The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, October 18, 1906, Image 3

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    s sa *s-
Few are entirely free from it.
It may develop ao slowly aa to cane*
Uttle if anydmturbancedoring the whole
period of childhood.
It may then produce dyepepaia, ca­
tarrh, and marked tendency to con-
■umption, before causing eruptions,
sores or swellings.
To get entirely rid of it take the great
Annexation Sore to Follow Next
Failure ot Cuba.
H o o d ’ s S a r s a p a r i l l a SELF GOVERNMENT IMPOSSIBLE
In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets
known as Sa rsata ba . 100 doses |1.
Sugar and Tobacco Men Will Object
Im m a t e r ia l.
The elderly and somewhat flustratad
lady stopped tu obese man on a crowd­
ed street.
“ Does It make sny difference," she
asked, “ which o f these cars I take to
the cemetery?”
“ Not to me, madam,” answered the
polite heavy-weight, as be lifted his
hat and passed on.
How a Veteran Was Saved the Am ­
putation o f a Limb.
B. Frank Doremni, veteran, of Booeo-
velt Ave., Indianapoill, Ind., saya:
“ I had been showing symptoms of kid­
ney trouble from the
time I was mustered
out of the army, hot
in all my Ufa I never
suffered as in 1897.
Headaches, dissiness
and sleeplessness first,
and then dropsy.
was weak and help-
lesa, having ran down
f r o m 180 t o
poundi. I was hav­
ing terrible pain in the kidneys and the
secretions passed almost involuntarily.
My left leg swelled until it was 34
inches aronnd, and the doctor tapped it
night and morning nntil I could no
longer stand it, and then he advised
I refused, and began
using Doan's Kidney Pills. The swell­
ing subsided gradually, the urine be­
came natural and all my pains and
aches disappeared. I have been well
now for nine years since using Doan’ s
Kidney Pills.”
For sale by all dealers. 60 cents l
box. Foster-Milbnin Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Portland Trade Directory
Names snd Addresses In Portland e f Rcpro*
sentative Business Firms.
CK KAM 8K P A It ATOR8—W * guarantee ih* U.&
fefparai or Io b« the best. Write lor Oes catalog.
H a u l wood Co., Fifth and Oak.
P IA N O S A OHOANH—Msnjr fine Instruments re­
v e n te us account sickness or removal of buyer
W rite for doser pilon of p anos now on hand,
terms, etc. Write today. Gilbert Co., Portland
H O W A R D E. BURTON.—Assayer ard Chemist.
■ ■ Leadville, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold,
Silver, L* ad, $1; Gold, 811 ver, 76c; Gold, 60c; Zinc or
Copper, |U Cyanide tests. Mailing envelopes and
füll prtce list sent on application. Control and Um-
pi re work solicited.
Reference t Carbonate Nar
(tonal Bank.
k vi E J f c
M A IN 2029 R 1
3 " * W ASH -M l ■
M p L «T E S $ 5
Muat Coma.
Waabington, Oct. 18.— Republican
aenatore and congreaamen who have
been in Waahlogton lecenlly and offi­
cial* cloaely identified with the admin-
istiation agree with the preeident that
Cuba aball have another opportunity to
try aelf government, but the opinion ie
almost universal that annexation ii
only a matter of time. Little i* being
eaid publicly about the probability ol
annexing Cuba to the United State«,
but the subject ie receiving a great deal
of attention in Washington and public
men are eerionsly ¿¡Kneeing tbe beet
method of bringing the ieiand under
the protecting arm of the United Statee.
President Roosevelt le absolutely sin­
cere in his declaration againat the
preeent annexation of Cuba and be has
hopes that the Cuban people, on Ihier
second attempt, w ill be able to form
and maintain a satisfactory govern­
ment. He does not want the ieiand
made a pert of the United States if, by
any possibility, the Cabana can ern
'iact their own affaire and protect the
lives and property of all their citizens
He does not believe that the United
Statee at this time would be justified
in taking ever tbe island, merely be­
cause vest amounts of American capital
have been invested. Bat if tbe words
of other administration officials can be
held to be authoritative, it is to be in­
ferred that the president w ill interpose
no farther objection to annexation in
cate tbe second Caban government is a
While annexation is generally ex
pected, no one looks forward to it with
enthusiasm. Rather, tbe Caban prob­
lem is regarded in the light of one of
the unpleasant outgrowths of the Span­
ish war. as perpleing in some respects
as the Philippine question.
