The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, October 18, 1906, Image 2

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    The Estacada News
Need o f a Politician at the Vatican Is
Widely Recognized.
i M essed Fern for
Buy Beiders.
A ft «sum * o f tho Lees Important but
N ot Laas Interesting F.vonta
o f tha Fast Weak.
Wbolaaal# dealer« in diamond* bare
announced an advance inn price« of 20
f o r cant.
CongrMi ia very likely to approve
fla n to advance the «alaries of postal
employ w .
Chicago commimion men have lodged
O proteat with Secretary Wilton, claim
lag the new maat inspection law creates
o monopoly.
Tbe threatened leckont in the bn lid
lag trades at Oakland is on.
all tha m ill* are closed and building
almost at a standstill.
Senator Bnrton, of Kanaaa, baa been
Monied a rsbearing by tba Supreme
eoort and w ill bare to go to Jail for six
month* and pay a fine of 12.600.
Borne, Oct. 16.— In spite of the fact
that the pnpe ia enjoying
bealtb, tbe matter of poasibla r«*olti
of tb* next oonclave, whenever It doe*
occur, is being discna-ed among tbe
cardinalr, and this with no deair* to
inticipate the election or to be disre-
ipectlul to the pontiff.
Tbe feeling
among tbe cardinals has changed great­
ly since August, 1903, and today there
exists a tendency quit* oppoeite to that
which triumphed three years ago. In
view of tbe Vaticsn's experiences with
France, the cry this time will be not
for a merely religious pope, but a po­
litical pope; not lor a saint, but for a
Even tbe strongest opponents of
three years ago of Cardinal Rampolla
now favor his election.
failed in 1903 chiefly because be was
vetoed by Cardinal Pusyna, in tbe
name of Austria, speaking for tbe en­
tire Triple Alliance.
Although Pope Pius bas suppressed
the right of veto sbroegted by certain
powers, tbe reason which induced tbe
Triple Alliance to oppose Cardinal
Rampolla still exist, and the church
today ia less able to afford displeasing
the Central Empire.
there are rumors ol an experiment with
a foreign pope, in spite of tbe disfavor
of tbe Italians. For tha last four cen­
turies alt tbe popes have bean Italians.
Vigilance Committee Hay Be Or-
eanlzed for Protection.
Carnival o f Robbery and M urder Has
Stirred Honest Citizens to a
High Pitch.
8an Francisco, Cal., Oct. 13. — Tbe
general alarm cauaed by the nnmeront
report* oi hold-ups and robberv has
seriously affected the attendance at all
places of amueemont. Hotel manager«
and others entrusted with the handling
of large enme of money have made elab­
orate defensive preparsticne and there
ie a general arming on tbe part oi citl-
Discnming the propriety of the or­
ganisation of a committee of safety in
thie state today to deal with petty
criminal! who now infeet the city, Act­
ing Mayor Gallagher raid:
"There eball be no lynching in this
city, aDd I eincerely hope that at the
meeting to be held in Union square
today the leaden will have enough
sense to do nothing that w ill injure the
"T h ey w ill call it a. committee of
safety,” the mayor continued, “ but
other cities will call it a vigilance com
mlttee, and that w ill do irrevocable
barm to San Francisco.
I t would be a
cconfeeeion that tbe people of thie city
era not capable ol protecting them­
selves, and when I eey the people I
mean tba authoritiee with whom the
people have veeted the power of gov­
The plan ia un-American.
“ Tbe eurpation oi the power! oi sup­
pressing crime by unauthorised persona
ie a crime in itself.
I (hall regard it
aa such and w ill not permit it.
"Should those men delire to co-oper­
ate with tb* autberitiee in ridding tbe
city of thugs an i criminals, I shall be
glad to have their aseieUnce, bat they
must not act independent of the munic­
ipality. I w ill not allow millionaires
to taka those steps any eooner than 1
would allow laboring men.
m olt be no violence committed by citi-
Lynch law does more harm
than good."
Independent grain dealera of Chicago
have told tbe Interstate Commerce
Polica Round Up All tho Suspicious
commiaeton how they have been mined
Charactsrs They Sea.
by rebatea being given tbe favored.
San Francisco, Oct. 18.— Despite the
Bam Jonae, the well known evange­
energetic measures taken by tba polica
list, dropped dead of heart failure on
in rounding up all ez-convieta and sus­
hia way from Olaboma City t* his home
picious characters yesterday and today,
fn Georgia. Death came on bis fifty
tba activity af tha lootpaidi and high­
'ninth birthday.
waymen continued
Seveial reports ol
An explosion in a coal mine neai robberies and attempted hold-ups were
Dntbam, England, killed 26 and en made to tbe police.
tombed 200 miners.
