HÊ& a last Thursday evening, and the sen­ ator gave the Loganites a touch of high life in oratory, and-sound po­ litical economy. Th e ESTA CA DA N EW S PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY H. A. WILLIAMS Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Or. as second class mail. s 1 £ 1 Everything growing. . . ... e And water is free. Advertising rates made known on appli­ cation. Copy for publication and change Councilman E. C. Belknap has of ad copy must be handed in not later than Wednesday morning to insure pub­ returned from the East lication for that week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES .. Prices are Right Fred Byerley, a near relative of Mrs. A. Morrow, is expected from .50 Kansas City. f l 00 Si« Montais If paM Is advance A. Lacey is shipping via Estaca­ da 8,000 pounds of his last year’s chased a piece of land. crop of prunes. MAY 17, 1906 Mayor and Mrs. J. W. Reed were a part of the picnic that took place here last Sunday. A special car of sister members at that place. O. W. P. employes came out from the city, and picnicked on the banks DODGE NEWS of the Clackamas. REPUBLICAN T IC K E T 8 U. S. Senator: short term, Fred W Mulkey o< Multnomah county. U. S. Senator: term beginning on Mar. 4, 1907, Jonathan Bourne of Multnomah county. Congresssman, 1st district: W C Hawley of Marion county. Congressman, and district: W R Ellis of Multnomah county. Governor: James Withycombe of Benton county. Secretary of state: Frank W Ben­ son of Douglas county. State treasurers: George A Steel of Clackamas county. Supreme Judge: Robert Eakin of Union county, Supt. of schools: J H Ackerman of Multnomah county. State printer: Willis S Duniway of Multnomah county. Attorney-general: A M Crawford of Douglas county. Joint senator for Cl ickamas and Multnomah counties: A A Bailey of Multnomah county. Joint representative for Clackamas and Multnomah counties: Jas. U Campbell of Clackamas county. Mrs. J. W. Reed andthe children up with a broken leg. go to Sellwood for three weeks at the end of which time Mr. Reed ex ­ work pects to be through with his work at “ The Oaks, ” and then he and were in Dodge Sunday. the family will return to Estacada and Mr. Reed will engage in busi­ ness here. COU N TV T IC K E T State senator: Geo. C Brownell. Representatives: C H Dye, l.inn R Jpnes, C G Huntley. Judge: Grant B. Dimick. commissinoer: John Lewellen. Sheriff: Eli C Maddock. Oerk: Frek W Greenmail. Recorder: C E Rambsby. treasurer: J C l’addock. ■ rflrveyor: S A D Hungate. ’Qkc Toner, R L Holman. BSBSEkBBBesBB « a s a s a s a a e K H T o one living in the country, and yet not too far distant from the city but that it may lie visited occasion­ ally, it is ever apparent that as a place for a home, the- country is the most pleasant and healthiest of the two places Hundreds of the nerve- worn, dust-inhaling people of the large cities hasten, at the close of the week’ s work and on Sunday to enjoy as much as possible the quick­ ening atmosphere of the country. A paragraph in Recreation puts it: Ah! The breathing earth! That’ s the talk! What do we care for the cities, for the paved, ill-smelling streets, for the civilization that pro­ duces a Bucktown in Cincinnati, a Tenderloin district in New York, a Chinatown in San Francisco, and a degraded, debauched police force in every city! Give us the green earth for our mother, our bride and our grave. And the city will buy the water system ? If the expression of the citizens’ meeting Tuesday evening is carried out the council will take over the plant. The people’s vote, 14 to »6, favors it. The committee reported that the water system is worth but $4,882 and yet the meet­ ing favored the purchase at $7,000. This will end the controversy for twenty yea S it least. to do logging. Myers & Nash have been award­ ed a contract to cut 70,000 feet o f plank for the Estacada road. Bert Park and A rt Howard havi 6one to Kelso to cut Shin&le bolts. H. W. Downing has resigned his position with the O. W. P. Mr. Downing has had charge of the wa­ ter and light plants in Estacada since the town started. Within a few days Mr. Downing and family will move onto their farm near Mc­ Minnville which they have rented of Mrs. Downing’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Winegar. They will take all their goods and drive their milch cows cross country. SPRINGWATER NEWS Mrs. E. F. Surface closed the pri­ mary department of the city school last Friday, and on Tuesday of this week Prof. J. E. Stubbs finished the term in his r.oom. The city has had a successful school year, a pro- fiitable one to the pupils, and every­ body wishes the teachers a pleasant vacation. Mrs. Surface will, of cou.se, remain at home although she will spend some time in Portland soon. Prof. Stubbs will go home to his people at Gresham, and later he