The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, March 15, 1906, Image 3

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    Pure Blood
Is certain If you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
This great medicine cures those eruptions,
pimples and boils th at appear a t all seasons;
cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or eczema j
adapts itself equally well to, and also cures, dys­
pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu­
matism and c a ta rrh ; cures nervous troubles,
debility and th at tired feeling.
T his is proved by thousands of test!-
menials, 40,800 by actual count in th e
™ h . i . u L, T h o m p so n o f L ew isto n ,
last two years—a record unprecedented thoroughly punaod w Mood «fur »«
in the history of medicine.
Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. o “ th d e r s " 0,,W
6d h“ lth Thou**‘*J* ol
tell o f s im ila r c u re s, a ls o c u re s
Liquid or WbUt«, IDO Doses On* Dollar.
A young lady, desiring to communl-
cate with a certain society beau, wai
told to call him up by telephone at bla
club at a certain hour. 8he rang up
the exchange, gave the number and
waited. Presently a voice la id :
“Hello,” ahe called. “Is Ur. S.
“Mr. who?"
“Mr. 8.”
“Mr. 8.? No."
“Are you sure?"
“Yen, sure. We have no record of
any oue of that name being here.”
“Please look and see If be lan’t
Somewhere about.”
“'Ihere’a no use looking, ma’am. We
have ’em all down In the book.”
“Well, It la strange. I was told that
he would be there at this hour.”
‘‘Say, look here, what number do
you want?”
“Why, 20.
“Oh, that’s t h e ----- City Club. This
Is the Morgue.”—Llpplncott’s.
An eminent scientist has estimated
that the average tuan’e eyelids open and
■hut 4,000,000 timea during tha yaar.
It costa a motorcyclist $12.50 a year
for licensea to drive in St. Louie and
Immediata vicinity in St. Louia county.
o f sc ro fu la , s a lt rh e u m , eczem a, etc.
Lincoln*« Flrat Election.
Lincoln’s election to the leglslaturt
of Illinois In August, 1834, marks the
end of the pioneer period of his life.
He was done now with the wild care­
lessness of the woods, with the rough
Jollity of Clary’s Grove, with odd Jobh,
for his daily bread—with all the de­
tails of frontier poverty. He contin­
ued for years to be a very poor man,
harassed by debts be was constantly
laboring to pay, and sometimes abso­
lutely without money; but from this
time on be met and worked with men
of wider knowledge and better trained
minds than those he bad known In
Gentryvllle and New 8alem; while
the simple social life of Vandalla,
where he went to attend the session!
of the legislature, was more elegant
than anything he had yet seen.—St
R e trib u tio n .
“I have come, madam, to take your
gas meter o u t”
“I am glad to bear It, for it’s done
nothing since It’s been here but take
us In.”—Baltimore American.
Mexico*« Bathhouse«.
Every town in Mexico has a public
bath house. And still the Mexicans are
not the cleanest people in the world.
Catarrh is usually regarded as nothing more serious than a bad cold or
slight inflammation of the inner skin and tissues of the head and throat,
when it is, in fact, not only a vexatious and troublesome disease, but a com­
plicated and dangerous one. It is true th at Catarrh usually begins with a
cold in the head, but when the poisons, which are thrown off through the
secretions, find their way into the bloo4, it becomes a constitutional trouble
that affects all parts of the body. It has more annoying and disgusting symp­
toms than any other disease. There Is a sickening and offensive discharge
from the nostrils, a constant buzzing noise in the ears, headaches and pains
in the eyes are frequent, while filthy, tenacious matter drops back into the
throat requiring continual hawking and spitting, and in certain stages of the
disease the breath has an odor th a t is very offensive. Catarrh is worse in
W inter, because the cold weather closes the pores and glands, and the pois­
ons and unhealthy vapors which should pass off th at way are thrown back
on th e tender linings and tissues, causing the inflammation which starts
the unhealthy secretions to be ab-
. , . ___. . .
sorbed by the blood. When the blood a n d d ___
I bad
l n a d d i t i o n a d i e a d f u l o a . a o --
— --------------------------------------------------------
becomes diseased with this catarrhal C h a a d t a h r r e h a . d a M c h y e s h , o r b i « n g w i n a s g . n s t o o i p s p e e s d I n u p m , y I
m atter all kinds of complications may e a r s « n d f e l t u n f i t f o r w o r k . I c o m ­
en ced th e u se o f S . S. S . o n th e reco m ­
be looked for. As the blood circu­ m
m e n d a tio n o f a f rie n d , a n d In a s h o rt
lates through the body the foul mat­ t i m e i t c u r e d m e s o n n d a n d w e l l . I t p u t
y b lo o d i n g o o d c o n d itio n a n d I h a v a
ter finds its way into the stomach, m
n e v e r h a d t h e a l i g h t e a t r e t u r n of t h a
ruining the digestion and producing C a t a r r h a l n c e t h a t t i m e .
chronic Dyspepsia, or Catarrh of the N o . S O S E d g a r S t . G E E O v . a D n . s v C i A l l e R , R I , n d .
stomach. It also affects the Kidneys,
Bladder and other members of the body, while the general health is weak­
ened, appetite lost and the patient feels despondent and half sick all the time.
