The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, February 28, 1907, Image 3

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    ■ H H
Oocribcs the Principal Ingredients Con­
tained in Pe-ru-na.
Are we claiming too much for Peruna
when we claim it to be an effective
remedy for chronic catarrh? Have we
abum'a it proof that Peruna ia in reali­
ty euch a cala rh remedy? Let ua see
what tiie United States Dispensatory
says of the principal ingredients of
Take, for instance, the ingredient of
hydrastis canadensis, or golden seal.
The United States Dispensatory says of
this bubal remedy, that it la largely
employed in the treatment of depraved
mucuous membranes, chronic rhinitis
(nasal catarrh), atonic dyspepsia (ca­
tarrh of the stomach), chronic intes­
tinal catarrh, catarrhal jaundice (ca­
tarrh of the liver), and in diseased mu­
cous membranes of the pelvic organs.
I t is also recommended for the treat­
ment of various forms of diseases pecu­
liar to women.
Another ingredient of Peruna, cory-
dalis formosa, is classed in the United
States Dispensatory as a tonic. So also
is cubebs classed as a stomachic and aB
a tonic for the mucous membranes.
Cedron seeds is another ingredient
of Peruna, an excellent drug that has
been very largely overlooked by the
medical profession for the past fifty
The seeds are to be found in
very few drug stores.
The United
States Dispensatory says of the action
of cedron that it is used as a bitter
tonic and in the treament of dysentery,
and in intermittent diseases as a sub­
stitute for quinine.
Oil of copaiba, another ingredient of
Peruna is classed by the United States
Dispensatory as a mild stimulant and
diuretic. It acts on the stomach and
intestii al tract. It acts as a stimulant
on the
genito-urinary membranes.
Useful in chronic cyetilis, chronic dys­
entery and diarrhea, and some chronic
diseases of the liver and kidneys.
Send to us for a free book of testi­
monials of what the people think of
Peruna as a catarrh remedy. The best
evidence is the testimony of those who
have tried it.
F a b le fo r Meres.
W. Rourke Ciickrun, at a lawyer»’
banquet in New York, deprecated long
“ He who makes abort speeches,” said
Mr. Cockran, “ will never find himself
In the embarrassing position of a
friend o f mine last month.
“ My friend, when a certain case of
his was called, rose and pleaded in a
husky voice for an adjournment.
“ ’On wbat ground?’ asked the Judge.
" ‘Your honor,’ was the reply, T have
been making an address in another
cuurt all the morning, and find myself
completely exhausted.’
“ ’Very well,’ said the Judge. And
he called the next case.
"Another counsel rose and in bla turn
asked for an adjournment.
“ ’Are you exhausted, too?’ said the
Judge. ‘What have you been doing?’
“ ‘Your honor,’ was the answer, ‘1
have been listening to my learned
R M lv r o «ltr .
"Fellow citizens," exclaimed the rising
politician, “ I am not ashamed to say that
I got my start in lift by selling news­
papers !”
"You oughtn't to be ashamed, either,”
shouted a man in the audience. “ The
newspapers gave you your start in poli­
C h a s is
M eth od .
"Investigations don’t seem to be held
in the spirit of courtesy and forbearance
that ofice prevailed,” remarked the old
time statesman.
“ No,” answered Senator Sorghum, “ the
situation is becoming difficult. People now
hold investigations because they really
want to find something out, instead of
merely for the sake of soothing their
minds.” — Washington Star.
PAZO O IN TM E N T is guarenteed to cure any
esse of lch ln g, blind, bleeding or protruding
piles in 6 to 14 days or m oney refunded.50c.
H e lp e d
M ake
H im
“ During our courtship,” said Mrs.
Weeds, "poor John declared he would
die for me and he did.”
“ Indeed!” exclaimed the »urprlsed
“ Yes,” continued the fair widow. “ I
Not W e ll T aken.
did the cooking myself and he died of
" I f the Senator will pardon me for in­ indigestion.”
terrupting him,” blandly spoke one of the
other Senators, "he is not sticking to his
T h ere Is m ore C eterrh In th is section o f the
cou n try than a ll oth er diseasea pu t together,
"M y text 1” thundered the fiery states­ and u n til the last fa w years was supposed lo b e
cu rable. For a great m any v e a r s a o c to ri pro­
man. "This is not a sermon, sir! This in
nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local
is a roar!”
rem edies, and by co n s ta n tly T a ilin g to cure
Whereat he continued bis roaring.— w ith lo c a l treatm ent, pron ou n ced it incurable.