will go over to Fossil. Articles of incorporation were put on file Monday in the county clerk’s office for the Clackamas Hop Farm­ ing Company. The incorporators are, L. V. Woodward, F. D. Calef, and J. H. Woodward. The capital stock is $30,000 and the value of each share is $100. The principal office of the county will be estab­ lished at Graeme. Three directors are to lie chosen. The articles of incorporation say that the company will cultivate fanning lands and buy and sell hops and other farm pro­ duce. ESTACADA We have some choice busi­ ness and residence lots in Estacada which are good in­ vestments for anyone. Prices reasonable and terms easy. 0. W. P. Townsite Company COR FIRST PORTLAN D h ALDER OREGON Estacada State Bank LOCAL ACRNTS ESTACADA OREGON WHY Young People’ s Meeting will be held next Sunday evening at 7 p. m.. Subject, “ Serving by Example” Leader, Kitty Ellen Reagan. All come prepared to help the leader. Everyone has a most cordial invita­ tion to attend. Miss Gertrude Mor­ row was to have conducted at the last meeting, but was called away to Portland. Senator Brownell, Eli Maddock A teacher over near Antelope had and Dr. Smith drove over to Logan a clrss of young pupils in mathe­ matics before her. Examples were in addition and the following illus­ tration was offered by the teacher: “ Now children, if I lay four eggs on the desk, and Sammy,” and she pointed to a freckled faced lad at the head of the class, ‘ ‘should lay three eggs on the desk, how many would there be?” The bad boy of the class, who was at the foot and had listened intently shouted, “ Go on Sam, take her up! I don't think she can do it!” Is going to grow this coming summer more rapidly than ever before. The great Electric Pow­ er Plant, costing over $1,000,000.00 will b e completed, a large saw­ mill will be built, and logs will be floatad down the Clackamas from miles above. The price of prop­ erty should advance with the completion of enter­ prises now under way, and the perfection of those already in operation. 1 e r Springwater Sunday. Edith Shannon and Wavo elleu were visiting friends and rela­ tives in Springwater last Sati f and Sunday. Bertha Genserwoski hris reti home from Portland. She ree y a scald on her arm and is unal continue her work. Marve Parks was in our burj week. The boys will organize a besket ball team next Saturday and play on the Shibley farm The Springwater grange held its monthly meeting Saturday with a fair attendance. The literary part consisted of a debate which was a success, on Resolved, that country life is better than city life. The affirmative won. County Deputy Mrs. Howard was present. The C. E. will hold its monthly business meeting and social at the Manse Friday evening May 18, and everyone is invited. Polly need not worry himself a- bout our boys. I think they are able to take care of themselves. — Happy Hooligan. For It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold G D I THE BEST Also Webster’! Galtorlate Diet!, nary with I i i 6 Pages. i f N l l l i u U K o a i , S u e : 7x10 1a t iu . A Special ! Thin Paper Edition Da Luis toy: » L t — — rr-tilar t ' %km ft ix w i i mm 6—U»»w»vr»ea4>— C— jwi. »hae»»a 1 S f~. F K K S , '* A T eat la F ro c u o c U t ic o ," I z z tT - Uv« and c u tertam lrg . A lso U iu stm tM pr naphlet^. O. a C. § M E A R I A !.! CC. N U U t n , S a t l a i i l i U , M aso. i R THE ESTACADA STATE BANK $ (INCORPORATED) CAPITAL $10,000.00 A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G BU SIN ESS T R A N S A C T E D « We handle Insurance in several of the Best and Oldest Companies, Buy and Sell Lands and Issue Drafts on Foreign Countries. Are local Agents for the O. W. P. Townsite Company The For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minneapo­ lis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The pain and suffering which he endured during this time is beyond comprehen­ sion. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. One application of that liniment relieved the pain nnd made sleep and rest possible and less than one bottle lia . effected a ] erma lent cure. If troub­ led with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent bottle of Pain Baltn and see for your self how cpiickly it relieves the pain. For sale by the Estacada Drug Store. A B Y ’ S l J Y Nofikt for Publication land states by act of August 4. 1 892, JU ZEF Farmers is Solicited W E W IL L EXTEND YOU E V E R Y F A C IL IT Y CO N SIST A N T W IT H MODERN B A N K IN G P R IN CIPLE S ft Call on us—Wc arc here to serve you § -----------------------------= - 1 fa J. W. REED, Pres. T. YUCUM, Vice-Pres R. A. STRATTON, Cashier PROFESSIONAL CAR D S T IM E C A R D Dr. C. B. SMITH PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 0. W. P. & Ry. Co. Estacada office: Up stairs in Howe's store. Dr. Smith will bt at his home in Eagle Creek evenings anti mornings. ESTACA DA-PORTI, ANI) ■ * William K. Haviland, M. D. Office at drug store - - Cars leave Estacada for Port­ land : - 7 : 37 . 