THAT DO NOT HEAL Ì ■Humorous W henever a sore or nicer does not heal, no matter on what part o f the body it m ay be, it is because o f a poisoned condition o f the blood. This poison may be the remains o f some constitutional trouble; the effect o f a lon g spell o f sickness, which has left this v ita l stream polluted and weak, or because the natural refuse m atter o f the body, which should pass off through the channels o f nature, has been left in the system and absorbed into the circulation. I t does not matter how the poison became intrenched in the blood, the fact that the sore is there and does not heal is evidence of a deep, underlying cause. There is nothing that causes more discomfort, worry and anxiety than a festering, discharging old sore that resists treat­ ment. The very sight o f it is abhorrent and suggests pollution and disease ; besides the tim e and attention required to keep it clean and free from other Infection. A s it lingers, slow ly eating deeper into the surrounding flesh, the Sufferer grows m orbidly anxious, fearing it may be cancerous. Some o f those afflicted with an old sore or have had a orippled foot a ll m y life, ulcer know how useless it is to e x ­ w I h ich oompelled ms to use a brace. B y pect a cure from salves, powders, lo­ some unaccountable m ean s th is brace caused a ba d Uloer on m y leg, about s ix tions and other external treatment. years ago. I h ad good m edical atten ­ b u t the U lc e r got w orse . __________ I w a s in - Through the use o f these they have tion, _________________________ ,een the place begin to heal and scab over, and were congratulating them- t h» t it s » v s d m y I s « fo r me. I have. a r » » < f.lth In 8. 8. 8. end selves that they would soon be rid of g therefore, la d ly recommend it to a ll n eed ing a the detestable thing, when a fresh re lia b le blood medicine. Bristol, V a .-T e n n . W . J. C A T E . supply of poison from the blood would cause the inflammation and old discharge to return and the sore would be as bad or worse than before. Sores that do not heal are not due to out­ side causes; if they were, external treatment would cure them. They are kept open because the blood is steeped in poison, which finds an outlet through these places. W hile young people, and even children, sometimes suffer with non-healing sores, those most usually afflicted are persons past middle life. Often, with them, a wart or mole on the face inflames and be­ gins to ulcerate from a little rough handling ; or a deep, offensive ulcer de­ velops from a slight cut or bruise. Their vital energies and powers of re­ sistance have grown less, and circulation weaker, and perhaps some taint in the blood, which was held In check by their stronger constitutions of early life, shows itself. It is well to be sus- picious of any sore that does not heal readily, because the same germ that produces Cancer is back of every old £ore nml ° " ’ y needs to be left in the ™ ™ w circulation to produce this fatal disease. P lip r i V V P r P T A R I r There is only one way to cure these old • U n u L T « C u l l I H D L t , sores and ulcers, and that is to get every particle of the poison out of the blood. For this purpose nothing equals E-. S. S. It goes down to the very bottom of the trouble, cleanses the blood and makes a permanent cure. S. S. S. enriches and freshens the circulation so that it carries new, strong blood to the diseased parts and allows the place to heal naturally. When this is done the discharge ceases, the sore scabs over and fills in with healthy flesh, and the skin regains it;s natural color. Book on Sores and ulcers and any medical advice desired w ill be furnished without charge. JH £ S WIFT SPECIFIC C O .. ATLANTA. C A . P r o p h e s ie d T e d d y 's G re a tn e s s. In P it A r r a y . More entertaining, perhaps, and equally interesting, are the anecdotes which are told about our President by the Mlnkwitz family. Frau Fischer distinctly recollects that once she prophesied the future greatness of young Teddy. She says: ‘‘One day I had a conversation with Mrs. Roose­ velt, who said to me, ‘I wonder what is going to become of my Teddy?1 I replied, ‘You need not be anxious •bout him. He will surely be one day a great professor, or, who knows, he may become even President o f the United States.’ Mrs. Roosevelt re­ buked me. She said such a thing was impossible, and asked how I coudd have struck upon such an absurdity. But, perhaps on account of my impul­ sive remark, I have since continually watched Theodore Roosevelt’s career, and have always been glad when he has made a step forward In the world.” — From “ Roosevelt’s German Days,” In Success Magazine. Talk as one will on the vanity of clothes, the consciousness of being well dressed has something of mitral force In i t “ Brush your lmlr and thing! won’t look so bad,” was the wise coun­ sel given by a friend to a woman whose husband had lost his money. The little child In E. J. Hardy’s “ Manners Makyth Man" hit on this great truth when she replied to her mother, who was reproving her. “ O Katie, why can’t you be a good little girl? See Julia, now; bow nice she is. Why can’t you be as good ns she?” “ P ’r’aps I could, mama,” answered Katie, “ if my dress had little pink bows all over It.” W e ll P a rrie d . "W hat passed between yourself and the complainant?” inquired the magis­ trate In a county court. “ I think, sor,” replied the worthy Mr. O’Brien, "a half dozen bricks and a lump of pav­ ing stone.” In "Irish L ife and Hu­ mor” Mr. William Harvey gives an­ other anecdote of the Irishman's readi­ ness in the court of law. “ Now, Pat,” said a magistrate to an old offender, “ what brought you here again?” “T w o policemen, sor,” was the la­ conic reply. "Drunk, I suppose?" queried the magistrate. “ Yes, sor.” said Pat, “ both av thirn.” K C Baking Powder. A popular and efficient baking pow­ der requires two things— first, that the food made with it shall be absolutely wholesome; second, that it shall be sold at a reasonable price. K C Baking Powder, made by the Jacques Mfg. Company, ot Chicrgo, is the beat example of such a baking pow­ der at present on the market. K C is sold everywhere under a $500,000 guarantee of its healthfulness and pur­ G ot W h a t He A sk e d for. ity. Its price, one cent an ounce, is “ Say,” queried the alleged funny most reasonable for a high-grade bak­ man, as he entered the butcher shop, ing powder, and millions of pounds of K C have been sold at this figure al1 “ what’s pork worth a yard?” “ F ifty cents,” answered the butch­ over the country. er. “ Well, I'll take a yard,” said the A. G ot I t from H e r. ’ “ Your husband,” said the talkative F. M., tossing a half-dollar on the man, “ has such a mild disposition. I counter. The butcher pocketed the coin and suppose be inherited it from his moth­ handed the customer three pig’s feet. er.” “ Say, what are you giving me?” "No,” replied Mrs. Henpeck, with set Jaw, “ I think I can safely say It was asked the party of the funny part, In­ , part of my dowry.”— Philadelphia dignantly. “ A yard o f pork—Just what you ask­ Press. ed for,” replied the butcher. “ Thr3a On the occasion of a cyclist’s wedding feet make a yard, you know.” St Epping, near London, the other day The central markets of Paris ase mors the bride and bridegroom rode to church on aingls machines and returned on a than $60,000 worth of baskets every year., tandem. iiiMiuiüina ÀVcgctable Preparationfor A s ­ similating the Food andEegula- ting the Stomachs and Bowels o f CASTORIA For Infants and Children. [The Kind You Have Always Bough? Bears the l M A N l s / < HI LDKI . N Promotes Digestion.Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. N o t N a r c o t ic . Signature of ttfo u n -s . Aperteci Remedy forConstlpa Hon. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and L o s s o r S l e e p . Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. { j Dusts - EXACT COPY QTI I sis In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Tommy— Have you met the new teacher yet? Teddy— Yee; after icbool this noon. He won.— Ex. “ Say, father, what la a ’nobody?” ’ "A nobody, my sou, la a prominent woman's husband.” — Washington Life. Teas— Do you think Marie's photo­ graphs do her justice? Bess— Yee; Justice tempered with mercy.— Detroit Tribune. Youngwed— I want accommodations for my wife. Hotel Clerk— Suite? Youngwed— You bet your life she is.— Washington Life. Rejected Suitor— I may be poor now. but there w h s a time when I rode in my carriage. The Girl— Yes, when your mother pushed it.— Grit. “ Paw, la It true that death loves a shining mark?” " I suppose so. Why?” "Nothing, only I should think you'd feel a good deal safer if you wore a wig.” — Chicago Tribune. Firat Old Maid— This census report says there are 3,000,000 bachelors in the United States. Second Old Maid— Yea, and the meun old thing doesn't give their address either.— Washington Life. Plggmus— To tell the truth, we have to treat our cook as a member of the family. Dlsmukes— Great Scott! That would never go in our house. We have to treat ours as a visitor.— Washington Life. A1 de Mustard— Your wife's costume to-night is charming. It simply beg­ gars description. Justin de Bunch— And that reminds me o f a conundrum — why am I like a description.