The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 29, 1906, Image 2

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Estacada News
Growth Has Been Enormous, Despite
Attempted Reduction.
I Condensed Form lor Oar
B u y leaders.
A RnunM o f tho Last Important but
N ot L o * « Inforcatine Event«
o f tho Poat Weak.
The Moroccan conference ia rapidly
approaching an agreement.
New York
Republican« w ill aak
Cbarlea E. Hughe» to ran for gover­
The eenate committee on public land*
haa had a new timber law referred to
Taft says the government paid the
coat of Qeneral Wood’s trip around the
Standard Oil officials are giving At­
torney General Hadley, of Missouri, all
the evidence be asks.
Four New York firemen loet their
lives while attempting to save lives
from a burning factory.
Commiaeloner of Corporationn Gar'
field haa agents at work in Kansas se
curing information relative to the
working of the oil trust.
Governor Gurry, who was believed to
have been captured by Pulajanes in
the Philippines, is alive and says be
w ill help exterminate the treacherous
An explosion in the powder room of
one of the largest mines at Cripple
Creek wrecked the mine buildi lgs
Two hundred men had narrow escapes
from death.
A construction train on the Chicago
A Northwestern railroad went through
a bridge 20 miles west of Casper, W y­
oming. Nine men are known to have
lost their lives and 21 others were in-
jurd, some fatally.
J. P. Morgan has fled Italy in fear of
Washington, March 27. — Trade of
the United States with Canada in the
fiscal year 1006 aggregated $202,949,-
213, against $89,429,006 in 1896, ac­
cording to a bulletin issued by the de­
partment of Commerce and Labor. It
shows that in the years from 1876 to
1896 our trade with**Canada increased
$67,000,000, and Irom 1896 to 1906 it
increased $114.000,000.
The larger portion of this growth has
been on the export side. The imports
increased from $27,867,616 in 1876 to
$62,469,432 in 1906, and exports ad
vanced from $34,647,219 in 1876 to
$140,620,681 in 1906.
“ This rapid growth in trade relations
with Canada,” says the bulletin, “ is
especially interesting in view of the
varying conditions to which commerce
with Canada has been subjected. Dar­
ing the period from 1866 to 1866 a re­
ciprocity treaty was in force between
Canada and the United States, but in
the the latter year it was determined,
so that commerce between the two
countries was unaffected by special
trade arrangements until April, 1898,
when the United States was placed at a
slight disadvantage as compared with
the United Kingdom, products from
that country entering the Dominion of
Canada being admitted, by special
rangement, at a redaction of 12% per
cent of the tariff levied on imports
from other countries.
“ August 1, 1898, the redaction of
British products was increased to 26
per cent, and on July 1, 1900, was still
farther increased to 33 X
per cent
Despite these advantages in favor of
goods entering Canada from the United
Kingdom, exports to Canada from that
country grew from $29,743,712 in 18
to $69,603,666 in 1904, while exports
from the United States grew from
164,028,826 in 1897 to $140,629,681 in
The percentage of imports to Canada
from the United States in 1906 was
60.6 and from the United Kingdom 24
per cent.
Carnegie favors a reform in the spell­ Japanese Live on Flour Mixed With
ing of the English language.
Straw and Weeds.
Ultimatum Is Presented to th
Scale Committee.
Demand ia fo r Restoration o f Wage
Scale o f 1903— All Prepare
fo r Big Strike.
Indianapolis, March 27.— The United
Mineworkers ot America, through John
Mitchell, president of the organisation
T . L. Lewis, vice president, and Her­
man G. Perry, of the Illinois miners
today presented to the coal operators in
the executive session of the joint scale
committee of the central competitive
district their ultimatum on the dispute
over tbe wage scale.
The demand of the miners, as stated
in their ultimatum, is for a restoration
of tbe wage scale of 1903, which ia
increase of 5.65 per cent.
Upon the
receipt of the ultimatum, the operators
secured an adjournment of the com
mittee until tomorrow, when it is ex
pected a definite answer w ill be given
I t is anticipated that this reply w ill be
a refusal, and the committee w ill report
a disagreement to the joint conference
of miners and operators. Tbe fight in
that case w ill be continued on tbe floor
of the joint convention.
Tonight there is little prospect of an
agreement. The feeling tonight is that
the miners under no circumstances will
allow one district to sign even the ad­
vance scale demanded unless it is paid
in ail tbe four states of the central
competitive field.