But worst of all, if the trouble is not checked the lungs become diseased from
the constant passage of poisoned blood through them, and Catarrh terminates
in Consumption, the most fatal of all diseases. You cannot get rid of Ca­
tarrh by treating it with sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., because they only
reach the membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the trouble is in the
blood. These relieve the annoying symptoms for a time, but the poison is
all the while getting a stronger hold on the system and when they are left
off will manifest itself in worse form than before. S . S . S . is the greatest of
all blood purifiers, and when it has cleansed the blood, this pure, rich stream
circulates through the body, carrying healthful properties to the diseased
parts. Then the inflamed meml
membranes and tissues begin to heal, the dis-
charges cease, the general condition of
the system is strengthened, every one
of the annoying and disgusting symp­
toms pass away, and the patient is left
in perfect health. S. S. S. is the best
remedy for Catarrh. I t goes right into
the blood and removes all effete matter
and catarrhal poison and cures the dis­
ease permanently, and a tth e same tim e builds up the entire system by its fine
tonic effect. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy—non-in jut ious to the sys­
tem and a certain, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrh sufferers will find our
free consulting department helpful in advising local treatm ent to be used
With S. S. S.
H ow to Fool a Lazy Liver
with Artificial Exercise
^V ER Y serious Sickness has a
small beginning.
And, in nine cases out of
¿ 7 tsn that amall beginning la
made In the Bowels.
Indigestion Is the beginning of most
It paves the wsy for all other».
Lack of exercise, hasty eating, Improper
food, are lta first causes.
Laziness, and postponement, permits It
fo grow into Chronic Constipation, which
means life-long Discomfort.
It Isn’t necessary to be alek-a-bed, you
know, In order to be mighty uncom­
Even alight Indigestion affects the
nerves, dulls the mind, end obecuree the
merry sunshine of Life.
And, Indigestion once started, grows
fast, corrodes temperament, and discounts
happiness, good cheer, capacity.
It does that long before It puts you on
the Sick list.
Every thinking Doctor knows why.
e e e
Professor Rand knew If.
That’s why he framed up for students
his famous formula for Happiness, via.:
•’ Trust In Cod, and keep your Bowels
The Bowels need sd|uatmont from time
to time, lust like a dock, or a watch.
No ’’Good time ” la humanly possible
without this.
And. the time to adjust the watch Is
not when It has run down, nor when the
main spring Is broken, but at the very
minute adjustment Is discovered necessary.
The «me to adjust the Bowels Is net
merely when your Head Aches, when yoer
U ver Is Sick, your Stomach In Revolt, and
Nature’s Food Procem retarded for 34
hours or longer.
The prop*' «m* I* adjust them Is the
very minute you suspect they need adjust-
M onday, M arch 12.
Washington, March 1 2 —There was
» sharp division of opinion in the sen-
ite today over the queetion whether the
rillman-Gilleepie reeointion instruct­
ing the Interstate Commerce commis­
sion to inquire into the railroad hold­
ings of coal and oil lands justified the
preaident’s meeeage regarding it. Till­
man complained that the preeident bad
charged congieee with insincerity, pre­
tense and ignorance.
Lodge and
Spooner took the poeition that the
charge of ignorance waa warranted.
The debate was interrupted at 2
o’clock, when Culberson wss recognized
to speak on the railroad rate bill. He
read a section of bia bill to create emer­
gency powers for the Interstate Com­
merce commission, which he will offer
aa a substitute for the pending meas­
Foraker took issue with Culberson
when he declared congress itself btd
construed the commerce clause of the
constitution as giving it power to fix
rates, by granting a Federal charter to
the Onion Pacific railway. In that act
it reserved this power, and it acted un­
der the commerce clause in that legis­
lation. This Foraker contended should
not be so held.
Washington, Marh 12.—Carrying out
the recommendation of the commission
that investigated the wreck of the Va­
lencia, Senator Pi lee and Representa­
tive Humphrey today introduced a bill
authorizing the construction of an
ocean-going tug for use on the North
Pacific coast from the entrance of Puget
sound southward along the coast of
Oregon. This tug is to be designed
primarily for use in times of emergen­
cy, such as shipwreck, and intended to
be otherwise useful in caring for life
and property along the north coast.
