The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, November 15, 1906, Image 3

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O R th e
W s io s .
R a p id ity mt M ovem en t M a k e « Them
Mrs. DeChlse— Why are you weeping,
One o f the significant features o f this
Mrs. MeSosh— Ob, I ’ m so disappoint­
snake season, and o f any snake season ed ! You know John signed the pledge
that occurs, which is every year, is the last week.
very long length o f the blacksnnkes
Mrs. DeChlse— Yes?
that are seen, says the Ohio State Jour­
Mrs. MeSosh— And-—and this morn­
nal. This is not at all remarkable, for ing he went on a fishing excursion I—
about the only thing a blacksnake has Cleveland Leader.
to show for itself is Its length. It has
A P a w Y e a rs H ence.
no musical tall like the rattlesnake,
The first buttle in airships had been
nor the pulled-out head o f the hissing
viper, nor the livid, languid mahners of ¿ought
"1 hear.” said one officer, "th at the
the housesnake— it has only length, and
when with amazing speed it
whips general was In the very thick o f the
through the deep grass or dead leaves
“ Yes,” responded another officer; "h e
It seems to be thirty or forty feet long.
had sixteen gasbugs punctured over
So truly does this little illusion ex­
him.” — Louisville Courier-Journal.
ist that when a person tells o f a black-
snake seven or eight feet long, he
A S e n s i t i v e C n n ln e .
Raster— That dog of yours is not a full
prides himself on great modesty o f
statement. And, by the way, w e have blooded Boston terrier, is he?
Bixby— Hush, old chap, don't let him
noted many blacksnake stories this
hear you. l i e thinks he is.— Woman's
summer, and we have not encountered
Home Companion.
a snake under seven feet.
There was that story o f a girl out In
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
the best remedy to use for their children
York State, who heard her little dog Syrup
during the teething period.
barking violently out In the stable. Siie
O r ig in o f W o m a n .
went there to discover the cause, and
Miss N ew glrl— So you Insist that
lo ! that little dog was in tight with a
blacksnake seven feet long. I t was a man and not woman was the chief con­
great fight nnd the dog was doing he­ sideration at the creation?
Mr. Sparks— Certainly I do. W om ­
roic work, keeping the python at bay
until the little girl hunted up a pitch- an was only a side Issue.— Boston
fork and with that dispatched the ser­ Transcript.
pent, which, the account says, was sev­
8t. Vitus’ Dance ana all Nervous Dls< a
en feet long. O f course. It had to be
N orve
rve Restorer. Kenrt for F R E E $2 trial botti»» and
seven feet, fo r there Is no other kind. treatise. Dr. R lL K lin ., L d. »31 Arch St., Phil«.,Pa.
Is there a moral to this? T h ere is,
S y stem .
o f course, to every snake story. It Is
Frequent Patron— Where are your slot
th is: Be exceedingly careful not to
make bigger than It Is the horrible In­
Operator— ’ Sh ! There’s going to be a
cident In your life which you eneouu- raid on ’em at 4 o’clock. Come around
tcr. See that your blacksuuke Is under again at 4:30.
seven feet long.
L o n g er.
Immigrant Train In Disastrous
Indiana Wreck.
W e re N early A ll Fugitives fro m
R ut
tie — S u rvivors L o s e B a ggage
and O th er P ossession s.
h ea d jh r o a t
V L ungs , stomach .
i| wdndis . eiadser
H e r D iv o r c e
P o r t io n .
“ Mrs. Jones just got a divorce from
her husband for throwing salad in her
face,” said oue.
"D id she get alimony?” asked the
“ No,” replied the first. “ She got the
salad.” — N ew York Press.
New M onthly M agazine.
A bright, new m onthly magazine has
made its appearance on the Pacific
coast, and looks aa if it had come to
stay. It is the Coos Bay M onthly, pub-
plished at M arshfield, Oregon, the bus­
iness center o f one of the moat resource­
ful districts of the entire Northwest.
The November number consists o f about
125 pages of good reading matter, most­
ly local in natnre, nicely illustrated,
and of general interest to all who wish
to know antyhing of the Great N orth ­
west. The number also contains n<a-ly
30 pages o f local advertising.
speaks vola mes for the business enter-
price and energy of the citizens, as well
as for the a b ility of P. C. Levar, editor
and manager, and F. B. Cameron, ad­
vertising manager.
th e
H o le «.