— Scis­ sors. McCush— Is this true that I hear----- De Mush— That I ’m engaged? Yes. Congratulate me! McCush— I can’t congratulate you on marrying any girl who is fool enough to want you.— Cleveland Leader. “ Mrs. Spudsworth, It seems to me,” said Mrs. Oldcastle, "is rather inclined to loquacity.” “ Still," replied her host­ ess, as she straightened the $1,900 rug, “ for a person as tall as her it ain't so bad as though she was shorter.” — Chi­ cago Record-Herald. “ That’s an auction piano your daughter's got, isn’t it?” asked the sar­ castic woman next door. “ No, Indeed!” replied the proud mother Indignantly. “ What made you think that?” “ Oh, probably because it’s 'going, going, go­ ing,’ all the time.” — Philadelphia Ledger. Hi Tragedy— Hamm made his debut as a star last night, and I hear his audience was very cold. Lowe Com­ edy— Yes, they were at first Hi Trag­ edy— Ah! only at first? Lowe Com­ edy— Yes; then they remembered that they had paid to get In, and they got hot.— Catholic Standard. Mrs. Ikkl— I wish you wouldn’t be such a tight-wad! I haven't a thing to wear. Mr. Ikki— Blinkin’ Borealis! Why, woman, you have the finest seal coat in two degrees of latitude! Mrs. Ikki— And what of it? There goes Mrs. Blubberton swaggering around in a real sealette coat with plush trim­ mings!— Puck. “ No,” said Miss Wlnthrop-Bradley Winthrop, “ your ancestors did not come over in the ’Mayflower,’ as mine did, and I cannot marry you!” “ Do you know why they did not?” replied Mr. Johnstone Smythe de .tones. “ Well, I ’ll tell you. They were not the kind of people who travel on excursions.” Saying which he strode haughtily from the room.— Washington Life. A man who was “ wanted" by the police hud been photographed in six different positions, and the pictures were duly circulated among the police. The chief of police in a country town wrote to police headqunrters of the city in search of the malefactor a few days after the set of portraits had been Issued as follows: “ I duly received the pictures of the six miscreants whose capture is desired. I have arrested five of them, and the sixth is under obser­ vation and will be secured shortly.” K ills D e e r w it h F ist. “ A few weeks ago, Just before I left for Denver, we had venison for dinner which our cook killed with his fist. Game Is so plentiful that all one haa to do Is to stand on his back porch and use a revolver to obtain almost anything In the way of meat that one could wlph for.” H. W. Long, vice president of the Denver-Honduras Banana Company, was telling o f the attractions of bis Honduras home, says the Philadelphia Public Ledger. “ The manner In which our cook ob­ tained the venison was this,” contin­ ued Mr. Long. "W e had been having high water In the river which flows through our plantation, and one morn­ ing our cook noticed a herd of half a dozen deer swimming across It. He jumped Into a canoe and killed one with a blow of his fist. However, deer are not the only game which we have a chance to try a shot at. “ Leopards, alligators, beautiful trop­ ical birds of every description, snakes of wonderful hues, are all numerous. W ild docks can be secured In plenty— a few hours' shooting brought me fifty the other day— and parrots, which make excellent eating, having moch the flavor o f squabs, are also plenti­ ful.” E n lla b t e n ln g the L a n d la d y . > ♦ ♦ ♦ < »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ■ 1 1 n i n n i * A HOPELESS LAND. j Caste la a great aocial organisation which governs and directs the Hindu of India In every action of his daily life. There are four fundamental di­ visions of casts— the priestly or Brah­ min, the warrior, the trading, and the laboring; and these, agalnfl are divid­ ed Into sub-sections numbering thou­ sands. Below tbs laboring caste there Is a aubstratum which la termed Pa rlah or outcast. The Pariah, says the author of “ Indian Life In Town and Country," Is not much more than a sanitary machine which performs the functions of a scavenger. All these castes are hereditary. A priest's son Is a priest, a soldier's a soldier, a carpenter's a carpenter, a scavenger’s a scavenger. There Is no question of "W h at shall we do with our boys?” In Hinduism; that problem has been solved In advance tor two thousand ysara. For a Aire to start his son In any other calling thun bis own would be "agqlnst his caste,” and there all argument ends. For caste Is both social and religious, and In­ cludes the calling as well as the creed. A Hindu cannot change hit caste, al­ though he may be expelled from It; his social status Is fixed forever at the time of hts birth, and he can only fall, never rise. This has tended to make the Hindus an