Pure Blood Is certain if you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This great medicine cures those eruptions, pimples _and boils that appear at all seasons; cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or eczema; adapts itself equally well to, and also cures, dys­ pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu­ matism and catarrh; cures nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. This is proved by thousands o f testi- M r ,, n.i.n . Thompson o7u*i.ton, monials, 40,306 by actual count in the f r E T i S ? ? £ 2 ^ which u,tta Monday, April 9. Washington, April 9.— McLanrin and Morgan addressed the senate today on the railroad rate question, the former advocating the legislation and the lat­ ter opposing. The Mississippi senator announced his intention to support an amendment providing (or a court re­ view of the decisions of the Interstate l Commerce commission ami also stated his adherence to the Bailey amend­ last tw o years— a record unprecedented thoroughly purinod h«r t>iood attor •» ment, prohibiting the temporary sus­ • j i uii. e j* • attack o f that blood-poisoning dis- pension of tha com mission’ s orders by in the history o f m edicine. „ u . K» r i, t.n l. itg .v .b .r .tr .n * t h the inferior coarts. H e criticised what Be u sure to get H ood ’s Sarsaparilla. d ' T tell 7 e of d. similar lT*11th cures, Th0T also nd‘ curoa °* be characterised aa an effort to inject n ,, **• ****». “ others politics into the consideration of the L iq u id o r tab lets, 100 D o s e s One Dollar. o f scrofula, salt rheum, eczema, etc. b ill. Morgan took the position that the proposed legislation was an inter­ Vegetable silk, made of cotton and col­ During the year 1904 Siam exported ference with the rights of the states to lodion, is to be manufactured in Mexico more than f l 2.000.000 worth of rice. control the corporations created by on a large scale. The cost is only one- Teakwood it aecund in value. themselves, and aaid that the best way fifth to one-fifteenth of real ailk. M o t h e r .w il l find M r -. W in slo w ’. S o o th in g to check exorbitant railroad rates was A G U A R A N T E E D C U R E FOR P ILES. to keep the waterways in such condi­ Syrup th e beat rem ed y to use for th eir c h ild ren I tch in g , Bi nd, B leeding, P rotru d in g Piles. D rug­ d u r in g th e teeth in g period. tion as to insure com petition. gists are authorised to refu n d m o n e y If P A ZO O IN T M E N T fa ils to cure in 5 to Ustays. 60c. There are more than 4,000,000 ateel pens used up every day In England. Eva—Do you remember when you passed us In the automobile? Well, F I T S Permanently Cured. Nofltaor nerroiunna l l O e/ler first day's use or Dr. K line'. Orest Nerve two minutes after that Jack proposed. a Restorer. Send fur F r e e OS trial bottle end I r .a l l t , Ednu— Yes, I heard the machine go­ Pr. K . U . K iln ., Ltd.,SU Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. ing “ chug-chug.” Prisoners In Morocco must pay tha Eva— The machine? Gracious! That policeman for his work In taking them was Jack sighing. I to jail. S tre n u o u s S ig h s . BAKING POWDER is the wonderful raising powder ol the Wave Circle. Thousands of women are bringing greater health and better food into their homes by using K C Baking Powder. Costs just one-third what you always pay. If you have never used it you don’t know what you've missed. Don't wait I A ll grocers. 2 5 ounces f o r 2 5 c e n ts JA Q U E S M F G . CO. C h ic a g o The artistic '• Book of Preeent« " fr«« upon request. T /v /v t U Is th e old est o f all d e a t e l w ork . B ut n oth in g that m od ern d en tistry has a c c o m ­ p lish ed Is g reater th a n e x tra ctin g teeth w ith ou t pain. W e h a v e 18 y ears’ e x p e r i­ e n c e in d o in g t h ‘ s. W e ca n h o n e stly ex tra ct a sore tooth w ith ou t h u r tin g you. Dr. B iu rd e v a n t, sp tclu llst ou c h ld ren ’ s teeth a n d regulating. r tilling I eeth WISE BROTHERS ...DENTISTS... Fati ng Building, Third and Washington 8 A . M to 9 P. M . Sut.days 9 to 12. Main 2029. BEMIS BAGS Are Best •paip juao jed 9 92 pa)?