Science has proven ca ta rrh to be a constitu­
Chicago Tribune.
tion al disease, end th e re fo re requ ires constitu ­
Free Catalogue and Premiums.
Everyone interested in seeds, plants,
etc., should have a copy of the Port­
land Seed company’s 1007 tatilogue,
which is free for the asking, by men­
tionin'- this paper and addressing them
nt I ’ rtl nd, Oregon.
Tells all about
their splendid premiums.
tio n a l treatm ent. H a ll’ s Catarrh Cure, m anu­
factu red b y F. J. C h eu ey A Co., T o led o , Ohio, Is
the o n ly co n stitu tion al cu re on th e m erket. It
is ta k en In tern a lly In doses from 10 dropa to a
teaspoouful. I t acts d ir e c tly on th e b lood and
muc >us surfaces o f the system. T h e y ofTer one
hundred do lla rs fo r any case I t fails to cure.
Send fur circu lars and testim onials.
F. J. C H E N E Y A CO., Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
H a ll's F a m ily P ills are the best.
T ro u b le fo r N o th in * .
To smuggle a human skeleton into
M others w ill fin d Mrs. W in slow 's Soothing
Syrup the best rem edy to use fo r th s lr chUdroa Canada from Detroit a medical atu-
d u rin g th e te e th in g period.
dent dressed it in female attire and,
seating it by his side In a buggy, cross­
A ft e r a H a lf C en tu ry .
Two Sun Francisco carpenters, broth- ed over the boundary line. After he
ers-In-Iaw, parted fifty-seven years ago got safely into his house he learned
on the completion of a building at that there is no custom duty on skele­
Montgomery and Clay stretes, in that tons
city. A few days ago C. H. Swain, one
o f the men, who is still active and
Sixty years ago Allcock’s Plasters were
strong at 76, was employed on a new first introduced to the pitblic. They are to­
temporary structure going up on the day tli ■ world’s standarcbplaster8.
This invention lias been one of the
same spot. While at work he was ap­
greatest blessings imaginable a n d affords
proached by another old man, not so the q u ick est, cheapest and best means of
hale and hearty, and was surprised to healing and relief for certain ailments,
recognize in him his brother-in-law, A. that lias ever been discovered.
Allcock’s are the original and genuine
M. Adilngton, whom he bad not seen porous plasters and are sold by diuggists
Since they bad worked together there. in ev* ry part of the civilized world.
A R M Y L IF E .
L e ft T h o u s a n d s o f V e te ra n s W ith K id ­
ney T ro u b le s.
The experience of David W . Martin,
a retired merchant of Bolivar, Mo., is
just like thousands
of others.
M r .
Martin says:
think I have had
kidney disease ever
s i n c e the war.
During an engage­
ment my horse fell
on me, straining
my back and in­
juring the kidneys. I have been told I
had a floating kidney.
I had intense
pain in the back, headaches and dizzy
spells and the action of the bladder was
very irregular. About three years ago I
tried Doan’s Kidney Pills, and found
such great relief that I continued, and
inside a comparatively short time was
entirely rid of kidney trouble.”
Bold by all dealers.
60 cents a box.
Foeter-Miiburn Co,. Buffalo, N. Y .
C h o l n a l la m .
Yellow Reporter— We haven’t a scrap
of news for our first page scare head.
Yellow Editor— Well, use this one
about feeding the chickens, and have
the bead read, “ 150 Kernels Swallowed
Yellow Reporter— Perhaps this story
would be better. It is about a caae of
shoe soles that slipped overboard. We
could use the bead, "1,000 Sole» Lost
at Sea.”— Exchange.
r i T O St. Vitus’ Pune* and all Nervous Discuses
I I I O permanently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great
Nerve Restorer. Henri for F R E E |2 trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. SL H. Kline, 1x1., 031 Arch 8L, Phil*.,Pa.
N o t th e N e w E n v la n d V a r ie t y .
“ Oh, they’re real swell people.” said
the Chicago man. “ An old ‘Mayflower
family,’ I believe.”
"You mean their ancestors came over
in the Mayflower?” asked the visitor
from the east.
“ Oh, no. I mean they made their
money in ‘Mayflower Hams.’ Oldest
brand o' hams in this section.” — Catho­
lic Standard and Times.
