The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, June 14, 1906, Image 2

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    U m Estacada Raws
M U S T S T IL L FEED 25,000.
Mining, Irrigation and.Lumber Inter­
ests Will Feel Effect o f Economy.
Bread Line Gradually Thinned, but
Problem Continues Large.
Ban Fianeieco, June 11.— Thursday's
distribution of rations showed a reduc­
tion of nearly 4,000 in tbe bread line,
day sent the rate bill back to confer­ which now numbers approximately T U R N S DOWN W O O L G ROW ERS. S A Y S C O N T R A C T O R S W IL L LOSE
ence, after a debate on several topics 36,000. The exact number fed by the
which ended in tbe rejection of the con raw food distribution on Thursday was Pinchot Says They Must Pay for Al| Did Not Know Nature o f Rock Along
ference report.
31,486, against 36,386 on Tuesday, and
Route o f Celilo Canal.
Range in Reserves.
Objection was made by Tillman to the number of meal tickets given out
Portland— The government canal at
Washington— Gifford Pincbot, chief
any effort to instruct tbe conferees, as had increased from 11,005 to 11,254.
of tbe Forestry service, has overruled Celilo w ill cost $10,000,000, instead of
proposed, by Hale, who then withdrew
By tbe time the army leaves the the protest of the Umatilla County $4,000,000, according to I . H. Taffe,
his motion that it was the sense of the work, it is expected that the number
Woolgrowers’ association in tbe matter who has been operating fish wheels
senate that no railroad employes and will have been reduced to 25,000, and
of charging a grazing fee for the Blue near there for 20 yeais.
their families should be exempt from that many of that residue will have to
o f M m L o u Important but
"T b e contractors, Smith <k Jones,
mountain forrst reserve range this ■
the anti-pass amendment.
be cared for an indefinite time
As son. The woolgrowers also protested who are digging the first half mile at
Not Lou Interaating Evonto
Of tho P u t Wook.
that they were not assigned individual the Celilo end, w ill lose $100,000 on
anti-pass legislation, the latter saying racks which have been built at the
The department explained the job,” he said.
"T h e y took it at
that tbe postmaster general should have speedway in Golden Gate park remain
that it was not customary to assign too low a figure, evidently not knowing
authority to issue passes over every unoccupied, there will always be tbe
A MW modor*to p ort; h u been or
particular tracts to individual stockmen the nature of the rock they have to
railroad in the United States to mem proposition of relief in excess of the de­
ganiaod In Knoeio.
when reserves were first created, and it blast out. Their bid was i $294,000.
bers of congress, to afford opportunity mand.
There is still room for 700 or is not yet determined what plan w ill be
They have about 100 men at work pre­
An aatire refiment at P o ito u , Sooth
to obtain information of the railroads 800 more persons.
followed in the Blue mountains.^
paring a foundation for the rock work
Buasia, baa matin led.
How to manage the relief work after
The association also called attention on the upper end of the canal.”
Waehington, June 7. — Represents tbe army withdraws at the end of the
A eommittoe from tho homo i i work'
Mr. Taffe save there is nothing in the
tive Prince in the house today during month is the problem. One plan con to recent decisions by the California
lag on a moat inspection bill.
the discussion of the sundry civil bill templates the centralization cf all the and Washington courts to the effect fishwheel business this season because
those fellows on tbe lower river won’ t
Tho (onato eommittoe h u reported
spoke of the anti-pars amendment to supply distribution in each neighbor­ that tbe secretary of agriculture is
that Smoot ia not entitled to a «eat in
the railroad bill and of the bill itself hood at the soup kitche i , where hot without authority to impose a tax for let a single ealmon get past them.” He
tho saoate.
and insisted that the country would meals and supplies of raw food could be the use of forest reserve range, and gets a good price, 7 cents a pound, for
hold the house primarily responsible distributed to families whose needy without authority arbitrarily to regu­ all he traps, his market being in the
Bopnblican loaders in both house«
His cold storage works are,
for depriving 1,286,121 railway em condition has been determined, the late its use. The forest officials inter­ East.
h a u agraod to a eompromiae on the
ployee, as well ns members of their tickets for different supplies, including pret these decisions to hold that the however, devoid of salmon this season,
atatahood bill.
