The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, July 05, 1906, Image 3

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Hair Sick?
That’s too bad I We had no­
ticed it was looking pretty
thin and faded of late, but
naturally did not like to apeak
of It. By the way, Ayer’s
Hair Vigor is a regular hair
g ro w er, a p e rfe ct h a ir re­
storer. It keeps the scalp
dean and healthy.
•* I am well acquainted with Ayer’s Hair
visor and I like It very much. I would espe­
cially recommend It as an excellent dressing
for the Stair, keeping it soft and smooth, and
preventing the hair from splitting at the
ends.” — M in n ib F aiT z, Veedum. Mich.
Made by J. O. A yer Co., Low ell, Maso.
A ls« menufhoturoro o f
SA M A M U U A .
A ll.
"Speaking of strange and unaccounta­
ble experiences," remarked the man with
the bulbous nose, “ I am reminded of one
that happened to a friend of mine in the
summer of ’93, while he was at the Co­
lumbian exposition. He was in the Fine
Arts building, looking at the pictura they
called ‘ Breaking Home Ties,' when he
heard a voice behind him say distinct!/,
‘That’s what is happening at your house,
over on the weat side.' He turned and
looked to see who it was that spoke, and
there was nobody near him.”
“ Is that all?” asked the man with the
fishy eye.
"N o; the strangest part is to come.
When he went home in the evening he
found that his youngest brother had elop­
ed with the hired girl and gone to St.
Louis. It had taken place, too, at the ex­
act moment when he beard the voice. How
do you explain that, I'd like to know?
Was it telepathy? Or what was It?”
"H ’ umph ! Who tells that story?”
"The man himself— Ike Stringham.”
“ O, Stringham tells it, doea ha? Why,
you gourdhead, that’s the explanation.” —
Chicago Tribune.
The new adminiatration and Jobbing
houae building erected by the W . L.
Douglaa Shoe Co. ae a part of it* mam­
moth manufacturing plant in Brockton,
Uaaa., waa dedicated June 19. The
program inclnded open honae from 11
In tba morning until 8 in tha evening.
There waa a musical program and re-
fieahmenta were eerved all day.
teen thousand invitations were aent out
including over 11,600 retail dealer« in
the United States who handled the W .
L. Douglas shoea.
Mr. Douglaa saya
that hia three large factories, also the
new building Just dedicated, w ill al
waya be open to inspection and visitora
from everywhere w ill be welcome.
The new jobbing honae juat dedicat­
ed will enable hnrry orders for Douglaa
aboea to be ahipped the same day they
are received. The new building i§ 260
feet long, 60 feet wide and two storiea
high. The jobbing department occii
piea the entire lower floor and tha new
offices of the Douglaa Shoe company oc­
cupy the entire second floor.
In the
new hnilding there w ill be special officea
occupied by the Wastern Union and
Poetal Telegraph companies; alao by
the telephone companies and there ia
an elaborate mailing department. The
completion of this new adminiatration
bnilding marka the establishment of a
modern, up-to-date wholesale jobbing
houae and office building.
Mr. Douglaa has long considered the
advisability of a jobbing houae, not
only for the purpose of supplying hia
own retail stores more readily, but that
the 11,000 dealers throughout the
United States handling the W . L.
Douglaa aboea might be able to obtain
shoes for immediate use with greater
The new building ia said to be the
most complete and convenient of any
ever built for a commercial houae in
the United States, so were the expres­
sions of appreciation by the many per­
sona who visited it ior inspection sin­
cere and of a highly congratulatory na­
ture. Architertural beauty aa well aa
adaptability to the uses to which it ia
to be put haa been the aim in construc­
tion, and the result ia moat satisfactory,
to the visitor aa well aa the firm.
n o K e s e n iA is n a e .
The Young Man (at the other end of
the sofa)— Er— it isn’t true, I hope, M in
Pirtle, that you told M in Gawsip I was
a—a sardine.
The Young Woman— If I did, Mr.
Faintart, I take it back. You’re not the
least bit in the world like a sardine. You
seem to be terribly afraid you are crowd­
ing somebody.—Chicago Tribune.