¡iu>oin aq oj pasnjdj oqM asoqj 30 ‘Pa!P j»d i'z *iao ‘Bipaj ‘fiqVH ** »n*»id eqj jsnjva« pajBjnooai saosjad g¿X‘l jo jn o C A S TO R IA For Infants and Children. OAT BAGS Ths Kind You Have Always Bought W HEAT BAGS Bears the Signature o f BARLEY BAGS WOOL BAGS A new horse disease has come to Eng­ land from India by way of South Africa. It ia called epizootic lymphangitis, and is Yery contagious. FLOUR BAGS ORE SACKS $100 Reward, $100. T h e read ers o f th is p aper w i ll b e p leased to le a r n th a t there is a t le a st on e dreaded disease t h a t sc ien ce h a s been a b le to cure in a ll lti stages, a n d t h a t is C ata rrh . H a ll’s C atarrh C ure is th e o n ly p ositive c u re k n o w n to the m e d ic a l fr a te r n ity . C atarrh b e in g a c on stitu ­ tio n a l d ise a se , req u ires a c o n stitu tio n a l treat­ m e n t. H a l l ’s C ata rrh Cure is tak en in te r n a lly , a c tin g d ir e c tly u pon th e blood an d m ucoua su rfa c es o f t h e s y ste m , thereb y d estro y in g the fo u n d a tio n o f th e d isease , an i d d g iv * * in g th e p a ­ tie n t stre n g th b y b u ild in g u p ¡>tl th e constitu tio n a n d _____ a ssistin its w o r k . T h e ____ j g g n a tu re in d o in g itt p rop rie tors h ave so m u c h fa ith in its cu rative p ow ers t h a t t h e y offer O n e H u n d red Dollars for a n y case t h a t i t fa ils to c u re. S en d for list o f te stim o n ia ls. « . . . ^ A d d re ss. F. J . C H E N E T A C O ., T o led o , a 8 o ld by d ru ggists, 75c. HOP CLOTH and BURLAP of All Kinds Bags of Burlap and Cotton Man­ ufactured by Us Bemis Bro. Bag Co. Hairs Family Pills are the best. H a n d ic a p p e d . 1508-1514 Colorado Street SEATTLE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Doctor— The medicine I left for you doesn't seem to have had the de­ sired e ffe ct H ave you taken it regu­ larly? The Patient (a poet)— Aa regularly as I could, doctor. You said I should t a k e i t after each meal. Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­ sentative Business Firms. P H OTO S U P P L IE S ; Kodak developing and print­ ing; write for prices. Woodard, Clark« A Co. Nothing knocks out disables like and M A G IC L A N T I R N 8 - W elster Co., Portland. Lowest prices on Lanterns and Slide«. Lumbago and Sciatica E L A S T IC H O S I E R Y ; Supporters. Braces; Knit to F it; free measurement blanks: Woodard, Clarke. Nothing reaches the trouble aa quickly aa H O R S E S of all kinds for sale at very reasonable prices. Inquire 276 Front St. T R U S S E S sent on approval | we guarantee A most difficult c « s ; Woodard, Clark« A Co. S W E E T P E A S — Send 10c fbr pc kg. asstd Fell Medal peas. J. J. Butser, 188 Front street. A R T I F I C I A L E Y E S ; eyery shede end shape; ae- sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clarke Co C R E A M S E P A R A T O R S —W e guarantee the U .8 . separator to be the best. W rit# for free catalog. Hazelwood Co.. Fifth and Oak. M E N ’ S C L O T H IN G — Buffura A Pendleton, sole agents Alfred Benjamin A Co.’s correct clothes Everything In men's furnishing«. Morrison end Sixth street«. Oppoeite poetoflfee. F R E E LA N D IN OREGON ender the Carey Irri­ gation act. Deed direct from state. W rite today. Booklet and m ap free. B. 8. Cooke A Co., 281 Alder street, Portland, Oregon. PO U LTR Y FOOD—I f you want your bene to 1 e r more eggs write ns for free pnrtlcnlars «b o o t PU­ R IN A PO U LTRY FEED S—Acm e Mille O s, Portland. Oregon._______________________________ T A IL O R S — Colum bia Woolen Mille C s . Portland. Ore. St. Jacobs OH Known the world over aa T h s M a ster C u re f o r P e i n e mm* A c h e s 1st eat style clothes m ode to mensure cheap, ou r self measurement system Insures perfect At. W rite for free sample« a FIA N O S A O RG AN S — Oldest plano house o e Pa­ cific c oast. Organs and Planes on easy paym ents W rite for list. Let ns quote you e pries Allea A Gilbert-Ramaker C©^ Portland. W om an HnlgGoads—sw itch es Pom padours Mee’ s T eep ee«eed W igs; beet quality; lowest prices; «end for free price I let- mall e rd e n a seeelalW. Farts Heir M a rs « 8 Weehlagtaa «C Eel 188k ia i i n i i i m u i i i i m i n i i r . N. u. 1 »- for a number of speeches today having no bearing on tbe subject under dis­ suasion, bat of general interest to tbs country Tbe rights ot labor were dia- cuseed by Towns, of New Y ork ; goods road, by Lee, of Georgia; railway mail pay by Bteenerson, of Minnesota, and protective tariff by Rainey, of Illinois. Incident to his speech on labor, Towne spoke of the increased power given tbe speaker of the bouse by the rules now in force. He said that, if the bouse ever has its ancient dignity and power restored, it will be after it has vindi- cated the right ot discussion of all pub­ lic questions. _____ Washington, April 6 .