A D V E R T IS E P A T R O N IZ E to c a ta The article you have to sell, it pays you as well as us and rememljer if you are not a subscriber, a cordial invita­ tion is extended you to be­ come one now, or sooner..... Your home print shop by getting your printing done at home. Every 5 spent in this way is reflected in the improvement of the shop. Satisfaction guaranteed....... PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST Ol IWTACADA AND EASTERN CLACKAMAS COUNTY, THE RICHEST PART OF OREGON TH E NEW S $1— Y E A R NO. 29 of VOL- 2 ESTACADA, vGON, TH U R SD A Y , JUNE 21, $i A Y E A R 1906. Keep the weeds cut down. P A R K H O TE L At the meeting of the I. O. O. F. Meals 25cts. Good | board by the lodge last Saturday evening Robert Phoenix Pure Paint at Carys’ . j week with room $4 per week. Currin took the initiative install­ Our Hall team should practice. ment of goat bunts. What has become of the collector ] I am in the market to buy Wool, 1 f you wish to trade where you can Estacada, - Oregon of water rents? Hides,* Pelts and Beef Cattle, and Preaching at the school house and 1 will pay good prices for same. See get the best goods at the W e wish to thank the people for the kind patronage church Sunday, 24th. me before selling— David Briden- 4* Hi» 4 * 4 » given us during our opening weeks. W e are well Deering Mowers, and Self-Dump stine, Estacada. pleased with the business we have done and will en­ Rakes and Binders at Carys’ . Noah Heiple was in town Mon­ deavor to earn your good will at all times. From now The committees which have the Ladies' Waists, Dress Goods and ' day. He has just returned from until after celebration in charge are meeting Hats, full value, at Mrs. Crane’ s. Portland. Mes. Heiple who has A Sabbath school will be organ been at Mrs. W. A. Cunningham's with good success in their offorts to secure attractions for the day. For ized at the F. M. church next Sun returned home with her husband. we will sell all our Spring and Summer goods for Men tnosic Brown’ s band of Portland has day. I he railroad company is going to been engaged. This band is said W omen and Children at Granville Linn was elected school [ put in another sidetrack which will by those who claim to know to be p o s s i b l e a ild n o th in g m is r e p r e s e n te d director in Currinsville school dis­ tun on the south side of the depot, j the best aggregation of baud music trict. I he yard trackage is not sufficient dispensers in the metropolis. This to make room for an entirely new and larger fall stock. C. S. Allen, a foreman at Caza­ to accommodate the increasing vol-1 band will also play for the ball in Nothing to be carried over, so come now and often and dero, is moving his family to Esta­ tram of business. the.evening. Miss Linda May Wo- help yourself at this bargain carnival. cada. The local strawberry crop is near­ mer is teaching the school children The Portland Restaurant will sell ly exhausted. “ ONCE A CUSTOMER ALWAYS A CUSTOMER” Only two ranches songs and exercises for the program White Clover ice cream during the have supplied berries for the market and they will take part in the pa­ Is our motto season. this year, those of V. Linglebach and rade. George C. Brownell will be Pat describes an island as being D. F. Warner. The fruit has been tlie orator of the day. All lodge “ a place ye can’ t leave without a of a very good quality. organizations are expected to take boat.” The position of goddess of liberty part in the parade. A pyrotechnic One fare Miss Tillie Harkenrider lias come to be occupied by some one of the display in the evening. home and will remain during the young ladies on July 4th is to be for the round trip on the railroad, summer. quite an honor for someone. Who and the last train will leave Estaca­ S T R A W H A T S — Men’s $2.50 hats at $1.19; soct hats at 29cts; 35ct is your choice to grace the seat of da for Portland at 12 at night. Mrs. A. F. Shultz went to Jeffer­ hats at 23Cts. Boys’ 25Ct hats at 12cts. honor on the liberty car on tlie 4th? son last week for a visit with her L ad ies S h ir tw a is ts in all s iz e s and s ty le s District School Meeting daughter. It lias been figured out that the Wtn. Smith was elected director receipts of the Oregon City po? ‘.of­ The district school meeting took in the Springwater district, and Jas fice for the year endingjune 30 will place at the school house Monday Shibley school clerk. exceed $ 10,000 which will entitle evening. Director John Stormer o f E sta c a d a , O regon ----- Mrs. Crane is offering especially , the postmaster at that place of a presided. School Clerk John F. I low prices on her liueof Ladies’ Kid raise of $ 1,000 a year in his salary. Lovelace read the proceedings of MANUFACTURERS OF ALE CLASSES OF He gets $ 2,200 a y> : , Gloves. See her ad. the board which were accepted, and The large posters are out setting 1 The district sch< >1 board held a also the regular annual financial re- ' forth some of the attractions to be