No specific appropriation is made by
the bill, the size of the appropriation
to be determined by a committee, but
it is stipulated that the vessel shall te
built under the direction of the secre­
tary of the treasury, and shall be con­
trolled by the revenue cutter service.
Her crew shall include skilled men de­
tailed from the life-saving service.
Senator Piles also intioduced a bill
authorising the establishment of three
life-saving stations on the Washington
coast between Gray’s Harbor and Cape
p r e d ie pu rp o se.
tory to vote separately on the queetion
of jointure. McCumber opposed even
the joining of Oklahoma and Indian
Teiritory, and Patterson held that Ari
sona and New Mexico should be ad­
mitted as separate states.
Tbe senate will begin voting on the
amendments to the bill at 4 p. m. to­
morrow, and the final vote will be
taken belore adjournment for the day.
Beveridge will have the hour between
the others idle not at all,
H and 12 o’clock in which to conclude Natheless
For o’er a steaming caldron, lo! there
his speech.
The form of mother, moiling a l l the
Washington, March 8. — The bouse
today passed the Indian appropriation A n d sister, too—sweet A n n , s o f a i r a n d
bill and then proceeded to tangle itself
np over the bill to abolish the grade of
To the same task her young a s s i s t a n c e
lieutenant general in the army. The
result was in adjournment for lack of a
While only pater whiles his timo a w a y !
quorum after members had been locked —Cleveland Leader.
in tbe hall for half an hour and the
▲ G l'A R A N T E E D C U R E FO R P IL E S .
sergeant-at-arms bad been scurrying to Itc h in g , B1 nd, B ’ae d ln g , P ro tru d in g Piles. Drusr-
»re a u th o riz e d to re fu n d m oney If PA ZO
tbe various hotels in search of mem­ Bts
IM 'M J fiN T fails to c u re to 5 lo 14 d ay s. 50c.
bers. The vote to consider the bill
showed an overwhelming sentiment in
An Indefinite Term.
its favor, and, as it is tbe pending bnsi-
“What do you understand by a ‘so­
nees under call of committee, it will ciety climber’?**
probably be reached and paaaed in due
“It used to mean a person who tried
to break into society.**
“Used to mean?”
Wednesday, March I.
“Yes. Now it may mean a porch
Washington, March 7. — President climber in search of society news.”
Roosevelt today sent a message to con­
gress announcing his signature to the c o T u h n e t r r e y Is t h m a n o r a e l l C o a t t h a e r r r h d i i n s e t a h s i e s s s p e c u t t i o t n o g o e f t h t e h r e ,
joint resolution recently paseed in­ a n d u n t i l t h e l a s t f e w y e a r s w a s s u p p o s e d to b e
c t o r s p ro -
structing the Interstate Commeroe I u n o c u u n r c a c b d l e i . t a F l o o r c a a l g d r i e s a e t a m s e a , n a y n d y e p a r r e s s d c o r ib
e d lo c a l
commission to make examination into r e m e d i e s , a n d b y c o n s t a n t l y t a i l i n g t o c u r e
w ith lo c a l tr e a tm e n t, p r o n o u n c e d i t I n c u ra b le .
tbe subject of railroad discriminations S c ie n c e h a s p r o v e n c a t a r r h t o b e a c o n s t i t u ­
and monopolies in coal and oil.
He t i o n a l d i s e a s e , a n d t h e r e f o r e r e q u i r e s c o n s tltU '
says frankly that he has signed it with t f i a o c n t u a r l e t d r e b a y t m F e . n J. t . C h H e n a l e l y ’ s & C C a o t a ., r T r h o l C e d u o r e , , O m h io
, is
hesitation, because it may achieve lit­ t h e o n l y c o n s t i t u t i o n a l c u r e o n t h e m a r k e t . I t
Is t a k e n i n t e r n a l l y i n d o s e s f ro m l O d r o p s t o a
tle or nothing.
l e a s p o o n f u l. I t a c t s d i r e c t l y o n t h e b lo o d a n d
Washington, Match 7.—With six set
speeches and permission to print two
others in the Record, none of which
were on the same subject, the house
today closed general debate on the In­
dian appropriation bill, and tomorrow
will take that measure up for amend­
Before the honso took up the Indian
bill, Capron (Rep., R. I.) secured tbe
passage of a joint reeointion permitting
the sale of government coal at Fort
Davis, Alaska, to the citizens of Nome.