The Gourmet— I tell you, I certainly
am fond o f Swiss cheese sandwiches.
T h a t S c a r e d F e e l In «-.
The Dyspeptic— Oh, that’s the cheese
Boothby— Did you ever suffer from w ith the holes In i t
Very Indigesti­
stage fright?
Garrickson— No ; but many a time,
The Gourmet— They are, eh? W ell,
when I ’ve looked through the peephole f never eat them.— Philadelphia Ledger.
and noted the size of the audience, I have
H o w I t S tr u c k H im .
suffered severely from box-office fright.
Mrs. Suburbs (w ith p ap er)— I see
that the site o f the Garden o f Eden has
W h a t N eed f
“ Geòrgie, what is your father’s occupa­ fit last been located.
tion V”
Mr. Suburbs— Yes? When w ill the
“ His what, ma’am?”
sale o f lots take place and what’s the
“ His occupation. What does he do for fa re from the city hall?— Puck.
a living?”
“ Do? Fur a livin’, ma’am? Gee! He’s
a plain clo’es p’ leeceman wit’ a pull 1”
* 3 .5 0 B E &
* 3 .0 0 Shoes
W.LDouglas $ 4 Gilt Edge line
To Shoe Dealers:
W. I.. Douglas' Job-
btng House is llie most
complete in this country
Send fo r Catalog
Let us open the door of Fortune for you
and show you how your money, under
your ovon control, w ill make you
20 %
A rare opportunity to get In touch with
the big dividend payers of the great
West, with all chance of risk eliminat-
ed. Principal guaranteed by Hank Cer­
tificate of Deposit. You select the bank.
Write today lor particulars.
Men’s Shoes, t-5 to §1.60. B og£ 8h<¥*v * "
_____ J to $1.60.
to _______
$1.25. W
om en’s
tisses’ & Children’s 8hoes, $2.26 to $1.00.
T r y W . L . D o u g la s W o m e n ’s, M isses and
C h ild r e n ’ s s h o e s; f o r style , fit a n d w e a r
t h e y e x c e l o th e r m a k es.
If I could take you Into m y large
facto ries at B rockton , M ass.,an d sh ow
yo u h o w ca re lu lly W . L . D ouglas shoes
are made, yo u w ou ld then understand
w h y th e y h old th e ir shape, f i t b etter,
w e a r lo n g er, and are o f g re a te r value
than a n y o th e r make.
Wherever you live, you can obtain W . L.
Douglas shoes. H I, name and price Is stamped
on the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and Inferior shoes. T a k e no
ta te . Ask your dealer lor W . L . Douglas shoe«
and Insist upon having them.
fa st Color Eyelet* used: then ujlll not wear brassy.
W rite tor Illustrated Catalog ol Fall Stylea.
W . L. DOUGLAS, Dept. 13. Brockton, M aas
No. 4 6 - 0 «
P. N. U.
H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t i s e r « p le a
m e n t io n t h is p a p e r .
Wonderful Home
This wo) derful Chi­
ne e Doctor Is called
gn-ut because he cur •»
people without opeia-
tion that are g ven up
to die. H e cures wl h
those wonderful Chi­
nese herb«, room, buds,
barks and vendables
ibat are entirely un­
known to medical «cl-
__________ _____
ence in this country through the use oi those
harmless remedies. This turn us doctor U nows
thearilonoi over 500 different remedies, which
he uses successful y In different disease*. He
gnaran ees to cure ca'arrh, asthma, lung, throat
rheumatism, nervous 'ess. stomach, liver, kid­
neys, etc.: has hundre » o f testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and see him. Pa ient»
out o f the city write for blanks and circulars,
»end stamp. C O N S U L TA TIO N FKh.K.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162'^ f irai St., S. E. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper
Portland, Oregon
In Central Oregon, at Cost of Reclamation
Under the C arey A c t has 75,000 acres
now “ under” water.
1.8" feat «vary ninety Jays over rack irrigable .era, or on. Mcond
foot over each 100 . e r « , .v . i k b l . I . each purchaser at actual
cost of irrigation. Payment on land: One-fourth cash; balance
in three equal annual payments at 6 par cent. Maintenance
charge. 91 par acre par annum for each irrigable acre for
M ENT EXPER IM ENTAL S T A T IO N and by actual
A \ \ \
settlers on the land, 30,000 acres having beau sold.