Reports are coming to the miners
delegates from their local unions that
tbe coal companies are taking prelim ­
inary steps to get on a strike basis.
They are calling in tbe miners’ account
books, according to these reports, with
drawing credit from the miners at com
pany stores, pressing collections, and
in Borne cases threatening eviction.
Reports that the companies are build­
ing stockades are without foundation,
but tbe mineB are being put in the best
possible condition for a shutdown.
Even should an agreement be reached
for all fields, the bituminous and most
of the anthracite mines w ill close Sat
urday night, many of them to ^remain
closed 60 days.
The local managers are letting their
men know this, and in many cases tell­
ing them that a strike may as well
come as far as they are concerned.
Admits Standard Ownership o f Sup­
posed Independent Concerns.
School Teachers Asked to Enter Com ­
petitive Story Contest.
New York. March 28.— H . H. Rogers
Saturday answered the questions put to
him by Attorney General Hadley, of
Missouri, in tbe proceedings to oust the
Standard Oil company, the Waters-
Pierce Oil company, and the Republic
O il company from Missouri, and the
Standard Oil lawyers admitted that the
Standard owns a majority of ths stock
of the other two companies. Thus Mr.
Hadley baa overcome his moat recalci­
trant witness and bas proved tbe main
point of his contention. Today he will
go further and prove by documentary
and other evidence that the three com­
panies are all managed by the Standard
officials at 26 Broadway.
There waa a
decided change in Mr. Rogers’ manner
under examination, but he still pleaded
lapse of memory or ignorance on several
important points. W . G. Rockefeller
also testified and his memory failed on
several questions.
Mr. Rogers admitted that he waa a
stockholder in the Standard Oil com­
pany of Indiana, but said he did not
know in detail of the conditions of the
sale of oil in Missouri, nor did he know
about the division of that state between
the Waters-Pierce and Republic Oil
To the teachers of America: To evi­
dence its appreciation of the Nstional
Educational association’s selection of
the Pacific coast as ths scene of its next
annual convention at San Francisco,
California, July 9th to 13tb inclusive,
and to encourage delegates to include
Portland and Oregon in their itinerary,
the Portland Commercial club offers
prises for articles on Portland. Oregon,
and this section of the United States,
as follows;
First prise, $1,000; second prize, $500;
tljird prize, $250; fourth prize, $200;
fifth prise, $176; sixth prise, $160;
seventh prise, $126; eighth prise, $110;
ninth prise, $100; tenth prize, $90;
ten prises of $76 each, $760; ten
prises of $60 each, $600; ten prizes of
$26 each, $260; twenty prizes of $16
each, $300; twenty prises of $10 each,
$200; judges, to be acceptable to the
officers of the National Educational
association, $300; grand total, $6,000.
In order to be eligible for competitqn
these articles must appear in a regular
edition of some newspaper or other
publication printed outside of the states
of Oregon and Washington, said publi­
cation complete to be in the hands of
the judges nbt later than October 1,
1906. These articles must be sealed
and addressed to: Teachers’ Contest,
care Portland Commercial club, Port­
land, Oregon.
They w ill be opened by the judges.
Prises w ill be awarded strictly on tbe
merits of the articles. Contestants can
treat any phase of the subject that ap­
peals to them — natural resources,
scenery, irrigation, agriculture and
horticulture, history, educational and
religions advantages, climatic or social
conditions, etc.—or in a more compre­
hensive vein. The judges will be abso­
lutely untrammeled in making their
This offer is made, not so much with
a view of having the country “ boomed”
in a common acceptation of that term,
as to have tbe teachers of the country
become more familiar with this portion
of the United States and give expres­
sion to their views in such articles as
w ill be acceptable to papers throughout
the entire Union.
Navy Department Favorably Considers
Board o f Trade’s Request.
Washington, March 26. — Senator
Fulton waa assured today by the secre­
tary of the navy that the Equipment
bureau had been nivestigating the ne-
sity of installing at Portland the
time ball system for the aid of mari
ners. Mr. Fulton had presented the
request of the Portland board of trade,
with an urgent appeal that this usual
feature of maritime cities be part of the
equipment of Portland.
The matter seems to have the favor
of the head of the department, and, un
less unforeseen d’ fficulties intervene,
orders for the work are expected to be
issued in the near future.