ambltlonless race. Caste will admit no infusion of new blood, and when the same exclusive spirit Is Imported Into the ordinary dealings of life, you arrive at that stag­ nant conservatism which is called “ custom" In the East. Caste Is restricted to the Hindus, but custom Is universal. There Is the Indian peasant's plow. The overwhelm­ ing majority of the Inhabitants of In­ dia are dependent on the laud, and their crops would be much Increased by better methods of cultivation. The plow In use Is an Implement which merely scratches the surface of the earth— an heirloom from remotest antiquity. A new plow was Introduc­ ed by an enterprising firm of manufac­ turers, and lent free for trial broad­ cast over a province. It did the work mors thoroughly, and was offered at a price within the peasant's means. But It did not “ catch on,” stmpiy because the plowman could not get at his bul­ locks' tails to twist them. The ► perior tillage, the Increase of crop, could not compensate for the relin­ quishment o f this ttme-honoicd cus­ tom. There was a contractor engaged In a railway excavation, who recognized that the soil could be far more expedi­ tiously removed in wheelbarrows than carried away in baskets on the heads of coolies. So he Invested in some wheelbarrows and showed how they were to be trundled, and flattered him­ self upon having introduced a useful reform. The next time he visited his works he found his men putting a lit­ tle dust into the wheelbarrows and car­ rying them away on their heads. The paraphernalia of Indian dally life all belongs to the barbarous ages. Attempt to introduce uny other and you are rebuffed with the reply, “ It Is not the custom. My father used this article, and therefore It Is my duty to us# it. Would you have me set myself up for a wiser man than my revered parent?” Thus is stifled all attempt at reform. There is not the excuse of Ignorance. M£Jth the superior model before him the native deliberately rejects it. He is not to be beguiled by any demon stratlon; he Is too completely crusted with conservatism and prejudice. M O TH ER 'S DAY. H e r B ig Boy W a s H er A tten tiv e Bean fo r the A ftern oon . "A w fu lly sorry I can't stop to see you, old man,” said Harold Massey. He wae locking the office door on a Saturday afternoon. Tom Griggs, for whom also it was “ early closing.” bad come round to have a little chat and perhaps a leisurely lunch at the club. "I'm going to take mother to the matinee,” said Harold, as they walked along together. "So I ’ve promised to put in an appearance at lunch.” "Oh, telephone her, and say you’re not coming,” said Tom. “ She's got her ticket, hasn't she?” “ What? Mother? No. It's here in my pocket, if I haven't lost It.” “ Well, you’re a duffer. Why didn't you see she had the ticket and let her meet you? My sister's going with me this afternoon, but she meets me In the lobby, and glad enough of the chance. Work It better next time. See you there, maybe.” They parted, Tom for his comfort­ able luncheon at the club and a half hour’s chat with a man he knew, and Harold to go home. His mother met him In the hall. She was a little old Indy with white hair and a happy face. She was opening a big box of violets. “ A gentleman's card,” said she. pursing her lips like a girl. “ Who can It be?” She read the name. “ 'Mr. Harold Manney.'” Then she laughed, and Harold laughed. It was an old drama between them. “ Like ’em, mother?” asked Harold. " I guess I do,” she responded, sparkling. " I ahall wear 'em.” Harold ran upstaira to dresa. and came down renplendent. When he and his mother left the house for their a ft­ ernoon they were, he told her, “ as lino a couple as ever walked down Beacon street.” He carried her opera glaases and fan, and she wore the violets. He helped her gallantly over a puddle. “ Harold.” said she, "you're a splen­ did beau!” "You're a splendid girl, mother!' said Harold.—Youth'* Companion. M e d ic in e A yer’s Cherry Pectoral Is nor a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor’s medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu- risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about thia. “ I hare na t th h e c o n s titu tio n aud a s s is tin ig g n a tu r e in to d < 1 .