V • V » . V . V 'V ’ t a
V V & V \
éfl McKay Bldg.. Portland, Orejón
\ \ \
iS ®
Oflkt far ul* af Usd. las A I
Creek Ceaity, O rtfea
Leaders Confidant That Praaidant’a
Coming Msstaga to Congraaa Will
Contain Radical Demanda
for Labor.
Minneapolis, Minn., N ov. 12.— That
the convention o f the Am erican Fed­
eration o f Labor, which opens in this
city this morning, w ill go on record
In favor o f an aggressive political pol­
icy seems assured. From all parts o f
the country d elega tes are bringing in
reports o f success at the polls at the
recent election.
So fa r these reports show that at
least five trade unionists w ill sit in
the next Congress, w h ile a great num­
ber have been elected to the different
state Legislatures.
M ost pronounced have been the suc­
cess o f the United M ine W orkers and
the Com m ercial T elegra p h ers' Union.
T h e miners in the anthracite dltrlct
o f Pennsylvania have elected W . B.
W ilson and T . D. N ichols to Congress
and 10 o f their members to the Btate
Legislatu re.
T h e telegraphers elected three o f
th eir m em bers to Congress in different
parts o f the country, including the
Fourth D istrict o f Illinois. In Henne­
pin county, in this state, 31 out o f 39
men indorsed by labor fo r the state
Legislatu re and county officers have
been elected. T h ese successes have
whetted the appetites o f the labor men
and it is the gen eral opinion o f the
d elegates who have arrived here that
the convention w ill devote at least
tw o days to discussing a political pro.
Presiden t Gompers feels greatly en­
couraged o ver the situation. H e says
h e has received scores o f letters from
men outside o f the labor m ovem ent
in which th ey declare that they n ever
before fu lly understood what the trade
unionists o f the country stood fo r in
a political way, and expressing sym­
pathy with their aim s and objects.
" I t has been the greatest education­
al cam paign that organized labor has
e ver conducted,” he said tonight.”
“ T h e subject is fu lly covered in the
report which I w ill submit to the
convention tom orrow , but I have no
hesitation In saying that the political
program o f the E xecu tive Council w ill
be indorsed ~by the convention. It is
but the beginning o f organized labor’s
efforts in the political aren a."
One o f the effects o f the labor politi­
cal program w ill be seen in the com­
ing m essage o f P residen t R oosevelt to
A ccordin g to same labo
officials who have recen tly talked with
the President on the subject, the com­
ing message w ill contain some o f the
most radical demands fo r labor that
have e v e r been made by a President
o f the United States.
Chicago, N ov. 13.— M ore than h alf
the passengt ra on an Imm igrant train
on the Baltim ore & Ohio railroad w ere
killed o r injured In a collision today
between the passenger train and a
freigh t near W o od ville, Ind. One hun­
dred and sixty-five passengers w ere on
the train, and o f th ese 47 w ere eith er
killed outright o r w ere burned to
death in the fire which broke out in
the w reckage im m ediately a fte r the
collision. T h e names o f all the dead
w ill probably n ever be known, as 45
o f the bodies w ere consumed in the
flames, o r w ere so badly burned that
identification is impossible.
eigh t people w ere injured, and several
o f these w ill die. E ighty others es­
caped unhurt, but lost nearly all their
b aggage and clothing.
T h e disaster was caused by a blun­
der o f some em ploye o f the railroad
company, but just w here the blame
lies has not been determined.
O W A ltD E. BU RTO N.—Assayer a r 3 Chemist.
T h e passenger train,
M Leadvllle, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold,
pilver, J.' ad, $1; Mold, Silver, 75c; Gold, 60 c; Zinc or loaded with Russian Jews, Servians
Jopper, $L Cyanide tests. Mulling envelopes and
Aill price list sent on application. Control and Um­ and Poles, all o f them recent arrivals
pire work solicited.
Reference:__ Carbonate N a ­ in this country and bound fo r Chicago
tional Rank. _____________________
o r places in the N orthw est, was the
second section o f a through train from
W a t e r H a u l.
T h e engineer o f freight
Cholly— How do you think I look with Baltimore.
train No. 96, on instructions received
my automobile goggles?
Miss Capsicum— I suppose you look at McCool, Ind., w aited at a siding at
through them, just as if they were ordi­ Babcock, Ind., to allow the im m igrant
train to pass.
nary glasses. Don’t you?