business meeting Tuesday evening. I port of the district. T. J. Reagan! in Estacada July 4th. Eight applications were received by ; and C. F. Howe were placed in Miss Eva Ryan, of Portland, was 1 the board from teachers. Prof. J. nomination for director, and the out last Sunday and visited with E. Stubbs was elected as principal, j voted stood, Howe 19 and Reagan and Miss Mae Stcpens of Browns- 14. J. F. Lovelace was re-elected Miss Gertrude Morrow. Rev. Stubbs and wife spent p art! ville was chosen as teacher of the clerk by a unanimous vote. A five j mill tax on the school district’s as- : of last week at Portland participat- intermediate and primary room. .M^M^liigh g ra d e building m ateria l a s p e cia lty ++++£1 The Estacada Brick & Tile com- sessed valuation— $100,625.00— for ■ ing in religious meetings. Sunday school in tlie church Sun pauy began Tuesday to make brick | incidental running expenses and to | If You Are Going to Build, We Can Fit day at 10 and Rev. Lingren will at its factory. Superintendent Hal- pay interest on the school bonds. kins says he is going to make from preach at n and 7:3 p. m. You Out to the Top Notch in Every* 15,000 to 20,000 brick a day now. Estacada School District Haying tools such as Forks, Pul­ They have plenty of clay at hand, thing Required leys, Carriers, Hanging Hooks, Ma The annual report of School Clerk and it is ltr fine condition. They nilla Rope & c &c at Carys’. Lovelace for the year ending June are filling the new drying sheds Mouldings in All Styles Mr. and Mrs. Jordan and family | Transacts A General Banking Business each of which will hold about 70.- 1 18 shows: are moving into the icsidence ad­ No of children of school age 000 brick. joining the Bank of i .tacada. 127 j in the d ist.......... ............... A couple staid old widowers who ! 62 j Mrs. B. W. Read has joined her ! Male......................................... answer to the names of J. W. Reed ! W. A. JONES is our selling agent in Estacada, Oregon Female.................................... husband down South. They ex­ 65 Capital, $6,000.00 and G. W. Morrow came out from I Enrolled in the schools......... pect some time to return to Estaca- 9 « Portland Sunday to get a real good Telephone connection direct with milt Male......................................... 50 j da. square meal. They went to the Female..................................... 4 t Mrs. W. K . Haviland and son, ; Hotel Estacada. For a few weeks 100 John B ., were in town Sunday and now while their families are away, I No of pupils under 6 years M oney to Loan on Real Estate 27 spent the day with Dr. and Mrs. these gentlemen are on their Sun No not attending school...... ++++ 7 o 7 ' 7 7 ' " "" 7 7 7 " No attending from outside Haviland. day School behavior, and each has I . . . . . . . . . . . I districts............................ ,, The home -team of baseball play­ the other in Ins care. No of legal school voters 111 IN S U R A N C E ers met an unexpected defeat from Rev. Asa Sleeth will preach at ¡n thc district..................... the Portland Westenders last Sun- the school house next Sabbath at 11 This bank has the local agency for some of the very best FINANCIAL j day, 2 to 12. a. m. His subject will be ‘ ‘Prize I Receipts Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : Miss Ruth Dale has been appoint- Fights and Prosperity; How We Received of county treasurer |ed to lead at the young people’s Celebrate and How We Grow.” | school district ta x .............$597 20 t next prayer meeting. Subject for Text, ‘ ‘Woe to hitn that buildeth a Received of county treasurer If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you town with blood, and establisheth a ‘ | as school fund.....................163 20 thought: Surprised People. city by iniquity.” Habakktik 2-12. Received as tuition............... 34 00 have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no M. H. Richards, the city’ s ton- All who are interested in the wel­ “ from other sources 3 00 property of our own for sale and can push your sales sorial artist, was sick a couple days fare of Estacada are invited. There : last week, and was confined to his will be an opportunity for a general Total receipts.......................$797 40 suburban home east of town. discussion of the subject. j Disbursements Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing The committee, Messrs. Cary, I). C. Ely was in town from Cur- Paid teachers.................. $ 7 2 0 00 papers of every kind Jones and Belknap, appointed to rinsville last Saturday. Mr. Ely is Room rent........................ 75 00 select a site for a cemetery, will re­ having a comfortable five room cot- Fuel etc............................. 51 60 port at the next council meeting. tage remodeled and built on a piece Principal and interest on Old ch erry trees o ver in th e G rand of land he has at Currinsville, and bonds and warrants......... 31 95 Ronde valley yield as high as 800 which will lie a home for himself , Clerk's salary and stamps... 