tocata ADVERTISE The article you have to sell, it pay» you os well a» us and remember if you are not a subscriber, a cordial invita­ tion is extended you to be­ come one now, or sooner..... P U B L IS H E D $1—YEAR NO. 2 op VO L. IN T H E IN T E R E S T OP E S T A C A D A A N D CIT Y OFFICIAL DIRECTO RY M ayor Cranberries I5cts a q t “A. B. Soap Good in Hot or Cold None better made at 5c a cake Crystal White For anyone wanting a white C » « f a ir a Laundry soap, unexcelled O VtHU» Cloves for work or dress We have a large supply on hand. Can surely fit and please you We are agents for Byers’ Best Blue Ribbon Flour F R E E D E L I V E R Y TO A L L P A R T S O F TOW N R eed & B arr THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n s a c ts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Capital, $6,000.00 Money to Loan on Real Estate INSURANCE ✓ This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you hare Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind W . A. H EYLM AN , Cashier. Christmas P re se n ts J . W. Road W. K. HavtlandSr C. F. Howe E F. Surface W. F Cary Marshal Have you bought it? Attorney Heyltnan was a busi­ ness visitor in town Tuesday. Mr. Barksdale and family have moved to a town in Washington. Mrs H. Cooper is much better again after quite a severe illness. The Estacada W. M. Co. shipped a car of railroad ties to Denver yes­ terday. Tonsorial Artist Richards has had his barber shop fitted up with a bath tub. We want two houses and lots, must be cheap. We have custom­ ers.— Bank of Estacada Ida and May Harkenrider came out from Portland last Sunday to spend some time at home. J. L . Bates purchased of H H. Eyman the latter's two lots and residence on Currin street. Ladies’ sewing done to order by Miss Gertrude Morrow, at her home corner Shafford and Fifth. The factory of the Estacada Wood Manufacturing Co. is again opera, ing in full capacity. Will the person who has the key to the “ Reed” hall please return it to me, and oblige—R. A. Stratton. Contractor Boner is superintend­ ing the building of the addition to H. Cooper and Co’s furniture store. W. Gehrkens, a first class Ger- man-Swiss watch maker, has opened a shop in H. Cooper s furniture store. R. A. Statton sold 3 lots in Zo­ brist addition to A. G . Rudolph. Consideration $150. Very nice lo­ cation. D E C E M B E R 14, 1905. glo ves Fine weather. The News’ printing facilities are better than ever. John Goble Dead. Abstracts of Title made A s a result of a fractureed scull, received by a huge boulder which Dimick & Dimick, Mgrs. rolled down the bank where he was O reg o n C it y O r e g o n working on the dam of the O. W. P. R y C o., at Caz.adero. Decem­ ber 5, John Goble, of Springwater, If it wasn’ t for selfishness most died yesterday, Dec. 8th at 11.3 0 0 ' of us would_be—vapor, Dr Smith and Banker Heyltnan clock at Good Samaritan Hospital paid their last respects to the late His bod>' was taken in charKe by Senator J. H. Mitchell Tuesday by Coroner Finley. The latter commu­ attendance at the funeral ceremo- nicated with Coroner Holman, of Clackamas County', in whose terri­ tory the accident occured. It was Drayman \V. A. Jones, of the decided that no in piest was neces­ pioneer livery feed stable, has add- sary, and funeral arrangements are ed a fine new top buggy to his out­ to be made later. Gobel was aged fit, and is prepared to answer any 33 years.— Oregon City Enterprise. calls, day or night. Young Mr. Goble’s home was in The Union Sunday school of Es- the Springwater country. He leaves taca(ja wjn hold their Chistmas ex ­ an aged father, who is now alone ercises, which will he a song service in the world, to mourn his death. and bible reading, Saturday even­ The remains were taken to Ore­ ing Dec. 23rd in the school house. gon City, the former home of the R. A. Stratton agent for the O. deceased, and buried in the St. W. P. T. C o., offers for sale a very- Johns Catholic cemetery. Much Mrs. D. C. Crane has on display nice house and three lots at a bar­ sadness attaches to this death