The ESTACADA NEWS Fl'üM SH K I» KVKRV THURSDAY UY H A. W IL L IA M S 1 of the primer class The basement of the school house on the right-ha ml side is covered with water, so tnavlie we will have to swim to get to school, _ , , tx>stoflfuc in I-.stacaila, Or. aa «econd class mail. X.u ---- fcn---------------- W a M ,en feet cation. Copy for publicati >n and change o w f the dam, yesterday. Entered at the than VVvdnevUn mi.ndng‘ to‘ln"ure pnb- licaticn for that week. SMtvRtPiio* KAd.t On# N«ar Si« Month* * * * Notice for Publication summer time. Families who have t>een tenting out are coming to town for the winter, and everything in * the shape of a house is living put to use. «... , . . Work on the Main street grade up Fstacada Heights, and the sewer const ruction on Broadway has been Land office at Poit’.and, Oregon. October 13, 190b. Notice is hereby given, that the following named set­ te r has filed notice o f hla intention to make final proof in support of his claim', and that said proof will be made before the register ar.d receiver at Portland, j Oregon, on November 24, 1906. viz: Charles E. S e ­ ward H. E No. 13632. for the E‘ #cf s e * of Ssc • ! T. 3 S . R. 5 E. He names the followirg witnesses to prove h ii continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, to-wit: , Frank Ahnert of Bissell, Oregon Joseph DeShazer of Dover, Charles A. Keith of George A. Wolf of Algernon S . Dresser, Register Oct 18-22 John Halpin, who has superin- greatly delayed by the rains. The tended work at the brick factory, ditches are filling with water and the ]>ast summer, left for his home ; in places are caving in. It appears at Momtnee, 111 . last Monday. like it was a difficult proposition for ; Notice (or Publication II paid iii advance Shipping along the Pacific Coast I has been roughly handled by the "A n old lady, really quite-Well, N O V E M B E R 15 1906 weather the past ten "K K1**» he -l‘ h>' as she expressed Nothing c(|iia's the Oregon rain * it. Her various ailments were to Horn, on Novettl!>er 8, to Mr. and ^ ^ mnst interesting topic in the i in its illimitable grain! ik sss except Mrs J. O. Rounds, a fine 8-pound I wofId> 0|le da). a neighbor found it be Oregon sunshine --------------------- Kiri- Mr and Mrs. Roux is moved ^ fcatiug a hearty mtal, and asked ' One reason why the school tea h from the George country just re- jje r^,ow si,e vvas. ers generally dou't get high enough oentlv. 1 ‘ Poor nie’ she sighed, ‘ I feel ver> wages is-because they don't mix in , John Match bank has rented t ic well, hut I always feel had w len I politics enough. jia rth part of the Berry block, and feel well, because I know 1 am go- --------------------- in.s fitted it up as a confectionery j ing to feel worse afterward.” Mrs. Sap - intends to give aw.:y . storL. I.ast Sunday was his open- School Entertainment and Box nigchof her million« of dollars to I ¡n„ dav tf ose whom she believes arc deserv-1 Serial In a tussle with a big lig a n d , need , it. Need 1 it . i vr,.„ None " steer tins 1 _lt , dJ ( , 1 *--k. Dave Bridenstine got one of T h e ladies of the school district 5 his hands between the rope and th e! wish to again call your attention to Land office at Portland. Oregon. October 13. 1906. Notice is hereby given, that the following named set­ tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Portland. Oregon.,on November 24. 1906, viz: John T. Dowty H. E. No. 1265-2. for theSto nwjf, ne# »w g & Lot 4. of Sec. 6. T . 4 S . R. 6 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Robert Miller of George. Oregorr A saR . Hawkins cf Bsrton; G. B. Linn cf Estacada. Edward Gray of A lgernons. Dresser. Rrgistet' Oct 18-22 Bridge What a prolific held there is in l>°lnmel (,f the saddle a,,d had il entertainment and social to lx: the mountain ra n -f th<- W est: h:idlV lacerated-. | given, .probably in Oddfellow’ s hall, for rising young reformer. to make ’ F,d Fagg, an old friend of E. F. Friday evening Nov. 23d. 1 lie loud start. With the woods fu ll1 Surface spent Sunday here. They program will begin promptly at X of wildcat mining heir, s and real were Ixiys together in old Virginia, »clock. Boxes containing the lunch- d a t e speculating bill 1 , 1 c s, th ere Mr. Fagg is now living In Per 1 ind | ® should come wrapped in paper, The boxes will be sold for the fiat formers can find pl n’ y to keep employed in the Portland hotel. price of 75c each; with the exception rtiemselvM busy. Earl Day has purchased a 17-acre of the children’s, which will be 35c tract of John Stormer. Mr. Day is . „ . . . . , f ’ J each. Games are to be played af- The Oregon City Courier has im­ goitig