It is to be reail—C arys’ ad. C L A C K A M A S FRUIT And yet we have to pay water | rent. I Two fine boxes of apples, Spit- he rain caught us short on Oil Coats The following article which appeared in the Portland Commercial Review, shows that Tom Carrico of Oregon City was zenbergs and Baldwins, were ex- Leonard’ s Best need not necessarily be considered a brand of flour, but in this case it but we now have a complete line and hibited Saturday by J. W. Grasle was a very determined and resourceful young lady. If the flour has the high standard i over.lure Sunday. you should buy and be prepared for of excellence which the young lady evidently possesses it ought to win instant favor We£ar<.'£now£prepared£tofttake$£ at a meeting of the Clackamas County Horticultural society. These the Fall rains while the.stock is complete "Garfield, W ash.- F. G. Leonard, who owns and operates the Garfield Flour Mills, was the.-e$ou$subscriptionS apples are without a blemish. Mr. busy last week getting out a big order of flour for San Fancisco, when his engineer quit anil W e have everything needed in this line. The Browning Club mects’every the mill was al>out to stop until another could be found Mr. Leonard was hurrying to get Grasle also exibited specimens of regular meeting night. the order out, and had no time to look up an engineer. Miss Mabel, his 18-year old daughter the Beurre Clargeau from Richard learning of the predicament her father was in, and knowing something about engineering, G. W. Bowdish and family are Scott's place on Sauvie’ s island. went to the mill, took charge of the engine, and stayed with it until the big San Francisco now living in Portland These fiears took first premium at order was put out. Mrs. McKown went to Portland, the fruit fair held several weeks Tuesday, for a short visit. ago at Hood River. Rev. McPherson w r in Portland “ In Clackamas county” , said Mr. • a *. Tuesday on church business. Grasle, "high altitude will put on At only $1.10 a 501b sack. Quoted in Portland at #1.20 Fred S. Morris was out inspect- the color, and the juice will not on­ This is the best brand of flour made. Come and see the wheat it is made from ly follow the knife, as claimed by : ing his brick plant this week. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Palmateer, of the growers of Hood River, but will run into the hand. Apple grow­ Garfield, were in town, Sunday. ing requires an immense lot of work And the best line of Shoes this Mrs. G. II. Lichtjiorn spent Sun­ and the horticulturists of Hood R iv ­ side of Portland at as low prices day with her sisters in Portland. er never rest, but are at it 12 months as such goods can be sold for Sunday school at to a. m. Sun- in the year. The last spraying in OREGON CITY TRUST CO. • d .y, preaching sere ice at ^ p. m. M Y N E W L Y S E L E C T E D S U P P L Y OF this fection seems to eliminate and Money loaned on real and Merchant Cooper got in a lot of destroy the codlin moth that enters chattel security new furniture and goods for his from the outsicie. The trees should | store last week. | lie sprayed three times and four is Abstracts of Title made Miss Aleen Petteys of Tillimook | lietter. Up to last year my orchard direct from the records spent Sunday with her friend, Miss , was free from scale but this year it Dimick & Dimick, Mgrs. Maud Sturgeon. was infested from neighboring trees H A S A R R IV E D A N D I W IL L B E P L E A S E D TO O reg o n C it y O reg o n Just at present the things we are from the south and west. We have SHOW T H E M TO T H E L A D IE S ; in need of most are good roads lead-, the soil and the climate here for If you want a new hat call and make an early selection f growing good apples and I believe City Cut O ff From Portland— ing into Estacada. Ed. Oblander, who owns a fine Hood River method of j N o Phone Nor Electric Cars I property on Broadway, has moved Kr°w ing nothing but apples in the orchard is a good one. The t ces ON CLACKAMAS CO. LANDS from S e attle to Chelialis H eavy Wind and Rain Storm should be sprayed first just before The interior of the Cary Hard­ WK M AKE the calyx closes, and then every 25 Last Night Does Things JO N E S & H A Y 1LA N D ware Company's large store has _________ the abstract of title to the security offered days” .