20 10 Call and ¿et prices at 25 pounds to the tree. At the price and daughter. Mr. lily is Yecently Other expenses................ 28 paid, $80 a ton, old trees will bring from Stevens county, Washington, m a in STREET Total expenditures.............. $926 90 where he served as county auditor. $3 , 200 an acre. Outstanding warrants not -vaac S H IP Y O U R Mrs. R. A. Stratton, Vivian and In speaking of the coming Fourth paid ................................... $129 5° celebration, he said that he thought Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stratton, Paid teachers per month...... 90 00 ON CLACKAMAS CO. LANDS LADIES’ SEWING For Sale or Rent Merton, and Perry Boultman were a Currinsville had a young lady who would very gracefully fill the posi­ WK MAKE A new, 8-room house on Main St Sewing and dressmaking don' party of tourists who spent Sunday If you knew the value of Chamberlain's 1 the abstract of title to the security offered tion of Goddess of Liberty. to V E T S C H & SO N S, Salve you would never wish to lie with­ First house south of school house. order for ladies— Gertnide Mori and attend to all details in the closing last in Portland The News was honored last Tues­ out it. Here are some of tlie diseases All finished. Inquire of N. Welter. BORING, O RE up of Mortgage Loans Last Sunday was the first pleas­ day by a call from four gentlemen, for which it is especially valuable: sore i Call on us for information concern­ ant Sabbath we have had since ear­ one of them, Mr. Clarence C Hick- nipples, chapped hands, burns, frost bites A Card of Thanks N O TIC E HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ly in the spring, and a large number chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itching piles ing Clackamas county Records The near relatives of John G ok, of Colusa, Cal., who is visiting tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25 of city people took advantage of it H. Cooper it Company will BUTTER FAT Oregon for the first time; the other cents per box. For sale by the Estacada Epperson wish to thank the many out their Stack of Sewing Maciinn Clackamas Title Com ’y and visited the country. friends who so kindly gave a: : ¡st­ three were Mr. H. F. Borden, for Drug Store. in Estacada at 50 per cent from tin Go to J. F. Lovelace for Flour sometime a resident of Portland, but ance during the illness and dtath of Rl ITTFP CRFAM & MILK E F RiIe> A tto r n tY a t Law rresw len t. DU I ILK,, V xK Lrtin, Of ITIILIX p rank B Riley Atty. at Law, Secretary. rttail price. Now is the Colder and Feed. If you want to buy formerly of Kansts City, Mo., Mr. their beloved brother. BOUGHT a n d SOLD » ' # Opportunity to get a good ma< bine. 606 608, Chamber of Commerce, W * m I » F OC P t K t S ANO OOOUTKWS Flour or Feed get his prices, he can Harold G. Rice, a prominent busi­ O R E G O N C ITY TRUST CO. This will lie good only foi a feu, P O R T LA N D ORE save you money. Hides and Sheep horses Por Sale n g - man o. Portland, and George If yonr stomache troubles you do not Money loaned on real and days. We have just received 1 fir.i Pelts bought. Estacada, Oregon. H Himes, of the Oregon Historical Let it tie a civilized Fourth conclude there is no cure, for a great One 3-year oíd mare, one half Stock of Dishes w hich we V. chattel security many have been permanently cured by So: tv. The latter gentleman was B. O. Boswell went to Portland Warehouse on O W P track. blood Perdieron. AL o one 8-yeur very reasonably. Our Line < Chamberlain's Stomache and Liver Tab- Abstracts of Title made oíd mare, good driver dotible or sin­ , , . .. ,. . . yestesday on business Rev. Welter has been putting thfc lure hit in 1904, and notices great - niUire is large, and we must lets. Get a free sample at the Estacada 2 direct from the records gle. Iuquire W. S. Irwin, Estacada. Mrs. Grabel, Clyde and Guy ar­ finishing touches on bis residence. impi .»vc-ment since then. The Cal­ Ilrng Store and give them a trial. They it to make room for new g also cure constipation and biliousness. rived here last evening from Grass j The family will soon move to New- ifornia '.'eiitleniun was much pleased Come in and see us we v : Dimick S t D im icR , Mgr». Ed. l*o ;au has 1 ten sick the past Vallev. Mrs. Grabel will remain a burg where Mr. Welter has a j>as- with the surroundings of Rscatada. Do YOU take you a bargain. week with tunsiliti O regon C itv O hf . go aud predicts a bright future for it. cotiple months. I torate in ot*e of the churches. The N ew s’ The EMPORIUM DOINGS FOR THE FOURTH I Lowest Prices JULY 4th GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Call on us We take produce in exchange The A. E. Sparks EMPORI UM Darowish and Company The Dubois Lumber Company Fir and Cedar LUMBER THE BANK OF ESTACADA i C. E. DUBOIS, Manager In Pints, Quarts Half Gallons Also Fruit Jar Rubbers W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. C. F . H ow e’s MO N E Y T O LOAN CREAM