Saturday, June 3 0 .
Washington, Jane SO.— Promptly at
10 o ’ clock tonight, Vice Preeident Fair­
banks in the senate and Speaker Can­
non in the house declared the final ad­
journment of the firat aeeaion of the
Fifty-ninth congreea.
For the firat time congress adjourned
on the day which closed the fiscal year.
Other sesaiona had adjourned before
anJ some after Jane 30, bat the Fifty-
ninth congreee ended its firat aeeaion
on the day when the government
striaee ila Balance* and closet its books.
The work of the firat session of tha
Fifty-ninth congress ia summed up as
follow s;
Railroad rate bill passed.
Pure food b ill passed and meat in­
spection agreed upon.
Stricter naturalization laws passed.
Law providing immunity for wit­
nesses in government inquiries passed.
Denaturized alcohol b ill removing in­
ternal revenue tax passed.
Lock type settled upon (or Panama
Consular service remodeled and re­
Total of nearly $900,000,000 appro­
priated for various purposes,
'Largest battleship afloat” author­
ized, but naval increases receive set­
back. ’
Annual appropriation for state m ili­
tia doubled; to be $2,000,000 hereafter.
Bill to preserve Niagara Falls passed
Poilippiue tariff revised.
Employers’ liability law passed.
Appropriation of $1,326,000
Jamestown exposition granted.
Appropriations of $2,600,000 for re­
lief of Ban Francisco fire sufferers
Private pension bills in usual niira
her passed.
Friday, June 2 9 .
Washington, June 29.— ” W t’ re go­
ing home; we’ re going borne tomor­
row ,” was on the minds of the mem­
bers of the house today when they
assembled for the last day’ s work pre­
vious to adjournment. Conference re­
ports were considered throughout the
day. The final report on the agricul­
tural appropriation bill, containing
the meat inspection provision, was
adopted, the senate eventually agreeing
that the government should pay the
cost of inspection.
Other matters of vital moment were
the agreement to the conference report
on the pure food bill, the Ohio and
Lake Erie Bhip canal and naturalization
Both houses of congress
adopted the conference report on the
sundry civil appropriation bill and that
measure now goes to the president for
signature. Hale presented the report
in the senate.
The total amount
carried in the b ill as agreed to is $98,-
The senate receded on the amend­
ment providing for a steel light vessel
at Swiftsure bank, at the entrance to
the Straits of Jnan de Fuca, Washing­
The Jamestown exposition appropria­
tion stay« in the bill as arranged by
the conferees.
The appropriation of $3,000,000 for
the bnilding for the department of
State, Justice and Commerce and Labor
was stricksn out, that being provided
for in the public building bill.
portent conference agreements.
Interests centered about the confer­
ence reports on the railroad rate bill
and tbs agricultural appropriation bill
Both were considered and adopted un­
der a blanket role permitting the con­
sideration of conference reports without
being printed in the Record.
Wednesday, June 2 7 .
Wasbugion, June 27.— Tbe senate
waa in open session for about five hours
and a half today, and, notwithstanding
tha session began with a roll call in
order to assure a quorum, tbe day waa
crowded with business of importance,
including the announcement by Senator
Proctor, chairman of the senate com­
mittee on agriculture, of a deadlock in
conference on the meat inspection pro­
vision of the agricultural appropria­
tion b ill; a reply by Senator Bailey to
the recent attack upon him in the Cos­
mopolitan magazine; the passage of the
naturalisation b ill; the continuance of
Senator La Follette’ s effort to pass his
bill lim iting the hours of service on
railroad trains, the acceptance of an
almost complete report on the sundry
civil appropriation b ill, and a speech
by Senator Warren in support of hia
resolution relative to the livestock in­
Washington, June 2 7 .— The general
deficiency bill, the last of the big
money measures, passed the house at 6
o ’ clock today, with few changes in the
bill. Several items ware inserted, due
to late information of deficiencies in
the departments, the net increase being
about $600,000 over the bill as report­
ed irom the committee on appropria­
Among tbe important actions of the
houee today were tbe passage of the
senate bill providing for a lock type of
canal and the adoption of tbe item in
the general deficiency bill ratifying and
legalizing tbe duties collected during
President M cK inley’ s term from im­
ports from tbe Philippine islands.