In presenting tbe request of Port
land’ s mariners and merchants, the
board of trade emphasised tbe troubles
now experienced by captains in check­
ing the variations of their chronome­
ters, and brought to the attention of
tbe senator the large number of vessels
visiting Portland
facts have been placed before the de­
Aspirants for State Legislative Honors Inaccurate Work by Assessors in T ab
ing Census.
Show Great Density.
Salem — According to county
Salem— Men who seek to be lawmak
era or judges have the ^greatest trouble ora’ returns already examined the total
in preparing their primary petitions in population of Oregon w ill be less than
such a manner as to comply with the that given by the Federal census of
provisions of tbe direct primary law. 1900..
In many instances the returns show
I f it were not a crnel unkindnesa to
those who aspire to these high and im on their face that no attempt was made
portent offices, many stories could be at accuracy, and this lack of care is of
told of the great difficulty some of them such a nature that Secretary of State
have had in understanding the law and Dunbar will bardly be able to complete
the tabulation of tbe state census of
complying with its terms.
One candidate for the circuit bench 1906 until some time this fall, possibly
has propounded a simple question con­ not before next winter.
There was no appropriation made to
cerning the requirements of the law,
and has volunteered his own opinion as provide extra help to do this work, con
to its meaning, whereas the law itself sequently it must be done by tbe regu
contains a plain and unequivocal pro­ lar office force. The primary and gen
vision directly at variance with his eral elections furnish all the work the
views. Should he have as great diffi­ employes of the office can handle for
culty in understanding the law after some time to come. It w ill be neces
be secured a place on the circuit bench, sary to work overtime to tabulate the
there w ill be plenty of causes for ap­ returns of the primary election, and to
get the official ballot out for the June
peal to the Supreme court.
Seven times Secretary of State Dun­
The census returns in many instan
bar has been compelled to write to one
ces were not properly extended. It will
man regarding the manner of preparing
be necessary to go over all the papers
hia petitions, and that man wants to
and check them up, a slow and tedious
come to Salem and help make laws for
process. With the present help, it «sill
the state of Oregon. There is still a
require weeks, and possibly months, to
possibility that be w ill not get hie
tabulate the returns propsrly.
papers drawn in substantial compli­
ance with the law and w ill be shut out
Buy'ng Timber for Speculation.
of the privilege of being a candidate in
Eugene— One of the largest timber
the primaries.
Petitions ace now being rushed to 'and transactions in this vicinity is re­
the office of the secretary of State and ported to have been consummated
the clerks in that department are being wherein the Olean Land company, of
kept busy early and late checking up Olean, N. Y ., has secured 15,000 acres
tbe papers, to see that they contain the of timber in the vicinity of Gate creek
required number of names, from the Besides this large tract, the same com
specified number of counties and pre­ pany is negotiating for several other
bodies of good timber along the Mc­
Kenzie river, aggregating probably 26,
March 30 is the last day upon which
000 acres or more. It is said tbe pur
nominating petitions can be filed for
chasing company has no intention of
places on tne primary ballot. Demo­
cutting the timber from these lands
crats express the fear th tt some of their
but is buying for purposes of specula­
candidates will not get their petitions
tion and w ill hold for an advance in
completed by that time.
Roads O ver Umatilla Reserve.
Pendleton — Agitation continued for
years for public roads across the Uma­
tilla reservation w ill at last be success­
ful. Under an act of congress, public
roads may be laid out across a reserve
tion in the same manner as elsewhere,
except that the road has to be approved
by the department. In the past it has
been held that the county had no rights
upon the reservation, and consequently
Fulton’ s Alaska Bill Will Pass House the use of the roads has been at the
Without Difficulty.
pleasure of the Indians.
For several
Washington, March 26.— Japanese years the taking of sheep across the re­
encroachment in the fishing waters of serve haa been prohibited.