men would like to see Cuba made
American territory, bat they went the
tariff wall kept up against Caban sugar
and tobacco, slid some bar erected
against the immigration of native Ca­
bins into tbe Unite Statee. The South
baa more than its share of dueky citi­
I t ie probable that the men in con­
gress who ere fighting a reduction of
the duty on Philippine sugar and to­
bacco wonld join tbe Sooth in demand­
ing the retention of tbe tariff on sugar
and tobacco from Cnba in case of an­
nexation. I f Philippine sugar ie a
menace to tbe beet eager industry of
the West, i f w ill he argued that the
auger from Cuba, closer and much mote
abundant, wonld be a etill greater
you w ant
c o m p le t e
p r o t e c t io n
a n d lo n g
s e r v ic e .
These and many
other g o o d points
a re com bined In
You court afford
to bqy any other
J row rs co ao**©«* o
▼owes CAN AO* AN CO iff#,
TgntrBi m i
Send for free booklet (bowing anaiysb
of hard water in 100 dties in the United
States, with the amount o f 20-Mule-Teom
Pure Borax neceisary to uzc in each case
to soften the water and produce dean,
white clothes without injury to the finest
fabrics or most deBcate hand*.
A ll dealer*. Full sic* package Borax A Borax
Soap; 22-page booklet and souvenir picture 7x14 In.
10 color’« nee for 10 cents and dealer's name. P A ­
C IF IC COA8 f B O R A X CO.. Oakland Cal.
* 3 .5 0 d t * 3.00 S h o e s
New Orleans, Oct. 16.— Damages of
fully $1,000,000, including the partial
demolition of one town, wee done by
the hurricane on the coaet of Central
America which waa reported by a brief
wireless mereage received here laet
night. Wireless and cable advices to­
day to the United Slates Fruit company
say that probably no loea of life oc­
The hurrirane appeared to be central
near Bluefields, on the east coast of
Nicaragua. I t awept in from the sea,
its first fury striking Little and Great
Corn ialanda, which were swept bare
of vegltation and their topography
even altered by the waves. On the
mainland the storm’ s damage waa con­
fined mostly to a path about SO miles
wide, in which banana and robbei
crops were destroyed and plantation«
blown down. Great damage ie report
ed from Rams, a town on the coaet
about 40 mile* from Blneflelds.
M rs. Jefferson Davis Dying.
New York, Oct. 16.— Mrs. Jefferson
Davis, widow of the preeident of tbe
Confederate statee, ie dying of pneu
monia at the Hotel M rj « l i e here. It
is believed she cannot survive more
•ban a few hours.
Mrs. Davis her
been ill for several dave, but it had
been believed sbe wonld recover up to
last night, when a sudden change for
the wore, wee noticed.
Mrs. Davis
went to the Majestic a rbort time agn
on her return from tbe Adirondack.,
where she spent moat of the summer
for her health.
IN T M * W O N L D
W.L Douglas 14 Silt Edge
To Shoe Dealert:
N o W ord From Peary.
N ew Y ork, Oct. 16.— The middle of
October having boon reached, tbe time
lim it set lor receiving news from tbe
Peary Arctic expedition, hope practi­
cally waa abandoned laet night of hear­
ing t lie year from tbe band of tx ilo r -
ers who w iled from tbie port 15
months ego.
It wee expected news
would come through tha whalers when
they sailed into Dundee, Scotland, at
tbo end of their ernise tbie (a ll. The
wbalere have failed to come into port,
and this ie taken that unusual weather
conditions prevail in the Arctic.
W. L. Douglas*
* r Hoorn is tbe i
Trial o f N ew York Central.
New York, Oct. 1 8 — The trial ol the
New York Central Railroad company
for tbs alleged giving of rebate* of
some $26,000 to tbo American 8ngar
Refining company on sugar shipment«
nova , i wr wa J e^e, ns maj
to tbe West is the first trial for the
* e x c e l o t h e r m a k e «.
■■ ■ m s taka yon Into a , — » - infraction of tbe Elkina law ever un­
factories at Brockton, Mass, .and show dertaken in this city. With this action
you how carefully W .L . D ouglas-’----- ia I nearer* ted a sitting of tbo Federal
are made, you would then andei
Criminal coart that may be expected
why they hold their shape, fit b
to laet with its successive term* for at
least n year and probably much longer.
W . I . DOLIOLAS. Dapt- I « . B m ck tM . Ite m .
Ne. « J - N
f . N. U
• I UN
»• »
i planeo
Vassal With T w o Thousand Chinasa
On Board Catchaa Fire.
