Inorò ft NO. 13 of VO L. 3 E S T A C A D A . O REGO N. T H U R S D A Y , M A CR H 7, $1 A YEA R 1907. The Estacada State Bank Read this Space, for next week’s ANNOUNCEMENT GRANULATED PAYS 4/i SUGAR O New York, Chicago, and San Francisco Exchange $ 4.80 A SACK We will examine your papers and make your loans free of charge. Are your personal papers safe from fire and theft? If not, bring them to us ami we will charge you nothing for keeping them in our safe. DAROWISH & COMPANY H E A R D B Y T H E W A Y S ID E Mrs. J. O. Linn is sick with meas­ les. Ella Lockerby is going to live with Mrs. L. Tenny at Viola. “ Doc” Palmateer has been sick at his home but is able to lie around again. "• Sunshine, brother, and good will, that’s what we ought to leave be­ hind us as we go through life. AND The Rev. E. E. E ly of the Free Methodist Church in California is visiting with his father at Currins- ville. W. H. Holder has been prepar­ ing some acres of land for straw­ berries; hurry up ye Estacadans with that fruit cannery. Mr. Melien of Zion and Mr Beebe AT of Sandy bought each other’ s farms, and the latter is busy putting in crops. W. Strunk is helping him. ' ‘Lives of Trust-men all remind us WETmay make our lives a crime; And by employing able lawyers Make the small fry do the tim e.” Mr. Demoy, the rural mail carrier LO ST on route No. 1 was ordered by the On Saturday afternoon, the 16th, Department to go to Oregon City l>etween Eagle Creek and George last Saturday to take the Civil Ser­ p. o. a brown leather suit case. A n­ T A X E S !! I T A X E S vice examination; as no substitute yone finding same please leave at has as yet been appointed by the Eagle Creek p. o. or write the own­ Department no mail went out on er at George p. o. A liberal re­ Pay your Clackamas county taxes the route on that day. in Portland. No long waiting in ward will be paid. line. Save time and carfare. Small H. JO Y N E R . CARD O FTH AN KS fee 25cts covers everything. Call I wish to thank the good people and examine the complete tax roll, Money to Loan or write for statement of your taxes of Garfield for their kindness dur­ ing the sickness of my wife and my­ $5,500.00 TO LO A N —We have self. $5,500 which we will loan on real — Geo. W. Lockerby. Clackamas Title estate security at a low rate of in­ .....Com pany..... terest. CARD OF T H A N K S [ e s t a b l i s h e d 1893] I f you have money to loan, we We wish to thank the friends will find you a customer and make and neighbors who so kindly assist­ no charge for placing the loan.— 606 608, Chamber of Commerce, ed us during our sad bereavement. P O R T L A N D , O REGO N The Bank of Eitacada. W. A . Heyl- Signed: G. B. Linn and man, Cashier. Children We have some fine farms for SCHOOL N O TES sale and some fine city property Half the Debt Paid The school attendance has reached and will make prices right. Have County Treasurer Paddock says all the money you want at 7 per 97 - Isabell Duncan has been quite cent. We loan for private parties that he has paid off one half of the sick the past few days, and unable and can give you just what you county’ s debt to the state from the want. If you have idle money we county taxes that have been collect­ to attend school. The debt is The 8th grade arithmetic class will place it for you without cost ed so far this year. $ 17 ,15 8 .7 5 and it is thought that in are working supplementary prob­ and we mean what we say. another year Clackamas County will W. A. Heylman, lems in mensuration. get out of debt to the state. Cashier. PA U L WOMER, EDITOR. CHOICE Onion S ets D. M. F e rry ’s SEEDS H O W E ’ S -# TAXES! STOVE BUYERS TAKE W e are lucky to have a good stock of Stoves and Ranges bought before the * ' vance. W e will give our cus­ tomers who buy this morth full benefit of our low price. If you do not care to pay spot cash you can buy on the easy payment plan, that is, a little down and a little each month. Remember we have the Bridge, Beach & Co’s line, which are not excelled for durability & baking qualities. Call in and let us show them to you. Our city connections place us in close touch with investors WHO P A Y C ASH . We can place your insurance iu companies who pay 100 cents on the dollar in case of loss. AT We have money to loan on acceptable security. Business Men’s Club meeting to­ Springtime's youth. night. See A. E . Sparks’ sugar ad? Mrs. T . J. Reagan spent Monday Get our prices on a spray wash in Portland. for your trees.