A D V E R T ISE PATRONIZE The article you have to sell, it pays you as well as us and reuieml>er if ycta are not a subscriber, a cordial invita­ tion is extended ycm to be­ come one now, or soo'tfer....*. Your hpme print shop by getting your printing done at home. livery $ spent in this way is reflected in the improvement of the shop. Satisfaction guaranteed,....... PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF ESTACADA AND EASTERN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. THE RICHEST PART OF OREGON $ 1—YEAR NO. 2 2 OF VO L. 2 Ready-made Shirtwaists and Kimonas, Ginghams, Lawns, Shambreys, and Embroideries SUN BONNETS Summer Dress Goods, Etc Etc M rs . D. C. Crane THE BANK OF ESTACADA T r a n s a c t s A G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s in e s s Capital, $ 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3, 1906. $1 A Y E A R THE N EW S E. C. Belknap, vice-president ifc Buy goods that are Made in Ore- general manager of the ICstacada gon— it helps us all. Aldermen * E. C. Belkr.au Brick & Tile Co., is still in t ie Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Emmitt have 1 .......................................... W. F. Cary R. A. Stratton East purchasing additional raacliir .-1 moved here from MacClay. 1 — ................ They Recorder ...................... .......................... E. S . Womor ery for the factory. will visit for awhile with Mrs. Em- Treasurer__ ....... ..... ..H. Cooper Marshal ..John F. Lovelace mitt’s children, John Stormer, Mrs. W. H. Kendle before going to keep M erry Tro lly People i ing Heard your epithet? house in Estacada. School closes the 16th. Supt. Johnson of the brick facto­ Estacada and the hills and dales ry is preparing to build a brick dry­ Marie Stone is recovering from around here we. ./th e scene, Tues- er for the company. It is one of the measles. day, of a merry picnic party by the his own patent and when completed The wood-working factory seems employes of the O. W. 1 ’ . company, which w ill be in a couple or three to be very busy. A special train of three coaches, all weeks after work on it has been be­ filled with the employees and their Leo Havens is sick with measles gun the next lot of brick will be families. The picnic was under the and typhoid fever. , placed in it. direction of Superintendent, Ben lid. Miller has been putting a ' Boynton of Portland, and the crowd Sore Nipples coat cf paint on his front fence. numbered about 300 people. I11 ad- li A new and excellent line of goods, comprising some very pretty patterns and styles of make, in the following: M AY CITY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Mayor.............................. ................. J . W. Reed < “■ JUST IN STOCK E S T A C A D A . O REGO N , T H U R S D A Y , . . . . , A cure may be effected by applying A movement has been started to d'tion to picmeing, there was mu- j chamberlain’s Salve as soon as the child 1 sic> dancing and speaking in the is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft provide a cemetery for the town. 1 park pavilion. Senator Brownell cloth before allowing the child to nurse, R ex Gordon, of Dodge, visited was present and addressed the peo- Ma"-V ‘ raned nurses use this salve "'ith Portland, last Friday on business. ' pie. Another picnic will take place ^ 25 b° X' . ‘ , bold by the Estacada Drug Store, Mrs. E va Kissler resumed her | Friday, as only half of the car boys : duties in the postoffice 011 Monday, could be excused at a time. Attorney W. A . Heyhnan was at | Oregon City Monday on legal b u si-: c A E. Sp arks IS THE NAME OF THE N EW FIRM T H A T W IL L OCCUPY T H IS SPAC E A F T E R THIS W EEK A Letter From Frisco Sheriff Shaver Dies B. O. Boswell has received a let- ._ , 1 ter from an old friend in Oakland, M. E. Simmons and family have ! Sheriff John R. Shaver, of Clack- manager of the General Electric Co. M oney to Loan on Real Estate moved to Portland where they will an,as county. died at 1103 o’ clock, I thife An)ong other thingSi the iet. live for awhile. a- m- Monday, at the hospital in tersays: .................... . : Salem from the effects of the bullet i , „ . , . , . , l l i e brick factory is closed for a , rw W .ei1 I VVe are a11 rlght' and everybody short time until additional macl.in- Frank Smjth the outlaw> jn the connected with both the office and I the family is safe Those of us on erj can be put in. battle at Woodburn, early Saturday This bank has the local agency for some of the very best the Oakland side of the Bay suffer- Dr. Smith was at Oregon City, morning. He was conscious until : ed only temporary inconvenience Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : yesterday to attend the funeral of a half hour before the end came, and damage while some of them on the late Tohn R. Shaver. | and apparently suffered very little the other side burned out and have r a a^-rr---- of Estacada, Oregon»»....... . ■■■■ Mayor Reed jvas out from Sell- pain. Mr. Shaver was never fully only what they had on. Many of if you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you wood Sunday, and assisted with