The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, November 02, 1905, Image 5

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The Song
o f the Hair
There are four verses. Verse
1. A ye r’s Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. Verse 2. A yer’s
Hair Vigor stops falling hair.
Verse 3. A ye r’s Hair Vigor
cu res d a n d ru ff. V e r s e 4.
A yer’s Hair Vigor always re­
stores color to gray hair. The
chorus is sung by millions.
“ Before using A yer’s Hair Vigor I had very
thin ami very poor hair. But I continued to
use the Vigor until iny hair greatly Improved
In every way. I have uso«l It off and on for
the peat ten year«.” - M R » . M. D ru m m o n d ,
Newark, N. J.
• by J. C. A yer Co., Lowell,
Also manufacturera o f
sarsaparilla .
H a d a L u c k y Escape.
Mrs. Shrewsbury—That man who
Just passed us was Mr. Bateheller. I
haven’t seen him since we were mar­
ried. He proposed to me once. You
should have seen the look he gave
Mr. Shrewsbury—That so? Gloat­
ed, did he?— Philadelphia Ledger.
M others w ill And Mrs. W lnalow’s Soothing
Byrup the best rem edy to use for their ch ildren
d u rin g the teeth in g period.
A G re a t L ig h t B rea k s.
Proser— “ Your friend Barrett is
Poet— “ Impossible! Why, I was at
his rooms last night reading my latest
poem to him.”
Proser— “ Come along with me to
the Inquest, then. The coroner is still
In the durk as to what caused that
sudden relapse.” — Cleveland Leader.
For bronchial troubles try Piso’s Cure
for Consumption. It is a good cough
inediciue. At druggists, price 25 cents.
S tren u o u s L ife .
“ Say,” roared the irate citizen as he
rushed into the office of the village week­
ly, “ where’s the editor?”
“ Waut to see him personally?” queried
the office boy.
“ You bet I do,” answered the i. c. “ I*m
going to thrash him within an inch of
his life. See?’’
“ Oh, all right,” answered the boy.
“ Just have a seat, please. There are
three others ahead of you.”
Fastest, lightest ami strongest stump Puller
on the market, 119 Horse power on the sweep
with two horses. Write lor descriptive catalog
and prices.
■----- ■ - • •
Foot of Morrison Street
Portland, Oregon
The American Real Estate & Guaranty Co.
Lincoln County—91-Aere Dairy Ranch, stock and
fhrniturc, |3,500 ; 410-Acre Dairy Ranch and Fruit
Farm, |5 ,000 ; 80-Acre Fruit Farm, f l , 500.
Yam hill County—72-Acre Farm, good buildings
and fruit, |4.000; 43-Acre Farm, 13,000; 10-Acre
Farm, f 1,000. Hotel and Livery Barn in small town,
11 , 200 .
General Merchandise store at St. Johns, invoice.
Full information at office, 127>$ Seventh St. Room
6. Portland, Oregon.
W a have agents everywhere.
E D L / C a -r/ O A J
Clip this out, return
to us with the names
and addresses of yourself and two of your
friends, and the date when you will probably
enter a business college, and we will credit
you with $5.00 on Ouf $65.00 scholarship.
Our school offers exceptional advantages to
students of Business, Shorthand, English, etc.
B est I nstruction — L owest T uition
M. A. ALBIN, Pets.
* ee
Fattens QUICK!
C a t t le and H o g s fo r m arket. S h o rten s
fa tte n in g p eriod one-fou rth . S a v e » Feed.
“ I fed Prussian Stock Food last winter and turned
off the fattest cattle 1 ever had for the same length
of time.* * * | consider
Prussian Stock Food
well worth the cost
I would not be with«
out It.— G. W . A k n b y ,
P a rk e r. S. D.
PORTLAND SttO CO., Portland, Oregon,
Coast Agents
t 'l have tried all kinds of waterproof
clothing and have never found anything
at any price to compare with your Fish
Brand for protection from all kinds of
(Tbs nams and address of Ota writer of this
unsolicited letter may be bad upon application)
Beton. U.S.A.
The Sign of the Fuh
l^ g S a !
' ~
Toronto, C n d l
Ha koro o f ITarrm M Wot WoatOor Cletkln,
This wond* rful Chl-
ne-e Doctor is call, d
great Itecause he cafes
people without opera­
tion h»t are give i
to die.