The situation in Alaska prompting the
legislation was indicated by Secretary
Taft recently that there is an absolute
coal famine in Nome. The cold weath­
er closed navigation before the coal
ships arrived, and the government’s
Friday, M arch 9.
supply at Fort Davis is the only avail­
Washington, March 9.—A resolution able supply.
and a bill designed to cure the defectB
President Roosevelt pointed out iu the
Washington, March 7. — The issues
Tillmsn-Giilespie resolution for the in­ involved in the controversy over the
vestigation by the Interstate Commerce pending railroad rate bill were squarely
commission of railroad discrimination presented to the senate today in the
and monopolies were introduced today speech of Clapp, one of the Republi­
in the house The resolution was in­ cans supporting tbe measure without
troduced by Representative Townsend, amendment, and hy resultant remarks
of Michigan, and the bill by Represent­ from Bailey and Tillman, who are sup­
ative Gillespie, of Texas. Townsend’s posed to represent the views of the
resolution provides an appropriation of Democrats.
$50,000 to carry on the inveetigalion,
Aldrich, Foraker, Crane and other
and the Gillespie bill makes an appro­ Republicans, who are seeking to amend
priation of $100,000 for the same pur­ tbe bill so as to provide for judicial
review of orders of the Interstate Com­
merce commission, took the poeition
Washington, March 9. — Today at that the discussion of the situation
5:45 p. m. the senate passed a bill for demonstrated that the friends of the
the admission of a new state to be measure are divided and that the bill
called Oklahoma and to be composed of should not be accepted in ite present
the Territory of Oklahoma and Indian form.
Territory. It was the house joint
statehood bill with all the provisione
Tuesday, March 6.
relating to Ariaona and New Mexico
Washington, March 6.— The house
stricken out. The motion to strike out began ite session today by passing with­
was made by Burrows, and it was car­ out discussion or opposition a bill for
ried by the close vote of 37 to 35, after the rlief of tobacco growers by permit­
having been lost by the still closer vote ting them to eell leaf tobacco without
if 36 to 36.
paying the tax of 6 cents a pound here­
Immediately after the disposal of tofore charged. The rest of the day
the statehood bill the house railroad was devoted to tariff dircuaeion, the In­
rate bill wae made the unfinished busi­ dian appropriation bill being the ve­
ness, but, aa the senate adjouned over hicle to carry the debate.
Saturday and Bnnday, the actual for­
mal consideration of the measure will
Washington, March 8.—The question
not begin until Monday.
of the enlargement of tbe medical de­
partment of the army occupied tbe ma­
Thursday, March 8.
jor portion of the time of the senate
Washington, March 8. — Today af­ today. The question arose in connec­
forded the last opportunity for general tion with tbe consideration of a bill for
debate on the statehood bill, and the the displacement of contract surgons by
session waa devoted to that order of physicians who shall be given the rank
business. Starting with a speech by of army officers in the reorganisation of
Mi-Cumber, which began a lew minutes the medical corps. Hale criticised the
after II o’clock, there was no cessation bill as an entering wedge for an in­
in tbe speaking until adjournment. crease of the army, and aa a part of a
The whole time wae occupied by three general plan of the general staff, which
senators, Beveridge, McCumber and he charged with a purpose to increase
Patterson, the former snpporting and tbe army’s importance, In hie remarks
the latter two opposing it. Beveridge the senaotr said tbe general staff waa
contended, that, while Arizona and disposed to encourage an invasion of
New Mexico were unprepared for sep­ China. Carter and Gallinger spoke ¡ d
arate statehood, it was unjust to keep somewhat the same vein of objection,
them out of the Union ss one state. while the bill was defended by Warren,
He took the ground against the Foraker Blackbnrn and other senators. The bill
amendment, which allows each terri- was not disposed of.
—If your tongue Is slightly costed,
—If your breath Is under suspicion, .
—If your Head feels a trifle heavy or
Water Rights for Irrigated Towns.
—If digestion seems even a little slow,
Washington, March 7.—Thehoiee
—If Heartburn, Belching, Colic or committee on irrigation today favorably
Restlessness begin to show themselves,
reported the senate bill authorizing the
—That’s the time to eat a Cascaret.
withdrawal of 160-acre tracts under
government irrigation projects for
Don’t Imagine the Cascaret Is Ineffec­ townsite purposes and anthorising the
tive because it Is pleasant to eat as Candy. granting of such water rights to such
towns, which shall be paid for by the
It acts as pleasantly as it tastes. It is towns, the money to go into the re­
as congenial fo your Bowels as it Is to your clamation fund; also authorising the
secretary of tbe Interior to lease water
It is not a ” Bile-driver ” which floods power under all government projects
out your stomach today with fluid Juices where water can be so utilised without
needed for tomorrow.
Interfering with irrigation.
But, It acts like Exercise, Instead.
It stimulates the muscular lining of the
Hermann aa a Plagiarist.