A s soon as the first section o f the
To Break in New Shoea.
im m igrant train had passed the switch
Always shake in Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder. at Babcock, the freig h t train, in charge
It cures hot, sweating, ac hing, sw ollen feet. o f E ngineer
Burke and Conductor
Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. A t
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Don’t accept Moste, started eastward. A light snow
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address was falling, which increased the dark
Alien S. Olmsted, I-e Roy, N. Y.
ness o f the e arly morning, and, as the
freigh t was rounding a sharp curve
H ank.
just west o f W o o d v ille, the second sec­
Gunner— This cigar is named a fte r a tion o f the im m igran t train came in
great author.
sight a short distance away, tearing
Guyer— But the great author Is dead. toward Chicago at the rate o f 40 miles
T h e tw o trains cam e to­
Gunner— How fortunate fo r the man­
geth er with unslackened speed, and in
ufacturer o f the c ig a r !”
the crash six passenger coaches and
N E G RO T R O O P S S H E D T E A R S .
several freigh t cars w ere knocked Into
B t at k of O h io , C i t y of T oledo , )
kindling wood, and, together with the
L ucas C o u n t y ,
| ss*
F r a n k J. C h e n e y m akes oath that he 1« locom otives, w en t rolling down
the Veterans o f T w en ty-F ifth Deeply A f­
senior partner o f the firm o f F. J. C h e n e y dt embankment.
fected by Disgrace.
Co., d o in g business in the C ity o f Toledo, Coun­
ty and State aforesaid, And that said firm w ill
E l R eno ,Okla.. N ov. 12.— T h e mem­
pay the sum.of ONE H U ND RE D DO LLARS for
bers o f Companies B, C and D, o f the
each and eve ry case o f C a t a r r h th a t cannot be
T w enty-fifth
In fan try
(c o lo re d ), re­
cured by the use o f H a l l ’ s C a t a r r h C u b e .
F R A N K J. C H E N E Y .
cen tly ordered dismissed by President
Sworn to before m e and subscribed in m r Pneumonia Proves Fatal to Leader in
R oosevelt as a result o f the riotous
presence, this 6th day o f December, A. D., 1886 .
Cuban Campaign.
disturbances at Brow nsville, Texas, on
j s ea l J
Bakersfield, Cal., Nov. 13.— Major- August 13, w ere form ally discharged
General W illiam Rufus Shatter, United today.
Hail’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and States Arm y, retired , died at 12:42 p.
M any o f the men, som e o f whom
act» directly on the blood and mucous surface» m. yesterday at the ranch o f Captain have been in the service m ore than 20
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
W . H. M cK Ittrick. his son-in-law, 20 years, shed tears when they g a ve up
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
m iles south o f this city, after an ill­ their guns. T om orrow the disarmed
H ail’s Family Fills are the best.
ness o f seven days, despite the best troops w ill have battalion drill without
arms, and they w ill be discharged im ­
m edical attention in California.
B e l i e f a n d U n d e m t a n d in g .
W h ile returning from the polls last m ediately upon receip t o f official or­
“ Does that man really believe all b , Tuesday, he contracted a severe chill ders from W ashington.
T h e second battalion o f the Tw enty-
which augmented a slight indisposition
“ Believe i t ! ” echoed Senator Sor­ and necessitated confinement to his sixth In fan try, under
Charles J. T . Clarke, which ar­
ghum, “ why he doesn’t even understand
I t ” — Washington Star.
provem ent was noticed and F rid ay a ft­ gone into camp just outside the ga r­
ernoon Dr. M. H. Herzstein, o f San rison lim its o f F o rt Reno. T h e negro
T h e I d e a l Fam ily Laxative
troops have shown no disposition to
j" one that can he usid by the entire fam­ FranciBco, was communicated with, but
ily. y< ung and old, weak and strong, with- as he was unable to depart at once, be ugly.
outunydai g r i f harmful effects. Itshould
have properties which in u re the same H erzstein ’s place. Dr. T horn e arrived
Race Suicide Increasing.
dose always having the same effect, otlier- ea rly Saturday m orning and, together
Paris, N ov. 12.— Public attention has
wi-e th" quant tv will have to be lucre sed with the local physicians, d iligen tly
znd finally lose its effect alt* gether. These watched the patient ail that day. In again been drawn to the National peril
prop rties can he found in that old family
Involved in the constantly-diminishing
ren edy, Brandreth’s Pills, he au*e its in­ the afternoon a slight ra lly was de­ birthrate by the publication o f tl
gredients are o f the pure.-t herbal extracts, tected and relatives and physicians vital statistics fo r 1905. T h e births in
and every pill is kept for three year. before w ere extrem ely hopeful, but the change
was short-lived. A t 10 o’clock a sink­ F ra n ce f o r this year numbered 807,292,
I eln sold, which all ws them to mellow
show ing a decrease o f 10,937 from the
We do not believe ti ere is alaxa iveo n th e ing spell seized the veteran.
mar! et that is so car fully made.
