s J acaìui ADVERTISE The article you have to sell, it pays you as well as us and remember if you are not a subscriber, a cordial invita­ tion is extended you to be­ come one now, or sooner..... PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF ESTACADA AND $1—YEAR NO. 18 of CITY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Mayor....... ...................J . W. Reed New Millinery Goods 1 C. F. Howe [=■ -----------................ .................E. C. Belknap W. F. Cary 1 Stock Hogs wanted at the Esta­ cada Meat Market. W ill be pleased to show the ladies these new styles Mrs. D. C. C R A N E THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n s a c ts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Capital, $6,000.00 Mr. and Mrs Wm. Holder were surprised, last Thursday eve., by in town from Garfield, Monday, do­ over thirty of the young people cf the community who assembled at ing some trading. her home, at Wm. Holder’s, and Go to the Estacada pharmacy and spent the evening with their depart­ get a blood tonic. Your system ing friend and teacher. Music and needs it. parlor games weie enjoyed, and at The capacity of the ice plant at a late hour delicious refreshments the Hotel Estacada will be i,oco were served. When departing all pounds at one freeze. wished the hostess many happy re­ Mrs. Josephine Cone of the W ill­ turns of the evening, and expressed amette valley was here visiting her a wish to soon see her again. ------ r sister, Mrs. H. W. Downing. Real Estate INSURANCE This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Let us write your policy. : : Cazadero Notes If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. Marsh Frakes is in the employ of Mrs. Drill and children will visit the Springwater Horse Association, in Portland this week. owners of the horse, Xenopliou. Mrs. Frank Williams has gone to A t 5 o'clock next Tuesday the Portland to live. registration books will be closed, H. Gordon and family expect to and will remain closed until the 14. move to Estacada soon. John Page and son, Burt, went Mrs. Cook has been very ill for up the creeks last Saturday and on the past two weeks, but Dr. Browu . , . . Sunday enjoyed some trout fishing. reports her improving. If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind W. A. HEYLMAIN, Where To Pay Your Taxes OREGON Cashier. Charles E. Cardinell and friend of Portland were here yesterday do­ ing business with the Bank of Es­ tacada. W ATER POW ER C O M P A N Y ’S Pay your Clackamas County T a x ­ es in Portland at the office of the HOTEL Clackamas Title Company, ESTACADA 606608 Chamber o f Commerce Building. SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE Duplicate tax rolls ready for your inspection» Statements of taxes furnished upon application in per­ son or by mail. Call before March 15, and save 3 per cent. & RY. F in e st Su m m er and W in ter R esort H otel near Portland E v e r y M od em C o n ven ien ce R oom and board per d ay R oom and board per w eek fo r guests $ 2 00 $10 00 Write or Phone 5, THE NEW S $1 A Y E A R 1906. T. J. Andre Meets His Death Mr*. Curl and little son of Jeffer- T . j. Andre was killed Monday son are visiting at the Shultz home. night when on the railroad a half Recorder ................. E. S. Womer Many Oregonians are beginning mile south of Barton. He was run Marshal.... to grow walnuts as a real industry, into by the motor engine. He was Wisdom's Robertine for the com­ not seen till it was too late to stop It is Postmaster Surface, now. plexion, makes you l>eautiful. A t the car. He was struck on the hip Ray Havens returned from W y­ and received other injuries on head the Estacada pharmacy. oming last week. and limbs. The body remained on Mert Obert and mother, Mrs. T. the spot until Coroner Holeman re­ A. Morrow has added some more A. Miller, were liere last week and moved it next day to Oregon City driving stock to his livery barn. shipped their furniture to Sellwood. where burial took place yesterday. John Page was at Gladstone part Rev. Blair of Springwater was in Andre was returning from Pertland of the week working on his proper­ Estacada last evening while on his and got off at Barton to get a drink ty there. way to Bethel one of his pastoral and was left there. Later in the Superintendent Johnson o f the fields. evening, he started to walk to Es- brick manufactory was a Portland „ „ _ . tacada with the fatal result. He T . Yocum & Son have put in a . . . . . , , . . Tuesday. r was intoxicated, and when seen by crossing over the railroad at the . .. . . , . the moterman appeared to be crawl- M. Winegar of Newburg spent . foot of Main street to allow them to • « . . „■ T , .......................................... ing off the track. His son, Dale, a last Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. H. W get on the lumber loading platform «. ■ . . , ., , . . . . . , . daughter, and a widow survive him. Downing’ s. which they have put in west of that Frank Domagalla, brother, and ofC. E. Dibois’ s. ~— .......... — tT " f ^ sister Emma, moved to Portland Florence Buchanan who has just FOR COUNTY CORONEK last week. closed her school was pleasantly LADIES’ H A TS AND TRIMMINGS White Waistings, Ginghams, Latest and Newest Patterns in Ribbons, Lawns, Linens &c. Fire Insurance