Tuesday, June 2 6 .
Washington, June 26.— After two or
three more epeechee on the conference
report on the railroad rate bill, the
senate today sent the bill back to con­
ference, again designating Senators T ill­
man, Elkins and Cullom as conferees.
During the day tbe naval appropria­
t io n b oliil, which baa been in confer­
ence for several weeks, was finally
passed, the senate needing from its
amendment concerning the naval train­
ing station at Port Rofyal, 8. C., which
waa the only item remaining in contro­
versy. The most interesting incident
was a conflict over a motion by Senator
LaFolletto to enter upon the considera­
tion of the b ill lim iting to 16 years the
time railroad employes engaged in the
movement of trains may be employed
Washington, June 26.— A bill recent­
ly passed by congress providing for tbe
opening to settlement of tbe Blackfoot
Indian reservation in Montana probab­
ly w ill be recalled by resolution of tbe
house. Preeident Roosevelt hesitates
to veto the measure, but he , has been
informed by the bureau of Indian
affairs that the bill does not sufficient­
ly protect the water rights on the laud
subject to allotment to tbe Indians. It
is likely the measure w ill go over until
the next session of congress.
Tbe honse passed the senate bill
Thursday, June 2 8 .
which allows live stock to be carried
Washingtno, June 28.— The senate 36 hours insead of 28 without stop.
consumed the greater part of the day The omnibus public building bill was
discussing ths public building bill. also passed.
Efforts by several senators to Becure in­
Will Not G o to Panama.
creases for public buildings in cities
Washington, June 28.— By a vote of
and towns of their respective states
were in no instance successful. For six to four, the senate committee on in-
San Juan Porto Rico, Senator Foraker teroceanic canals today decided not to
secured an advance from $200,000 to go to the isthmus of Panama and take
$300,000. In reporting the bill, Sen­ testimony in the canal investigation.
ator Scott, chairman of the committee Bya greement no testimony will be tak
on public buildings and grounds, re en in Washington until netx session,
and therefore tbe disposition of W il­
ferred to it as “ the pork barrel.”
The agricultural bill reappeared in a liam Nelson Cromwell’ s refusal to tes­
partial conference report.
The report tify concerning cansl matters prior to
was complete, except with reference to government ownership of the property
the meat inspection provision, and on will be postponed nntil next December,
which w lii postpone action on the nom­
that another conference was ordered.
There was some desultory discussion inations of canal commissioners. It is
of the conference report on the pure- expected the commissioners will be re­
food bill, but its disposition waa post­ appointed daring tbe recess of congress.
poned until tomorrow.
Nominations Sent to Senate.
Washington, June 28. — The honae
Washington, Jane 28.— The presi­
worked under forced draft today and dent yesterday sent tbe following nom­
Marshal, dis­
accomplished an immense amount of inations to the senate:
business preparatory to adjournment trict of Idaho, Ruel Rounds; chief of
at the weqk's end. Conference reports bureau of insular affairs, Colonel Clar­
on a number of measures were adopted ence O. Edwards; to bejplaced on the
without debate, but it required special retired list, Colonel John Pitman, Ord­
rules in other properties to effect con- nance department, with rank of briga­
s'deration and adoption of some im- dier.
U s d s A I le a .
Storm in Oklahoma
Quthrie, Okla., June 26.— Two k ill­
ed, extensive damage done to crops,
bouses demolished and a heavy lose
among live stock constitute the sacrifice
demanded by one of the worst general
windstorms in years that swept over
Oklahoma and Indian Territory yester­
day afternoon and last night. Thomas
Graham, who lived near Roosevelt,
Okla., was struck by lightning and in­
stantly killed and the scorched body of
Mrs. Tobin, near Perry, Okla., was
found in a barn during tbs electrical
Varied Language in New M exico.
