The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, December 20, 1906, Image 3

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Does Whm
Other Stoves
Fail to Do
P & i í i jj * S<V>ú3'¡
In almost every houre there is
a room tliat the heat from the
other stoves or furnace fails to
reach. It may be a room on
the “ weather” side, or one having no heat
connection. It may be a cold hallway. No mat­
ter in what part of the house— whether room or
hallway—it can soon be made snug and cozy with a
Oil Heater
(E q u ip p e d w i t h S m o k e l e s s D e v ic e )
Unlike ordinary oil heators the P e r f e c t i o n gives satisfaction
First and foremost it is absolutely safe— you cannot
turn the wick too high or too low. Gives intense heat without
smoke or smell because equipped with smokeless device.
Can be easily carried from room to room. As easr
to operate as a lamp. Ornamental as well as useful.
Made in two finishes—nickel and japan. Brass oil fount
beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9
hours. There's real satisfaction in a Perfection Oil Heater.
Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer’s write our ,
nearest agency for descriptive circular.
T llC
jR&yo L a m
m akes the h om e bright.
the safest ami best lam p
fo r all-round household
use. G ives a clear, steady
ligh t. Kitted w ith latest
im proved burner. M ade o f brass throughout and n ick e l plated.
K very lam p warranted.
Suitable fo r library, d in in g room ,
parlor or bedroom . I f uot at your dealer’s w rite to nearest agency.
p I
D o S p ille rà L i k e M u alcV
It has often been said that spiders
•re fond of music, but a French Inves­
tigator, M. Lecalllou, now asserts that
this Is not true. He says that their
musical sense must be attributed mere­
ly to greed or to hunger. When a tly
Is caught In a spider’s web it buzzes,
and the spider immediately makes for
the place from which the buzzing
comes. M. Lecalllou, by experimenting
with a violin, some flies, a plano, vio­
loncello and a cornet, found that only
those musical sounds which resemble
the buzzing o f the flies attracted the
spiders. The cornet, for instance, In­
variably frightened it, and so did the
Each o f Germany’s eight colonies, ex­
cept Samoa, receives a subsidy greater
than the revenue it yields.
H is
M an u factu re.
Sir William Bailey “ played this otf,H
ns he expressed it, at a dinner at which
the late Cardinal Vaughan sat near to
him. “ Where did you get that bit of
history from ?” the cardinal asked. “ I
didn’t get it from anywhere,” Sir W ill­
iam answered. “ I make history us I
go on.”— Manchester Guardian.
W o r th K n o w in g .
That A llcock ’s Plasters are the highest
result o f medical science and skill and in in­
gredients and m -thod have never been equ­
aled. That they are the orignal and genuine
porous plasters upon whose reputat on im i­
tators tiade.
That they never fail to perform their rem­
edial work quickly and effectually.
Tliat for Weak Back, Rheumatism, Colds
Lung Trouble, Strains and all Local 1 aim
they are invaluable.
That when you buy A llcock ’s Plasters
you ob;ain the best plasters mude.
T r o u b le
A head.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’ s toothing
Byrup the best remedy to use for their children
during tho teething period.
“ I see that Vienna sausages must be
canned In Vienna and French surdiuea
in France.”
“ Yes, but there’s going to be trouble
M any a True W ord.
When, a few years ago, someone in when they insist that Turkish cigar­
an idle jest worded an advertisement ettes must be made in Turkey.” — Cleve­
for a housemaid saying that the ad­ land Plain Dealer.
vertiser would a ltd could give ‘‘ refer-;
In Ireland there are 211,000 widows, as
ences” we nil laughed and thought
It too funny to be true. Hut it was compared with only 88.000 widowers.
prophetic. Recently in the newspaper,
Of the children attending German
of a suburban city an advertisement ap -1
[»eared for a cook and n housemaid, and schools 1 V 6 per cent stutter.
the one in want of the servants added
in a manner unmistakably meant to be
persuasive “ first change in ten years.”
