w áH tocata A D V E R T IS E The article }OU have to sell, it pays you as well as us and remember if you are not a subscriber, a cordial invita­ tion is extended you to be­ come one now, or sooner..... P A T R O N IZ E Your home print 6hop by getting your printing done at home. Every $ spent in this way is reflected in the improvement of the shop. Satisfaction guaranteed..... A' ____ PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF ESTACADA AND EASTERN CLACKAMAS COUNTY, THE RICHEST PART OF OREGON - ...................... - —......... . ... . - — —R--- -- . --- - .............................. . ... ............... $1 — Y E A R op E S T A C A D A , O REGO N, T H U R S D A Y , VO L. 2 Big Line sf Men’s and Boys’ O CTO BER 18, TH E NEW S 1906. A YEAR A Underwear Give Us A Great Bargain SALE Sweaters A T P R IC E S T H A T A R E W O RTH COM ING A F T E R 0 Trial, and W e W IL L G U A R A N T E E YOU Perfect ■ . i in m NO. 46 Satisfaction OR YOUR M O N EY B A C K At the Shultz Clothing Store Still offers Bargains in Seasonable Goods Yours to Please Etacada, Or. G O LD STE IN Estacada, Or. LEVITT Successors to A . F. S H U L T Z - These Chilly' Mornings Yon need comfortable and warm Underwear and Socks, and we want to tell you right now that nowhere will you get a better assortment than at the EMPORI UM And at the same time look over your needs of Rubber Boots and Shoes and other W et Weather Necessities ---------------------------- In these goods our line is complete----------------------------- D A R O W IS H & C O M P A N Y MY N EW LY SELECTED S U P P L Y OF Fall H ats and Caps for Ladies and Misses H A S A R R IV E D AN D I W IL L B E P L E A S E D TO SHOW T H E M TO T H E L A D IE S If you want a new hat call and make an early selection ------- Mrs. D. C. CRANE------- Only Reliable F L O U ♦ Olympic $1.15 Sack Blue Stem $1.10 * Stone Crocks I s to 6 Gals HOWE money to loan LANDS ON CLACKAMAS Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE W E MAKE the abstract of title to the aecnrity offered be q p Towusite Company +++ this end of the business was pros- hajj hwt kind ^ „ g b to give the A ll kinds of Meat You are needing some stationery penng. church people lots on Currin street Ijought and sold. printed, are you nof ? Mrs. Clara Knight was calling on between 4th and 5th for a parsonage L A R D H A M and BACON friends here Saturday. She attend- site, and in a canvass for aid to put The News does printing. TOWNSEND & BAgD ed the W. C. T V. convention held up the buildings Mr. McPherson GEO . C. B R O W N E L L W. A. H E Y L M A N O K R G O N C IT Y RSTACADA BROWNELL and HEYLMAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS All kinds of Legal Business promptly attended to Estates and Probate Matter;» carefully taken care of THE BANK OF ESTACADA Transacts A General B a n k i n g Business Capital, $ 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 W & Money to Loan on Real Estate ----1 . IN S U R A N C E This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. If you have money to loan, we will place it for you If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with US, as wc have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing' pajjers of every kind W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. You arc invited toeing the praises of Estacada. Dont forget.