— In the senate today there was a re-echo of tbe W bite bouse conference o f last Baturday rela­ tive to tbe pending railroad legislation, and, while the discussion ended in good nature, there was a time when the feeling wa. quite intense Tbe incident occurred at tbe close of a speech by Stone, which was devoted largely to discussion of that conference. Elkins baa given notice of a speech on the rate b ill for tomorrow and bailey for a speech on that subject Tuesday. The Texas senator will reply especially to tbe criticisms made by Spooner and Knox, of his plan for a limitation o f tbe powers of inferior conrts in granting injunctions in rate litigation. Newlands continueud his argument in support of his proposition for the national incorporation of railroad com panies. Washington, A pril 9. — Notwith­ standing that this was District day in the. bouse and that body reaolved itself into a common council (or the purpose of making laws for the District of Co­ lumbia, general interest was shown in the bills requiring non resident pupils to pay tuition and regulating tbe em ployment of child labor. Hepburn, of Iowa, replying to a long speech of Sims, ol Tennessee, in which be contended for self government for tbe people of tbe District of Columbia, made a de­ fense of tbe form of government, but criticized its administration. He did not think two newspaper men and one army officer, who constitute tbe board Wednesday, April 4. of commissioners, the proper personnel Washington, April 4.— In the senate for such a government. today Newlands discussed the railroad rate bill and Daniel tbe question of tbe Saturday, April 7. lack of representation by the Southern Washington, A pril 7. — The house states in the public service. New did not induge itself in the usual half lands advocated amendments to the holiday today, but continued tbe con­ rate b ill providing for tbe national in­ sideration of the poatoffice appropria­ corporation of railroads, and announced tion bill, and in tbe latitude accorded himself as favorable to tbe govern­ under general debate the dircuiaion mental ownership of these utilities. took on a wide range, including rail­ Daniel’ s speech was based on a provis­ way mail pay, increased pay for rural ion in the urgent deficiency appropria­ letter carriers, the American smelter tion bill for the representation of the trust and the corrupt use of money United States at thq next Pan-Ameri­ in elections, with side lights on na­ can congress, to be held in Rio de turalization lawB. Janeiro next July. Tbe deficiency bill Dalzell, Republican, of Pennsylva­ was amended so as to provide (or more nia, called up the bill amending the in­ delegates, and as amended was passed. ternal revenue laws to prevent the double taxation of certain distilled Washington, April 4. — Tbe honse spirits. He asked that the bill be con­ during its session today listened to a sidered by the house as in committee of criticism of tbe president on the part the whole, possibly anticipating some of Fitzgerald, New York, for tbe fail­ debate. Before he could make any ure of the chief executive properly to statement, tbe speaker had the bill advise the house as to the objections he read a third time, indorsed and passed, had to the bill opening 506,000 acres while general langhter over the expe­ of land for grazing purposes in Okla­ ditious way the Bpeaker disposed j f homa territory, instead of advising the legislation ran around the chamber. members of the Indian Affairs com m it­ tee as to the weakness of tbe measure, Friday, April 8 . so that it might be amended to meet Washington, A pril 6 .