The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, November 02, 1905, Image 4

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Foreigh Agents Ars Eagerly Picking
Up Cereals Where They Can.
I« mk 4 Each Thursday
h i M u s i i F r a lor Nr
Bosy Readers.
A Raaume o f Mil Laca Important but
N ot Loaa In tar acting Evanta
o f tho Pact Week.
The beef trnat haa made a new attack
on the indictmenta against it.
A large area In Clackamaa county,
Oregon, haa been added to the Cascade
foreat reserve.
American cuatoma officers have cap
tured a large amount of rebel arms in
Santo Domingo.
“ The Nazarine" ia the title of a new
Biblical and historical play just pro
duced in Chicago.
The Northern Pacific is to reduce tbe
ronning time between Portland and
Beattie one-half hour.
The money in circulation in the
United States shows a large per capita
increase for the fiscal year of 1905.
Every railroad leading from Moscow
ia tied up by tbe strike and a famine
now threatens the ancient Ruaaain cap
During the 12 months ending June
30 last, 886 persona were killed and
13,793 injured as the result of accidents
on railroad trains of the United States.
Japanese merchants are to put a fleet
Reform o f the Service.
of steamers on ths Pacific coast trade
Washington, Oct 24.— Secretary Root
that may make heavy inroads on pres­
ent companies. They w ill carry freight has completed a plan tor the reorgan-
isatidb of the diplomatic and consular
at about one-third the present rate.
lie has recently worked
Pekin advices say Russia and China out a scheme whereby he hopes to se­
w ill renew the treaty of 1727. This cure the hearty co-operation of con­
Among other things he w ill
w ill allow Russia to extend her trade gress.
in Mongolia and permit her subjects recommend increase of the salary for
to engage in mining and railway enter­ ambassadors, ministers and consuls;
ownership by tbe United States of its
foreign legations; tbe merit system in
Western railroads are plaolng heavy
the filling of vacancies in all positions
oiders for equipment.
under the grade« of ambassador and
It is announced that tbe strikes in consul general.
Russia have been ended.
Mexican C rop is Short.
The entire middle West ia buried
Mexico City, Oct. 24.— The shortness
under a blanket of snow.
of the wheat crop is greater than was
Enthusiastic ovations greet the presi­ estimated a few weeks ago, and millers
dent at every stop on his Southern trip. are looking for the entire removal of
the duty on American and Canadian
President Roosevelt haa received wheat by the first of next year. The
messages of thanks from the esar and city bakers have reduced the siss of
their loaves, asserting that It is impos­
sible to give the same weight as for­
W . J. Bryan, who ia touring the merly. There are some stocks of wheat
Orient, w ill he received in audience by in the hands of large farmers here, but
the mikado.
not sufficient to bring down the price.
Secretary Shaw is arranging with
W all street hankers for the sale of
hoods of tbe Panama canal iaaue.
A resident of Philadelphia, who was
traveling In Nicaragua, haa been sent
to prison for 10 years for murdering his
Protests to the Porte.
Constantinople, Oct. 24.— Mr. Leiah-
man, tbe American minister, has ad­
dressed a note to the Porte, protesting
against the violation involved in the re­
trial of Ghirkis Vartanian, of the
Porte's assurances that judicial proceed­
ings would be sus|>«nded pending tbe
settlement of the questions of principle
arising from Vartanian's claim to
American citiseoship.
Negotiations On fo r M erger o f Rival
Livestock Associations.
Government is PraOOCUtirtg Hawaiian
Lumber and Meat Monopolies.
Denver, Oct. 23.— Tbe proposition to
amalgamate the National Livestock asso­
ciation and tbe American Stockgrowers’ GUIDE T O OREG O N E LE C TO R S
association on a basis that would also
dispose of the much mooted question of Secretary o f State Issues Compilation
representation of the packing, railroad
o f State Laws.
and commission house interests, was
Salem— Salem and a number of other
taken up at tbe joint conference of the
Oregon towns which have elections in
executive committees of the two organi­
zations at the Brown Palace ,botel yes- December have overlooked the fact that
nominations are required to be made in
Doubt Whether Any Concern Would trday. A plan outlined by h subcom­
accordance with the direct primary law.
mittee was voted down after a some­
Undertake This Work on Ac­
In Salem the direct primary was not
what extended discussion and the sub­
thought of until a few days before the
count o f Magnitude.