162'% fir s t St., S. f . Cor. Morrison
Mention paper.
r. a u
B E Y w r itin g t o ^ .r r t lo .r o pin
K I.O t h i s pnpnr.
The American farmer is the hardest worked man In the world.
must toil from early morning until late at night to make a profit from his
farm. Not only must he toll, but so must all the members of his family.
He has some modern machinery, but there Is no easy way of farming.— Re­
port of an expert who has studied farming in an office chair.
Exp erien ce o f T w o W om en F rtende
W h o H ad Been Separated.
“Telepathy or the faculty of thought
tiansference, or whatever you’ ve a
mind to call It,” said the average man
the other day, according to the New
York World, "seema to be making a
good deal of a stir nowodavs. Person­
ally, I don’t fall for these newfangled
things very often, and the more I read
the ’wonderful experiences’ cited by
people to prove their theories, the
more I wonder at their gullibility. I
believe that In the few thousand years
that we have been Inhabiting and
blessing this mundane sphere by our
presence, we have discovered about
all the senses that we have.
“ Something mighty strange hap­
pened In my own family, yesterday,
however, that. If I were one of these
easily convinced people, might make
me believe that there Is such a thing
as telepathy. I look on It merely as a
queer coincidence, but you can’t con­
vince my wife, who was one of the
pranclpal actors In th3 strange even t
“ My w ife used to bo very Intimate
with a woman whom we will call Mrs.
Jones. They were together on shop­
ping trips, euchre scraps, bargain
rushes and the like, four times a week.
When one was away or unable to see
the other, their correspondence was
extremely faithful. This Intimacy
kept on for some years, and suddenly
stopped. There was no reason, except
that other Interests attracted my wife,
and circumstances In general com­
bined to make them see less of each
other. For perhaps a year the two
women have not seen each other, and
the letters, which were frequent at
first, dwindled until the correspond­
ence, like the visits, entirely ceased.
“ The other woman moved, so did
we, and neither family knew the oth­
er’s address. Yesterday my w ife was
sitting In the front room, writing let­
ters. Her desk Is near a window over­
looking the street After writing a
while she looked up and said:
“ ‘It’s strange, but I can’t help
thinking about Mrs. Jones. I haven’t
seen her for a year, nor have I
thought of her for weeks and months,
but to-day she Is In my mind all the
time. I wish I knew where she lives.’
“ ‘Wish you did, my dear,’ said I,
and went on with my reading. But In
a little while she said again:
“ ‘Don’t you suppose you could find
the Joneses’ address :n the directory?
I f you are not too tired to go out to
the drug store----- ’
“ ‘All right,’ said I, ‘I will, In a lit­
tle while. Do you want to write to
“ Sh-! went on writing a little while
longer, and suddenly she gave a shout
that made me Jump to my feet In fear
that something bad happened to her.
She was standing at the window gaz-
lng fixedly at a window In the apart­
ment 'house across the street, where
another woman, gazing just as fixedly
at our windows, stood. That other
woman was— Mrs. Jones.
“ My w ife rushed downstairs and
across the street, and the two women
met at the doorway of the apartment
housf. A fter the Imaginable caresses,
they each told the same story of hav­
ing the other constantly In her
thought, and wishing she knew her
address, so as to write a letter. And
now they're good friends again.
“ Was It telepathy that made the two
women th lD k of each other as they
were brought Into neat association? I
neglected to state that the Joneses had
Just moved Into their apartment acrosa
the way from ours. You can't make
Mra. Jonea and my wife think that
there wasn’ t a regular system of brain
waves from our window to theirs, but
I don't know. Seems strange, that’s
given off by the plant attracted all
manner of Insects, which was not sur­
prising, as the odor was so strong as
almost to repel all lnveatlgatlon.
The plant is called by the native
Blcols “ borae sa Mayo,” that la. May
flower. It blooms only during the
month o f May. It la no doubt a mem­
ber of the order lllaceae, better com­
monly known as the Illy or tulip fam­
ily. It has the large bulb, the lncon-
'splcuous calyx, the pronounced stig­
ma and the characteristic structure of
lilies In general. The remarkable fea­
tures o f this particular variety o f lilies
are that It baa such a pungent odor
and that It has absolutely no leaves
at the time of blossoming. These ap­
pear later, when the flower has died.