9 : 37 . IU 37 A. M. and i: 37 . 3 47 . 5 : 37 . 9:05 P- M. PHYSICIAN end S U R G EO N Estacada RESIDENCE Comer Shafford and Fourth Phone ! LAW YER W ay freight leaves Estacada in the morning, returning in the evening. All business promptly attended to OREGON C IT Y , Cars leave Portland for Esta­ cada: 7:30.9:30, 11:30 A- M. and 1:30, 3:40, 5:44, 7:15 P. M. Geo. C. BRQWNELL OREGON IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS In the Matter of the . Estate of Thomas J . Andre, J Dece?33d } Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed Administratrix of the above named Estate by the above entitled Court. All per­ sons having any claims against said estate are re­ quested to present them, with proper vouchers there­ for, to me within six (6) months from date hereof, at the office of R. A. Stratton. Estacada, Clackamas county. Oregon. Mary E. Andre, Administratrix of the Estate of Thomas J. Andre. Deceased. Dated, Estacada, Oregon, May 8. 1906. % « Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878. States Land Office. Portland. Oregon. May I ance 5th United 1906. Notice is hereby given that in compli­ with the provisions ot the act of congress of 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber % June lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public Business of the Merchants of Estacada and the PU ZAN OW SKI of Holbrook, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement 6915, for the purchase cf the NeK ofseK. SK of seK & SeK of swK cf section 10 in township 6 south, range 4 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before U. S. Land office at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the 27th day of July, 1906. He names witnesses: W G Jones of Port­ land. Oregon; Edward E Brown of Boring, Oregon; Preston E Bonney of Colton, Oregon and John Cor­ bett of Colton, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 27th day of July. 1906. Algernon S. Dresser. Register. Stomach Troubles M r?. Sue Martin, an old and highly rcspec ted resident of Faisonia,,Miss., was sick w ith stomach trouble for more than six montha. Chamberlain’s Stomsch and Liver Tablets cured her. She says: “ I can now eat any thing I want and am the proudest woman in the world to find ! such a good medicine* For sale by the I Estacada Drug Store. Not If as Rich as Rocktfclier Notice for Pubication United States land office. Portland. Oregon. April 28, 1906. Notice is hereby given that incompliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash­ ington territory;" as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, Preston E. Bon­ ney, of Colton, county of Clackamas, state of Ore­ gon. has this day filed in this office his sworn state­ ment No. 6909, for the purchase of the NEK of section 14, In township 6 South, range 4 East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday the 25th day of July, 1906, He names as witnesses: Edward E. Brown of Boring Oregon, Oliver Laferty of Colton, Oregon, John Laferty of Colton. Oregon, and Joseph Arquette of Colton, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad­ versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 25 day of July. 1906. Algernon S. Dresser. Register. Notice for Publication U S. Senators by a direct vote of the people. Am a temperence man and Woman Suffragist. We need Notice for PuMkotroo fewer laws and better ones. Will United States Land office. Portland. Oregon. May 3. 1906. is hereby given that In compli­ serve my constituents to the best of ance with the Notice provisions 0 # the act of congress of my ability. June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber W. A. HEYLMAN, I Notice for Publication United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, Ap­ ril 17, 1906. Notice is hereby given that in compli­ ance with tha provision* of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash­ ington territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, Harry A. Eilers of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6879 for the purchase of the SwK of SwKof Sec. 8 in township No 3 S. range 5 E. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim­ ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es­ tablish his claim to said land before U. S. Land of­ fice at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the 13 day of July, 1906. He names as witnesses: Andy Kltz- miller of Dover. Oregon; Fred Eilers of Portland, Oregon; Claude Loucks of Portland. Oregon, and Charles Wemple of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 13 day of July. 1906. Algernons. Dresser. Register. United States Land Office. Portland. Oregon, April 1 6. 