Reacne parties
Carl Wilson, ■ laborer, was 'lield up
are working to reach tbei mprisoned and robbed of $6 by two men, while
felon, who may not survive.
walking on Rush street, near Kearney,
A new Elijah baa appaared in Main* about 10 o’clock tonight. A t tbe foot-
pade «topped him Wilson fired s ebot
China w ill aak all powers to make at tbam in the dtrknene. In their
Japan give up Manchuria.
haete in searching him, the robbers
overlooked the piltol which he had.
Moody says be baa avidanoa to c
Attracted by the ebot, a nightwatcb-
vict tha Standard Oil company.
man came running up and also began
An explosion on a government «team •hooting st the fleeing men.
er on the Ohio river killed three men.
Edwsrd Lang, a street-car conductor,
M ilitary supplies for use by tbe reported to the police today that he
American army in Cuba are admitted wae held up by two masked men at the
north end of the Ferry bailding shortly
free of duty.
before 12 o’clock last night. W hile
Magoon has assumed the government
one of them held a pistol against
of Cuba and Taft and Bacon have
Lang’ s head the other footpad went
twined borne.
throogh o il pockets, and, according to
A ll mall for United State* troops in Lang, robbed him ol $60.
An attempted hold-np was reported
Cuba is sent to Havana and from there
Discovery Made by Subway Workman
from Golden Gate park. The approach
'Went to lta destination.
at Depth o f IOO Feet.
ol tome pedeetriani frightened away
A Loa Angelea «threat ear ran away
Philadelphia, Oct. 13. — Subway
en a steep grade because tha brake* the highwaymen.
workmen digging beneath Water street
would not work. Two men were killed
for the new tunnel station, uncovered
and a score seriously injured.
at tbe depth of 100 feet wbat ia clear
The railway mall clerks running out
ly an old slave prison.
Tbe pen
• f Houston, Tex., on the Southern Pa General W ood Also Wants Cavalry composed of narrow cells in three tiers
d flc, have gone on a strike as a result
8ent to Philippines.
with three-foot corridors between heavy
of trouble with the railroad company.
Wellington, Oct. 18.--A n argument wells. The cells ran six to the tier
Detectives from London are investi­ against the reduction in the number of Esch is large enough to hold six men
Heavy iron bare
gating the alleged importation of Eng- troops in the Philippine* Is made by pecked in closely.
the windows and U in
each cel
gififl fa j g g | iy .Bonife. Q s is II e *
w w sw u ie s u a v s v w u p | ru i id «
l t O lilIflH J U T B
Will Taka Charga o f Cuba aa P ro ­
visional Govarnor.
Stamped* o f Russian Rich to Refuge
in Free England.
London, Oct. 12. — For tom* time
poet statement! have been made with
more or lees- authority to the effect
that some member* of the Csar’ i fam­
ily were making eecret arrangement* to
leave Raeeia, should certain eventnali-
tiea occur, and take refuge in Eogland.
Thee* statements have been regarded
aa part of tb* inevitable rnmois to be
expected to eriee from the state of
affaire in the Muscovite dominionk. In ­
vestigations by the Publisher!’ Press
correspondent, however, reveal circum­
stances which point to their truth.
Large quantities of jewels, pictures
end furniture have arrived in thie
country from the imperial palaces in
Russia just lately, and have been
placed in eafe storage.
A leading
banker told the Pabliehers’g Press cor­
respondent that consignments of prop­
erty of enormous value had recently ar­
rived there from Russia.
“ We have received packets of jewels,
costly furniture and number» of pic­
tures, the value of each of which runs
well into five figures,” he laid. "T b e
owners are very highly placed.”
The question pnt point blank as to
whether they belonged to the Roman­
offs, tbe reply wae made that it wae
•gainst the rales to give each informa­
A confirmation oi the assertion that
at least two of the grand dukes and
grand ducheeeee intend to give the ter­
rorist* a wide berth, and to find
aeylnm in England, is found in tbe fact
that inquiries for the beet estates and
homes in the market are being made
emong West End estate and home
agents by Russian gentlemen, who,
while aeking for particulars of the most
valuable estates, refuse to give the
names of the people for whom they
are required.
O rd e r«
fo r Thousands Are Given
That Cannot Be Filled.
Chicago, Oct. 12.— The congestion of
freight traffic has increased eo fait
within the last few days that railway
officials fear they are soon to be lace to
face with a blockade.
Conditions on
the Eastern roads which have not only
to handle the business which they orig-
inete but have the crops of tbe West
pouring in upon them to r export, are
naturally the wont, but those on the
Western lines alio are rapidly becom­
ing extremely eerlnai.