the j aware of the seriousness of his con- the people who lived in San Fran­ M ANUFACTURERS OF A L L C LA SSES OF invoice work in the store. ! dition, and when not in a semicom- cisco who were connected with our have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no atose state, held short conversations office were outside of the burned Miss Iva Dale finished a success­ jrfojserty of our own for sale and can push your sales with his wife and son, expressing district. We have opened new of­ ful term of school at the Garfield the thought that he was getting a- fices in Oakland and are doing bus­ school last week Tuesday. long well, and in the hope that a iness just the same. You have, of Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing While in the East Manager Bel­ change for the lietter might come, course, seen in the papers how the papers of every kind knap will purchase a new rotary he was not told different. city was destroyed, practically not clay dryer for the brick factory. Sheriff Shaver was 53 years old, a building on Market St. stands e x ­ While at their home at Sell wood, and w as an old resident- o f C la c k a ­ cept the Call building and a new grade building material Rachel Reed was taken sick with mas county. His immediate family building across the stieet, and the the measles from which she has re­ consists of a wife, two sons and entire lower part of the city is de­ three daughters living in Oregon If You Are Going to Build, We Can Fit covered. stroyed. By the time you get this City, besides his mother, two broth­ there will be a trolly car line on Janies K . Sykes, general superin­ You Out to the Top Notch in Every­ ers and three sisters, living in Port­ Market St. and new buildings will tendent of the General Electric Co., land, and a brother, George, who is OREGON W ATER POWER & R Y . thing be in course of construction. While Where T o Pay Your Taxes has taken -charge of the power plant COM PANY’S in Alaska. A t the time of death, the destruction has been awful, the near here. * Mr. Shaver was serving his second HOTEL Pay your Clackamas County T a x ­ Mouldings in All Styles re-construction will he wonderfully John Cassiday and Fred Gilstrap term as sheriff of Clackamas Co. es in Portland at the office of the rapid and we shall soon lie on our are giving the Warnock building on j The funeral services were held in feet again.” Clackamas Title Company, Broadway a couple coats of paint Oregon City Wednesday, under the 606-608 Finest Summer and Winter Resort Hotel which helps some. j direction of the lodges of which Mr. Chaihber o f Commerce Building. near Portland The 0 . W. P. Sale Max VonNewmann, who is cm -, Shaver was a member. T he burial Every Modern Convenience for guests ployed at the Crown paper mills, was a* Riverview cemetery in Port- SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE Few changes will result from the spent la«t Saturday and Sunday in land. Duplicate tax rolls ready for your Room and board per day $2 00 sale of the O. W. P. & Ry. Co. to $10^00 Estacada and at bis farm. inspection. Statements of taxes Room and "board per week the Clarke & Seligman interests. Superintendent E. M. Johnson of County’s Indebtedness $41,572.12 W rite or Phone furnished upon application in per­ A t a meeting of the local officers 011 the brick factory has full charge of j L. 0 . MacMahon, Mngr. son or by mail. Call before March Monday W. H. Hurlburt, was elec­ the business during Manager Bel- -S ix Months’ K x Pen'* of the Conn- ESTACAD A OREGON 15, and save 3 per cent. ted general manager of the railway knap's absence in the East. | Amounts to $36,410.98 department. Mr. Hurlburt has re- Specially low prices are given on these goods for a short time S P E C IA L D ISCO U N T The semi-annual statement of the signed from the O. W. P. as did al- Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Young, of Portland, parents of Mrs. Minnie county which was completed one so Fred S. Morris, its old treasurer. W E C A R R Y A C O M P L E T E L IN E OF ON Williams, were here Sunday to at­ week ago by Clerk Greenmail plac- The new officials chosen are: Presi- DeLaval Cream Separators tend the funeral of A. H. Williams es the net indebtedness of Clacka- dent, H. W. Good, president of the And everything the farmer wants— Fa™ Machinery, OF IO AND 1 5 PER CT. E ver since our esteemed friend, mas county at $ 4 1,5 7 2 .12 The ex- Portland General Electric Company; Plows, D ry Goods, Groceries and Provisions pense was for the following:— Vice-President K. I. Fuller, presi­ Only for a few months the wealthy bachelor across the riv­ W. A. JONES, Prop. P au p ers...........................■. $ 1,7 30 98 dent of the Portland Railway Com- Special terms if cream is sold to us er, has shaved the hair off his face, he exhales a very powerful aroma Circuit Court.................... 1 . 7*5 45 .pany; Secretary and Treasurer, C. Oregon Justice of the Peace....... 