families, of free transportation; like clothing, to be given out under the secretary of agriculture bad not been and he does not anticipate any great
General Toledo, leader ot the Guate­
empowered to enforce any penal code, improvement in the run.
wise persons actually and necessarily in management of the Red Cross.
malan revolutionists, claims to be win
but did have the right to keep the re­
charge of livestock, who are deprived
C a la p o o ia C o m p a n y is S u e d .
alng his light.
of free transportation when going to the work of investigation in whatever serves clear of stock or lease them on
Albany — Claiming the Calapooia
A eommittoe of San Francisco busi
point of shipment or returning from form of relief is determined upon after such reasonable conditions as he should
prescribe. No appeal has been prose Lumber company, of Crawfordsville,
nans man is at Washington to get Fed'
point o! delivery.
the army leave«,” said General Greely,
cuted to a final hearing in either case, has cut and logged more than 750,000
oral aid for thslr city.
and he added:
“ I have not yet seri
but the officials believe their right in feet of timber off land belonging to
Wednesday, June 0.
ously considered any of the plans for
United Btatee secret service men have
the sphere indicated is beyond all poe him, Abner C. Withee has filed suit
discovered a scheme by which Chin
sible question, and sav that court deci­ for $4,600 damages in the State Circuit
conference report on the railroad rate withdraws and I shall not do so until
were being smuggled into this country
sions w ill have no influence upon the court for Linn county, through Attor­
it is determined who ia to be in con
at Vancouver, B. 0 .
rules adopted for control of reserves.
ney W. Lair Thompson. The timber
the anti-pass conference amendment re­ trol.”
alleged to have been cut by the defend­
T h ru of the largest insurance com
ceived the attention of Bpooner.
ant company is valuer! at $1,500, and
panics having losses in Son Francisco
the main he endorsed the prohibition
Banda Want T o Go T o Salem.
the Oregon statutes provide that where
have refused to make a cut ol 25 per
of passes, but he contended that there
Salem— Almost every organized band timber ia cut unlawfully the owner
cost in their payments.
should be exceptions, including railroad Cruiser Marblehead Shadows M ove­ in the state has applied to the Salem
may recover three times its value.
employes. Congress had no right, he
Reports from Hankow, China, show
Fourth of July committee for an en Withee is an Eastern capitalist who has
ments o f Filibuster.
said, to step between empolyer and
that the great floods this spring in the
gagement. When the committee began large timber holdings in Linn coun'y,
Washington, June 11. — Secrecy no making arrangements to celebrate the
Hunan district caused a loss of life
Washington, June 6.— The considera­ longer surrounds the movements of the Fourth it was announced that a large and is represented in the West by
Saturday, June 9.
amounting to tens of thousands
Marblehead, number of bands, probably 20, would Thompson A Hardy, of Eugene.
famine w ill follow, for the floods have Secret Service Men Secure Startling
Washngton, June 0. — Tbe b ill pro- tion by the bouse of the sundry civi United States cruiser
Testimony at Chicago.
brought disaster to an immense area.
hibitng corporations from making cam appropriation bill in committee of the which baa sailed north from Panama. be employed if possible for the occa­
Water Soon to Flow.
Washington, June 12 — Secret service paign contributions was passed by the whole today was made the occasion of At the request of the Btate department, sion. The responses came thick and
The Longworths have arrived in
Baker City— Water will flow through
senate without debate this afternoon some severe strictures by Democrats of the Marblehead sailed for Ban Jose, fast. Several days ago the committee
here with sensational information in It make« it unlawful for any national the heade of departments for exceeding Guatemala, to investigate the move­ had engaged all the hands that could the 12-mile ditch of the Baker Irriga
H u rs t has excluded Bryan's name their possession as to use of preserva­ bank or any corporation under a gov their legal powers, Sullivan, of Massa­ ments of the American steamer Empire, be paid from the fund available.
If tion company within the next few days.
Lich is reported to have landed re­ there were a few thousand more dollars This statement was made by J. A .
from his newspapers.
tive« by the beef trust. They were ernment charter to make a contribution chusetts, leading tbe attack.
Tawney, in explaining tbe provisions cruits from San Francisco and arras and in the treasury the committee would be Smith, head of the company.