With the approach oi winter the
movement of coal hae grown heavier,
aggravating the congested condition!
which already exist, and traffic men
say they do not know what they will do
for cara when the year’ s enormous crop
of corn ie ready for market, ai it w ill
be now in a short time.
A line belonging to one of the big
Eastern railway system! had orders for
4,236 carl which it could not fill. The
Pennsylvania proposes to give notioe
that for 36 hours it w ill receive no
consignments from the Pittebnrg dis­
trict, the object being to get the tracks
partly clear ol care which have accu­
mulated on its lines.
Havana, Oct. 10. — Charles E Ms-
goon, the newly appointed provisional
governor of Cnba, arrived here this af-
Coincident with hia coming,
Governor Taft gave ont a general dtcre*
proclaiming amnesty not only to the
rebels, but to r ll persons charged with
political offenses or crimes in any way
connected with the revolution.
The steamer Maecotte, with Mr. Ma­
goon, General J. Franklin Bell, Mrs.
Tsft rad Mrs. Bacon, entered Havana
harbor at 4 o’ clock thie afternoon. In
the wake of the Maecotte came th* bat­
tleship Texas with a detachment oi 300
marines from Norfolk.
A laurch cariying Mr. Tait, Assist­
ant Secretary ol (Rate Bacon and Cap­
tains McCoy rad Martin, aides to Mr.
Tait, harried oat to tbe Maecotte.
There followed another lannch with
Uenarai Funaton rad hie aide, and a
third with a committee of Cuban news­
papermen, who carried hugo boqneta of
flowers which were deliveied to Mre.
Taft and Mrs. Bacon with a brief ad­
dress of weleome.
After the preeentatione to the mayor
and the city council the party entered
carriages and waa driven to the palace,
where Mr. Taft and Mr. Bacon and Mr.
Magoon had a long conference in th*
governor’ ! office.
Following thie conference Mr. Ma­
goon received the members of tbe
press. He declined to discuss bis plane
for tbe future. He laid he bad expect­
ed, upon arriving at Washington, to
have 30 days’ leave of absence prior to
hia departure for the Philippines. He
did not regret, however, tbe change in
program and he declared himself grati­
fied with being in Cuba. He said be
won >d take op his residence with Min­
ister Morgan ae tbe minister’ s gueet
pending the departure oi Mr. Taft.
General Bell will reside at the army
headquarters at Marianao.
uneton w ill make hia headquarters at
Camp Columbia.
Millions o f Fast Used Every Year for Growers Busy Picking Large C rop o f
Apple* and Peara.
Pataca Cars.
Rock Cretk — Tbe ranchers along
Portland— In 18 months Portland
hae fnrniebeJ between 40,000,000 and Rock cieek have stepped out of the hey
60,000,000 leet of fir lumber for nee in barveet into tbe trait haivest, and are
the couitruction of cars at the ebops of picking apples and pears. Fruit men
the Pullman Car company, located at are piond oi their orchards and claim
Pullman, III. Ia the purchase of thie that Hood River or any other locality
material, tbe company has expended in th* Northwest can produce no finer
trait or more abundant yields. Froit
does to $1.600,000.
These figures are vouched for by A l­ is shipped from this section to many
bert Jones, purchasing agent of tbe important points in the East, and com­
Pullman company, who waa cent to pares favorably with any of the pro­
the Weet 18 months ago to hay lumber. ducts in these market*. The leading
The first is used exclusively for siding frnit growers are W illiam Head and A
on boxcere, and, besides the lumber A. Carothere. The former hae an or­
bought here, more ie continually being chard of 10 acres, the latter stoa t 20
contracted for in other sections. Some acres. Mr. Head baa picked and (h ip ­
of the material is dressed, inch as floor­ ped abont 300 boxes ol apples, peaches
ing, siding and the like, while more end pears to Spokane, Walla Walla
and Pendleton and other points east,
has been shipped rough.
There is d o prospective cessation of while some was shipped to Condon and
the buying so far aa the pine is con Arlington. He estimates he w ill have
cerned, and, while yellow pine is alio 1,000 boxes of winter apples for ship­
largely need, that ia not being drawn ment. Mr. Carothere haa shipped 1
from this locality. In the construction 000 tnxes oi fruit and w ill ship 1,300
of sleeping and passenger care only more. These gentlemen get the high
hard woods are utilised, particularly eat price* (or their (rnit. Fruit grown
fot finishing tbe interior.
