NEWS OFTHE WEEK II I Condensed Form for Oar Bosy Readers. A Return* o f lh* L u * Important but Not L o * In U ru tin g Event* o f th* P u t W o k . J Mai 'eont Rnoeevelt and party ha« *i d*d ney of that institution in his bi­ State of Oregon. ennial report. This recommendation Resolved by the bouse, the senate con­ lias been made before and two attempts curring; have been made in the legislature to se­ That the following article, as an cure a cliange in the name, but in each amendment to the constitution of the instance the effort failed. Mr. Looney state of Oregon, be proposed and re­ also recommends the establishment of a ferred to the next legislative assembly, state school for wayward girls and the and if the same shall be concurred in construction of a cottuge for small boys by a majority of all the members elect­ so they limy be kept by themselves and ed to each bouse thereof, and shall not be thrown into association with afterward be ratified by a majority of larger boys. He asks for an appropria­ the electors of the state, then the same tion of $60,800 for the ensuing two shall be a part of the constitution of years. The appropriation for the past the state of Oregon: two years was $53,600. The number A R T IC L E I. of boys in the school is 106. Chaplain E. W . Bt. Pierre recom­ That article I, section 32 of the con­ mends tlmt the maximum age at which stitution of the state of Oregon, be and boys may be committed to tlie reform the same hereby is abrogated, and in school lx* raised from 16 to 18 years, so lieu thereof shall be inserted the lol- tliat, some boys now being sent to the lowing: state penitentiary limy lx- sent to the “ No tax or duty shall be imposed reform school and their reformation without the consent of the people or made more probable, but he would first their representatives in the legislative provide buildings in which the older assembly; and all taxation shall be boy h may be kept separate' from the equal and uniform upon the same class younger. Speaking of the proper Hcope of subjects within the territorial limits of the institution, he pays that “ the re­ of the authority levying the taxes.” form school should never he made a (Th e tw o jo in t resolutions presented are on the theory that the in itia tive amend­ convenience to anybody. Criminally drawn ment to the eonstitution subm itted in June, negligent parents should not be accom­ 1906, did not becom e a part of the eonstitution, having n either been proposed in the manner modated by being relieved of their chil­ provided by the constitution, nor h avin g re­ drens’ support and care without being ceived a m ajority o f all votes east, although proclaimed bar toe governor, if. in tne opinion made to ¡jay for it.” REFORM S C H O O L ’S NEW NAM E. or poverty, may, in the opinion of the atssessor, be unable to contribute to­ wards the public charges. 8. The personal property of every householder to the amount of $200, the articles to be selected by such house- | holder. im n m v e m e n t * 1 _______ .| C O U - erty to a to ta l o f |300, which is in practice found I ned no definition o f real property. This to be both a rbitrary and unequal. A da iry definition is taken in part from section 3057, farm er ow n in g 16 cows, $240; one horse, $15; B. A C. Comp. D efinition o f franchises and household fu rn itu re, $ 20 ; farm ing implements, inclusion as taxable property, specifically, is $25 [taxable valuta*), w ould have a total o f $300, n e w ; compare the Minnesota defin itio n o f real and only $90 would be exem pt. I f his property was a little differen tly distributed, thus: tw o property.) horses, $125; tw o cows, $30; ten sheep, $15; (Personal property— How Construed.) household furniture, $50; wagon and harness, Section 3. That section 3038 of the $50; farm ing im plem ents, $:ft), he w ou ld have $300* the same value, but a ll w ould be exem pt. Codes and Statutes of Oregon, compiled This is an actual case reported by one assessor and annotated by Hon. Charles B. Bel­ as a typical instance o f the unreasonable in e­ qu ality o f the present law as it is met every day.) linger and W illiam W. Cotton, be and the same hereby is amended to read as (Land in road boundary exempt.) Section 5. That section 3040 of the follows: The terms personal estate and