The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, February 21, 1907, Image 3

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It is perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the muscles,
nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching with the pains of
Rheumatism the sufferer ¡3 apt to turn to the liniment bottle^or some other
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
counter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment w ill quiet the pain tempo­
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more
than skin deep— it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be
reached by constitutional treatment— IT C A N N O T BE RUBBED A W A Y .
Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
refuse matter, coming in contact with the different acids o f the body, forms
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the
body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains
are only.symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time
by surface treatment, they w ill reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma­
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease w ill shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system
is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit­
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus­
cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed
of both purifying and tonic properties—
just what is needed in every case of Rheu­
matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but ¡3
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and
barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and write
us about yoijr case and our physicians w ill give you any information or
advice desired free of charge and w ill send our special treatise on Rheumatism.
H o w lln a r O ld
B llssa rd .
IIow dear to my heart is the fierce howl­
ing blizzard,
Which comes from the north like a wolf
on the fold,
Predicted by Foster or some other wizard,
charger of snow and the demon of
cold ;
Catalogue Free.
Tangent, Oregon
IIow sweet to be caught in its grasp like
a feather,
And find yourself wrapped round a tele­
graph p ole;
Ob, how we adore, in this wild wintry
This blizzard that comes when you’re
M U L E -T E A M B O R A X
clear out of coal—
W ith 32-oagd illu strated booklet, g iv in g 1,000
uses fo r Boras in the Home. Farm and D airy, This wild, whirling blizzard, the razor-
and a S o u v e n i r P ic t u r e , 7x14 in ., 10 «olors
edged blizzard,
free fo r 6e and yo u r dealer's name. Address
The loud-howling blizzard fresh from
P u d lie Coast B orax Co., Oakland, CaL
the North Pole.
— Lincoln Journal.
» ‘^ 0 *
in ihi* U p p e r S n a k e V a l l e y , I d a h o , where
26,000 MUsissippi V a lle y hosneseekers are already
located- 600.00» acr« s undevelop* d, irrl^ab e land
►till aw ait ih»* settler.
hlch^Ht a d best w a ered
va lle y In the w orld. Finest clim a te; cho east fru it;
Im m ense crops o f «rain, alfalfa beets. 14,000,-
000 invested In sugar factories. N e w R . It. exten­
sion to Y ellow ston e park opens country o f vast re­
sources. A s h t o n started iau. 1, 1900, a record
breaker. W rite for particulars.
C’ .C*. M O O I t K K K A I i K H T A T K C O M P A N Y
S t. A n t h o n y M ild A s l l t o u , I d a h o .
M ix ed .
When ministers exchange they usual­
ly preach old sermons, but, however,
they generally look over the
carefully to see i f the local points need
A Som erville preacher many years
ago went to Andover to preaeh and
neglected this simple precaution.
Ills discourse was an allusion to the
insane asylum at Somerville, and, fo r­
getting for the moment Li;at he was iu
Andover, he s a id : *
"Sooner than a child o f mine should
he subjected to such Influences, I would
be w illin g to have him confined In yon­
der Institution.”
And the good man pointed dlrect'y
at the Andover Theological Seminary.
— Boston Herald.
W rong
W h ile Dooly was holding court In
Washington County, Georgia, a certain
General Ilunson came In and sat down
at the side o f the Judge, and began to
tell him about the vast amounts o f
property he owned,
“ Stop Just a moment, general," said
Dooly. “ Mr. Sheriff, call In Jones, the
receiver o f tax returns.”
In a few moments that worthy ap­
"M r. R eceiver," said the judge, "come
up here and make an Inventory o f Gen­
eral Hanson's property. H e bad mis­
taken me fo r you.” — Sunday M aga­
N oth in *;
D o in g .
It was an imposing building, but the
mar. with the square valise did not hesi­
“ Madam,” he said to the matron who
appeared, “ I should like to show you a
copy of our book, ‘The Quiet Life,’ which
is making such a—■— ”
“ Sir,” she interrupted, “ this is an in­
stitution for the deaf and dumb.” — Chi­
cago Tribune.