Some ma­ on Rock creek captured first prise end
terial is often left in dry kilnd four or gold medal at the Omaha exposition a
five months, subject to slow heat and few years ago. The exbibit wae made
the air drying process, in order that by A. A. Carothere, and was a surprise
when fitted in care it ie perfectly sea­ to orchsrdiate, packers and dealers.
Hope Are On tha Up Grade.
Price* o f Cattle Advancing.
Salem— Tbe bop market at Salem
La Grande— Peter O’Sullivan, who
hae assumed a very active condition in
hae just returned from a visit to Wal­
the last day or two, and now every
lowa county, saye that one of the chief
dealer in the city has orders (or bops
causes lo r tbe prevailing prosperity in
a t a slight advance over fignres named
all sections of that country ia the in­
a week ago.
Krebs Bros, bas received
crease in the price of cattle.
an order for 1,000 bales at 1534 cents a
sentative! of the Pacific Meat company
pound. A ll other dealers are offering
are making large purchases, and Walla
that price.
Krebs bought tbe Ciau-
Walla buyers ere looking for feeders.
field crop of 175 bales at Dallas.
The range leasing plan has proved very
eph Harris and Catlin A Linn were
satisfactory, and the forming of separ­
also buyers on tbe West side at 12)4
ate boundaries for cattle and sbeep bae
cents, while Lachmnnd A Pincue paid
resulted to the advantage of the cattle,
17 cents for a choice lot bought from a
which come from the range in fine con­
dealer at Dallas.
Commission invites Proposals to C om ­
plete W ork on Isthmus.
Applei at the Fruit Fair.
Higher Than Hood.
Hood River — The exhibit of apples
grown by A. I . Mason, which took the
sweepstake* and several other prizes
at the Hood River Fruit fair consisted
of three boxes taken from 9 year-old
trees, planted 63 to the acre. Tbe
trees averaged five and a half boxes,
and altogether be took 1,141 boxes
from his orchard. In the entire yield
there were only 64 wormy apples dar­
ing the season e n i the trees were
sprayed six times with arsenate of lead
In the whole yield there were only 54
boxes that went smaller than four tiers
to the box.
Baker C ity— A discovery bas just
been made by T. R. Berry, locating en­
gineer for the Grand Ronde Water com­
pany. In surveying for altitudes, res­
ervoir sites and a ditch line, Mr. Berry
bas diicoveied a mountain peak named
Eagle Chief, between Imnaha and the
head of Minnm river, 40 mile* north­
east of Baker City, that measures high­
er than Mount Hood, which ie 11,226
feet, and tbua becomes the higeat
mountain in Oregon.
Eagle Chief is
perpetually anowclad and is suirounded
by a chain oi 40 lakes.
Washington, Oct. 10.— Invitations
for proposals to complete the Panama
canal were issued today by the canal
commiaeion rad the iorm of contract
onder which the work is to be done
was-made public by Chairman Shonts,
who also gave out a letter written to
the secretary of war giving the com­
mission's reasons (or contracting the
The contract provides that each bid­
der must undertake the entire work of
construction. No bar w ill be offered
to corporations associating in the un­
dertaking, but thev mast be legally
organized into a single body with which
tbe government can deal. Bidders w ill
not be considered who do not have
available capital ol $6,000,000.
certified check for $200,000 is required
with each proposal in d a bond ol $8,-
000,000 w ill be required from the suc­
cessful bidder.
The bidding is not
limited to American contractors. A il
proposa!« are te be in before noon of
D(cembe(.12, when they w ill be open­
Préposais are to be expressed in terms
ol percentage upon the estimated coat
of construction, which ie to be fixed by
a board of five engineers, three repre­
senting the government and two th*
contractor. The chief engineer of the
canal commission is to be chairman of
the engineering board.
In support of the commission’ ! posi­
tion that the cans! can be contracted to
greater advantage than it can be built
by the government, Mr . Shouts’ letter
says that, "because of the unprecedent­
ed and greatly extended induatrial ac­
tivity of tbe time rad the consequent
violent competition for i l l clause of
superintendents, foremen, sab contrac­
tors, skilled mechanics rad even ordi­
nary laborers, it would take the com­
mission years to secure men to build
up departmental constroction organisa­
tions which wonld equal in efficiency
thorn now controlled by the leading
contractors of the United State*.’ ’
Modern Pyramid Buildera.
Government to Build Dam.
Albany— The Modern Pyramid Build­
Washington— The secretary of tbe ers waa launched last week when the
interior has authorized the construction first lodge or local pyramid of tbe or­
of the Cold Springs storage dam, on the der waa formed in this city. The local
Umatilla irrigation project in Oregon pyramid is tbe first subordinate branch
by a government force on account of it ol tbe order, and was named Pyramid
being impossible to procure satisfactory No. 2, tbe supreme pyramid being P y ­
w ii-- d U m loa this dam were twice ramid No. 1.
