The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, November 02, 1905, Image 6

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    The Estacada Wood™Manufacturing Company’s factory
started doing business last fall, and the business has been
increasing ever since.
Tiieir plant is continually being en­
larged. A carload of crossarnrs is turned out daily. The
lrest of opportunities for other manufactories are open, and
as soon as thej powerful eltctric plant is completed on the
Clsckamas^river near here, new factories will locate in Esta­
cada. The man looking for a location for a factory of any
kind .shouldjlookjover the opportunities here.
The Estaca­
da Brick & Tile Company will be making firstclass pressed
brick within two months. Its large plant, shown elsewhere
tin tillo
this paper,
is nearing completion. Cooper
& Eyman have
- «
j/e i y lo
^ ^
w tore O. L . r . llo w e , Main S t startL. j a l*.,] spring and mattress factory.
Councilman William K. Havi-
land Sr.
Mr. Haviland is the senior mem­
ber of the common council, and i-
“ The Estacada" is one of the finest hotel a valuable unite in that body. Be­
in the state. Its furnishings are elegant, and fore coming West two years ago ht
its table service is beyond doubt equal to that wascircuit ju Ige in his home district
of the fashionable hotels of the big cities. The for a number of years.
house is under the management of L O. Mac
Mahon, a lady of experience in the hotel busi
Mr. R . A . Stratton, Cashier of T h e Estacada State Bank,
ness, and of wide acquaintance in the City of
the local agent of the Oregon W ater Power Townsite Com­
Th e Wonderful Progress
Estacada in
Its First Tw enty-or.e Months
OF U N D E R W E A R ,
You will find us with a Cimplete Stock always on hand in Men’ s, Women’ s and Chil­
dren’ s sizes.
Also a full line of
Dry Goods, Oil Clothing,
Umbrellas, Rubber Boots
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Sole Agent for the celebrated
“Byer s Best
Blue Ribbon Flour
Our prices are as low as the lowest.
Free delivery to all parts of the city.
Cenerai Merchandise
A nd Its
Estacada State
There is not another town in the
state of the size of Estacada that
has a state bank of $10,000 capital!
The Estacada State Bank was
promoted and organized by J. W
Reed, R. A. Stratton and T . Yocum.
Mr. Reed, who is president is the
most widely known and extensively
interested business man in Estacada.
Mr. Yocum is well known through­
out the county, being one of its
oldest settlers, and is a successful
fanner and sawmill operator. Cash
ier Stratton, who has charge of all
the business comes from Minnesota
where he was formerly in the First
State Bank of Fonda.
The Estacada State Bank does
business under the state banking
laws, and is subject to inspection by
the state Bank examiner.
• Its office is located in the Reed
& Barr store, and is supplied with
a large safe with an inner security
chest. In addition to a general
banking business they are the agents
for the O. W. P. Townsite Com­
pany, proprietors of the Estacada
townsite. Foreign drafts are issued
and business attended to for non­
resident property owners.
This bank has just purchased one
of the best corner business blocks on
Broadway, and as soon as the pres­
ent front in the building can be re­
placed with a plate glass front and
cement walks put down, and the in­
terior remodeled, the bank will be
moved into its new home
pany, will gladly answer all communications with reference to
city property for sale here.
gard to business openings and chances.
Should you be intending
to build, let
prices on the lumber you will use.
will pay you.
us give
Come and see us, it
W e make what you want.
lim ber and dry it in our own dryer.
W e finish our
Special attention is
given to dimcn.ion and heavy material.
See our local Agent, Allan Cooke.
At the 0. W. P. ¿«pot
The Sprlngwater Mill Company
handles lands,
improved and unimproved.
Oregon Daily Journal, October 21
Everything can be raised in abundance on our soil that can
January 12, 1904, was a day’ very aim
ilar to this one, the bright sunshine and
be raised anywhere.