Alaska w ill be brought to a close this
Start S3 0 .0 00 Building.
year. Senator Fulton’ s bill prohibit­
ing aliens from taking fish in tbe wa­
Willam ette University,
Salem —
ters of that district is on the house Ground has be?n broken for the erec­
calendar and is assured of final enact­ tion of the new college of theology on
ment there. For some time, especially the campus facing Capitol street. Rev.
last year, the Japanese have been press­ Mr. Belknap, the only member of the
ing their fishing operations further and Oregon conference born in Oregon, pro­
further on tbe American side of Ber­ nounced tbe invocation, which was fol­
ing sea and the North Pacific ocean. lowed by Dr. Kim ball, the donor and
United Btates Teesels found them last dean of the new building, breaking the
year far in the Alaska fisheiies catching sod with appropriate remarks.
salmon in large quantities and pickling bers of the ministry, of the faculty, and
fish for return t i Japan.
No seizures prominent citizens each turned a spade­
were made, but most of the Japanese ful of soil, after which the spade was
vessels took to flight when observed.
presented to the museum.
Tokio, March 27. — The misery and
The esar is said to be paving the way
for a constitutional monarchy.
suffering in the famine district has
Representative Landis, of Indiana, been slightly relieved by the prompt
haa a plan for reform in government and liberal aid from foreign soui
and the abatement of the rigors ot
Russia haa openly declared for France
inter. The local authorities are try
in the Moroccan dispute and Germany ing to provide work for the ablebodied
haa raised a protest.
but the extent of the work is inade­
Heary wind storms along the Atlant­ quate, and tens of thousands are still
ic have damaged shipping and lessened
But the Oregon Land Fraud Artist
th chances of saving vessels which went on the verge of starvation.
Escapes Again.
Many parents are parting with their
ashore daring recent storms.
Boston, March 27.— After having fol­
C. E. Grunsky, consuslting engineer children, sending them to the already lowed his man for many thousands of
of the Reclamation service, has made crowded Okayama orphanage. Several miles, first down the Pacific coast from
an adverse report on the Palouse irri­ children are quartered at the Ueyno Portland, Or., to San Francisco, and
gation project, saying the cost ia to ex­ railway station in this city. Among hen clear across the country to Boston,
them was a girl 6 years old. who was Secret Service Agent W . J. Burns to­
night arrested Stephen A. D. Puter,
John D. Rockefeller has given $1 to found treasuring a package of dirty old who is wanted by the Federal author!
a New Jersey hospital in the name of newspapers. On examination the pack ties for his connection with the fam­
his grandson. The same mail contain­ sge was found to contain a postal card, ous Oregon land fraud cases, only to
ed a gift from Mrs. Marshall Field, with the address of the parents of the nave tbe man pull a gun and escape.
child, who bad been told to mail the
Jr., for $100.
This dramatic ending to a chaie which
card upon her arrival at her destina­
Capitalists have purchased the site tion. The severity of the suffering un­ lasted for weeks, and during which Mr.
and buildings of the Lewis and Clark dergone by the children is clearly de­ Burns has shown no little detective
'air and.will save the buildings from picted in the faces of those who are ability in tracing his quarry from one
further deetructionh for use in housing compelled to part from their homes, place to another, occurred at the corner
large manufacturing plants.
where the food consists of flour mixed of Boyleston street and Massachusetts
avenue in this city, in front of tbe Fen­ Governor Curry, o f Samar, May Be
Governor Paltison, of Ohio, is im­ with straw and weeds. The mixture is
beaten fine, forming a paste, which way postal station, and at a time when
Captive o f Pulajanes.
contains only 26 per cent actual food the street was crowded with people and
Manila, March 26. — In the recent
An alliance of Britain, France and value.
strings of cars were passing.
recent fight at Magtaon in tbe center of
Russia is proposed.
The government has remitted the made his escape in truly Western fash­ Samar between the constabulary and a
The famine in Japan grows v
lowest tax in the famine district, but
force of Pulajanes two constabulary
and disease follows hunger.
this will not afford immediate relief. of concealment and aiming it straight officers
and several privates were
The loss of the Pulajanes
Anthracite coal operators have split The liberal contributions from Am eri­ threats to kill, while scores of people wounded.
cans are already effective, and the re­
ia unknown. Governor Curry ia miss­
on the wage scale to be paid miners.
lief in the form of food and clothing is looked on as though paralysed and ing.
Haney says Bristol charges are base commanding the heartiest apprécia made no effort to help the officer or to
Governor Cu.ry, Judge Lobiner and
call police aid. In this manner Puter
lees and Bristol w ill retain his office.