Fred Fortmiller was
¡ftiMuPmr?luAtimd .JWmfim
advertised and D id * twice i r j c i t d , u . . c n js e u c b l e l p u llt lm , W . Lair T b o m p
labor lawa.
report. The total garrision, on June them is tbe bouse of Stephen Girard B U FF ALO PLAG UED W IT H SN O W . terms aeked being considered exorbitant
son, scribe, rad E. D. Cusick, custo­
an eccentric millionaire, who gave Gi
by the department.
The work will dian. Tbe order starts with about 30
Mount Pelee ia again in active orup 30 last, numbered 20,043 men.
" W e are far from home,’ ’ , eayi Gen­ raid college to Philadelphia, and whose
eral Wood, "and in case of foreign dis­ •state is now valnad at $100,000,000 Tears Down Wirsa, W recks Orchards reclamation engineers. The lowest bid
and Kills T w o Men.
Wrangles of onions cause a threat of turbances, even with all oar troope
In tearing down the old Glraid home
at tbe last opening was by a Salt Lake
T o Establish Big Sawmill.
a general building lockout in Chicago. concentrated at Manila, the forca avail­ that tba traction company bought, the
Buffalo, Oct. 12.— The storm of enow C it) firm, $339,6C5.
Albany— A sawmill with a capacity
A Toronto univeralty student was tha able wonld be scarcely sufficient to de prison waa discovered. The old house and elect which swept over thie part of
o f 20,000 leet per day is to be estab­
More is within half a square of the Delaware, the country last night and today wae
Brat to be killed by football this season. (end it fiom a serious attack.
Teachers Are Scarce.
lished eix miles south ol Brownsville
over, a strong garrison sbonld be main and secret access by water would be the worst in msny years.
W itte aays that, while he has no ill tained here until conditional pertain­ may.
Girard believed in slavery,
Telegraph, telephone and trolley lines scarce in Baker county. The county by G. B. and E. H Dickinson, of thie
feeling against tbe csar, be w ill never ing to tbe civil government ara well es­ owned slaves and many Louisiana sugar
were prostrated in all direction*. The superintendentis offering high wagee city. A contract with the lessees oi
-«gain serve him.
tablished and the animosities and dis­ plantations.
damage to the rich trait belts of Chau­ and good positions to the pedagogues the land eecu-ed require! that the plant
tauqua, Niagara and Orleans counties of the county, but cannot get. enough be in operation by January 1.
An Atlanta grand jury has indicted appointment« incident to tha bnilding
ia incalculable.
Whole otcharde of school ma’ams to fill the poeitions. Ae
90 white men for complicity in the re­ op of a local government under new
Cold Persists in East.
and perhaps strained conditions have
cent outragee against negroes.
Washington, Oct. 13. — The cold pesch trees and other small fruits were the result tbe teachers have bad an in
P O R T L A N D M A R K E TS ,
paeaed away.’ ’
wav* is persisting in the East.
An crushed to the ground by the wet, crease in wages from $35, the average
In hia farewell addrese Taft told tha
General Wood suggests adding some other cold wave in the Rocky Moun clinging enow, which fell steadily for
Wheat— Club, 64066c;
last year, to $60, which is this year’ s
Cubans that tb* United States w ill not
artillery to the present garrieon and tain region, in Idaho end Montana, many hours.
average. Teachers getting $60 end over 68069c; valley, 67c; red, 61062c.
leave till fair elections are speared.
tending to the Philippines one aqnad and moderating in the Sonth and con
Tonight the weather ie clear and are common rather than teachers with
Oats— No. 1 white, $23.60024; grey,
$220 22 50.
Secretary Taft has Informed a delega­ ron oi aach of tha cavarly regiment! in siderably warmer la the central valley* cold, and the lines of communication aalariss of $40 or less.
Barley— Feed, $20.50 per ton; brew­
tion of Isle of P i n « cltisans that it is
is tbe weather aitnation in a nutshell
Public order haa greatly improved in as announced tonight by the Weather
Buffalo bore the brunt of the storm.
ing, $21.60; rolled, $23.
uaelesa to think of separation from
Wants Paaaenger Bridge.
Rye— $1 2501.35 per cwt.
bureau. I t Is warming up in the W ait
Oregon City— For the accommodation
•aid to exceed any previoua year and generally, reaching over 60 degree* in from a quarter ol a m illion dollars, and
Corn— Whole, $26027; cracked, $28
The Chilean congrees, city and prop­ tha people have gone to work.