But who among us feels like laughing
now? Rather it is sobering in its e f­
For Infants and Children.
fect upon us, since it but tells in one
more way a story that is vexing a n d : The Kind You Have Always Bought
perplexing thousands o f housekeepers
In the State.— Boston Transcript
B abel
M e x ic o .
After answering the telephone nnd
Spent O ver $ 1 0 0 in a Vain Search
talking Spanish into it without appar­
fo r Health,
ently getting results, the clerk at a
MI bb Frances Gardner, of 369 Jackson hotel hung up the receiver and re­
Boulevard, Chicago, Ills., writes:
marked :
“ Gentlemen:
I heartily endorse
“ My Spanish Isn't the best In the
Doan’ s K i d n e y
world, I know', but I should think a
Pills, as I have
man would know bow to talk at least
found by personal
The fellow just talking to me over the
e x p e r i e n c e that
phone couldn't talk enough Spanish to
they are an ideal
kidney remedy. I order a meal, and to save me I couldn't
Buffered with com­ make him understand, although 1 know
plications of kid I used correct language. While lie was
ney complaint for talking an American rushed Into the
nearly five years, hotel and up to the desk. “ Say,” he
spent over $100 on said, “ can't anyone here talk English.
useless remedies, I Just tried to telephone here and the
while five boxes of Doan’ s Kidney Pills idiot trying to talk Spanish over the
cured me in a few short weeks.
I am phone knows mighty little about the
now enjoying the beet of health, have a language.”
fine appetite, the best of digestion, and
"I was talking to you," said the
restful sleep, all due to your splendid clerk.
p ills.”
When apologies were made the con­
Sold by sll dealers.
50 cents a box. versation continued In English.— Mexi­
Foster-Uilbnrn C o., Buffalo, N. Y .
can Herald.
W h en the b lood is pure, fresh and healthy, th e sk in w ill be soft, sm ooth
and free from blem ishes, but w hen som e acid h u m or takes ro o t in the circu ­
lation its presence is m anifested b y a sk in eruption o r disease.
hum ors g e t into th e b lood , gen era lly because o f an in a ctive o r slu g g is h
co n d ition o f th e m em bers o f th e b o d y w hose d u ty it is to c o lle c t and carry
o ff the w aste and refuse m atter o f th e system . T h is u nh ealth y m atter is left
t o sou r and ferm ent and soon th e circulation becom es ch a rged w ith th e acid
poison . T h e b lo od begin s to th row o ff th e h um ors and a cids th rou gh the
pores and gla n d s o f the sk in , p rod u cin g Eczem a, A cn e, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Salt R h eum and sk in eruptions o f variou s kin ds. E czem a appears, u su a lly
w ith a s lig h t redness o f the sk iu follow ed b y pustules from w h ich there
flow s a s tic k y fluid th at dries and form s a crust, and th e itch in g is intense.
I t is g e n era lly o n th e back, breast, face, arms and legs, th ou g h oth er parts
o f th e b o d y m a y b e a ffected In Tetter the sk in dries, cracks and b leed 3 ;
the acid in the b lo od dries u p the natural o ils o f the sk in , w hich are intended
to k eep it so ft and plian t, ca u sin g a dry, feverish con d ition and g iv in g it a
hard, leathery appearance. A cn e m akes its appearance on th e face in the
form o f pim ples and b la ck heads, w hile
I s u ffe r e d w i t h E c s c m a fo r f o r t y
y e a r , a n d c o u ld find n o th iu ff t o Psoriasis com es in sca ly patches on differ­
c u r e m e u n t il I t r ie d 8 . 8 . 8 .