Superintendent of Schools Hoover pro­
hacked slowly away from his unwel­
Another appeal for’ «id is preeenterd
ceeded to a town expecting to receive
Twenty-slz miners perished in the
come companion and, before many had
Century coal mine disaster in West by the sufferers from the earthquake realised just what it all meant, he had in surrender a large band of Pulajanes.
in Formosa, hundreds of whom are
is now suspected that the offer by
tnrned the corner of Massachusetts ave­
The local government is
tbe Pulajanes to
surrender waa a
nue and disappeared from view.
The Interstate Commerce commission
busy providing food, caring for the in
treacherous ruse.
Burns followed, but the crowd closed
is investigating underbilling frauds by
jured, and recovering and removing
Reinforcements of constabulary have
in about him and, although, he saw
corpses, several hundred of which are
been ordered to proceed to tbe district
his man turn down Falmouth street, he
I t is claimed that only the details of buried under the debris.
and Provincial Treasurer W hittier, of
dared not use his own gun.
the Algeciraa conference remain to be
Samar, has recommended that Federal
Roosevelt ia credited with
troops be held in readiness.
San Jacinto in Danger.
Hermann Trial April 10.
solving the problem.
Los Angeles, March 27.— A dispatch
Washington. March 27.— Representa­
Seven Killed by Train.
Attorney General Hadley, of Mis­ to the Times from Ban Jacinto, Cal
tive Ringer Hermann will he placed on
souri,has called a truce on Rockefeller says:
Raging down its course in the trial in the Supreme court for the Dis­
Sunbury, Pa., March 28. — Seven
while the latter may visit his new maddest fury known in 25 years, the trict of Columbia on Monday,*April 16. people met death here this afternoon
grandson. Hadley says he can get all Ban Jacinto river threatens great dam This order was made by Judge Gould when tbe Philadelphia A Reading No.
the evidence he needs without John D. age to the town of 8an Jacinto, to the today, on motion of District Attorney
ran into a farmer’s covered wagon at
extensive ranclrng regions near by and Raker. Mr Baker first asked that the
grade crossing near here. Only one
to many other places down the valley. trial be set for April 9, but H . P . Gat- in the wagon escaped death. The party
The government has given Hermann
Bridges have been washed away, lands ley. one of Hermann’ s attorneys, stated were retunring to their homes in Rap-
a b ill of particulars concerning the let­
have teen flooded, and it has been only that A. 8. Worthington, who w ill direct paho township from this place. Wash­
ter books destroyed, but his lawyers
ith the greatest difficulty that the the defense, w ill be unable to appear in ington Neidig, who drove, did not see
oontinue to delay the trial.
waters have been prevented from court on that date.
One week later the engine, which struck the wagon
The German army is reported ready sweeping through the main street of waa then agreed to. The trial w ill be squarely in tbe middle.
The bodies
for war.
San Jacinto and entailing heavy loss.
were carried along for several hundred
for destroying 36 letterpress books.
yards snd were horribly mutilated.
Russia is on the eve of another rebel
Those killed were all of one family.
Dowia in Mexica City.
Floods In Southern California.
Mexico City, March 27.— The Indian
Ban Francisco, March 27.— The storm
Roosevelt haa proposed a compromise
Fortune in a N ew Carnation.
murderers of a French priest near the
hich has prevailed over California
in the Moroccan question which does
mountains ot Malinche w ill probably during the past few days was phenom­
New Bedford, Mass., March 26.— H .
not please France.
he shot on the scene of their crime in enal in character, hut normal condi­ A. John, a local florist, haa succeeded
James A . Fee may be appointed the state of Tlaxcala. Lieutenant Gen tions are being restored.
Rain con- in developing a white carnation which
United States district attorney for Ore­ era I Chaffee, U. 8. A., has returned inned to fall todav throughout South­ promises to surpass every famous pink
gon if Bristol loses out.
here from the hot country.
Heavv ern California, and the streams in all heretofore raised and for which he bae
It is a
The condition of Governor Pattison, rains have greatly helped the sanitary parts of the state are rising, the volume refused an offer of $8,000.
condition of the city, and the typhus of water being swelled by the precipi­ carnation which, according to florists
of Ohio, is grave.
fever ia abating.