Aa the vicinity of Chicago and tha Mimie- two deaths occurred, which were direct­ of the people of Oswego, the Clscksmas per ton.
erty owners of Valparaiso, w ill com there ia an large Mohammedan t lament ■ippi valley and over 70 degree* west ly due to the effect! of the storm. A ll county court w ill be aeked to negotiate
Hay— Valiev timothy. No. 1, $100
M ae to rebuild the city deetroyed by there, and unexpected disturbances of there.
night the telephone and electric light with tbe Southern Pacific company to 11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
may orcor aa the resalt of action of re­
•yatems were paralysed. The etreete
$14016; clover, $6 6 0 07 ; cheat, $70
an upper deck on the company’ s rail
Hope o f Annexation High.
ligions fanatics returning from Mecca,
were littered with broken wire*.
7.60; grain bay, $7; alfalfa, $11.60,
Why Bril W e* Put In Command.
John Barrett, now minister to Co­
road bridge to be cone.rncted across tbe
Havana, Oct. 10. — President Roose­
tha report aaya tha garrison should be
lombia, is slated for a better position,
Willamette river at Oswego. Tbe plan
Frnita— Apples, common to choice, velt’ s statement at Washington yester­
Indians Out On a Big Hunt.
General F J Bell to command tbe
either ambassador to Brasil or vice gov-
of tbe Oswego people who w ill petition
0 76c per box; choice to fancy, 76c0 day to Nicholaa M. Riviero, the Ha­
New Westminster, B. 0 ., Oct. 12.— tbe county court for this action is to
’ of the Philippines.
vana editor, that "th e meane taken by
Postal Deficit Lee*.
made directly by the president, and The Stony Indiana of Alberta have seenre lor themeelvee a meane of cross­ $1.25; grapes. 5Oc0$1.5O per box;
the United States to prevent disorder
The deparment of Justioe ia gaining
Waenblngton, Oct. 16.— Postmaster tha reason for that order was that by again broken loose, and are now on a ing the Willamette river and more di­ Concords, Oregon, 2734c hell basket;
peaches, 7 6 c0 $ l; pears, 75c0$1.25; in Cnba mnet always be determined by
Wash evidence that hundred* of men, General Oortelyon has given oaten ad bia administration aa m ilitary gover wild game drive along tbe west line of
rect communication with this city.
crabapplea, $101.26 per box; prunes, the exiating conditions and with refer­
both white and black, are held in vir. vence statement of tbe receipt* end nor of the provisoes of Batangae, one the Rocky monntaine. The game an
25060c per box; cranberries, Oregon. ence to onr solemn obligationi to Hie
teal slavery ia Southern Fiordia by the expenditure* of tb* poetai eervice for of the mnet turbnlent of tba Philippine thoritiee have taken steps to have them
Institute Arouses Interest.
$303.*6 per box; qnincee, $101.26 people of Cuba,” is cansing consider­
tbe fiscal year ending Jane 30, 1906. subdivisions, just after the crisis had parsaed end driven oat of the country,
able gratification here. This is not be­
Myrtle Point— The Farmer*’ insti­ per box.
Cuban Liberals bail Taft and Bacon It shows a redaction of tb * annasi de­ been reached in the Agnineldo rebel and a posse hae been" sunt out.
cause the words indicate any definite
tute and (air, which has just closed,
ficit from $14.672,684 for 1906 to $10,- lion, General Bell (bowed inch e com Indians heve always given the British
as saviours.
proved a great success. The dleplsy of bags, 134 0 1 >4c per pound; cauli­ change in his intentions, but because
616,996 Inr 1906, over $4 000,000, or bination of the eoldier and diplomat Columbia game authorities trouble, a*
agricultural products convinced all vis­ flower, $101.26 per dozen; celery, 60 be did not say anything about the early
A eon of Vico President Fairbanks 27 832 per cent
The total receipts for that his selection was deemed expedi­ •vary fall they come into the province
itor* o l tbe agricultural possibilities of 090c per dozen; corn, 1234c per doa- restoration of sovereignty.
has eloped with a Pittsnurg girl.
1906 were $167,932,783, an increase ent to undertake similar duties in Cuba. through the various passes and hunt
the region shout Myrtle Point.
Dr. en; encumbers, 16c per dosen; egg
ovar 1906 ol $16,106,198, which ia th*
ior several month* at the west foothills
A lone highwayman held up a
Witbycombe of tbe Oregon Agricultural plant, 10c per pound; lettuce, brad.