Catarrh is not merely an inflammation of the tissues of the head and
throat, as the symptoms o f ringing noises in the ears, mucous dropping back
into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, etc., would seem to indi­
cate ; it is a blood disease in which the entire circulation and the greater
part o f the system are involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an excess
o f uric acid in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be­
come torpid and dull in their action and instead o f carrying off the refuse
and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system.
This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all
parts o f the system.
These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame
the different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting
o f a cold w ill start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable
symptoms o f Catarrh. A s the blood goes to all parts of the body the ca­
tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full
feeling, nose continually stopped np, pains above the eyes, slight fever
comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and
__ affected by this disease. It is a waste of
y i w r i f un‘d * i l m an cSuid h i™ time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays,
D-an worm*. I tried everythin* washes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment
X could hoar - * *—* — “ “ ■* — - -
aultad. I *
and does not reach the blood, and can, therefore,
oould »ea a little Improvement do nothing more than temporarily relieve
the Sret bottle, end after
. ..
.__ _______________
T o cure
^ 4 0 . ^ ? A b s h ^ i ’ s wssQsrsk. the discomfort of the trouble.
*h la w «ai»l*year* a*o, and I am Catarrh permanently the blood must be
_ _ purified and thesystem cleansed
SittSih* u*a bioo7 dieaaae^and thoroughly
of all poisons, and at the "same time
g& T r^
t£tn° M. S ^ h
-------- ' “
strengthened and built np. Nothing equals
E l 't t i o ? * * ' I T r f i & o V S. S. S. for this purpose.
It attacks the
Lapeer, Mich. —
disease at its head, goes down to the very
bottom o f the trouble and makes a complete
and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every
particle o f the catarrhal poison from the
blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh
and healthy.
Then the inflamed mem­
begin to heal, the head Is loosened
and cleared, the hawking and spitting cease,
every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health
restored. S. S. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acta as a
fine tonic to the entire system. I f you are suffering with Catarrh begin the
use of S. S. S. and write ns a statement of your case and our physicians w ill
send you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advice
Without charge. 3. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
-------------------------------------- C O .,
ATUUTTA, C 4 » _
Monday, February 25.
An amendment was agreed to, at the
Washington, Feb. 25. — The senate suggestion of Nelson, which will add
today passed the agricultural appropri- ] $500 each year to the appropriation for
ation bill, carrying nearly $10,000,600, agricultural colleges until tne total
with an amendment providing that amount (or each state for these col­
forest reserves in certain
Western leges shall be $50,000 annually, In­
states shall not be created or enlarged stead of $30,000, as at present.
without an act of congress, the post-
office appropriation bill, carrying $210,-
Washington, Feb. 21. — The sundry
000,000; the pension appropriation civil appropriation b ill was considered
bill, carrying $145,000,000, and the by the house today. By * vote of 165
b ill authorising the establishment of to 41 general debate was closed and the
an agricultural bank in the Philippines. b ill was taken up under the five-minute
By a vote of 43 to 10 the senate to­ rule.
night ratified the Santo
Mann of Illinois offered an amend­
This was one more vote in ment, which was adopted, appropriat­
the affirmative than was required.
ing $5,000 to enable the Interstate
Commerce commission to investigate
Washington, Feb. 25.— Ship subsidy block signal systems and appliances lor
secured a marked impetua today in the the automatic control of railway trains.
house, which, just before adjournment,
The house passed a number of bills
adopted a rule that w ill probably in­ and resolutions, including one calling
sure the passage of the Littauer substi­ on the secretary of the navy for infor­
tute for the senate b ill and result be­ mation regarding repairs being made
fore the ffnai adjournment in positive on the battleship Louisiana, and an­
other enlarging the act relating shang­
The rule was reported by Dnlzell in haiing.
the shape of a resolution providing that
The river and harbor b ill was sent
the compromise b ill shall be consid­ to conference.
ered, with debate limited to five hours,
and that the final vote shall be taken
W e dn e sday, F e bru ary 2 0.
not later than next Friday afternoon
Washington, Feb.20.— Senator Hmoot
at 3 o ’clock. The rule was adopted by
a vote of 158 to 122, 24 Republicans retains his seat in the United States
voting with the Democrats in opposi­ senate. This was decided today by a
vote of 42 to 28, ending a long contest.
tion to the rule.