Washington, June 26.— Tbe senate
today passed a bill regniating jury serv­
ice in New Mexico after Senator Spoon­
er, on behalf of tbe judiciary commit­
tee, had withdrawn the amendment
which made it neceaeary that all jury­
men in that territory should speak the
English language.
Senator Spooner is
author of the amendment.
He stated
today that the attorney general bad told
him that in 10 out of the 26 counties
of the territory it would be utterly im­
possible to secure a jury if tbe amend­
ment should become a law.
C hicago Saloons Limited.
Chicago, June 26.— After July 31 of
thia year no more saloons than are then
in existence can be opened in Chicago
until the population of the city ia near­
ly double that o f the prevent time, ac­
cording to an ordioance passed by tbe
city council tonight.
The ordinance
lim its tbe issaance of saloon licensee to
those in force on tbe last day of Jn l«,
prohibiting any new one* until the pop­
ulation haa so increased that new li­
censee can be issued at the rate of one
to every 500 persons. The measure re­
ceived little opposition.
Extradition C ost 8 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
Washington, June 26.— It cost the
government $100,000
to extradite
Greene sod Gaynor and bring them to
trial. This statement ia contained in a
letter written by Attorney General
Moody to Chairman Tawney, explain­
ing n request for a deficiency appropria­
tion. Of this sum, he says $22,500 is
to be paid to foreign counsel in this
case. "T h e ir service*,’ ’ he m id, " b e ­
gan Several years ago end were com ­
pleted daring tbe current fiscal year by
tha return of Greene end Gaynor to Sa­
vannah for trial.”
Flood in California.
Stockton, Oal., Jane 26.- -Union is­
land, containing ton square miles of tbe
richest reclamation land in California
and bearing heavy crops of potatoes,
beans and asparagus, is betu-i rapidly
flooded from a break in tha levee on
Old river, which occurred at 1 o ’ clock
this morn lag. At 6 o ’ clock tha break
bed widened from 50 to 2,000 rest, and
though a fleet of dredgers hastened to
Sold by all dealers. 50 smite a box. the scene, the situation seems bops lees.
The damage cannot be eetima'ed yet.
Poster-Milhara Co., Baffaio, N. T .
Bill fo r Government Buildings.
Washington, Jane 26.— Tha omnibus
public building bill, as agreed upon by
house committee on public buildings
sad grounds, was presented to tbe
boose today by Chairman Bartboldt.
Some of tbe appropriations are for ad­
dition* and repairs. Tba buildings au­
thorised, together with the amounts to
be expended, include: Idaho—Mos­
cow, $ 100,000. W ashington—Spokane,
$100,000; Tacoma, $100,000; Belling
bam, $25,000; North Yakima, $20,000.
“ My boy,” counseled Uncle Allen
Sparks, ” it is a mighty serious thing to be
a young man then days, and to have to
make your choice between Opportunity
and Responsibility. That's where a lot
of you go wrong.”
Sweet Sabaeqeeat.
Reporter— It’s to be a quiet wedding.
Isn’ t it?
Prospective Bridegroom
ward heeler)— Tea, air; de weddin’ ’ll
be quiet enough, but we're goin' to have
de gol-wboppineat shivaree dat ever waa
pulled off in de precin’t !”
Since Using Doan’ s Kidney Pills Not
a Single Stone Haa Form ed.
Capt. 8. L. Crate, A djt. W m . Watts
camp, U. C. V ., Roanoke, V a., says:
“ I suffered a long,
long time with my
beck, and felt dreg­
gy and listless and
tired ell the time.
I loet from my ue-
nai weight, 225 to
170. U m iarypee-
aagee were too fre­
quent and I had to
get np often at
night. I had head­
aches sad dixsy
spalls also, bat my
worst suffering waa t orn renal cholic.
After I began using Dona’ s Kidney Pills
I passed a gravel etooe aa big ae e
bean. Since then I have never bad an
attack o f gravel, sad have picked a p to
m y former health sad weight. I am a
well asea, and give Dona’ s Kidney Pills
credit for it .”