— In making an the wishes of tbe commissioner of In­ effort today to get the senate to agree dian affairs. upon a date for taking a vote on the The postoffice appropriation bill was railroad rate bill, Tillman made the taken up, but beyond an explanation important statement that one week by the chairman of the postoffice com ­ more probably would exhaust the gen­ mittee, Overstreet, no headway was eral debate. He failed, however, to made. secure the consent of Aldrich, who said that he would not be willing to agree Tuesday, April 3. to vote on the bill until it was more Washington, April 3. — Senators nearly perfected than it now is. Long and Allison were under cross ex­ Daring the day there were three amination by their brother senators to­ speeches on the rate b ill. The first of day on the White house conference on these was made by Elkins, who, while the former's court review amendment expressing the opinion that the situa­ to the rate bill. After Long had spoken tion demands legislation, indicated at length in support of his amendment, many defects in the pending bill. both the railroad senators on the Re­ Gamble followed in support of the bill, publican side and tbe Democratic sen­ and Kean closed in opposition. ElkinB ators wanted to know more about its was frequently interrupted, and several paternity. They scented in its being spirited colloquies marked the progress discussed with the president and his of his remarks. No senator being pre­ advisers by a few of the friends of the pared to speak tomorrow, the senate bill before its introduction in the sen­ adjourned until Monday. ate an invasion o f tbe sacred preroga­ Washington. A pril 6 .— Tariff railway tives of the upper house. Long and mail subsidies, denalnrized alcohol and Allison successfully fenced with tbe enlarged postal facilities for Western questions and refused to divulge what cities were the features of the debate transpired at the conference. in the house today. W hat were al­ Washington, April 8. — By a vote of leged to be tbe iniquities of the Ding- ley law, so far aa the manufacture of 202 to 26 the honse today passed tl.e The bill watches is concerned, were discussed by national quarantine b ill. Rainey, of Illinois, whose tariff revis­ places the control of all quarantine ion speech was listened to with mnch stations, grounds and anchorages under interest. The “ stand-patters” made the secretary of the treasury and d i­ copious notes for the discussions on rects that as soon as practicable after the approval of the act he shall select protection which are foreshadowed. W ithout touching the merits of the and designate such suitable places for postoffice appropriation bill, which them and establish the same at each nom inally was nnder discussion, the points on or near the seacoaet of the house at 5:16 adjourned until noon to­ United States or the Mexican border as in his judgment are best suited for the morrow. same, in order to prevent the introduc­ Thursday, April 6 . tion of yellow fever into* the United Washington, April 5 .— The postoffice States. appropriation bill, follow ing an imme­ The bill carries an appropriation of morial custom, was made the vehicle $500,000. Fortify Forestry Policy. Washington, April 9.— When the Carter b ill now on the senate calendar becomes law, most of the Oregon oppo­ sition to certain features of forest re­ serves will be disarmed. This law will have tbe further effect of removing the most serious objection to the pending measure which purposes to keep with the government title to all land tearing commercial timber which is yet public dom ain. M r. Carter's bill provides that the secretary of agriculture may permit bona fide homestead entries within forest reserves. American Questions Up. Washingtonn, April 9.— The State department has suggested to the Rus­ sian government through Ambassador Roeen that the period suggested in the Russian note for tbe convention of tbe second Hague pence conference, namely the early part of Jnly, would be incon­ venient to America and to some o f the other countries of this hemisphere, which were expected to be represented at Tbe Hagne. The reason for this ac­ tion was to avoid a conflict with the Pan-American congress, which has been set for July 21, M ore Strict to Immigrants. Washington, April 3. — The recent heavy influx of European immigration at Eastern porta of the United States was the snbject of an important con­ ference at the department of Commerce and Labor today between Secretary Metcalf and Commissioner General of Immigration Sargent, and Commission­ ers of Immigration Billings, ot BostoA, W atchoin, of New York, and Rogers, of Philadelphia. It was determined to pat in force more effectually; if possi­ ble, the regulations bearing on the sub­ ject of immigration. Pay fo r C on fsren ce at Rio. Washington, April 3.