S trictly
B ualnesa,
“ The graspin’est man I ever knowed,”
Made in all styles ami a 1 sires. Get water and oil said Uncle Jerry Peebles, “ was an old
anywhere. Best Drilling Tools made, (let cata­ chap named Snoopins.
Somebody told
logs snd prices.
B E A L L 8 l CO .
him once that when he breathed he took
321 H a w th o rn e A v e .
Portland, Or. in oxygen and gave out carbon. He spent
a whole day tryin’ to find out which of
P. N. U
them two gases cost the most if you have
to buy ’em. He wanted to know whether
H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t is e r s p le a s e I
m e n t io n t h is p a p e r .
| he was makin’ or losin’ money when he
breathed.— Chicago Tribune.
M onday, February 18
I the b ill. Points of order were made
W ashington, Feb. 18.— A fter more against m any provisions of the b ill, and
than five hours consideration of tbe ag­ i were gen erally sustained.
ricultural appropriation b ill, tb e senate
W ashington, Feb. 14. — The senate
increased from F I,500 to $5,000 tbe sal­
today passed a b ill providing for the
ary o f G ifford Pinchot, ch ief forester.
investigation o f the water sources of the
The d e la te was devoted mostly to tbe
U nited States. The investigation is to
methods o f adm inistration and general
be made by the director of tbe geologi
policy of the forest service, and at times
cal survey..
Both underground and
broadened to include the publie land
surface waters are to be investigated
question generally.
An amendment was adopted, which
progress was made on the argicultural
perm its co-operation between the states
b ill.
and the Federal government in making
hydrographic surveys.
W ashingtoon, Feb. 18.— The house
A solution o f the Japanese problem
today adopted a resolution presented by
is threatened w ith com plete failure
Overstreet, of Indiana, authorizing the
because of Senator Lodge's irritatin g
clerk to insert a provision in the post-
and bulldozing tactics.
ollice appropriation b ill looking to tbe
are alarm ed at the situation tonight
reduction o f compensation to railroads
and apprehensive th a t the exclusion
for carrying the mail, to take effect
am endment added to the im m igration
July 1.
b ill w ill be opposed b y a strong Demo­
The am endment to the im m igration
cratic filibuster th at cannot prove other
b ill, as passed by the senate Saturday,
than successful a t this late period of
was agreed to in the house today. This
the session. Dem ocratic senators are
w ill, it is believed, effectively bar Jap­
also considering th e a d visa b ility of
anese b odies from the U nited States
callin g a conference on the amendment
und settle the Japanese school question.
and m aking it a party measure.
Saturday, February 16.
Wednesday, February 13.
Washington, Fob. 16.— The Adm inis­
Washington, Feb. 13.— The senate
tration plan to settle the Califorma- I today passed a b ill g iv ih g the govern
Japaneso situation was approved in the m ent the righ appeal to the 8u
senate today by the adoption o f the sen­ prem e court for a construction o f the
ate committee report on the immigra­
constitutionality o f any law in volved in
tion bill. This report continues a pro­
T h is measure has
vision which authorizes the president to 'a crim in al suit.
exclude Japanese laborers from the been under consideration for several
United States at his discretion. The re­ days ami was passed o n ly after many
port w ill now go to the house fo r its amendments had been adopted a t the
approval, which is assured. The entire suggestion of senators who have criti
day was devoted to debate on the re­ cized the provisions of the b ill.
T h e D istrict of Colum bia appropria
tion b ill, ta rryin g n early $11,000,000
Washington, Feb. 16.— In the discus­ was passed after an hour's considera­
sion o f the postoflieo appropriation bill tion.
in the house today Overstreet said the
T h e b ill establishing an agricultural
committee had reached tho conclusion
that a reduction in the railway mail bank in the P h ilip p in es wus taken up
for consideration, but difficulty was en­
was absolutely necessary.