C olora d o
Flood W aters Now
Into Salton Sink.
Imperial, Cal,. July 3.— Flood water
from the Colorado liver, finding ita way
into Salton Sink, haa been enttiqg a
new channel abont 30 feet deep through
the flooded country at the rate of about
a third of a mile a day. As the chan­
nel haa proceeded it haa lessened the
threatened serious damage to Calexico
and Mexicali, tba two towns on tbe in­
ternational line.
Three or four days ago tbe river cut
a channel across tbe line, pasting Ca­
lexico at sufficient distance to relieve
it from the pressure of water, but cut­
ting into the Mexican town to the ex­
tent that the Southern Pacific depot
was undermined and fell into the
Three or four small adobe houses on
the outskirts of tbe town have alao
gone into tbe water, but aa yet the
Whether tbe town v ill eecape further
damage cannot now be told. There it
also a bare possibility that Calexico
may be damaged, though this is now
believed improbable.
Mexicali is a town of about 600 in­
habitants, of neat appearance but of
no large investments in buildings, ths
Southern Pacific railroad being the
chief sufferer. Aside from tbe damage
to these towns the water situation has
seemed to improve irom the standpoint
of the Imperial valley.
Tbe flood season is believed to be
drawing to a close and the Southern
Pacific is accumulating a gieat force of
teams and men on the lower Colorado
with a view of tnrning the river beck
to its old channel when the water falls
to the 20 foot level, which should be
by July 20.
Standard Oil Not Content With San
Francisco Gas M onopoly.
_ The ingredients that enter into S. S. S. and the method of com­
bining and preparing them so that they build up and strengthen
every part of the body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature’s
£ f ^
remedy— PURELY VEGETABLE— and while it is restoring the lost appe­
tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which
warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste
matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it
in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow.
Spring is the season when most every
one needs a tonic. It is nature’s time for
AN effort to pull through the d a y .
I have used 8. 8. 8 . quite extensively and unhesitatingly
renewing and changing; and as everything
m end It as the best b lood purifier and tonlo made.
puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, reoom
1 am a machinist b y trade and at one time my system w as
the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, so run dow n that b y 10 o'olook every day I w ou ld be com ­
exhausted, and it w a s w ith the greatest effort that
and all respond to Spring’s call to purge I pletely
oould pull through the balance o f the day. Sinoe taking
however, all this has disappeared. I am a strong,
and purify themselves, there is a great
s man, abundantly able to d o m y d a y 's w ork, my
change also takes place in our bodies. The vigorou
appetite ha* been w hetted up so that I oan eat anything,
blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and m y sleep la sw eet and refreshing, and I kn ow further that
It has purified m y b lood and put It In good oondltlon. I
accumulations which have formed in the oannot apeak too highly o f you r great rem edy, 8. 8. 8.
817 W . B road St., Columbus, O. A . B. M O N T G O M E R Y .
system, and been absorbed by it, from the
inactive winter life, and calls upon every
member to assist in the elimination. The
On tw o oooaslons I have used 8. 8. 8. In the sprin g with
system is often unequal to the struggle, the
fine results. I oan heartily reoom m end tt as a tonlo - » «
appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, b lo o d purifier. I w a s troubled w ith he&daohe. Indigestion
the spirits are depressed, and a general run­ and liver tronblea, whloh all disappeared under the use of
8. 8. 8. M y appetite, whloh w a s poor, w a s greatly
down condition is the result.
helped. I oan eat anything I w ant n ow w ithout fear o f In­
and my b lood haa been thoroughly cleansed o f
Then the body must have assistance—
all Impurities and made rloh and stron g again. A s a tonlo
it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and b lood purifier It Is all you olalm for It.
771 E. Main S t„ Springfield, O.
M R S. G. W 1E G E L .
and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made
entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does
not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of tbe so-called tonics on the market,
which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and
digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S- S. tones up
the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that
always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re­
establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms
the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S.
gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our-
selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season.