committee instructed to make another
time for filing petitions had expired.
effort to formulate a plan that would
Some of the petitions filed by Republi­
be acceptable to all interests.
cans bear the signatures of Democrats,
Washington, Oct. 24. — The govern­ subcommittee will report again today. although the law requires that every
Tbe report, which was defeated yes­
ment of the United States ia willing to
man signing such a petition must assert
enter into contracts with corporations terday, recommended that tbe National that be is a member of the political
or individuals for the construction of Livestock association be changed to Na­ party named in tbe petition.
any portion or all of the Panama canal. tional Livestock committee, consisting
Section 6 of the direct primary law
ThiB statement was made by Secretary of representatives of the producers of
provides that in cities holding their
Taft today, while discussing the condi­ livestock. This committee would in
municipal elections on a day other than
tions upon the isthmus and tbe policy turn appoint committees on railroads,
packing bouses, commission bouses, the date of a general election, the pri­
of the government.
mary election shall be held on the 30tb
There is some doubt in his mind etc, which would give those interests a
day preceding tbe day of tbe municipal
whether any concern would be willing representation and a right to be beard
election. Petitions for nomination for
to undertake the excavation of the Cu­ whenever they felt tbe need of expres­
The report recommended that city offices must be filed 15 days before
lebra cut on account of tbe magnitude sion.
tbe date of the primary election.
of that work. It is not the excavation the American Stockgrowers become
Secretary of State Dunbar has recent­
that will be so difficult as much as tbe known as tbe American OattlegrowerV
ly issued in pamphlet form a complete
disposition of the earth taken out of association, with a membership con­
compilation of Oregon election laws
tbe cut. But as to tbe other work the sisting of cattle, horses and swine
and will mail a copy free to any person
government will be ready to enter into growers. The sheep men, the report
requesting the same.
contracts for its completion as soon as suggested, should affiliate with the
it is determined what type of canal American Woolgrowers’ association.
Sawmill at Dallas.
shall be constructed. It is stated that
Dallas— The proposition of ( ieorge W.
contracts would not be made during
Cone, of St. Johns, Ore., to build a
the preliminary stages because the gov­
lumber m ill in Dallas with a capacity
ernment had to prosecute the work un­
til its officers knew what was to be New Orleans Now' Prepares to W el­ of 5,000 feet per hour has been accept­
ed, with but very slight mollifications.
come President.
done and had a sufficient knowledge of
I t is understood work will commence at
the conditions to pass upon bids and
New Orleans, Oct. 23.— Yellow fever
once on both m ill and pond.
make judicious contracts.
report to 6 p. m.:
this m ill is completed, Dallas will have
Nqw cases, 7; total, 3,369; deaths,
within her corporate limits three mills,
none; total, 435; new foci, 2; under
and already there are four others in
treatment, 92; discharged, 2,832.
territory tributary to the Polk county
Though Dr. White would not confirm
Strike is Preliminary to General Sus­
seat. Mr. Cone’s proposition was put
the statement, it was generally re­ before the business people at a meeting
pension o f All Labor.
ported today that practically the
St. Peterbsurg, Oct. 24.— The\ rail­ whole force employed by the Marine and met with almost unanimous suc­
road strike situation shows no sign*! of Hospital service here would be honor­ cess. Negotiations have been brought
amelioration. Traffic across the cen­ ably discharged within tbe next, week to an end and now nothing remains, it
tral belt is paralyzed, while a genera' or ten days, in view of tbe practical is stated, but the formal signing of the
strike, which broke out today at Khar- extinction of yellow fever in New Or­ papers.
koff, has cut off communication in an­ leans.
There seems to be a general
University Needs Money.
other great section of the empire.
desire to have all of the men remain
University of Oregon, Eugene— Only
KharkofT is the most important rail­ here until tbe president’ s arrival, in
a rough shed will be used to house the
road center in Southern Russia.