from a new stock of Kristinas toys and gain. House bran new, 4 rooms the fact that an invalid father has presents—just what the children down stairs and large upstairs been left alone with no near rela­ want. tive to care for him. Call at once, it will go quick. D. Clinton Heylman has taken The Cary Cash Hardware is ar­ up a permanent residence in Port­ ranging to build a large addition to Sheriff Shaver A Good Collector land, and will conduct a real estate the present store buiding. The ad­ Sheriff Shaver in the collection of office there. dition will bejused as a warehouse , taxes on the roll of 1904 has estab- During the month of November and will lie situated across the alley.1 lished a record in this county, hav- Vetsch & Sons, of Boring, paid an on the company,s lot which fronts ing collected within $5000 of the average of 29 cents a pound for on Zobrist street. total roll which originally aggregat- butter fat for use at their creamery. The Estacada Brick & Tile Com- ed $223,000. The delinquent roll See ad. pany has sixteen men employed at j that is now being prepared will not Our City Treaurer John T . Page its factory at present Clay is being , represent more than $4,500 in un- went over to Gladstone, Monday put in thh large drying shed to dry paid taxes.— Oregon City Enter- morning, and remained a few days before it is made into brick. The prise. doing repair work on his residence two burning sheds will be complet­ Spedal Sale of C ity Lots prop*. rty. ed in a few days now. Judge Cleland of the State Cir­ We are authorized by the pres­ Big Month for Office cuit Court has handed down an o- ident of the O. W. P Townsite Co. pinion in the case of Boring Junc­ County Clerk Greenman reports to say that, for 30 days from this tion Lbr. Co. vs. J. W. Roots which that the receipts of his office for the date business lots on Main Street is in favor of Mr. Roots. month of November aggregated will lie sold at $300.00 each. Pro­ A. Morrow has a crew of men at $775.40. This is the largest sum vided however that the purchaser work getting out 150 pileing for the in fees received in a single month erect a suitable building on such O. W. P. & Ry. Co. to be used at in the history of the office. Much lot so purchased. Now is your their docks in Portland. Mr. Mor- of the receipts came as fees from chance to get in at a price that will row is getting the pileing out of the the circuitcourt which held its semi- not be quoted you again, T h e E sta ca d a S t a t e B a n k . park along the railroad near town, annual’session during the month.— Local Agents. II. Cooper began the erection last Oregon Ciiy Enterprise, week, of an addition 24 by 30 feet Eagle Creek to the rear of the furniture store. The basket party given by Eagle This addition will be occupied by the business that is conducted in Creek grange last week was a suc- The grange netted $43.25 the building just south of the fur­ cess. Baskets sold for $ 1 to $4.50 Near­ niture store. BO R IN G , O R E Vetsch & Sons who operate a | ly 300 people were present, and an interesting literary program was creamery at Boring, have an ad in 1 H IGH EST P R IC E PAID FOR The News, and solicit all the cream rendeted, after which a number en- direct from the records The only real Holiday stock of goods in the city. You can get presents from 5cts up to any price. Come in and see what we have in Furniture Line that make the best of presents H. Cooper & Co. 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Cords of good fir wood for sale at the right price— The Bank of Esta­ A. 1 Shingles, the best made cada. The Bank of Estacada. CREAM to VETSCH & SONS, they can get from the farmers along 8aKed ln dancing, the line. They pay the highest Genial fellow-citizens Mr. and possible price for all good cream j Mrs. John Githens report that they and butterfat. | have a number wild Mallard ducks A New Line at Mrs. Crane’s ' Just the articles for Christmas Presents Special prices on Reliable Goods Towle’s Maple Syrup Crystal White Towle Cane Syrup Towle’s Cooking