:ly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy,
It acts more
and is absolutely safe ¡cause of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili-
tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of
the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as
for toning up and helping the entire system. W hen you take your tonic this Spring do not
experiment, but get the best— the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one
endorsed by the best people all over the country— S . S . Sm, THE GREATEST O F ALL
TOMIOSm It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every
point, that the right remedy be used—one that is especially adapted to the condition, and
S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign
of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of
the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on.
San Francisco, July 3.— The Bulletin
today says; The Standard Oil company
is preparing to invade tbe local water
field and give battle to tbe Spring V al­
ley Water company, which has enjoyed
a monopoly in San Francisco for more
than 40 years.
The Rockefeller con­
cern is believed to be the purchaser of
the Blue Lakes and Sierra Nevada Wa­
ter A Power com pany.
The price
agreed upon is said to bis $5,000,000.
Standard Oil already controls the gas
situation here, having purchased tbe
plant of tbe San Francisco Gas A Elec­
tric company. It is now proposed not
only, to give San Francisco a new water
snpply system, but also to furnish pow­
er for the gas corporation and possibly
to the United Railroads as well. It is
alao declared that the new system will
supply Sacramento and Stockton, giv­
ing them light and-power and a new
water syetem.
F. A . M aitell, president of tbe Sierra
Nevada Water & Power company, rays
he is not in a position to give out the
names of tbe men with whom he is
dealing, and he cannot at this time say
R e a s o n a b le E n o u g h .
whether or not the Rockefeller interests
"And what are you going to do when
have acquired the property.
you’re a man?” ,asked the visitor.
‘ I’ ve been thinking,” replied the bright
boy, ‘‘of starting an elephant farm in
“An elephant farm?”
Salvador Openly Supporting Guate­
“Certainly. Why not? They raise pea­
malan Revolutionists.
nuts there.”— Philadelphia Ledger.
San Frsncifc , July 3 .--A m on g the
passengers on tbe steamer City of Pana­
ma, which arrived today from the isth­
mus, was George W . Phelps, a railroad
i o r In fa n ts a n d C h ild ren .
official from Guatemala.
M r. Phelps
believes that President Cabrera w ill be
able to hold hie own against the revo­
lutionists, but this belief is not shared
Bears the
by his fellow passengers.
According to Phelps, Cabrera has 6,-
000 trained troops in the western part
D is a p p o in t e d .
of the republic. The other passengers
“ I would like you to meet my young
refuse to dignify the Goatemalan army
to tbe extent of calling them troops at friend, Mr. Googerly.”
“ I would love to meet Dim.”
“ He would make you a husband of
"T h e y are undersized and under­
drilled,” Baid one passenger, “ and if whom you need never be jealous.”
‘Gracious, is he that ugly.” — Houston
they meet any real opposition will melt
like hail in tbe annebine.”
When the City of Panama left San
Mothers w ill find M r«. W in slow ’s S ooth in g
Jose it was understood that a division Syrup the best rem edy to use for th eir oh ild ren
of the revolutionary army was crossing d a r in g the teeth in g period.
the Mexican border and that more
H I« I d o * o f m J o k o .
rebel troops were pouring in from Sal­
“ Jones has a queer sense of humor.”
“ Huh?”
The officers of the City of Panama
“ He married his dead wife’s sister, you
confirm the report brought by the City know. And now he refers to ths deceased
of Peking that Salvador was openly as his sister-in-law.” —Cleveland Leader.
supporting the revolution, and was vir­
A s d D o u b tle s s W i l l .
tually a war with Guatemala.
Bat, drink and be merry to-day,” said
the fool.
R oot to Visit South Am erica.
‘ Why so?” asked the sage.
Washington, July 3 .— Secretary Root
“For to-morrow the price may go up.”
will accept the hospitality of Chile and — Louisville Courier-Journal
make part of his trip along the west
coast of South America in a Chilean
warship. Tbe United States cruiser
Charleston, on which Secretary Root
will sail for South America, is too large
a craft to work its way along the inside
passage from the strait of Magellan to
Valparaiso, Chile, and as a result Sec­
retary Root and his party will leave ths
Charleston at Sandy Point, in the
strait of Magellan, and go aboard a
Chilean man of war.