The order that they may participate in a
timber (eating machine which has
strike affects, among others, the line to formal presentation of the Federal fe­
been on exhibition in the Forestry and
the Douetz coal region, on which Rus­ ver fighters to the president, an event
Irrigation building of the
sia largely depends for fuel during the which it has been arranged will take
States government building at the Lew­
crisis in the oil regions, and the line to place at the city ball. The emergency
is and Clark exposition, the reason
Odessa and Sebastopol.
hospital was finally closed today.
assigned being a lack of funds. The
Moscow is isolated except tbe line to
A thanksgiving service marking the university asked an appropriation for
St. Petersburg, while the capital has close of tbe fever fight, is being arrang­
this purpose at the last session of the
an international line, by Fydtkuhnen. ed to take place at Trinity church on
leigslature, but it was denied. In a
open to Berlin, The strike is part of a Sunday next.
rough shed, therefore, will be con­
general scheme by Social Democrats to
Mayor Behrman today issued a pro­ ducted the tests which w ill be part of
compel the emperor to grant universal clamation in connection with the visit
the engineering Course at the univers­
suffrage and compel political freedom, of'Bresident Roosevelt, asking all busi­
ity. In other departments, it if stated,
but the plan of the leaders is to avoid ness bouses to close during tbe presence
there w ill be a similar, but less ap­
a collision with the authorities. Their of the distinguished visitors, in order
parent enforcement of economy.
present purpose is to make tests of the that the whole community might have
strength of the various organizations the opportunity of manifesting its ap­
Governor Accepts Monument.
preparatory to the inauguration of a preciation of the service rendered by
Salem— On behalf of the people of
general strike of all classes in support the president in the fever fight.
the state and tbe Public Building com­
of the radicals at about the time the
missioners, Governor Chamberlain has
national assembly meets.
addressed a letter to Vice President E.
E. E. McJimsey, of the Missouri com­
mission to the Lewis and Clark fair,
Attacks Europeans and Americans formally accepting the presentation of
Rather Than Filipinos.
Jerry Simpson Dies A fter Illness o f
tbe Missouri monument to the state,
Several Years.
Washington, Oct. 23.— The cholera and assuring the Missuori commission
Wichita, Kan., Oct. 24. — Ex-Con­ plague in the Philippines is being got­ that a prominent site on the capitol
gressman Jerry Bimpson died at 6:05 ten under control by the Marine Hos­ grounds would be selected for its erec­
The monument presented to
o’clock yesterday morning at St. Fran­ pital service. A peculiarity of the.dis- tion.
cis hospital, from aneurism of the ease is that it has not shown any ten­ Oregon by Missouri is known as the
aorta. He had been hovering bewteen dency toward location and tbe persons heroic statue and is situated immedi­
life and death for ten days. At t^e attacked have been generally of the ately in front and to the left of t i e
In proportion to tbe Missouri building, recently destroyed
bedside were Mrs. Simpson and tbeir better classes.
only child, Lester Bimpson, of Roswell. population there have been more cases by fire.
among the Europeans and Americans
N. M.
Frost Cuts Fruit Short.
Mr. Bimpson was conscious up to five than among natives.
Freewater— The fruit packing houses,
minutes before death. The end came
been discovered. The body of a person of which there are three here, have
without a struggle.
finished their business for the season.
Tbe ex-congressman’ s last illness be­ who died of the disease was exhumed The fruit crop has been considerably
gan at the time of his final campaign at Pateroe shortly before the outbreak. Bhort of the usual yield on account of
for congress. In spite of failing healtn The belief is growing, however, that the late spring frosts. The shipments
he continued his business activity, cholera may live indefinitely in the for the season are as follows: 15,000
working as an agent for the Defreest- wells of Pateros and at times become boxes of strawberries, 2,000 crates of
Draper Land company, of Chicago, and virulent. Many medical men are in­ cherries, 5,000 other berries, 5,000
operating an extensive ranch near Ros­ clined to believe that the disease is in- boxes pears, 30 cars of prunes, 25 cars
well. Six months ago bis condition digenious to the islands.
A land quarantine haB not been in­ of apples, 35 cars watermelons, 16 cars
became such that be went to Chicago
onions, 5,000 boxes peaches and grapes.
to consult a specialist, who pronounced stituted and a cordon around Manila During the packing season 150 people
his malady hopeless. From that time would require 100,000 men. This free­ have been given employment, receiving
he continued to grow worse until final­ dom from restraint has enabled the wages to the amount of nearly $6,000.
ly compelled to abandon business. He board of health to secure co-operation
was brought to the hospital here Sep­ from the natives in efforts to stamp out
Corvallis Poultry Show.
the disease.
tember 21.
Corvallis— Committees are working
in earnest for the big poultry show to
Hill Alleges Discrimination.