The conference report on the Indian Eighteen senators were paired, making
appropriation bill was adopted, as was the actual standing on the resolution 51
Smoot did not
tiie conference report on the b ill pro­ for and 37 against.
viding for the allotment and distribu­ vote hnd Wetmore was absent and not
paired. Senators Fulton and Mulkey
tion of Indian tribal funds.
of Oregon, Piles and Ankeny of Wash­
ington and Heyburn of Idaho voted for
Saturday, February 23.
Washington, Feb. 23.— Although the Smoot, while Dubois of Idaho voted
senate devoted four hours to legislative against him.
The naval appropriation bill, carry­
matters today, nothing was accom­
plished except speech-making.
The ing $100,727,607, was passed by the
agricultural appropriation b ill received senate tonight in 52 minutes. A ll the
further criticism. It is proposed that committee amendments were agreed to.
$1,000,000 be added to the fund at the The only amendment adopted added
disposal of the Forest service to make $250,000 to the appropriation for coal
up for revenue taken away from it and and transportation and $130,000 for a
turned into the treasury. W h ile this powder plant at the Norfolk navy yard.
amendment probably is to be accepted,
Washington, Feb. 20.— The poetoffice
Heyburn w ill not permit to receive final
action until he has exhausted every le­ appropriation bill, the largest ever re­
ported by the committee on poetofiicea
gitimate means of onnosition.
and poet roads, passed the house today.
Washington, Feb. 23.— The house A ll the provisions relating to increased
adopteud an amendment to the sundry pay affecting 90 per cent of the postal
civil bill providing that no bar or can­ employes, which yesterday were strick­
teen where intoxicating liquors are sold en out on points of order, were today
shall be maintained in National sol­ restored to the b ill. This was accom­
diers’ homes. In view of thecampatign plished by a rule presented by the
throughout the country against the can­ committee on rules after the bill had
teen in soldiers’ homes, intense interest been reported to the house by commit­
was shown wiien that feature of the bill tee of the whole. Points of order were
the feature of the day, the battle con­
was reported.
Four hundred thousand dollars was tinuing throughout the session.
added to the appropriation for the geo­
logical survey. The sundry civil appro­
T u e sd a y , F e b ru a ry 19.
priation, the largest in the history of
Washington, Feb. 19. — Smoot’s ad­
the government, carrying $105,000,000,
dress to the senate today in defense of
was passed.
his position ps senator was the feature
of the session.
He was supported by
Friday, February 22.
Dillingham of Vermont in an analytical
Washington, Feb. 22.— The senate
speech on the evidence.
at tonight’s session passed the bill
The senate spent several hours in
making appropriations of $1,947,383
further consideration of the forestry
for the support of the m ilitary acad­
provisions in the agricultural appropri­
emy. The bill was passed just as it
ation b ill, with the result that several
came from the committee.
amendments were agreed to which re­
A discussion lasting throughout the
strict the operations of the bureau in
entire day, to which was added a futile
several respects.
The section of the
night session, failed to secure final ac­
bill had not been completed when a re­
tion on the amendments to the agricul­
cess was taken for the evening session.
tural appropriation bill pioposing to
The senate held a three-hour session
make an increase of $1,000,000 in the
tonight. Three bundled private pen­
item for the support of the forest re­
sion bills and half a hundred private
serve. Forceful speeches were made by
claim bills were passed.
Burdett, Depew and Beveridge in de­
fense of the work of Chief Foreeter
Washington, Feb. 19.— After passing
Pinchot, and opposed to the extension
of the forest service by Heybum, who a number of bills under unanimous
consent today, the house lesumed con­
went into the entire subject.
sideration of the postofllce appropria­
Washington, Feb. 22.— The house in tion b ill. During the general debate,
committee of the whole placed itself which terminated at 4 o'clock, speeches
squarely on record today in favor o f , were made by Gillespie of Texas, Mur­
lim iting the power of special agents of j phy of Missouri, Robinson of Arkansas,
the depart ment of the interior by a | Badgctt of Tennessee, Lloyd of Mis­
vote restricting tiie use of the appro- , souri, Stonerson of Minnesota, Finley
prition of $250,000 covered by th e , of South Carolina and Stafford of W is­
sundry c iv il appropriation bill to pay consin .
the salaries of such agents.