A strict guard against cranks is be sent to Chicago by order of the presi­ in connection with any election and also
dent as soon as be had been advised unlawful fir any corporation whatever of the bill, which deals with all depart ammunition for the use of the revolu willing to work overtime engaging water w ill be sent down in a small vol­
lug kept at^the White Hoase.
bands. As it is the committee is satis­ ume, at first being used for sluicing in
verbally of the results of the investi­ to make a contribution to any presi menta of the government and is the tionists against President Cabrera.
Manila business men have petitioned
Disquieting dispatches reached the fied .hat there will be more brass band the banks of the big reservoir which is
gation of Labor Commissioner Neill dential, senatorial or congreeeional next to the last money bill to be acted
congress to utablish an agricultural
on by tbe house, stated that tbe total State department today from Guatema­ music in Salem on tbe Fourth of July to’ be built this summer. The reservoir
and Jamet Reynolds. I t is said that election whatever.
A fine not exceeding $5,000 is tbe appropriation for the sundry civil ex­ la regarding the revolution. The mem­ than was ever heard at one place in ie to cover 240 acres and have a capa­
they have concluded an exhaustive in­
city of 6,000-acre feet. The ditch w ill
Storms in Pennsylvania and Ohio quiry which w ill not only bring the penalty for offending corporations, and penses for the fiscal year 1907 carried bers of the present administration are Oregon before.
he used fo- carrying water for storage
have caused loss ol life and destruction packers to their knees but w ill remove a fine of not exceeding $1,000 for every by this bill is «94.342,156. Of the active in parts of the republic, but it is
in the reservoir for the first time next
tbe powerful influences that are being officer or director who shall consent to total amount $25,456,575 is for the impossible to discover the exact cause
State Fair T o Be the Greatest.
o f property.
Panama canal and is reimbursable of tbe movement and the directing
exerted against congress and the great the granting of any contribution.
Salem— Now that the election is over
The Mexican board of trade has
from the proceeds of the sale of bonds. force.
cattle interests with a view of forcing
Started an investigation of American
Both the Salvadorean and Mexican
Washington, June 9.— The item in In addition to this sum, the amount
Will Develop Copper Deposits.
the president to capitulate.
hoard, who is also chairman of the
canned meats.
E-igene— Local capitalists, including
This pressure has become gigantic the sundry civil appropriation bill ap­ carried for river and harbor acts, and borders have been lending support to Democratic county committee, expects
War between striking miners and Every business, political and financial propriating $25,000 for the president especially by tbe act passed at tbe last tbe revolution, and it is the desire ol to devote bis entire time and attention
S. Kelsey, John Buoy, A . W. G il­
guards has b u n renewed at the Sten ramification of the great trust is being went out in the house of representatives session of congress, is in ecxess of tbe this government that the Marblehead to perfecting arrangements for the state bert and Mark Flemming, have organ­
benvllls, Ohio coal mines.
ized for the purpose of developing cop­
utilized directly and indirectly to have
is and have care that there be no par fair, which opens in September. Mr. per deposits near Creswell and about
sissippi. Tbe decision, however, that law for that purpose by 6,774,044.
Downing says that the fair this year
The official trial trip of the new bat a halt called on tbe government ex
12 miles from Eugene.
They have
tlcship Nebraska w ill take place on posure, and, if possible, get an official
cans which may involve the United will be the greatest ever held on the purchased 40 acres of land in that v i­
Tuesday, June 6
declaration that the portrayal of condi after a free discussion, Democrats and
state fair grounds. The attractions will
Puget sound about July 16.
tions in the packing houses has been
cinity and have options on 200 acres
Washington, June 5. — Before the
The Empire coaled at Corinto, Nica­ be better and more numerous and the more. Copper has been found there in
The California legislature b u asked exaggerated.
Cattle interests of the elves in sympathy with the idea of giv senate had begun business in earnest
exhibits in every department will ex­
the government to care for Ban Fran great West and Bouthwest, which for ing the president a fund for railroad today Senator Hale took the floor to ragua, before sailing for San Jose, ac­
cel all other showings.
He Bays the considerable quantities, much of it be­
cieoo’ s homeless and buy city bonds.
years have been clamoring in congress expenses.
urge the importance of all possible cording to dispatches from Panama. people in every county are taking an ing in the eative state. It lies under a
promptness in the disposition of the
American m u t packers are planning and outside of it for protection against
interest this year, which is due, he crust of three feet of ironbearing rock.