Food Supply Running Short.
be held here November 20 to December
Seattle, Oct. 24.— United States Sen­
St. Petersburg, Oct. 23.— The strike 2, inclusive. Last year’ s show was a
ator Files has been asked to demand in Moscow has resulted in practically pronounced success, both in attendance
an investigation by the senate of al­ a general suspension of railway traffic, and financially. It ia the intention of
leged discrimination on the part of the and the effects of this are making the incoming board to make the coming
department in handling themselves felt in a general advance in ■ :ow still b »t‘er in every way. A t the
trans-Paciflc malls.
The alleged dis­ prices of foodstuffs. It is almost im ­ r gular annual meeting of the Corvallis
crimination is against the Great North­ possible to get rood and
supplies Poultry association the following offi­
ern Steamship company’ s fleet.
Tbe through to Moscow, owing to the tie- cers were elected for the ensuing year:
allegation is made that the steamship up, and there is much suffering in tbe Dr. Bowen, president; Professor Lin-
Siberia,' which sails a day earlier than city, especially among the poorer class. « 1 i Kinseley, vice president; Eugene
the Minnesota, does not reach Yoko­ Some heavy consignments of food have 8impson, secretary-treasurer.
hama until three days later than tbe been stopped in transit, and it is im­
The mails have been or­ possible to move the cars into the
Improve Pendleton Mills.
dered sent on the Siberia.
Pendleton— The Pendleton Flouring
mills, which have been shut down for
Will Send Machinery to Panama.
Want Tariff O ff Zinc Ores.
several weeks for repairs, have resumed
Seattle, Oct. 24 — In competition
El Paso, Tex., Oct. 23. — With the operations. A new flume, seven feet
with the leading machinery houses of increasing inability of the state of Mis­ two inches in diameter, togetHbr with
the East, the Hallidie Machinery com­ souri to supply the zinc demand of the the concrete work at the lower end of
pany, formerly the Hallidie-Henshaw- United States, the importation of ores the race, w ill cost approximately $12,-
Hulkley company, of this city, was from Mexico is increasing, and the 000. Mr. Byars, the owner, says that
awarded 73 contracts for machinery miners of the sister republic want tbe he has a contract to manulacture 85,-
and supplies for the Isthmian canal. duty taken off the zinc ores to enable 000 sacks of flour lor the oriental trade,
The class of machinery which w ill be them to be imported on an equality and 5,000 for the home market.
shipped from Seattle to Panama con­ with silver, copper and gold, and w ill has bought this season over 400.000
sists principally of enginss, drilling send a delegation to congress to ask bushels of wheat, his large warehouses
mills, rasps and miscellaneous sup­ for mollifications of the tariff law, and all being filled, with more to come in.
pose, showing that tbe Beattie house w ill also have a big delegation present
is well equipped tn handle such busi­ at the American mining congress in
Redmond N ow On Map.
ness in the face of such competition.
this city on November 14.
Bend — Redmond poetoffice was es­
Chicago, Oct. 24. — The American
grain trade is just beginning to realize
that Europe is practically barren of all
coarse grain supplies and ia willing to
pay whatever price is necessary to sup­
ply the want. Unprecedented sales of
new corn, which this year is of excep­
tionally good quality and almost equal
to old corn for all purposes, is one ~f
the signs on the commercial barometer.
Sales within two days of more than
2,000,000 bushels of barley malt, at
tbia point alone, to say nothing of sales
at other centers, is another significant
Agents of foreign houses are
scouring the markets everywhere, pick­
ing up all available durum wheat,
which is being greedily snapped up by
Europe, more especially Russia, which
is woefully short of wheat. This is
shown by the fact that Odessa, hereto­
fore the foremost wheat center of Rus­
sia, is practically an empty port this
The public has wondered why the
wheat market has been quiescent while
tbe export demand for every other grain
has been booming by leaps and bounds.
The explanation is easy. Canadian ex
porters have been reaching into the
millions of wheat in Manitoba and
sending just enough to European mar­
kets to keep the price down until they
can get possession of tbe entire North­
west crop at their price.
Farmers of tbe Northwest, in unde-
voleped country, have no storage facil­
ities, and must send their wheat to
I t is going into elevators at
Montreal and other points East and on
the Pacific coast, and when it ia all
cleaned up prices w ill undoubtedly
take a sensational jump, for Europe
has no wl eat and must pay our price.