Bowels and that they mechan-
Washington, March 7.— Representa­
Ically digest food and drive out the tive Hermann, probably in a fit of ab-
eentmindedneae, today introdurd an­
other joint resolution proposing an
amanmdent to the constitution provid­
The «me to use a Cascaret la when you ing for the election of United States
first suspect you need one.
senator« by direct vote of the people
The only way to have them ready to This is tbe second time this session he
use precisely when you need them Is to baa introduced this resolution, and in
carry them constantly In your pocket, as each instance he offered resolutions
that had previously been introduced by
you do a Watch or a Lead pencil.
members, running his pen
The ten cent box of Cascarets Is made other
through tbe name of the original au­
fhln, flat, round-edged, and small for this thor and writing bit own.
Sonnd Famlllnr.
(“If the seiitliueuts contained In onr
popular song* were more loftily nnd
poetically expressed, they would lose
nothing of their effect.** Take this home
and try It on your plauo.)
Toil; wearing toil, is the unhappy l o t
Of all our humble family save one—
The hoary-headed man who call« m e
M y honored sire, he only labors not.
From dawn to dusk, in his accustomed
Where glows the log the ruddy hearth
Rests he, in silence ever» moved of
And burns tobacco noisomely, God w o t !
Report on Employers' Liability Bill.
Washington, March 12.—The house
committee on judiciary decided today
to make a favorable report on the Bates
Employers’ Liability bill, in amended
form. Representative Sterling, of Illi­
nois.- will draw the report. Under the
hill a railroad is ma le liable to an em­
ploye, his wile, children or dependent
relatives, ‘‘for sll damages which may
result from the negligence of any of its
officer«, agents or employ«* or by reas­
on of any defect or insufficiency due to
its negligence in its cars, engines, ap­
pliances, track, roadbed or works.”
Railroad Bill Now Up.
W aahinttot, March 12- — The rail­
road rate fipbt e now on in earnest on
the floor of the senate. There is no
other important legislation now pend­
ing that can reasonably be interposed
to command prior consideration. The
statehood bill, the Philippine bill, the
Panama bill and the Hanto Domingo
treaty are nil ont of the way for the
time being, at leiast, and there is noth­
ing to prevent continuone consideration
of the rate bill, at least until tbe Smoot
ease is reported from tbe committee on
privilege) and election*.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
Ju s tic e to S eized S e a le rs.
Allot Colville Reserve.
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­
Washington, March 78.— The senate
Washington, March 12.—There ie
pany and never aold In bulk. Every today paeaed senator Fulton’e bill per­ every reason lo believe that congress
mitting owners of American sealing will pass the bill now pending before
tablet stamped ’’CCC.”
veaaels seised in Behring sea hy Amer­ both hoase* authorising the opening to
ican revenue cutters to brine suit to re­ •e’tlemnt of the unallotted lands of th«
cover on losses sustained. This Mil, if snn'h bslf of the Colville Indian reier-1
> m
i T O O C R T 1 I I P M I pused hy the bouse, will pnt Ameri­ i ration
A bill for tbia parpoM was
We w ant te seed te «er Meeds a beasUM
~ - - - Ü. GOLD PLATED sonaos s o t can sealers on tbe same basis a« for­ j i>res*«d in the last congress, hat was
I la calan. It it a S rsetr Or ta t eigners who suffered from like seizures {handi spped by ■ provision that the
. ___, Tee teats la rum »« is asked as s
eef f n d M k sad te carer cast el Cascarita, or s t American sailors whose ships | Colville« ehonld he paid $1,6)0,000 for
r trinket If leaded.
71# were seised by tbe Russian govsrn- ] land wh'ch t ey had previously relin-
Is »«»er. Address
' qniaheI in tb« north half.
The Taking
C old Habit
Portland Trado Directory
a m e s mmé A d d re s s « « fa P o r tl a n d d
s e n ta tiv e B u s in e s s H r m s.
P H O T O S U P P L I E S ; K odak d e v e loping a n d p r in t-
I«»; w r its for prices. W oodard, C la rk « A Co.
M AG IO L A N T K K .N S - W H ster Co..
L ow sst price* on L a n te rn s « a d »Ilde«.
The old cold goes; a new one
quickly comes. It’s the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
a tendency to consumption.
A y e r’s C h e rry P ecto ral
b rea k s up the taking-cold
habit. It strengthens, soothes,
heals. Ask your doctorabout it.
“ I h a d » te r r ib le cold, a n d n o th in g reliev e d
m e. I trie d A y e r's C h e rry P e c to ra l a nd it
p r o m p tly b ro k e u p m y c o ld , stopped m y
cough, a n d e aaed ev e ry p a rt of m y body. I t
did w o n d e rfu l w o rk fo r m e.”—M u. J . V. l u t z ,
T oledo, Ohio.
e b y J . O. A y o r Oo.» Low ell« 1
A ls o m a n u f a c tu r e rs o f
. i/ers
K e e p th e b o w e l» re g u la r w ith Ayer's
P ills, ju s t o n e pul e a c h n ig h t.