C AN HE DEPEND ON UNCLE SAM thinkB, to the interest awakened by These men w ill form a stock company,
to spend thousands of dollars advertis­ the trust, have even been persuaded traveling expenses, the house devoted appropriation bills.
with a cap ta! of $500,000.
“ This,” be said, " is absolutely ne­
ing in Europe to remove the stigma of that a continuation of government hoe
the Lewis and Clark fair.
zer, of New York, talked on good roads cessary if we are going to adjourn te-
tility w ill ruin them.
the recent expos urea.
John Bull Inquiring About American
The cry of panic has been raised
All Umatilla is Rejoicing.
fore the end of this month, and do the
Inspection System.
Taft h u definitely announced that Not only bankers handling trust funds rural free delivery box question, which,
Fleeces in Prime Condition.
very best we may it w ill be the very
Athena— Reports from all over Uma­
he w ill not be a candidate for the pres­ but their employes, friends and ac­ he said, will grow into a scandal should
Baker City — Shearing of sheep in tilla county are to (he effect that the
London, June 11.— John Burns, pres
last days of the month before we can
idency. H e w ill, however, stump tbs quaintances in theb usiness, social and tbe government persist in compelling
ident of the local government board, Baker county has begun by electric outlook for an enormous wheat crop
possibly get through."
country on the Philippine tariff.
political world, have been enlisted to rural patrons to purchase certain styles
He gave notice that immediately has requested the Foreign office to com­ machinery at the plant of Lee Bros , this season is bright. Before the heavy
A g n at naval n v le w Is planned by use their efforts in the gigantic struggle of boxes.
after the close of the routinr morning municate with the State departmental near here, who w ill first shear their rains there was considerable anxiety
that is now in progress, to stem the
business today he would mrve to take Washington and ascertain to what ex own sheep and then those of Ayre and over the outlook, as in those localities
G n a t Britain.
Friday, June 8 .
tide against the packers.
up the naval appropriation bill, and he tent reliance can be placed on the sys­ other large owners in the county. where the soil ie light the prospects for
A hurricane In Southern Ontario has
Washington, June 8.— Tbe senate to suggested that this bill should be fol­ tem of meat inspection undertaken by Shearing was delayed by the long con­ a good crop were slim, and especially
done much damage.
day listened to two set speeches, one lowed by other appropriation bills, tbe bureau of Animal industry. In tinued wet weather, but it is said that so where the wheat was spring sown.
Caught With the Bombs.
Greece and Roumanla have severed
by Morgan in support of his resolution even to the exclusion of conference re­ announcing that he had taken this ac­ on acco int of the moisture the quality In many places it was beileved tbe crop
New York, June 12.— An attempt providing for an investigation by a sen­
diplomatic nlatlons.
ports. He called attention to tbe fact tion through the medium of a reply to of the Baker wool w ill this year far would be a failure outright, but every­
was made tonight to explode a bomb in ate committee of the affairs of the Isle
question put in the house of com­ exceed that of precious years, as it is thing is now entirely i FTerent.
that there are six of the big appropria­
Crum packer denies that congress ha«
manhole of the Interborough Rapid of Pines, and the other by Hopkins in
tion bills still unacted on by the sen­ mons by W illiam Field, Nationalist clean from dust and of fine texture,
Transit company in front of the power opposition to the eea level canal bill.
authority to require m u t inspection.
member of the St. Patrick’ s division of I It is expected the tonnage w ill be large
Road Machinery Arrives.
house, at East Seventy-fourth street,
Dublin, and president of the Irish | and that most of it will go into storage.
Salem— Two carloads of machinery
The p u p le of the Philippine islands which furnishees current to the sub- Neither measure was acted on. Borne
time was also spent in considering the
Washington, June 5.— In many par­ Cattle Traders and Stock Owners’ asso­
for the government experimental road
gave 18,597 to the Ban Francisco relief wsy.
One man, Joseph liartky, 22 District of Columbia appropriation ticulars today was a "red letter” day ciation, Mr. Burns said he bad ascer­
Grand Ronde Crop Outlook.
construction have arrived in this city.
years old, was arrested, the police euy, bill.
in the bouse, not only in the number tained that a quantity of boneless beel | La Grande— While recent rains have Tnere is one more car on the road.