per­ Codes and Statutes of Oregon, compiled sonal property shall be construed to in­ and annotated by Hon. Charles B. Bel­ clude all things in action, household linger and W illiam W. Cotton, and sec­ The president, vice president and furniture, goods, chattels, moneys, and tion 56 of an act approved February 24, oounsel of the Mutual Reserve Life In- gold dust, on hand or on deposit; all 1903, and found on page 262 et sequitur aurance company are on trial in New boats and vessels, whether at home or of the general laws of Oregon of 1903, York on a charge of grand larceny. abroad, and all capital invested there­ he and the same hereby are amended W h ile holding up passengers on a in ; all debts due or to become due from to read as follows: A ll lands within the boundary of any Chicago A Alton passneger train near solvent debtors, whether on account, G O LO IN TH E W REC K. Kansas City a bold robber was captured contract, note, mortgage or otherwise, county road, and all dedicated street« by the conductor and later turned over either within or without this state; all and alleys in any incorporated or unin­ Eastern Men Secure Concession from to the police. public stocks; all bonds, warrants, and corporated city or town, or town plat, M exico fo r Recovery n jneys due or to become due from this within this state, shall be exempt from Advices have just been received of a Mexico City, Nov. 27.— A special to state, or any county or other municipal assessment and taxation while used for disastrous tidal wave which followed subdivision thereof; and stocks and such purposes. an earthquake at German New Guinea. th Herald from Guadalajara says: (Exem pts lands in streets and alleys, as w ell B. F. Richardson, a capitalist of shares in incorporated companies, and as lands w ithin boundaries o f bounty roads, Many natives were drowned and the w h ile used for such purposes. The uniform Pennsylvania, and C. W . Johnston, a such proportion of the capital of incor­ property loss is enormous. practice, and supported by laws 1903, page 279, Delaware man, huve secured from the porated companies liable to taxation on sections 56 and 57.) Mrs. Stilwell, head of the Salvation Mexican government a conscession for their capital as shall not be invested in (Stocks in banks, loan and trust com­ Army rescue work in Chicago, beileves the recovery of the gold that [s till re teal estate; and all improvements made panies, etc., subject to taxation— o f the legislature, the amendm ent mentioned the bets way to cure vice in that city mains in the hull of the Golden Gate, was regularly adopted, the form of this end the by persons on lands claimed by them Where taxed.) would be to take pictrues of the fre­ the American ship that was beached on fo llo w in g jo in t resolution must be changed ac­ under the laws of the United States, Section 6. That section 1 of an act Good Showing o f Athena Mill cordin gly.) quenters of notorious places and publish the coast of Colima, a short distance the fee of which lands is still vested in entitled “ An act to fix the place of Athena— An idea of the magnitude of HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION No. — - the United States. them in the newspapers. from Manzanillo, in the winter of 18(11 assessing national bank stock and pri­ the busineHS done at the flouring mills (A dds to form er statutory rule as to taxable Amendment to the Constitution of the things The American Insurance company 62. Mr. Richardson is now in this included in the term, things in action; vate banks, loan and trust companies,” of the Preston-Barton M illing company city. Mr. Johnston recently left Ban State of Oregon. has been tsirred from doing further bus­ state, county or m unicipal bonus, warrants, approved February 24, 1903, be and the at this place may be had from the rec­ and claims, and im provem ents on claim ed iness in Massachusetts and the justice Francisco for the scene of the wreck, ords of the company’» office, which Resolved by the house, the senate con lands—the latter provision transferred from B. same hereby is amended to read as fol­ accompanied by divers and other assist A C. Comp., section 3058.) of the State Supreme court says con- lows: curring: »how that .'1 1 )6 car» were »hipped over panic* must show that they can protect