The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, October 05, 1905, Image 8

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Notice of Filial Settlem ent
The flat on the North bank of the
Clackamas river opposite the loca­ OREGON
tion for the electric power plant at In J the . S. Matter
of the Estate of 1
Cazadero is being cleared of all the Notice is hereby Deceased
given that C. K. Bevens. the un­
Administratrix, of the Estate of J. S. Bev­
wood on it. The site is of good qual­ dersigned,
W . A. HEYLMAN, Cashier
with the clerk of the above
ity soil, and will make a fine garden entitled court her final account
as such Administratrix
court has fixed Monday, the 16th day of Oc­
patch, or a beautiful site for a city, and‘the
Capital, $ 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0
tober, 1905, at the hour o# 10 o’clock A. M. at the
and the people who will be employ­ county
court room at the oourt house at Oregon City,
county. Oregon, as the time and place for
ed at tho various places will want a Clackamas
any and all objections to said fnol account and
If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. If you
more suitable dwelling place than to hearing
the settlement of sold estate.
have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no
C. K. Bevens.
the, old Cazadero site.
property of our own for sale and can push your sales
Walt Hyde who has played the Attorneys for Administratrix
role of tonsorial artist for the city
We write Fire Insurance,
Dated Sept. 5. 1905.
Are Resident agents for some of the best companies
during the past year sold has his
shop, rights and privileges to M. H
Notice for Publication
Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing
Land office, at Portland. Oregon, September 9.
Richards. Walter hung to the wil­ 1905.
papers of every kind
Notice is hereby given that the following
lows faithfully. Just where he will named settler
has filed notice of her intention to make
proof in support of her claim and that said proof
pitch his teepee next, he has not de­ final
A g e n e ra l b a n k in g business tra n sa c te d
be made before the register and receiver at Port­
cided, but his Estacada friends wish will
land, Ore. on November 27, 1905, viz: Callie B.
H. E. No. 14,665, for the nw^ Sec. 34 T.
him the best of luck.
3 S. R 5 E. She names the following witnesses to
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
Mr. M. H. Richards who has tak­ of prove
Eagle Creek
said land, viz: Henry Epperson of Currinsvllle.
Allan Cooke assumed the duties
H. Stevens of Garfield, Oregon:
of station agent in Estacada the first J W Dowty and A E Alspaugh! tain the shop where it was. Mr. Granville Edwin
Linn of Currinsvllle. Oregon: Angela Stev­
of the week. Mr. Cooke and Miss j went to Portland, Monday, to at­ Richards is an old hand at the bar­ ens of Garfield, Oregon,
Algernon S. Dresser. Register.
Ethel M. Davis of Boring were mar­ tend U. S. Court as jurors, but the ber business having worked at the
ried last Wednesday at the home of latter was excused.
the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! The Ladies' Home Mission soci­ trade for several years in the East.
wish to dispose of their res­
J. M. Davis, in Boring, Rev. H. L. ety met with Mrs. Linn last Tues­ They
Notice for Publication
Land office at Portland,
Sept. 16. 1905.
St Clair of Gresham, officiating a t!
Notice is hereby given that the following named set­
the ceremony A very pleasant | A M Alspaugh, of the Portland j Vice-President and General Man­ tler
has filed notice of his Intention to make final
of^his claim, and that said proof will
wedding party and dinner followed General Electric Company, is spend­ ager Belknap of the Estacada Brick be proof made in support
register and receiver at Portland.
the marriage. The young couple ing a week in the country.
& Tile Company is engaged with a Oregon, on before Nov. the 27,
1905, viz: Edwin A. Stevers
15491 for the Sw ^ of Sec. 34. T 3 S. R 5 E.
will live in Estacada as soon as a You will notice a change in Reed crew of men balasting the tramway. H. He E. names
the following witnesses to prove his con­
suitable home can be found. Mr & Barr's ad. They are making a It is expected that horse power will tinuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land,
Cooke comes well recommeded
special sale on rubbers and wet be used this winter to convey the viz:C. B. Charlton of Estacada, Oregon
Elbert Surface of North Yakima weather goads. Call and see their clay from the beds to the factory, John Linn of
Linn of Currinsvllle.
spent last Sunday with his brother, wjrk and dress gloves.
and an electric line may be put in Granville
Henry Epperson of
Subscribe for The News.
E. F. Surface.
Algernon S. Dresser, Register.
# HEATING STOVES! Buy them of us: we can sa v e#
T i/Aii mnnou
Our prices range from $2 fo $14 Our stoves for price c o n * #
not be excelled.
High Speed
Banner Rotary
Dasher makes 19
three quarter rev­
olutions to every
25 turns of the
fly wheel.
Are you going to do any
The washing ma­
chine that has given If so, let us sell you the neces­
universal satisfac­ sary tools, such as
W E D G E S , SL E D G E S ,
A X E S , L O G C H A IN S ,
Owing to the ex­
P E A V IE S and S A W S '
cessive amount of
leverage it handles
W e are agents for the
and washes a blan­
ket thoroughly and
Simonds Chinook Saws
quickly without tir­
W hich are the standard on the Coast
ing the operator
Easy to Work
Has steel rol­
ler bearings pre­
vent any friction,
consequently it
operates with per
feet ease
No Tearing of Clothes
This machine will wash Lace Curtains and the most delicate fab­
rics without injuring them in the least. Also, heavy garments,
such as blankets, comforts, spreads Etc.
L A R G E T U B which has 1-3 greater capacity than other
Price, $ 7 .5 0
Stumping powder, Fuse and Caps
W e have lowest prices on
Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tared Felt,
Malthoid Roofing, Coal Tar, Roofing Caps and Nails and
Tin Roofing, Tin or Glazed down Spouting, Eave Trough.
No one can figure better than we can on this class of goods
Phoenix Pure Paint will give you entire satisfaction
The Cary Cash Hardware