— The senate committee on appropriations today re­ ported the urgent deficiency hill with a number of amendments. The proviso is added to the appropriation for dele­ gates to tbe International Conference of American States at Rio Janeiro, Bra til, that the delegates shall be appoint­ ed so that as far as practicable they shall represent the different sections of the country. An appropriation of $60,- 000 is made to enable tbe government to participate in the second interna­ tional peace conference at The Hague. Circulation o f National Banks. Washington, April 3.— The monthly circulation statement shows that at the cloM of business March SI, 1906, the the total circulation of National banks was $654,666,967, an increase lor tbe year of $78,718,022, and for tbe month of $3,883,072. The circnlation based on United States bonds amounted to $132,221,651, an increase for the year of $67,361,872, and for the month of $6,047,985. Amount of circulation se­ cured by lawful monsy was $42,446,416. Seattle O b jects to N egro 8 oldiers. Washington, April 9.— Seattle ia vig­ orously protesting against ths assign­ ment of a colored infantry regiment to Forts Lawton and Wright, in place of the Tenth infantry, that goes to Alaska in August. The appeals of Senator Piles have been without avail and be is informed that Washington must have its share of colored soldiers. The de­ tail of colored troops to tbe department of Columbia will not Include Vancouver barracks. Ths detail is for two yuan. ÍJ he GREATEST OF ALL TONICS The ingredients that enter into S. S. S. and the method of com­ bining and preparing them so that they build lip and strengthen every part of the body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature’s remedy— PUREL Y VEGETABLE—and while it is restoring the lost appe­ tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste matters so that it can supply to tbe system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow. Spring is the season when most every AN E F F O R T T O P U L L T H R O U G H T H E D A Y . one needs a tonic. It is nature’ s time for I havs used 8 . 8 . 8 . quite extensively and unhesitatingly renewing and changing; and as everything m end It as ths best b lood purifier and tonlo m a d s . puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, I recom am a maohlnist b y trade and at one time m y system w as the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, so run dow n that b y 10 o ’olook every day I w ould be com ­ exhausted, and It w a s with ths greatest effort that and all respond to Spring’s call to purge I pletely oould pull through the balanoe o f the day. Slnoe taking 8 . S 8 ., how ever, all this has disappeared. I am a strong, and purify themselves, there is a • great man, abundantly able to d o m y d a y 's work, my change also takes place in our bodies. The vigorous appetite has been w hetted up so that I oan eat anything, blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and my sleep is sw eet and refreshing, and I k n ow further that has purified m y b lood and put it in g o o d oonditlon. I accumulations which have formed in the it oannot speak too highly o f you r great rem edy, 8 . 8 . 8 . 817 W . B road St., Columbus, O. A . B. M O N T G O M E R Y . system, and been absorbed by it, from the inactive winter life, and calls upon every SH E FO U N D IT T H E B E S T S P R IN G TONIC. member to assist in the elimination. The Ou tw o oooaslons I have used 8. 8 . 8 . In the spring w ith system is often unequal to the struggle, the results. I oan heartily recom m end It as a tonlo and appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, fins blood purifier. I w as troubled with headaohe, Indigestion the spirits are depressed, and a general run­ and liver troubles, w hioh all disappeared under the use of 8 . 8 . 