I ent parts o f the b od y
One o f the w orst
s u ffe r e d i n t e n s e ly w i t h t h e Itc h -
i n » a n d b u r n i n g : p u s t u le ., w o u ld form s o f sk in trouble is Salt R h e u m ;
f o r m f r o m w h ic h t h e r e flo w e d a its favorite p oin t o f attack is th e scalp,
s t i c k y flu id ; c r u e t , w o u l d c o m . o n
P oison Oak
t h . s k i n a n d w h e n s c r a t c h e d off som etim es ca u sin g baldness.
th e a k in w a s l e f t . a r o w a s a pleco and Iv y are a lso disagreeable ty p es o f skin
c f b e e f. I s u ffe r e d a g o n y l a th e
T h e h um or p rod u cin g the trouble
I o n a y e a r . I w o e a fflic te d , b u t disease.
w h e n I u s e d 8 . 8 . 8 . I fo u n d a p e r ­ lies dorm ant in the b lood th rou gh the
fe c t e u r o . T h . r . h e . n e v e r b een
W in ter to break o u t and torm ent the
a n y r e t u r n c f t h . t r o u b le .
C . IX. E V A N S ,
suffererw ith the return o f S p rin g . T h e best
S t o c k m a n , ITob.
treatment fo r all sk in diseases is S . S. S.
It neutralizes the acids and rem oves the
hum ors so that the sk in instead o f b ein g
irritated and diseased, is nourished b y a
s u p p ly o f fresh, h ealth y blood.
. s
. s
a pplication s o f salves, washes, lotion s, etc.,
P U R E L Y V E G E T A B E w hile they sooth e the itch in g caused b y
skin affections, can n ever cu re th e trouble
because th ey d o n o t reach the blood. S . S. S. g o e s dow n in to th e circulation
and forces o u t every particle o f foreign m atter and restores th e b lood t o its
norm al, pu re con dition , thereby perm anen tly cu rin g every form o f skin
affection. B ook c n S k in D iseases and a n y m edical advice desired sen t free
to a ll w h o w rite. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class d ru g stores.
Monday, D ec 17.
Washington, Dec. 17.— A pictorially
illustrated message from
Roosevelt portraying conditions as he
found them on the isthmus of Panama
during his recent visit occupied the
senate during the greater portion of its
session today.
Printed copies of the
message, handsomely bound, were
placed on the desk of each senator ami
the reading of the document was closely
Preceding the Panama mes­
sage, the president’s recommendation
respecting public lands and the naval
personnel were received and read.
The senate agreed to the holiday ad­
journment resolution and will be in re­
cess from the end of the session Thurs­
day next until January 3.
Resolutions were agreed to directing
an investigation by the department of
Commerce and Labor of the Interna­
tional Harvester company to ascertain
whether it effects restraint of trade;
also directing the senate judiciary
com mittee to report what authority
congress may have under the commerce
clause of the constitution to prevent in­
terstate commerce in child-made goods.
W ashington, Dec. 17.— The house
began the last week before the Christ­
mas holidays with a determination to
dispose of as much legislation as possi­
ble, to make way for the more active
work which will devolve on it when
congress again convenes. To this end
several small bills were passed under
suspension of the rules. The Indian
appropriation bill was taken up and 15
of the 57 pages completed when it was
laid aside for the president’s message
concerning the Panama canal, which
consumed more than an hour in its
reading, being listened to by a large
number of members.
The pictorial feature of the message
afforded an opportunity for good na-
t ired comment, the innovation of cuts
in a state jmper being looked on with
favor. Messages from the president on
public lands uml the naval personnel
were also read.
Friday, D ec. 14.
Washington, Dec. 14.— But for the
cowardice of 100 members of Congress,
the house today would liave adopted the
amendment to the legislative appropria­
tion b ill increasing the salaries of sena­
tors uml representatives from $5,000 to
$7,500 per annum.
Practically every
man who voted against the increase did
so from fear tliat hiB vote would react
ami result in his defeat two years
hence, ami nearly every man who voted
negatively saw a grab in the legislation
proposed. The legislation was entirely
The three congressmen from W ash­
ington voted for the increase.
Hermann voted against it, but he would
not lx* a beneficiary. French, of Idaho,
was not present.
Representative Jones, of W ashing­
ton, tolay introduced a bill proposing
to increase by 20 per cent the salaries
of all civil service employes of the gov­
ernment on July 1 next.