Dr. H erzstein arrived shortly after total o f 1904. T h e Teason fo r this de­
Brandretli’s I’ iils are the same fine laxa­ m idnight Saturday night and a consul­ crease is not to be found in a reduc­
tive tonic pill your grandparents used.
tion o f the number o f m arriages, in
They have been in use or over a century tation was held with the other physi­ which the statistics show a slight in­
and are sold in every drug and med.cine cians in attendance. It is stated that crease o ve r 1904, but it apparently
Dr. H erzstein deemed an operation the
store, either plain or sugar-coated.
on ly means o f re lief from the in testi­ arises from the aversion o f the French
F lr a t A p p e a r a n c e .
nal obstruction, but the condition of people to raisin g large fam ilies.
T h e N ation al association which is
“ Who are you, sir?” asked Eve, In the patient would forecast nothing but
fatal results in such an attempt. Dr. studying this m atter has reached the
that it is necessary to in­
“ Madam,” answered Adam, with his H erzstein, accompanied by Dr. Thorne,
culcate the idea that any couple that
most engaging smile, “ I am Exhibit A o f returned to San Francisco, ail hope
o f saving the gallan t w ar hero having raises moTe than three children m erits
the ethnological department.”
and Is entitled to public gratitude and
It was then that the serpent, having been abandoned.
escaped from the zoological department,
entered upon the scene, and the real trou­
Dissolve the Trust.
ble began.
Boys Shot By Courtm artlal.
W ashington, N ov. 13.— W h ile no au­
St. Petersburg. N o v. 9.— T h e R iga
statem ent could be obtain­
A P U B L IC D U T Y .
ed in regard to the m atter, there is correspondent o f the Bourse Gazette
good reason to b elieve that the G ov­ sends a h arrow in g description o f the
M on ip elier, O h io, Man Feels C o m ­ ernm ent has decided to institute pro­
recent execution o f three young boys,
ceedings against the
p e te d to T ell His E xperien ce.
Company under the Sherman
anti­ convicted by court-m artial o f robbery
Joseph W ilgus, M ontpelier, O., says: trust act with a view o f obtaining an and condemned to death. T h e children
" I (eel it my d oty to te ll others about ord er o f the court dissolving the com ­ w ere placed against a w all in the
Doan’ s K id n ey P ills . pany as it now exists and restoring to courtyard o f the barracks, and their
Exposure and d rivin g each o f the 75 or 80 constituent com ­ pitiable appearance so unnerved the
bronght kidney trou­ panies its proportionate share o f the troops that they fired w ildly, and sev­
eral volleys w ere necessary before the
ble on me, and I sub stock and also com pelling the obser­
little fello w s w e re finally killed. The
ered much from Irreg­ vance o f the law inhibiting them from C ity o f R iga Is g re a tly wrought up
entering into any contract, agreem ent
ular pa-sages of the
ve r the bloodth irsty justice.
o r understanding with each other.
k i d n e y secretions.
Sometimes taere was
Most Drunken A rm y in W orld.
R o g e r, to “ Bust T ru e t,.”
retention and at other times passages
Chicago. Nov. 13.— T h e United States
Falrh aven , Mass., N ov. 12.— H enry
were too frequent, especially at night. arm y Is the drunkest in the w orld, ac­
There was pain and
discoloration. cording to figures contained in the re­ H. R ogers, o f the Standard O il Co.,
Doan’ s K idney P ills bronght me re lief port
O ’ R eilly, Is about to start out as a “ trust bust­
from the first, and soon infased new head o f the m edical departm ent o f the e r." T h e com pany to which he w ill
army. Though General O ’R eilly does
life . I give them my endorsmenet.”
first turn his attention Is one o f the
S lid by all dealers. 50 cents a box. not state speclflrally that this undis­ strongest com binations In the United
puted eminence has
Foeter-M ilbnrn Co., Buffalo, N . Y .