“ The railroads are tryin g to stam­ countered because the P h ilip p in e ta riff
pede the house,’ ’ he said, “ yet there b ill, which passed the houBe at the last
is not a scintilla o f evidence to show session, was interposed as an am end­
that the reduction is excessive. The m ent by McC/eary, o f Kentucky.
postal service w ill not be impaired in action resulted.
the slightest degree, and not a train
T h e first night session was held to­
will be cut off, notwithstanding the n igh t to consider p rivate pension b ills.
threats o f the railroad companies. There
lias not been a telegram received by the
W ashington, Feb. 13.— Headway was
members o f this house from a business made today by the house in its consid­
concern or a commercial body which h as' eration of the naval appropriation b ill,
not been prompted by the railroads, and ' and more than h a lf the b ill perfected.
fo r one I refuse to be stampeded by A number of points o f order were made
their threats or deflected by their en
and sustained against m inor provisions
in the b ill.
General debate on the bill was not
T h e appropriation for a steel floatin g
concluded when the house adjourned.
drydock to cost not exceedingg $1,400,-
000 was struck out of the b ill on
Friday, February 15.
W ashington, Feb. 15. — An agree­ p oin t of order, which was made by
ment to vote tom orrow on the confer­ M r. Mann, of Illin o is.
ence report on the im m igration b ill,
Tuesday, February 13,
which includes the provision intended
W ashington, Feb. 12.— The senate
to settle the C aliforn ia Japanese ques­ occupied the day in argument o f the
tion, was n ilch ed in the senate today b ill granting the governm ent the righ t
as the result o f an entire day of discus­ to take an appeal on points of law in
sion upon that measure.
crim in al rases. N o action was taken
T h e principal speakers were Bacon on the measure.
and T illm an in opposition to what they
The D istrict of Colum bia appropria­
regarded as an effort to prevent the tion b ill, carrying $10,724,523, an in ­
South from getting a desirable class of crease of $687,208 over the amount as
passed by the house, was taken up and
T illm a n ’ s remarks on the Japanese notice has been given th at the b ill w ill
question brought a warning from Lodge be put on its passage tom orrow.
that i f they w ete continued he should
move that the discussion proceed be­
W ashington, Feb, 12. — A fte r the
hind closed doors. International re­ passage of a number o f b ills under
ferences were not made afterw ard by unanimous consent the house today re­
T illm a n .
solved itself into com m ittee of the
whole to consider the naval appropria
W ashington. Feb. 15. — The house, tion b ill. A number of recommenda­
after a h igh ly interesting debate, today tions of the naval appropriations com­
passed the naval appropriation b ill, m ittee were elim in ated on points of
which carries in round numbers $06,- order. The arm y appropriation b ill,
000,000. Burton o f Ohio made an un­ the fortifications appropriations b ill
successful effo rt to strike out the pto- and the omniubs lighthouse b ill were
vision for an additional battleship of sent to conference,
the Dreadnaught type.
The naval appropriation b ill was con­
A n am endment by Foss was adopted, ! sidered by sections under tbe five-
lim itin g to $800,000 each the cost of minute rule.
two torpedo boot destroyers authorized
Seattle Fair B II Must Walt.
in the b ill, exclusive of armament.
W ashington, Feb. 12.— Senator Piles
Another amendment, also by Foss,
was adopted, p rovid in g that, of the today attem pted to call up Senator A n ­
vessels authorized in lsst year’ s naval I keny’ s b ill appropriating $700,000 for
b ill as w ell as in this year’ s, not more governm ent buildings and exhibits at
than one battleship and one torpedo the Seattle exposition, but was unsuc­
i>oat destroyer or tw o torpedo b o a ts ! cessful. H e has hopes o f passing the
shall be b u ilt by one contracting party. I b ill through the senate later this week,
T b s pnstotlice appropriation b ill was bnt It is understood no attem pt w ill be
taken up under an agreement that gen­ made to have It acted on by the house
before next w inter.
eral debate should cease at 12 noon.
Blood Humors
H o llo a .
T h ere never lived a more steady and
persistent grumbler than Reuben Halt.
