The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, November 02, 1905, Image 3

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    — — —
C. F. Howe
• ^ te r c h a n d is e
New Supply
Ladies and Children’s Winter Underwear
In Union and Two-Piece Suits
Mrs. D. C. Crane,
m il l in e r
T ra n s a c ts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s
Capital, $6,000.00
This bank has the local agency for some of the very best
Let us write your policy. : :
If you have money to loan, we will place it for you.
If you
have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no
property of our own for sale and can push your sales
Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing
papers of every kind
Although the city is yet young
its schools are the best.
E F. Surface is in charge of the
higher department, including the
9th grade, with 32 pupils enrolled.
Mrs. E. F Surface teaches the pri­
mary grades and has 55 pupils on
the school register.
The work for
a new, modern four-room school
building is progressing, and when
completed another teacher will be
The new house and its
furnishings will cost $5,000 and will
occupy a block which has been giv­
en the school district by the town-
site company.
When finished E s­
tacada will have one of the finest
school buildings in the county.
. **►
In many instances nature seems
to direct the person to do that for
which he is best adapted. This is
so with Merchant C. F. Howe.
Mr. Howe was the second merchant
to begin doing business in Estacada.
He came here from Southern Ore-
where he was engaged in mining,
though he had previously been a
successful merchant in the east.
His store is the home of select gro­
ceries, and with these he carries all
Broadway, looking North from the^Railrord
the accessories which usually are
found in a family grocery. He also
and Portland merchant. He pur­
keeps a stock of dry goods and foot­
Councilman E . F. Surface
chased an interest in the present
wear. Goods that can command
¿tenera/ (ereAnndise
business last spring
About two
his personal recommend are what
he keeps, and this fact is one of the
The general merchandise firm of ! >'ears aS ° Mr Barr married Miss
Reed & Barr carry the largest stock 1 ^ " ' ta Schmied, a California lady,
reasons for his success.
teat ^AtarAet
of goods of any house in the city. The>’ have their home upstairs over
He has a fine store building on
No business in town is conducted
Main street, with pleasant living III a more efficient and masterly
F. M. Lantz came to Estacada They keep a very large supply of j l *le store-
Reed & Barr’ s store is the home
apartments upstairs whefe the fam­ manner than that of the Home last spring from Gresham and esta- j shoes and foot wear of all kinds and
ily lives. Mr. Howe is a member Bakery, Mr. G. H. Lichthom, pro- Wished the Estacada Market. He their dry goods stock is the best in of everything good to eat Their
of the Board of City Alderman and prietor. He is an experienced baker has labored hard and industriously the city. Mr. J. W. Reed, the sen- goods are always kept up to the
belongs to the local I. (T. O. F.
and takes delight in making his pa- and by so doing has built lip one of ' ior member of the firm, one of the standard and are always fresh. Mr.
trons the very choicest eatables. J the best business enterprises in the first men to invest in Estacada real Barr makes personal purchases of
Mr. Lichthom has been following city. His brother Samuel, of Salem, 1 estate, and is showing his confidence most of the stock carried. Their
his present occupation for twenty has recently formed a partnership in the future of the city by buying policy is to keep the goods people
&lour, ed and ¿trains years, having learned it in Ger­ with him and does t' e outsi le vvoi 1 . more whenever an opportunity pre­
ask for and insist on having, and
many. He has property in Esta­ They own the property in Which sents. Mr. Reed is represented in
by so doing have built up a good
John F. Lovelace has been in the
cada and believes in the city’ s future their business is conducted. Both the daily work of the store by L . C.
store business in Eastern Clackamas
trade. They have a small branch
success and growth. He was only are men of experience in tlieir line, Rich.
county for a number of years. He
Mr. A . E. Barr is the junior mem -1 store at Cazadero undpr the manage-
recently married to Miss Emma and if possible buy all their stock of
first conducted a general store at
her and is a former Sail Francisco ment of She m in B; h'o d
Sagner, who j st recently arrived the farmers of Clackamas county.
Viola, afterwards going to Spring-
The boys are endeavoring to do a
from Germany.
water where he remained in busi­
Mr. Lichthom has been in busi­ satisfactory business by the people,
ness until the City of Estacada was ness in several Oregon towns, but and strive to keep a supply of meats
started. He quickly saw the im­
prefers the mild and equable climate and other goods which are de­
portance of Estacada’s future. A of eastern Cackamas.
manded by their patrons.
partnership was formed with H.
. ■
. -
.. , -
Cooper, and they had one of the
first stores doing a general mercan­
tile business in Estacada.
selling his interest in the merchan­
dise business, Mr. Lovelace estab­
lished a flour and feed store.
has a large warehouse conveniently
located on a sidetrack where he sells
flour, feed, all kinds of garden and
grain seeds, land plaster, stock food,
shingles and lath.
In addition he
Broadway, looking North from Second St.
does a grain commission business.
Being an old resident he know what
M . H . R ic h a rd s
fold came with the first robin, and
the farmer wants in his line.
Mr. Wirtz moved 1 ere a few months
Lovelace was appointed city marsh­
The Substantial Building of the Bank of Estacada, Main St.
ago with his family, and has built a
all when the city was organized.
G. H. Lichthorn
Reed & Barr
Lantz Brothers
John F. Lovelace
Money to Loan on Real Estate
Fire Insurance Companies
Our Schools
H. Richards
The family have one of the finest
homes in the town, ami everything
quite comfortably fix^d.