The first salary amendment to the
legislative, executive and judicial ap­
propriation b ill today was moved by
Littauer, of Sew York, and was as fol­
“ On and after March 4, 1907, thé
compensation of the speaker of the
house o f representatives and vice presi­
dent of the United States sliall be at
the rate of $12,000 each.”
By a vote of 214 to 51 the amend­
ment was adopted. Littauer also in­
troduced an amendment increasing the
salaries of the members of the presi­
dent’s cabinet to $12,000 each, effective
on ami after March 4, 1907.
On division, the amendment was
adopted 204 to (10. Littauer also offer­
ed an amendment! increasing the salar­
ies of senators, representatives in con­
gress and delegattes from territories to
$7,600 per annum. On a rising vote
after considerable debate, the amend­
ment was defeated by a vote of 135 to
100 Doses $1
True only of Hcxxl's Sarsaparilla, the
one great blood purifier and general
tonic. This remarkable medicine haa
, effected many radical and permanent
velt used the weight o f his administra­ ' cures that are the wonder of the world.
tion to assist the Republican Mormon 1 It eradicates all humor* from pimplea
vote in the last election.
| to scrofula.
A b ill was passed providing regula­
tions for fishing vessels to prevent
collisions at sea.
Adjournment was
taken at 4 p. in. until Monday.
In usual Liquid [form or In chocolated
tablets known a» S a r s a ta b s . 100 doses $1.
W ashington, Dec. 13. — The house
> in'li D e a r i n c n . l v
today, on the request of Representa­
Grace (during storm )— I'm awfully
tive Pollard, of Nebraska, adopted a
resolution directing the judiciary com­ afraid o f lightning.
mittee to investigate the legal ques­
Lola— I dou't see why you should be.
tions involve«! in the much-criticized
Grace— Why not?
payment o f a sum of money to Mr.
Lola— Because there has to be some-
Pollaril for the period between March tiling attractive even for lightning.
4, 1906, anil July 18, 1906, at which
V a in H e v rrt.
time M ir. Pollard was elected to the
“ But, Bertie,” said bis mother, “ you
59tli congress, to succeed Hon. E . J.
Burkett, who was electetl to the senate. asked for two cakes and I gave them
A resolution was adopted calling to you. Aren't you satisfied?”
upon the secretary of the Interior for a
“ No, I ain't,” growled Bertie. “ You
a complete description of all public was so easy I'm kickin' meself ’cause
lands which have b«>en withdrawn or 1 didn't ask for four.” — Philadelphia
reserved from entry since July, 1906, Ixxlger.
together with the the reason for such
action. The report is desired tliat con­
gress may pass upon the president’s
recommendations for the withdrawal of
coal lands.
Representative Lacey, of Iowa, intro­
duced a bill nmking $12 the minimum
monthly pension to be paid veterans of
the war of 1861.
100 Doses $1
f i ft e e n t h C en tn rg M a n n er«.
The antiquary took down a small,
fat volume, vellum-hound, with a brass
"This Is a ‘ Book o f Manner*,’ ” he
said. “ It was printed lu 1476. Here
are a few extract».”
And he read:
"D o not gnaw a bone, like a dog,
uor suck the marrow out o f a bone.
“ In peeling a pear, begin at the
stalk; but with an apple, begin at the
: top.
“ Do not wipe the hands on the
clot has, nor suck them, but use the
“ When you drink, lift the cup in
both hands; you must not drink with
j one hand like a wagoner when he is
greasing his cart wheels.
"W ipe your nose and mouth when
you Imve drunk, and do uot cough Into
the cup.
“ Do uot ent an apple all alone, but
cut it In two and give a neighbor a
“ Do not use your own knife to cut
your meat If the host has set a knife
of his own at your place.
“ Do not spread butter on bread with
your thumb.”
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it— A yer’s Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
w h ic h ca u s e th is d ise a se .
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap­
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
to you — healthy hair, no dan­
druff,no eruptions.