At 6:15 the committee rose, having
D is r e g a r d s P re sid e n t's Re q u e st.
completed 119 pages of the sundry civil
Washington, Feb. 20.— The house
committee on appropriations complete­
ly disregarded the president’ ! request
T h u r sd a y , F e b ru a ry 21.
for an extra appropr iation of $500,000
Washington, Feb. 21. — It was con for special agents to investigate public
ceded today by senators in charge of ( land entries and merely inserted in the
the agricultural bill that the grazing sundry civil bill the regular appropri­
lease provision w ill be eliminated on ' ation of $250,000. In view of the fact
a point of order. Tiie reading of the that the president greatly modified his
b ill was completed after most of the order regarding the examination of
day had been spent in debate on the entries, there is little necessity for an
forestry system and the gracing meas- j increased appropriation.
I t is very
ure, and it w ill again be considered , doubtful if the senate or house w ill in­
tomorrow for final action.
crease this item.
N o t D ra w in g T w o S a la rie s.
Washington, Feb 19.— At yesterday’ s
meeting of the senate committee on in­
ter-oceanic canal, an effort was made to
have reported on confirmation the
names of the recently appointed i a ia l
commissioners, but it was frustrated by
an objection from Culberson, who stat­
ed that he had heard it reported that
Mr. Shonts is drawing a large salary
from the Interborough Railroad com­
pany, in addition to his salary as canal
commissioner. Mr. Shonts denied the
report, but the denial was received too
late to permit action.
A. Doctors
M edicine
A n A r t Anecdote.
Edward Rosewater, rounder and edi­
tor of the Omaha Bee. had a sincere
love o f art. He hated pictures that In­
dicated acamiied work, so called lm- j
presslonistlc pictures that were m erely.
rough and hurried sketches and ao
called portraits that bore no likeness to
their originals
young painter:
showed Mr. Rosewater one day a por­
trait of a mutual friend.
A y e r ’ s C h erry Pectoral Is not
“ That a portrait of Smith!” the edl-'
a simple cough syrup. It is a
tor exclaimed. “ I'd never hare known
strong medicine, a doctor’s
The Old-Monk-Cura will
medicine. It cures hard cases,
“ Oh,” the artist exclaimed, " I didn't
straighten out a contracted
try for a liken ss, you know. I tried
severe and desperate cases,
muscle lu a jiffy.
for an effect— an effect In grays.”
chronic cases o f asthma, pleu­
" I know a man In New York,” said
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Mr. Rosewater, "who had bis portrait
painted last year. It cost him $4,000,
Ask you r doctor about this.
and he waa very proud of IL When It j
M I have used » (Treat deal o f Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral for coughs and hard cold* on the
came home he showed it to his cook., |
cheat. It has always done me great good. It
U certainly a most wonderful cough medt-
“ ’Well, Mary,’ be «aid, ’how do you
ctne.” — M ic u a k l J. F it z g b h a l d , Medford,
like this portrait?*
“ ‘Sure, air,’ said the cook, *U’s love­
Also manufacturers o f
ly. I t ’s beautiful. I t ’s divine.’
Don't play possum with pain,
sabsapaklla .
" ‘And, o f course.’ said my friend,
but 'tends strictly to business.
‘you know who it ia?'
“ ‘Oh, of course I do, air,’ aatd tha
P ric e 23c and 30c
You w
_ ill h a s t e n r e c o v e ry b y ta lc cook. ’O f course, of course.’ As she
I n g o n e o f A y e r ’s P i ll s a t b e d t im e
spoke she kept drawing nearer to the
picture, studying it more and more
closely. ‘O f course, air,' she said. ‘It's
O p t im is m .
W O W A HD £ . BU RTO N.—Assayer a r l Chamlat.
■ Dead ville, Colorados 8 penmen price*: Gold»
“ Such a dark day as this,” complained you or the mistress.’ ”— Buffalo Enquir­ ■ Bllver,
Dead, ft ; Gold, Silver, 76c : Gold, 60c; Zinc or
Copper, 9 1 . Cyanide testa. Mailing envelope# and
the whiskered passenger in the suburban er.
füll price list sent on application. Control and Um-
train, "is enough to make anybody feel
pire work solicited.
lleieroncet Carbonate Mar
tlouai Bank.
"Not Iv’rybody, Bor,*’ said the passen­
ger with the First Ward accent. “ Not
Many Afflicted Country People
th’ r-raiiroad comp’ny, annyhow.
are com in g to us for treatm ent and
savin' money be not lightln' these ca-ars.”
retu rnin g hom e cured. W e perma­
A IL M E N T 8
Only One "B R O M O QUININE”
Th at la L A X A T IV E BROMO qu in in e. S im i­
la rly nam ed remedies sometimes deceive.