1906. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1 878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lends In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash- ngton territory." as extended to all the public lend N. F. NELSO N states by act of August 4. 1892, Edward E. Brown of Boring, county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, has Independent (Hayseed) Candidate this day filed in this office his sworn statement No For States Senator, 6875, for the purchase of the NEK of section No 32 in township No 5 S. range No4 E. and will offer proof of Harding Precinct to show that lend sought is more valuable for itstlmber My platform is simply, or stone then for agricultural purposes, and to estab­ lish his claim to said la nd before the Register & Re­ DO R IG H T ceiver at Portland, Oregon. on Friday, the 13 day I In other words, I believe we should of July. 1906. He names as witnesses: Press be as honest and economical in pol- ! E . Bonney of Colton, Oregon: John W. Corbett of Colton, Oregon; John Muss of Boring. Oregon and hies as in private life. I favor edu-! Frank Sutton, 0 # Boring. Oregon. Any and all cation and good roads. While the persons claiming adversely the aboved escribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or primary law does not give satisfac­ before said 13 day of July, 1906. Algernon S. Dresser. Register tion, yet I believe in the election of Main offices of the company: 132 1-2 First St. Portland, Oregon. If yon had all the wealth of Rocke­ feller, the Standard Oil magnate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician can not prescribe a Itetter preparation for Attorney at Law colic and diarrhoea, both for children ' and adults. The uniform success of this j NOTARY PUBLIC remedy has shown it to be superior to all Estates carefully looked after. Mortga­ others. It never fails, and when reduced ges foreclosed and Collections made with water and sweetened, is pleasant to ; AH Business Given Careful Attention take. Every fanuly should be suppied with it. Sold by Estacada Drug Store. ESTACAD A, OREGON AT ? Notice of Appointment of Administra­ trix, and Final Settlement Sale We have for sale in a splendid location on the hill, a Five Room House on a goed lot, with fence, good well and out-buildings. All at a price that is bound to sell it. Call at the Estacada State Bank. )T C C g iv e n The big quake’ s tail end was not Th e at the so far away. The More Observer GRAND observes that wells drilled at Carley PRIZE 'lig h e s t in Wash., a few miles northeast of A w a rd Arlington, sunk by prospectors in the hope of securing a flow of crude petroleum, two years ago, in Which water came to the surface level, have become active artesian gush­ ers since the hour of the destructive earthquake in California. The re­ sults were not up to anticipations of T h e N e w e n d F n h -.r g n d of those who planned the exploita­ E d i t i o n C o n t a in s tion, and the enterprise was ahan-1 25,000 New Words dotted. Water from the principal N a w C a s o t t o e r v i i h a W o r ld well is being I hrovvn ten feet into j with more than £ 5 , 0.0 tiu.,. Ui:W c.i the latest cornua returns. the air, and the flow has heen con­ N o w B t o g r a p h l r n l D t c ilo .- .a r y over M H nuted tinuous and even in voluiun since oontalnli:* tlio persons, dato of birth, d: a::., eto. the carthquke in San Francisco, Bdlted by TV. T. IT/ URIS.Ph.TI., IX .I1, j At the same time several springs of United h.iti'sConuu. roar, . truest too. O a ttr lo P a g e s limpid water appears in the vicinity Mew PloSe 2 a, 3 0 0 6)00 Llnalmi -u\ ] where none had been before. N e e d e d In E v e ty H o r o a George Stratton in company with j A. F. Campbell spent a part of last week in tnc Hood River country inspecting the land and the reasons , nnd conditions which have estab­ lished M ich a world wide name for N Job W o rk AT T H E N EW S O FFIC E lands in the states of California. Nevada and Oregon, and Washington territory.” as extended to all the rubltc land states by act of August 4. 1892. Charles B. Russell cf Portland, county of Multncmah. state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6639. for the purcheee of the SeK of NeK. N 4 of Nek * NeK of NwK of section 24 In township 6 a. range 4 a. and will offer proof 10 show that the lend sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the U. S. land office at Portland. Oregon, on Friday, he 27 day of Juty. 1906. He names as witness­ es: Manning Van Alstine of Portland. Oregon; Har- lert Van Alstine of Portland. Oregon; Albert E. Drinker of Portland Oregon, and John T. Drinker of Portland. Oregon. Any end all persona claiming adversely the above described lends we requested to file their claims in this offk* on or befort said 27 day cf July. 1906. Algernon S Dresser Register.