States, the United Shoe M achinery
since the abolition o f the canteen sys
tem, several com manding generals Company. F o r five years past the Shoe
M achinery Company has been at liti­
have made this claim. T h e report also
gation with the A tlas T aek Company,
makes clear that many diseases from
elaim lng Infringem ents o f patent. R og­
Core« Consrh. Distemper, all Throat
whleh soldiers suffere are caused by
and i.ung Trouble. Purifle« the blood
ers Is Interested In the tack company
Put* the animal In condition. 60c.
d rivin g them outside o f the post for
and it is said that this Is what decided
Pmwl.aa«awi»Ca 8«. P««l. mao
him to attack th e b ig companies.
Consider the pontage stam p; it* usefulness
lie* In it* a b ility to *ttck to one th in g till
it get* there. Writ« fo r particulars.
528 Lumber Exchange, Portland, Oregon
I am designer o f book, m agazine and
catalogue rover*, bunine»» card*, letter
head*, b ill head» and a dvertisin g ra ta ; can
make the print o f your «tore look en tirely d if­
ferent by rem oving poles, etc., from print.
24V . M orris o . M.
- C H A T T E N
Considers Coal Steal.
Salt Lake City, Nov. 13.— A federal
grand Jury was impaneled h ere today
and will begin Its sittings tom orrow
Rum or has It that presentments w ill
be made o f evidence gained by the In­
terstate Com m erce Commission during
its recent investigation o f Union P aci­
fic coai holdings and developm ents in
connection with the Governm ent suit
to reco ver land acquired by the Utah
Fuel Company, but no official inform a­
tion is forthcom ing. Even the names
o f the witnesses snbpoened have not
been divu lged._______________
Discharged From Bankruptcy.
T renton. N. J., Nov. 13 — T h e Iro ­
quois T h eater Company, o f Chicago,
whose th eater was destroyed by firs
th ree years ago, attended
by great
loss o f life, wss discharged from bank­
ruptcy today by Judge Lannlngln In
the United States court here.
com pany has liab ilities o f 12.900,000
and no assets.
N e w R ailroad fo r China.
H ongkong. N ov. 12.— Chowfu, who
was recen tly appointed V ic ero y o f the
Provin ce o f Kwang-Tung, has arrived
here, on his w ay to Canton. Speaking
at an Inform al m eeting o f
merchants with referen ce to the Yue-
than R ailw ay, he Insisted upon har­
mony between the merchants and offi­
cials with the object o f brin gin g the
scheme to a successful issue.
H is
policy In ra ilw ay matters, he said,
would be dictated by W estern princi­
Soldi.ra Must K t.p
Out o f Politics.
St. Petersburg, N ov. 12.— An Imper­
ial o rd er has been Issued forbidding
soldiers o f all ranks to heroine mem­
bers o f political associations o f any
m eetings o r take part In agitation
against the governm ent.
o f the ord er w ill bo s everely punlsbod.
3 * l l e l « l A rN M ca,
The late Justice Duly o f N ew York
frequently enlivened the tedium o f
legal proceedings had before him by his
kindly w i t
One day a suit was brought before
him in which damages were claimed by
reason o f an assault. P lain tiff bad been
knocked dows by the defedant and se­
verely pununeled while prostrate. One
o f the witnesses seemed very reluctant
to answer the questions put to him on
cross-examlnution, iu which be was up­
held by the court.
“ W ith all due respect to your honor.”
complained the attorney for the plain­
tiff, “ the court does not appear to take
cognizance o f the underlying principle
in this case.”
“ In my opinion,” replied his honor,
good-naturedly, “ the underlying princi­
pal in this case Is your client, Mr. A t­
torney.” — Harper's Weekly.
Have You
a Friend
T h en tell him about A y e r ’s
C h e r r y P ectoral. T e ll him
how it cured y o u r hard cough.
T e ll him w h y you alw ays keep
it in the house. T e ll him to
ask his doctor about It. D o c ­
tors use a great deal o f it fo r
throat and lung troubles.
“ I had a terrible cold and cough and was
threatened with pneumonia. I tried A yer’a
Cherry Pectoral and it gave me quick ana per­
fect relief. It ta certainly a moat wonderful
cough medicine.” —R icha E. W h it m a n , Sioux
J n d fre a n d J u ro r.
