« NO. i2 of VOL. 3 rv- E S T A C A D A , O REGO N, T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 28, 1907. The EMPORIUM The Estacada State Bank PAYS 41 Must Make Room COFFEE Convince yourself of the excellent QUALITY & FLAVOR! 15 and 4 0 Cents a Pound •«I k !» ' Howe LO ST On Saturday afternoon, the 16th, between Eagle Creek and George p. o. a brown leather suit case. A n ­ yone finding same please leave at Eagle Creek p. o. or write the own­ er at George p. o. A liberal re­ ward will be paid. H. JO Y N E R . Money to Loan TAXES! TANKS TAXES! Pay your Clackamas county taxes in Portland. No long waiting in line. Save time and carfare. Small fee 25cts covers everything. Call and examine the complete tax roll, or write for statement of your taxes J $5,500.00 TO LO A N \Ve have $5,500 which we will loan on real estate security at a low rate of in­ terest. [ e s t a b l ish e d 1893 ] If you have money to loan, we will find you a customer and make no charge for placing the loan.— 606-608. Chamber of Commerce, P O R T L A N D , O REGO N The Bank of Estacada, \V. A . Heyl- man, Cashier. grades went np to Cazadero to wit- ness the opening of the power house. SCHOOL N O T E S Clackamas Title .....Company..... SUGAR New York, Chicago, and San Francisco Exchange D A R O W IS H & C O M P A N Y And I sell the GRANULATED ER CEN T For the largest stock of Clothing in all lines ever brought to Estacada We must clean out the old stock, and for that reason, we are selling goods way down in price. I f you want anything in men or woman’s get it now. a JONES PAYS THE FREIGHT $¡ A YEA R Counciltnen meet tonight. Mrs. Sarah Palmateer and son, Lou, were Portland visitors Monday Mr, and Mrs. A. Detnoy and family visited with Mrs. Demoy’s parents at Viola last week. We will examine your papers and make your loans free of charge. A re i your personal paf-crs safe from fire and theft? If not, bring them to us and we will charge you nothing for keeping them in onr safe. If you have property or bonds for sale bring them to us for we C A N A N D W IL L sell them. Our city connections place us in close touch with investors WHO I P A Y C A SH . We can place j our insurance in companies who pay ioo cents on the dollar in case of loss. We have money to loan on acceptable security. A SACK AT Sit down. Prof. J. E . Stubbs was out at j Garfield last Saturday and took j Work for the cheese factory. At Havens is around again after part in 'the rehersal of “ A Cheerful j L iar,” a comedy that the young I a severe sickness. State Master Buxton has been in­ 1 people of Garfield are getting up H. F. Gibson of Barton was in specting Springwater and Garfield Agent Fox, representing the old I j town on business, Tuesday. I granges this week. Attorney II. E. Cross was over reliable Queen City Fire Insurance I Company, visited Estacada Mon- ! - We have some fine farms for from Oregon City Tuesday, . 1 , day. The Estacada State Bank is sale and some fine city property Mrs. John I racey, who was very . - . ., . ., , .,, , , . , , J agent for this company that paid and will make prices right. Have ill last week, is much better. . ~ ~ V I 100 per cent, of its San 1 - rancisco all the money you want at 7 per T. J. Mathews spent a couple |osses cent. We loan for private parties days here last week on business. ,,,, t , , , 1 1 lie water system will lie extended and can give you just what you A 1 Lovelace of \V oodlawn is out ( several blocks in the early spring, want. I f you have idle money we Mains will be run from the present will place it for you without cost visiting his son, J. F . and family. The Ladies’ Aid will meet next main pipe at Currin St. up Curiin I and we mean what we say. week Friday p. m. with Mrs. May St. to Fifth St. down Fifth to Broad­ W. A . Heyltnan, Page. w ay;'to Sixth, down Sixth to Zo- Cashier. brist and up Zobrist to Seventh. ! H E A R D B Y T H E W A Y S ID E | ^ . “ nd Mrs. C. S. Bard have moved out 011 the farm for the sum- Pipes will he run to the sclioolhouse and church. Millard Sarver is doing the chores mer mouths, It is understood that the brick ; for Mr. Lockerby while Mrs. Rvn- ! q Scheubel has resigned as dep­ ing is looking out for the latter’s uty district prosecutor_ The salary factory will soon be started with a i comfort in the house during the day is only ?500 a year. large number of men. Mr. Lockerby is still sick and not ^ . t , . . . . . . . i . J. Jones, of >»eb., a brother NEW MANAGEMENT ; able to be around, tho slowly lm -1 f . ... . , * . . , of \Y. A. will make his home here, proving. Neighbor, when you can, c .. ... . . Golden Eagle Hotel & Restaurant . . . .; , , 1 he family will arrive later. , stop hlirrying