Want one? Then buy one of those
Acre Tracts
Near Estacada and enjoy yourself
This land is adjacent to the town and is well adapted to fruit
growing and gardening.
It will be sold in large or small pieces
Write or call on
David Bridenstme,
Odd Fellow Hall
The Dubois Lumber Company
■ ■ ' ■■
of Estacada, Oregon«
Fir and Cedar
High grade building material a specialty!]
If You Are Going to Build, We Gin Fit
You Out to the Top Notch in Every­
thing R e q u i r e d » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Fire Protection and Water theci‘v
Woiks System
The Fstncada Volunteer Fire De­
partment was organized soon after
thejtown was'started. At* present
there are 22 active members, with
M. H. Richards, president, and
William Straight, chief. The De­
partment is equipped with 300 feet
of ho^e, two carts, hooks, ladders,
axes, buckets, lanters end every­
thing necessary. Regular business
and drill meetings are held each
month. In case of fire the water
supply ¡is practically inexhaustible.
The gallon reservoir sets
192 feet above the city giving the
enormous pressure of 96 pounds.
This heavy pressure is not used for
the daily water supply of the city,
as the water can lie run through
reservoir No. 2, which gives a pres­
sure of only about 40 pounds which
is sufficient for domestic purposes.
A t present water is pumped from
the Clackamas river into the upper
reservoir by an electric pumping
station, but the proposition of
changing to a gravity system is un­
der consideration. Few city water
systems and ¡fire protection excell
Estacadas’ .
The only fraternal orders in the
city are ,tbe"_I. O. O. F. and the Re-
bekahs.¡^Estacada Lodge 175 of I.
O. O. F [isTabout two years old and
has a membership of 59. The lodge
owns two good lots in the city on
which the above hall has been built.
The property's valued at $1,500.
Regular meetings are held Saturday
evenings, and at present the lodge
is conferring initiatory and other
degrees^on from one to four candi­
dates an evening.
Centennial Rebekah Lodge 147
The Central Oregon Star says:
was organized in February of this A stranger at Condon was kicking
It has thirty-five members at the bill after using the long dis-
who take an active interest in the tance telephone.
"W h y , in Port-
welfare of the organization. Meet- land,” he said, "you can telephone
ings are held on the 2nd and 4th to h - for 50 cents."
" Y e s ,” an-
Wednesday in each month.
i swered the operator, "b u t that’s in
Estacada has one of the best bar- new house in which theY are livinK-
ber shops of any placefrf its size in
Fanners K*t ‘ heir horses shot,
the State. M. H. Richards, the wagons and all kinds of farm ma-
proprietor, has followed this profes- ch*nery repaired here with the
sion for a number of years. His knowledge that all work turned out
place of business» is conveniently is guaranteed to be satisfactory.
located on Second street between
Main and Broadway, where gentle- ^
men may go and get a nice smooth .
shave or hair cut at popular prices.
Monday while blasting stumps
Mr. Richards believes in keeping'
on his farm near New Era, Clacka­
his place of business neat and clean j
mas county. I.afe Moore, an old and
where it is always a pleasure for
respected pioneer, lost his life by a
one to sit, and w>ait until lie is
premature explosion of a heavy
“ n ex t."
charge of giant powder. Death was
Mr Moore was 8t
years old, anffcleaves a widow 75.
Killed While Blasting
Birkenfeld & Wirtz
¿ JS fa c /ts m itA s
Councilman W. F. Cary
Electric Freiçl t Train on the
W . A. JO N ES b oar aclling agent in Eatacada, Oregon
Telephone connection direct with mill
House and Sign
jf & 'M you have painting to be done, see me.
All work
Colors blended to suit your fancy :
Fancy Inside Finishing to Residences
c J.
R. C A S S I D A Y
. W. P. Ri iivto}-
Fc, tic r.d Es tecica.
facilities. Of course the coming of
the railway has already brought
No agency is as influential and many people here who find occupa­
powerful in the development and tion in different lines, but there is
building up of a new country as the room for many more. The O. W.
railway. It is the one great factor P. & R. Co. is harnessing the al­
by which a paradise may be peopled most limitless power of the Clack. -
and a wilderness changed to a par­ mas river one and a half miles above
The river is being
The advent of the railroad into dammed, and the water will lie run
eastern Clackamas county has al­ into a sixty acre reservoir on the
ready worked a wonderful change south bank of the river, where large
I in the country, and this change is sawmills will lie built to work up
\ continuing for the great good of the the millions of feet of sawlogs that
I county’ s growth and prosperity. are to lie floated down the river.
The Oregon Water Power & Rail­
This water will also be used in
way Company’ s roadbed is one of gener-'ing electric energy of over
1 the best on the Coast, and the ac- j 25,000 horse power. The railway
! commodations in passenger service company will use what it wants of
; excells that of any other western
' this power and sell the remainder.
; railway. S ix trains make the trip
Over a million dollars is going
\ lie tween Estacada and Portland
to labor and property for the
every day. The fare charged is be­
of this wonderful project
low that charged by other com­
C L DUBOIS, Manager
for the same distance. There
The 0 . W, P. Railway Com­ j panies
is a daily freight both ways which
1 gives ample marketing and shipping
Mouldings in AH Styles
promptly done.
Orring Cutting of Molalla killed
large cougar last Saturday.
The village smithy is presided
The Oregon City council is liold-
over by Fritz Birkenfeld assisted by
T . J. Wirtz. Both are capable and ing lip the 35 year franchise the O.
reliable blacksmiths. Mr. Pirken -1 W. P. Company asks for.