- o 1 in II g K i__ ______ ______ p r o p r ie to r s h a v e so m u c h f a im in ita curative p o w e rs t h a t t h e y o ffe r o n e H u n d re d Dollars to r a n y case t h a t i t ta ils to c u re. B en d lor list o f te s tim o n ia ls . A d d ress. F. J . C H E N E Y A CO., T o le d o , O. S o ld b y d ru g g is ts , 75c. H a ll's F a m ily P ills a re t h . b est. The International Telegraph Con­ struction Company has submitted a scheme to tbs Postmaster General of Australia for the erection of wireless telegraph stations linking New Zealand and Australia direct. E C O U C M T/OAI • • • • • • • C lip this out, return to us with tho names and addresses o f yourself and two o f your friends, and tho date when you will probably enter a business college, and we w ill credit you with 95.00 on our 965.00 scholarship. O ur school offers exceptional advantages to students o f Business, Shorthand, English, etc. • • * £ • • * • B est I nstruction —L owest T uition • • WRIT* FOR CATALOGUE 10— IT'S FREE • • TH E M ULTNO M A H l : BUSINESS INSTITUTE : • M. A. ALBIN, P»FHB. ee . s ix t h st . • PORTLAND, ORE. * follow ed th e On the Trait trail from Texas •with*FishBrarut IVÎ sh ' b Î Â d Slicker, used an overcoat when “ “ “ cold, a w in d coat w h en w in d y , a rain coat w hen it rained, and for a c o ver at night if w e got t o bed, and I w ill sa y th at I have gotten m ore com fort out o f you r slicker than a n y Other one a rticle th at I e ver o w n e d ." Pom m el Slicker (Th# name and addresa o f th« w rtt«r o f thla unsolicited letter may be bad on application.) r iT Q Perm anently Cured. Ito flu or nervousness i l i o e fte rflrs td e y -s u s e o fD r.K lln e ’y J r e e tN e r v e Restorer. Send for F r e e » 9 trial botila .n d treatise. Dr. H. II. K line, L - - M l A rch St.. Philadelphie, Pa. W et W e a th e r Garm ents for R iding, Walk­ ing, W o r k in g o r Sporting. HIGHEST AWARD WORLD S FAIR, 1904, A. J. T O W E R CO. F.uaily E x p la in e d . “ Who la that man all the women are Idolizing?” “ That Is a doctor from another town.” “ But there are doctors around here Jnat L ik e a W om an, who are much better known." "John, a peddler came around to­ "Shi This chap Is a ’beauty doc­ day selling stove polish. He was a tor.’ ” very agreeable gentleman. Why, he talked so pleasantly about the weath­ Piso s Cure ft a r e m e d y f o r roughs, colds er.” and consumption. Try it. Price 26 oents, "You don't say, Maria?” 1 » t druggists.___________________ “ Yes, and I bought a package. Then Not a n In d e x o f P o w e r . he complimented the baby and I , Young Mr. Whimper, who had • bought another package.” worthy ambtt|pn for public office, had “ H ’ml” ' closed his canvass o f his native State. "Presently he said our vestibule was He felt sure of bis nomination, and kept In better order thun any In the was waiting, in good spirits, at his neighborhood and then I bought an­ father's fireside to receive It. other package.” He had been asked to tell his ex­ “ Great Scott!” periences as a “ spellbinder,’’ and had “ Before he left he said he thought willingly consented. I was your daughter Instead o f being "But, on the whole,” was bis modest old enough to be your wife. Then I conclusion, “ I was rather successful. bought three additional packages. Ob, And what gratified me particularly It don’t do any harm to encourage a was that in the places where I was real gentleman when you meet one.” least known I met with the warmest reception.” It was several seconds before Mr. G ift o r Time. “ One day,” related the jolly hobo, “ I Whimper understood why bis father met a man on de street aud I told him and the girls laughed, and even his if he would give me thirty quail I would mother smiled. show him how to eat dem in thirty Finland was frequently a battle days.” “ And did he oblige you?" tsked his ground during the long wars between Russia and Sweden, the border line be­ companion of the ties. “ No;’ he said he couldn't give me ing but 33 miles from St. Petersburg. -It thirty quail, but he’d give ms thirty became part of Kuaaia after the peace of Fiederickstown, Sept. 17, 1809. days. Us was a judge.” The Sign o f the naB BOSTON, U .8 .A . T O W E R C A N A D IA N CO., L im ite d TOEOMTO, CANAD A ______ SB« $ 1 T0 0 0 — * ¥ m 9 /* W l R » P c " " ,,or Reliable Information We will give One Dollar for a Postal Card giving the first reliable news ol • chance to sell • horizontal steam engine of our styles, within our range of sizes. We do not want inquiries st this time for vertical, traction or gas engines. ATLAS ENGINES A N D BOILERS have for years been the standard fo r all ataam plants. Beat o f material and workmanship. Our big output enables us to sell on sm all prof­ its. An Atlas, the best in the world, costs no more than the other kind. Writs today fo r our spseial offer. A T L A S E N G IN E W O RK S Sellin« agende* In ail dii«* INDIANAPOLIS C ori?E n gin e* High Sp**d Engine* Water Tab* Boiler* FourValv* Fingiti** Compound Engin** Tubular Boiler* Automatic Ungine* Throitllng Fingine* Portobl* Bollar* Atloa F.neines in