John Alexander tation from the storm and from the fills a long felt want in that it is a per­
A snowalide killed six miners near Dowie, of Chicago, arrived here Mon­ rapid melting of snows in the Sierras. fect white flower of extraordinary aise,
Qranite, Colorado.
day Irom Jamaica. He ia accompanied Floods have occurred in several sections. with a stem of greet length, and a ca­
I t la now generally admitted that be­ by a nurse, but is much improved in Mnch damage haa heed dons and more lyx whirh w ill not burst. Added to
these, it has another essential of the
Is expected.
tween 40 and 60 persona loet their
successful carnation — exquisite frag
lives in the recent Denver A Rio Grand
Ship Afire Hits Rocks,
Wrangel in Ashes«
wreck in Colorado.
fit. Johns, N. F., M-rrch 27. — After
Tacoma, March 27.— A special to the
The eidewbeel steamer Olympian, being in peril from fire at sea and man­ Ledger save:
Rival o f Standard Oil.
Fort Wrangel, Alaska
which was being towed from San Fran­ aging by desperate efforts to reach this was entirelv destroyed by a fire that
Lna Angeles, March 26.— The Times
cisco to New York, waa wrecked in the port in the midst of a gale and a blind­ started in the harbor shop of the Pion­ soys this morning: W ith tbe comple­
Straits of Magellan.
ing snow storm, the British freight eer hotel late Saturday night. The en­ tion of the pipeline across the isthmus
The conference between miners and steamer Titan ia struck a submerged tire town waa wiped out, with the ex­ of Panama through the canal sons, up­
operators of the anthracite coal district rock in entering the harbor late last ception of a dock and on« store belong­ on which work is now being rushed, it
Thirty-eight is practically settled that tbe Union Oil
haa failed to ranch a wage agreement. night, had a hole torn in her hull, and ing to Robert Reid.
today lies on the beach, where she (wsa houses, which composed the town’s res­ company will establish, on the Atlantic
Latest reports any nearly 2,000 were put to prevent sinking. The'flre in the idence district, were burned to ths coast south of New York, an immense
killed and 6,500 injured by the earth­ cargo of the midship hold is still burn­ ground. Wrangel haa a population of refinery plant, and that a bid w ill be
quake in Formosa. A ll survlrovis are ing fiercely.
400 persons.
made by tbe united interest« to control
la a state of extreme deeti lotion.
the asphalt market of tbe East and
fight the Standard.
Fire Destroyed Eleven Buildings.
Great Blaze at Newport.
An explosion In a coal mine near
Fayetteville, N. C., March 57.— A
Newport, R I., March 27.— *1re
Fairmont, W . Va., la known to have
killed 16 miners and injured 26 others. firs which started in the Frank Thorn­ early today destroyed the Fall River Must Not Buy Convict-Made Goods.
Washington, March 26 — Represent­
From 26 to 76 are miming and their ton Dry Goods company’s store last line steamer Plymouth as she lay at her
night, in the center of the citv. de­ dork here, the north pier of the freight ative Sibley has introduced a bill pre­
late ia unknown.
stroyed I I buildings.
Lnae, $300,000.1 shed and hoisting apparatus adjoining. venting officers or agents of the govern­
Ex-Chief Engineer Wallace favors a No oee was killed, but révérai persona I and damaged ths freight steamer City ment from baying goods made by eon-
’ of Lowell. Loes about $1,000,000.
vict laborers.
Favorable Weather Follows Freeze.
The Dalles— Weather conditions are
the most favorable since the recent
freeze, and farmers generally believe
that their grain that was frozen will
come out all right. In a few places,
directly exposed to the east winds, the
grain w ill have to be resown, but it is
believed that a very great percentage of
the fall sown grain w ill make an aver­
age crop, or better, as the weather since
the thaw has been cloudy and light
rains have prevailed.
Electric Line in Six Months.
Astoria— W. L. Dudley, promoter of
tbe proposed electric line between this
city and Seaside, was here a few days
ago and says the line w ill be completed
and in operation within six months if
the material is delivered within the
specified time.
He says permission
from the government to build the
bridge across Young’ s bay has been se­
cured and the contract for the steel
draw, as well as for 1,500 tons nf 60-
pound steel rails have been awarded
Tbe rails are to be delivered within 90
Enlarging Dallas Mill.
Dallas— The Cone sawmill, under
the new management, is being rapidly
put in shape for commencing work on
a much increased scale. • Four donkey
engines are being installed in the
woods, and everything pertaining both
to the logging camps and the m ill in
Dallas is being enlarged.