Molasses Fancy Cream Rolled Oats Fancy Cream Rolled Wheat Tillamook Cream Cheese Royal Club & Fountain Canned Goods Toilet Soaps Laundry Soaps Three Heart Naptha Golden Star Lenox Headquarters for Olympic Flour C. F. HOWE HOMES! Want one? Conductor Lebreque and Motor- man King have the honor of mak ing the fastest run ever made be- tween Cazadero and Portland. For- ty-seven minutes was the running time, and it was made for the pur- pose of getting John Goble to med- ical assistance. and son,e wild Keese tl,at have 001110 to their farm and have taken up a home wdb tbe domestic fowl at the farnl- Good place to hunt, Apple Trees for StiC I w ain vs foa Near Estacada and enjoy yourself This land is adjacent to the town and is well adapted to fruit growing and gardening. Write or call on David Bridenstme, Estacada, — Oregon Going to Build? If you are Let us figure with you on the LIMBER We turn out Rough and Dressed Lumber of all kinds, delivered at prices that will please. Everything needed in the way of building material —— Springwater Mill Co. Call on or address our agent Allan Cooke, p a n s ano « uoiaiioim Shoes It will be sold in large or small pieces TH E P R IC E IS W ITHIN TH E REACH OF A LL SOLD Shoes Then bay one of those Acre Tracts B U TTER, CREAM , & MILK and HATS during Holidays eeaeæessaaEKË B U TTER F A T BO UGH T glo ves l-adie*. and Misses’ Red Jersey and Driving Gloves Three bids were presented to the j The improvement of Zobrist street city council, Tuesday evening, for was also talked over. Severel bills the work to be done on Fourth St. w re allowed and ordered paid, in- Al. Dindsey’s bid for the wood con- eluding a bill of $572 for furnishing struction and furnishing was $ 115 . 1 lumber for the streets, from T. A. Morrow offered to do the grad- Yocum & Sons. On motion, Coun- ing for $125 . or 25c a cubic yard. , cilrnan E . F. Surface was appointed Wm. Delapp would da the work for a committee of one to formulate a $ 4 ° *f the city would furnish the reply to the article in Sunday’ s Or- m iterial. On motion the bids were egonion of Dec. 10th, headed: “ A laid over till some future date. A Trip to a 'Frontier Settlement’ spirited discussion was indulged in j Near Portland,” which is consid- [ with reference to building a plank ered a slur on the city cf Estacada, drive-way from Main and Second and an insult to the citizens of the | streets to the Clackamas bridge, place. Money loaned on real and chattel security THE NEW S $1 A Y E A R The City Council Thinks The Oregonian Should Stand Corrected OREGON CITY TRUST CO. Your home print sliop by getting your printing done at home. Every f spent in this way is reflected in the improvement of the shop. Satisfaction guaranteed........ R IC H E S T P A R T OP O REGO N SHIP YOUR That please the Young and old 1,000 I 1 Aldermen > Fine, Fresh and Crisp A new lot, just arrived at E A S T E R N C I.A C K A M A S C O U N T Y, T H E E S T A C A D A , O REGO N, T H U R S D A Y , 2 îStvm PATRONIZE Oregon ! Estacada Gents’ Underwear* Specially low prices are given on these goods for a short time Two year old apple trees of choice fall and winter varieties for sale WE C AR R Y A CO M PLETE H. H. Eyman and family left the ’ cheap, V. Lingelbacb, Estacada, I have just put in a stock of ready made shoes for men. Waterproof, j city Sunday. They go to Kelso. Ore. high cut shoes, the best sold any- \ Washington where Mr. Eyman will where. I can fit you in quality j establish himself in business. We Farmers, Attention and price Call and see. are sorry to see them leave Estaca- Please bring your hides and pelts SHOES MADE TO ORDER da but hope they may be able to int„ Estacada, Friday, Dec. 22. I lietter their condition in the new will pay the highest cash prices. J. R. Townsend, • - Piace- 1 —D. F. W A R N E R . ESTACADA, O regon Springwater L IN E OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE And everything the farmer wants—Farm Machinery, Plows, Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions ....W. J. Lewellen..... • Oregon