ant*. Shares of stock of national hanks That the following article, as an ( What property is exempt from taxa­ the Washington & Columbia River rail­ The Golden Gate was on the way before they w ill be allowed to continue shall be assessed to the individual tion.) road from January 1 to November 1 of amendment to the constitution of the from San Francisco to New York, and writing policies. this year. Up to October 1 290 car» state of Oregon, be proposed and re­ Section 4. That section 3039 of the shareholders at the place where the tarried nearly $1,500,000 in gold coin Shares of stock of were »hipped over the Oregon Railroad ferred to the next legislative assembly, Codes and Statutes of Oregon, compiled bank is located. A large Bcetion of the crater of Vesu­ destined for New York hunks. W h ile Elk Protected by Law. vius lias caved in. Balem— Overlooking an act of the & Navigation conqiany’» road, making and if the same shall be concurred in and annotated by Hon. Charles B. Bel other banks and interests in banking heading north toward Manzanillo fire a total of 686. Thin m ill turn» out by a majority of all the members elect­ linger and W illiam W. Cotton, as the capital, building and loan associa­ France has ordered a squadron of broke out aboard the vessel, and in an special session of the Oregon legislature about 050 barrels of flour every 24 ed to each house threeof, and shall af­ same is amended by an act entitled tions and trust companies, shall be ill 1903, cpiite a number of people have attempt to save the passengers the ship warship* to Tangier, Morocco. terward be ratified by a majority of the “ An act to amend section 3039 of Bel assesseud to such bank, building and was run ashore. However, nearly 200 gained the impression that, after Janu­ hour» when running full capacity. electors of the state, then the same linger and Cotton’ s Annotated Codes loan associations, or trust copmanies, Justice Gaynor, of New York, ad­ persons were either burned to death or ary 1, 1907, it w ill lie lawful to kill shall be a part of the constitution of and Statutes of Oregon,” approved Feb­ or to their owners or stockholders, as vocates imprisonment for rebating. drowned. Of the amount aboard the elk, and it is known tlint several hunt­ Replace Santiam Bridge. the state of Oregon: ruary 24, 1903, and as amended by an by law provided, at the place where 'R ussia and Jipnn have disagreed ship, between $800,000 anti $000,000 ers are planning to go to the mountains Albany— The recent high water in act entitled “ An act to amend an act such banks, building and loan associa­ But the the Santiam w ill cost Linn county at A R T IC L E I. was recovered some time later. It is elk hunting after that date. over their fid.erie i aud talk of war. tions, or trust companies are located. believed that there still remains in the legislature of 1903 anticipated a lapse least $5,000 as it w ill take more than That article IX , section 1 of the con­ entitled ‘ An act to amend section 3039 (B. A C. Comp., section 3042 was superceded A plot lias been unearthed in Seivia hulk of the vessel at least $500.000 in in the law protec-ting elk by enacting a that amount to replace the span washed stitution of the state of Oregon, be and of Bellinger and Cotton’s Annotated in part by Laws 1903, page 286—if the title of which was Jnten led to unseat King the latter act is broad enough to cover the last law which extends the protec-tion until out of Sanderson’s bridge, on the South the same hereby is abrogated, and in Codes and Statutes of Oregon,’ approv­ sentence gold. __________________ therein. The section proposed fo l­ Peter. September 15, 1907, and after that time Santiam, nine miles east of Albany. lieu thereof shall be inserted the fol­ ed February 24, 1903,” which last lows the act o f 1903, ch anging the word “ stoex- holders” —o f national b a n k s -to “ sharehold­ named act was filed in the office of the elk may lx- killed only from September Spain denies that u secret treaty has The county court has determined to lowing: ers” in analogy to the national banking act. W OULD BUY CABLE. 