Another high official of the Pennsyl­ aa be was about to light the fuse of
of bills passed, hut in the general char­ and pork ia imported into this country played havoc in some of the neighbor
Wellington. June 8.— With the ex­ acter of the legislation enacted. What from America and converted into sau­ ing commnnities, they have proven When it arrives the work w ill be start­
vania railroad has b u n implicated in the bomb as - it lay on the manhole
ed in earnest. The engineer in charge
cover. Two companions who were with ception of an hour spent on pension bids fair to cause endlese trouble, the sages, which are sold as English pro­
coal chargu.
most Deneficial in Grand Ronde valley of the work, Mr. Loder, experts to be
him escaped. On Bartky was found legislation, in which time 327 bills for naturalization bill, was passed under ducts. He admitted that there were |
All growing crops and fruits are in employed in the construction of this
The pruident is likely to win hi« three other bomba, all being of uni the relief of C ivil and Bpanish Am eri­ suspension of the rules, the speaker serious difficulties in the way of effect­
most excellent condition, and the as­ sample road at least two months.
m u t inspection fight, though opposi­ form size, the shape of a baseball, but can war veterans were passed, the and the gentleman in charge of the bill, ive British inspection of some of these |
surance of an abundant yield was never
little larger.
tion is strong.
house labored today on the sundry civil Bonrnge, of Colorado, doing team work mported foods, but said the local gov­ greater. There have been no washouts,
Successor to Dr. Lane.
bill, making much headway.
ernment board had taken action to see I the streams, although unusually high,
The c u r has summoned bis ministers
Salem — Governor Chamberlain ap­
Under the lead of Keifer, of Ohio,
Heat Killa Eight in Chicago.
The house refused to pass a bill leas­
having never caused any damage worth pointed Dr. W B. Morse, of Salem, a
to a council, and a change in affairs
Chicago, June 11.— Although yester­ the house refused to transport silver ing to a private firm or corporation the their powers to tbe full extent.
mention. F. 8 . Hramwell, manager of member of the state board of heaiib, in
sum s probable.
day was appreciably cooler than the coins and other money by registered right to mine coal on the island of Ba­
the Amalgamated Sugar company, says place of Dr. Harry Lane, resigned, end
Pacific coast Democrats are booming preceding day, heat was given aa con­ mail, insisting that their transporta­ ton, in the Philippine group, although
Teat Suit on Public Ownership.
I the outlook for the beet crop is the best H . G. Myer, of Salem, a member of the
Governor Chamberlain, of Orgun, for tributing cause to eight deaths reported tion should be handled by the express it was stated that such a lease would
Chicago, June 8.— Proceedings to test | he has ever known,
barber commission.
During the arguments it decrease the amount paid by the gov­ the validity ot the Mueller law and the
in Chicag). In addition there were companies.
the nomination for the pruidency.
several prostrations. The temperature was contended that the West and South ernment for coal very considerably.
issuance of $75,000,000 in certificatee I
Many Seeking Tim ber Land
P O R T L A N D M A R K E TS .
Ex-Governor W . P. Whyte has been reached a maximum of 81 degrees, and need eilver dollars for circulation.
For two hours tbe house worked un­ by tbe city were commerced in the Cir-
Baker City — Many people are com
appointed United Statu senator from there was a rainfall of .11 of an inch.
der suspension of the rules. The rest cuit court today. A bill asking that ing into the Eastern Oregon timber belt
Wheat— Club, 72373c; bluestem,
Maryland to succeed the late Senator The wind attained a velocity of 40
Thursday, June 7.
of the day was taken up with the pass­ tbe city officials bo enjoined from at- in search of timber.
Locators from 74375c; red, 7 0 3 ‘ lc ; valley, 72c.
miles an hour from the southwest
Washington, June 7.— The senate to- age of b ill« by unanimous consent.
Oats — No. 1 white f0ed, $31.60;
tempting to raise money on the certifl- Chicago, Milwaukee, Western Wash-
Of the total revenue« of the United The cumulative effect of the three days
cates were filed by business men of this ington-and Idaho wore included in two gray, $31 50 per ton.
Calls for All Information.
Bailey— Feed, $24.60 per ton; brew­
Statu more than three-fifths is annual­
Gatch Made Bank Examiner.
city. A decision is expected from the parties which have passed through Ba
W ith little children
ly upended on the army and navy and in the deaths.