Companies. A P R IL NOTICE Aldermen ! I have received a new supply for the season in M oney to Loan on F ASTERN CLACKAMAS COUNTY, THE RICHEST PART OF OREGON E S T A C A D A , OREGON, TH U R SD A Y , VOL. 2 $ ï PATRONIZE The opening of the trout fishing season brought a number of lovers of the finny tribe out from Portland last Sunday. Last week the Estacada State Bank sdld lots to A. Rudolph and one to Frank Baker. It is said that both buyers expect to build. Mrs. Arthur Williams and son left, Tuesday, on a short visit to her parents and friends at Gold Hill Southern Oregon. Mrs. W is the , 1 1 1 , champion card player here, and will be greatly missed. Eight Years with Kidney and Liver Trouble I have suffered for five years with kid- ney and liver trouble, which caused se- vere pains acrcs.i the V 1 :k and a blinding headache. I had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a athurtic. I was cured Suffered Your home print shop by getting your printing done at home. Every $ spent in this way is reflected in the improvement of the shop. Satisfaction guaranteed....... for Instead of having their regular b y C h a m b e rla in v. Stom ach and L iv e r tab- meeting last Saturday, many of the 1 lets and h ave been w ell now 6 m o n th s,” members of the local I. O O. F. says M r. A rth u r S. S tric k la n d , of C h atta- went to Eagle Creek to hear Sena­ n ooga, T en n . F o r sale a t E stacada d ru g store. tor Brownell speak. To the Republicans of Clacka­ mas County:— I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of County Coroner on the Repub­ lican ticket at the primary elec- tion, April 20, 1906. If nomi- nated and elected I promise a careful and economical admin- istration of the affairs of the office, and shall adopt in my 1 platform the principles of econ- omy, justice and honesty. W. M S H A N K , Leading Undertaker and Em- balmer, Oregon City. Stockmen Ranchers, T A K E NOTICE FOR A SH ORT TIM E W E W IL L S E L L H A L F GROUND ST O C K S A L T A S FOLLOW S: 501b Sacks, 25cts 1001b Sacks, 45cts ^ J. W . REED V Geo. J. Stratton, Manager • ] '■ \ \ ■ • ooks of the county BUTTER FAT your old furniture look new.— H. serve at the next term of circuit speaker and sfioke for an hour on treasurer, sheriff and clerk, and court. the features of the campaign which cause to be published quarterlytheir Cooper & Co. „ ,. . . . should decide the voter’ s choice at sworn statements of the financial BUTTER, CREAM, & MILK Chamberlain's Salve is good for any - \ ‘, ewr ltor enj®3;et a * orj ' the April primary. He dwelt at condition of the county's affairs as ' • > * + ' •'■ * ’ • BOUGH T a n d SO LD [disease of the skin. It-allays the ¡telling T om . V'°'n ' ' c T ', . ‘ T length on his own political record, shown by the books and records in w im vs rot pmcis and ato m tons and horning sensation instantly. Sold of The CuUtnan Tribune pub tshed and ,le ^ an idea of the their respective offices. Following at the Estacada drag store. at Cullman, Alabama. Mr. Wood Have quite a number of Black If you w ant the Best, at most important legislation he would Senator Brownell came R. Scott, E. S. Shankland, who is engaged is on a visit to his people, Mr. and Manorkan and Bard Plymouth work for should he 1 « re-elected. ! candidate for county judge, Dick Rock hens for sale.— Mrs. W. A. in the building business at Sellwood Mrs. W. M. Wood, who are living Publisher Porter, Editor Eastliam j Greaves and Eli Maddox, candal­ [ returned to Portland, Tuesday after north of Currinsville. Heylman. and the Enterprise were given a few ates for sheriff, E. P. Dedman and I a few days at the old home near Mrs. D. C. Crane had her open- boquets. By reference to the Sen- C. E. Rambsy, candidates for coun- MAIN STRE ET O R E G O N C ITY TRUST C O . here. While he was out the family ing of millinery goods last Saturday ate journal, Mr. Brownell showed ty clerk, C. M. Paddock and J. A. 'erected a fine marble monument on Money loaned on real and as advertised. The display of hats how he had worked and voted on Tufts, candidates for county treas- the grave of the father, Wm. H. chattel security for ladies, misses and children was the leading issues of the last session urer, F. J. Harkenrider, candidate Shankland who died last year. E. a very pretty one, and included the of the state legislature He took for commissioner, Warren Kruse, Abstracts of Title made ' S. Shankland as administrator of Save time and trouble by getting S There are 5,000 voters in Clacka- most becoming and handsome pat- up the indictment issue and showed Wm. Smith. Linn Jones Geo. W. direct from the records the estate recently sold the timber terns of the year’ s styles. More how absolutely false the charge was Randall and Frank Jaggar, candid- some Paas' Easter egg dyes, at the mas county, and about 4,200 have rm sections 17 and 20 to the Esta­ drug store. Only 5c a pckg. | registered. than forty styles were cn display, and how his political enemies had ates for the legislature. Dimick & Dimick, Mgrs. cada State Bank. I Livery Stable & Dray Line ESTACADA OREGON Senator Geo. C. Brownell and Others Hold an Enthuiastic Meeting at Eagle Creek GENERAL MERCHANDISE .W. J. Lewellen..... We Still Have Bargains CREAM For You. Extra Star Coal Oil I C. F. Howe’s O regon C it y O regon