15 to October 15, and only one ina sea­ build a new span 200 feet long to re­ been entered into with France regard­ “ Taxes shall be levied on such prop­ secretary of state December 24, 1903, Provides that shares o f stock in private banks, etc., shall be assessed to such bank, etc., or to being found upon page 28 et sequitur of son by any person. ing Morocco. place the 117-foot span washed out. erty as shall be preesribed by law. The its stockholders, as by law provided.) Telegraph Company Reeks to Acquire The bridge w ill then probably be safe legislative assembly shall provide by the general laws of Oregon, special ses (Lands sold by state listed to contrac­ The recent session of theVTrans-Mis- Government Wire in Alaska. sion of 1903, be and the same hereby is from further ravage» by the stream. law for uniform and equal rate of as Spraying Decision Satisfactory. tor.) sissippi congress at Kansas^Oity was amended to read as follows: Portland, Nov. 27.— I f congress will McMinnville— Nothing recently lias Construction of the new »pan will begin sessment and taxation upon the several Section 7. Lands held under a con­ the best yet held. The following property shall be ex­ authorize the sale of the government given the conscientious fruit raisers of as soon as possible for a large section of classes of subjects of taxation within tract for the purchase thereof, belong­ A street car Strike at Hamilton, cable which reaches from Beattie to empt from taxation: this county more real joy than the de­ country is cut off from the county seat. the territorial limits of the authority ing to the state, county, or municipal­ Ont., caused serious riots and troops Howard, with branches to Juneau and 1. A ll property, real rfhd personal, levying the taxes; and shall prescribe ity, and school and other state lands, cision of tlie courts giving to fruit in­ had to be called out to restore order. of the United States and this state, ex­ Bkagway, the North American Tele­ spectors the right to compel spraying. such regulations as shall secure a just Granite Ha* Money in Bank. shall be considered, for all purposes of cept land belonging to this state held A discharged Cuban chief of police graph & Cable company w ill lay an­ Yam hill has many fine on-hards that Granite— (iranite probably bears a valuation for taxation of all property taxation, as the property of the person has taken to the field with a band of other wire from Beward to Vladivostok. are kept in excellent *hape, but the old distinction that no other town in the taxed, except property specifically under a contract for the purchase so holding the same; and the improve­ thereof. followers. Rural guards are^pursuing. The conqiany stands ready to purchase time moss covered on-lmrd is ulso here state can boast of. The city has sever­ taxed.” ments thereon shall be considered as 2. A ll public or corporate property the government table, together with al hundred dollars in the treasury, with real property for all purposes of taxa­ I t is said that£Hir Ilendy Campbell- 1,400 miles of land lines, for $2,180,- in great numbers and the wormy pro- A B IL L of the several counties, cities, villages, tion, and be considered as the property Bannerman w ill resign as premier of 500, which represents the actual cost. luc-t of the latter spoils the good name all it« debts paid, and yet there has For an act to provid e a m ore efficient and towns, and school districts in this state never been a cent of tax levied for the equitable system tor the assessment of proper­ of the person so holding the same; the British cabinet and take a place in To extend the cable to Vladivostok will of the former. The big red apple will for ta xa tion ; defin in g property subject to used or intended for corporate purposes, and no deed shall ever be executed un­ grow to perfection in the rich soil of maintenance of the city government ty the houte of lords. taxation and property exem pt th e refro m ; de­ except lands belonging to such public cost approximately $1,500,000. since the incorporation of the town. fin ing the dutii til all taxes and municipal charges are Yamhill if only given a c-hanee. ties o f the th county assessor, and J. T. Flynn, secretary of the North Hungary has decided to close all the The installation of electric light» is one prescribing tlie manner o f m aking the assess­ corporations held under a contract for fully paid thereon. ment of property by him assessed for the pur­ the purchase thereof. Cunard