The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 29, 1906, Image 5

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No 17, Vol. i.
Gents’ Underwear*
Ed. Hunt is changing his falsetto
voice for a basso profundo.
Watch and Clock Repairing
All kinds of watch, clock and
Ladies wishing Dressmaking or jewelery repairing done.
other sewing done should call and guaranteed.— A . N. JO H N SO N ,
Specially low prices are given on these goods for a short time
see Miss Gertrude Morrow.
The Redmen will hold an open
Do you know why you can not
meeting at Estacada in C d Ifellow's get a can of Wakelee’s squirrel poi­
hall Friday March 30th. You are son of your merchant? It costs too
And everything the farmer wants— Farm Machinery,
invited to attend and bring the ladies much. Call at the Estacada Phar-
Plows, D ry Goods, Groceries and Provisions
.W . J. Lewellen.
The Dubois Lumber Company
»1— — of Estacada, Oregon-
Fir and Cedar
££££££High grade building material a specialty^
If You Are Going to Build, We Can Fit
You Out to the Top
Notch in
thing Required * * > * -* > * > * * > * * > * * * * * > * * +
Mouldings in All Styles
C. E. DUBOIS, Manager
W, A. JO N ES is our selling agent in Estacada, Oregon
Telephone connection direct with mill
Wanted, Farm
Must have at least 5 acres cleared
with some orchard, fair house, not
over 6 miles from railway.
deal; price must be right.— M. F.
Donahae & Co. 216 Fenton Block,
Portland, Oregon.
A Good Property for
Sale Cheap
The Carpenter residence proper­
ty, just north of Mayor Reed's, is
offered for sale cheap.
W e have
the exclusive agency of this piece
of desirable city property and for
30 days only will offer it at a very
low figure.
— R. A . Stratton.
Cazadero Notes
Mrs. Cook and family have lieen
quite ill for some time but are im­
Master Bert Moor had tonsilitis
last week but is able to attend
school now.
Mrs. Frank Williams is visiting
in Cazadero this week.
Mr., and Mrs. Bert Moor were at
Frank Millards last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A . Miller pre­
sented Mrs. L. A . Gordon with a
beautiful glass set of seven pieces,
last Thursday being the occasion
of her birthday.
Mrs. Mary Miller spent Saturday
and Sunday in Cazadero.
Miss Emma Shibley and Miss
Edna Miller visited Mrs. Gordon
The Estacada Meat Market wants
an unlimited number of beef cattle,
hogs, veal, sheep, and chickens for
which they will pay the high st
market price.
macy and get a can for 30c.
The L . O. T. M. drill team who
will assist the State Commander,
Lady Lampson, next Tuesday even­
ing in ¡»staling the officers of Kern
Hive at Estacada won the prize at
the Lewis and Clark Fair.
loose wire which caused her to fall
and a severe sprain was the result.
Come out to Oddfellows Hall
Friday, March 30, and hear all
about it. Past Sachem, L. Carsten-
sen, Deputy Great Sachem, G. M.
Orton, Past Great Sachem, J. H.
Howard and others will address the
meeting. Free to everybody.
by the representative republicans of
my home and three other adjoining
precints to allow myself to become
a candidate for the nomination to
the office of county commissioner;
I, therefore say, that the citizens of
this county will find my name upon
the ballot as a republican candidate
for the nomination to that office.
In placing my name before the
people of this county I want it dis­
tinctly understood that, prior to th:s
I have not asked any one of my vi-
c'nity or county to support me;
That 1 will lie, if chosen at the next
two elections, a commissioner for
the whole county and not of my
neighborhood alone; and that I
neither have nor will have any pc«
litieal debts or bargains to pay should
I be elected.
In view cf these facts, I trust the
people of the county will give me
their support at the next two elec­
— F. J. Harkenrider.
Now if you want a real good
smoke one that you will not re­
gret that you spent your money for,
just drop in at the drug store and
A new clay dryer has been put ifi get a Gen. Arthur or an El Sidelo.
at the brick factory for temporary
While crossing the road last week
use until the company can put in Mrs. Prescot received a very pain­
the improved rotary dryer which it ful injury to her right foot. Her
is the intention soon to do.
foot became tangled in a piece of
The Redmen had placed *0:1 the
gold and silver coins the Eagle, and
the Indian head on the copper cent,
which emblems were the insignias
Saylor Smith revisited Estacada, of the order. • The order was found­
yesterday, and while here sold his ed in 1760, George Washington be­
residence property to Ed. Boner. ing the first Sachem of a tribe.
No doubt, Ed has a card up his
sleave. Wont some other bachelor For C ounty Commissioner.
call it?
In view of having been solicited
Wm. Bard has sold a forty acre
piece of land to IE. A. Adams of
Myrtle Point. Mr. Adams, who is
an old friend of Rev. Blair of the
Presbyterian church at Springwater
is expected to move onto the place
this spring as soon as he can pro­
vide a home for the family.
The O. W. P. Railway Company
expects to complete its Troutdale
branch completed as far as Cleone
by July 4, and Cleone is planing on
having a grand celebration on the
Fourth. Senator Brownell, who is
to be returned to the state senate,
has been engaged as the orator.
Cleone is two and a half miles from
A surprise party was given Wm.
Stratton at his home, Saturday ev­
Wm. J. Clark, republican candi­ ening. ,H is young fri.-nds to the
date for State Printer, is a well number of 25 dropped in on him en
known practical printer. He is a massa, and took him by surprise.
son of that old time editor and pub­
Luncheon was brought by the sur-
lisher, S. A . Clark. He asks all
prisers. Pleasant games and plenty
old timers and their sons and all
of good music was enjoyed until a
others to vote for him primary day.
late hour, and William grew twb
April 20th
His name is the first
inches taller over the occasion.
on the list of printers.