Wrecked by Bro* en Rail.
of th* Rockies.
in the Tosiopah, Nevada, district, and greatest Increase for any year in tbe
Armour’ s Case B efore Wilson.
college gave an illustrated lecture on 20c per doseu, ouione, 10 0 1234 c per
Topeka, Kas., Oct. 10 — Seven per­
history of the eervice. Tbe par cent ol
aaaursd nearly f t .000.
Philadelphia, Oct. 13.— State Food
the treatment of tbe dairy cow.
sons were injured seriously and many
increase in receipts for 1906 ia 9.88.
Patent Tool for Entrenching. “ | this is a dairying region, this lecture dosen; peas, 4 0 6c; bell peppers, 6c;
and Dairy Commissioner Warren this
The Newfoundland cabinet is still
pumpkins, 134c per pound; spinach, more slightly in a wreck which oc­
Washington, Oct. 12.— Tbe Navy de- wae well attended and the farmer! got
worrying over the fishing privileges
curred, at 8:30 tonight two miles met of
Ambassador Resigned.
tb* arrest of several o* Armour A Com parntmet baa authorised Brigadlar many benecfiial idea* from th* doctor’ s 406c per pound; tomatoes, 80060c
lest to the United Stateo.
per box; parsley, 10016c; sprouts. Warn ego, on tho Union Pacific railrrafl.
Mexico City, Mex , Oct. 16.— Joequln pony’ s agents In this city on th* charge General E lliott, commanding the m
734e per pound; squash, 134c per Four carl on the Overland Limited,
kar T . Wash in (ton In au address d’ Caseaeius, Mexican ambassador to of exposing tor sale heme and other rlne corps, to (apply merines with 2,-
pound; turnip«, 9Oc0$l per rack; car No. 101, were thrown from tho track
i strongly a(vised them to ra­ tba United Staete, has formally tender­ meets containing boracic acid. Assist­ 000 comblnetlon intrenching tool* of e
Land Withdrawn From Entry.
rote, $101 26 per rack; brats, $1.260 by a broken rail, and tbe wrecks«* is
céis* daring th* present trouble ed hi* resignation to President Dies, ant Food and Dairy Commies too r D new type, which General E lliott bee
Th* Dalles— Tbe local land office ie 1.60 per seek.
strewn over a distance of a quarter e f
Ie th* South.
and the announcement ol tba fact will Schick and N. B. Critct field, secretary jaet devised. The tool he* a handle in receipt of a telegram from tha com-
Obion* — Oregon, $101.16 per hun­ e mile. The train waa late end wee
be made public in the next imne of the of agrienltnta of thie state, today went abont two feet long, to which le hinged ■niseioner of tha general land office dred.
running at high speed at tbe time of
Ie expelling all Japanese fron Diary Official. Henor Caasasius give*
o Washington to meet Secretary of Ag­
shield shaped blade.
Thie blade withdrawing from filing or entry, un­
Tbe engine, tender,
Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, deliv­ the accident.
pert at Manchuria controlled by
as a reason for his resignation tha fact riculture Wilson end Dr. H. W . W iley, fold« against the handle in each a man­ der the eoel land laws, ail tbe public
ered, 80085c; in carlota f. o. b. conn baggage and mail car*, together with
that tor aoma time peat hia baalth haa chief cbemiet of th* department, end ner that it can be readily can led under lands embraced in tbe following town-
try, 76 0 80c; sweet potatoes, 20234c smoker, did not leave the track.
a belt and it can be eo adjusted that It shiep: Townships 6 sonth, range* 24, per pound.
O hle* wanta American engtneera to been eerionely Impaired. According to ley tb * feet* in the cam* before them.
stands at tight angle* to the handle and 26 and 20, E. W . D ; townships 7
Charge ot her railway aoaatrnc-
Illinois Ha* Lost Much Revenu*.
Batter— Fancy creamery, 26030c per
Forest Rsaervas Safa From Fir*.
is available for nw as a hoe or piik.
and w ill pey $26,000 a yeer on a likely candidate to succeed Camaeloe It
south, ranges 24, 26 end 26, E. W. D .; pound
Springfield, H i., Oct. 10.— The aerar
Weahfhgton, Oct. 13. — Gifford Pin-
i r s yeers’ onstract.
township« 8 sonth, rang*! 26, 26, E.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, 3103234c per tion wae made today before tb * railroad
rhot, chief of the bnreen of foreetry,
W irelett Heralds the Charleston.
W. D.
committee of tbe state board of equal­
In th* M it ageinst th* Standard
who le e just completed s tour of the
San Francisco, Oct. 12 — Heralding
Poultry — Average old bene, 12c per isation by W. B Fleming and J. M.
Economy in British Navy.