Two new
boilers of 100-horsepower each are be­
ing set, giving the mills 400-borsepow
er. Adjoining lands for tbe extension
of the yards have been purchased at an
advance of 100 per cent over the price
paid a year ago for the same property.
C A N N O T E X PE L S M O O T .
Tw o-Thirds Majority o f Senate is Re­
quired, and is Impossible.
Washington, March 23. — It seems
certain, in the light cf recent develop­
ments, that the campaign against Sen­
ator Reed Smoot, of Utah, w ill fail.
Mr. Smoot’ s enemies have been hoping
to oust him by a majority vote of the
senate, but senators who have given at­
tention to his case find that tbe consti­
tution stipulates that no senator shall
be deprived of his seat except by a two-
thirds vote of tbs senate.
The anti-8moot senators have been
taking the position that the protests
were filed against Mr. Smoot before he
took his seat, and, inasmuch as he was
seated under protest, the majority vote
can be applied, since it takes only a
majority to exclude a senator-elect.
But this view is not generally concur­
red in by senators.
Mr. Smoot was
seated, and, having been permitted to
take his seat, the only way to get him
out is to expel him, and this requires
a two-thirds vote.
I t seems absolutely certain that two-
thirds of the senate is not in favor of
unseating the Mormon senator, prob­
ably not a majority, and for this reason
it is believed the much discussed case
w ill fall flat.
Find Indian Burying Ground.
The Dalles— Workmen clearing off a
lot in the southern part of the city,
belonging to M. J. Anderson uncovered
an old Indian burying ground, and ex­
humed the skeletons of seven braves,
together with trinkets that had been
buried with them, including a large
number of elks’ teeth. Mr. Anderson
Iowa May Oust Standard.
will have the bones and trinkets col­
Dea Moines, March 23.— The house,
lected and placed in a suitable burial
by a vote of 48 to 12, today passed the
place, to be selected by survivors of the
anti-discrimination bill, which is in­
dead whose graves were disturbed.
tended to oust the Standard O il from
Iowa or compel a revision of its busi­
Small Force at Woolen Mill.
ness methods. The bill prohibits dis­
Fugene — The Eugene woolen m ill criminating rates for oil and is pattern­
has started operations on a limited ed after the Missouri law. It provides
scale. The new company which recent­ a fine of $6,000 and imprisonment for
ly purchased the property has been violation. Representative Cummings,
making improvements, and intends the author, in presenting the bill, as­
putting the m ill into full operation
serted that the Standard Oil company
soon as possible.
bad made a price of 4 cents a gallon
for oil in his home town recently, in
order to drive out competition.
P O R T L A N D M A R K E TS .
Abandon Cascade Road.
Albany— Charles Altschul, represent­
ing the Willamette Valley A Coast Cas­
cade Mountain Wagon Road company,
has notified county clerk B. M. Payne
that the company w ill abandon the
road across the Cascade mountains and
w ill not be responsible hereafter for
repairs or lor accidents on the road.
As a result, a number of men here are
taking steps to file on some of the lands
of ths company’ s laud grant under the
Wheat— Club, 68c; blneetem, 69c;
timber and stone act. The road was
red, 66c; valley, 69c.
built a third of a century ago.
Oats — No. 1 white feed, $27.60;
gray, $27 per ton.
Josephine Farmers Talk.
Barley — Feed, $23.50@24 per ton;
Grants Pass — Farmers living in the brewing, $24®24.50; rolled, $24.60®
Applegate valley have formed a tele­ 25.50.
phone company to be known as the
Hay — Eastern Oregon
Applegate Valley Te'ephone company. choice, $17® 18 per ton; common, $13
Arrangements have been made with the ®14; valley ‘.imothy, $8®9; clover,
Pacific States Telephone company by $7 50®8; cheat, $6®7; grain hay,
which they can connect with the latter $7@8; alfalfa, $12.
company’ s lines in Grants Pass. Farm­
Apples— $1.50®2.75 per box.
ers living around Merlin, down Rogue
Vegetables— Asparagus,8c per pound;
river and on Jump-ofT-Joe will have a cabbage, 1 g a l l i c per pound; cauli­
meeting in a few days to form a com­ flower, $2®2.25 per crate; celery, 75
pany to run a line from those sections ®90c per dozen; onions, 50c per doz­
to Grants Pass.