The blossom rests Immediately on the
ground and Is not more than eight or
nine Inches high.
The calyx often
measures a foot In diameter.
A fter the blossom has disappeared
the leaves begin to sprout from the
bulb. These often grow to the height
of three or four feet. Their general
shape Is similar to that of the leaves
o f the calla lily, but they are divided
into an irregular number of lobes or
The corolla and the remarkably ex­
agerated stigma exude a clear viscous
fluid, which seems to be the cause of
the offensive odor. This fluid attracts
the flies, thus Insuring the transmis­
sion of the pollen from plant to plant
The large bulb, In fa c t all parts of
the plant, have the peculiar acrid Juice
which is so poisonous, a trait common
to the lilaceous order. The acrid taste
and the poisonous effect o f the Juice
are lost upon cooking for several
hours. During the period o f froudes-
cence there Is no odor present. This
plant Is not used for food by the na­
tives where It Is found, though there
are several other species of the same
order which are highly esteemed by
them as food.
As t o " E a r ly " Vegetables.
Every well-regulated family ougnt to
have at least one cold frame and one
hotbed, says the Garden Magazine. A
cold frame differs from a hotbed In
having no fermenting manure to sup­
ply heat, and In being used chiefly for
protecting, over the winter, plants that
could not live outdoors, such as ten
roses, while a hotbed Is used chiefly to
get fresh vegetables a month or more
earlier In the spring. Both are, of
course, cheaper than greenhouses, and
both have other uses than those men­
tioned above.
A cold frame may cost anywhere
from nothing to $15. I f one docs not
care about looks, a loosely thrown to­
gether frame-work, such as Is used In
the field and removed, leaving ths
plants to mature where they started,
will be found useful for some things,
but the best thing Is to have a perma­
nent structure which Is stoned, bricked
and painted.
One that will answer
every purpose Is nothing more than a
topless and bottomless box with a
slope of a few Inches to the front,
which must face the south or south­
east. Set It where there will be a fence
or building to protect from
winds. F it the top with a sash which
can be lifted for airing and watering;
see that the soli Is rich and mellow
enough for a garden bed; bank up the
outside, and you will be ready to sow
the seeds o f Joy for yourself and of
envy for your neighbors.
A Street Conversation.
Overhead Wire— I think you'd feel
all broke up to leave these old streets
where you'd been so long.
Cobblestone— I w ill be. And when
I'm all broken np I ’ll make dandy
macadamizing material.
Overhead Wire— My, won’t you be
fine, then?
Cobblestone— Fine? I should say so. j
Almost pulverized. And all such
FLOW ER HAS OFFENSIVE ODOR things as you will be beneath me.
Catching the hint o f future under­
Peculiar L t lr In the Philippines with ground conduits, the wire suddenly re­
Scent of Decaying Flesh,
membered that It had a load of cur­
T w o American teachers In the Phil­ rents that were to be delivered and |
ippines while walking some time since was silent.— Baltimore American.
In the fields In the vicinity o f Neuva
The Cold W ave
Caceres, in southern Luzon, came
" I f we have seven days of this sort
serosa a peculiar specimen of the Illy
family o f plants, says the Scientific o f weather we can cut eight inches of
American, which baa not yet apparent­ Ice without any trouble,” said Mr. Cre-
sus. looking at the thermometer.
ly been noticed by scientists.
“ That la not the view taken by the
It was while passing through a
Janitor o f onr flat bnlldlng,” replied
dense cluster o f underbrush that tha
Gadby. “ When I asked him, as a spe­
men noticed a remarkably strong odor
cial favor to a sick man, to bring up
of decaying flesh which seemed to
a spoonful o f coal be said: T'blazes
emanate from the ground close by.
wld youl You don't cut no Ice 'round
Suspecting the presence o f some grew
here.’ But, o f course, I am only pay­
some thing concealed In the bushes,
ing tOO a month rent, and I suppose
they commenced to search. They were
ought not to ask too much.” — Cincin­
assisted In this by the pretence o f nu­
nati Commercial Tribune.
merous “blue-bottle” files, which seem
sd to be buzzing about tome object
There la one thing about a man with
half concealed nnder the dense veg­ a gloomy dispoeltlon; be does not bore
etation. This object proved to be a his friends to death with hla evar-
plant. The strong small a f rotten ocas I as ting jokes
Buffered Over tw o Years— Health Was
ria l, b th e M ethod A d opted la M a a ,
In a Precarious Condition— Caused
by Pelvic Catarib.