Tin Kind You Have Always Bought
Regulations Are Changed.
Washington, Juiy 3.— With a v « «
to giving effect to the plans of Secre­
tary Root for the regulation of s consu
lar service on merit basis, and as far at
divorcing it from political affiliations,
the preeident issued an executive order
making important changes in tbe meth­
od o f appointment and promotion of
officers in that service.
According to
tbe regulations made by the president,
consular officers salaries st mors than
$2,500 are to he filled entirely by pro­
motion from the lower grades, hosed
upon ability and efficiency.
rS # 1
S t a t i of O h io , C it t of T olsdo , i
L ucas C o u n t y ,
F r a n k J. C h k n e y m akes oa th that b e is
sen ior p a rtn er o f th e Arm o f F. J. C h e n ey A
Co., d o in g business in the C ity o f T oledo, C ou n ­
ty and State aforesaid , a n d th at said firm w ill
pay the sum o f ONE H U N D R ED DOLLAR8 for
ea ch and every case o f C a t a r r h th a t ca n n o t be
c u r e d by th e use o f H a l l ’ s C a t a r r h C u rb .
F R A N K J. CH E N E Y.
Sw orn to before m e a n d su bscrib ed In m y
presence, th is 6th d a y o f D ecem ber, A. D . 1886.
1 g- . , f
N otary P u b lic.
H a ll’* C atarrh C ure 1* taken in tern ally, and
acts d ir e ctly o n the blood and m u cou s surfaces
of the system . Bend fo r testim on ials, free.
F. J. CH K NEY A CO ., T oled o, O.
Sold b y D ruggists, 75c.
H a ll’s F am ily P ills are th e best.
B -r-r-r!
In summer garb, and with new straw hat.
The commuter fared forth from his flat,
As chipper as you please.
Swiftly the "dummy” bore him to town—
But swifter dropped the mercury down
Some 20 degrees.
T IT O Bt. Vitus’ Dance and all Nervous D taoses
N I 0 Permanently cured by Dr. K line's (treat
Nerve Restorer. Hend for F R E E 92 trial bottl” and
treatise. Dr. R. II. K lim . Ld..M l Arch Bt., Pblla.,Pa.
S lo w .
Sir John Franklin had made up his
mind to discover the northwest passage.
“ I can’t wait forever for the Panama
canal,” he said.
Glancing at the latest dispatches from
Washington and ascertaining, to his dis­
gust, that there was another deadlock as
to the question o f the type of cansl to ba
adopted, and that Senator Morgan was
about to make another speech, he gavs
orders for the immediate fitting out of tha
O W A R D e . BU RTON .—Assayer and Chemist.
Lead ville, Colorado« «peci men prices: (Jold,
BIIver, Lead, f t ; tlold, HUver,175c: (»old, 60c ; Zlne or
Copper, fl. Cyanide tents. Mulling envelopes and
füll 1 price list sent on application.
Control and Um­
odd II
jlre work solicited.
Reference: Carbonate Ns*
power fully warranted, 9125. All sizes and
styles at lowest prices. Write for catalog.
Portland. Orcson*
T H K D A I S Y F I .Y K I L L F .lt tlMtroy* « lith e
tiles «nd affords
cornu rt toevery
liom elit dining
room, steeping
room « n d all
laced w h e r e
led are trouble-
dome. C l e a n ,
i * :
neat and will
not noil or In­
jure anything.
Try them once
and yt>u will never be without them. I f not kepi hr
dea era, sent prepaid for 20c. H a r o l d .H om ers.
14W DeKalb ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
lln g ls T h o u g h t.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
“ I think,” remarked Growells the
other morning at breakfast, " I ’ ll get a
"G ood!” eiclaim ed Mrs. G, "and I
wish you would get one for me while
you are at It.”
it the wonderful raising powder of the
Wave Circle. Thousand« of women are
bringing greater health and better food
into their home« by using K C taking
fowder. Costs just one-third what you
always pay. It you have never used it
you don’t know what you’ve missed.