377 25 N. Huggins, treasurer of the Port- SpringWflter AM work given prompt attention Babcock Milk and Cream Testers of of orange blossoms. I Ja il...................................... 134 12 land Railway company; General! all Sizes, and Separator Oil For Sale. A farewell party and dance was Court H ouse................... WOOD 833 given in the park pavilion, Monday Clerk ............................ VETSCH & SONS, Dry, any length always on hand ......... 1.2 3 1 45 officers, together with S. G. Reed, BORING ORE evening by a number of the young Sheriff ............................... 1.459 3 > treasurer of the Portland General, people in honor of M. E. Simmons Recorder .......................... 1,25 3 7 0 1 complete the board of directors. Damascus Creamery and family who departed, Tuesday Supt of Schools................ SHIP YOUR 669 13 G. I. Brown, chief engineer of the j morning for Portland. Treasurer.......................... 581 48 O W P, has resigned and gone east Watch and Clock Repairing Assessor............................ 1,1 3 3 47 in order to supervise work Morris Mrs. E . C. Belknap and little All kinds of watch, clock and Peacale, Laces House Lining ........ 642 50 Bros, have under way there. He jewelery repairing done. Work Alice returned home last week from Ju d g e .............. ....... 19 1 60 has been in charge of the building Cotton Bating their trip east. .They returned fia Commissioners Sheeting, double width to VE T SCH & SONS, guaranteed.— A . N. JO HNSO N, 102 90 of the dam and immense power the Rock Island and Rio Grand S u rv e y o r........ Ladies’ Hose “ single “ B O R IN G , O RE Jeweler. 295 15 plant near Estacada, and his serv- routes, and enjoyed the grand scen­ Coroner ............................ Misses’ “ Simpson’s Prints 183 13 ices there have been commented on ery very much. A stop of a few Printing and advertising H IG H EST P R IC E PAID FOR Wanted, Farm Children’s Hose Ginghams 481 50 in a mast complimentary manner. days was made in Chicago where T a x department............. Must have at least 5 acres cleared Ribbons BUTTER FAT India Linen 52 25 It was given out after the meet- | they visited relatives. Mrs. Bel­ Insane ............................... with some orchard, fair liouse, not Embroidery Victoria Lawn 19 74 ing that the business of the compa- knap's father is much improved in Election........................ over 6 miles from railway. Cash Indigent soldier ............. 50 0 0 1 ny would be conducted as hereto- Tapes, white Demity his health. BUTTER, CREAM, & M ILK I deal; price must be right.— M. F. 141 co fore and on the same general lilies, County physician........... BOUGHT a n d SOLD “ Black Shambray ! Donahae & Co. 216 Fenton Block, C A R D OF T H A N K S want vs ro* «nei* a w ovmatmns 148 25 j no changes lieing contemplated in Registration land titles.. Braid, narrow Brocade Portland, Oregon. 5 1 00 connection with employes or the The family cf the late Robert J. Fruit inspector............... “ wide Outing Flannel O R E G O N C ITY TRUST C O . Sciatica Cured After Twenty Yean of Torture Rawlins wish to thank their many Copying and extending J system. The work that has been How often do we hear it remarked: friends for the kindness'and sympa­ 530 00 started will lie completed as planned tax rolls........................ Money loaned on real and " I t 's only a cold," and a few days later thy shown in their bereavement. 229 90 and later more extensions may be Registration of voters... Call and get prices at learn that the man is on his hack wifli chattel security 100 00 authorized. Settlement damages....... I pneumonia. This is of such common Abstracts of Title made 1 00 While the the Portland Railway T a x rebate........................ j occurrence that a told, however slight, MAIN ST R E E T Delinquent tax list......... 3*3 5 ° company and the O W P have not should not be disregarded. Chamber­ direct from the records lain's Cough kemedy counteracts any 289 65 been merged, the two systems will We have for sale in a splendid Current expenses........... Dimick & Dimick, Mgrs. t.-ndency of a cold to result in pneumo­ location on the hill, a Five Room Road Surveys.................. 463 40 lie operated in harmony together nia, and has gained its great popularity O reg o n C it y O reg o n 300 00 with the Portland General, as is ev- j " House on a good lot, with fence, Purchase land for roads and e ¡tensive sale \rj its prompt cures of Few men envy Harry Draper the | It is now certain the Portland's All Road account................... 20,694 82 idenced by the fact that the boaid 1 this most common ailment. It always good well and out-buildings. ------- ------of directors is composed of similar glory he got out of killing F'rank gift to that California sufferers will cures and is pleasat to take. For sale at a price that is bound to sell it. Do YOU take j by the Estacada Drug Store amount to $240,000 Smith. Call at the Estacada State Bank. Total................. '/ .■ $36. J20 98 officers from the two companies. Tii« News* INSURANCE The Dubois Lumber Company Fir and Cedar LUMBER W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. ESTACADA Lively Stable & Dray Line GENERAL MERCHANDISE - ~ V '--. " ' Gents’ Underwear* .W. J. Lewellen... MOUE NEW DRY GOODS! CREAM For Sale H ow e’s 4 ' i