The ESTACA DA N E W S rUBUSH KD KVF.aY THURSDAY BY H. A. W ILLIAM S Entered at the postoffice in Kstacada, Or. as second class mail. Advertising rates made known on appli­ cation. Copy for publication and change of ad copy must be handed in not later than Wednesday morning to insure pub­ lication for that week. SMSCMPTKW BAUS J We a ri showing a dandy line of Wanted, Farm One Horse Cultivators and would Must have at least 3 acres cleared advise you to get our prices on with some orchard, fair house, not these before making your purchase. over 6 miles from railway. Cash The O. W. P. & Ry. Co. is going deal; price must be right.— M. F. to have an ice plant put in at the Donaliae & Co. 216 Fenton Block, Hotel Kstacada. The ice manufac­ Portland, Oregon. tured will be used for the hotel ex- It will not cost you a cent to try Cham­ c -isively. Contractor Reed will in- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and stai the plant. they are excellent for stomach troubles V. Lingelbach was in Portland, y ts’. u d a . Mr. L'ngelbach says a great many are setting out apple j trees this spring which will be a 1 good thing for the country. He is I buying a new sprayer. Sts Maatbi M aaM la adraaca MARCH. 21, 1906 Rowdyism is the same wherever Sheriff Shaver of Clackamas Co. it is practiced, whether in the dance sold ten head of cattle, Monday, hall, the barroom, the dive, the sporting club or in the pulpit. It the aggregate weight being 15,260 matters little where the ro.vdy is, he pounds. They were 3 and 4-year is certain to act his part well enough j Hereford steel s, and the heaviest so that the public can place him one weighed 1,960 pounds. where he properly belongs. Last Wednesday evening, at the The district school board held a meeting this week and decided to proceed at once with the preliminary Steps for building Kstacada’ s new $5,000 school house. It is calculat­ ed that work on the building can be started by the middle of May, when it is ltelieved the rainy season will be sufficiently over with to al­ low the work to be done. • On Tuesday of this week K. F. Surface received notice from the postoffice department at Washing­ ton of his appointment to the posi­ tion of postmaster at Kstacada. Mr. Surface will assume the duties of the office as soon as his bond is accepted by the government, and he is notified of that fact. It is like­ ly that Kva Kissler will remain in tfie office for sometime. Winter weather, accompanied by a thick layer of snow, is so seldom experienced in this part of tropical America that last Monday was con­ sidered one of the strange freaks which nature sometimes produces. Down by the river in the lower part of the Willamette valley a three inch coat of snow covered the ground in the morning, but it disappeared on the low lands before noon time. The name of Ralph W Hoyt was omitted from the list of those we published last week who are run­ ning for the nomination of state treasurer on the republican ticket. It was an inadvertent error. Mr. Hoyt is a resident of Portland, and is cashier of the Merchants National Bank. He was treasurer of Mult­ nomah county for two terms, and is well fitted for the place to which he aspires. The city council had a quiet meet­ ing Tuesday evening. The resig­ nation of Major Wm. K. Haviland from the council was received and accepted. Wm. A. Jones was elect­ ed to fill the vacancy. H. Cooper was appointed city treasurer in pluce of John Page, who is going to lead a retired life. Recorder Wonier got in his harness and performed his first official duties Unless other­ wise found necessary the board will meet every two weeks hereafter. ESTACADA Is going to grow this coming summer m o r e rapidly than ever before. The great Electric Pow­ er Plant, costing over $1,000,000.00 will b e completed, a large saw­ mill will be built, and logs will be floatad down the Clackamas from miles above. T he price of prop­ erty should advance with the completion of enter­ prises now under way, and the perfection of those already in operation. VV> have some choice busi­ ness and residence lots in Kstacada which are good in­ vestments for anyone. Prices reasonable and terms easy. 0. W. P. Townsite Com pany COR F IR S T A PO RTLAN D A LD ER ORKGON Estacada State Bank lo c a l ICAP AC.rvrs ORKGON -•'•‘««BiUBM* ■ «*» U G H I 2-qt Granite Steel Tea Pot and constipation. Get a free sample at the Kstacada drug store. Mr. and Mrs. A 1 Lindsay were in