Commonly cause pimples, boils, hives, eczema Not only the weather, the state o f bis
or salt rheum, or some other form of erup­
health and bis crops furnished him
tion; but sometimes they exist in the system,
with subjects, but the most reasonable
indicated by feelings of weakness, languor,
loss o f appetite, or general debility, without and lenient laws which could be con­
causing any breaking out.
structed raised discouteut in Reuben's
Hood’s Sarsaparilla expels them, renovates, mind.
strengthens and tones the whole system.
“ I dunno what they mean by telling
This is the testimony o f thousands annually
folks to cart their waste stuff over to
Accept no substitute, but insist on having
that dump nt the end o’ Grantham's
Woods Instead o' leaving it in
said, Indig­
in usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets Law ton sullar-bole," be
nantly, one day. "Supitose tbe sullar-
known as S a r s a t a b S . WO doses *L
liole does show up from tlie road, what
business has this town got to put an in­
T k s S u b t le D if f e r e n c e .
An earnest defender o f things Irish junction on folks dumping stuff in it ? '
asserts that tbe traditional bull o f Ire­
“ T h e town's bought tbe old Lawton
land Is not, as is commonly supposed, place,” said his neighbor, in the pacific
tbe expression o f a blundering Intelli­ tone people usually employed In nd-
gence. but, on tbe contrary, abows tbe dtlcssiiig Mr. Hall.
“ And I thought
exquisite feeling o f the Irish for fine you were one o f those thnt said 'twns
shades o f meaning. T b e trouble lies nti eyesore. Do you want to dump any
In the ears that bear It.
o’ your old junk In there, Iteub, tidy
“ I f ye were to be killed crossing a as you are?”
fence ye’d be nil right,” said n looker-
“ No, I don't wanter,” said Mr. Hall,
on to a fox-hunter whose horse bad s u llen ly; “ but I wanter have tbe right
turned bend over heels In the middle of lti onse I wanter, an’ I wanter know
s level pasture. "B ut If ye were killed why I haven’t got I t ”
on the flat o’ th' Held ye ’d never hold
up your had ngnln!”
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
F erry’ s 1907 S eed Annual N o w Ready
fo r F ree D itlribu tioi .
F erry’ s great Seed Book is now ready
for distribution. T h is is the book that
every farmer wants and waits for. It
makes no difference what other cata­
logues are received, farmers are not sat­
isfied until they get Ferry’ s, because it
contains better and fu ller inform ation.
F e rry’s Seed Annual, in fact, is really
more than a catalogue. I t differs from
tlie usual seed eatalouge inasmuch as it
really helps each farmer or gardener to
choose in telligen tly the varieties best
suited to his particular needs. The
wise selection of varieties results in
bigger, oetter paying crops. The ex­
perience gained in fifty years o f success­
ful seed grow ing is thus at your com­
For freshness, purity and relia b ility
Ferry’s Seeds are in a class by them ­
selves. They are known ail over the
land, and farmers everyw here have
coonfidence in the name of Ferry, and
know for a certainty that th e ir seeds
can be relied upon. They know that
every package hns behind it the repu­
tation ot a house whose business stand­
ards are the highest in the trade.
Just drop a postal to D. M . Ferry &
Co., Detroit, M ich., and ttiey w ill send
you ;i copy o f their 1907 Seed Annual.
I t ’ s absolutely free.
W ill
It T h en .
I travel on your road a good deal,”
said tlie cutler, "and I'd travel on it a
good deal oftoner if it wasn’t for its
;harp curves."
"W h at’s the matter with the curves?"
asked the elevated railway magnate.
"They ought to be provided with a
strong railing or something of that kind."
“ What for?”
“ So n train aouldn't run off the track
when it goes whizzing and grinding
around one of them, and fall to the street
"You've never heard of that happening,
have you?”
“ So— not yet.”
“ Well, when it does happen we'II put
something around those curves.
day.” — Chicago Tribune.
Take L A X A T IV E PROM O Q U IN IN E T ablet.
Druggists refund m oney if it fa il, to cure. E. W
GRO VE’S signature Is on each box. 25c.
H ad
O b se rved
Is It Y o u r
O w n H a ir?