The land on both aide* ot the road­
way can be planted with fruit trees of
| various kinds, zayi tha Country Calen­
dar. It will then become as valuable
' as an Inclosed orchard— In fact. It will
be an orchard without head of an ln-
closure, for moat State* now have
laws which forbid allowing cattle to
run at large. This would not be an
experimental step, for It hat already
been demonstrated that It can be satis­
factorily taken. In a email way the
advantages of It have been ehown In
' one or two States of the Union, while
■ In foreign countries It has long since
become an established practice. In
France, for example, great auccese has
attended It. It appears that the move-
ment was started by the government,
but so satisfactory did It prove that
the town and communes soon took It
up on their own sreount.
It Is now an Important Industry and
Is yielding a revenue o f nearly ftiO.-
000,000 per annum. No particular troe
Is used, to the exclusion of others, but
different kinds are chosen with re­
gard to their adaptation to the soil
and climate. In the South the cherry
predominates and the fruit Is used In
the manufacture of wines, preserves
and alcohol. In Touralne the plum Is
most In evidence, while throughout the
H E A L T H a n d S T R E N G T H Alller and Llmogne walnut trees trans­
form the dusty highways Into shaded
and beautiful walks or drives. Nor la
France alone In the work, for In Ger­
P E -R U -N A
many, In Belgium and In the duchy of
Luxembourg the plan Is largely In
Mrs. Emma Fleiesner, 1412 Sixth vogue. And It Is profitable. On the
Ave., Seattle, Wash., Worthy Treas­ roadsides of Wurtemburg, for Instance,
urer Sons of Temperance, writes:
the fruit grown In 1878 was valued
“ I suffered over twe years with irreg­
ular and painful periods. My health was at over $200,000, while twenty years
in a very precarious condition and I was later It was estimated at $750,000, and
anxious to find something to restore my Belgium statistics show that up to
health and strength.
1800 there had been planted along the
“ I was very glad to try Peruna and highways of that small country 741,-
delighted to find that it was doing me 571 trees, from which there had even
I continued to use it a little then been realized a net profit o f near­
over three months and found my ly $2,000,000.
troubles removed.
In the light of these facts, let some
“ I consider it a splendid medicine and competent and careful statistician tell
shaU never be without it, taking a dose
occasionally when I feel run down and us what might be done In this wonder­
ful land of ours. Surely It would be
tii ed.”
Oar files contain thousands of testi­ safe to affirm that the revenue which
monials which Dr. Hartman has re­ might be derived from these roadside
ceived from grateful, happy women trees would be sufllclent for building
who have been restored to health by all needed highways, and for keeping
his remedy, Pernna.
them In constant repair.
A U G U R F O R D R IL L IN G 8 A L T .
T h e Y o u n g P h ilo s o p h e r .
« 'Nother piece o f pie, please, pa.”
“ But you haven't finished your first
“ No, pa. But you know you told ms
not to eat fast. And if you give me a
second piece now I shan’t eat so fast,
because I won’t be afraid that the
second piece will be gone when I get
through with the first piece. Please,
ua.” — Cleveland Plain Dealer.
S t a t e of O h io , C i t y of T oledo , )
L ucas C o u n t y ,
F r a n k J. C h e n e y makes oath that he is
senior partner o f the firm o f F. J. C h e n e y dt
Co., d o in g business In the City of Toledo, Coun­
ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm w ill
pay the sum o f ONE H U NDRED DOLLARS for
each and eve ry case o f C a t a r r h th a t cannot be
cured by the use o f H a l l ’ s C a t a r r h C u r e .
F R A N K J. C H E N E Y .
Bworn to before m e and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day o f December, A. D., 1886.
j szal |
N otary Public.
H a ll’s Catarrh Cure is taken In tern ally, and
acts d irectly on the blood and mucous surfaces
o f the system. Send fo r testim onials, free.
F. J. C H E N E Y dt CO., Toledo, O.
Sold b y Druggists, 75c.
H a ll’» F am ily P ills are the best.