The first and o rigin a l Cold Tablet is a W H IT E
P A C K A G E w ith black and red letterin g, and
bears the signature o f E. W. GROVE. Zoe.
L ean t F orm .
" I f I thought you were going to play
me false, Marie,” said the ardent young
lawyer, "by the great horn spoon I ’d hold
you with a writ of habeas corpus!”
"That will not be necessary,” smiled
Miss Marie. . "I'm not going to run
"So?” he whispered, moving nearer.
“ All right. Ne exeat will do just as
Is one of the constitutional diseases, it
[manifests itself in local aches and pains,—
inflamed joints and stiff muscles,—but It
cannot be cured by local applications.
It requires constitutional treatment, and
the best is a course of the great blood puri­
fying and tonic medicine
Tangent, Oregon
New York Surgical and Medical Institute
Pcraiocntly Loc.Ud at Corner of Sixth u i
----- ) Wuklixtoa
Six. Portland. Or.
m ule T ea m
Capital Stock.
$ 200.000
deposited with
las. Dept, of
by Softening flit Water nukes th« SUn Clear,
Removes Perspiration Mor, Whitens the liMbt
Prevena Dandruff and Makes leautlfal lulr.
asking about our popular one dollar a
month plan that pays accidental death
and accident and sick indem nity. Give
age and oecui ation.
A ll business on
the P a d tic Coast paid through tbe first
National Bank off Portland.
A ll dealers. Sample Borax, Beauty Bookies
and 8ouvenir Pictu re, 5 cents and your dealer*t
P acific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal.
209-210 Mirquam BMg.
a. • —07
P. N. U
R. L. ALDRICH, Mgr. Western Office
Portland, Oregon
T H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t is e r s p la n e « I
1 m e n t io n t h ia p a p e r .
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
which neutralizes the acidity of the blood
and builds up the whole system.
In usual liquid form or in chocolated
tablets known as 8 a r s a t a b s . 100 doses |L
The Spencer Seedless Apple
I* the most remarkable diacovery
made in fruit culture during the
last century.
In the U p p e r S n a k e V a l l e y , I d a h o , where
26,000 Mississippi Valley bomeseekers are already
located. 600.00U acres undevelop» d, Irrlgab e land
still await the settler. Klcliest and best watered
valley in the world. Finest c lmate; choice»! fruit;
Immense crops of grain, alfalfa auurar beets. 14,000,-
000 Invested In sugar factories. New K. It. exten­
sion to Yellowstone park opt ns country o f vast re­
sources. A s h t o n started Jan. 1, 1000 , a record
breaker. W rite for particulars.
C. C. M O O K E I t O I . E S T A T E C O M P A N Y
S t. A n t h o n y a n d A s h t o n , I d a h o .
'' g o o d
s e e d s '
Each y-iar brings us Increased orders
for our seeds. W hy? Because we supply
only those that produce satisfactory and
profitable crops. W e know, after many
years of experience, what sorts are best
to plant on this coast. Buy^P. S. C o .’s
“ Diamond Brand’ * Seeds, the best for
the West. Our new 100 page Annual
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mercial size; good shipper; ex­
cellent flavor; splendid keeper;
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For free booklet and particulars.
Splendid inducements to agents.
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S a y s P in c h o t P a c k e d H all.
Washington, Feb. 20.— Senator Hey­
bum, during a speech in the senate,
flatly charged that the Forest service, A U S T I N W E L L D R I L L S
Made In al) styles and a 1 sizes. Get water and oil
on the occasion of his speech at the anywhere.
Best Drilling Tools made. Get cata­
B E A L L St C O .
Irrigation congress in Boise last Sep­ logs and prices.
h o rn « A ve.
P o rtla n d , Or.
tember, packed the hall with its em­
ployee, and, according to a prearranged
plan, deliberately hissed him down
when he was attacking Foreeter Pin­
Ferry Seeds
" a r e not an experl-^
chot and the administration. He said
rPment, but w ith proper culti*^
the hissing was done entirely by For­
r ra tio n , they assure s u c c e s s ’
from the start. Users have no
estry employes. Senator Carter, who
doubts at p la n tin g nor disap­
presided at that meeting, promptly
p o in tm e n ts at harvest. G e t____
denied it.