Washington, June 11.— Representa­
Washington, June 11.— On recom- Supreme court of the state within six ker City on tbeir way into tbe John ing, nominal; rolled, $25326.
pension roll. For the preunt y u t the this effect was more marked.
Hay— Valley timothv, No. 1. $123
t i v e Fulkerson, of Missouri, has intro­ mendiation ot Senator Fulton, Claude months. It is from tbe sale of these Day country. One of these parties,
total of the th ru expensu Is 1375,
duced a resolution railing on the presi­ Gatch, of Salem, has been appointed certificates that tbe advocates of manic- with H . J. Bundy, started for the Bu 13 per ton; clover, $7.6038; cheat,
Plot to Kill the Pope.
•59,719, ont of a to'al revenue of
dent and tbe secretary of agriculture to rational bank examiner to sncceed A. ipal ownership of the street railways | sanviile district; the other party, 15 $637; grain hay, $738; alfalfa, $13.
Rome, June 12.— Never before in the immediately make public any and all J. Johnson, of Corvallis, who resigned expect to derive tbe foods for pureba
Fruits— Apples. $2 5033.60 per box;
people in ail, 14 women and one boy,
which was under tne direction o fG . apricots, $1.7632 00 crate; cherries,
Roju.vsnsky, Linlevltch and other history of the Vatican has a service at information that they may secure from npon being elected to the legislature
historic 8t. Peter’ s been conducted un­ ‘ the great army of meat inspectors em­ Mr. Gatch is assigned to duty in Ore­
7 6 c 3 »l per box; strawberries, Off
Head O ff Yellow Fever,
W. Shaw, atarted for Burns.
Russian offloers are to be couitmar-
der so strict a guard as was that of yes­ ployed by the government,” or from gon, Washington, Idaho and Moutana.
8c per pound; gooseberries, 6 3 6 c per
New Orleans, June 11.— A summer
t la led.
terday, when the pope officiated at the any other source that w ill tend to cred­ Mr. Fulton first recommended Frank sanitary campaign against moeqnitoee
May Buy Road to Blue River Mines.
Guatemalan rebels are gaining In beatification services tor the Bpanish it or discredit the product of any plant
Vegetables — Beans, 3 35c; cabbage,
M reditb, of Salem, but he had bail which transmit yellow fever was plan­
martyr«, with a guard of 400 police where meat products are pnqa ed. only limited experience in banking bus ned here today. Tbe city proposes to
$131 .25 per 100; green corn, 47)4c
Brandige, of Arkansas, denounces officers in and about the edifice. Re­ The resolution also calls npon the sec­ inees and the department insisted upon ■pend about $900 a day daring the
dos.; onions, 8310c per dozen; peas,
asking the county court to investigate
alt for Increasing White House ceipt of information from Paris that • retory to immediately give his opinion having a man thoroughly familiar with summer months.
The work is based the mstter of pnivhssing a highway in­ 6c; radishes, 10c per dozen; rhubarb,
plot against the life of the pontiff had of conditions of the plants.
3c per pound; spinach, 90c per box;
largely upon tbe experience gained last to the Bine river mines.
At present
summer. Mayor Behrman and a com­ tbs private rood from Blue River City parsley, 25c; squash, $1 per crate;
la Minnesota, Wisconsin. been discovered caused the Roman po­
Save Life on North Coast.
mittee decided to use 125 laborers and to the mines, a distance of six miles, is turnips, $131.25 per sack; carrots, 65
Nebraska Balks at Drydock.
l and Michigan deetroyed mucti lice to use the strictest ot precautions,
Washington, June 6.— Senator Piles
Uto loas o! slx and nearly every member of the secret
Beattie, June 56—The battleehip Ne­ 40 carts in addition to the regular closed on account of some trouble be­ 375c per sack; beets. 8 5 c*$ l per sack.
service was on duty.
Onions— New, l)4 3 2 c per pound.
offered the following amendments to braska, building, at Moran Bros., tried cleaning force in flushing sewers and tween the owners, the Lucky Boy Min­
Potatoee - - Fancy graded Bnrbanks,
the sundry civil b ill:
Appropriating twice this morning to get back to her drains, catting and burning grass and ing company, and other mine owner* in
Tho Military autbocrltiee are grad
N ew Washington Statue.