Hongkong, Oct. 16. — Tbo British
steamer Hankow, from Canton, waa
burned at 6:10 o’clock yesterday morn­
ing, while lying alongside her wbarl.
HundtrJa of Chinese passenger! were
bnrned to death and a valuable cargo
waa dmtroyrd. A ll the Enropean paa
senqeis and crew were saved.
Tbe steamer Hankow, with 2,000
Chinese paasengeie, man, woman and
children, and eovon Emopeaai, and a
cargo including 3,700 bales of matting,
660 bales of raw silk and 400 balm of
waste ailk, arrived from Canton at 3
o’clock and was shortly afterward
moored at the wharf.
Her chief officer reported to Captain
Branch that tbe ship was afire. The
oiptain then directed the chief engineer
to tnrn on the water through tha firo
boss. This wee impossible (or the rea­
son tbat within five minntee after the
alarm we* given the Hankow was
ablase fore and aft.
Captain Branch then awakened tbe
Enropean passengers, who rnehad down
the gangway, tbe ladles in their night­
clothes. Tbe crew waa compelled to
leave tbe ship, which by tbie time wee
a veritable Inrnace.
Responding to signals, the British
craiser Flora and the naval dockyard
distpached contingent« of engine« and
Tbe Boating brigade« ol
firemen made heroic efforts to extin­
guish tbe flames, which Imped to a
hoivht of over 60 feet.
The Chinese steerage passenger! were
thrown into a frightful panic.
H orri­
fying shrieks and cries to mve their
lives were heard, bat escape was im­
possible, owing to the inflammable na­
tal# of the cargo. Hundreds were
burned to death and many others
jumped iato the harbor and ware
Determined to Preserve Her Identity
end Will Refuse Jo'nt Statehood.
Phoenix, Aria., Oct. 16.— The terri­
tory of Arisons, rich in American citi­
zenship, aa well ae natural resources, is
making a determined fight to retain its
Tbe people aa a whole are
bitterly opposed to tbe plan of joint
statehood with New Mexico. They ad­
vance various reasons for tbeir oppoai
tion, some of them potent and other* of
little apparent weight. Whatever tbe
reason, they are overwhelmingly against
joint statehood, and w ill k ill the prop­
osition at tbe polls next month. The
leader of the “ jointiets” in Northern
Arizona acknowledge* tbat he dose not
coant upon more than 16 per cent of
the vote in favor of Jointure.
Tbe chief objection to anion with
New Mexico appears to be based npon
the disparity in site and quality ol
population. Tbe Mexiaan element in
New Mexico numbers at least 60 per
cant of tbe total population. In A ri­
zona the Mexican vota ie about 16 per
cent of tbe total. Mach of tbe M exi­
can population in Arisons ie floating,
roniisting ol laborers on railroads and
irrigation enterprises, etc., while the
Mexicans living in New Mexico are, aa
a rule, native of the territory.
Hurricane Sweeps Through Central
America, Waating Si,OOO,OOO.
"When y o u b i y
to Free Competition, But It
Army In Cuba Given Name.
Washington, Oct. 16. — Brigadier
General Barry, acting chief of staff, to­
day issued a general order by direction
of tbo preeident (toting tbat the m ili­
tary tone* now »w im bled In Cuba or
to bo amembled there are constituted
aa arwy to bn known ae tbo Army of
On baa Pacification.
Tbe small office of tbe Society for the
Assistance o f Hungarian Immigrants,
which stands opposite tbe Battery tu
New York, was crowded to tbe fat!
with a boat o f new arrival-*. Tbe men.
dressed In small, berlbbouwl round bats,
tight fitting coats and leather troueert
tucked In tbe tops o f high hoots, stood
calmly smoking their Icug-etemmeil
pipes, saya a writer In tbe Chicago News.
The women, arrayed In foreign cotton«
and woolens, were even more placid and
unconcerned than the men.
A cab drove up in front o f tbe plain
brick building, and a short, stout wom­
an, dark of face and evidently foreign
by descent, stepped Into the crowded
room with a rustle o f silks.
"You promised me a girl to-day,” she
said, sharply, lu English, although with
a pronounced foreign accent
“ We bave only one girl,” be replied,
“ but she wants Blxteen dollars, and sbe
Isn't worth half o f I t "
“ A ll of tbem want more than they’ re
worth, anyway. Let me see her.”
“ Anna Itaadznlk!" called the clerk.