to build on the place and re­ ter lunch. p ro ved a great deal this fall, and so side there. The piece cf land is off E very one is welcome and cordi­ has its neighbor, The Enterprise. the east end of Mr. Stormer’ s farm. ally invited to be present. Both papers are getting out of the Mrs. Sadie Burlingame and Mrs. old, worn-out rut they existed 111 s o ” \Ve are on the verge of moral, Media Surface, of the Dalles, sister long and the people of the county political and financial ruin,” was and ister-in law of E. F. Surface, arc letter pleased. M ire news and are visiting their brother and fam i-1 l' lt; popular populist cry a few years less political nonsense is what most Jy, and th .ir sister, Mrs. Don Pal | ago. That was when tile Man on subscribers like. inateer. | Platte began to be heard from. Po- , , | ets, orators and enthusiasts have a 1 here is going to be a big bunch . . . . . . . . . There is something significant in , license to say most anything lor lit- the New York election. Hughes, »• money spent these coming holi- erary effect. But it doesn't make 1 tlie only republican er.done ! by days, and the merchant who wants tlie verge any farther away. Roosevelt, is the only ore elected. !'>s share must have the goods, and The cities voted for Hearst and the advertise to let the people know he country for Hughes. Which1’ voter, ' ,as them. is the most reliable? There is not It may lie thought stormy, dis* No better place for a handle fac­ much consoling satisfaction ill’ the agreeable and all that, but Maude tory than Estacada. With material election at largo to anyone except can go out into the garden any time in any quantity close by. and num- Rocsevlt atul Brvan. of day and pick fresh, crisp lettuce erous sawmills to prepare the wood for dinner. And they can’t, way for the factory, such an enterprise, Many Americans are astonished down East. | it would appear, should be a paying liecause they res grave discontent in The railway company ordered the I one- When the * reat P °wer l>la,lt © the midst of nnprecidented prosper­ local electric light station shut down on the Clackamas a mile above here ity. They cannot understand the Saturday. The lights for the city gets completed, and the big sawmill tiniest of of manv citizens l orn and are now supplied from the main, built and running, there will be an naturalized alike, wh.n the times ^ high voltage wires that were recent­ enormous lot of lumber that can be are better than ever lieforc. It is used profitably in a furniture and ly put up. nothing strange. Human ambition handle fuctory. Here is a chance Foreman P. C. Bouttman at the ; for the man looking for what he feeds oil success. The further from actual want m 11 and women get the woodworking factory of Barnes ft nts more they desire. Comfort is con I.indsley says it is difficult for the j'vc, but it is not an* If company to get cars to make ship- A gossipy paper says: A rumor it were the world would stagnate mints. The first of the w eek they I comes out of the West that the Pres- w h e n it w a s b. ,t able to undertake needed three cars but none were to ¡dent’s daughter, Mrs. Longworth, is engaged in even more engrossing and carry out great enterprises. be had. , , „ , , , , speculation of the future than the There is never enough prosperity John Burk, democrat, has been 1 . . . outcome of the campaign, in the in to go »round, in the important sense eltctwl governor of North Dakota. pf approximate equality, Cleve- The state is normally 13,0013 repub­ terest of which she has canvassed the state cf Ohio with her husband. land Dealer. lican, but to one who sa*v piuch of This rumor lias caused a flutter of Mr. Burk in the state legislature of delight in the Presidential house- The city was flos ° f h's own invention, on through town, passing Main, Grover Douglass, who hud lieen For biliousness and constipation t h e y are unequaled. They iniprove the appiiite, down Second and across Broadway -iik at his parents’ home in Eagle strengthen the digestion and regulate the into the west part of town. The Creek with diphtheria, returned to liver and l>owcls. § little ditch that was dug a vtar ago his home among the foot hills last Board of Aldermen Meet to divert the water that comes down week. The quarantine on the Doug- reservoir ravine into a channel lead- lass home was raised and the house The city fathers held their regu­ ing to the railroad near Cun in St. thoroughly fumigated. lar meeting in Fraternity Hall on has been filled up, and the water ... — ■ ------------------- 1 Tuesday evening. A few small ac­ A ik s the old rouH, through th e 1 Croup counts were audited. Marshal