en; rhubarb, $1.60 per box; spinach,
$1.25®2.50 per box; parsley, 26c;
Old Deed Is Filed.
tnrnipe, $ 1 ® 1.25 per sack; carrots,
Albany— A deed haa been recently 66® 76c per sack; beets, 86c® «1 per
filed for record here that waa made be­ sack.
fore Oregon waa a state. It was signed
Onions — No. 1, 75cO90c per sack;
by Joab Powell and Anna Powell, No­ No. 2, nominal.
vember 25, 1868, snd acknowledged be­
Potatoes — Fancy graded Burbanks,
fore Jacob Hnoderly, a justice of the 50®55c per hundred; ordinary, nom­
peace. I t was written with a quill on inal; sweet potatoes, 2>i® 2 )4 c per
a large sheet of paper, now yellow snd pound.
dimmed. Powell was a pioneer minis­
Butter— Farcy creamery, 27)4® 30c
ter, and haa many descendants in Linn per pound.
Egg*— Oregon ranch, 16c per dozen.
Poultry — Average old hens, 14®
Material fo r Central Rrilway.
H o o p e r pound; mixed chickens, 13
La Grande— A carload of plows,
®13>vc; broilers, 28®29c;
scrapers and other tools for grading
roosters, 13®13)4c; old roosters, 11c;
have been received at Union for use in
dressed chickens, 16016c; turkeys,
work for the Central railway of Oregon
lire, 16®17c; turkeys, dressed, choice,
Some of the Eastern parties interested
18®20c; geese, live, 8c; geeee, dressed,
in tbe electric railway enterprise have
1 0 ® llc ; ducks, 16®18c.
also arrived at Union and their pres­
Hops — Oregon. 1906, choice, 10®
ence is accepted as the signal for the
10Hc: prime, 8 )4 ® 9c; medium, 708c;
commencement of active operations.
olds, 5®7c.
Wool— Eastern Oregon average best,
O regon Horses for Japan.
16®21c; valley, 24®2fc per pound;
John Day— Henry Trowbridge and mohair, choice, 25028c.
C. I. Officer, stockmen of tbe Isee coun­
Veal— Dressed, 31408c P«r pound.
try, have purchased a band of 100
Eeef — Dressed bulls, 2 )4 03 c per
horses for a contract of Seattle shippers pound: cows,
3 l4 ® 4 )g e;
with the Japanese government.
The steers, 4®5c.
boras« are all young geldings, from 16
Mutton— Dressed, fancy, 2)4®9r par
to 1 »H hands high, and without blem­ pound; ordinary, 4®6c; Urn he, 8 0
ish. From $40 to $60 per head was 0 * 0 .
Pork— Dreeeed, « ® 8 ) 4 <- pot pound.
Italian Island Quaking.
New York, March 23. — A cable dis­
patch to the Herald from Palermo says:
There have been 21 earthquak shocks
on the island of Uetica daring the last
three days.
The population lives in
constant terror.
A great valley haa
been formed in tbe center of the island
and all the bouses have been demol­
The shocks were vertical, not
undulatory, and were accompanied by
loud subterranean rumblings. The last
shocks, which occured yesterday, fin­
ished the work of destruction.
seised upon the 2,000 inhabitants.
Its Decree Was Scorned.
Washington, March 23.— The subject
of the lynching of Ed Johnson, a negro,
at Chattanooga, Tenn., while he waa
under sentence of death, and in whose
case the Supreme court had issued a
stay of execution, continued to engage
the attention of members of the court
A conference of the justices
now in the 'city was held at the borne
of Chief Justice Fuller today regarding
the matter. It waa said at the office
of tbe clerk of the court that it was not
yet apparent what action, if any, the
court would take.
Millions o f Sockeye Fry.
Vancouver, B. G., March 23. —
Twenty-nine million sockeye salmon
1*7 w ill be turned out of the Dominion
government hatchery at Harrison lake
next week and started toward the sea.
Tbe flab are about three inches long.
The operations at tbe Harrison lake
hatchery last fall and winter were at­
tended with great success. The fish at
the Beton lake hatchery, which is a
provincial institution, w ill also shortly
be released.
N ew Drydock fo r Puget Sound.
Washington, March 23. — Secretary
Bonaparte appeared before the house
committee on naval affairs today and
discussed naval appropriations.
urged an appropriation for a stationary
drydock on Puget sound.