$30,000 for a lifeeaving station at Neah dock and aach time was awnng away weeds on vacant property and spreading the district, and there is no meant of 50360c per hundred; ordinary, nomi­
aally wlthdsnwiog all of the govern
nal; new California, 2c per pound.
New York, June 11.— A heroic eques­ bay, Washington, authorising a life from the slip by a heavy wind and a oil over the surface of stagnant pools.
to the mines from tbe ontaide.
aeoat troope frum Boa Francieeo.
trian statue of George Washington will saving station at Cape Flattery, $30,- strong ebb tide. Once she came nr
Batter — Fancy creamery, 17)4320c
per pound.
Tho anión botasen Norway and Bwe- bo unveiled next Saturday, at the 000; appropriating $60,000 to estab­ ramming the company's dry dock and
Will Veto “ Soon er»” Bill.
Brooklyn terminal of tbe new W il­ lish three life saving stations between the second time narrowly escaped crash­
Eggs — Oregon ranch, 20321s per
don has beso dlssolvd t yeer.
Washington, June 8. — President
Belem— Tbs continued damp weath­ doaen.
liamsburg bridge, and formally pre­
Three si tho Bpaaish gunboats cap­ sented to the city of Brooklyn by James Cepe Flattery and Grays harbor; ap­ ing into the Pacific Coast company’s Roosevelt is verv apt to veto the bill of er which has prevailed for the p: to
Poultry — Average old hens, 12313c
propriating $30 000 for a lighthouse on coal bunkers. Then the attempt was Bartator Dnbois which has passed tbs
ta red by IVwey al Manila hora
F. Howe. City officials, members of Elisa island, Bellingham bay; appro­ given up and tha boat taken out to a house permitting sooner« at Rnpert on three week* in tha Willamette valley per pound; mixed chickens, 12312)4c;
SoM tos oM Junk, brii.ging $5,000
broilers. 15316c; roosters, 10c; dress­
m ilitary organisations and government priating $256,000 for a lavenne cutter city buoy. The battleehip was taken the Minidoka irrigation tract in Idaho
Tho Indiano Donsosintie conven i Ion representatives from Washington will for Puget sound, and $10,000 for two out Saturday for a preliminary trial to have a preference right to purchase crop. Strawberries in some localities ed chickens, 12314c; turkeys, live,
be present at the ceremonies. Wasb- steam vaOMls for the revenue service.
16318c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 203
has sndsrsel Bryaa.
lot they DOW occupy with permanent
too, have been iojnred for want of dry
ingtta is represented in Continental
improvements. This bill was paeeid Weather and sunshine. Growing grain 22c; geese, live. 9310c; geese, dreseed,
Distrito Attoraey Jerome, of New eniform
aa at Valley Forge.
Eight-Hour Law in Islands.
No Mail for Seward Peninsula.
over tho vigorous protest of the Interior haa had all tha rain necessary for this old, 10c; young. 12c; docks, o!d, 113
York, lo aoraeed o l aeeopting lite in
12c; young, 12)4 3 18 c.
Washington, June 11.— In response
Beattie, June 8.— Because of the fact department, tbe objection being made
sanase Monoy dnrtag the recent ram
Hope— Oregon, 1905, 10312)4e.
Benson T o Be Senator.
to a complaint by President Gompere, that tbe postal department made no ar­ that such legislation would induce toon-
ja jf» and M on y shnrges heve boan
Wool— Eastern Oregon average beat,
Ottawa, Kan., June IS. — Judge A l­ of tho American Federation of Labor, rangements for the forwarding of mail« era to rush in and grab tbe best land.
La Grande O ffer* Fra* Site.
coarse, 22.1*323c;
fred Watson Benson, of this city, who Solicitor Charleton, of tbe Philippine from Beattie to Nome tbieyear, no mail
of Oregon's election from
La Grande — The La Grande Com fine, 24025c; mohair, choice, 28330c
yesterday was offered the appointment government, has reported to Secretary w ill ho forwardod to the Reward penin­
Witte's Return Is Rumorod.
sr of precincts throughout
mercial clnb is attempting to raise $8,. par pound.
of United Btatee senator to succeed Taft that the eight hour law ii enforced sula for soma time. Last year tho gov
Chicago. June 11.— A cablegram to 000 for tho purchase of a site to fare
■•rarely locked up In tbe
Veal — Dreaaed, 4#7c par pound.