Don’t wait) All grocers.
23 o u n c e s f o r 25 c e n t s
A s A d v s s ts f* .
“You claim that your flying machine
is superior to the automobile?”
“ Vastly.”
“ But it has never left terra flrma
as yet.”
“That’s the point; It doesn’t kill
anybody nor violate the speed regula­
tions.”— Washington Star.
Money fo r Jam estown Exposition.
Washington, July 3. — Ths James­
town Tri-Centennial exposition will
receive government aid amounting to
$1,326,000, in addition to $60,000 ap­
propriate s year ago, as the result of
the agreement by the senate and house
on tbe sunudry civil b ill.
An item of
$100,000 for th* transportation of
troops was struck out, but this expense
will be paid from tbe appropriation of
$12,000,000 in the army appropriation
b ill.
W orkman Beet Government Spies.
St. Petersburg, July 8. — Detectives
disguised as workmen were denounced
and nserlv I lettered to death w 'th
'knuckles” at n workmen’ s meeting
loday. They were removed to the hos­
pital in a dying condition.
Tills wonderful Chi­
nese Doctor Is called
great because he cures
people without opera­
tion that are given up
to die. He cures with
those wonderful Chi­
m e • herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vegetable»
that are entirely un­
known to medical scl-
_________ _
ence In this country. Through the use
harmless remedies this famous doctor knows
the actlou of over 600 different remedies which
he successfully uses In different disease*. He
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver; kid*
Beys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and see him. PaUeate
out or the city write for blankr and circulars.
1 6 2 'i first St.. S. r. Cor. Morris««
Mention popor.
Portland Trade Directory
Names «nd Addresses in Portland «I Reprä­
sentative Business firme.
MAOIC LA N TBR N B — W sister ( o .. Fora «ad.
Lowest prices on Laniera* and Bilden.
HOH h K h of all kinds for sal* st very reasonable
prices. Inquire 276 Front Ht.
CREAM HE PA R A TORN—We guarantee the U .A
Hr parater to be the beet. Write Tor free retalo«.
Hasel wood Co«. Fifth and Oak.
C M e if*
M EN'S CLOTH I NO - Ruffum A Pen.lleion, sol«
agents Alfred Benjamin A Co.’* correct doth *«
Everything In men’ s furnishing*. Morrleo* sod
Hllth nfrests, opposite posiofflo«.
Th« artistic Book o f P r o m t«
froo upon request
POULTRY F O O D -If you want your hens to lay
more eggs write ue for free particulars about PU-
Portland. Oregon.
PI A NOB A ORIIANH _ Oldest ptano house na Pa-
rifle roast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments.
W rite tne list. Let us aaot* you a price. Alien 46
(filbert Rsm sker Co.. Portland, Oregon.
W A N TE D —Men and Women to learn Berber trade
In eight weeks; graduate* earn troni |I6 to f f l
w eekly; Ft pert f r o r t toro; catalog free; Moler
Hyst* m of College*. 66 N. Fourth st., Portland.
When fitted Just right and sat I ■'‘artery to
the wra-er In every w ry, *s a thing any
dentist can congratu ate him self «pun. ft’s
one <4 the products of twentieth e* «fu ry
dentist y. Perhaps yon’ r« s illf using one
o f th - old ores. Muppoae yon let no »how
yoa a cellaio d plate f
i l l E d it A P H Y T A M 4 H T F R K K .
pl»*t** course and posit on secured whet* graduated
’ • * offer good only for short time. W rit* ft»r par­
ile ara. PACIFIC TE LE O K A P H IN S T IT U T »
Ur d Theatre Building. Portland, Oregon.
WISE BROS., Dentists
I fa llin g Hufldlrg. Third and W ashington!
• A M. f 9 P M. Hut days • to It
Mala WM
P. N. U.
N a I T —« I
[ YTTHKN writlsgtosdrsrtlmti pi— « I
m e n ti o il t h is p a p e r .
________ I