steamship agencies in that American Telegraph & Cable company, (N e w ; but com pare Laws W ashington, 1897, of the improvements being considered poses of ta x a tio n ; requ iring a ll persons, and Test Barley in Valiey 3. The personal property of all lit­ section 27, page 149. It appears from a certifi­ country, as they encourage emigration, is in Portland en route from Beattie to by the city fathers and one that w ill the m anaging agent or officer o f any corpora­ cate o f the clerk o f the .state land board, N o­ tion or association liable to be assessed by him, Salem— In order to raise brewing erary, benevolent, charitable, and sci­ vem ber 10, 1905, that the state’s outstanding Washington, where he w ill represent which is not wanted. probably be put into effect soon. to furnish the assessor w ith a list of property his company at the coming session of barley of a higher standard and to e n -. lia ble to taxation, and prescribing a penalty entific institutions incorporated within certificates o f sale aggregated 860,815 acres, the China threatens a boycott ou Japan. congress, when a bill will be intro­ courage farrnerH to raise it more exten­ for failure so to do; and to amend sections 3037, this state, and such real estate belong­ purchase price o f which was $1,464,530— a ll of which now escapes taxation because the title Oregon Goat Show at Dallas. 3038, 3039, 3 40 , 3045, 300», 3048, .3049 , 3057, ¡1058, Harriman is reaching after all pub­ duced to authorize the sale of the cable. sively, the officials of the bureau of 3061. 3062, 3069, 3070, 3071, 3073, 3074, .'1075. 3076, ing to such institutions as shall be act­ to the land is still in the state.) Dalles— The eighth annual Oreg^rn 3077 and 3078 o f the Codes and Statutes of Ore­ ually occupied for the purposes for (Public lands— Improvements.) Mr. Flynn was in the real estate busi­ plant industry of the d e trim e n t o f ' lic utilities in Chicago. gon, com piled and annotated by Hon. Charles ness in Portland about 16 years ago. Agriculture have outlined a series of angora goat show’ will be held in Dallas B. Bellinger and W illiam W. Cotton; to amend which they were incorporated. Section 8. The assessor must assess Peary has arrived at Sydney, N. 8., Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Jan­ section 56 o f an act approved February 21, 1903, 4. A ll houses of public worship, all improvements on lands, the fee of He is a guest- at the Oregon hotel, experiments with at least 10 different and found on page 262 et saquitur o f the gener­ on the steamer Roosevelt. uary 9, 10 and 11, 1907. These date» where he is meeting many of his for­ varieties of high grade seed, to be car­ al laws o f Oregon o f 1903, and said section be­ and the lots on which they are situated, which is still vested in the United ried on in different sections the coming were decided upon by the goat breeders in g found on page 279; to amend section 1 o f an and the pews or slips and furniture States, as personal property until the Ban Francisco is going ahead with mer acquaintances. act en titled “ An act to fix the place o f assessing at a meeting held in Brown’ s hall last The W illam ette valley has plans for a world’ s fair in 1913. ‘ ‘ Probably the most perfect wireless season. nal tonal bank stock and private banks,loan and therein, and all burial grounds, tombs, settler thereon or claimant thereof has been seeleted as one of the most likely week. A large numl>er of farmers w ere trust com panies,” approved February 21, 1903; and rights of burial; all lands, and the made final proof. After final proof has telegraphy stations in the world are in President Smith, of the Mormon to amend section 1 o f an act approved Decem­ in attendance and an enthusiastic meet­ Alaska, and are managed by the gov­ spotstwhere the grain can lie grown to ber 24, 1903, and found on page 4 et sequittir of buildings thereon, not exceeding thirty been made, and a certificate issued church, has been fined for polygatmy. ing was held. It was decided to hold a the general laws o f Oregon, special session, acres, held by any crematory associa­ therefor, the land its If must be assess­ ernment,” said Mr. Flynn. “ The sta­ perfection. 