Do you pin your hat to your
ow n hair? C a n ’ t d o it?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know A yer’s
Hair V ig o r! H ere’s an intro­
duction! May the acquaint­
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich,thick.glossy hair! And
we know you’ll never be gray.
“ I think that Ayer’s Flair Vigor la the moat
wonderful hairgrower that wua ever made. 1
have used it for aome time and I can truth­
fully say that I am greatly pleaaed with It. I
cheerfully recommend It aa a splendid prepa­
ration.“ — Mias V. B ro c k , Way land, Mich.
Made bv J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell. M m ,
Alao manufacturer» o f
m u
cherry pectoral .
PAZO O IN TM E N T is gusrentcod to cure any
case o f id lin g , blind, bleeding or protru ding
p ile» in 6 to 14 days or money refunded.50c.
«J o n a lc ie r a t t o n o f a M o t o r l a t .
W e. hold uo b rief fo r the m otorist
the Bystander says, but “ houor where
honor is due.” On a country road the
other day w e saw n motorist deliber­
ately avoid running over an animal on
the h igh w a y! T o be exact, it was a
circus elephant.— St. James Gazette.
prove their worth at harvest
time. A fter over fifty yearzof
success, they are pronounced
the best and surest by careful
planter* everywhere. Your
dealer sella them. 1867 Seed
Annual free on request.
Mpthers w ill find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup the beat rem edy to use fox their children
durlug the teething period.
A s t o n is h in g ;
Shake Into Your Shoes
A lle n ’s Foot-Esso. A powder. I t makes tigh
o r new shoes feel easy. I t is a certain cure for
sw eating, callous and hot, tired, ach ing feet
Bold by a ll Druggists. P rice 25e. T rial'pa ck
age m ailed FREE. Address A lle n 8. Olmsted,
LeK oy, N ew York.
S orro w *
th e
D. M. r i B K T 4 C * . M n K , M IA .
Ig n o ra n c e .
Musical Customer— What a fine old
specimen you have up there in that glass
case! Is it a Stradivarius?
New Salesman— Straddy what? Gosh,
m ister! Don’t you know a fiddle when
you see one?
P lu to c r a c y .
F irst M illionaire— Hard lines these
Second* M illionaire— Y es; our rela­
tives are waiting fo r us to die to go:
our money, and the rest o f the world
doesn’t want to w a it that long.— New
York Sun.
E I T 0 B** Vitus* Dtince and oil Nervous Diseases
r i I » permanently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great
Nerve Restorer. Hend for F R E E |2 trial botUe and
treatise. D IL K llm , Ld.,031 Arch fat., PhU*.,Pa.
R e a l is t i c .
Critick— Yes, D’ Auber Is home from
his trip to the Rocky mountains. He
put In most o f his time making sketches
o f tlie mountain peaks, li e showed me
a lot o f them.
A scum— How were they? Natural?
Critick— W ell, they’ re certainly rocky.
— Philadelphia Press.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
bv lo ca l applications as they can not reach the
diseased portion o f the ear. Th ere is o n ly one
w ay to cure dearness, and that is by constitu ­
tion al rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in ­
flamed cond ition o f the mucous lin in g o f the
Eu stachian Tube. W hen this tube is inflam ed
'ou h a v e a ru m blin g sound or im p erfe ct hear-
ng, and w hen it is en tire ly closoo, Deafness la
the resu lt, and unless the inflam m ation can be
taken o u t and this tube re to ie d to its norm al
condition, h earin g w ill be destroyed fo rev er; I
n ine cases ou t o f ten aro caused by Catarrh,
which is n oth in g but an inflam ed cond ition o f !
the mucous suriaces.
We w ill g iv e One H undred Dollars fo r any
case o f Deafness (caused by catarrh ) that can ­
not he cured by 11 a ll’a Catarrh Cure. Bend fo r
Circulars, free.
F. J. C H E N E Y A CO., Toled o , O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
H a ll’s Fam ily l'ills are the beat.
W h e n y o u bi^y
, r /t
you w an t
c o m p le t e
p r o t e c t io n
a n d lo n g
s e r v ic e .