A tall, thin woman, with a plain,
dark shawl looped over her head like a
sunbonnet, entered tbe room. Her
cheeks were bronzed, and ber whole ap­
pearance, from ber long, strong arms to
her flat chest, was that of a woman
used to hard work In the fields o f her
native land.
"You want work?" questioned the
wouldbe employer.
Tbe immigrant shrugged ber should­
ers. ‘"There are plenty of places,” she
said. Her sharp eyea flashed a ques­
tioning look, half-humor, half-inquiry,
upon her Interlocutor. Then sbe gave
a start of surprise, and smiled.
“ What wages do you wantT”
“ Sixteen dollars"
"It's too much,” came the objection,
In good Hungarian. “ In the old coun­
try yon got lea« than two.”
“That’s why I came to tho new coun­
try,' returned the Immigrant, calmly.
“ Well,” said the woman, “ I think I
will take you.”
“ I don’t know that I wont to come
y et How many have you in the fam­
ily r
“ What difference how many I have
in the family? You won't bave to work
nearly a* hard aa you did In the old
“That's why I came to tbe new coun­
try,” with a smile.
“ Well, will you come?”
“ What’s the religion?”
“ What ha* that to do with it?” said
the woman angrily. "M y religion Is my
own affair. I will not employ yon.”
Turning to face the amused clerk, she
said, “ She ought to be sent back to her
farm work In Hungary. Nothing here
Is good enough for her.”
Anna Raadznlk remarked to a com­
panion In the woman’s compartment
“ I knew her.
She’s Martha Zlldth.
8he worked as a servant girl for a
farmer near the town from which I
come. I f she got a rich man In this
country, maybe I can, too,”
tieels Alisa.
A C o r r e c t io n .
“ Many a man.” said Uncle Alisa
Mr. Stoplate— 1 believe I must say
Sparks, “ dates all his ether reverses from goodnight
tbs evening *b «c kia best girl turned turn
MU* Teraleep— Ob. don’t !
ehould you?
Mr. Stoplete— Why, really— ah— It’»
8100 Reward, *100.
getting ratber late. Isn't It?
T h e readers o l this paper w i l l be pleased tc
Miss Tersleep— Yes, altogether too
leer u that there la s t leaat one dresded diaesac
thut science haa been able to cure In a ll Its late to say good night Bay good-morn­
sla tes, and th a t la Catarrh. H a ll's Catarrh
C ars la tha o n ly positive cure know n to the ing.—Cleveland Leader.
m ed ica l Ira te ru lty. Catarrh b eiu * a constitu­
tion a l disease, requires a constitu tion al I n s t ­
To Brook In Now Shoos.
ant. H a ll 'a Catarrh Cure la taken In tern a lly,
Always shake in A llen 's Foot-Ease, a powder.
t in g d ir e c t ly upon the blood a n d mucous
lu riecea ut the ayatem, tbert by destroyin g tha It cu re« hot, sw eating, aching, sw ollen feet.
g t w M g a l N c iv
N ln
S g M the
t o O pr. N Cor*-» corns, in gro w in g n ails and bunions. At
io u m
u la
tio m
n m
of s
t h m
j di
lia n t Btreugth W
bm ldin UK u p >t the constitution all druggists and shoe stores, 26c. Don't accept
any substitute. Sample m ailed FREE. Address
lu d o in g it * w ork .
and asslstini ig nature in
proprietors h a te to m uch fa ith In It * curativo Allen 8. Olmsted, U Roy, N. Y.
pow ers th a t th e y o ffer One H u ndred Dollars
(o r any case th a t it falia to cure. Send fo r llat
In cutting a canal at Bordeaux a burled
o f testim on ials.
_ . . _
F. J. C H E N E Y A CO., Toledo, a
statue has been discovered of Anne of
Bold by druggists, 76c.
Hallfs Family Pllla
tho boat.
At Wilkesbarre, Pa., in one d a y recent*
ly 425 foreigners were naturalised.
r iT O
VituxP Dance and all Nervous Diseases
|| I O Permanently cured by Dr. Klin e's Greet
Nerve flesiorer. Hend fbr P K K K f t trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. R. II.K lin ., Ld. M l Arch 8L, Phtla-.Pa.
Austria, queen of Louis X III., who died
At Paris in 10GG.
M others w ill find M r«. W inslow ’s S oothing
Syrup the beet rem edy to use fo r th eir ch ildren
d u rin g th e teeth in g period.
T r e s p a s s ! nar.
“ I see they’ve discharged that clerk who
eaved so much money out of his small
R on gh on R eggy.
salary. Didn’t they know he waa grafting
Tommy—What is tbe “ height o f fol­ all the time?”
ly,” pa?