awhile, drop in and j r i ----- ----- see the old man and cheer him a W . A. Heyltnan and E. L . hra-| Louis Martin, who recently took | bit. He is bereaved, quite sad and uere appointed a commitee to the Andre building at the corner o f 1 very lonely; thè time may come lea(l the cheese factory scheme. Broadway and Second Street h a s 1 when yoti may need encouragement. Charles Parker has been placed made a new hotel of the place. The , Mrs. I>r. Charlton has returned as foreman of the electric gang at place will hereafter be known as the to Portland. Cazadero for the P. R. L. & P. Co. Golden Kagle Hotel and Restaurant Mrs. Bert Hayes is in the Gar- Mis# vid a Dale and Miss Ruth Every room in the house lias been field neighborhood renewing ac- nale are spending the week in the n,ade co,nfortahle and Peasant for quaintances. | wholesale milliner.stores in Portland ^ e s t s , which has cost an outlay of | Honebon several hundred dollars. The table lias rented the . , > “ Wearing of the green ” will be fare is a]ways the best to be had, Lockerby farm. Mr. H erring’s condition is im- j ce'e' ,rated the 16th of March by a and every effort is made to make qroving. necktie and apron ball in the pavil- gUests feei at home and pleased. Miss Blanche Goodwin has gone lon' Mr. Martin is running a clean, up-j visiting with some relatives at Sea- Merchant Ed. Kaffoury of Daro- to-date hotel, and is gaining the; ! side. wish & Co., has had their store confidence of the people. room enlarged by having the inside partition taken out. Hogs of Good Weight BASKET SOCIAL S p a rk s ’ S to re G E O . C. BROWNELL & Company Have outside Land, including Farms, for Sale. Also residence property, situated in Oregon City, Gladstone, Milwauke, Estacada, Malwaukie Park, Oak Grove On easy terms. Title guaranteed and Ab­ stracts furnished. Money to Loan at low rate of interest to assist purchasers €K0®33!S3a3K73:CA.LL O N U S g Office In the Caufield Block. Oregon Phone 521 C ity ■ on GEO. C. B R O W N E L L W. A. H E Y I.M A N OK HI*ON C IT Y KSTACADA BROWNELL and HEYLMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW February is the month of cele- i brations of great Americans' birth- : days. Washington, Lincoln and Longfellow are all rememliered on G R A N G E their birthday. P R A C T IC E IN A L L CO URTS When it comes to raising heavy A&n | A ll kinila of Legal Business prom ptly attended to fat hogs, E. Ridgeway wins in the 1 Estates and Probate Matters cnrefulb taken care of race around here. A week ago he PA VE W OM ER, ED ITO R . butchered one of his fat swine that i At E A G L E C R E E K Advanced Room dressed 452 pounds. A week or so ~ - ! H ALL Mr. Block, of Eastern Oregon, The talk given by Hon. A. F. Anna Bletch entered school Mon­ Mrs. George Lockerby, who died When here last week, John Brown liefore that he killed a fat pig that Flagel in Estacada last Sunday in ¿. day. was very much astonished at the dressed 326 pounds. These are the last week, was taken to Portland by visited at his son, E. E. Block’s The ct'.i grade history class are the interest of the church brought Everybody has an invitation to great growth of the town, and es- kind of hogs which it pays to raise, | friends, the Finley Undertaking home last week. Mr. Block is in­ reviewing for the examination. out the usual crowd. The lecture come and have a good, merry time, pecially of the development of the because if there's a mortgage on | Company, and laid to rest in River- terested in mining over in the Blue mountains. The p. ,'ils of the 8th and 9th was interesting and instructive. Program in the Evening [ the place it will fade away. local order of Odd Fellows. I view cemetery. ENTERTAINMENT odturddy, larch There is mony for you in this, our A BIG LINE ONE WEEK SPECIAL WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION To the fact that we will sell you a Sewing Machine for as little money as you can buy elsewhere. We handle Standard grade Machines and no where can you get a better deal than through us. If you do not care to pay spot cash for a machine we will sell you one on easy payments Bridge, Beach & Co's 9 inch Royal Grantie Iron pie Plates, 9c STOVES & RANGES This is Firstclass Ware at a special price for one week only Limited 6 plates to a customer Don’t be late . Pt & .T i fi :i At lowest prices for cash, or we will sell you one on the easy payment plan. That is, a little down and a little each month. These goods are made of the best material, with the highest finish and workmanship, and possess the latest improvements lor insuring perfect operation and duriabil- ity. The name, Bridge, Beach & Co., is a guarantee of quality Thè Cary Hardware Company t T P j ’-t