These and many
" //
other g o o d points
&re com bined In
T O W E R 'S
You can't afford
to buy any other
«w it»
I * » ” I
AjTowta co eoaroNus*.
T O W tR C A N A D IA N CO 1
----- TQ^Njy,.
Wonderful Hone
This wonderful Chi­
nese Doctor Is called
Kri ttt because he cure«
people without opera­
tion that arc R veu up
to die. He cures whh j
those wonderful Chi­
nese herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vegetables
i hat are entirely un­
known to medical acl-
ence In this country through the
harm!esa n-medles. This I «m j u s doctor k n ow s
t he action o f over fiOO dilYen uk remedies, w hich
he uses succr ssflitly In different diseases. Me
guaran ees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat
rh< uniat Ism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kid­
neys, etc.; has hundreds o f testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and aee him. Pa tents
out o f the city write for blanks and circulars.
Bond stamp. C O N SU LTA TIO N FBKJfi.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
163)4 Tint SL. S. E. Cor. Morrison
Portland, Oraeoe,
Mention paper
“ It ’s such hard work to talk through
this telephone!” exclaimed Air.*. Iligh-
1 hadn't noticed that,” said Mr. Iligh-
mus, who had been listening patiently for
five minutes at the other end of the wire.
O m is s io n s o f H la t o r y .
It may be a little hard to hear through,
The good people o f Salem had just
my dear, but it doesn’t seem to have in­
terfered with the flow of your conversa­
“ According to the census,” they said,
“ there are too many women in Massachu­
setts, anyway.”
O f In t e r e s t to W o m e n .
In order to make a show of being im­
Every woman naturally should be healthy
and strong, but a great many women, partial, however, they looked around for
unfortunately, are not, owing to the un­ Wizard Burbank, but he had escaped to
natural condition o f the lives we 1 ad. California.
Heada he, backache and a general tired
When Sherman, Clay & Company, the
condition are prevalent amongst the
old Pacific Coast Piano House, which
wornqri of today and t* re ieve these
has been doin g business at the corner
conditions women rush to th i druggists
of Kearney and Butter streets, Ban Fran­
for a bottJ • o! some preparnlio i supp nc<i
cisco, for over th irty-five years, pur­
chased the Piano business o f the A llen
to be particularly for them, and contain- ;
A G ilbert-Ram aker Co., It was every­
ing nobody knows what. I f they would!
where adm itted that it was the most
ust get a b >x o f Brandreth’s Pid-, and j
significant, tranvaction ever announced
;ake them regularly every night for a time j H I C K S • C H A T T E N
concerning the music business of the
Pacific Northwest.
W ashington, Feb. 18.— The Navy de­ all their trouble would disappear, ns these I
pills regulate the organs o f the feminine j Sf- IRR) 1*0 M » i. V/»
' r a i . U M i l l a*
im portant, be -ause Sherman, Clay A
Thnrsday, February 14.
partm ent was informed today by cable
ysteni. (The s me dose has the same
Company are so w ell known as a
Washington, Feb. 14. — The naval that the oruiser Chicago had arrived at effect, no matter how long they are used.
staunch, reliable firm.
They have a
«me price system, every Piano is mark­
FIRE and Earthquake
appropriation b ill occupied the entire | Aoajutla, Salvador, w h ilh er she had Brandreth’s Pills h ve been in use for
ed in plain figures. A ch ild can buy a
■ destroyed
tim e of the house today, and it was al­ , been sent from Magdalena liay to look over a century and nre sold in every
Piano from Sherman, Clay A Company
. Ft ancisco
drug and medicine store, plain or sugar-
Just as safely as can a state senator, and
jtahliMhed over .‘W \ears
most com pleted. The single rem aining after Am erican interests during the e x ­ coated.
at tlie same price.
They are Pacific
■ago, but Dr. P ieree’s
*>ction is that increasing the naval es­ isting friction between Nicaragua and
Coast agents for the famous Steinway
" famous Electric Belts
standard makes
tablishm ent. I t was allow ed to go | Honduras.