” Yee, but they suspect now that he got
Pa—Your elater’a beau, my s o il He •ome of the graft that rightfully belonged
to the bigger officers of the company.”
Ie six fest two.
W e T ru s t
D o c to r s
If you tre suffering from
impure blood, thin blood, de­
bility, nervousness, exhaus­
tion, you should begin at once
with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows It,too. Ask him aboutit.
You must look well after the condition e<
your liver and bowels. Unless there is dally
action of the bowels, poisonous products a i*
absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, naa*
sea, dyspepsia, and thus preventing the
•apart! la from doing Its best work. A;
Pills are liver pills. Act gently, all
The dose Is only one pill at bedtime
byJ^T Apex Oo., Lowell, 1
— TTSS Also
ma mufaoturers o f
A u iters
AVegctable Preparationfor As­
similating the Food andRegula-
Ung the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigestloaCheerfi^
ness and Rest.Contains neither
ium.Morphine nor Mineral
8 o S x N a r c o t i c .
M k v fa u B rS iM u a m ca a t
A perfect Remedy forConsHpa-
llon. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and L oss o f S l e e p .
The K in d You H ave Alw ays Bought, and which haa been
In use fo r over SO years, has borne the signature o f
- and has been made under his per-
Bonal supervision since Its Infancy.
* w ( V a /w c A w
A llo w no one to deceive you In this.
A ll Counterfeits, Im itations and ** Just-aa-good” are but
Experim ents that trifle w ith and endanger the health o f
Intents and Children—Experience against Experiment,
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor O il, Pare­
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. I t cores Diarrhoea and W ind
Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, givin g healthy and natural sleep.
Th e Children’s Panacea—The M other’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
facsimile Signature of
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 3 0 Years
V ic tim
o f M a trim o n y W h o T k e e c k t
H a C o o l* L o st N o «.
T o o k a S k ln o to H im .
Foretk oD S ht.
O n « o f U fa G lo o m y M o o d «.
Grandma— Tommy, la there anything
Piggmu*— I ice that tha champion
“ Honesty is the best policy, to be stir«**
“ Say, you, Mr. Married Man,” aald
you like better than a piece of pie?
moralized the professor, “ but in th« cast
a Coates House hotel clerk to an ac­ bootblack la dead.
too many men it Is a policy that haa
Say Railroads Discrimlnata In Freight quaintance this morning, " I ’ll make a
Yee'm. Two piece«.
mark.— American Spectator.
a aurrender value.”
little bet with you. You've been e vic­
Rates to Pacific Coast.
Washington, Oct. 15. — A complaint tim of matrimony for five yeans, but
has been made to the Interstate Com­ I'll wager a good cigar that you can't
merce commission by tbe North Caro­ offhand tell your wife’s height, weight
lina Caseworkers’ association, whose and the colot o f ber eyes and hair.
membership consists of firms engaged Quick, now, without stopping to think
in the manufacture and m le of fnrni- —la It a go?”
“ Sure,” replied the married man.
tnre, againat many line* of railroads in
the West, because of alleged nnjnat and " I ’ll smoke on you.”
“ All right go ahead with the de­
discriminatory charge« for the trans­
portation of fnrnitnre, especially trom scription. But be careful— I am ac­
High Point, N. C., and Danville, Vo. quainted with ber.
What does sbe
to Pacific coaat terminal point*.
weigh 7”
The complainants declare tbat tbe
“ A hundred end thirty-three. That's
railroada charge them $1.70 per hun­ easy— we both got weighed a «few days
dred ponndz for carrying furniture ago.”
from tbe North Carolina territory to
“ Very good. What's tbe color o f her
Pacific coast points, and iniiat npon a hair?”
minimum carload weight ot 20,000
“ Why, black; that la, pretty neer
pounds, whereas they claim to be able black— a sort of brownish black, with
to pat into a car only 12,000 pounds a kind o f a—er— reddish tinge.”
of fnrnitnre.
They Insist, therefore,
“ Get out; that doesn’t go. Reddlsh-
tbat tbe rates are unreasonable and ask
black brown doesn’t mean anything.
tha commission to issne an order re­
How tall la she?”
quiring the railroads to lim it 36-foot
“ Well, the top o f’ber head Just comas
carload loti u( fnrnitnre to 12,000
to my chin, and I am five feet eleven
Inches. She’s about— let me ae*— about
five feet two.”
Chinese May Stay Hers.