In c r e a se s N a v a l A p p ro p ria tio n .
Bill fo r Volunteer Army.
Washington, Feb. 19.— After one sit­
Washington, Feb. 19.— Senator W ar­
ting of the senate committee on naval ren, chairman of the senate committee
affairs today authorized a favorable re­ | on military affairs, today Introduced a
port upon the naval appropriation bill. b ill providing for the raising of a vol-
A number of increases in appropria­ { unteer army of the United States dur-
tions were recommended, the moat of i ing actual or threatened war. The bill
which was the addition of $3,000,000 . divides the military establishment In-
for the armament of new battleships, | to three branches, the regular army,
the increase bringing the total np to , the National guard and the volunteer
The Mare Island navy army. It provide« that the volunteer
yard appropriation was increased $101,- | army shall be maintained in time of
000. The house provision for two bat­ war and when war ia imminent, and
tleship« of the Dreadnaught type was tb it it may be raised by proclamation
not amended.
by the president.
P A C tn C N U R SE R Y CO.
Catalogue free.
Free CoasulUtioa in i Examination.
Of Saginaw, Michigan.
n ently and prom ptly cure In diges­
tion, Rheum atism , a ll P riva te and
W asting Diseases, Nervous Disor­
ders, Diseases of w om en and C h ild­
ren, Eczem a, Blood, Skin and
Chronic Diseases. No matter w hat
you r trouble may be, come to see ua.
f P Yf r i O S
■ ■ !¿
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no m ilter how
b a d the weather
You cannot
afford to be
without a
T O W E R ’S
Flint O p p o s e s A gitation .
Veterans May Oat Baer.
Washington, Feb. 19.— Senator Flint,
Washington, Feb. 20. — Appropria­
of California had a conference with the tio n s aggregating $104,137,547 are car­
president today about the Japanese ried in the bill providing for sundry
question and legislation. Ha ex pressed 'c iv il expenses for 190S, reported to the
the opinion that the present agitation ! honse by the committee on apppmpris-
on the Pari/V- coast was unfortunate. [tions. The amount for 1907 was $111,-
The possibility of the Japanese govern­ 146,884. The committee {«lied to in­
ment a laming passports for the Japan­ clude a clause in the b ill preventing
ese to eome to the mainland, thus ren- ' the sale of beer in national soldiers'
pering nugatory the effect of the pro- i homes after Match 4, a prohibition in­
doanri legislation, was suggested to the cluded in last year’s bill but it Is be-
president by the senator.
I lieved the house w ill adc the provision.
P iS to
H E S T E IN W A Y P IA N O has always
been at the head oi the list. It is the
Piano of highest quality. Its reputa­
tion is world wide.
«.R E P U T A T IO N is
invaluable. It is an asset more precious
than gold. I f it be a reputation truly built
by years o f honest toil in the creation of a
work of art, it is priceless. « T h e S T E IN ­
W A Y is a w o r k o f a b t . It is supreme—
wonderful—as compared with other pianos,
it is king. « T h e word S T E IN W A Y is a
synonym for achievement and superiority,
in all the world of music it is the standard
by which other pianos are measured.
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Ma n on A f r e m i l a
A . B. C h ase
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C aaover
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E m erson
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s te r lin g
W c llln g t n a
IT a n t in f t o n
M e n d e ls s o h n
**I 4 WO P L A T E B I
K n a h e A n g e la n
K in s r a o n A n g e ln a
A . B . C h a s e P la y e e
K ln g a b u r v P la y e r
M a tey
P ack ard
C h ic a g o C o t t a g e
T a l h l a g M a c h in e s
end R ecord s
W e have other pianos. Read the list and you
will recognize familiar names oi old, reliable, stand­
ard makes of pianos. W e call your attention to the
Steinway, a t $533.00 and up.
P a ck a rd $ 40 0. L u d w ig $373
Cable $330.
K ingsbury $333
a n d $340. W ellin g to n $733,
$373 a n d $363. W o also kaoo
a fino six o cta vo O rgan, $30
Write to us for Catalogue, prices and terms. Be sure
and mention that you saw our ad. in this paper. Our
principal stores are located at
P O R T L A N D , S E A T T L E , T A C O M A , SPO KANE,
The Houee oi Quality
Steiaway Dealen
S h e r m a n M l* a y & G o