The government cable from Seattle
to Sitka is out of order and ia prc Trains From Harbin Are Crowded
nounced by experts to be of poor qual­
With Men and Equipment.
ity. A new line may be put in at a
Oct. 24.— Now that the rati­
coat of $500,000.
fication of the peace treaty has been
Pennsylvania had over $1,000,000 in announced to the aasembl, permis­
the Alleghany bank which recently sion has been given by headquarters to
closde its doors. The state treasurer telegraph the fact that tbe troops are
says he has every reason to believe that being rapidly demobilized. A ll north
it ia amply protected.
bound trains from tbe position are
The Franco-German agreement leaves loaded with troops and their equip­
Morocco in the lurch.
H alf of all tbe native buildings in
Ambassador Meyer urges an improve­
the northern part of Kuanchengtsu and
ment in tbe diplomatic service.
vicinity have been requisitioned for use
Senator Dolliver declares that the preparatory to this movement home­
Chicago university smells of Standard ward and many huts and buildings
there and elsewhere will be used by
Official corruption continues in Chi­ those troops which tbe authorities will
na, notwithstandingthe reform policy be unable to move before winter.
Lieutenant General Linievitch, who
has been here since October 12, con­
A Wisconsin woman believes she has templates a visit to Vladivostok. A
found her son, kidnaped 26 years ago, prominent general bas been appointed
in Seattle.
to conduct 'he movement of Russian
The Union Pacific is to establish a prisoners from Nagasaki.
The Russo-Chinese bank ia preparing
new limited train between Omaha and
to reopen its former branches along tbe
Los Angeles.
line of the Bouth Manchurian railroad
Methods of a San Francisco trust and is arranging to establish agencies
company have caused the bank examin­ at Dalny, Port Arthur, Yinkow, Muk­
ers to close the doors.
den and Tie Pass.
The Amur railroad w ill be immedi­
Baron Hayashi, Japanese minister to
England, is likely to be called home to ately extended to Ulagovestchensk and
Local authorities are be
take charge of the Foreign office.
ing re-industries established.
The Prince and Piincessof Wales are
going to India to quiet the antagonism
to Curson.
The trip w ill cost the
British people $1,000,000.
Imports Have Risen and Activity la
Taft says the difference between
Marked in Many Lines.
Roosevelt and Bryan on the railroad
Mexico City, Oct. 24.— The currency
question is that the president wants
rate control, while Bryan desires gov­ and exchange commission which has
been in charge of matters connected
ernment ownership.
ith the putting into operation of tbe
There is a general feeling of relief in money reform, met yesterday under the
Europe now that Norway and Sweden chairmanship of Finance Minister Li-
have settled their differences.
War mantou.
It was announced that tbe
between these two counifies was only mint had begun coining new $5 gold
prevented by intervention of the pow­ pieces. The monetary change to a gold
basis has been operative now for nearly
Rockefeller haa advanced the price of six months and has brought about tbe
stability in rates of exchange on foreign
crude oil 10 cents.
President Roosevelt visited the home markets, regardlese of the variations in
tbe price of silver.
of his mother at Roswell, Georgia.
Imports have risen, owing to the
Llnievitch has ordered the barricades greater purchasing power of the people.
and trenches hs has been occupying There has been an increase of activity
in manufacturing, mining, land trans­
Twelve commissioned army officers actions, etc., and Mexican exchange on
have been convicted during the past a gold basis has been effected without
year by court martial.
peitubation of any kind and resulting
Quantities of rich pearls are being in increase of general prosperity.
found on the Kankakee river, says a
Ljubet Goes to Spain.
La Porte, Ind., dispatch.
Paris, Oct. 24.— President Loubet left
A Chicago woman dressed in man’ s
Paris for Madrid this afternoon, accom­
garb instinctively reached for her skirt
panied by Premier Rouvier, to return
in crossing a street.
Her arrest fol­
the recent visit to France of King A l­
fonso. The departure from the Orleans
The geographical survey has reported tation was made the occasion of an en­
that tbe sand of the Pacific coast is thusiastic demonstration by enormous
nearly one-third iron. This is the re­ crowds. On the platform was a bril­
sult of tests made during tbe past sum­ liant assemblage of |>eople, including
mer at the fair grounds.
all the members of the cabinet, the
presidents of the senate and chamber
The weather bureau says that during of deputies and distinguished military
the clear cold nights Northern Lights officers, as well as many Spanish resi­
of rare beauty should be seen.