eerrio* S,000,000 H. P. Atlo* Boiler* in **r«lc* 4,000,000 H. P. r. H n . u. N «. * 1903 H E N w ritin g to advertisers pi® mention thin paper. »T he L axative » K nown Q uality There are tw o classes of remedies: those of known qual­ ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gen tly, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist­ ance ; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo­ rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily. O n e of the most exceptional of the rem ediesof known quality andexcellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup C o ., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con­ tribute their rich, y e t delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refreshandcleanse the system gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti­ pation and the many ills resultingtherefrom . Us active princi­ ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as w ell as with the favor o f many millions of w ell informed persons who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is a most excellent laxative rem edy. W e do not claim that it w ill cure all manner of ills,but recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative rem edy of known quality and excellence, containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. Th ere are tw o classes of purchasers: those who are informed as to the quality of what th ey buy and the reasonsfor the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any w ell known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, and who allow them selves to be imposed upon. T h ey cannot expect its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. T o the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and the good will o f their customers too highly to offer imitations of the “ Coffee la nerve-destroying," Inti­ mated the penurious landlady as sbs saw a movement on the part of a new boarder to request a second cup of coffee. “ How I wish you'd drink a lot of it,” suggested the bachelor, who had been with the house since lta incep­ tion. Hope fo r the F aintly, “ Why?" asked the landlady, and the “ I suppose,” said tbe friend o f the other boarders delayed their mastica­ I family, “ you will go into business tion!. and live up to your father’s reputa­ "Then you wouldn’t have the nerve tion.” to aerve thla concoction which hardly ’’Not me,” replied the son o f the ■tains the water In which It Is diluted.” multimillionaire beef packer. “ I shall —Colombo* Dispatch. go into society and try to live It T b t farm er never w rites when be down.” cad go And U lk . and tbe fir m e r U Hear the pattering on tbe eteps. wiser than you think. Tnat's the white shoes going up to the Even the brunette insists upon bar- attic to join the roller skates, the golf set and the hoop skirt I big fair treatment ln Lim«. A man who sets out to reach the north pole should know bow to endure hardships, and Commander Peary long ago began to learn. A prominent citi­ zen of Maine, himself a lover of out­ door life, tells the Lewlstou Journal that when Peary was a young man It was a common thing for him to take “ a camping outfit of a blanket and a lunch” and start for the mountains bordering upon Mulne and New Hamp­ shire. There, alone, he would pass days ex­ ploring ravines, ledges and the deep, secluded spots, cooking his own meals and feasting upon the trout with which the streams abounded. He never built a camp; be simply rolled himself in a blanket to sleep, but he would come out brown and hardy. On one of these occasions he had taken a canoe to the bead waters of Cold river, and after passing a few days camedown to Saco and stopped at about 5 o'clock for a word with those in my camp. W e expected to have the pleasure of his company for the night, thinking that he would welcome hearty meals and a good bed. But, “ No,” he said. “ I never sleep Indoors when on these trips.” It was a cold, windy November night, but he bade us good-by and went down the river. The next morning beside a stone wall, we found his camping place. A few smoky embers told us where he bad cooked his break­ fast, and a spot on the grass six and a half feet long and free from white frost showed us where he had slept. I J ffB u f Cojjfc IfWA WHtN PEARY PRACTICED. A . D o c to r s ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I I » »♦■H-H I I I >♦♦♦♦< Genuine—Syrup of Figs manufactured b y the California Fig Syrup C o., and in order to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the C om pan y— California Fig Syrup C o .— plainly printedon th* front of e v e ry package. Price, 50c per bottle. O ne size o n ly .; I