Here, also, you will find game and fish
balmy atmosphere vying with the song
in plenty.
birds in the tall trees at the then tenant
less townsite of Estacada, in bringing
Y o u will find the following lines of business open here and
gladness to the hearts of a great multi
tude of men and women gathered upon
that beautiful spot intent npon laying the
foundation of a future city. Not a house
A Creamery
was there, no building of any kind save
an office structure about 8 by ten feet in
A Fruit Cannery
size. The Oregon Water Power Townsite
I company, owner of the townsite, had
A Laundry
' provided a large tent in which nn auction
sale of lots was to be
1; el­
A Livery and Sale Barn
this was the only
A Bowling Ally
ure on the property. It was 1 o’clok
when the auctioneer mounted the plat
A Feed Mill
form and sold the first lot at $250, and
for next two hours there was greater ac
A Wood Yard
tivity in Estacada real estate than had
previously been witnessed at any point in
Lime, Sand and Cement Deal­
| Oregon in the previous half dozen years,
j The people, men and women, had been
taken to the place in the trains of the
A Lumber Yard
j Oregon Water Power and Railway com
pany, and given several hours in which
M an y other lines are still open for hustlers.
W e ’ want a
to look around and “ size up” the situa
tion for themselves. They had looked
dozen or more good hustlers right now.
upon the Clackamas river that bordered
the townsite, saw the immense water
W e will welcome you, and help you to make some money.
power it afforded, viewed the great for­
ests that stretched out to the south and
east; had passed through the fertile farms
to the north and west, which are travers
ed by the railroad; became acquainted
with the purposes of the railway com­
pany to there construct one of the most
powerful electric power plants in the
world, and had become hungry for an
! opportunity to invest some money
some of the property to be sold that day.
The consequence was that bidding was
Cooper & Eyman
lively beyond all expectations, and be­
fore the hour of departure had arrived
¿ fu r n itu r e
the foundation was laid for the thriving
and actively progressive “ baby city”
Cooper .'i Eyman, the local fur­
whose tangible industries are so vividly
niture merchants, have one of the
portrayed on other pages of the Journal
today. The pictures printed but meager- finest store buildings in the city,
1 y represent that which is found at Esta­ which is well filled with a line of
cada now. The large stores do not ap­ goods that is always in demand by
pear in the illustrations, and there are the local trade.
The firm occupy
many of them, representing all kinds of
two business buildings. One is oc­
business. The beautiful residences, many
erected upon the charming bench of land cupied exclusively by furniture and
just to the north of the business district, in the other they conduct a cabinet­
overlooking the city, river and delightful making shop. In this building they
j heights on the opposite bank are not manufacture coil wire bed springs,
shown at all. The fine 60 acre park, cov­
and mattresses.
They are doing a
ered with native trees, many of them
lines as well as
150 feet tall, cannot be seen, nor is the
in the furniture department.
pictun squeness of the river portrayed.
The brick plant shown is designed to E. E. Eyman, has charge of their
supply the demand for any kind of that undertaking department.
He has
material required in plain and ornamen­
had special training for this werk
tal brick; the wood working plant has
orders already booked three to four and has had considerable practical
An assortment of un­
months ahead. It is likely that a furni­ experience
Broadway, looking North towards the Cary Cash Hardware
ture factory will be added to the indus­ dertaking goods is always kept on
tries of the city before a year has passed, hand.
Cooper & Eyman meet the
and when the immense electric power pity prices in all articles sold, and
plant is completed it will not he long be­
a m to sell cheaper. They have ev­
fore manufacturers will be looking for its
to furnish a home with
C a rd e n Seeds, L a n d P la s te r, S to c k
Rst tcada is located 35 miles southeast and what they do not happen to
Fo o ds, S h in g le s , L a th , E tc .
of Portland and is the center of a prolific have when you call, they will send
agricultural as well as timber regie n. It and get you at wholesale prices.
is a m>>st charming place fo ra summer
resort , and there will yet be scores of
Eagle Creek
summer residences erected there on the
banks of the Clackamas river in which
Wilbur \V«de, of Heppner, and family
trout and salmon so plenteously abound. were visiting at H H Wade'» laat week.
A General Grain Com m ission Business
Mr. and Mrs. Matholmy of Eastern
State Taxes
Oregon were guests at Henry Githen's
last Sunday.
Dick Gitbens and E ’ . Elmore, Dong-
County Treasurer Enos Cahill po d
#1 i.ncio into tbe state treasury today to lass were in town recently,
apply on the state tax from Clackamas
James Linn and family were at the ex-
Wanting any printing done should
call at T h e N E W S Shop and aee
i county. There is a balance due the state position Saturday.
what we can do, and yet ou rp rtc-
1 of #5.000. The total amount due tbe
Kill Oithens and Emms Dowty
i k i a « - —
I state is #34,000
on a pleasure trip to the city
H e will also inform you with re­
sta ca d a