The vessel w ill be kept
such as the Knabe, Everett, Mason A
__ ___
t »'
be hail by addreHaing
L ittle K itty, who bad happened to be
over until tom orrow , when it is expect­ 'w ith in reath o f cable connection with
H am lin . Hardman, A. H. Chase, Fischer,
Send for
¿ ¡IJ E a
DR. P IE R C E A BON, 1417
Packard. Conover, Lu dw ig. Kingsbury,
Chestnut St., Alam eda, Cal.
ed an effort w ill he made to reduce the the departm ent for a few days, ready to tbe only one at home when the atran NtwGreaUr
Estey. Em erson, S terling, W ellington ,
Keep this for reference.
gera called, was trying
to describe Today
number o f battleships provided for in meet any demands upon her.
H u ntin gton and Mendelssohn.
Estey, Packard and Chicago Cottage
them. “ One o f ’em was a good deal
Organs, Piano Players and V icto r T a lk ­
C o n g re ss L e a d ers to Help.
in g Machines.
N e w Santo Domingo Treaty.
he‘s the one that did the talking. He
W hen you visit Portland, Bpokane,
W ashington, Feb. 13.— That the San
W ashington, Feb. 13. — The presi­
Tacoma. Seattle, Everett, Bcilinahani
Francisco school question w ill be aet- dent today sent to the senate the new wanted to know when you’d be back.”
or Han Francisco, you should call and
How did he look?” asked her fath­
see the Pianos exhibited by Sherman,
tled is the general opinion in official treaty w ith the repubplic o f Santo Do­
( ’ lay A Co. Th eir Portland store is op-
clrceis. M ayor Schmitz and his asso­ m ingo relative to the revenues o f that er. “ Did he have any beard?”
M a t d the postoffice, Sixth and M orri­
N o ; he was barefaced.”
son streets.
ciates received a message from the pres­ country. It sets forth in the preamble
How about tbe older man? W as he
ident saying he desired to confer w ith the fact that Santo
Domingo lias
them today at 2:45 o'.clock . Secretary entered upon an agreement w ith her barefaced, too?”
Kind o’,” said K itty, remembering
Root had a long conference w ith Speak­ creditos which is mode contingent upon
er Cannon and w h ile both declined to j the fact that this county shall collect his shaggy brown beard; “ only he was
talk, it is the general b elie f that the the money and it is then ageed that the grizzly bear faced.” ________
Japanese school question was discuss­ j president of the United States shall ap-
D O N ’ T D E S P A IR .
ed. It is adm itted that communica­ j point a representative o f the govern-
tions have been exchanged between the I ment as receiver general to take charge
Read th* Experience o f a Minnetot*
Japanese ambassador and Root.
o f a ll the funds collected.
Woman and T * k * Heart.
iz possible if the seed be judiciously planted.
Eight H ours for Canal.
Says Town Fired on Hospital.
I f ynur back aches, anil you feet sick,
Southern Alberts, Cnnada, lint demonstrated beyond a doubt
W ashington, Feb. 12. — Chairman
W ashington, Feb. 12.— The “ shoot­ languid, weak and miserable day after
that it ia tlie greatest cereal grow ing country on the continent,
Shonts, Secretary T a ft and R . R. R og­ ing up” o f Brow nsville was in the form
dav — don ’t worry.
and "A lb e rta lied W h ea t” grown there took both the Gold and
ers, general counsel for the Isthmian | of an attack on the garrison at Fort
Doan’s K idn ey P ills
Bronze medals at the Portland Kzpoaition.
Canal commossion, were before the ( Brown, according to the testim ony giv-
have cured thousand*
The Canadian Pacific R ailw ay Company has 3,000,000 acres
house com m ittee on interstate and for­ ' en today „by M ingo Sanders, ex-first
o f women In the same
o f the best of land, irrigable and non-irrigable, just east of Cal­
eign commerce today
M r. Rogers and sergeant of Company B, o f the Twenty-
M r*. A .
gary, Alberta, which they are selling at from $12 to $15 per acre
Heim an, o f Fti 11 wat­
M r. T aft both stated that the eigh t hour fifth in fan try. Sanders said that, w h ile
er, M inn., says: “ But
law would apply on the isthmus under he was running from liis quarters to
lor non-irrigable and $18 to $25 per acre for irrigable.
