Ship Firearms.
financial bill.
ator Heyburn will remain until the lost
convention to amend the constitution teer labor, and men of all professions to gather statistics regarding the r e - 1 in Marion county, there is a large set-
Private pension bills passed exceed of Ap ril. Senator Duboi* w ill be home
New Orleans, March 4.— Nicaragua
sonrrea of the valley reported, and tlenrent of people and extensive hop-
so that United States senators may be sml occupations participated.
Utsae figures will be presented to F e s - | yards. A free ferry would bring a larg- and Honduras may tomorrow ship fire­ those of any previous congress.
about the middle of March.
elected by direct vote of the people.
ident Hirschberg of the A irlie rail- ! er amount of business to Independence arms from the United State« without
O v ir 6,000 Ars Homeless.
A Halt ¡more A Ohio express train
The Reconstructed Cabinet
Shipments of fire­
road, this week, by the following com­ I from this district, and would accommo­ fear of detention.
Stands by Wicksrsham.
was wrecked near Connellsville, Pa.,
Naples, March 5.— The mountain in mittee, which was appointed to handle date many fr m this side of the river arms for both governments have been
Secretary of state, Elihu Root, of New
Washington, March 1.— It was an­
and two persons killed and eight in­ the province of Fotpnxa, near Monte- the future negotiations with the rail-1 who make the trip daily to their hop- held up here pending instructions from York: secretary of treasury, George B.
nounced today that the president would
mnrm, which iralipping into the val­ road authorities: E. B. Weiot, II. M. yards. Residents on the Marion coun- Washington, but Attorney General Cortelynn, New York; secretary of
not send the nomination of Jndge James
The Han Francisco water board haa
Wickersham for the judgeship in the
could find no authority under existing of navy, Victor H. Metcalf, California;
give all possible assistance.
revoked the franchise supplying the after having remained quiet since Sat­ and II. Seifert.
Third Alaska district to the senate thia
urday night. The roaring of the aval­
city with water on tire ground that the
lsion, but w ill give him e recess ap­
munitions of war mentioned,” and the Maryland; postmaster general. George pointment. As soon as circumstances
Goes to Naval Academy
Board Fixes Terms.
company haa lieen collecting excessive anches was heard for a considerable
Fort land— Clarence W. W alls, has
Salem— The state land board has
rat«-*. The property is estimated to be
will permit, a suitable person w ill be
whole country war devaatated.
Five made an order permitting a numlier of received an appointment from Senator
tary of interior. James R. Garfield, sent to Alaska for further investigation.
worth $5,300,000.
thonnund persons are homeless.
It is holders of school land certificates pur­ Mulkey to fill a vacancy at the United
Ohio; secretary of commerce and labor, This action was determined on at a con­
Avalanche Threatens City.
The French accuse the church ol hav­ feared that ihe whole village w ill he
chaser! from A. T. Kelliher to secure State« Naval academy at Annapolis,
Naples, March 4.— A mountain in Oscar Straus, New York; secretary of ference between the president and A t­
ing meddled in politics.
covered over.
title to the land by surrendering their Md. Mr. W alls is a native Oregonian, Potneaa, near the village of Monte- agriculture. James Wilson, Iowa.
torney General Bonaparte.
certificate« and making new purchase«. having been horn at Prineville 111 year« tnnrro, is slipping into the valley in •
Sixteen children and their teacher
On Sands In Dover Strait
In doing *0 they nrnst make affidavit ago. His friend* are confident that serin« of landslides and threatening to
Accepts Two-csnt Retv.
were burned to death in a Montreal
Favors Philippine Bank Bill.
London, March 5.— The Red Star line that they dont already own 320 scree of he w ill have no tronble in poasing overwhelm the village.
The people
Lincoln, Neo., March I . —Governor
Washington, March 1.— The home
rteamer Vaderland, Captain Ehoff, land of that character.
This are fleeing in panic. Only a low spur Sheldon tonight received official notice
This in a the entrance
Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia nar­ whirh «ailed from Antwerp on Satur­ measure enforces the legal requirement is to be held in this city April 16 next of the mountain la preventing the de­ from the Riiriinginn Railroad company committee on ¡m olar affairs today de­
cided to make a favorable report on the
rowly escaped being blown up by a ter­ day for New York, is ashore on Good­ that only 320 acre« of school land shall by the Uniter! States C ivil Service cotn- struction of the village and this resist­ that it will accept the 2-cent fare law
Philippine agricultural bank b ill aa
rorist bomb.
win sands.
| mission.
be sold to one person.
ance apparently soon will be overcome. without resistance and revise its rates. poseed by the senate.
In a Condensed Form lor
Rosy Readers.
President Creates Reserves by
Wholesale Before Too Late.