A W o m a n 's O p in io n .
“ She says her husband’s behavior
is due to the fact that he is Insanely
jealous because of her beauty.”
“ I ’m sorry for her lawyer.”
“ Why?”
“ Because the Jury will give a ver­
dict for her husband as soon as they
see her.” — Cleveland Leader.
P I T A Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness
I 11 O after firstday’suspofDr.Kline’sUreat Nerve
Restorer. Send for F r e e A *4 trial bottle and treatise.
Dr. K .H . Kline, Ltd.,931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
W h a t W as N eeded .
Compressed A i r F u rn ish es th s P o w e r
fo r W o r k in g the Device,
In the city o f Muskegon, Mich., salt
Is used in large quantities, and conse­
quently the warehouses of the firms
dealing In It are capacious enough to
store away a considerable supply. As
U well known, salt, on account of Its
affinity for water, Is a substance that
has a tendency to harden and cake
when piled away any length of time,
and some of the cellars where It Is
stored contain beds of It twenty feet
high and so hard that but little im­
pression can be made upon them even
with the pick or ax.
For this reason a somewhat curious
device has been brought Into use to
loosen the material so that It can
readily be secured. This Is a large
boring tool or augur, which la oper­
ated by compressed air. The augur
Is mounted on a wheeled truck, which
Is guided by bandies projecting from
the rear of the framework. The rear
end of the augur revolves In a socket
fitted Into the framework, while the
nlr is .admitted to the socket from the
hose which supplies It.
When operated the boring tool is
pushed sgalnst the mass o f salt and
the augur Is set In motion, and In a
minute or two, so rapidly does the tool
work, a hole about five Inches In diam­
eter Is made In the formation the en­
tire length of the augur. Then anoth­
er bole Is drilled parallel with the
first, and another, until the pile has
been undermined, so to speak, when
Its contents can easily be broken out.
The advantage o f this method Is seen
when It Is said that two men can get
out ns much salt by the power metbod
ns two dozen men by using picks and
shovels.— Technical World.
“ My friend,” said the perspiring chauf­
feur, whose tonneau had broken down
on the pike, “ can you tell me how far
it is from here to Three Oaks?”
“ Thirty miles as the crow flies,” re­
sponded the sun-tanned farmer.
“ Thank you. And now will you please
U n d e r Age,
hand them over?”
“ Hand what over, stranger?”
People In Blrchtown were used to
“ Why, a pair of crow’s wings.”
Uncle Randolph Green's way of talk­
ing and enjoyed It, but at last there
came, as a member o f the summer
colony, a man who had a desire to set
everything and everybody straight ac­
For Infants and Children.
cording to his ideas.
“ What Is the sense of your referring
The Kind You Have Always Bought
to that animal of yours as a 'colt'?”
demanded this person one da0F “ How
old Is he?"
“ Well, he's going on eleven years,”
said Uncle Randolph, mildly.
I n fo r m a t i o n W a n t e d .
"Eleven years!” sneered the man.
Uppson — Yes, me dear boy, I am
very proud of me family tree, doncher "W ell, we should call that pretty an­
cient for a colt—In New York.”
Downing— Do you ever whitewash it?
" I think likely you would,”
Uppson— Whitewash it! What for?
Uncle Randolph, without rnneor, but
Downing— To keep the insects off, with considerable firmness In his soft,
doncher know?
old voice; “ but perhaps 'twould be
well to consider, mister, that this colt
o’ mine resides In Blrchtown, where
eleven years Is pretty young for ■
Si Jacobs Oil
(or many, many years has c u r e d
and c o n t in u e « lo euro
The artistic 44 Book o f Preaanta ”
free upon request.
A Pertinent Question.
A Chinaman was one day walking
W A S A V E R Y A S T U T E L IO N .
along a street in Glasgow when a dog Ata Superiors of Kind Lieutenant, W k e
Thereby Became a Colonel-
ran up to him and began barking. He
John Burroughs, the naturalist, waa
laughing about the atory, widely pub­
lished not long since, of a wild duck
that got a aalt water mussel on lts
tongue and had Intelligence enough to
fly from the salt to the freah water,
where It dipped the mussel, sickening
It through osmosis, and thus causing
It to loosen Its firm grip.