The beet kind of a testimonial—
“ S o ld fo r OTer s ix t y years.'*
I. Ayer Oo., Lowell,
-auNoturera o f
¡T he L axative op
K nown Q uality
Wednesday, Dec 12
W ashington, Dec. 12.— The house of
representatives today went on record in
opposition to the new spelling as re­
commended by the president. By a
vote of 142 to 25 the follow ing was
adopted as a substitute for the item re­
ported by the appropriations com mit­
tee in the executive, legislative and ju­
dicial appropriation bill:
“ No money appropriated in this act
shall be useil in connection with print­
ing documents authorized by law or
ordereil by congress or any branch
thereof, unless the same shall conform
to the orthorgaphy recognized and use«l
by dictionaries of the English lan­
Washington, Dec. 12. — The senate
today confirmed the nominations of
W illiam H. Mtxxly, of Massachusetts,
to be an associate justice of the Su­
preme court of the United States;
Charles J. Bonaparte, of Maryland, to
be attorney general; Victor 11. Metcalf,
of California, to be secretary of the
navy, ami Oscar 8.. Straus, of New
York, to be secretary of commerce anil
The feature today was a speech by
Senator Rayner upholding the states’
rights iloctrines as involved In the
present Japanese question on the Pa­
cific coast.
Resolutions were agretxl to calling
upon the president for information re­
garding the seizure by Mexico o f the
fishing schooner Silas Stearns, and di­
recting the secretary of war to furnish
information regarding alleged experi­
ments with cholera virus at Manila re­
sulting in 10 or more deaths.
The senate in executive session rati­
fied the general act by the delegates of
the powers represented at the confer­
ence which met at Algeciras, Spain, in
April last, to draft a treaty concerning
Moroccan affairs.
Opposition by the
Democrat* compelled the adoption of a
resolution disclaim ing responsibility for
the participation of the United States
in the program arranged by the confer­
ence as to the future of Morocco.
There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual­
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist­
ance; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo­
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remediesof known quality andexcellence is the ever
pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasantsyrup,
in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con­
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor, it is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti­
pation and the many ills resulting therefrom, its active princi­
ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with
the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience
that it is a most excellent laxative remedy We do not claim that
it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really
represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed
to the quality of what they buy and the reasonsfor the excellence
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer
imitations of the
Genuine— Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of
the Company— California Fig Syrup Co.— plainly printed on the
front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only, j
Tuesday, Dec. II.
Washington, Dec. 11.— The question
of Senator Reeil Smoot’s right to a seat
as United States senator from Utah
was discussed by Senator Burrows in
the senate today for more than three
hours. The senator had carefully pre­ Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 1 0c package color* slllt* wool and cotton equally well and I*
pared liia B|x>ccii, which received the guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 1 0c a package. Write for freo booklet how to d y *
bleach and mix colors.
MONROE DRUG CO.* Unionville, Missouri.
closest attention throughout by a large
atteiulance of senators and crowdeti gal­
B unkoed.
C o n tin u o u s P o lit ic s .
leries. Smoot occupied his place in the
GASOLENE ENGINES 3 to 4 horse*
Church— A man recently paid $00,000
“ We must have a leader,” said a p ow er fu lly w arra n ted, 9125. All sizes au»l
chamber. No interruptions were made
tty les at low est prices. W rite tor catalog.
during the entire spe«x:h, which was an for a seat in the New York Stock Ex­ member of the mob.
arraignment of Morrnonism and the change.
“ What for?”
responsibility which attached to Smoot
“ So tliat we can have a revolution.”
Portland. Oregon.
“ O, yes, he got it.”
101 .
for Mormon principles as a member of
“ That’s all right, then. I ’ll bet I ’ve
After disposing of the salary ques­ ttie apostolic ixxfy in the church.
“ We’ ll put him in authority.”
paid more than that in my lifetime for
■ a n u r
All the best breed-
tion the house passed the legislative,
I A H Iir
mg and individuality.
“ And then?”
eiecutive and judicial appropriation
L A i IU L
Young slock on hood
Washington, Dec. 11.— This was a
“ Another leader, o f course, and an­
—Yonkers Statesman.
at all tim es. C orres­
field d -y for oratory in the house. The
pon d en ce
s olicited .
other revolution.” — Washington Star. .