1903; to repeal sections 2709, 2710,3041, 3042, 3044, three days’ show* this season, instead of I t is said Platt and Depew w ill re­ tions in mind are on Norton sound, and and 3059 o f the Codes and Statutes o f Oregon, tion incorporated under the laws of this ed, notwithstanding the patent has not a two davs’ exhibition a« heretofore. com piled and annotated by Hon. Charles B. state used for the sole purposes of a been issued. Corvallis Plans a Fair. turn to the senate, defying public opin one is at Bt. Michaels and the oilier at B ellin ger and W illia m W. Cotton; and to re­ (N ew ; compare W ashington Rev. Laws, 1905, ion. Corvallis— A committee from the Cit­ Safety harbor. They are separated by peal a ll acts and parts o f acts in con flict here­ crematory and burial place for inciner­ w ith, and exem p tin g certain assessments aud ate remains; but any part of any build­ section 100, P O R TL A N D M A R K E T S . The king of Greece while in Rome a distance of aimed 38 miles. They are izens’ league is solicting funds with proceedings from rhe operation thereof ings, being a house of public worship, (Assessors shall obtain lists of public was slighted by the other Balkan operated by soldiers, and the last sea­ which to finance a three-days’ agricul­ Fruits— Apples, common to choice, Be it enacted by the people of the which shall be kept or used as a store lands sold.) son they transmitted 1,260,000 words tural fair, to be held in Corvallis next states. state of Oregon: or shop, or for any other purpose, ex­ Heptemlier. The plan in part provides 50®,70c per box; choice to fancy, $1® without a single error.” Section 9. The assessor of each Mayor Schmits, of San Francisco, de­ cept for public worship or for school», county shall, immediately after the for prizes to be awarded the schools and 2.50; gra|x»s, 60c® $1.25 per crate; (O f Property Subject to Taxation.) clare* the indictment against him is shall be taxed upon the cash valuation first day of March of each year, obtain school children of the county for agri­ pears, 75o®$l.25; cranberries, $10®^ Inspectors Not Pleasing 12.50 per barrel; persimmon», $1.50 (Real and Personal Property to Be As­ thereof, the same as personal property, from the state land lioard, and from the the result of politic*. Mexico City, Nov. 27.— The Herald cultural products they will grow, the sessed Uniformly and Ratably.) to the owner or occupant, or to either, local United States land officers in the lint of award» to cover vegetables, per liox. A prairie fire in Western Texas has today says: “ Unless there is a change Vegetables— Cabbage, D i @ l ) 6 c p£c linger and W illiam W . Cotton, be and per dozen; bell peppers, 5c; pumpkins, the same is hereby amended to read as sonal property belonging thereto and o’clock a. m. of said first day of March, companies who lost in the earthquake the management will lie reminded that contemplated. 1 per pound; spinach, 4®>5c per follows: connected therewith, and the real prop­ and shall place such lands upon the w ill pool their claim* in an attempt to the system of retaining train inspectors pound; tomatoes, 30®^50c per box; A ll real property within this state, erty belonging thereto and upon which assessment rolls as provided in the T o Probe Edward'» Charges oollecct. is not pleasing to t he men who run t he last two preceding sections. I t shall Pendleton— It is announced here that parsley, 10® 15c; squash, 1(5)1 H c per and all personal property situated or such library is situated. trains. The increase in wages to be pound; turnips, 90<*® $1 per sack; car­ owned within this state, except such The town of Carlsbad, N. M., is 6. The property of all Indians resid­ be the duty of th#’ State Land board to asked for the passenger conductors will an ins|>ector will l>e sent by the Indian rot», 90e(«$l per sack; beets, $ 1.25(a) as may be specifically exempted by law, ing upon Indian reservations who have certify a list or lists of all public lands ■nowed in and is without fuel. Bacon lie from $250 to $300 a month. A department to Pendleton to investigate is being burned by many to keep from proportionate increase w ill Ite ask est for charges recently made against Major 1.50 per sack; horseradish, 9(5) 10c per shall be subject to assessment and tax­ not severed their tribal relations or sold, or contracted to be sold, during f reeling. taken lands in