“ I believe that story of the duck
that understood the theory of osmosis,’’
said Mr. Burrougha. “ I believe It aa
Implicitly aa I believe the atory o f the
crippled Hon and the young lieuten­
"Perhaps you have heard thla story?
No? Well, then:
“ A young lieutenant, during an Af-
Says Americans Are Learning How
I rlcan campaign, came one day upon a
to Eat.
In America, eating is becoming more ; badly crippled Hon. The great brute
of a fine art as well aa a pastime and | limped over the tawny Band on three
accomplishment every day. Americans | paws, holding its fourth paw In the
are learning how to eat. They have air. And every now and then, with
passed the stage of civiisation where a kind o f groan. It would pause and
anything and everything w ill go and lick the Injured paw.
“ When the Hon saw the young lieu­
are becoming particular eaters.
Nothing but the white heart of the tenant It came slowly toward him. Ha
wheat berry (Pillsbury’ e Vitoe) is NOW atood hla ground, rifle In hand. But
good enough for those who have tried the beast meant no barm. It drew
this cereal breakfast food.
It is the close to him; It rubbed against him
most economical and it is actually the with soft, fsllat purrs; It extended
“ Meat of the Wheat” — Sterilized — Its hurt paw.
nothing added — nothing taken away;
“ The lieutenant examined the paw,
pure white in color, it eerves an appe­ and found that there was a large ¡horn
tizing breakfast dish, made in the In It. He extracted the thorn, the
greateat mills, of the beet wheat, and lion roaring with pain, and he bound
by the oldest miller, P IL L S B U R Y .
up the wound with bis handkerchief.
This is your guarantee.
Then, with every manifestation of re­
Put up only in two-pound, airtight lief and gratitude, the animal with­
Look for the words, “ Meat of the
"But It remembered lta benefactor.
It was grateful. And In a practical
A package w ill make you twelve way It rewarded the young man.
pounds of Substantial family food and
“ This Hon ran over the regiment's
can be purchased at your grocer’ s for list of officers, and ate all who were
the lieutenant's superior In rank. Thus,
Ask him today.
In a few weeks, the young man, thanks
He w ill gladly fill your order because
to the astute animal, becama a colo­
he knows he sells you satisfaction.
became greatly alarmed and dodged
about all over the place to avoid It.
A benevolent gentleman who happened
to be passing at the time aaw the
trouble he was In and Immediately
went up to him, and, putting him on
the shoulder, said, In a pacifying tone:
“ Come, come, my friend, you mustn't
be afraid. The dog won’t harm you.
Don’t you know the old proverb that
barkiug dogs never bite. You sure­
ly - ”
"That's all velly well,” replied the
Chinaman; ‘‘you knowee proverb, and
me knowee proverb, but does the dog
knowee proverb?"
A Delphic Uttenenoe.
As cnpable of varied Interpretation
as the utterances of the ancient oracles
was the speech made by a Swiss
mountaineer who accompanied the
Stutficld and Collie exploring expedi­
tion through the Canadian Rockies.
They found It necessary to ford Bear
creek, and Hans did not enjoy It, al­
though he faced It with exemplary
fortitude. Once sufvly across,
turned and surveyed the stream
“ Several times you cross I t ” he
said, enigmatically, “ but yet ouce is
the last time.”
Prof. L. H . Bailey, director of the
New York state school of agriculture at
Cornell, is writing several articles
which are soon to appear in The Cen­
tury on the subject of the young man
and the farm. He w ill tell why he
thinks the young man now leaves the
farm, and he will show bow the farm
can be made more attractive and better
worth the young man’ s while.
Diamond Kxpcrt.
First Stranger— Excuse me, sir, but I
understand you are a good judge of dia­
Second Stranger—That's right.
First Stranger— Would you mind giv­
ing me your opinion of the stone iu this
Second Stringer— Don't know any­
thing shout stones; I'm a baseball um­
pire. See 7
That Deadly Hatpin.
That deadly Implement, the hatpin e f
modern tlmea, la a descendant o f an
equally formidable toilet article need
by Roman women.
The Aspaslas and Jullaa and Claud-
las who decked themselves a couple e f
thousand years or more ago, to the un­
doing o f the particular Balbus or Mar­
cus they desired to fascinate, w o n
bone hairpins of prodigious length.