HatiNfaction guaran-
executive, legislative and judicial ap­ C IT C Bt. Vitus* Panre nnd nil Nervous Diseased'
r l | 0 permanently cured by I>r. Kline’ s <ir«nt
Thursday, December 13.
propriation bill afforded an opportuni­ Nerve Restorer. Send for F R E E |2 trial bottle and
The rule of the Czar extends over twice
W ashington, Dec. 13. — The Benate ty for general debate covering a wide treatise. Dr. R. JL K lin . . Ld.,9ai Arch ML, P»illn.,Pu as much contiguous territory as any other
power in the world.
today listened to the second speech range of subjects, from a dissertation
It is officially reported that the growing
which has been made this session on Alfred Nobel, the founder of the No­
Best in America
against the continuance of Reed Smoot bel prize, to the raising of salaries of
We moke them
as senator from Utah.
It was deliv­ members of »ngress and including a successful.
W e d o n ot take orders and peddle ou r Ru bber
ered by Dubois, of Idaho, who, after discussion of simplified spelling.
Stam ps, Seals, Etc. W s m a n u l a c t u r e o u r
C o n fir m in g th e P o p u la r I inprenalon.
o w n g o o d s . <»ur equ ipm en t ix the newest
reviewing in detail the workings of the
The house at 5:05 adjourned until
Minnie,” said the young man, whose
and best m oney can buy. W rite today tor our
“ R u bber Stam p C atalogu e.”
Mormon hierarchy and Sm oot’s prom­ noon tomorrow, no action looking to heart was thumping violent’y, “ do you
timber buyers
iiyerz from all pert* o f th e
inent connection therewith, concluded the close of general debate on the bill know everybody—er---says— says—
cou n try . The*e men a
r c ’ in vestin g In
T H E I R W I N -H O D S O N C O .,
P o rtla n d . O r e g o n
with tho charge that President Rooee- having been taken.
that we— we are engaged T*
ft w ill nay you to w rite uh im m ed iately,
“ I suppose, Harold,” she answered,
UlYltlK l » * « i d .t c r ip lio n . s a d net pri« •
‘everybody thinks that— that we ought
Investigate Hill Lines in January.
Sell Indian Minor*' Land.
Address T im b er D epartm ent,
to he by this time.”
Dec. 12.— Chairman
Washington, Dec. 12. — Representa­
After that it wasn’t long iiLtil every­
Knapp, of the Interstate Commerce tive Jones today introduced a b ill au­ body knew it.
Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Co.
i T li S T S
[T m I t F P T F i
commission, said today that it had not thorizing the sale of the land of Indian
Lumber Exchange Bldg, Second Floor
fieen decided where or when the inves­ minors on petition of parents or guar­ Btwars of Ointments for Catarrh that
r U l A j T v M-’Í j
S. E. Cor. 2od ar.d Star« Sts.. PORTLAND, OREGON
SO «
tigation of the H ill lines will take dians onr of the Indian agent in eliarge,
m ercury w ill surely destroy the lonie of
place. It is known, however, that in­ subjei't to the approval of the secretary *e
sm ell a n d c o m p le te ly d eran ge the w h o le sys­
quiries w ill be made at St. Paul and of the interior. At present large areas tem w hen e n t e r in g i t th r o u g h th e m u cou s
surfaces. Such a r tic le s s i.o u ld n ev er be used
Chicago, ami it is probable that Com­ of land under government irrigation ex<
e p t o n p r e s c r ip tio n s fro m re p u ta b le p h y-
missioners Prouty and Lane will con­ projects arui in rich agricultural dis­ sk I a n s
th e d a m a g e th ey w ill d o is ten fo ld
For you in
duct them. It is not believed that the tricts are tied up tx>oause minors are H a ll's ( atarrh C u re, m a n u fa ctu re d by K. J.