severalty, except lands the previous year on application of the Edward», agent of the Umatilla reser­ pound; sweet potatoes, 2® 2)^c per ation in equal and ratable proportion. the freight conductors.” (Old law provides: “ A ll taxes for the sup­ held by them by purchase or inherit­ assessor of any county applying there­ vation. Edwards is charged with using pound. The price of lumber has again lteen port o f the governm en t o f this state shall be Onions— Oregon, 75c® $1 per hun­ assessed on property in equal and ratable pro- ance, and situate on any Indian reser­ for. his official position in influencing per­ raised $2 per thousand feet at San Killed by the Rurales. iortion,” and a il 1 pro] " ‘ be sub- vation; provided, however, that the property, etc., shall dred. (N e w .) Francisco. Hhingle* have also gone up ect to taxation. The old section unneeessari- El Paso, Tex., Nov. 27.— In a colli­ sons to have exclusive dealings with the Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, fancy, y li! lim its the ta xin g power o f the state to direct lands owned or held by Indians in sev­ (O f the assessment of property.) 25 cents per thousand. sion her»» today between Mexicans and Commercial National bank, dejKwdtorv 75c(« $1; common, 60® 70c. property taxes.) eralty upon any Indian reservation, for Indian funds here. The inspector (Section :t043, B. A C. Comp., seems to recog­ The president lias started home from a captain and two privates of the Mexi­ Blitter— Fancy creamery, 25®27>^c (Real property— How construed.) and the personal property of such In ­ n ize m argin al assignments o f mortgages. It can rurales, composing a (a r t of the is expected the latter part of this per pound. Porto Rico. does not belong in a tax act, since the repeal o f Section 2. The terms land, real es­ dians upon such reservation, shall be the m ortgage tax law . o f w hich it was part. guard of the Mexican Central pay car, month. Eggs— Oregon ranch, 35® 37)^c per tate, and real property, as used in this exempt from taxation when so provided The last clause is now nugatory. It ________ Russian rebels have been denied an Manuel Buretta, of this placa-, was stub- should nc be repealed, but no reference should be m «d e act, shall be construed to include the dozen. by any law of the United States, and asylum in Finland. Linn Men Rail Timbar T oo. to It In a tax code; but it Is suggested that In tied and instantly killed with a bayonet land itself, whether laid ont in town not otherwise. Poultry— Average old hens, 11® 11 future com pilations it be transferred to the re­ Altftiny— A timlier deal whereby R a ­ The New York Central railrtad ha* by one of the rurales. The rurales es- per pound; mixed chickens, 11c; lots or otherwise,above and under water, 7. The personal property of all per­ cording act.) iap»al into Mexico. The affair is be­ 000 acres of splendid timber land in spring, 11c; old roosters, 7®9c; dress­ all buildings, structures, substructures, sons who, by reason of infirmity, age, •gain been fined for rebating. (Te be contiuued next week) lieved to have Imen the outgrowth of Linn county i» to be transferred to ed chickens, UK« 14c; turkeys, live, 17 Three men are dead anti others are fooling Im p u d e n c e . against American-Mexican* John A. Merritt, of Niagara, N. V., (a 18c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 20® S e e m s to B e . A c t iv e R e a l E sta te . missing as a result of the deep snow in and ntticial* of Mexico, caused by the and Eastern associate», is said to be Peggy— Only to think of It, my dear, 22c; geese, live, 10c; ducks, 14® 16c. “ Do you think there is anything in the T » there much activity In real es­ Texas. Merritt, recent arrest and effort to extradite al­ pract bully consummated. Wheat— Club, 64c; bluestem, 66c; we were entirely alone, and be had the pretensions of these spiritualistic medi­ tate in this section?” asked the visitor. who was third assistant post master gen­ audacity to kiss me. Thirteen were killed by the collision leged revolutionist». ums?” valley, 66® 67c; red, 61(*62c. “ I should »ay there is,” answered eral under President Melvin ley, is now- Lucy— I suppose you were furious, of the t ran»-Atlantic liners in the Eng­ “ Unquestionably. I know several in­ Farmer Corntosael. “ Had three land­ Oats— No. 1 white, $24.50® 25.50; in this county insjiecting the land and Alarmed by V e il Robberies. weren’t you? dolent persons who make a good living lish channel. gray, $23.50® 24. slides an’ a washout last year.”