Judge Adams, the County Court
° a T J —*
A yerC °.,Low o eU
f ,
Judge o f Limerick, is one o f the w it­
tiest o f Irishmen, hut occasionally from
uu encounter he emerges second best
T h e other day a Juror asked to be
excused from serving un account o f One of Ayar'a Pills at badtim« «HR
hasten recovery. Gently laxative.
“ W ere you In court during my charge
to the Jury in the last case?” asked the
“ Yes, ye r honner,” replied the Juror.
Portland Trade Directory
"D id you hear it?”
Manica and Addresses it» Portland o f R «#rt>
“ Yes. yer honuor, I
beard every •entative Buainesa firms.
word o f it, but I couldn’t make any
CR EAM 8 K P A K A T O K H -W e guarantee the 17. a
slnse o f i t ! ”
(Separator lo be the beat. W rite lor free catalog.
Hazelwood Co., Fifth and Oak.
The reply evoked a roar o f laughter.
In which Judge Adams heartily joined. P IA N O S ft ORGANS—Many line instruments re
to us account sickness or removal o f buyer
But he did not excuse that Juror.
W rite for description of pianos now on hand.
S tr e tc liln w
term«, eto.
A n American visiting Dublin told
some startling stories about the height
o f some o f the New York buildings.
An irishman who wus listening stood
it as long as he could, and then que­
“ Ye haven’t seen our newest hotel,
have ye?”
The American thought not.
“ W ell,” said the Irishman, “ It's so
tall that we had to put the tw o top
6tories on hinges.”
"W h a t for?” asked the American.
“ So we could let ’em down till the
moon went by,” said P a t
. Look
bu t
N ot
W rite today.
Gilbert Co., Portland
lo t
o c e a n s id e
a t
(N o rth Beach) and Beautiful Oak Book
Case to every purchaser o f the Special Edi­
tion o f the “ Library o f the World*« Best
Literature.” -16 volum e», »ilk bound, (2.10 per
v o lu m e : So on d elivery o f set and $5 per m o n th ;
case and book« delivered free. Particu lars by
w ritin g
Columbia Bldg., Portland, Oro.
“ Has yuur w ife got your den fixed up
“ Yes, and you ought to see i t
the coziest place in the whole house.”
“ I suppose you find great com fort in
I t don’t you?”
“ Oh, she won’t let me go in i t I t ’s
merely to look a t ” — M ilwaukee Senti­
Banking by Mail
The Kidneys
When they are weak, torpid, or atagnant,
the whole system suffers. Don’t neglect
them at this time, but heed the warning ot
the aching t«ck , the bloated face, the sallow
complexion, the urinary disorder, and begin
treatment at once with
Hood’ s Sarsaparilla
which contains the best and safest curative
In usual liquid form or in chocolated
tablets known aa 8 a r s a t a b s . 100 doses $1.
On savings deposits of a dollar
or more,
compounded iw ice
every year. I t is just as easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by M ad as if you lived n ext
door. Send for our free book­
let, “ Bank ng by M ail,” and
learn full particulars. Address
T h e r a Je n o s a tis fa c tio n keen er
th en being d ry and com fortable
when out In the hardest storm.
O re g o n T ru s t &
S a v in g s B a n k
Portland, Oregon
S ix t h a n d W a s h in g t o n Sts.
T h . R e .a lt.
AM at once and unexpectedly Greek
met Greek.
There wasn’t any tug of war.
But two banana carta were upset and
acattered their contents in the mud, to
the accompaniment of much loud and
’OWU <0. fcOSTON, MASS, 0. 1 A.
variegated Hellenic profanity.
“ I wish I was half ns beautiful as
H otel and restaurant p rice, aro Mias Brown,” remarked the fa ir Edith
steadily rising In German cities, be­ to Mr. Green.
cause o f the rapid rise o f prices o f
“ W ell, you are, you know,” replied
meat and vegetables. Cooks and w ait­ Green, thoughtlessly.
ers also demand much more than for­
Then be wondered why she suddenly
rose and left litm.
ts m m m
For Infants and Children.
IThe Kind You Have
Alw ays Bought
ÁVfcgctable Preparationfor As­
similating the Food nndRcöula-
ling the Stomachs and Dowel:
l M AN l S / < H I I . D K EN
Promotes Digestion.Chcerlul-
ness and Host .Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
o t
a r c o t ic
Bears the
s tf O U O S A M I! PITCHVl
Aperteci Remedy forConslipa-
flon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions, Feven s h-
n n i and L o s s o r S l e e p .
facsimile Signature of
For Over
Thirty Years