A Lively CntcM.
Mrs. 8.—And so you are leaving us,
Bridget? And what are you going to
Bridget—Please, mum, I’m going to
get married.
Mra. 8.—Dear me! Isn't that rather
sudden? Who is the happy man?
Bridget—Do you remember, mum,
me askin' you about (our weeks ago
to go to the funeral of a friend? Well,
I do be goto’ to marry tbe corpse's
husband. Sure, he told me tben I
wuz the life o’ the party.”—Harper’s
* LA ■ T IC H O & IE R Y ; S u p p o r t« » . Broca*; K n it to
m e a s u re m e n t b la n k * ; W oodard, Clark*.
H O R h U s o f all kind* for sale a t v a ry r*o*onobi«
price*, ln q d ir e 276 F r o n t BL
rH U SB Eg « . m o d a p p ro .s l: w . n i n i M
io«t difficult c a se s; W oodard, C ia rk s dt Oo.
N ot
L ik e ly
a t Is
S W E E T P E A S —S end lO c fb rp c k » . a sstd F a ir Gold
M edal peas. J . J . B u U er, H i F r o n l »treat.
A R T I F IC IA L E Y E S ; e y e ry s h a d e a n d shapw * an*
Mortmeut s s n t on a p p ro v a l; W oodard, C la rk s Oo
C R E A M S E P A R A T O R S —W s g u a ra n te e tb e U .0.
S e p a ra to r to be th e best. W rit« fo r ft— c atalog.
H azelw ood Co., F ifth a n d Oak.
M E N ’S C I/3 T H I N G — B uffum A P e n d leto n , sol«
;ent» A lfred B e n ja m in A Co.'» c o rre c t clothes.
v ery th in » in - m
e n --
’s ---------
tu ru U »hl
h lu UK*.
g s. M orrison a n d
S ix th »treats. O -----------------
pposite pos loffie*.
F R E E L A N D IN O R E G O N u n d e er r th e C a re y I rr i­
■atiuii act. Deed d ire c t from *taU
„ rit* to d ay .
te. . W
b o o k le t and m a n free. R. 8. Cook«
L’ook« A Coi, M i
A lder s tre e t, P o rtla n d , Oregon.
P O U L T R Y FOOD—I f you w a n t y o u r h e u s to la y
m ore eggs w rite us for fre* p a rticu la r« a b o u t P U ­
R IN A P o u l t r y F E E i i S - A c m T m u m co L
P o rtla n d , Oregon.
T A IL O R 8 — C o lu m b i a W oolen M ills C o.. P o rtla n d .
Ore. L atest s ty le c lo th e s m a d s to m e o s u rs c h e ap .
O ur self m e a s u r e m e n t s y s te m Insures p s n s e t fit.
W rite for free sa m p le s a n d prices.
P IA N O S A O R G A N S - O ldest piano house on Pa-
clflc coast. O rgans a n d P ia n o s on easy p a y m e n ts .
W rite for list. L e t u s q u o te you a price. A llen 4k
O ilb e rt-R sm a k e r Co., P o rtla n d , O i S J o i
Oregon H e rb s -S p e c lflc for all K id n e y a n d B lad d er
troubles. Cure# B A C K A C H E . P rice 50c. T ria l
for 10c- ln »OunPA b e n d today.
A u j j t h i r d o t.
H u m a n H a ir G o ods-H w ltcheo, Pom padour*. M e«’«
TouDees a nd W igs beet q u a l i t y ; lo w e s t prices |
send for Iree price lis t: m a ll o rd e rs a sp e cia lty .
P a r ts H a ir 8 to rs, «M W a s h in g t o n d t. E m i n *
B U i 5 E 2 X ;
K m —A s s a y e r a n d C b o m l *
L e a d v llle, C olorado. (Specimen p ric e s: Gold.
S ilv e r, Lead, f l ; Gold, Htlvcr, 75c: Gold, 50c; Z in c o r
• ! ; Q y ssld o te sts. M ailing e n v e lo p e s a n d
fall price lis t s e n t o n a p p lic a tio n . C ontrol a n d U rn-
i i o n a i B a n k ^ 0*1^
' le fe re n c e : C a rb o n a te N r
W ell D rillin g M acfcliw ry.
D rillin g A E ish in g T o n te .
I rr ig a tio n P la n t,H y d r a u ­
lic R a m s , S p r a y P u m p s .
W rite Ua
182-4-6 M o rr ls o o S t.
P o rtla n d
O reg o n
m u c o u s s u r f a c e s o f t h e s y s te m . T h e y o f f e r o n e
h u n d r e d d o l l a r s f o r a n y c a s e I t f a ils t o c u r e .
S e n d f o r c i r c u l a r s a n d t e s t im o n ia l s .