— Portand Journal. PRO PRIETO RS been receiving some improvements. anil attend to all details in the closing Clackamas R aging and Doing up of Mortgage Loans You should read the large ad. of Good rigs and careful drivers always Quarterly Conference Damage Shaffer-Whittier Co. on the first Call on us for information concern­ SPECIAL ATTENTION page. It is the first announcement The members of the Methodist Given Hunting and Fishing Parties ing Clackamas rounty Records THE IT The country was swept by a fu­ of the sale of Goldstein & Levitt to Episcopal church of Estacada with The best for family use rious wind and rain storm all last the new firm of Shaffer-Whittier their Pastor, Rev. Ç. T . McPher­ Clackamas Title C o m ’y WOOD & LUMBER BEST night, and this morning Estacada Co. who take over the store on .Sat­ son, and Presiding Elder, Rowlan J, ! IS This old reliable kerosene is the They are offering held quarterly conference Tuesday K. F. Riles . Attorney at Law, President. Local anil Long Distance Telephone is cut off from long distance phone, urday, 17th. Frank H. Riley, Atty. at Law, Secretary. B E S T Oil that can be made FOR HIGH electric lights and electric car ser­ bargains in clothing that have never evening. The preacher’ s salary before been given the pi ople. 60S 608, Chamber of Commerce, N O T IC E Is hereby given, that vice. At this hour it can not be was apportioned among his several ■ from Petroleum. Sold at W A N T E D : Better 1 i > t accom­ all persons under 16 years of age YOUR learned where the trouble is. En­ TIRE P O R T L A N D ORE. charges, Estacada to raise £200 of A s condi- it. Previous to the business meet- j are not allowed to l>e on the streets gine h i started to Portland with modations at Estacab 1 Souvenir p >stcards of the Estacr-' LAMPS the 7:37 car, taking a cfew to clear tions are at present ;i lit the depot, ing Rev. Rowland preached to the da public school, and the proposed of the City of Estacada after the TEST All per­ the track. The Clackamas river is th ey are very unsni - : .■ tory to the congregation, new M. FJ. church for sale at the hour of 9 o'clock p. m. M A IN ST. sons violating the city curfew ordi­ at high tide and, it is feared, that public. It is expet d that the rail­ drug store. Rain! beautiful rain; the bridge at .Gladstone will be tak­ way company w ill; put up a good Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Seymoure nance in this respect will be made We would fain en out. The wind went down this building here witllin a year, one spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. to answer to the offense. H ave you quit it By order of tile city council. morning, and it is balmy as a day th at will answer tin purpose both j H. Pearson on the farm across the in the freight and passenger line. This minute. A L H A V E N S , Marshal. in May. river. Y O U N G L A D Y R U N S E N G IN E T O M A K E L E O N A R D ’S BEST Oil Coats Rubber Boots W aterproof Shoes “LE O N A R D ’S BEST” At The EMPORIUM D a ro w ish & C o m p a n y ' Fall Hats and Caps for L a d ie s an d M isse s Sparks’ Store Mrs. D. C. CRANE- M O N E Y 10 LOAN Livery, Feed 4 Sale STA B LE The Best O il-Extra Star Extra Star Oil C. F. HOWE’S, If you have not used it, Try a Can BW 7 ■■n a Dealer*» in the Greatest Bargains On Earth I- The World Our field ! The Shaffer-Whittier Co. -45 Bnv now for Xm as giving. Despoilers of Merchandise SOLD OUT to the SH A F F E R -W H IT T IE R CO. On Saturday Morning at 0 a. m. the Store Will Be Reopened, But for 7 Days Only Every piece of merchandise possible to force out thru unprecideut low pricing will lx- sold. The peoph prices are ours we’ re their friends Rather than move a dollar's worth of go>' 8c Men’s Shirts Youths’ Loni> Pant Suits Men’ s Good Work Shirts J 5C 29c ‘ ‘ 75c Dress j, 45c 89c “ $50 " £6 Suits lor ft3 £8.50 Suits for £4.30 $10 Suits for $5 50 £12 .5 0 Suits for £6 25 S a le O p en s Sat. N o v . 17, 9 A . M . Closes One W eek Later ¡nail sues, $ 1.5 0 ami -.2 v a iu e s^ 5 c Infants’ Sh v s . NOTE We have arranged with Meaflrt. P ositively & Grandest Boquct of Bargains tv«rofle,et,i» Oregon $5 pants, worth today £6 to £7 in city stores; in this sale at-$2.95 Ironclad and Black Cat Hosiery 15c A Sign over the Merchant s Door Which Reads Ever;, dollar’s worth remaining after Sat. Nov. 24. will be shipped away and disposed of to an Eastern auction house. The Stole W ill Be Cleaned out---Fixtiirrs for Sale To itemize the bargains in this splendid stock would lie well nigh im­ possible. Suffice to say, that on Saturday morning we'll swing open the doors to the people of Estacada and surround ng towns the Men’ s S i .50 pants in dark or light shades, neat, striped |mttenrs 89c $2.50 pants in-neat, hair-line stripes $ 1.35 $3 pants in dressy patterns for $ 1.25 £4 pants, in handsome patterns, splendid wearers of fashionable woolens, nicely tailored for $1 ,S9 Children ! M ocking! Heavy ribbed 15c grade Stacks. Brief Mention gf the Feast that W aits Men’s $10 Cravenetts Men’s Pants, Sensational B A R G A IN S Men’s Suspenders 75c Umbrellas 25c 1-50 the Most Ruthless Slashers of Prices and Quick Goldstein at Levitt to remain during the sale to me- and car? for old friends, and our thank ire due and herebv extended the geiitk'.ueii for the courtesy. Tin SHAFFhK W lirr riHK CO pur Youths’ Suit:, Boys’ Suits A ll at 50c mi the dollar £3 Suits tor £1.50 £ 4. 50 Suits lor $2 25 £6 Suits for £3 Men’s Hats Good styles, Stiff or Soft, fine quality, furliclts. worth up to £2 Choice for 7V. £4 Hats for *1 69 Levitt Store, Sold Out to The Shaffer-Whittier Mercantile Company W"*"