Japan w ill celebbrate her victory
over Russia with a parade of the cap-
tared warships.
The Estacada News
Government’s Probable Action on
Panama Canal.
America Great Gas Producer.
Washington, Oct. 24.— An important
report shortly will be issued by tbe
United Btatee geological survey on nat­
ural gas and its production and con­
sumption. It w ill show that in 1904
the United Btatee produced 98 per rent
of the world’s knwon output of gas,
the value being $39,496,760.
states— Pennsylvania, West Virginia,
Indiana and Ohio— produced 93.5 per
cent of the output in the United States
Pennsylvania leading with 47 par cent.
Witts Appointed Prem ier.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 24.— It was per­
sistently reported in tbe elnbs and in
government circles late at night that
the emperor yesterday bad appointed
Connt W itte premier, with the port­
folio of minister of finance. A ll toe
papers this morning give prominence
to the report.
Cruiser Lena to Leave.
Vallejo, Cal., Oct. 23.— It is expected
that the Russian cruiser Lena, which
has been interned at the Mare Island
navy yard for more than a year, w ill
depart from here about November 1.
She w ill take on coal at San Francisro
after she has received her breechlocka
and other portions of her equipment
now stored in the ordnance department
at Mare Island. The official orders of
release from the State department and
from St. Petersburg have not arrived.
tablished last week, with Carl Ehret as
Service is daily by the
Prineville-S.sters stage.
Redmond is
a new townsite laid out by the Des­
chutes Irrigation A Power company, in
the desert on ths main irrigating ranal,
20 miles north of Bend.
It is now
headquarters of the Deecbutes Irriga­
tion A Power company, the offices and
commissary having been removed to
that point from Bond.
Honolulu, Oct. 90. — Acting under
instructions of tho United States attor­
ney general, District Attorney Brackens
f ir s t s h ip m e n t o f c o p p e r .
has instituted the first of a number of
Douglas Mining Firm Sands Three injunction suits for the purpose of-
Tons to Tacoma Smelter.
breaking up tbe local trusts.
Glendale— Swank A Burnett have
A suit was filed today against the
made tbe first shipment of copper ore firms of Allen A Robinson, Lewers A
ever sent from this vicinity to the Ta­
Cooke and Wilder A Co. It asks that
coma Smelting company.
The ship­
ment consisted of three tons of ore, es­ the Federal court issue a perpetual In­
timated to average above 30 per cent junction restraining the above named
pure copper, though a goodly portion of firms from carrying out an alleged
it is upward of 40 per cent.
agreement controlling the entire lum­
These men have not an extensive de­
ber business of the islands.
posit of this ore, but from such devel­
It is alleged that the three firms
opment of their property as has been
made the owners are confident they named control 90 per cent of tbe busi­
have a valuable mine and that further ness here and have combined, in viola­
tunneling will develop a more extensive tion of an act of congress to prevent tbe
unlawful restraint of trade.
It is fur­
deposit. Large deposits of copper ore
ther alleged that the price of lumber
have been discovered in a number of
here, as a result of the combination, is
places within a few miles of Glendale,
176 per cent in advance of that on the
but so far none have been found that
mainland. Practically all the lumber
warrant extensive development, though
used here is imported.
it is believed that such w ill yet be dis­
United States District Judge Dole
signed an order to Bhow cause why the
The location of the deposit from
injunction should not be issued. The
which the above ore comes is about 18
bearing was set for December 4.
miles east of Glendale, on the west side
It is reported that Mr. Breckens ia
of Green mountain, a mountain mined
about to file a similar suit against tbe
and prospected for gold for the last 20
cattle and meat dealers, of whom there
years, more or less.
are about 70, including many very
prominent ones.
I t is, alleged that
Rich Ledge in Mohawk Valley.
practically all of the cattle ranchers of
Eugene — Residents of tbe Mohawk the island have combined to control re­
valley, in the vicinity of Marcola, tail prices, agreeing not to compete and
about 20 miles northeast of Eugene, to sell only at a single market in Hon­
are considerably excited over the dis­ olulu.
covery of gold bearing quatrz in the
bills in that locality. When pounded
with a hammer, gold in large quanti AM ERIC AN RIG H TS SU STAINE D .
ties can be seen in the quartz. Ex­
perienced mining men say the ore is Root Proves Gloucester Fishermen
rich, and if the ledge is found to he
May Fish O ff Newfoundland.
extensive, there will be a big rush of
Washington, Oct. 20. — After a con­
people there to secure claims.