O il Company in Ohio it haa developed
government forest reserves, celled upon her approach a thousand mile* away,
Much Grain Accumulate*.
J am e
pound; mixed chickene, 11 0 12c; Duffy, representing Colonel
an* o l tb* largo Maglish oil com-
London, Oct. 16.— Th* Standard this th* president today. Mr. Pinchot ex by means of wireless telegraphy, tbe
La Grande — Homer Littleton, fore­
m le owned by Rock stellar in- morning says the government purposes, pressed gratification with tha results ef protected craieer Charleston ram* into man ot th* Cbaa. Play]* warehonee at spring. 12c; old roosters, 8 0 10c: Hamilton Lewie, corporation counsel
dremed chicken*, 1 4 01 6 )4 «; turkey*, of Chicago, that by two errore in méth­
before the end of the year, to remove hie inspection tour and and of tha ex port thie afternoon end went to en a
Alice!, report* that a large quantity of live, 18021«; turkey«, dremed. choice. ode oi «serasing railroad property by
20 efficient ship* from active dnty, In cel lent condition in which he found th* chorage near Searalito. It was not na- grain hae eccnmnlated, owing to the
20022c; geeee, live, 9010c; ducks, 14 tbe state hoard of equalisation, the
The leie of Pinea I* not affected by
order to economise for an actl** fleet, fxreet reserve*. There baa been only til late tonight that the quarantine offl embargo placed against railroad ship­
state of Illin ois has I oat reveno* ia tbe
A maricen intervention ia Cuba.
Six battleship* of tb* Majestic elaaa on* big fir* on tb* reserve« daring tbe d els completed tbelr examination of ment! of wheat from the interior points
past 30 year* which would amoent to
Vral— Dremed, 63408c per pound.
The Charleston to Portland, on account of the grain-
Immediately apon th* rotara of Taft will ba removed. A il of these w ill be rammer, he wye, and tbe burned area the men on board.
Beef — Dremed bull«, 20234* P*r hundred* of million* of dollere.
come* here to be th* flapehip of the Pa­ handlert’ strike, bat that shipments pound; cows, 4 0 6c; country steer*, 6
Gebe a rien governor of th* Phil- placed ia tha horn* reserve. The entire did eot exceed 2,000 scree.
cific squadron, and w ill fly tha pennant w ill now be resumed.
w ill be appointed. This ia tb* Royal Sovereign close, eight fin* v<
Open* Another Re
0 6 )4 «.
of Rear Admiral Swinburne.
Japan **« Designs en Java.
originally Intended lor Magoon, eel», w ill be pieced in reoerv* without
Mutton — Dressed, fancy, 7e per
Washington, Oct. 10.— T b * president
crew«, and foor armored cruisers a lii
e f Cuba.
R oom , Oct. 11. — The newspapers
Crook County Horses Far Afcerta.
pownd; ordinary, 6 0 8 c ; lata be, fancy.
med a proclamation today fixing 12
ba paid off.
T w o M ore Transport* Bail.
bar* today pnblieb a private letter
Pendleton — Thirteen carload* of 8e.
o’clock noon on October 29 ae tb*
billed in
from Tokio that anmeroae Japanese
Newport New*, V *., Oat. 12.— Tbe range horeee were «hipped from this
Pork— Dressed, 808c per pound.
lor opening tb* Walker river
Rain Damages Cotton.
emissaries have been seat to the leland transport Admiral Schley sailed from eity to Alberta last week.
They are
H ope-1908, 14018« per
reservation, in Nevada, to settlement.
Houston, Tax., Oct. 16.— A heavy of Java, Dutch East Indies, with the thie port todey, beering tbe Seventeenth owned by M. I . Cowell, and were tak­ 1906, nominal; 1904, nomine
Ohio ha* rnreceded in breaking ap
Thera are 289,000 aeree oI land t* be
rain haa fallen over tha ground In part mission to create incideete jnetifying a and Eighteenth batteries ef moaataie en from tho range in Crook county
Wool— Eastern Oragc
disposed of end the law permits it* ae •
of Texas tha past 24 boor*, doing con­
naval demonstration.
It ie artillery.
The City of Washington The shipment was consigned te Shelby 12018c per poood. according to shrink­ quieitiou under tb* general land lew«.
Many bold robheriee art occurring siderable Hamaga to the cotton crop.
that the Dutch authorities with the First hattalion of tb* Eleventh Junction, Moat., bnt the horeee ere de­ age; valley, 20021c, according to flne-
The reservation ia in tbe C a r e » City
are much alarmed.
There w ill ba a heavy low ia rioa.
infantry tailed tonight.
signed for the Alberta market.
c bo ice, 28029«.
lend district.