-Estacada Pharmacy Merchant Howe calls your atten­ E. F. Surface, proprietor of the ! tion to his seeds. Estacada Pharmacy, is having some Mrs. E . C. Belknap has moved improvements made in the store. into Portland to live. Jordan Shultz and Geo. Higen- Roger Cary has lieen enjoying a botlien were taken into the Oddfel­ Jbadly sprained ankle. low lodge last Saturday evening. C. S. Allen is recovering from a Mrs. Minnie Kendall of Spokane few Job’ s comforters. came down last week and is visiting Lee Bronson knows the sad ef­ at Mr. and Mrs. W. A . Heyltnau’s. fects of stepping on » nail. Business at the Main Street gro­ You can get the best spray mate­ cery is getting brisk, and Jordan Shultz has been assisting as clerk. rial at the Estacada Pharmacy. Born, to the wife of Frank Boy­ er, on Feb. 27, a 11 pound son. H. Cooper has enlarged his store room by a change of partition. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Richards spent last Sunday in Portland. Ed. Miller was a business visitor to the county seat last Thursday. Y e editor and wife spent Sunday at Mrs. Williams’ parents in Port­ land. President Roosevelt’s cabinet fam­ ily are a very changeable set of ser­ vants. Sparks’ Store GEO. C. BROWNELL & Company Have outside Land, including Farms, for Contractors Posson & Mallory started work Monday morning on the new fire apparatus and town hall. Sale. Oregon City, Gladstone, Milwauke, Estacada, Malwaukie Park, Oak Grove Mrs. S. C. Neas returned home to Grant’s Pass after visiting Mrs. C. F. Howe from Tuesday until Saturday. On easy terms. Title guaranteed and Ab­ stracts furnished. Anyone wishing to known how to drive a horse down hill without a collar on may find out by apply­ ing to R ay Wilcox. Money to Loan at low rate of interest to assist purchasers It is necessary to spray the trees if you want good, marketable fruit. It pays to spray. Now is the time Miss Mae Stephens spent Satur­ and we have a spray wash that is day and Sunday at her home near 99.98 per cent, pure.— Estacada Portland. Pharmacy. R. A. Staatton left Monday on a two weeks’ business trip in the cen­ Church Fund Grows tral states. Isabelle Duncan, who is living at Rev. C. T . McPherson reports the Harkenrider home, is sick with the following recent contributions pneumonia. to the M. E . church building fund: R. J. Watkins, of Portland, has Roberts Bros., department store in taken a position in the Richards Portland, $5. barber shop. H. Eggert of the EggertShoe Store on 3rd St. Portland, $5. A few days ago A . A. Antrim began as night watchman at the Dr. F. M. Taylor, Dekum Build­ ing, Portland, $5. brick factory. L . O. Ralston, Portland, $5 T . J. Wirtz returned from the R. J. Patterson, Portland, $5. farm last week after having a time J. P. Rasmussen, paints & oils, 2d with the grip. & Taylor, Portland. $10 . Merchant W. J. Lewellen, of J. M. A. Lane, Laue-Davis Drug Spriugwater, was hauling goods out Co., Portland, $10. from Estacada, Monday. | J. E. Haz.eltine, Portland, $80. Also residence property, situated in «aaBfiaiaaasH&CALL ON USasraeBEHSMBE» Office In the Caufield Block. Oregon Our prices are low and terms easy W. A. H E Y L M A N GEO . C. B R O W N E L L KSTACADA OKSGOX C IT Y BROW NELL and HEYLMAN ATTORNEYS-AT LAW I PRAC TICE IN A L L COURTS All kinds ol Legs! Business promptly attehded to Estates and Probate Matters carefully taken care of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gunsaulis, who own a cottage on Zobrist St., have been made happy by the ar­ rival of a son, Harold John, on the 7th of Feb. SOLID Miss Ethel Green of Oregon City one of The Telegram’ s girls who are going to the Jamestown Expo­ sition, was "here this week gather­ ing in votes. FACTS When making a purchase usually the keen buyer has but one object in view that is the best goods for the least money. The first to consider is quality, the second is price. Quality remains long after price is forgot. So it is our constant aim to give our customers the highest quality of goods at the lowest prices for cash. It is not necessary for you to stop and think this over • as it does not take much thinking. It is SOLID F A C T S. That we sell for less money, quality considered than catalog houses and merchants in large cities. Our system is low expense account and spot cash buying. W e extend to every man and woman Phone 521 C ity NOTICE On the first day of March there was an advance on Stoves and Ranges. If you have property or bonds for sale bring them to us for we CAN A N D WILL sell them. a hearty welcome to visit our store and get our prices Thè Cary Hardware Company