A d d re ss,
F J . C H E N E Y A C O .,T o l e d o , O
B o ld b y D r u g g i s t s , 75c.
H a l l e F a m il y P i l l s a r e t h e b e s t.
E scap s.
Henry Vignaud, secretary of the
American Embassy at Paris, enjoys
telling of an American who was being
shown the tomb of Napoleon. As the
loquacious guide referred to the va­
rious points of interest In connection
with the tomb, the American evinced
the greatest interest in all that was
“This immense sarcophagus,” de­
claimed the guide, “weighs forty tons.
Inside of that, sir, is a steel receptacle
weighing twelve tons, and Inside of
that Is a leaden casket, hermetically
sealed, weighing over two tons. Inside
of that rests a mahogany coffin con­
taining the remains of the greut man.”
For a moment the American was
silent, aa if In deep meditation. Then
he said:
“It seems to me that you’ve got him
all right. If he ever gets out, cable
me at my expense.”—Success Magazine.
R ep re­
S tJ a c o b s O il
W h y a c c e p t a lo w e r r a t e o f I n t e r e s t fro m
s a v in g s b a n k s w h e n w e o w n a n d o t te r f o r s a ls
f-ifiO.nuo of t h e $l,QUO,ot)0 ls« u e o f t h e M o n n t
H o o d E l e c t r ic Co. ( P o r t l a n d , O re g o n ) 20 y e a r
G o ld B o n d s , p a y i n g 5 p e r c e n t , s e c u r e d b y a
F i r s t M o rtg a g e o n $9,000.000 w o r t h o f p r o p e r t y .
S a f e s t I n v e s t m e n t a v a il a b le . W rite f o r p a r ­
t ic u l a r « .
S a n P ra n c ie c e , C a l.
for many, many years haa cured
and continue« to curs
P ric e , 2 5 c .
P I T A P e r m a n e n tly C ured. N o fits or n e rv o u sn e ss
I I I d a fte r first d a y ’s u se o f D r.K lin e ’s G r e a t N e rv e
R e sto re r. S end for F r e e A S tria l b ottle a nd tre a tise .
D r. K . H . K lin e, L t d .,931 A rc h S t.. P h ila d e lp h ia , Pa.
B rtslc
T rad e
S erm o n s.
The wife of a Philadelphia clergy­
man recently sold a box of waste pa­
per to a ragman, says Success Maga­
zine. In the box were a lot of manu­
script sermons of her husband’s. A
month or so thereafter, the ragman
again came around, and asked If the
lady had any more sermons to sell.
“I have some waste paper,” said she,
“but why should you particularly want
“Well, mum, you see I did so well
with them that I got here a month ago.
I got sick up in Altoona, and a preach­
er there boarded me and my horse for
a couple of weeks for that box of ser­
mons, because I hadn’t any money.
Since then he’s got a great reputation
In those parts as a preacher. I’ll give
ten centa a pound for all you have.”
For Infant* and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
N e e d le « «
S u p rem e
T a k e L A X A T IV E H K O M O Q uInln. Tablet«. Drm
gists re fu n d m o n ey If It fa i s to cure. I
Drt f .
U R O V E ’S s ig n a tu re 1 b o n e a c h box. 25c.
R e q u e s t.
i t is frequently though wrongfully applied
to many substitutes. You went the genOe
/A A o Look for the 5iyi of the fish and
tbe n ew Tower on the buttons,
B a rg a in .
“I admit,” said the merchant, who
bad advertised for an assistant, “that
your experience lu business might make
you a valuable man. But the salary
you ask Is a good deal of money Just
(or your experience.”
“Well,” replied the man who had
seen better days, “I assure you I’m of­
fering my experience to you for less
than It cost me.”—Philadelphia Press.
M o th e r « w i l l A n d a -'. W in s lo w ’« S o o t h in g
R y ru p th e b ent re m e d y t o m e lo r th e ir c h U d re n
d u r i n g t h e t e e t h i n g p e r io d .
S e c re t
“I have come, sir,” said the young
man, as he entered the library, “to
aak you to give me your daughter's
“Why,” rejoined the surprised par­
ent, “when I came through the hall
about an hour ago it waa in your pos­
C o u rt.
Ascum—I think It’s a splendid op­
portunity for you. What are you go­ T H t t f c l S N O . S f f i » ,
ing to do about It?
Henpeck—I haven’t the slightest SLICKER L I K E ’^ 5 ?
f o r ty >vari o and after many years
Ascum—But surely you can give an of use on the eastern coast. Tower’s
Waterproof Oiled Coots were introduced
Henpeck—O, gracious! No, my wife in the West «nd were called Slickers by
always hands down tbe opinion.— the pioneers «nd cowboys. This graphic
Philadelphia Preas.
name has come into such geierel use that
O u t.