K idney
the proposed contract.
W hen M r. Company B barracks, after being awak­
I .and* sold by them three months ago at thcae prices are now
P i I la I would not be
Rogers was asked what the
total ened by firin g on the night o f August
now being held by tlie purchasers at $50 per acre and upwards.
liv in g
now. They
amount kprobably would be on which 13, the shooting was going on, and it
The- harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just as
cured me in 1809 and
the contractor
per came from the town and was to­
certain as tlie harvesting o f cereals.
I ’ ve been well since,
cent age, he said he had made no esti­ ward the hospital on the m ilita ry res­
used to have aueh pain in m y hack
If yon are interested drop a card to the address below for
that once I
The kidney recre- literature fully describing the opportunity of tlie age.
tlona were much disordered, and I waa
Favors Lessing the Rang*.
Berry Favors Excluding Smoot.
Washington, Feb. 13.— Without con­
Washington, Feb. 12.— Berry, of A r­ ao far gone that I waa thought to bn at
Since Doan's K idney
tinuing its bearing upon the Burkett kansas, addressed the senate yesterday death’ s door.
54 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary, Alberto, Canada.
amendment to the agirultural appoprl- In oppoeition to Smoot’s retention of Pitta cured me I feel as if I had been
ation b ill providing for the leasing of his seat. Berry disclaimed any politi­ pnlled back from the tom b .”
Be m t i to mention this paper when writing.
Sold by all dealers.
50 centa a box.
the pnblic grazing lands, the senate cal or religion* prejudice which might
committee agreed to adopt the amend­ contribute to hi* opposition.
Ho con- Foster-M ilbum Co., Buffalo, N. V .
T S .
Harvesting Dollars
T h e K i n d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t h a s b o r n e t h e s ig n a ­
tu r e o f C h a s . H . F le t c h e r , a n d h a s b e e n m a d e u n d e r h is
p e rs o n a l s u p e rv is io n f o r o v e r BO T e a rs . A l l o w n o o n e
t o d e c e iv e y o u in th is . C o u n te r fe its , I m it a t io n s a n d
“ J iiH t- a s - p o o d M a r e b u t E x p e r im e n ts , a n d e n d a n g e r th e
h e a lth o f C h ild r e n —E x p e r ie n c e a g a in s t K x p e r im e n t .
What is C A S T O R IA
C n s fo r iii is a h a rm le s s s u b s titu te f o r C a s to r O il, P a r e ,
g n r ir . D r o p s a n d S o o th in g S y ru p s.
I t is P le a s a n t. I t
e o n ta in s n e it h e r O p iu m , M o r p h in e n o r o t h e r X a r c o t ie
su b s ta n c e . I t s a g e is Its g u a r a n te e . I t d e s tr o y s W o r m s
a n d a lla y s F e v e r is h n e s s . I t c u re s D ia r r h o e a a n d W i n d
¿ 'o lio . I t r e lie v e s T e e t h in g T r o u b le s , e u re s C o n s tip a tio n
a n d F la tu le n c y . I t a s s im ila te s t h e F o o d , r e g u la t e s t h e
S to m a c h a n d B o w e ls , g i v i n g h e a lt h y a n d n a tu r a l s le e p .
T h e C h ild r e n ’ s P a n a c e a —T h e M o t h e r ’ s F r ie n d .
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company, Ltd.
ment. Several amendments to the Bur­ ! fined his argument primarily to s dis­
kett proposition were adopted however, cussion of the constitution«! power of
designed to protect the interests ot the the senate to expel Smoot, holding that
The policy oat lined, J ary senator “ could he excluded by a
which I* favored by the president, was majority vote of the members of that
ageed upon by s bare majority.
j body.’ ’
sre t — 4% brighter mn4 f noter colora thon any other dye. One 10c pocha«*
to t h e perfect reaolts.
A»h dealer, or
ill send poat paid at 10c «
oda colora.
wool and cotton
Write fo r froo
woN and l i