Portland, Monday and Tuesday. They are having their restaurant repapered and repainted. I 4-qt Granite Steel Milk Pan Vote for Wm. J. Clark for State Printer on primary day, April 20th Mr. Clark is one the oldest printers i 1 the State and one of the best known country editors in Oregon. His ncminition will be a tribute to the country press and they ai e backing him heavily for the place. R in mber, the nam; cf Wm. J . Clark is the first one under the head of State Printer. home of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Sim­ mons, occured a very pleasing and succts ful surprise party, enjoyed by only close friends of the family. The occasion was in honor of Mr. The electric freight between Ks­ Simmons’ birthday. A t 7 o’clock tacada and Portland has been dis­ a sumptuous d n n r was served after continued. The motor will be used which the guests enjoyed a delight­ to do work in the Portland yards. ful evening spent in music ar.d Kngine 112 , with Conductor H. K. games. At a late hour light refresh­ | Williams, will do the regular freight ments were served. I work until the power plant is com­ Those present were:— Mr. and pleted. Kngine 1 1 1 will be used to Mrs. M. K. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs do the company’ s work. L. C. Posson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nich­ A Good Man Gone olson, Misses Mabel and Marvel Simmons, Messrs Otto Klutch, D. Charles Bloomer, aged 82 years, F. Warner, Alvin Ballinger and died in this city Monday, March 19 Kdwin Mallory. Mr. Simmons was 1906. Mr. Bloomer came here last the recipient of several highly ap­ fall and built a home. During his preciated and appropriate presents. short life among us he made many O.i leaving, the friends proclaimed friends who extend their sympathy a most enj >yable evening. to his bereaved widow. Mr. Bloom­ A Favorite Remedy for Babies er was a man of stern integrity and Its pleasant taste and prompt cures had no patience with dishonesty in have made Chamberlain'sCough Remedy any form. He was the oldest Ma­ a favorite with the mothers of sinull chil­ son in the county having joined a j dren. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneu­ lodge in N. Y . state in 1846. He monia or other serious consequences. It was a pioneer merchant at Spokane not only cures croup, but when given as when there were but six bi ildings soon os the croupy cough appears it will in the place. His remains were preveut the attack. For sale by Kstaca­ taken to Portland for burial. Mr. da drug store. Bloomer leaves a widow, a si ter, Some Reasons Why Mr. harken- wife of Hon. D. F. Percival, a bank­ er at Cheney, Wash., and an adopt­ rider Should Be Elected ed daughter, Mrs. Moffott of Seat­ County Commissioner tle. His knowledge of county affairs is broad, and he has a mind of his own. He is a t honest, hardworking farmer, and well liked by his neigh­ bors. He has a good knowledge of road and bridge construction. He has been a resident citizen tax-payer for 23 years. He has never asked for nor held a county office. Commissioners should be located in the various parts of the county so that the local needs of all parts may 1« known of by the county court. The northeast part of the county has not had a representative in that body for years. I 'e is located within two hours journey of the county seat. A s proof that we are not antago­ nistic to the other parts of the coun­ ty, will say: That we are only ask­ ing for what we deserve; that we are reasonable, since we only want one of til i various county and state offices; and that we were advised by some of the leading representatives of the other parts of the county to pick out and settle upon some one man for this place. 1-Week Special! For County Commissioner. 1 4-qt Granite Steel S tew Pan 59cts A good grade of Granite W a re. Enough said When in need of Boys’ Express Wagons We have the Best Boys’ GARDEN Such as Hoes, Rakes, Wagons made. Shovels, One-horse Cul­ We make no bones about our prices, but compare tivators, Etc. come to them with others 10 1-2 by 20, TOOLS us W e have them in many different styles, and prices are right $1.10 12 by 24, $1.40 Our prices on Poultry Netting and Barbed W ire are just a little better. One man a short time ago shipped in 5 spools of wire and lost $ 1 .40 by doing so. Be careful that you do not do the same 14 by 28, $1.75 17 by 33, $2.25 CARY HARDWARE CO. « $ 3 «S 3 x s S 3 > cS > < 2 S > ® * 3 )© \ OREGON & RY. HOTEL THE ESTACADA STATE BANK ESTACADA Finest Summer and Winter Resort Hotel near Portland (INCORPORATED) Every Modern Convenience for guests C A P IT A L $10,000.00 In view of having been solicited by the representative republicans of A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S T R A N S A C T E D my home and three other adjoining precints to allow myself to become W e handle Insurance in several of the Best and Oldest a candidate for the nomination to the office of county commissioner; Companies, Buy and Sell Lands and Issue Drafts I, therefore say, that the citizens of on Foreign Countries. Are local Agents for this county will find my name upon the ballot as a republican candidate the O. W . P. Townsite Company for the nomination to that office. In placing my name before the The Business of the Merchants of Estacada and the people of this county I want it dis­ tinctly understood that, prior to this Farmers is Solicited I have not asked any one of my v i­ cinity or county to support me; That I will lie, if chosen at the next W E W IL L E X T E N D YO U E V E R Y F A C IL IT Y two elections, a commissioner for C O N SIS T A N T W IT H M ODERN B A N K IN G P R IN C IP L E S the whole county and not of my neighborhood alone; and that 1 neither have nor will have any po­ litical debts or bargains to pay should I lie elected. In view of these facts, I trust the i people of the county will give me T. YUCUM , Vice-Pres their support at the next two elec­ f t J. W. R E E D , Pres. tions. g R. A. ST RA T TO N , Cashier Room and board per day Room and board per week —-F. J. Harkenrider. NOTICE ~ T IM E C A R D : 0 . W. P. & R y . $2 00 $10 00 Write or Phone L 0. MacMahon, Mngr. ESTACADA OREGON Notice for Publication Land office at Portland, Oregon, Feb. 17, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the following: named set­ tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Portland, Oregon, on April. 11, 1906, viz: Edwin A. Stevens H. E. 15491 for the Southwest quarter of S e c ., 34 T 3S.R5 E He names the following witnesses to prove his con­ tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Granville Linn of Currinsville, Oregon Phillip E. Linn of Garfield. Henry Epperson of Estacada Benjamin T. Rawlins, of Garfield, Algernon S. Dresser. Register. Call on us— Wc arc here to serve you PROFESSIONAL CARDS Call for sealed bids for the erection of Eczema. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch Ring Worm, a school house building. Herpes, Barber Itch Notice is hereby given that the school All of these discuses ore attended by in directors of district No. io8’ Clackamas Dr. C. B. SMITH tense itching, which is almost instantly county, State of Oregon, w ill, on April PH YSICIAN ft SURGEON relieved by applying Cliamherlain's salve 14, 1906, at 10 A. M., consider bids for and by its continued use a permanent the erection of a school house building Estacada office: Up stain in Howe’ s store. cure may lie effected. It has, in fact, in Kstacada, said county and state, ac­ cured many cases that had resisted other cording to the plans and specifications treatmeut. Price 2j cents a box. For and to be completed by September ist Dr. Smith will be at his home in Eagle Creek evenings and mornings. sale by Kstacada drug store. 1906. All bids should be addressed to J. F. Love*ace, Clerk, Kstacada, and each bid must be accompanied by a cer­ DODGE NEWS tified check payable to S c I. o j I District William K. Haviland, M. D, Quite a number of Dodge’s liest 108, Clackamas county, for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid as security that people were in Spingwater Satur­ PHYSIC M* mmé SCR0 (0 * . the bidder will, if his bid is accepted, at day. They report on enjoyable trip. once enter into a contract with said dis­ M a .llt.a m u n , Wm. Closner has r.ot been s x n trict for the erection of said school hou e building according to said plans and in Dodge for more than a v eck. It is feared that the cold weather j specifications and within the time herein Night bell at Second St. entrance has injured the early fruit, such as allowed. Flans and sptc'ficationsof said building may be seen and consulted nt prunes, plums and pears. the Kstacada State Bank, Estacada, or it Mr. Henry Cromer was hauling the office of J. F. Lovelace, Clerk. Tb« lumlier from Myers’ mill Monday. said successful bidder w ill be re

BORING “ & SO N S, Damas cus Creamery ORE