No ference between Secretary Root and Sir
assays have yet been made, but the ore Mortimer Durand, the Britith ambas­
taken out is apparently rich.
sador, lasting for an hour and a half,
Bright Future For University.
University of Oregon, Eugene— Pres­
ident Campbell, at the last regular
weekly assembly talked about the uni
versity and its work.
He stated the
enrollment is double what it was three
years ago, notwithstanding the require,
ments for admission had been raised
and the preparatory department discon
tinned. Further he said the Universe
ty of Oregon requires higher entrance
requirements than the average univer
sjty in the United States, 75 entrance
credits as against tbe average college
requirement of 68.
Libraries fo r Rural Districts.
Salem— Miss Cornelia Marvin, secre­
tary of the State Library board, is ar­
ranging circulating libraries to be sent
to several rural districts.
Owing to
the fact that tbe legislature did not
provide any money for the purchase of
books, Miss Marvin has to depend on
the generosity of friends of the move­
ment to provide libraries.
states maintain state library boards
and purchase books for circulation
among tbe people.
Stamp Mill Next Spring.
Glendale— W illis Kramer, of Mrytle
Creek, was in Glendale a few days ago,
and said that he was preparing to place
a force of men on his Whisky creek
properties for the winter, and would
install a modern stamp m ill in the
spring. Mr. Kramer is now associated
with hie two brothers, and they have
the mineral and the money with which
to develop it. This mine is about two
miles from the famous Gold Bug mine.
Bringing Sheep From Mountains.
Pendleton— Sheepmen are now com­
mencing to drive in their flocks from
the mountain ranges, which income
localities are alieady covered with
snow. On the ranges close in they are
being left, because tbe recent rains
have improved pasturage and sheep
w ill do well for some time.
Ranchmen A fter Supplies.
Pendleton— The Grant county ranch­
men are now coming into this city for
their winter supplies, some of whom
came a distance of over 100 miles, re­
quiring several days to make (he trip.
They report a hard time coming through
snow and mud over the mountain
Wheat — Club, 73074c per bushel;
bluestem, 76077c; valley, 72c.
Oats — No. 1 white feed, $24 500
25 50; gray, $24 0 25 per ton.
Barley— Feed, $20.50021; brewing,
$21.50022; rolled, $21.50022.
Rye— $1 4001.45 per cental.
Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $140
15 per ton; valley timothy, $11012;
clover, 8 0 9 ; grain hay, $809.
Fruits— Apples, $101.75 per box;
peaches, 60 0 75c per crate; huckleber­
ries, 7c per pound; pears, $1.2501 50
per box; crabapplee, $ 1 per box; grapes,
muscat, 75090c per box; Tokay, 75c
0$1 30; black, 6Oc0 $ l ; Concords, 15c;
quinces, $1 per box.
Vegetables— Beans, 104c per pound;
cabbage, 10134c per pound; cauliflow­
er, 75c per dozen; celery, 75c per doz­
en ; corn, 85c per sack; cucumbers, 10
016c per dozen; pumpkins, F«0 1 c;
tomatoes, 30040c per crate; squash,
1 ,01 c per pound; turnip«, 9Oc0$l per
sack; carrots, 65 0 75c per
ck- beets
8 5 c0$l per sack.
Onions— Oregon yellow Danvers, $1
01.25 per sack.
Potatoes— Oregon fancy, A5085c per
sweets, 20234c per pound.
Butter— Fancy creamery, 25030c.
Eggs— Oregon ranch, 29030c.
Poultry — Average old hens, 113,0
12t,c ;
springs, l l 1,0 1 3 c ; dressed chickens
1234013c; turkeys, live, 160173*c;
geese, live, 8 0 9c; ducks, 1401434c
per pound.
Hops— Oregon, 1905, choice, 11013c;
olds, 9010c.
Wool— Eastern Oregon average liest,
19021c; lower grades down to 15c,
srrording to shrinkage; valley. 250
27c per pound; mohair, choice, 30c.
Beef — Dressed bulls, 102c per
pound; cows. 3 0 4c; country steers,
New Clot has fo r Convicts.