“How do you manage to distinguish
between rheumatism and gout, doc­
tor?” queried the medical student.
“By consulting the hooks,” replied
the eminent physician.
“By consulting the books!” echoed
the embryo M. D.
“Yes,” answered the eminent physi­
cian. *‘I look up tbe patient's rating
with the commercial agencies. See?”
Dr. C. Gee Wo
T ills w o nderful C hi­
nese D octor Is c a lle d
g rea t because he c u re s
people w ith o u t o p e ra ­
tio n th a t a re g iv en up
to die. H e c u re s w ith
those w o nderful C hi­
nese herbs, roots, buds,
h a rk s a nd vegetable»
th a t are e n tire ly un­
know n to m ed ical scl-
enee In th is c o u n try . T b ro u g n .h e use o . «no#»
h a rm le s s rem e d ie s th is fam ous d o c to r know s
tiie action o f o v e r 50U differen t re m e d ie s w hich
he sueceH S ltilly uses In dlfferen . diseases. H e
L U iira n te eH to c u re c ata rrh . a s th m a , lung, ih r at,
r h e u m a tis m ,'n e rv o u s n e s s, sto m a c h , liv e r; k d-
n* ys, e tc .; h a s h u i d r - d * of te e tim n n la la
« b a rg e s m oderate. Call a n d see him . Patl< n ts
out of th e c ity w rite for h la u k r a n d c r e n ie ra
Mend »tam p. CON.sU L T A T lO N F R E E .
1 6 2 '* F irst St.» S. f . Cor. M orrisoa
M ention paper.
W. L. D ouglas
* 3M&*3^SHOESa
Prove It
By the Oven Fire
W . L . D o u g la s * 4 .0 0 O llt E d g e L in a
c a n n o t ba equalled a t a n y p rica .
Pnt the wonderful K C Bik­
ing Powder to the te$L Get a
can on approval. Your money
will be returned il you don’t
agree that all we claim is true.
You’ll be delighted with the de­
licious, wholesome things that
b a k in g
K V/
, X J! T0W M C0..50ST0K. MASS, U.S. A.
will bring to life in your oven.
K C Baking Powder is two-
thirds cheaper and makes purer,
better, more healthful food than
otherpowders anywhere near
K C Quality. 25 ounces for
25 cents. Get it to-day I
JA Q U F.S M F C . C O .
W. L. DO i
MF u r i
MA mu, m
SIT** ***
■ p 000
■ TB . *?
1 ^^^^■•tetenNR.I...
Wnd a p o s ta l t e t
look or I’reaan
If I c o u ld t a k e y o u I n to m y t h r e e la r g o t e d o r tee
a t B r o c k to n , M a m ., a n d s h o w y o u t h e in fin ite
c a r e w i t h w h ic h e v e r y p a ir o f sh o e « 1« m a d e , y o u
w o u ld r e a liz e w h y W . L . D o u g la s f j . 8 0 ( M a t
c o e t m o re to m a k a , w h y t h e y h o ld t h e i r s h a p a ,
f it b e tt a r , w e a r lo n g e r , a n d a r a o f g r e a ts «
I n tr in s ic v a lu e t h a n a n y o t h e r $ J . M »hoe.
A nd dot tig d e n ta l. w o rk a ll th * tim e —t h a t l*
tb* r w i r t of Dr W A. Win*. In ou r ww
ta b lls h m e n t or« e x p e rt d*nti«t* w b* mrm
c o m p e l* lit to p e rfo rm th* m m t I m p o rta n t
d e n ta l o p e ra tio n « . N o m a tte r lh* n a lu r*
of th * w o rk , th*r* 1« a m a n h e r* to d o IL
W. L. DOltiLAM, Hrocktoa, Mass.
DR. H. A. ATI* RDF. V A N T . Speclall«! Ml
C h ild re n '« T e e th a n d R egulating.
W«rk Dmt m Weekly *■4 ***tkhr f * r n « t i
C A U T I O N . —I n s is t n p o n h a v in g W L H o n f
la s sh o e s. T a k e n o s u b s titu te . N o n e g e n u in e
w ith o u t hi» n a m e a n d p r ic e s ta m p e d o n b o tto m .
F ast Color F a rig ts umsH ; th*v mill s e t w ear brassp.
W rite fo r I l l u s t r a t e d C a ta lo g .
F a ilin g B id»., T h ird a nd W a sh in g to n flu .
So. tn. to » p. m. S u n d a y * •
JULY « |» r * ■
C apital * 2,504001
P. N. U.
on. f. p. wise.
N e. 11
* l V U K Jf w H tl n g t o a d v e r tis e r « p le n a « I
m e n tio n th is p
■ n p e r.