Joseph R. Barton, stated today that be in the Philippinea and ie held to apply eminent paid 4 cento o pound on mai tb* Inter Ocean from Bt. Petersburg
oats* lastend of bavin been sent
offered to tbo Palmea Lumber company
Boot— Dressed balls. Sc per pound;
would accept the position.
He will to all works there provided for by ap­ from Beattie to Nome and 8t. Michael.
l* t of the ranaty in which tbe
as an inducement for tho location of its cow*. 4 )4 3 6 H e ; rouutry steers, 5 3 6 c.
officially notifiy Governor Hoeh tom or- propriation of public money of the Tho eteamohip companieo advanced the W itt*, at the ciar’e request, ia return­
iS I tostad.
new m ill bore. About $6,000 haa been
Mutton— Dressed fancy, 7 3 8 c pound;
row of hie acceptance
Judge Benson United Btatee. As to the employment
Repe b I leans advocate expects to start for Washington tomor- of Chinera lab> rere, f ho solicitor says rate to 8 cento thio year. Tho depart ing in boat* from abroad to resume tbe subscribed. A site of 73 acres oei the ordinary, 6 3 6 c ; lambs, with p. It on,
ment ha* aokod for bid* for tho con­ premiership, from which be retired oa river north weto of town has bean secured 8c.
they are b o w excluded.
tract, to b* opened Jon* 19.
M Goremykni'e appointment."
by option.
Folk— Dr■ said, 739«
Washington, June 12.— House repre­
sentatives struck a severe blow to tbe
entire West in catting down tbe all-
Monday, June II.
important appropriation for tbe geo­
W uhington, June 11. — Tbe senate
logical survey carried by the sundry
civil bill, and unless the senate in­ this evening passed tbe Mondell bill
creases these items, mining, irrigation amending the national irrigation law
and lumber interests w ill f u l the effect so aa to permit the secretory of tbe In
of tbe bouM legi'lation.
In all $348,- torior tc reduce tbe minimum area of
000 h u bun cut off tbe geological sur­ farm units in government projects from
40 acres to 20 acres. The bill was
vey appropriation.
Tbe government w u about to begin amended in the senate by prescribing
the testing of mineral lueis of tbe regulations for granting an extension
W u t, including tbe coals and lignites of time to settlers under irrigation pro
of the Pacific coast. Little work of this jecta for completing entries when delay
character can be done, for tbe appro­ is caused by failure of tbe government
priation w u only $100,000, when twice to complete the project and furnish tbe
that amount baa been annually appro­ water in time to complete entries in
tbe time specified by tbe land laws.
priated for similar work in tbe E u t.
It was amended also by the insertion
Instead of $100,000 to carry on tbe
investigation of mineral resources, in­ of a provision authorising the secretary
cluding black sand experimenta at Port­ of the Interior to appraise lota in Hey-
land, the house grants but $50,000. burn and Rupert townsites and sell
This will shut off tbe black «and work them to occupants who have erected
entirely, when tbe present special fund permanent buildings thereon not read­
ily removable.
is expended.
Tbe appropriation for forest reserve
Washington, June 11.— After near­
surveys is cut from $130,000 to $100,-
000 and a cut of $50,000 is made in ly four hours spent in the considera­
the appropriation for topographic sur­ tion of legislation affecting the inte­
veys, which form the basis of all the rests of the District of Columbia, the
geological survey work. Congress has house today resumed consideration of
been appropriating $200,000 annually tbe sundry civil b ill, and, after an
to gauge streams preliminary to under­ hour and a half epent in its considera­
taking actual irrigation work. This la tion, adjourned. An amendment was
cut to $100,000 and means material in­ passed, permitting the appointment of
terference with irrigation surveys in lo­ retired officers of the United Btatee
calities where new projects are contem­ corps of engineers, U. 8 . A., as mem­
bers of the International Waterways
Another ent that will be felt is in commission, as provided for in the
the appropriation for the annual report river and harbor b ill creating this com
on mineral resources of the United mission.
Tbe house in comm'ttee of the whole
States. This w ill cut down the sub
ject matter of the valuable government refused to make an additional appro­
document and w ill restrict the issue to priation for marking the places where
the inconvenience of the mining inter­ American soldiers fell and were tem
purarily interred in Cuba and China
ests of tbe country.
on the ground that it was a bad prece