“ What’s the color at her eye*?”
Cincinnati, Oct. 15.— Although a la­
“ Blue— no, by jinks-! I be tiers they're
borer at tbe present time, tbe fact that
be was e merchant when the Chinese gray. Confound It, I guess I lose the
exclusion law was passed, laved Jang bet Seem« to me one eye Is blue, but
Yuen, a Cleveland Chinese, from de­ I distinctly remember looking at one
portation, tbe United Stales Circuit of them the other day and It was gray..
court of appeals having so decided to­ Or maybe It was on* of my stenogra­
District Judge Taylor ordered pher's eyea I noticed. Darned i f 1
Jung Yuen deported, aahe waa working know."
in a Cleveland laundry when arrested.
“ Just so,” scornfully remarked the
His attorney maintained that aa Ynetr hotel clerk. “ But never mind you do
was a merchant in New Yurk at tha aa well as tbe average man. Not one
time tbe law waa passed, ba waa there­ In ten can give an accueat* description
A n ounce o t grease is sometimes the
difference between
fore exempt from deportation.
of hie wife.
profit and loss on a day’s teaming.
you can’t afford
“ I saw an Instance o f It this morning
Hard to Reconcile Them.
In the Milwaukee railway ticket o f­
• dry axle — do you know as well that Mica A xle Grease is the
Cienfnegoe, Oct. 15.— Consul Gener­ fice. An old married man waa buying
only lubricant you can afford? Mica Axle Grease is the most eco­
al Stelnhart’ e endeavor# to settle local tickets for himself end wife— tbe tick­
difficulties and reconeil* the hostile ets tbat bave descriptions o f the pnr-
nomical lubricant, because it
possesses high lubricating prop­
factions have not yet borne much frnit. ’ cbaaer punched in them— and he
quality. Hence, the
Tbe Liberals continue to demand the conidn't get bis wife transportation un­
removal of all the police end would be til be had gone home and taken a look
longest profitable use of your outfit is to be had,
when the
gled to have the mayor of the city oust­ at her. F e e t” — Kansas City Star.
ed. Tbe amneetyiug o f e ll person*
T h e F r i e s « o f W a l e s ' H o h h le e .
connected with the m nrderof Congress­
Mica A xle Grease contains powdered mica.
This forms a
man Villnendae last year is serving to
The Prince of Walee has several hob­
quiet tbe bad feelings tbat have pre­ bles. He keeps pigeons, end. Ilka the
smooth, hard surface on the axle, and reduces friction, while a spe­
Tbe volunteer«, ineteed of Csar of Russia, has a bug# collection
cially prepared mineral grease forms an effective cushioning body be­
turning in ell their gnns, have conceal­ of postage stamps. But his strangest
ed some end buried others.
tween axle and box. Mica A xle Grease wears best and longest — one
bobby la the collection of photographs
o f beblee. It Is said that the more com­
greasing does for a week’s teaming.
Must Shelter N o Strangers.
ical are tbe faces the better be likes
St. Petersburg, Oct. 16.— The minie- tbeir photographs; and b* even In­
Mica Axle Grease saves horse power
ter of tbe Imperial cenrt*baa iaanad an cludes In his collection portraits Issued
— consequently saves feed. Mica Axle
order forbidding official* and employs* as advertisements by proprietors of In­
of the court to raat rooms or otherwise
Grease is the
fants’ foods.
shelter any person* without the special
— use it and draw a
P e r P t f t t r l f y ’s l i f c i .
permission of the minister. The order
ia do* to the arrest of Klepnikoff and
“ Weary, why don't yer ever de no
double load. If your dealer does not
other Terrorist* at Psterhof, September work?"
keep Mica A xle Grease we will tell
28, and tbe discovery that many of tbe
“ I'm nukin’ s’ my descendant«.
participant* ia the conspiracy were liv ­ R a m y ."
you one who does.
ing nnenepeeted in the immediate vi­
“ Wot d*y#r mean?"
cinity of the palace.
“ Fur be It from me to do any act
that'll keep 'em from hoistin' that the
M ore Yellow Fever Casas.
founder of their family was a gent of
Washington, Oct. 18.— Tbe Marine leisure I” —Cleveland Leader.
H « p itai servio* bee been advised of
A certain plain woman has a hand­
tbs appearance of three new casce of
yellow fever at Havana and of one at some husband. We wonder If she
properly appreciate* him!
Clenfnagoa and on * at Gaines.
Makes the
Load Lighter
YOU know
best lubricant in
the world
Standard Oil Co.