8 . M y appetite, whioh w as poor, w as greatly down condition is the result. helped. I oan eat anything I want n ow without fear o f In­ Then the body must have assistance— digestion, and my b lo o d has been thoroughly oleansed o f all Impurities and made rloh and strong again. A s a tonlo it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and b lood purifier It Is all you olaim for It 771 E. Main St., Springfield, O. M R S. G . W IEG EL. and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does not disagreeably affect tbe system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market, which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S- S. tones up the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food ; it rids the system of that always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re­ establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms the unstrung nerves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S. gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our- selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season. It acts more promptly and gives better and mose lasting results than any other remedy, and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili­ tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not experiment, but get the best— the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one endorsed by tbe best people all over the country— S . S . S ., THE GREATEST OF ALL TOMIOS, It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every int, that the right remedy be used— one that is especially adapted to the condition, and S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on. THE SW IFT SPEOinO COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. r PUTNAM FADELESS Color mora goods brighter and faster color, than any other dye. m p*M • * ,oe • In Sonora, Mexico, alone, about $40,- 000,000 of Americao m o n e y is no tv in­ vested. WHu ,r~ h*~ “ The people o f the East and Middle West will fall over themselves to come to the Pacific Northwest when they find out how much better the climate and advantages are.” TO C U R E A COLD IN O N E D A Y T a k e L A X A T I V E B R O M O Q uinine T a b let». Drug­ gists refu n d m on ey if It fa l's to cure. E. W. Gtf O V K ’S sign ature Is ou ea ch b ox . 26c. Paris is to use automobile garbage carts in future. DYES One 10c pnehexa colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and In Such la the written atatementof W. R. Pelvatl, who haa been living In the Pacific .Northwest twelve yeare. W e Want Them “ to Find Out” • And the best way to tell them is to send them our publications: "Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Their Resources.” a handsomely illustrated 88-r>aje book, telling all about the three states, four cents in postage. Positive, Comparative, Superlative. “ What Termers have Done in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, aa Told by Themselves.” ** I have used one o f your Fish Brand Slickers for five years, and now w ant a new one, also one for a friend. I w ould not bo without one for twice the cost. They are just aa far ahead o f a common coat as a common one is ahead o f nothing.” "Restful Recreation Resorts,” descriptive of the summering places of the Columbia two cents in stamps. river and Coast, two cents in stamps. “ The Columbia River Through the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean,” largo panoram ic map of t: e Columbia river, with story on reverse side, foirr cents. Largs and accurate wall map of O.egon, Washington and Idaho, 25cents in stamps handy pocket map of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, ■tiff cover, two cents. (N am * on application.) For any of the above, address, enclosing stamps ns stated HIGHEST AWARD WORLD’S FAIL 1904. A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A., Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon) Write today Portland, Oregon » « »uro you don’t got ono of «ho com ­ mon kind — this Is tho ^ fM fl ^ j mark of oxcollonoo. Well Drilling Machinery, Drilling & Fishing Tools, Irrigation Plant. hydrau­ lic Rams, Spray Pumps. A . J. TO W ER C O ., BO.TON, ll.S.A. T O W E R CANADIAN C O ., TONONTO, OAHADA. L , ,5 * im it c d Mahers o f Wet Weather Clothing A Hate. Dr. C. Gee Wo Writ« Us WONDERFUL NOME