A 1 tow nsitc. This old ditch should be A reliable medicine and one that »tumid Havens report«! collections as fol­ made deeper to carryall the water always be kept in the home for imn.edi- ate u»e 1» Chamberlain'» couxb remedy. lows. $3 as fines and $ 2 0 as road that comes down this ravine during It will prevent the attack if given soon : poll, which was turned over to the heavy rai::» It would cost but .1 n tin child Udine» hoarse, or even after citV recorder. Oil motion it was ir.tle, a: w old kc p the water out ,lu croupy c mpli appear». Sold by the ordered that the city pay for the of town A culvert was P1 |>l. n il tin H mcw I* drug »tore. ! c(wt of planking and putting in good der the railroad between Main and There are about thirty inerolven furnished, and they give Du BoD Lumber Company’s loading the young men a pleasant place to platform. The council elected At. SCHOOL N O TES I spend their evenings in reading, so- Havens to act as city marshal for IIKKT PA CK. EDITOR vial and other amusciitm. Electric another month. Adjournment was ROY ST R A T T O N , ASST. EDITOR. I then.takeu.. ‘ lights are to lie nut in. Velma Van Dyke, Floyd Hooth In Time of Peace Saits Mcrt ot QaaitKrUin's Cough Remedy In the tir»t m onths of the Russia Japan ¡nul his brother, Frauk, returned to Than of «11 Other» Put Together war we had a striking exam ple of the no* school Monday, Tho». George, a merchant of M l E lgin . cessity for preparation an«l the early ad­ mot' On trio, »ay»: “ I have had the local agu- vantages of those who, so to speak, 'have e u unoeriain s cough remedy ever shingled their roots in dry weather.'* the tots for the year. The m o lor it AVO* intrudile id into Canada, and virtue ot prep» rat ion has made history the .seventh grar!c will be. L au t* M Illudi of it 1 s I do of all other aw l g-ven to us our greatest men. The never did anything, but v I have on m y shelf put together. j individual as well us the nation should be lias accomplished wonders. t tnany d«nens « i prepared lor any em ergency. Are you The total attendance 1 h Mis u ru t had one prepared to successfully combat the first recoj «rw'fl *11 y Stephen*# room \% tiftyfour. I cold you take? A cold can In? cured ave u n d it tn> The school boy# ate yer Intel much more qu ickly when treated a* soon and Beach Notice lor Publication. United Slates Land Office, Portland, Oregon, Ocf. 1906. Notice is heroby given that the following namied settle, has filed notice of his intention to tr.she final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Port­ land, Oregon. On November 17. 1906. viz: Edward Gray. H. E. No. 12921 for the SW tf of of Sec. 24. T 4 S R 5 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and his cultiva­ tion of said land, viz: G. B. Linn of Estacada Oregon J . T . Dowty of Estacada. Oregon: Robert Miller of George, Oregon: A. H. Miller, of George. Oregon. Algernon S . Dresser, Register. Oct 11 — 16 Stoves C & Ranges Timber Land act, June 3. 1878 Notice for Publication 1 United States land office. Portland, Oregon. Sopt 10. 1906. Notice is hereby given that in compll- ! ance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber land* j in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash­ ington territory." as extended to all the public land States by act Of August 4, 1892. Walter G. Wright Of Portland, county of MuUnomah state of Oregon, has this day filed in this Office his sworn statement 7051. for the purchase Of the E H n w l4 and 1 of sw# of section 20 in township 5 S , range 4 E. and will offer preof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul­ tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver at Portland. Oregon On Wednesday the 28 day Of Nov. 1906. He names as witnesses: C. H. Osborn Of Portland, Ore­ gon: J . C. Burke of Portland. Oregon: O. M. Stafford of Portland. Oregon: G. L. Llndsley of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad­ versely the above described lands are requested td 'file their claims in this effico on or before said 28th day of Nov. 1 906. Algernon S . Dresser. Register. ARE THE BEST WOULD PAY § I i-t id in tin military drill hildren an ■\ aim avs wit h the best te- ; as it has been contracted and before has ada drug **h»re. " S o ld a t been settled in the system. Chnnl>er- laiu ’s cough rented\ is famous for it* h* w f w ca thfcf is now lie re, cures of cold* ami it should N* kept at it h a s c a tined nutnv families to hand read y for in stin t use For sale l»v t*. •), t»n,i ,n ♦ V W »ml« dnte st*>re. CARYS’ : TIME CARD O. W. P. & R>. * ESTACAD A POKThAND Cars leave Ext acada for Port- laúd: j Dr. C. B. SMITH