Salem — Within the next few days
tbe prisoners at the penitentiary will
Death List Growing.
be garbed in new nniforma of a blue-
Chicago, Oct. 23. — Later returns gray color, minus the stripes. Tbe new
from the storm which swept the Great uniforms are now being made in the
lakes for 36 hours, subsiding yesterday prison tailor shop.
The solid color 4 0 4 S C .
morning, increased the known death uniform is an innovation, and at the
Veal— Dressed, 3 0 7 \ c per pound.
list to 21 and the number of vessels same time a concession to ths well be­
Mutton— Dressed, fancy, 6$ ,0 7 c per
either lost or damaged to 42.
haved prisoners.
Hereafter only
pound; ordinary, 406c; lambe, 7 0
small craft are missing, and it is feared fractory inmates w ill be obliged to r ear 7)<c.
that the death list w ill grow.
I the stripee
Pork— Dressed, 80814* per pound.
it was announced that a speedy and
satisfactory solution of the GlouceBter-
Newfoundland fisheries controversy was
in sight.
The facts obtained Bhowed
that the Newfoundland inspector of
revenue protection service directed that
American vessels should not be allowed
to fish under American register, on the
ground that they had never done so in
the past. Prior to this time the Amer­
ican fishermen had bought bait in New­
foundland under fishing license. They
are now prevented by law from buying
bait, and the authorities have been un­
willing to permit them to catch herring
without a special fishing license.
Mr. Root informed the ambassador
that an American register is a ship’s
highest proof of natior.ality, and carries
with it not only a license to trade, but
also a regular fishing license.
As soon as this fact is made clear to
the Newfoundland authorities, it is ex­
pected they w ill withdraw all objec­
tion. Meantime, tbe American fisher­
men, with tbe approval of tbe State
department, have been instructed to
continue their fishing.
France Ready to Enforce Demands on
Venezuelan Government.
Washington, Oct. 20.— Secretary Rdbt
is doing all he can to assist in bringing
about a settlement of the differences
between tbe French and Venezuelan
governments growing out of the refusal
of tbe latter to longer maintain diplo­
matic relations with M. Taigny, French
charge d ’ affairs, in Caracas. Today he
discussed the situation with both M.
Jusserand, the French ambassador, and
Senor Veloz, the Venezuelan charge
d’affairs here.
The French ambassador, as he was
leaving the 8tate department, said M.
Taigny was entirely without fault in
the matter. He had merely obeyed tbe
directions of the Paris foreign office
when he sent to tbe Venezuelan gov­
ernment a letter of protest against its
action in seizing the property of the
French cable company.
“ Therefore,” said the ambassador,
“ France w ill support him .” He added
significantly: “ We have two beautiful
warships now in the Caribbean sea.”
Alturas, Cal., Is in Ruins.
Reno, Nev., Oct. 20. — From an un­
known cause a fire started at Alturas,
Cal., at 9 o’clock last night, and when
the flames were under control late this
afternoon the greater portion of tbe
thriving Modoc county town was in
ashes, at least $75,000 worth of prop­
erty being swept out of existence. The
fire started in a candy factory, from
what cause will probably never be
A brisk wind carried the
flames from one building to another,
the fire fighters being unable to check
its course.
Portland Leads in Wheat Export.
Washington, Oct. 20 — A report just
published by the department of Lab< r
and Commerce shows Portland to be
well in the lead in the export of grain
from Pacific coast cities, both for tbe
month of September and for the year. stands fourth in tbe list
of wheat shipping cities in the United
States, but the prospective volume 'o f
business is such as to warrant the belief
that Portland will soon jump to first
’P '*ce- This season shows a big increase
over 1904, when for September tbe ex­
ports showed 113,091 bushels.
Francis is Found Guilty.
Philadelphia, Oct. 20.— Stanley Fran­
cis, who has been on trial in the Unit­
ed States District court since October 9,
charged with using tbe mails to de­
fraud in connection with the defunct
Storey Cotton company, was today
found guilty. Francis, who was known
under several aliases, was charged by
the government with being a principal
in the Storey Cotton company, which
when closed by the postal authorities,
owed $2,926,578 to “ customers.”
Great Storm in Oklahoma.
Guthrie, O. T ., Oct. 20. — Heavy
wind storms prevailed thronghont East­
ern Oklahoma last night.
The worst
was at Manfoodkit, where two children
were killed and nine persons injured,
two prabably fatallv.
At Meriden a
house was demolished, but no one 1
Near Cushing farm buildings
damaged, but no persons have
been reported injured.