Yet, like the women of this present
time, they seem to have experienced
the same difficulty In keeping them In
place. This fact came to light during
excavations at SHcheater, In England,
a hundred or so of these bode hairpins
being found In the 'Roman bath, col­
lected, maybe, by the bath attendant,
to prove all these centuries later that
there la nothing new under the sun,
and that In all ages the same little
folblea have been possessed by women.
T ick led Him.
The major found Remus sprawled eat
in the blazing sunshine.
“ You don’t seem to mind ths hast, Re­
“ No, sah; et jes’ suits ms. De hottak
et Is de sweetah de melon grotr.”
“ But don’t your garden suffer?”
"Nuffin’ in deb now, sah, but tateha.
Like to see et so hot det dey'd roast
right in de ground en den Alt wouldn't
bah ds trouble ob buildin’ s huh to cook
A H opeless F ight
It is as impossible to conquer the king of
diseases— Contagious Blood Poison— with Mer­
cury and Potash as it would be to conquer the
king of the forest in a hand-to-hand encounter,
as thousands who have had their health ruined
and lives blighted through the use of these min­
A B a ss B o a rd .
erals will testify. They took the treatment faith­
Mrs. Dobbs waited until dinner was fully, only to find when it was left off, the dis­
over, says the New York Press, before ease returned with more power, combined with
she banded Mr. Dobbs the Dote Willie the awful effects of these minerals, such as mercurial rheumatism, necrosis
had brought from bis teacher.
of the bones, salivation, inflammation of the stomach and bowels, etc.
“ My boy,” said Dobbs, when he had When the virus of Contagious Blood Poison enters the blood it quickly con­
read It, “ I understand from this that taminates every drop of that vital fluid, and every muscle, nerve, tisane and
you are excused from school until the bone becomes affected, and soon the foul symptoms of sore mouth and throat,
board o f education has an opportunity copper-colored blotches, falling hair and eyebrows, swollen glands, sons,
to consider your case?”
etc., make their appearance. Mercury and Potash can only cover np these
“ Yes, sir,” answered Willie, who bad evidences for awhile; they cannot cure the disease. S. S. S. haa for many
years been recognized as a specific for Contagious Blood Poison— a perfect
begun to whimper.
“ Do you know what the board of antidote for the deadly virus that is so far-reaching in ita effects on the sys­
tem. S. S. S. does not hide or mask the diaeaae, but so thoroughly and
education U, my eon?”
completely cures it that no signs are ever seen again.
“ No, sir.”
S. S. S. while eradicating the poison of the diseaaa
Mr. Dobbs went Into the abed and
will drive ont any effects of harmful mineral treat­
selected a tbln. flexible strip o f board. |
ment. A reward of $1,000.00 is offered for proof
Then be summoned bli son, tnd for
that S: S. 8. contains n mineral ingredient of any
several minutes be was busy with I
kind. Treatise with instructions for home treatment and any advice wished.
“That, my son," he said, ts he finish­ Without charge.
W » do crown and bridge work without pain.
Our 19 yeara’ experience In plat* work en­
ables ua to 01 y oar mouth comfortably. Dr.
W. A. W lse baa found a aafa way to extraet
teeth absolutely without pain. Dr. T. P.
Wine in an expert at «old flUIng and crown
and brtdgework.
Extractlag ftrao whan
platea or bridges are ordered.
The Shah o f Persia recently aaw
Buffalo Rill's show, and enthusiastical­
ly declared that It waa more Interest­
ing than grand opera.
Powder. Costs just one-third what yi
always pay. II you have never used
you don't know what you've missed.
Don't wait I A ll grocers
C h ic a g o
(U ta h D ik e d R afT alo B ill.
•M il »NCM AU USI Mill.
Beat Couch Byrup. Tastes GooSTlUa»
In time. Sold by flr aggi eta
1s i
25 ounces for 25 cents
ed, “ Is the board of education th e t1
was o f use to me when I was a boy.” I
P r ic e , 2 5 c . a n d 50c.
A man and hla girl can endure a
great many hardshl|>e when they are
courting that they don’t know are
hardships until after they are mar­
B R O S .
DU. W. A. W1SC
Ftollnc Bid«.. Third a d Wtohlnsl*. Sta
Opr. ns. till • o'clock. Sunder, flroto
or Hal. me