TREATMENT REIERS0N MACHINERY CO. 182-4-6 Morrisou 8t. Portland Oregon lo o L ate ? all the Nourishment out of Baby’s Natural Food. Larger children cannot always be watched, and will eat unreason­ ably. The Ready Remedy should ever be at hand— Cascarets— to take care of the trouble when It comes. No need to Force or Bribe chil­ dren to take Cascarets. They are always more than ready to eat ths unrest THE C. 6EE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 1G2S first St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND. OREGON. W. L. D ouglas sw eet little bit o f C andy. * 3 = & * Repulsive medicine forced on the little ones does more harm than good. AMAl Don't be frightened —but be warned I Every Mother knows, or ghould know, that the terrible Mortality among little children is caused by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colic, Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer Complaint, Measles. Rashes. Scarlet Fever —even Mumps—have their first cause In constipation. The DeMcate Tissues of a Baby’s Bowels will not stand rough treatment. Salts are too violent, and Castor Oil will only grease the passages, but will not make and keep them Clean, Healthy and Strong. There Is no other medicine as safe for a child as Cascarets, the fragrant little Candy Tablet, that haa saved thousands of families from unhappinsss. The Nursing Mother even In good health tfiould always keep her own Bowels Loose, and her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking a Cascaret at night before going to bed. No other medicine has this remarkable and valuable quality. Mama takes the Cascaret, Baby gets the Benefit. Ceecerets act like strengthening Eaerdse on the weak little bowele of the growing babe, and make them better able to get T h is w on derfu l Chi­ nese D octor Is ca lled g reat because he cures peop le w ith ou t opera lion that are g iven up to die. H e cures with those w on d erfu l Chi­ li« se herbs, roots, buds, harks and vegetables that are en tirely un­ know n to m edica l set- __ en «e in this co n u iry . T h rou g h thn use o? th o «. harm less rem ed ies this fa m ou s doctor know s the HCtlou o f o v e r 50 0 differen t rem edies w h ic h he su ccessfu lly uses in dlfferen . diseases, lie g uarantees to c u r « catarrh, asthm a, lung, thm et, rheu m a tism , nervousness, stom a ch , liv e r; kid­ neys, e t c .; has hund reds o f t«>sti m onials. Charges m oderate. Call and see him . Patients out o f the city w rite to r b la n k r and c rculars. b en d stam p. C O N S U L T A T IO N F R E E . 3 '= S H O E S !? . W . L . Douglas $ 4 .0 0 Cllt Edge Lina cannot be equalled a t any price. Home Is not complete without the ever ready Box of Cascarets. Ten cents buys a small one at the Corner Drug Store. Be very careful to get the genuine. made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­ pany and never sold In bulk. Every tab­ let stamped "C C C .” r a c e t o o u r f r ie n d s i W e want to send to oar frlends n beantifal French-designed. GOLD PLATED BONBON BOX. hard-enameled In color*. It la a heaoty tor the drenolng table. Ten cent* In itampa It asked as a measure oI rood faith and tocorer cost of Cascareta. with which iklaTalntr trinket la loaded. Send to-dar. mentlonlnt this paper. Address Steriinf Remedy Company. Chicago or New York. M A R U t ACTU REH IM THE W O R LD . $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 die,live t'h s ’ltstemoot!* HI could toko yon Into m v I h r » , l o r , , foctortaa at Brockton. M o m ., and . h o » y o u t h . Infinito coro w ith w hich e v e r y pair of ohooo lo mod«, yon WO«Id rootled w h y W l_ D o u o l.s 4.1 SO ohooo coot rn .ro to m oka, w h y tboy hold their ohana, ttt h on or, w ear lonzer, and or# at (r o o t a t ln trln .lt valuó than any o t h e r » .i.s o »hoa. W .L . Dniralma S tr o n g At a d o Shmmm t o , ** • ". 0 3 AO. f t .O f f . P o r e ’ I c h o o f j DrmmmStr»mm$3.StJ. s * . f f . 7 f . s f , AO C A U T I O N , — !*»»!"* u p on h a v in g w ! l D n |. 1 m sh o**. T r i o n o s u b stitu to . N on e gentil it« W ith ou t his n a m e « m l p r ic e * tam per I o n b o tto m . f a s t Color £ Metete ueeit ; th e e F ill not » — 1 W r it e f o r IIIustrA ted C a talog . | W . L. U O L G L A H .B r