— Peggy— I should »ay so! I was furi­ out of those pretensions.”— Chicago Trib­ St. Petersburg, Nov. 27.— The min­ its outlets. •Barley— Feed. $21.50 per ton; brew­ Washington Star. Mayor Rchmits, of Ban Francisco, is une. ister of the Interior i»»ued orders that ous every single, time be did i t — Le ing, $22.50; rolled, $23. on his way home from Hamburg to face Light and Pow er for Vale. I 'a f . l r . henceforth the pnstoffice »hall only for­ Sour! re. Rye— $1.40® 1 .45 per cwt. The number of deaths each year in Lon­ the chargee against him. Vale— The city council has granted a "Say !” exclaimed Tommy, doubling up ward money within the Ru»»ian empire Com — Whole, $25.50; cracked, W h a t T h e y W e r e S a y ln * . don was, 150 years ago, fifty-one a thou­ hie right hand into the nhape of * «mall Bryan and 8haw were the principal by mean* of money order». The prac­ 20-year franchise to M. (». Hope, l. W . $26.50 per ton. The angry wave» lashed the shore. sand. In 1820 it was twenty-nine a thou­ fist end miking at the other hoj, "you'r. speakers at the third day's session of tice of »ending currency in the register- Hope and R. E. Fulton, to put in an **Why don’t you hit back?” they asked, sand, and it now is about eighteen a cheating! This i* e Rurtmnk apple, and Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $11® the Trans-Mississippi congress. od mail will I»» abandoned Recatine of elre»sed hulls, 1® 2c per debt to nature. She was a woman of authorities at Ban Francisco ernment lia» to repay by insta 11 nient». ing as It was yesterday. 1 quick repartee and many husbands. It “ Q’on!” exclaimed the eporty one, pound; cows, 4 ® 5c; country steers, ar* to investigate the alleged lumber | was *oon after her fourth matrimonial | Myer— No? Shut Down From Lack o f Cart. Herds L o tt In Blizzard, 5®5 “ What kind o f a ball team could w* l in Oregon and Washington. Gyer— No; three men braced me for El Paso, Tex., Nov. 27.— A special Astoria— The Uentral DnnrA Lumber f i t that way?” — Philadelphia Ledger.' Mutton— l>ressod, fancy, 8 ® 9c per venture with Chichester Fortesque. an T b* Mon on railroad has defied the | Irishman, that she appeared In a Dub­ the loan of a dollar yesterday. to the Times from Almagordo, N. M., company, of this city, has closed down pound; ordinary, 6® 7c. Intentati* Commerce commission and I . the la t e r e a t . o f 9 r l e . r o lin theater with the bridegroom. From say» that the goat and sheep raisers of its plant temporarily. The cause of So m ew h at D fW ereat. Pork— l>re»»ed. 6® 8 ^ c per pound. will Issue passe* in payment for adver­ t’m Hacramento mountains in New The bartender motioned him away. the shutdown is the inability to secure Hop«— 11® 14c per pound, according the gallery a mau shouted down to His W ife—Oh, dear! I do wish yon tising. “ I can't «ell you any liquor. You’v* Mexico lost from 60 to 80 per cent of earn in which to ship the product, and to quality. j her: “ And which Iv tNe four do you would break yourself of the habit of already had too much.” Tbs mayors of several Kansas towns their herds during the recent hlisxard, the ruling high prices for logs. The Wool— Eastern Oregon average best, like beat?” From her box her answer growling at the table. •‘Can’t, bey?" thickly articulated the MU being removed because of a deter- which, it is said, is the heaviest loss m ill will proliaiilv resume operations 13 * is«* jier |Muind. acwggding to shrink- rang out, ’T h e Irishman, of course.” Her Husband— I ’m not growling at newcomer. “ I gneah you can! I’m mem­ mi nation on their part to license liquor ever experienced by the industry in the shortlv after the flrst of the coming age; valley, 20#*» 21c, according to fine- And the Irish peopled boose rang with the table, my dear. I'm growling at this ber a’ th' poinon squad. GenTmen, coma West. > year. ■ I applause.—Cleveland Leader. ne»»; mohair, choice, *6® 28c. . rneaalr steak. up! Name jr'r poiion The United State* govemmnet ha* been abked to furnish protection to the leader of the «Ireet car »trike now on at Hamiltton, Ont. • i