*Oippilr<1 M I N E S
work w ill start much before January unable to utilize the land and nimble to < h eu ey & < o., T o le d o , O ., co n ta in s n o m ercu ry ,
A Few H undred
is taken in t e r n a lly , aetir g d ir e ctly Upon
C A STOCKTON, B ro k e'
15, after the Harriman investigations, dispose of it. The bill is intended par­ and
R ightly Invested
the b lo o d a n d m u c o u s »u rfa res o f th e system .
2 2 8 Lumber E «chart**
in w hich the inquiries will be made ticularly to dispose of the land of Indian In b u y in g H a ll’ s ( atarrh Cure tie sure you get
Means Riches.
the g n u in e. It is taken in te rn a lly , an d m ade
W rite Today.
probably December 26 or 27.
children on the Yakirna reservation.
In T o le d o , O h io, by F. I. C heney * Co. Testi­
Important to Timber Owners
m on ia ls free.
Edgar and Earl Both Fined.
Ship Subsidy by Easy S'ages.
Bold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottl*.
H a ll’s Fam ily Fills are the best. -
New York, Dec. 12.— C. Goodloe
Edgar and Edwin Earl, members o f the
firm of W illiam Edgar A Sons, sugar
denier* of Detroit, tolay in the United
States court pleaded guilty to accepting
rebates on sugar shipments.
were fined $6,000 each.
Edwin ami
Earl were indicted in connection with
the New York Central Railroad com ­
pany and ti e American Sugar Refining
company. The New York Central was
fined $108,000 and the sugar company
$18,000, after being convicted by jury
W ashington, Dec. 12. — Represcnta-
Y o u H a v e Seen T h e m .
tivde Orosvenor, cliuirman o f tiie house
First Flat Dweller— Those people
committee on rnerctahant marine and
fisheries, is engaged on a propose«! over there are always kicking ou the
amendment to the Gallinger ship sub­ mea I*.
Second Ditto— Then why don't they
sidy bill, «lesigneil to grant assistance
only to Oriental ami South American move?
lines. He sai«l tolay tliat he cxpw t*
fir s t Flat Dweller—They’ re the kind
to have the amended bill ready for the that would rather kick than e a t— D *
consideration of his I'ommittee at its trolt Free Press.
meeting next Thurs«lay. It is not be­
lieved, however, that the committee
will report any ship subsidy bill until
after Christmas.
S evens Talk* About Canal.
New York, Dec. 12. — John F. Stev­
ens, chief engineer, and J. G . Sullivan,
assistant ch ief engineer, of the Panama
Canal com m ission, arrived to la r on
the steamer Panama from Colon. They
expert to return early in January. In
speaking of the condition* on the isth­
mus Mr. Steven* said: “ There are at
work on the canal 17,000 men. The
heat workmen are the Italians and the
Spaniard*. There has not been a death
aince July, and very little aickneaa.”
Say Elkin* Law i* Dead.
Chicago, Dec. 12.— The fight o f the
Standard Oil company against the ten
indictment* against the Ktamlard Oil
company of Indiana which were re­
turned August 29, was commenced t o
«lay in the U nitol State* District court
before Judge Landis.
The attorney*
for the Htaivlard Oil company conteml
that section 10 o f the rate law passed
by congress June 29 repeal* the Elkins
law, under which the government is
bringing the action.
will give you com-
/ plete protection
tind long service
\bu cant afford
to buy any other
Every garment
Th. best flilw s sel H
aootM riciiitifs ci* raoouct '
: %
/ L i l I t\L
P. N. U
PRICE 8 9c A N D 5 0 .
L * We remove your bad teeth and broken
off old roots absolutely without pain E«ami«t-
etion and f «timetes Tree. Work the best. Prices
the Lowest.
Holid g
est. Molid
o ld Crown.94;
C row n.|4; Brtd
Bridge w ork,
9».M per r tooth ; u n id and Knamel F illin g , $1
and up; H
Rest Ru bber Plates, $7.A0 per set; g ood
mh »
Painless Extraction, 9
Third sod Couch Streets. Portland, Oregon.
\ 1 7 H K N w r i t i n g t o a d v a r t I ea rs
I f f
m e n t i« » » t h i s p a p e r .